path: root/macros/luatex/latex/luahttp/luahttp-display.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/latex/luahttp/luahttp-display.lua')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/luahttp/luahttp-display.lua b/macros/luatex/latex/luahttp/luahttp-display.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a41cfb22c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/luahttp/luahttp-display.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+-- This module is part of the LuaHTTP package
+-- The purpose of this module is to correctly display the data reveived from the fetch module.
+local moduleName = display
+local M = {}
+---------- Dependencies ------------------------
+local fetch = require("luahttp-fetch")
+---------- Local variables ---------------------
+local tmp_image_counter = 0 -- Counter for image names
+---------- Helper functions --------------------
+--- Displays an image using LuaTeX img.write function.
+-- The image has to be saved first in order to be written to the PDF-Document using LuaTeX.
+-- @param data image data
+-- @param width optional width in cm
+-- @param height optional height in cm
+-- @see search_and_escape
+local function display_image(data, width, height)
+ local tmp_image_name = '/tmp/tmp_image' -- filename of image saved temporarly
+ tmp_image_name = tmp_image_name .. tmp_image_counter
+ local width = width or nil
+ local height = height or nil
+ local f = assert(, 'wb'))
+ f:write(data)
+ f:close()
+ -- LuaTeX does not provide built-in image scaling functions
+ local image ={filename = tmp_image_name, width = width, height = height})
+ if image then
+ img.write(image)
+ tmp_image_counter = tmp_image_counter + 1
+ end
+--- Prompts the user to display an image.
+-- If an image-URL is detected the user is asked to display the image or the plain URL.
+-- @see is_image_url
+local function prompt_user()
+ while true do
+ print("Do you want to display the image? (y/n)")
+ local answer =
+ if answer == 'y' then
+ return true
+ elseif answer == 'n' then
+ return false
+ else
+ print("Invalid answer. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.")
+ end
+ end
+--- Searches the given URL for image extensions.
+-- @param url some URL
+-- @return true if an image extension was found, false otherwise
+-- @see search_and_escape
+local function is_image_url(url)
+ local image_extensions = { "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "gif" }
+ for _, ext in ipairs(image_extensions) do
+ if string.match(url, "%." .. ext) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+--- Searches the given value for special characters that cause problems in LaTeX-Documents.
+-- @param value single value of a table
+-- @return if no special characters where found the value is retured unchanged,
+-- if special characters where found the escaped value is returned,
+-- if an image-URL is detected and the user chooses to display that image nil is returned
+-- @see is_image_url, prompt_user
+local function search_and_escape(value)
+ local value = tostring(value)
+ if string.find(value, "^http") then
+ if is_image_url(value) then
+ print("\nLooks like this URL leads to an image: " .. value)
+ if prompt_user() then
+ local body = fetch.image(value)
+ display_image(body, "5cm")
+ return nil
+ else
+ print("\nEscaping URL: " .. value)
+ value = [[\url{]] .. value .. [[}]]
+ end
+ else
+ print("\nEscaping URL: " .. value)
+ value = [[\url{]] .. value .. [[}]]
+ end
+ else
+ local latex_special_chars = '([%%$%{%}&%#_%^%~])'
+ value = value:gsub(latex_special_chars, "\\%1")
+ end
+ return value
+--- Prints a table to stdout.
+-- @param t tagle to print
+-- @param indent optional string used for indents
+local function print_table(t, indent)
+ indent = indent or ""
+ for k, v in pairs(t) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ print(indent .. k .. ":")
+ print_table(v, indent .. " ")
+ else
+ print(indent .. k .. ": " .. tostring(v))
+ end
+ end
+--- Converts a table to text which can be written to the PDF-Document
+-- The values of the table are first searched for special characters.
+-- @param tbl table to be converted
+-- @return text
+-- @see search_and_escape
+local function table_to_text(tbl)
+ local results = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+ if type(v) == "table" then
+ table.insert(results, table_to_text(v))
+ else
+ v = search_and_escape(v)
+ if v then
+ table.insert(results, v .. " \\\\ ")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat(results, " \\ ")
+--- Check if a table contains a certain value.
+-- @param table input table
+-- @param target_value value to be searched
+-- @return true if value was found, false otherwise
+local function table_contains(table, target_value)
+ for _, value in pairs(table) do
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ table_contains(value, target_value)
+ elseif value == target_value then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+--- Filter out table entries that are not in the provided target keys.
+-- @param input_table
+-- @param target_keys array of target keys
+-- @param results used for recursion
+-- @return return a new table containing only the target keys and their values
+local function filter_table(input_table, target_keys, results)
+ local results = results or {}
+ for _, target_key in ipairs(target_keys) do
+ for key, value in pairs(input_table) do
+ if type(value) == "table" then
+ filter_table(value, target_keys, results)
+ elseif tostring(key) == target_key then
+ if not table_contains(results, value) then
+ table.insert(results, value)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return results
+--- Converts a string containing a comma seperated list of elements to an array (ipairs).
+-- @param str input string
+-- @return table containing the elements as values
+local function string_to_ipairs(str)
+ local t = {}
+ for value in string.gmatch(str, "([^,]+)") do
+ table.insert(t, value)
+ end
+ return t
+---------- Module functions --------------------
+--- Reads the contents of a JSON-file, filters the response and prints the result to the PDF-Document.
+-- @param json_file_path path to the JSON-file
+-- @param keys optional keys to filter out the relevant values from the response
+function M.json_using_file(json_file_path, keys)
+ local data = fetch.json_using_file(json_file_path)
+ print_table(data)
+ if keys then
+ local keys = string_to_ipairs(tostring(keys))
+ local values = filter_table(data, keys)
+ tex.sprint(table_to_text(values))
+ else
+ tex.sprint(table_to_text(data))
+ end
+--- Prints the response filtered by the keys to the PDF-Document.
+-- @param url URL of the API
+-- @param keys optional keys to filter out the relevant values from the response
+function M.json(url, keys)
+ local data = fetch.json(tostring(url))
+ print_table(data)
+ if keys then
+ local keys = string_to_ipairs(tostring(keys))
+ local values = filter_table(data, keys)
+ tex.sprint(table_to_text(values))
+ else
+ tex.sprint(table_to_text(data))
+ end
+--- Print an image to the PDF-Document.
+-- @param url URL of the image
+-- @param width optional width in cm
+-- @param height optional height in cm
+function M.image(url, width, height)
+ local data = fetch.image(tostring(url))
+ display_image(data, width, height)
+--- Print values from an rss-feed to the PDF-Document.
+-- @param url URL of the feed
+-- @param limit limits the amount of entries that get printed to the PDF-Document
+-- @param feed_info_keys keys used to filter the feed information
+-- @param entry_keys keys used to filter the feed entries
+function M.rss(url, limit, feed_info_keys, entry_keys)
+ local data = fetch.rss(tostring(url))
+ if feed_info_keys then
+ local feed_info_keys = string_to_ipairs(tostring(feed_info_keys))
+ local feed = data.feed
+ local feed_info_filtered = filter_table(feed, feed_info_keys)
+ tex.sprint(table_to_text(feed_info_filtered))
+ end
+ local entries = {}
+ for i = 1, limit do
+ if data.entries[i] then
+ table.insert(entries, data.entries[i])
+ end
+ end
+ if entry_keys then
+ local entry_keys = string_to_ipairs(tostring(entry_keys))
+ local entries_filtered = filter_table(entries, entry_keys)
+ print_table(entries_filtered)
+ tex.sprint(table_to_text(entries_filtered))
+ else
+ tex.sprint(table_to_text(entries))
+ end
+--- Print the reponse from a request using query parameters to the PDF-Document.
+-- @param url URL of the API
+-- @param keys keys to filter out the relevant values
+-- @param ... multiple optional query parameters used in the request
+function M.json_using_query(url, keys, ...)
+ local query_parameters = { ... }
+ local data = fetch.json_using_query(url, query_parameters)
+ print_table(data)
+ local keys = string_to_ipairs(tostring(keys))
+ local values = filter_table(data, keys)
+ tex.sprint(table_to_text(values))
+return M