path: root/macros/luatex/latex/novel/lualatex/novel-TextMacros.sty
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1 files changed, 586 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/novel/lualatex/novel-TextMacros.sty b/macros/luatex/latex/novel/lualatex/novel-TextMacros.sty
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+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/novel/lualatex/novel-TextMacros.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+%% This is file `novel-TextMacros.sty', part of `novel' document class.
+%% Copyright 2017-2023 Robert Allgeyer.
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+[2023/02/08 v1.80 LaTeX file (text macros usable within document body)]
+%% This file contains various commands usable within the document body,
+%% for styling and otherwise manipulating text.
+%% These are not commands used in Preamble for setup, although a few of them
+%% can be used in Preamble for setup, then again in body for change.
+%% The following commands are BANNED.
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% The `novel' class disallows these commands, or neutralizes them by simply
+% repeating their arguments. In some cases, they request functionality
+% not implemented in `novel'. In other cases, the function is part of core,
+% but would interfere with the `novel' emphasis on constant line skip.
+% You may re-define the commands via your own code in Preamble (discouraged).
+%% Standard LaTeX font sizes are ineffective. Use novel's own methods.
+% If you write one of these size commands, it will silently be ignored:
+% \small, \footnotesize, \scriptsize, \tiny,
+% \ large, \Large, \LARGE, \huge, \Huge, \HUGE, \textls
+%% Internal subdivisions are ineffective.
+% The command will merely echo its argument, without any functionality:
+% \part, \chapter, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection,
+% \paragraph, \subparagraph.
+%% Some commands will generate an error, so that you know they cannot be used:
+% \maketitle, \makeindex, \tableofcontents, \listoftables, \listoffigures,
+%% You can only use \includepdf (package: pdfpages) for pdf files pre-processed
+%% by novel-scripts.
+%% You cannot use \includegraphics. Instead use novel's own image commands.
+%% Commands normally provided in other classes, pertaining to floats, figures,
+% and tables, are not defined in `novel' class.
+% If you attempt to use them, an error will result.
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Acronyms often look too big in regular capitals, but too small in
+% small caps. Command \midcase{} provides an intermediate size:
+ \if@HasDecoFont%
+ {\decofont{#1}}%
+ \else%
+ #1% simply echo the argument, if no decofont
+ \fi%
+%% Deco glyphs are decorative elements chosen from the decofont by code.
+% They are documented in file NovelDeco-glyphs.pdf, in the `extras' folder.
+ \if@HasDecoFont%
+ \IfBeginWith{#1}{n}{% normal weight symbol (same as regular)
+ \StrBehind{#1}{n}[\@tempdecoglyph]{\@decoglyph\symbol{\@tempdecoglyph}}%
+ }{}%
+ \IfBeginWith{#1}{r}{% regular weight symbol
+ \StrBehind{#1}{r}[\@tempdecoglyph]{\@decoglyph\symbol{\@tempdecoglyph}}%
+ }{}%
+ \IfBeginWith{#1}{l}{% light weight symbol
+ \StrBehind{#1}{l}[\@tempdecoglyph]{\@decoglypha\symbol{\@tempdecoglyph}}%
+ }{}%
+ \IfBeginWith{#1}{e}{% extra light weight symbol
+ \StrBehind{#1}{e}[\@tempdecoglyph]{\@decoglyphb\symbol{\@tempdecoglyph}}%
+ }{}%
+ \IfBeginWith{#1}{t}{% thin weight symbol
+ \StrBehind{#1}{t}[\@tempdecoglyph]{\@decoglyphc\symbol{\@tempdecoglyph}}%
+ }{}%
+ \else%
+ ~% non-breaking space, if no decofont
+ \fi%
+%% \memo{} does not print or save its argument.
+% Useful when you wish to put a note to yourself in the *.tex document.
+% Not the same as % comment, because anything after the braces will print.
+%% \stake is like \strut, but does not occupy uch vertical space.
+\gdef\stake{\rule{0pt}{1pt}} % placeholder
+%% \smcp{} and \textsc{} small caps (Open Type) and \allsmcp{}:
+\DeclareDocumentCommand \smcp { +m } {% lowercase to small caps
+ {\addfontfeature{Letters=SmallCaps}#1}%
+\DeclareDocumentCommand \allsmcp { +m } {% lowercase+uppercase to small caps
+ \fontspec_if_feature:nTF {c2sc}{%
+ {\addfontfeatures{Letters=UppercaseSmallCaps, Letters=SmallCaps}#1}%
+ }{%
+ {\addfontfeature{Letters=SmallCaps}\MakeLowercase{#1}}%
+ }%
+ }
+\let\textsc\smcp\relax % unified
+\let\oldscshape\scshape\relax % in case needed later
+\let\scshape\smcp\relax % unified
+\providecommand\FirstLineFont{\smcp} % package `magaz'
+%% `novel' class normally allows only black or grayscale text on white paper.
+%% In draft mode, option `shademargins` provides light gray margins,
+%% but still black text on white paper.
+%% Just in case `xcolor' re-defines its internals, to prevent code bomb:
+\ProvideDocumentCommand\@declaredcolor { m } {}
+\ProvideDocumentCommand\@undeclaredcolor { o m } {}
+% For convenience:
+\definecolor[named]{gray1}{gray}{0.15} % ten percent gray, etc.
+% This code is slightly modified from package `etextools' by Florent Chervet.
+% Its license: "This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this
+% license or (at your option) any later version."
+% My rationale for not simply loading the package: Other parts of the package
+% generate warning messages, but the warnings do not apply in `novel'
+% Also, I might wish to hack the code at some point.
+ \@ifstar{\nov@ettl@AfterGroup\@firstofone}{\nov@ettl@AfterGroup\unexpanded}%
+\expandafter\aftergroup\csname nov@ettl@fterGroup\the\nov@ettl@fter\endcsname%
+%% End code from `etextools`.
+%% \flexbox based on code by Werner at, CC-by-sa-3.0:
+% Optional first argument is minimum width of box.
+% Second argument is contents of box.
+% Box width will be the greater of #1 or the width of #2.
+ \settowidth{\@tempLength}{#2}%
+ \ifdimcomp{\@tempLength}{<}{#1}{\makebox[#1][l]{#2}}{#2}%
+%% \bigemdash inspired by code by RTBarnard at, CC-by-sa-3.0:
+% Allows a rule of variable length to fill available space at its right.
+% There must be a "right-hand limit" imposed by something, such as by enclosing
+% the rule in a \makebox of known width, or by an immediate \par.
+% Without this limit, rule will be missing (zero width) or excessively long,
+% or an error will result (referring to \leaders).
+% Takes a single optional argument: Comma-separated raise, line thickness.
+% If no argument or empty, defaults to [1,1].
+% Without comma, argument defaults to [argument,1].
+% First number: Scales raise/down. 1 = raise of emdash in typical fonts.
+% Second number: Scales line thickness. 1 = emdash in typical fonts.
+% NOTE: Built-in TeX PDF viewer might show the line at slightly incorrect
+% width and height. Best seen in a "real" PDF viewer.
+\DeclareDocumentCommand \bigemdash { O{1,1} }
+ {%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}\OR\equal{#1}{\space}}{%
+ \def\@myargsi{1,1}}{\def\@myargsi{#1}%
+ }%
+ \StrDel{\@myargsi}{\space}[\@myargs]%
+ \StrCut{\@myargs}{,}{\@myraisei}{\@mythicki}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@myraisei}{}\OR\equal{\@myraisei}{\space}}{%
+ \def\@myraise{1}}{\def\@myraise{\@myraisei}%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@mythicki}{}\OR\equal{\@mythicki}{\space}}{%
+ \def\@mythick{1}}{\def\@mythick{\@mythicki}%
+ }%
+ \FPmul{\@myraise}{\@myraise}{0.56}% ex, typical font emdash raise
+ \FPmul{\@mythick}{\@mythick}{0.049}% em, typical font emdash thickness
+ {\leaders\hbox{\rule[\@myraise ex]{1pt}{\@mythick em}}\hfill\stake}%
+ }
+%% \charscale[scale,x,y]{text} and starred version
+% This is an "in-line" means of adjusting font size
+% and position, without changing the baselineskip.
+% If the optional argument is unused or empty, then the text is not scaled
+% or moved, but equivalent to \stake\smash{text}.
+% Up to 3 arguments may be used in the single optional argument.
+% They are separated by commas. Spaces ignored.
+% First argument is scale. Number>=0.5. Default 1. Relative to what the size
+% would otherwise be. May multiply with an already-scaled font.
+% Second and third arguments are x-offset and y-offset, respectively.
+% Offsets are lengths, best measured in em or \nfs for horizontal,
+% and em or \nfs or \nbs for vertical. Default 0pt. Can abbreviate as 0.
+% Posiive offsets are horizontal right, vertical up.
+% Text is "smashed" and may go anywhere, even overlying other text or image.
+% The unstarred command occupies width equal to the scaled text,
+% thus leaving a "hole" where the text would have been.
+% The starred command occupies zero width, thus no hole. Consecutive starred
+% commands, without intervening space, displace from same origin.
+% The text must be on a single line, without break or wrap.
+% Do not use \\ or \par inside \charscale. Sometimes you need \par after it.
+% If the text is in a font other than usual, place the font command
+% outside \charscale, not inside.
+\DeclareDocumentCommand \charscale { s O{1} m } {%
+ % Allows empty or blank to be used, and still provide default values:
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}\OR\equal{#2}{\space}}{%
+ \def\@myargs{1}%
+ }{%
+ \def\@myargs{#2}%
+ }%
+ \StrDel{\@myargs}{\space}[\@myargsns]% needs {\space} not { }
+ \StrCut{\@myargsns}{,}{\@myscalet}{\@mycoord}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@myscalet}{}}{%
+ \def\@myscale{1}%
+ }{%
+ \def\@myscale{\@myscalet}%
+ }%
+ \FPmax{\@myscale}{\@myscale}{0.5}% not permitted below this scale
+ \StrCut{\@mycoord}{,}{\@myxt}{\@myyt}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@myxt}{}\OR\equal{\@myxt}{0}}{%
+ \def\@myx{0pt}%
+ }{%
+ \def\@myx{\@myxt}%
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@myyt}{}\OR\equal{\@myyt}{0}}{%
+ \def\@myy{0pt}%
+ }{%
+ \def\@myy{\@myyt}%
+ }%
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}%
+ {% starred
+ \ifvmode\else\unskip\fi%
+ \stake\makebox[0pt][l]{%
+ \smash{\hspace{\@myx}\raisebox{\@myy}{\scalebox{\@myscale}{#3}}}%
+ }%
+ }{% unstarred
+ \stake\makebox[0pt][l]{%
+ \smash{\hspace{\@myx}\raisebox{\@myy}{\scalebox{\@myscale}{#3}}}%
+ }%
+ \smash{\phantom{\scalebox{\@myscale}{#3}}}%
+ }%
+ }% end \charscale
+% Note that \savepos is a luatex primitive, not a macro from gridset package.
+% Length \TotalYpos is measured from the very bottom of the page,
+% upward to the baseline of non-existent "line zero" in main text.
+% The first printed main text line is line 1.
+% Neither header nor footer influence this.
+\gdef\@GetInitialYpos{% called by `novel.cls' \AtEndPreamble
+ \begingroup%
+ \savepos%
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}{%
+ \protect\@TotalYpos{\noexpand\number\lastypos}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup%
+\newlength\PosTolerance % How close is close enough?
+\setlength\PosTolerance{0.0625pt} % should be good enough
+%% Environment parascale. Scales one or more paragraphs.
+% Warns when (as is often the case) the line after \end{parascale}
+% will be off grid. Then, add some \vspace just before \end{parascale}.
+\newenvironment{parascale}[1][1]{% optional argument is scale, default 1.
+ \FPmax{\@mytempDetailsN}{#1}{0.5}% must be at least half normal.
+ \FPmul{\@mytempDetailsFontN}{\@mytempDetailsN}{\strip@pt\@SetFontSize}%
+ \FPround{\@mytempDetailsFontN}{\@mytempDetailsFontN}{2}%
+ \FPmul{\@mytempDetailsSkipN}{\@mytempDetailsN}{\strip@pt\baselineskip}%
+ \FPround{\@mytempDetailsSkipN}{\@mytempDetailsSkipN}{2}%
+ \FPsub{\@mytempSkipN}{\strip@pt\baselineskip}{\@mytempDetailsSkipN}%
+ \vspace{\@mytempSkipN pt}% puts first scaled line at normal baseline
+ \begingroup%
+ \fontsize{\@mytempDetailsFontN pt}{\@mytempDetailsSkipN pt}\selectfont%
+ \ignorespaces%
+ \par\endgroup%
+ \vspace{-\nbs}%
+ \leavevmode\getParapos\par% detects if following line will be off-grid
+ \vspace{0.002\nbs plus 0pt minus 0.2pt}% math fudge factor, in case of roundoff
+ \begingroup%
+ \savepos%
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}{%
+ \protect\@getParapos{\noexpand\number\lastypos}{\thepage}%
+ }%
+ \endgroup%
+\gdef\@getParapos#1#2{} % initialized to nothing, when reading aux at beginning
+\gdef\@RedefineParapos{ % called by `novel.cls' \AtBeginDocument
+ \gdef\@getParapos##1##2{% numerical position sp, page
+ \gsetlength\CurrentParapos{##1sp}% measured up from very bottom of page.
+ % Now change it, to measure downward from "line zero" of main text:
+ \gsetlength\CurrentParapos{\TotalYpos-\CurrentParapos}% calc package.
+ \FPdiv{\ParaHowdown}{\strip@pt\CurrentParapos}{\strip@pt\nbs}% package fp
+ \FPtrunc{\ParaLinesdown}{\ParaHowdown}{0}% integer number of lines down
+ \FPsub{\ParaResidual}{\ParaHowdown}{\ParaLinesdown}% portion of line
+ \FPdiv{\@PosTolerance}{\strip@pt\PosTolerance}{\strip@pt\nbs}%
+ \gdef\ParaComplain{yes}%
+ \FPifgt{\@PosTolerance}{\ParaResidual}%
+ \gdef\ParaComplain{no}% within tolerance
+ \fi%
+ \FPsub{\ParaDeficit}{\strip@pt\nbs}{\ParaResidual}%
+ \FPifgt{\@PosTolerance}{\ParaDeficit}%
+ \gdef\ParaComplain{no}%
+ \fi%
+ \FPsub{\ParaResidual}{1}{\ParaResidual}%
+ \FPifgt{\@PosTolerance}{\ParaResidual}%
+ \gdef\ParaComplain{no}% within tolerance
+ \fi%
+ \FPifgt{\@PosTolerance}{\ParaDeficit}%
+ \gdef\ParaComplain{no}%
+ \fi%
+ \FPround{\ParaResidual}{\ParaResidual}{3}%
+ \FPclip{\ParaResidual}{\ParaResidual}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\ParaComplain}{yes}}{%
+ \ClassWarning{novel}{Line after parascale may be off-grid, page ##2. ^^J%
+ Appears to be \ParaResidual\string\nbs\space higher than expected.}%
+ }{}%
+ }
+} % end @RedefineParapos
+%% Environment toc (alternative table of contents):
+% optional argument: additional vspace (\nbs) after each \tocitem entry.
+% required: LR margin increase, to narrow the table (0pt = full textwidth).
+ \begin{adjustwidth}{#2}{#2}%
+ \begingroup%
+ \setlength\parindent{0pt}% local
+ \setlength\@tocnumwid{\widthof{00.~}}% local
+ \setlength\@tocskip{#1\nbs}% local
+ \endgroup%
+ \end{adjustwidth}\par%
+% \tocitem[number]{description}{page} provides a one-line table entry in toc.
+% optional number might be chapter number. Can use ~ to offset.
+% unstarred: distance between description and page is not decorated.
+% starred (better): distance between description and page has dotted line.
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{~}}{%
+ \makebox[\@tocnumwid][l]{~}%
+ }{%
+ \makebox[\@tocnumwid][l]{#1.}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ #2\,%
+ \leaders\hbox to 0.3em{\hfil.\hfil}\hfill% Thanks to user daniel-j via GitHub.
+ \,#3\par\vspace{\@tocskip}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{~}}{%
+ \makebox[\@tocnumwid][l]{~}%
+ }{%
+ \makebox[\@tocnumwid][l]{#1.}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ #2%
+ \hfill%
+ #3\par\vspace{\@tocskip}%
+%% end toc and \tocitem.
+%% legalese environment. Certain info, such as Copyright page, customarily is
+% neither justified nor hyphenated. Can be used wherever desired, of course.
+\gdef\hangleft#1{% places content to left of usual position.
+ \setlength\@tempLength{\widthof{#1}}% local
+ \stake\hspace{-\@tempLength}#1%
+%% \showlength[decimal places]{length}{units}
+% Returns length as a string with the units, but does not change the length.
+% length is any existing length
+% units may be pt, bp, mm, cm, in
+% decimal places for rounding (0=integer, 1=one decimal point, etc.)
+% Example: \showlength[3]{17bp}{in} returns 0.236in
+ \setlength\@tempLength{#2}%
+ \def\@tempLengthN{\strip@pt\@tempLength}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{bp}}{%
+ \FPmul{\@tempLengthN}{\@tempLengthN}{0.99626401}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{mm}}{%
+ \FPmul{\@tempLengthN}{\@tempLengthN}{0.351459804}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{cm}}{%
+ \FPmul{\@tempLengthN}{\@tempLengthN}{0.0351459804}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{in}}{%
+ \FPmul{\@tempLengthN}{\@tempLengthN}{0.013837}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{\FPround{\@tempLengthN}{\@tempLengthN}{#1}}%
+ \@tempLengthN{#3}%
+} %
+%% end \showlength
+%% \lnum for lining numbers.
+%% For developer use: prints a number of yada yada lines.
+% Starred version adds extra smashed lines above and below.
+\DeclareDocumentCommand\novelyadayada { s O{1} }{%
+ \yadacurrentcount=1%
+ \yadaendcount=#2%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{0}}{}{%
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}{%
+ \def\@yadadblup{\charscale*[1,\normalparindent,2\nbs]{Dbl Raised yada}}%
+ \def\@yadaup{\charscale*[1,\normalparindent,\nbs]{Raised yada}}%
+ \def\@yadadown{%
+ \ifnum\yadacurrentcount=\yadaendcount%
+ \charscale*[1,\normalparindent,-\nbs]{Dropped yada}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ \def\@yadadbldown{%
+ \ifnum\yadacurrentcount=\yadaendcount%
+ \charscale*[1,\normalparindent,-2\nbs]{Dropped yada}%
+ \fi%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \def\@yadadblup{}%
+ \def\@yadaup{}%
+ \def\@yadadown{}%
+ \def\@yadadbldown{}%
+ }%
+ \loop%
+ \noindent\@yadadblup\@yadaup\@yadadown\@yadadbldown%
+ \makebox[\normalparindent][l]{\the\yadacurrentcount.}%
+ Lotta yada.\par
+ \def\@yadaup{}%
+ \def\@yadadblup{}%
+ \advance\yadacurrentcount 1%
+ \ifnum\yadacurrentcount<\yadaendcount%
+ \repeat%
+ }%
+%% Two columns, cannot cross page break.
+%% \sidebyside[a,b,c,d]{column 1 content}{column 2 content} % a,b,c,d lengths
+% a = left margin to left edge of left column (left indent)
+% b = left margin to right edge of left column ( = a + column width)
+% c = left margin to left edge of right column ( = a + b + gap)
+% d = left margin to right edge of right column ( = textwidth - right indent)
+% Thus 0pt <= a < b < c < d <= \textwidth.
+% Default: no indents, equal column widths, separated by \normalparindent.
+\DeclareDocumentCommand\sidebyside { O{} +m +m } {% no ExplSyntax, no more %:
+ \StrDel{#1}{\space}[\@argsns]
+ \StrCut{\@argsns}{,}{\@argsone}{\@argsothera}
+ \StrCut{\@argsothera}{,}{\@argstwo}{\@argsotherb}
+ \StrCut{\@argsotherb}{,}{\@argsthree}{\@argsfour}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@argsone}{}}{%
+ \def\@sbsll{0pt}
+ }{%
+ \def\@sbsll{\@argsone}
+ }%
+ \setlength\@tempLength{0.5\textwidth-0.5\normalparindent}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@argstwo}{}}{%
+ \edef\@sbslr{\the\@tempLength}
+ }{%
+ \edef\@sbslr{\@argstwo}
+ }%
+ \setlength\@tempLength{0.5\textwidth+0.5\normalparindent}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@argsthree}{}}{%
+ \edef\@sbsrl{\the\@tempLength}
+ }{%
+ \edef\@sbsrl{\@argsthree}
+ }%
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{\@argsfour}{}}{%
+ \edef\@sbsrr{\the\textwidth}
+ }{%
+ \edef\@sbsrr{\@argsfour}
+ }%
+ \null\vspace{-\baselineskip}
+ \begin{adjustwidth}{\@sbsll}{\dimexpr\textwidth-\@sbsrr}
+ \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr\@sbslr-\@sbsll}
+ \strut #2\strut
+ \end{minipage}\hspace{\normalparindent}\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr\@sbsrr-\@sbsrl}
+ \strut #3\strut
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{adjustwidth}
+ \null\vspace{-\baselineskip}
+} %
+%% end \sidebyside
+%% Some things must wait until after layout calculations:
+\gdef\@ActivateTextLengths{% called by `novel.cls' \AtEndPreamble
+ % Store some normal values (main font) for global use in document body:
+ \newlength\nfs % abbreviation for normal font point size
+ \gsetlength\nfs{\@SetFontSize}
+ \newlength\nbs % abbreviation for normal baselineskip
+ \gsetlength\nbs{\baselineskip}
+ \gsetlength\parindent{1.5em} % may be locally changed
+ \newlength\normalparindent
+ \gsetlength\normalparindent{\parindent}
+ \newlength\normalxheight % height of lowercase x
+ \gsetlength\normalxheight{\heightof{x}}
+ \newlength\normalXheight % height of uppercase X
+ \gsetlength\normalXheight{\heightof{X}}
+ \newlength\normalscxheight % height of small cap x
+ \gsetlength\normalscxheight{\heightof{\textsc{x}}}
+ \newlength\normalAringheight % height of Å (usually tallest in Latin-1)
+ \gsetlength\normalAringheight{\heightof{Å}}
+ \newlength\normaldescender % depth of lowercase gjpqy
+ \gsetlength\normaldescender{\depthof{gjpqy}}
+}% end \@ActivateTextLengths
+%% More things that must wait:
+\gdef\@ActivateTextMacros{% called by `novel.cls' \AtBeginDocument
+ % \forceindent and \backindent perform or remove indent, using \hspace{}.
+ % Rationale: Sometimes \indent and \noindent neutralized by another command.
+ \gdef\forceindent{\ifvmode\else\unskip\fi\stake\hspace{\normalparindent}}
+ \gdef\backindent{\ifvmode\else\unskip\fi\hspace{-\normalparindent}}
+}% end \@ActivateTextMacros
+%% End of file `novel-TextMacros.sty'.