path: root/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/luacas-binaryoperation.lua
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1 files changed, 800 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/luacas-binaryoperation.lua b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/luacas-binaryoperation.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..708a6c1540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/core/luacas-binaryoperation.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+--- @class BinaryOperation
+--- Represents a binary operation with two inputs and one output.
+--- Represents a generic function that takes zero or more expressions as inputs.
+--- @field name string
+--- @field operation function
+--- @field expressions table<number, Expression>
+BinaryOperation = {}
+__BinaryOperation = {}
+-- Instance functionality --
+--- Creates a new binary operation with the given operation.
+--- @param operation function
+--- @param expressions table<number, Expression>
+--- @return BinaryOperation
+function BinaryOperation:new(operation, expressions)
+ local o = {}
+ local __o = Copy(__ExpressionOperations)
+ if type(operation) ~= "function" then
+ error("Sent parameter of wrong type: operation must be a function")
+ end
+ if type(expressions) ~= "table" then
+ error("Sent parameter of wrong type: expressions must be an array")
+ end
+ = BinaryOperation.DEFAULT_NAMES[operation]
+ o.operation = operation
+ o.expressions = Copy(expressions)
+ if BinaryOperation.COMMUTATIVITY[operation] then
+ function o:iscommutative()
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ function o:iscommutative()
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ if not o:iscommutative() and o.operation ~= BinaryOperation.SUB and #o.expressions ~= 2 then
+ error("Sent parameter of wrong type: noncommutative operations cannot have an arbitrary number of paramaters")
+ end
+ __o.__index = BinaryOperation
+ __o.__tostring = function(a)
+ local expressionnames = ''
+ for index, expression in ipairs(a.expressions) do
+ if index == 1 and not a.expressions[index + 1] then
+ expressionnames = expressionnames .. .. ' '
+ end
+ if index > 1 then
+ expressionnames = expressionnames .. ' '
+ end
+ if expression:isatomic() and not (a.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expression:type() == Rational) then
+ expressionnames = expressionnames .. tostring(expression)
+ else
+ expressionnames = expressionnames .. '(' .. tostring(expression) .. ')'
+ end
+ if a.expressions[index + 1] then
+ expressionnames = expressionnames .. ' ' ..
+ end
+ end
+ return expressionnames
+ end
+ __o.__eq = function(a, b)
+ -- This shouldn't be needed, since __eq should only fire if both metamethods have the same function, but for some reason Lua always runs this anyway
+ if not a.operation or not b.operation then
+ return false
+ end
+ local loc = 1
+ while a.expressions[loc] or b.expressions[loc] do
+ if not a.expressions[loc] or not b.expressions[loc] or
+ (a.expressions[loc] ~= b.expressions[loc]) then
+ return false
+ end
+ loc = loc + 1
+ end
+ return a.operation == b.operation
+ end
+ o = setmetatable(o, __o)
+ return o
+--- @return Expression
+function BinaryOperation:evaluate()
+ local results = {}
+ local reducible = true
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do
+ results[index] = expression:evaluate()
+ if not results[index]:isconstant() then
+ reducible = false
+ end
+ end
+ if not reducible then
+ return BinaryOperation(self.operation, results)
+ end
+ if not self.expressions[1] then
+ error("Execution error: cannot perform binary operation on zero expressions")
+ end
+ local result = results[1]
+ for index, expression in ipairs(results) do
+ if not (index == 1) then
+ result = self.operation(result, expression)
+ end
+ end
+ return result
+--- @return Expression
+function BinaryOperation:autosimplify()
+ local results = {}
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do
+ results[index] = expression:autosimplify()
+ end
+ local simplified = BinaryOperation(self.operation, results)
+ if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then
+ return simplified:simplifypower()
+ end
+ if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ return simplified:simplifyproduct()
+ end
+ if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then
+ return simplified:simplifysum()
+ end
+ if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.DIV then
+ return simplified:simplifyquotient()
+ end
+ if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB then
+ return simplified:simplifydifference()
+ end
+ return simplified
+--- @return table<number, Expression>
+function BinaryOperation:subexpressions()
+ return self.expressions
+--- @param subexpressions table<number, Expression>
+--- @return BinaryOperation
+function BinaryOperation:setsubexpressions(subexpressions)
+ return BinaryOperation(self.operation, subexpressions)
+--- @return Expression
+function BinaryOperation:expand()
+ local results = {}
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do
+ results[index] = expression:expand()
+ end
+ local expanded = BinaryOperation(self.operation, results)
+ if expanded.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ local allsums = BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, {})
+ for _, expression in ipairs(expanded.expressions) do
+ allsums = allsums:expand2(expression)
+ end
+ return allsums:autosimplify()
+ end
+ if expanded.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expanded.expressions[2]:type() == Integer then
+ if expanded.expressions[1]:type() ~= BinaryOperation then
+ return expanded:autosimplify()
+ end
+ local exp = BinaryOperation.MULEXP({})
+ local pow = expanded.expressions[2]:asnumber()
+ for _ = 1, math.abs(pow) do
+ exp = exp:expand2(expanded.expressions[1])
+ if _ > 1 then
+ exp = exp:autosimplify()
+ end
+ end
+ if pow < 0 then
+ exp = exp^Integer(-1)
+ end
+ return exp
+ end
+ if expanded.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expanded.expressions[2].operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then
+ local exp = {}
+ for i = 1, #expanded.expressions[2].expressions do
+ exp[#exp+1] = (expanded.expressions[1]^expanded.expressions[2].expressions[i]):autosimplify()
+ end
+ return BinaryOperation.MULEXP(exp)
+ end
+ return expanded:autosimplify()
+--- Helper for expand - multiplies two addition expressions.
+--- @return Expression
+function BinaryOperation:expand2(other)
+ local result = {}
+ for _, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do
+ if other:type() == BinaryOperation and other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then
+ for _, expression2 in ipairs(other.expressions) do
+ result[#result+1] = expression * expression2
+ end
+ else
+ result[#result+1] = expression * other
+ end
+ end
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, result)
+--- @return Expression
+function BinaryOperation:factor()
+ local results = {}
+ -- Recursively factors sub-expressions
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do
+ results[index] = expression:factor()
+ end
+ -- Attempts to factor expressions as monovariate polynomials
+ local factoredsubs = BinaryOperation(self.operation, results)
+ local subs = factoredsubs:getsubexpressionsrec()
+ for index, sub in ipairs(subs) do
+ local substituted = factoredsubs:substitute({[sub]=SymbolExpression("_")}):autosimplify()
+ local polynomial, result = substituted:topolynomial()
+ if result then
+ local factored = polynomial:factor():autosimplify()
+ if factored ~= substituted then
+ return factored:substitute({[SymbolExpression("_")]=sub})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Pulls common sub-expressions out of sum expressions
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then
+ local gcf
+ for _, expression in ipairs(factoredsubs:subexpressions()) do
+ if expression.operation ~= BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ expression = BinaryOperation.MULEXP({expression})
+ end
+ if not gcf then
+ gcf = expression
+ else
+ local newgcf =
+ for _, gcfterm in ipairs(gcf:subexpressions()) do
+ local gcfpower =
+ if gcfterm:type() == BinaryOperation and gcfterm.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and gcfterm.expressions[2]:type() == Integer then
+ gcfpower = gcfterm.expressions[2]
+ gcfterm = gcfterm.expressions[1]
+ end
+ for _, term in ipairs(expression:subexpressions()) do
+ local power =
+ if term:type() == BinaryOperation and term.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and term.expressions[2]:type() == Integer then
+ power = term.expressions[2]
+ term = term.expressions[1]
+ end
+ if term == gcfterm then
+ newgcf = newgcf * term^Integer.min(power, gcfpower)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ gcf = newgcf
+ end
+ end
+ if gcf:type() ~= Integer then
+ local out =
+ for _, expression in ipairs(factoredsubs:subexpressions()) do
+ out = out + expression/gcf
+ end
+ out = gcf*(out:autosimplify():factor())
+ return out:autosimplify()
+ end
+ end
+ return factoredsubs
+--- @return Expression
+function BinaryOperation:combine()
+ local den, num, aux, mul, input = {}, {}, {}, {}, self:autosimplify():expand()
+ if input.operation ~= BinaryOperation.ADD then
+ return input
+ end
+ for _, expr in ipairs(input.expressions) do
+ local numpart, denpart =,
+ if expr.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expr.expressions[2]:type() == Integer and expr.expressions[2] < then
+ denpart = denpart*expr.expressions[1] ^ expr.expressions[2]:neg()
+ for index,term in ipairs(den) do
+ if expr.expressions[1] == den[index] then
+ if expr.expressions[2]:neg() > mul[index] then
+ mul[index] = expr.expressions[2]:neg()
+ goto continue
+ else
+ goto continue
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(den,expr.expressions[1])
+ table.insert(mul,expr.expressions[2]:neg())
+ ::continue::
+ end
+ if expr.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ for _,subexpr in ipairs(expr.expressions) do
+ if subexpr.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and subexpr.expressions[2]:type() == Integer and subexpr.expressions[2] < then
+ denpart = denpart*subexpr.expressions[1] ^ subexpr.expressions[2]:neg()
+ for index,term in ipairs(den) do
+ if subexpr.expressions[1] == den[index] then
+ if subexpr.expressions[2]:neg() > mul[index] then
+ mul[index] = subexpr.expressions[2]:neg()
+ goto continue
+ else
+ goto continue
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(den,subexpr.expressions[1])
+ table.insert(mul,subexpr.expressions[2]:neg())
+ ::continue::
+ else
+ numpart = numpart*subexpr
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if expr.operation ~= BinaryOperation.POW and expr.operation ~= BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ numpart = expr
+ end
+ table.insert(num,numpart)
+ table.insert(aux,denpart)
+ end
+ local denominator =
+ local numerator =
+ for index,expr in ipairs(den) do
+ denominator = denominator*den[index] ^ mul[index]
+ end
+ denominator = denominator:autosimplify()
+ for index,expr in ipairs(num) do
+ local uncommon = denominator/aux[index]
+ uncommon = uncommon:factor():simplify()
+ numerator = numerator + expr*uncommon
+ end
+ numerator = numerator:simplify():factor()
+ if denominator == then
+ return numerator
+ else
+ return numerator/denominator
+ end
+--- @param collect Expression
+--- @return Expression
+function BinaryOperation:collect(collect)
+ -- Constant expressions cannot be collected
+ if collect:isconstant() then
+ return self
+ end
+ -- Recusively collect subexpressions
+ local results = {}
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do
+ results[index] = expression:collect(collect)
+ end
+ local collected = BinaryOperation(self.operation, results)
+ if not (collected.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) then
+ return collected:autosimplify()
+ end
+ local coefficients = {}
+ -- TODO: Add an expression map class
+ setmetatable(coefficients, {__index =
+ function(table, key)
+ local out = rawget(table, tostring(key))
+ return out or
+ end,
+ __newindex =
+ function (table, key, value)
+ rawset(table, tostring(key), value)
+ end
+ })
+ -- Finds all instances of a constant power of the expression to be collected, and maps each power to all terms it is multiplied by
+ for _, expression in ipairs(collected:subexpressions()) do
+ if expression == collect then
+ coefficients[] = coefficients[] +
+ elseif expression.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expression:subexpressions()[1] == collect and expression:subexpressions()[2]:isconstant() then
+ coefficients[expression:subexpressions()[2]] = coefficients[expression:subexpressions()[2]] +
+ elseif collect:type() == BinaryOperation and collect.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and
+ expression.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expression:subexpressions()[1] == collect:subexpressions()[1] then
+ -- Handle the fact that autosimplify turns (a^x^n -> a^(xn)), this is needed if the term to collect is itself an exponential
+ local power = (expression:subexpressions()[2] / collect:subexpressions()[2]):autosimplify()
+ if power:isconstant() then
+ coefficients[power] = coefficients[power] +
+ else
+ coefficients[] = coefficients[] + expression
+ end
+ elseif expression.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ local varpart
+ local coeffpart =
+ for _, term in ipairs(expression:subexpressions()) do
+ if term == collect then
+ varpart =
+ elseif (term.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and term:subexpressions()[1] == collect and term:subexpressions()[2]:isconstant()) then
+ varpart = term:subexpressions()[2]
+ elseif collect:type() == BinaryOperation and collect.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and
+ term.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and term:subexpressions()[1] == collect:subexpressions()[1] then
+ local power = (term:subexpressions()[2] / collect:subexpressions()[2]):autosimplify()
+ if power:isconstant() then
+ varpart = power
+ end
+ else
+ coeffpart = coeffpart * term
+ end
+ end
+ if varpart then
+ coefficients[varpart] = coefficients[varpart] + coeffpart
+ else
+ coefficients[] = coefficients[] + expression
+ end
+ else
+ coefficients[] = coefficients[] + expression
+ end
+ end
+ local out =
+ for index, value in pairs(coefficients) do
+ out = out + collect ^ Rational.fromstring(index) * value
+ end
+ return out:autosimplify()
+--- @param other Expression
+--- @return boolean
+function BinaryOperation:order(other)
+ if other:isconstant() then
+ return false
+ end
+ if other:isatomic() then
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then
+ return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, {other,}))
+ end
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {other}))
+ end
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then
+ return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, {other}))
+ end
+ end
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and other.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then
+ if self.expressions[1] ~= other.expressions[1] then
+ return self.expressions[1]:order(other.expressions[1])
+ end
+ return self.expressions[2]:order(other.expressions[2])
+ end
+ if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL and other.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL) or
+ (self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD and other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) then
+ local k = 0
+ while #self.expressions - k > 0 and #other.expressions - k > 0 do
+ if self.expressions[#self.expressions - k] ~= other.expressions[#other.expressions - k] then
+ return self.expressions[#self.expressions - k]:order(other.expressions[#other.expressions - k])
+ end
+ k = k + 1
+ end
+ return #self.expressions < #other.expressions
+ end
+ if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.POW or other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) then
+ return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {other}))
+ end
+ if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL) then
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {self}):order(other)
+ end
+ if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) then
+ return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, {other,}))
+ end
+ if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL) then
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {self}):order(other)
+ end
+ if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.POW) then
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, {self,}):order(other)
+ end
+ if other:type() == FunctionExpression or other:type() == TrigExpression or other:type() == Logarithm then
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD or self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ return self:order(BinaryOperation(self.operation, {other}))
+ end
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then
+ return self:order(other^
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+--- Returns whether the binary operation is commutative.
+--- @return boolean
+function BinaryOperation:iscommutative()
+ error("Called unimplemented method: iscommutative()")
+--- @return PolynomialRing, boolean
+function BinaryOperation:topolynomial()
+ local addexp = self
+ if not self.operation or self.operation ~= BinaryOperation.ADD then
+ addexp = BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, {self})
+ end
+ local poly = {}
+ local degree = 0
+ local symbol
+ for _, expression in ipairs(addexp.expressions) do
+ local coefficient
+ local sym
+ local power
+ -- Expressions of the form c
+ if expression:isconstant() then
+ coefficient = expression
+ power = 0
+ -- Expressions of the form x
+ elseif expression:type() == SymbolExpression then
+ coefficient =
+ sym = expression.symbol
+ power = 1
+ -- Expressions of the form c*x
+ elseif expression.operation and expression.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL and #expression.expressions == 2
+ and expression.expressions[1]:isconstant() and expression.expressions[2]:type() == SymbolExpression then
+ coefficient = expression.expressions[1]
+ sym = expression.expressions[2].symbol
+ power = 1
+ -- Expressions of the form c*x^n (totally not confusing)
+ elseif expression.operation and expression.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL and #expression.expressions == 2
+ and expression.expressions[1]:isconstant() and expression.expressions[2].operation and
+ expression.expressions[2].operation == BinaryOperation.POW and #expression.expressions[2].expressions == 2
+ and expression.expressions[2].expressions[1]:type() == SymbolExpression and expression.expressions[2].expressions[2].getring
+ and expression.expressions[2].expressions[2]:getring() == Integer.getring() and expression.expressions[2].expressions[2] > then
+ coefficient = expression.expressions[1]
+ sym = expression.expressions[2].expressions[1].symbol
+ power = expression.expressions[2].expressions[2]:asnumber()
+ -- Expressions of the form x^n
+ elseif expression.operation and expression.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and #expression.expressions == 2
+ and expression.expressions[1]:type() == SymbolExpression and expression.expressions[2].getring
+ and expression.expressions[2]:getring() == Integer.getring() and expression.expressions[2] > then
+ coefficient =
+ sym = expression.expressions[1].symbol
+ power = expression.expressions[2]:asnumber()
+ else
+ return self, false
+ end
+ if symbol and sym and symbol ~= sym then
+ return self, false
+ end
+ if not symbol then
+ symbol = sym
+ end
+ poly[power + 1] = coefficient
+ if power > degree then
+ degree = power
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1,degree+1 do
+ poly[i] = poly[i] or
+ end
+ return PolynomialRing(poly, symbol), true
+function BinaryOperation:tolatex()
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then
+ if self.expressions[2]:type() == Integer and self.expressions[2] < then
+ local base = self.expressions[1]
+ local exponent = self.expressions[2]
+ if exponent == Integer(-1) then
+ return "\\frac{1}{" .. base:tolatex() .. "}"
+ else
+ if base:isatomic() then
+ return "\\frac{1}{" .. base:tolatex() .. "^{" .. exponent:neg():tolatex() .. "}}"
+ else
+ return "\\frac{1}{\\left(" .. base:tolatex() .. "\\right)^{" .. exponent:neg():tolatex() .. "}}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if self.expressions[1]:isatomic() then
+ if self.expressions[2]:isconstant() and self.expressions[2]:getring() == Rational:getring() and self.expressions[2].numerator == then
+ if self.expressions[2].denominator == Integer(2) then
+ return "\\sqrt{" .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}'
+ end
+ return "\\sqrt[" .. self.expressions[2].denominator:tolatex() .. ']{' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}'
+ end
+ return self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '^{' .. self.expressions[2]:tolatex() .. '}'
+ else
+ if self.expressions[2]:isconstant() and self.expressions[2]:getring() == Rational:getring() and self.expressions[2].numerator == then
+ if self.expressions[2].denominator == Integer(2) then
+ return "\\sqrt{" .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}'
+ end
+ return "\\sqrt[" .. self.expressions[2].denominator:tolatex() .. ']{' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}'
+ end
+ return "\\left(" .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. "\\right)" .. '^{' .. self.expressions[2]:tolatex() .. '}'
+ end
+ end
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then
+ local sign = ''
+ local out = ''
+ local denom = ''
+ if self:autosimplify():isconstant() then
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self.expressions) do
+ if index == 1 then
+ out = out .. expression:tolatex()
+ else
+ out = out .. "\\cdot " .. expression:tolatex()
+ end
+ end
+ return out
+ end
+ if #self.expressions == 2 and self.expressions[2]:type() == BinaryOperation and self.expressions[2].operation == BinaryOperation.POW and self.expressions[2].expressions[2] == then
+ out = '\\frac{' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}{' .. self.expressions[2].expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}'
+ return out
+ end
+ for _, expression in ipairs(self.expressions) do
+ if expression:type() == BinaryOperation then
+ if expression.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expression.expressions[2]:isconstant() and expression.expressions[2] < then
+ local reversed = ( / expression):autosimplify()
+ if reversed.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD or expression.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB then
+ denom = denom .. '\\left('.. reversed:tolatex() .. '\\right)'
+ else
+ denom = denom .. reversed:tolatex()
+ end
+ elseif expression.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD or expression.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB then
+ out = out .. '\\left(' .. expression:tolatex() .. '\\right)'
+ else
+ out = out .. expression:tolatex()
+ end
+ else
+ if expression == Integer(-1) then
+ out = out .. '-'
+ elseif expression:type() == Rational and expression.numerator == then
+ denom = denom .. expression.denominator:tolatex()
+ elseif expression:type() == Rational and expression.numerator == Integer(-1) then
+ out = out .. '-'
+ denom = denom .. expression.denominator:tolatex()
+ elseif expression:type() == Rational then
+ out = out .. expression.numerator:tolatex()
+ denom = denom .. expression.denominator:tolatex()
+ else
+ out = out .. expression:tolatex()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if string.sub(out,1,1) == '-' then
+ sign = '-'
+ out = string.sub(out,2,-1)
+ end
+ if denom ~= '' and out == '' then
+ return sign .. '\\frac{' .. '1' .. '}{' .. denom .. '}'
+ end
+ if denom ~= '' then
+ return sign .. '\\frac{' .. out .. '}{' .. denom .. '}'
+ end
+ return sign..out
+ end
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then
+ local out = ''
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self.expressions) do
+ out = out .. expression:tolatex()
+ if self.expressions[index + 1] and string.sub(self.expressions[index + 1]:tolatex(), 1, 1) ~= "-" then
+ out = out .. '+'
+ end
+ end
+ return out
+ end
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.DIV then
+ return '\\frac{' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}{' .. self.expressions[2]:tolatex() .. '}'
+ end
+ if self.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB then
+ local out = ''
+ if not self.expressions[2] then
+ if not self.expressions[1]:isatomic() then
+ out = '-\\left(' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '\\right)'
+ else
+ out = '-' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex()
+ end
+ else
+ for index, expression in ipairs(self.expressions) do
+ if expression.operation and (expression.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD or expression.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB) and index >1 then
+ out = out .. "\\left(" .. expression:tolatex() .. "\\right)"
+ else
+ out = out .. expression:tolatex()
+ end
+ if self.expressions[index + 1] then
+ out = out .. '-'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return out
+ end
+ return self
+-- Inheritance --
+__BinaryOperation.__index = CompoundExpression
+__BinaryOperation.__call =
+BinaryOperation = setmetatable(BinaryOperation, __BinaryOperation)
+-- Static constants --
+BinaryOperation.ADD = function(a, b)
+ return a + b
+BinaryOperation.SUB = function(a, b)
+ return a - b
+BinaryOperation.MUL = function(a, b)
+ return a * b
+BinaryOperation.DIV = function(a, b)
+ return a / b
+BinaryOperation.IDIV = function(a, b)
+ return a // b
+BinaryOperation.MOD = function(a, b)
+ return a % b
+BinaryOperation.POW = function(a, b)
+ return a ^ b
+BinaryOperation.DEFAULT_NAMES = {
+ [BinaryOperation.ADD] = "+",
+ [BinaryOperation.SUB] = "-",
+ [BinaryOperation.MUL] = "*",
+ [BinaryOperation.DIV] = "/",
+ [BinaryOperation.IDIV] = "//",
+ [BinaryOperation.MOD] = "%",
+ [BinaryOperation.POW] = "^"
+BinaryOperation.COMMUTATIVITY = {
+ [BinaryOperation.ADD] = true,
+ [BinaryOperation.SUB] = false,
+ [BinaryOperation.MUL] = true,
+ [BinaryOperation.DIV] = false,
+ [BinaryOperation.IDIV] = false,
+ [BinaryOperation.MOD] = false,
+ [BinaryOperation.POW] = false
+BinaryOperation.ADDEXP = function(expressions, name)
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, expressions, name)
+BinaryOperation.SUBEXP = function(expressions, name)
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.SUB, expressions, name)
+BinaryOperation.MULEXP = function(expressions, name)
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, expressions, name)
+BinaryOperation.DIVEXP = function(expressions, name)
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.DIV, expressions, name)
+BinaryOperation.IDIVEXP = function(expressions, name)
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.IDIV, expressions, name)
+BinaryOperation.MODEXP = function(expressions, name)
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MOD, expressions, name)
+BinaryOperation.POWEXP = function(expressions, name)
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, expressions, name)
+end \ No newline at end of file