path: root/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/calculus/luacas-diffexpression.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/calculus/luacas-diffexpression.lua')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/calculus/luacas-diffexpression.lua b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/calculus/luacas-diffexpression.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df1dc90f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/calculus/luacas-diffexpression.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+--- @class DiffExpression
+--- An expression for a multi-variable higher-order derivatives of an expression.
+--- @field symbols SymbolExpression
+--- @field expression Expression
+DiffExpression = {}
+__DiffExpression = {}
+-- Instance functionality --
+-- Creates a new derivative operation with the given symbols and expression.
+--- @param expression Expression
+--- @param symbols table<number, Symbol>
+--- @return DiffExpression
+function DiffExpression:new(expression,symbols)
+ local o = {}
+ local __o = Copy(__ExpressionOperations)
+ o.symbols = Copy(symbols)
+ = #o.symbols
+ o.expression = Copy(expression)
+ __o.__tostring = function(a)
+ local varlist = '(d'
+ if == 1 then
+ varlist = varlist .. '/d' .. tostring(a.symbols[1]) .. " " .. tostring(a.expression) .. ')'
+ end
+ if > 1 then
+ varlist = varlist .. '^' .. tostring( .. '/'
+ local varnum = 1
+ for index = 1, #a.symbols do
+ local var = a.symbols[#a.symbols-index+1]
+ if a.symbols[#a.symbols-index] == var then
+ varnum = varnum + 1
+ goto nextvar
+ end
+ if a.symbols[#a.symbols-index] ~=var then
+ if varnum == 1 then
+ varlist = varlist .. 'd' .. tostring(var)
+ else
+ varlist = varlist .. 'd' .. tostring(var) .. '^' .. tostring(varnum)
+ end
+ varnum = 1
+ end
+ ::nextvar::
+ end
+ varlist = varlist .. " " .. tostring(a.expression) .. ')'
+ end
+ return varlist
+ end
+ __o.__index = DiffExpression
+ __o.__eq = function(a, b)
+ -- This shouldn't be needed, since __eq should only fire if both metamethods have the same function, but for some reason Lua always rungs this anyway
+ if not b:type() == DiffExpression then
+ return false
+ end
+ if a.expression ~= b.expression then
+ return false
+ end
+ local loc = 1
+ while a.symbols[loc] or b.symbols[loc] do
+ if not a.symbols[loc] or not b.symbols[loc] or
+ (a.symbols[loc] ~= b.symbols[loc]) then
+ return false
+ end
+ loc = loc + 1
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ o = setmetatable(o, __o)
+ return o
+--- @return Expression
+function DiffExpression:evaluate()
+ local exp = self.expression
+ for _,var in ipairs(self.symbols) do
+ exp = DerivativeExpression(exp,var):evaluate()
+ end
+ return exp
+--- @return Expression
+function DiffExpression:autosimplify()
+ return DiffExpression(self.expression:autosimplify(), self.symbols):evaluate()
+--- @return table<number, Expression>
+function DiffExpression:subexpressions()
+ return {self.expression}
+--- @param subexpressions table<number, Expression>
+--- @return DiffExpression
+function DiffExpression:setsubexpressions(subexpressions)
+ return DiffExpression(subexpressions[1], self.symbols)
+--- @param other Expression
+--- @return boolean
+function DiffExpression:order(other)
+ if other:type() == IntegralExpression then
+ return true
+ end
+ if other:type() ~= DiffExpression then
+ return false
+ end
+ if > then
+ return false
+ end
+ if < then
+ return true
+ end
+ return self.expression:order(other.expression)
+--- @return string
+function DiffExpression:tolatex()
+ local varlist = '\\frac{'
+ if == 1 then
+ varlist = varlist .. 'd}{d' .. self.symbols[1]:tolatex() .. '}\\left(' .. self.expression:tolatex() .. '\\right)'
+ end
+ if > 1 then
+ local cvarlist = {}
+ local count = 1
+ for index, var in ipairs(self.symbols) do
+ if var == self.symbols[index+1] then
+ count = count + 1
+ else
+ table.insert(cvarlist,{var,count})
+ count = 1
+ end
+ end
+ if #cvarlist == 1 then
+ varlist = varlist .. 'd^{' .. .. '}}{' .. 'd' .. cvarlist[1][1]:tolatex() .. '^{' .. .. '}'
+ end
+ if #cvarlist > 1 then
+ varlist = varlist .. '\\partial^{' .. .. '}}{'
+ for index, varnum in ipairs(cvarlist) do
+ var = cvarlist[#cvarlist - index+1][1]
+ num = cvarlist[#cvarlist - index+1][2]
+ if num == 1 then
+ varlist = varlist .. '\\partial ' .. var:tolatex()
+ else
+ varlist = varlist .. '\\partial ' .. var:tolatex() .. '^{' .. num .. '}'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ varlist = varlist .. '} \\left(' .. self.expression:tolatex() .. '\\right)'
+ end
+ return varlist
+-- Inheritance --
+__DiffExpression.__index = CompoundExpression
+__DiffExpression.__call =
+DiffExpression = setmetatable(DiffExpression, __DiffExpression)
+-- Static constants --
+diff = function(expression,...)
+ local symbols = {}
+ for i = 1, select("#",...) do
+ local var = select(i,...)
+ if #var == 0 then
+ table.insert(symbols,var)
+ end
+ if #var > 0 then
+ for index=1, RR(var[2]) do
+ table.insert(symbols,var[1])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return DiffExpression(expression,symbols)
+end \ No newline at end of file