path: root/macros/luatex/optex/f-lmfonts.opm
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diff --git a/macros/luatex/optex/f-lmfonts.opm b/macros/luatex/optex/f-lmfonts.opm
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index 0000000000..bfd63fd00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/optex/f-lmfonts.opm
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+%% This is part of OpTeX project, see
+\_fontdecl [Latin Modern] \LMfonts {TeX Gyre fonts based on Coputer Modern}
+ {\roman \sans \quotset \ttset \ttprop \ttlight \ttcond \upital
+ \dunhill submods:\caps \slant \nbold \bolder} {\rm \bf \it \bi \tt} {CM+AMS}
+ "[lmroman10-regular]"
+Modifiers (selects subfamily):^^J
+ \modreset .. implicit values (serif, bold extended, nocaps)^^J
+ \sans ...... sans serif subfamily^^J
+ \quotset ... quotation subfamily^^J
+ \ttset ..... typewriter subfamily^^J
+ \ttprop .... proportional typewriter-like subfamily^^J
+ \ttlight ... light typewriter subfamily^^J
+ \ttcond .... condensed typewriter subfamily^^J
+ \upital .... upright italic (only \rm)^^J
+ \dunhill ... dunhill roman subfamily (only \rm, \it)^^J
+Submodifiers (setlects special variants of given subfamily):^^J
+ \caps ...... caps & small caps (available only at limited shapes)^^J
+ \slant ..... slanted (default in some subfamilies)^^J
+ \nbold ..... normal bold (\roman gives extended bold by default)^^J
+ \bolder .... extended bold^^J
+\_protected\_def \LMfonts {%
+ \_def \_currfamily {LMfonts}%
+ \_def \_fontnamegen {[\_optname{lm\_subfamV.\_currV}]:\_fontfeatures}%
+ \_resetmod
+\_def\_LMregfont #1 #2 #3{%
+ \_edef\_tmp {\_noexpand\_regoptsizes #1 #2 \_ea\_detokenize\_ea{#3}}%
+ \_lowercase\_ea{\_tmp}% OTF file names are lowercase
+\_def \_regoptFS {5 <5.5 6 <6.5 7 <7.5 8 <8.5 9 <9.5 10 <11.1 12 <15 17 <*}
+\_def \_regoptFT {5 <5.5 6 <6.5 7 <7.5 8 <8.5 9 <9.5 10 <11.1 12 <*}
+\_def \_regoptST {7 <7.5 8 <8.5 9 <9.5 10 <11.1 12 <*}
+\_def \_regoptES {8 <8.5 9 <9.5 10 <11.1 12 <15 17 <*}
+\_def \_regoptET {8 <8.5 9 <9.5 10 <11.1 12 <*}
+\_def \_regoptT {10 <*}
+\_def \_regoptE {8 <*}
+\_LMregfont lmrm.r LMRoman?-Regular \_regoptFS % 5-17
+\_LMregfont lmrm.bx LMRoman?-Bold \_regoptFT % 5-12
+\_LMregfont lmrm.i LMRoman?-Italic \_regoptST % 7-12
+\_LMregfont lmrm.bxi LMRoman?-BoldItalic \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmrm.isl LMRomanSlant?-Regular \_regoptES % 8-17
+\_LMregfont lmrm.bxisl LMRomanSlant?-Bold \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmrm.b LMRomanDemi?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont LMRomanDemi?-Oblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmss.r LMSans?-Regular \_regoptES % 8-17
+\_LMregfont lmss.bx LMSans?-Bold \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmss.i LMSans?-Oblique \_regoptES % 8-17
+\_LMregfont lmss.bxi LMSans?-BoldOblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmss.b LMSansDemiCond?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont LMSansDemiCond?-Oblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmsq.r LMSansQuot?-Regular \_regoptE % 8
+\_LMregfont lmsq.b LMSansQuot?-Bold \_regoptE % 8
+\_LMregfont lmsq.i LMSansQuot?-Oblique \_regoptE % 8
+\_LMregfont LMSansQuot?-BoldOblique \_regoptE % 8
+\_LMregfont lmtt.r LMMono?-Regular \_regoptET % 8-12
+\_LMregfont lmtt.b LMMonoLt?-Bold \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtt.i LMMono?-Italic \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont LMMonoLt?-BoldOblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtt.isl LMMonoSlant?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_optfontalias {lmtt.bisl} {}
+\_LMregfont lmtp.r LMMonoPropLt?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtp.bx LMMonoPropLt?-Bold \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtp.i LMMonoPropLt?-Oblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtp.bxi LMMonoPropLt?-BoldOblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtp.b LMMonoProp?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont LMMonoProp?-Oblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtl.r LMMonoLt?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtl.i LMMonoLt?-Oblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtc.r LMMonoLtCond?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtc.i LMMonoLtCond?-Oblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmrm.rc LMRomanCaps?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmrm.ic LMRomanCaps?-Oblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtt.rc LMMonoCaps?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmtt.ic LMMonoCaps?-Oblique \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmmu.r LMRomanUnsl?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont lmdu.r LMRomanDunh?-Regular \_regoptT % 10
+\_LMregfont LMRomanDunh?-Oblique \_regoptT % 10
+% main modifiers (they select a subfamily)
+\_moddef \resetmod {\_fsetV subfam=rm \_fvars r bx i bxi }
+\_moddef \sans {\_fsetV subfam=ss \_fvars r bx i bxi }
+\_moddef \quotset {\_fsetV subfam=sq \_fvars r b i bi }
+\_moddef \ttset {\_fsetV subfam=tt \_fvars r b i bi }
+\_moddef \ttprop {\_fsetV subfam=tp \_fvars r b i bi }
+\_moddef \ttlight {\_fsetV subfam=tl \_fvars r . i . }
+\_moddef \ttcond {\_fsetV subfam=tc \_fvars r . i . }
+\_moddef \upital {\_fsetV subfam=mu \_fvars r . . . }
+\_moddef \dunhill {\_fsetV subfam=du \_fvars r . sl . }
+% submodifiers (they select special vaiants in a subfamily)
+\_moddef \nbold {\_onlyif subfam=rm,ss,tp: {\_fvars r b i bi }}
+\_moddef \bolder {\_onlyif subfam=rm,ss,tp: {\_fvars r bx i bxi }}
+\_moddef \slant {\_onlyif subfam=rm: {\_fvars r bx isl bxisl }%
+ \_onlyif subfam=tt: {\_fvars r b isl bisl }}
+\_moddef \caps {\_onlyif subfam=rm,tt: {\_fvars rc . ic . }}
+\_def \_tryloadtt {\_fontdef\_tentt{\_LMfonts \_addto\_fontfeatures{-tlig;}\_ttset \_rm}}
+\_private \LMfonts \ttset ; % \tt variant selector re-defined
+\_initfontfamily % new font family must be initialized
+\sec How to wite font-macro-file with optical sizes for \OpTeX/
+First, look at more clear example in `f-hermes.opm`. The basic documentation
+is there.
+You can use `\_optname` macro in upur `\_fontnamegen`. This macro is fully
+expandable and its input is `<internal-template>` and its output is a
+part of your `\_fontnamegen`, i.e. it is a part of a real font file name with
+`.otf` extension. Shortly speaking:
+ \_optname{<internal-template>} -> <part-of-file-name>
+You can declare a collection of file names for only one
+<optical-name-template> by `\_regoptsizes`. The syntax is shown for one real
+ \_regoptsizes lmr.r lmroman?-regular
+ 5 <5.5 6 <6.5 7 <7.5 8 <8.5 9 <9.5 10 <11.1 12 <15 17 <*
+In general:
+ \_regoptsizes <internal-template> {<default-size>} <resizing-data>
+Suppose our example above. Then `\_optname{lmr.r}` expands to
+lmroman?-regular where the question mark is substituted by a number
+depending on current `\_optsize`. If the `\_optsize` lies between two boundary
+values (they are prefixed by `<` character) then the number written between
+them is used. For example if $11.1 \lt \_optsize \_le 15$ then 12 is
+substituted instead question mark. The <resizing-data> virtually begins
+with zero `<0`, but it is not explicitly written. The right part of
+<resizing-data> must be terminated by `<*` which means "less than infinity".
+If `\_optname` gets an argument which is not registered <internal-template>
+then it expands to `\_failedoptname` which typically ends to error message
+about missing font. You can redefine `\_failedoptname` macro to some
+existing font if you fint it useful.
+We are using a special macro \_LMregfont which sets the file names to
+lowercase and enables to use a shortcasts isntead real <resizing-data>.
+There are shortcats `\_regoptFS`, `\_regoptT`, etc. here. THe collection of
+<internal-templates> are declared, each of them covers a collection of real
+file names.
+The modifiers redefines \_subfamV and \_currV ouput in this file
+`f-lmfonts.opm`. These outputs are used in the paramater of `\_optname`, so
+they decalre parts of <internal-template>, no parts of real file name.
+The `\optfontalias {<new-template>} {<declared-template>} decales
+<new-template> wit the same meaning as previously <declared-template>.
+The `\_optname` macro can be used even if no otical sizes are provided by
+a font family. Suppose that font file names are much more chaotic (because
+artists are very creative people), so you need to declare more systematic
+<internal-templates> and do an alias from each <internal-template> to
+<real-font-name>. For example, you can do it as folows:
+ \def\fontalias #1 #2 {\_regoptsizes #1 ?#2 {} <*}
+% alias name real font name
+ \fontalias crea-a-regular {Creative Font}
+ \fontalias crea-a-bold {Creative FontBold}
+ \fontalias crea-a-italic {Creative olique}
+ \fontalias crea-a-bolditalic {Creative Bold plus italic}
+ \fontalias crea-b-regular {Creative Regular subfam}
+ \fontalias crea-b-bold {Creative subfam bold}
+ \fontalias crea-b-italic {Creative-subfam Oblique}
+ \fontalias crea-b-bolditalic {Creative Bold subfam Oblique}