path: root/macros/luatex/latex/semesterplannerlua/semesterplannerlua_calendar.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/latex/semesterplannerlua/semesterplannerlua_calendar.lua')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/semesterplannerlua/semesterplannerlua_calendar.lua b/macros/luatex/latex/semesterplannerlua/semesterplannerlua_calendar.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2fa0e5e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/semesterplannerlua/semesterplannerlua_calendar.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+local dateLib = require "date"
+function init(clear)
+ -- clean up first
+ -- global variable
+ if clear then
+ EVENTS = {}
+ end
+text = {
+ print = function(s)
+ -- print("\"" .. s .. "\"")
+ tex.print(s)
+ end
+function genDot(opts)
+ dot = ""
+ if opts.draw then
+ dot = string.format([[\tikz[baseline=(X.base)]\node (X) [fill opacity=.5,fill=red,circle,inner sep=0mm, %s] {\phantom{D}};]], opts.tikz)
+ end
+ return dot
+function addEvent(opts)
+ opts.inputlineno = tex.inputlineno
+ -- print(string.format("collecting from line %d", opts.inputlineno))
+ if opts.draw then
+ assert( ~= nil and opts.tikz ~= nil, "date and tikz has to be given")
+ if opts.endDate == nil or opts.endDate == '' then
+ table.insert(EVENTS, {shift=opts.shift,date=dateLib(, tikz=opts.tikz, period=opts.period, endDate=nil, inputlineno=opts.inputlineno})
+ else
+ table.insert(EVENTS, {shift=opts.shift,date=dateLib(, tikz=opts.tikz, period=opts.period, endDate=dateLib(opts.endDate), inputlineno=opts.inputlineno})
+ end
+ end
+function addAppointment(opts)
+ addEvent(opts)
+ dot = genDot(opts)
+ if opts.print then
+ tex.sprint(string.format([[\textit{%s} & %s & %s%s & %s & %s & %s\\]],, opts.time, dot, opts.course, opts.desc,, opts.prio))
+ else
+ tex.sprint("%")
+ end
+function addExam(opts)
+ addEvent(opts)
+ dot = genDot(opts)
+ if opts.print then
+ tex.sprint(string.format([[\textit{%s} & %s & %s%s & %s & %s \\]],, opts.time, dot, opts.course, opts.type, opts.desc))
+ else
+ tex.sprint("%")
+ end
+function addDeadline(opts)
+ addEvent(opts)
+ dot = genDot(opts)
+ if opts.print then
+ tex.sprint(string.format([[\textit{%s} & %s%s & %s & %s \\]],, dot, opts.course, opts.desc, opts.prio))
+ else
+ tex.sprint("%")
+ end
+function drawCalendar(minDate, maxDate, cols)
+ minDate = dateLib(minDate)
+ maxDate = dateLib(maxDate)
+ text.print([[\begin{tikzpicture}[every calendar/.style={day headings=red!50,day letter headings,inner sep=2pt, week list, month label above centered, month text={\textcolor{red}{\%mt} \%y-}, every month/.style={yshift=3ex}}] ]])
+ text.print([[\matrix[column sep=1em, row sep=1em]{]])
+ local i = 1
+ running = true
+ while running do
+ -- derive end from start, then check if maxDate is reached
+ endDate = minDate:copy():addmonths(1):setday(1):adddays(-1)
+ if endDate >= maxDate then
+ endDate = maxDate
+ running = false
+ end
+ text.print(string.format(
+ [[\calendar (%04d-%02d) [dates=%04d-%02d-%02d to %04d-%02d-%02d] if (Sunday) [red] if (Saturday) [red!50!white] if (equals=\year-\month-\day) [nodes={inner sep=.25em,rectangle,line width=1pt,draw}] if (at least=\year-\month-\day) {} else [nodes={strike out, draw}]; ]],
+ minDate:getyear(), minDate:getmonth(), minDate:getyear(), minDate:getmonth(), minDate:getday(), endDate:getyear(), endDate:getmonth(), endDate:getday()))
+ minDate:addmonths(1)
+ minDate:setday(1)
+ if i % cols == 0 or not running then
+ text.print([[\\]])
+ else
+ text.print([[&]])
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ text.print([[ }; ]])
+ local usedDates = {}
+ text.print([[\begin{scope}[on background layer] ]])
+ for i,ele in ipairs(EVENTS) do
+ -- print(string.format("Drawing item from line %d", ele.inputlineno))
+ while <= maxDate and (ele.endDate == nil or <= ele.endDate) do
+ local xshift = 0
+ if ele.shift then
+ if usedDates[tostring(] ~= nil then
+ xshift = math.ceil(usedDates[tostring(] / 2)
+ if usedDates[tostring(] % 2 == 0 then
+ xshift = -xshift
+ end
+ usedDates[tostring(] = usedDates[tostring(] + 1
+ else
+ usedDates[tostring(] = 1
+ end
+ end
+ text.print(string.format([[\node[xshift=%d mm, fill opacity=.5,fill=red,circle,text width=0ex,inner sep=1.1ex, %s] at (%04d-%02d-%04d-%02d-%02d) {};]],
+ xshift, ele.tikz,,,,,
+ if ele.period == nil then break end
+ end
+ end
+ text.print([[\end{scope}]])
+ text.print([[\end{tikzpicture}]])
+semesterplannerLuaCal = {
+ init = init,
+ addAppointment = addAppointment,
+ addDeadline = addDeadline,
+ addExam = addExam,
+ drawCalendar = drawCalendar,
+return semesterplannerLuaCal