path: root/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/algebra/polynomialring.lua
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1 files changed, 860 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/algebra/polynomialring.lua b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/algebra/polynomialring.lua
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index 0000000000..568c21c921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/tex/algebra/polynomialring.lua
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+--- @class PolynomialRing
+--- Represents an element of a polynomial ring.
+--- @field coefficients table<number, Ring>
+--- @field symbol SymbolExpression
+--- @field ring RingIdentifier
+PolynomialRing = {}
+__PolynomialRing = {}
+-- Metatable for ring objects.
+local __obj = {__index = PolynomialRing, __eq = function(a, b)
+ return a["ring"] == b["ring"] and
+ (a["child"] == b["child"] or a["child"] == nil or b["child"] == nil) and
+ (a["symbol"] == b["symbol"] or a["child"] == nil or b["child"] == nil)
+end, __tostring = function(a)
+ if a.child and a.symbol then return tostring(a.child) .. "[" .. a.symbol .. "]" else return "(Generic Polynomial Ring)" end
+-- Static functionality --
+--- Creates a new ring with the given symbol and child ring.
+--- @param symbol SymbolExpression
+--- @param child RingIdentifier
+--- @return RingIdentifier
+function PolynomialRing.makering(symbol, child)
+ local t = {ring = PolynomialRing}
+ t.symbol = symbol
+ t.child = child
+ t = setmetatable(t, __obj)
+ return t
+-- Shorthand constructor for a polynomial ring with integer or integer mod ring coefficients.
+function PolynomialRing.R(symbol, modulus)
+ if modulus then
+ return PolynomialRing.makering(symbol, IntegerModN.makering(modulus))
+ end
+ return PolynomialRing.makering(symbol, Integer.getring())
+--- Returns the GCD of two polynomials in a ring, assuming both rings are euclidean domains.
+--- @param a PolynomialRing
+--- @param b PolynomialRing
+--- @return PolynomialRing
+function PolynomialRing.gcd(a, b)
+ if a.symbol ~= b.symbol then
+ error("Cannot take the gcd of two polynomials with different symbols")
+ end
+ while b ~= do
+ a, b = b, a % b
+ end
+ return a // a:lc()
+-- Returns the GCD of two polynomials in a ring, assuming both rings are euclidean domains.
+-- Also returns bezouts coefficients via extended gcd.
+--- @param a PolynomialRing
+--- @param b PolynomialRing
+--- @return PolynomialRing, PolynomialRing, PolynomialRing
+function PolynomialRing.extendedgcd(a, b)
+ local oldr, r = a, b
+ local olds, s =,
+ local oldt, t =,
+ while r ~= do
+ local q = oldr // r
+ oldr, r = r, oldr - q*r
+ olds, s = s, olds - q*s
+ oldt, t = t, oldt - q*t
+ end
+ return oldr // oldr:lc(), olds // oldr:lc(), oldt // oldr:lc()
+-- Returns the resultant of two polynomials in the same ring, whose coefficients are all part of a field.
+--- @param a PolynomialRing
+--- @param b PolynomialRing
+--- @return Field
+function PolynomialRing.resultant(a, b)
+ if a.ring == PolynomialRing.getring() or b.ring == PolynomialRing.getring() then
+ return PolynomialRing.resultantmulti(a, b)
+ end
+ local m, n =,
+ if n == then
+ return b.coefficients[0]^m
+ end
+ local r = a % b
+ if r == then
+ return r.coefficients[0]
+ end
+ local s =
+ local l = b:lc()
+ return Integer(-1)^(m*n) * l^(m-s) * PolynomialRing.resultant(b, r)
+-- Returns the resultant of two polynomials in the same ring, whose coefficients are not part of a field.
+--- @param a PolynomialRing
+--- @param b PolynomialRing
+--- @return Ring
+function PolynomialRing.resultantmulti(a, b)
+ local m, n =,
+ if m < n then
+ return Integer(-1) ^ (m * n) * PolynomialRing.resultantmulti(b, a)
+ end
+ if n == then
+ return b.coefficients[0]^m
+ end
+ local delta = m - n + Integer(1)
+ local _ , r = PolynomialRing.pseudodivide(a, b)
+ if r == then
+ return r.coefficients[0]
+ end
+ local s =
+ local w = Integer(-1)^(m*n) * PolynomialRing.resultant(b, r)
+ local l = b:lc()
+ local k = delta * n - m + s
+ local f = l ^ k
+ return w // f
+-- Given two polynomials a and b, returns a list of the remainders generated by the monic Euclidean algorithm.
+--- @param a PolynomialRing
+--- @param b PolynomialRing
+--- @return table<number, Ring>
+function PolynomialRing.monicgcdremainders(a, b)
+ if a.symbol ~= b.symbol then
+ error("Cannot take the gcd of two polynomials with different symbols")
+ end
+ local remainders = {a / a:lc(), b / b:lc()}
+ while true do
+ local q = remainders[#remainders - 1] // remainders[#remainders]
+ local c = remainders[#remainders - 1] - q*remainders[#remainders]
+ if c ~= then
+ remainders[#remainders+1] = c/c:lc()
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return remainders
+-- Returns the partial fraction decomposition of the rational function g/f
+-- given g, f, and some (not nessecarily irreducible) factorization of f.
+-- If the factorization is omitted, the irreducible factorization is used.
+-- The degree of g must be less than the degree of f.
+--- @param g PolynomialRing
+--- @param f PolynomialRing
+--- @param ffactors Expression
+--- @return Expression
+function PolynomialRing.partialfractions(g, f, ffactors)
+ if >= then
+ error("Argument Error: The degree of g must be less than the degree of f.")
+ end
+ -- Converts f to a monic polynomial.
+ g = g * f:lc()
+ f = f / f:lc()
+ ffactors = ffactors or f:factor()
+ local expansionterms = {}
+ for _, factor in ipairs(ffactors.expressions) do
+ local k
+ local m
+ if factor.getring and factor:getring() == PolynomialRing:getring() then
+ m = factor
+ k =
+ elseif not factor:isconstant() then
+ m = factor.expressions[1]
+ k = factor.expressions[2]
+ end
+ if not factor:isconstant() then
+ -- Uses Chinese Remainder Theorem for each factor to determine the numerator of the term in the decomposition
+ local mk = m^k
+ local v = g % mk
+ local _, minv, _ = PolynomialRing.extendedgcd(f // mk, mk)
+ local c = v*minv % mk
+ if k == then
+ expansionterms[#expansionterms+1] = BinaryOperation.ADDEXP({BinaryOperation.DIVEXP({c, BinaryOperation.POWEXP({m,})})})
+ else
+ -- Uses the p-adic expansion of c to split terms with repeated roots.
+ local q = c
+ local r
+ local innerterms = {}
+ for i = k:asnumber(), 1, -1 do
+ q, r = q:divremainder(m)
+ innerterms[#innerterms+1] = BinaryOperation.DIVEXP({r, BinaryOperation.POWEXP({m, Integer(i)})})
+ end
+ expansionterms[#expansionterms+1] = BinaryOperation.ADDEXP(innerterms)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return BinaryOperation.ADDEXP(expansionterms)
+-- Instance functionality --
+-- So we don't have to copy the Euclidean operations each time
+local __o = Copy(__EuclideanOperations)
+__o.__index = PolynomialRing
+__o.__tostring = function(a)
+ local out = ""
+ local loc =
+ while loc >= 0 do
+ if a.ring == PolynomialRing.getring() or (a.ring == Rational.getring() and a.ring.symbol) then
+ out = out .. "(" .. tostring(a.coefficients[loc]) .. ")" .. a.symbol .. "^" .. tostring(math.floor(loc)) .. "+"
+ else
+ out = out .. tostring(a.coefficients[loc]) .. a.symbol .. "^" .. tostring(math.floor(loc)) .. "+"
+ end
+ loc = loc - 1
+ end
+ return string.sub(out, 1, string.len(out) - 1)
+__o.__div = function(a, b)
+ if not b.getring then
+ return BinaryOperation.DIVEXP({a, b})
+ end
+ if Ring.resultantring(a.ring, b:getring()) ~= Ring.resultantring(a:getring(), b:getring()) then
+ return a:div(b:inring(Ring.resultantring(a:getring(), b:getring())))
+ end
+ if b.ring and b:getring() == Rational:getring() and a.symbol == b.ring.symbol then
+ return a:inring(Ring.resultantring(a:getring(), b:getring())):div(b)
+ end
+ if a:getring() == b:getring() then
+ return Rational(a, b, true)
+ end
+ -- TODO: Fix this for arbitrary depth
+ if a:getring() == PolynomialRing:getring() and b:getring() == PolynomialRing:getring() and a.symbol == b.symbol then
+ local oring = Ring.resultantring(a:getring(), b:getring())
+ return Rational(a:inring(oring), b:inring(oring), true)
+ end
+ return BinaryOperation.DIVEXP({a, b})
+function PolynomialRing:tolatex()
+ local out = ''
+ local loc =
+ if loc == 0 then
+ return self.coefficients[loc]:tolatex()
+ end
+ if self.ring == Rational.getring() or self.ring == Integer.getring() or self.ring == IntegerModN.getring() then
+ if self.coefficients[loc] ~= then
+ out = out .. self.coefficients[loc]:tolatex() .. self.symbol
+ else
+ out = out .. self.symbol
+ end
+ if loc ~=1 then
+ out = out .. "^{" .. loc .. "}"
+ end
+ loc = loc -1
+ while loc >=0 do
+ local coeff = self.coefficients[loc]
+ if coeff == then
+ if loc == 0 then
+ out = out .. "+" .. coeff:tolatex()
+ goto skip
+ else
+ out = out .. "+"
+ goto continue
+ end
+ end
+ if coeff == Integer(-1) then
+ if loc == 0 then
+ out = out .. "-" .. coeff:neg():tolatex()
+ goto skip
+ else
+ out = out .. "-"
+ goto continue
+ end
+ end
+ if coeff < then
+ out = out .. "-" .. coeff:neg():tolatex()
+ end
+ if coeff == then
+ goto skip
+ end
+ if coeff > then
+ out = out .. "+" .. coeff:tolatex()
+ end
+ ::continue::
+ if loc > 1 then
+ out = out .. self.symbol .. "^{" .. loc .. "}"
+ end
+ if loc == 1 then
+ out = out .. self.symbol
+ end
+ ::skip::
+ loc = loc-1
+ end
+ else
+ while loc >=0 do
+ if loc >=1 then
+ out = out .. self.coefficients[loc]:tolatex() .. self.symbol .. "^{" .. loc .. "} + "
+ else
+ out = out .. self.coefficients[loc]:tolatex() .. self.symbol .. "^{" .. loc .. "}"
+ end
+ loc = loc-1
+ end
+ end
+ return out
+function PolynomialRing:isatomic()
+ --if >= then
+ -- return false
+ --else
+ return false
+ --end
+-- Creates a new polynomial ring given an array of coefficients and a symbol
+function PolynomialRing:new(coefficients, symbol, degree)
+ local o = {}
+ o = setmetatable(o, __o)
+ if type(coefficients) ~= "table" then
+ error("Sent parameter of wrong type: Coefficients must be in an array")
+ end
+ o.coefficients = {}
+ = degree or Integer(-1)
+ if type(symbol) ~= "string" and not symbol.symbol then
+ error("Symbol must be a string")
+ end
+ o.symbol = symbol.symbol or symbol
+ -- Determines what ring the polynomial ring should have as its child
+ for index, coefficient in pairs(coefficients) do
+ if type(index) ~= "number" then
+ error("Sent parameter of wrong type: Coefficients must be in an array")
+ end
+ if not coefficient.getring then
+ error("Sent parameter of wrong type: Coefficients must be elements of a ring")
+ end
+ if not o.ring then
+ o.ring = coefficient:getring()
+ else
+ local newring = coefficient:getring()
+ local combinedring = Ring.resultantring(o.ring, newring)
+ if combinedring == newring then
+ o.ring = newring
+ elseif not o.ring == combinedring then
+ error("Sent parameter of wrong type: Coefficients must all be part of the same ring")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not coefficients[0] then
+ -- Constructs the coefficients when a new polynomial is instantiated as an array
+ for index, coefficient in ipairs(coefficients) do
+ o.coefficients[index - 1] = coefficient
+ = +
+ end
+ else
+ -- Constructs the coefficients from an existing polynomial of coefficients
+ local loc =
+ while loc > 0 do
+ if not coefficients[loc] or coefficients[loc] == coefficients[loc]:zero() then
+ = -
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ loc = loc - 1
+ end
+ while loc >= 0 do
+ o.coefficients[loc] = coefficients[loc]
+ loc = loc - 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- Each value of the polynomial greater than its degree is implicitly zero
+ o.coefficients = setmetatable(o.coefficients, {__index = function (table, key)
+ return o:zeroc()
+ end})
+ return o
+-- Returns the ring this object is an element of
+function PolynomialRing:getring()
+ local t = {ring = PolynomialRing}
+ if self then
+ t.child = self.ring
+ t.symbol = self.symbol
+ end
+ t = setmetatable(t, __obj)
+ return t
+-- Explicitly converts this element to an element of another ring
+function PolynomialRing:inring(ring)
+ -- Faster equality check
+ if ring == self:getring() then
+ return self
+ end
+ if ring == Rational:getring() and ring.symbol then
+ return Rational(self:inring(ring.child), self:inring(ring.child):one(), true)
+ end
+ if ring.symbol == self.symbol then
+ local out = {}
+ for i = 0, do
+ out[i + 1] = self.coefficients[i]:inring(ring.child)
+ end
+ return PolynomialRing(out, self.symbol)
+ end
+ -- TODO: Allow re-ordering of polynomial rings, so from R[x][y] -> R[y][x] for instance
+ if ring == PolynomialRing:getring() then
+ return PolynomialRing({self:inring(ring.child)}, ring.symbol)
+ end
+ error("Unable to convert element to proper ring.")
+-- Returns whether the ring is commutative
+function PolynomialRing:iscommutative()
+ return true
+function PolynomialRing:add(b)
+ local larger
+ if > then
+ larger = self
+ else
+ larger = b
+ end
+ local new = {}
+ local loc = 0
+ while loc <= do
+ new[loc] = self.coefficients[loc] + b.coefficients[loc]
+ loc = loc + 1
+ end
+ return PolynomialRing(new, self.symbol,
+function PolynomialRing:neg()
+ local new = {}
+ local loc = 0
+ while loc <= do
+ new[loc] = -self.coefficients[loc]
+ loc = loc + 1
+ end
+ return PolynomialRing(new, self.symbol,
+function PolynomialRing:mul(b)
+ -- Grade-school multiplication is actually faster up to a very large polynomial size due to Lua's overhead.
+ local new = {}
+ local sd =
+ local bd =
+ for i = 0, sd+bd do
+ new[i] = self:zeroc()
+ for j = math.max(0, i-bd), math.min(sd, i) do
+ new[i] = new[i] + self.coefficients[j]*b.coefficients[i-j]
+ end
+ end
+ return PolynomialRing(new, self.symbol, +
+ -- return PolynomialRing(PolynomialRing.mul_rec(self.coefficients, b.coefficients), self.symbol, +
+-- Performs Karatsuba multiplication without constructing new polynomials recursively
+function PolynomialRing.mul_rec(a, b)
+ if #a==0 and #b==0 then
+ return {[0]=a[0] * b[0], [1]}
+ end
+ local k = Integer.ceillog(Integer.max(Integer(#a), Integer(#b)) +, Integer(2))
+ local n = Integer(2) ^ k
+ local m = n / Integer(2)
+ local nn = n:asnumber()
+ local mn = m:asnumber()
+ local a0, a1, b0, b1 = {}, {}, {}, {}
+ for e = 0, mn - 1 do
+ a0[e] = a[e] or
+ a1[e] = a[e + mn] or
+ b0[e] = b[e] or
+ b1[e] = b[e + mn] or
+ end
+ local p1 = PolynomialRing.mul_rec(a1, b1)
+ local p2a = Copy(a0)
+ local p2b = Copy(b0)
+ for e = 0, mn - 1 do
+ p2a[e] = p2a[e] + a1[e]
+ p2b[e] = p2b[e] + b1[e]
+ end
+ local p2 = PolynomialRing.mul_rec(p2a, p2b)
+ local p3 = PolynomialRing.mul_rec(a0, b0)
+ local r = {}
+ for e = 0, mn - 1 do
+ p2[e] = p2[e] - p1[e] - p3[e]
+ r[e] = p3[e]
+ r[e + mn] = p2[e]
+ r[e + nn] = p1[e]
+ end
+ for e = mn, nn - 1 do
+ p2[e] = p2[e] - p1[e] - p3[e]
+ r[e] = r[e] + p3[e]
+ r[e + mn] = r[e + mn] + p2[e]
+ r[e + nn] = p1[e]
+ end
+ return r
+-- Uses synthetic division.
+function PolynomialRing:divremainder(b)
+ local n, m =,
+ if m > n then
+ return self:zero(), self
+ end
+ local o = Copy(self.coefficients)
+ local lc = b:lc()
+ for i = n, m, -1 do
+ o[i] = o[i] / lc
+ if o[i] ~= self:zeroc() then
+ for j = 1, m do
+ o[i-j] = o[i-j] - b.coefficients[m - j] * o[i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local q = {}
+ local r = {}
+ for i = 0, m-1 do
+ r[i] = o[i]
+ end
+ r[0] = r[0] or self:zeroc()
+ for i = m, #o do
+ q[i - m] = o[i]
+ end
+ return PolynomialRing(q, self.symbol,, PolynomialRing(r, self.symbol, Integer.max(,
+-- Performs polynomial pseudodivision of this polynomial by another in the same ring,
+-- and returns both the pseudoquotient and pseudoremainder.
+-- In the case where both coefficients are fields, this is equivalent to division with remainder.
+function PolynomialRing:pseudodivide(b)
+ local p = self:zero()
+ local s = self
+ local m =
+ local n =
+ local delta = Integer.max(m - n +,
+ local lcb = b:lc()
+ local sigma =
+ while m >= n and s ~= do
+ local lcs = s:lc()
+ p = p * lcb + self:one():multiplyDegree((m-n):asnumber()) * lcs
+ s = s * lcb - b * self:one():multiplyDegree((m-n):asnumber()) * lcs
+ sigma = sigma +
+ m =
+ end
+ if delta - sigma == then
+ return p,s
+ else
+ return lcb^(delta - sigma) * p, lcb^(delta - sigma) * s
+ end
+-- Polynomial rings are never fields, but when dividing by a polynomial by a constant we may want to use / instead of //
+function PolynomialRing:div(b)
+ return self:divremainder(b)
+function PolynomialRing:zero()
+ return self.coefficients[0]:zero():inring(self:getring())
+function PolynomialRing:zeroc()
+ return self.coefficients[0]:zero()
+function PolynomialRing:one()
+ return self.coefficients[0]:one():inring(self:getring())
+function PolynomialRing:onec()
+ return self.coefficients[0]:one()
+function PolynomialRing:eq(b)
+ for i=0,math.max(, do
+ if self.coefficients[i] ~= b.coefficients[i] then
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+-- Returns the leading coefficient of this polynomial
+function PolynomialRing:lc()
+ return self.coefficients[]
+--- @return boolean
+function PolynomialRing:isconstant()
+ return false
+-- This expression is free of a symbol if and only if the symbol is not the symbol used to create the ring.
+function PolynomialRing:freeof(symbol)
+ return symbol.symbol ~= self.symbol
+-- Replaces each expression in the map with its value.
+function PolynomialRing:substitute(map)
+ return self:tocompoundexpression():substitute(map)
+-- Expands a polynomial expression. Polynomials are already in expanded form, so we just need to autosimplify.
+function PolynomialRing:expand()
+ return self:tocompoundexpression():autosimplify()
+function PolynomialRing:autosimplify()
+ return self:tocompoundexpression():autosimplify()
+-- Transforms from array format to an expression format.
+function PolynomialRing:tocompoundexpression()
+ local terms = {}
+ for exponent, coefficient in pairs(self.coefficients) do
+ terms[exponent + 1] = BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {coefficient:tocompoundexpression(),
+ BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, {SymbolExpression(self.symbol), Integer(exponent)})})
+ end
+ return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, terms)
+-- Uses Horner's rule to evaluate a polynomial at a point
+function PolynomialRing:evaluateat(x)
+ local out = self:zeroc()
+ for i =, 1, -1 do
+ out = out + self.coefficients[i]
+ out = out * x
+ end
+ return out + self.coefficients[0]
+-- Multiplies this polynomial by x^n
+function PolynomialRing:multiplyDegree(n)
+ local new = {}
+ for e = 0, n-1 do
+ new[e] = self:zeroc()
+ end
+ local loc = n
+ while loc <= + n do
+ new[loc] = self.coefficients[loc - n]
+ loc = loc + 1
+ end
+ return PolynomialRing(new, self.symbol, + Integer(n))
+-- Returns the formal derivative of this polynomial
+function PolynomialRing:derivative()
+ if == then
+ return PolynomialRing({self:zeroc()}, self.symbol, Integer(-1))
+ end
+ local new = {}
+ for e = 1, do
+ new[e - 1] = Integer(e) * self.coefficients[e]
+ end
+ return PolynomialRing(new, self.symbol, -
+-- Returns the square-free factorization of a polynomial
+function PolynomialRing:squarefreefactorization()
+ local terms
+ if self.ring == Rational.getring() or self.ring == Integer.getring() then
+ terms = self:rationalsquarefreefactorization()
+ elseif self.ring == IntegerModN.getring() then
+ if not self.ring.modulus:isprime() then
+ error("Cannot compute a square-free factorization of a polynomial ring contructed from a ring that is not a field.")
+ end
+ terms = self:modularsquarefreefactorization()
+ end
+ local expressions = {self:lc()}
+ local j = 1
+ for index, term in ipairs(terms) do
+ if ~= or term.coefficients[0] ~= then
+ j = j + 1
+ expressions[j] = BinaryOperation.POWEXP({term, Integer(index)})
+ end
+ end
+ return BinaryOperation.MULEXP(expressions)
+-- Factors a polynomial into irreducible terms
+function PolynomialRing:factor()
+ -- Square-free factorization over an integral domain (so a polynomial ring constructed from a field)
+ local squarefree = self:squarefreefactorization()
+ local squarefreeterms = {}
+ local result = {squarefree.expressions[1]}
+ for i, expression in ipairs(squarefree.expressions) do
+ if i > 1 then
+ -- Converts square-free polynomials with rational coefficients to integer coefficients so Rational Roots / Zassenhaus can factor them
+ if expression.expressions[1].ring == Rational.getring() then
+ local factor, integerpoly = expression.expressions[1]:rationaltointeger()
+ result[1] = result[1] * factor ^ expression.expressions[2]
+ squarefreeterms[i - 1] = integerpoly
+ else
+ squarefreeterms[i - 1] = expression.expressions[1]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i, expression in ipairs(squarefreeterms) do
+ local terms
+ if expression.ring == Integer.getring() then
+ -- Factoring over the integers first uses the rational roots test to factor out monomials (for efficiency purposes)
+ local remaining, factors = expression:rationalroots()
+ terms = factors
+ -- Then applies the Zassenhaus algorithm if there entire polynomial has not been factored into monomials
+ if remaining ~= then
+ remaining = remaining:zassenhausfactor()
+ for _, exp in ipairs(remaining) do
+ terms[#terms+1] = exp
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if expression.ring == IntegerModN.getring() then
+ -- Berlekamp factorization is used for rings with integers mod a prime as coefficients
+ terms = expression:berlekampfactor()
+ end
+ for _, factor in ipairs(terms) do
+ result[#result+1] = BinaryOperation.POWEXP({factor, squarefree.expressions[i + 1].expressions[2]})
+ end
+ end
+ return BinaryOperation.MULEXP(result)
+-- Uses the Rational Root test to factor out monomials of a square-free polynomial.
+function PolynomialRing:rationalroots()
+ local remaining = self
+ local roots = {}
+ if self.coefficients[0] == then
+ roots[1] = PolynomialRing({,}, self.symbol)
+ remaining = remaining // roots[1]
+ end
+ -- This can be slower than Zassenhaus if the digits are large enough, since factoring integers is slow
+ -- if self.coefficients[0] > Integer(Integer.DIGITSIZE - 1) or self:lc() > Integer(Integer.DIGITSIZE - 1) then
+ -- return remaining, roots
+ -- end
+ while remaining ~= do
+ :: nextfactor ::
+ local a = remaining.coefficients[0]
+ local b = remaining:lc()
+ local afactors = a:divisors()
+ local bfactors = b:divisors()
+ for _, af in ipairs(afactors) do
+ for _, bf in ipairs(bfactors) do
+ local testroot = Rational(af, bf, true)
+ if remaining:evaluateat(testroot) == then
+ roots[#roots+1] = PolynomialRing({-testroot.numerator, testroot.denominator}, self.symbol)
+ remaining = remaining // roots[#roots]
+ goto nextfactor
+ end
+ if remaining:evaluateat(-testroot) == then
+ roots[#roots+1] = PolynomialRing({testroot.numerator, testroot.denominator}, self.symbol)
+ remaining = remaining // roots[#roots]
+ goto nextfactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ return remaining, roots
+-- Returns a list of roots of the polynomial, simplified up to cubics.
+function PolynomialRing:roots()
+ local roots = {}
+ local factorization = self:factor()
+ for i, factor in ipairs(factorization.expressions) do
+ if i > 1 then
+ local decomp = factor.expressions[1]:decompose()
+ for _, poly in ipairs(decomp) do
+ if > Integer(3) then
+ table.insert(roots,RootExpression(factor.expressions[1]))
+ goto nextfactor
+ end
+ end
+ local factorroots = RootExpression(decomp[#decomp]):autosimplify()
+ if factorroots == true then
+ return true
+ end
+ if factorroots == false then
+ goto nextfactor
+ end
+ local replaceroots = {}
+ for j = #decomp - 1,1,-1 do
+ for _, root in ipairs(factorroots) do
+ local temp = RootExpression(decomp[j]):autosimplify(root)
+ if temp == true then
+ return true
+ end
+ if factorroots == false then
+ goto nextfactor
+ end
+ replaceroots = JoinArrays(replaceroots, temp)
+ end
+ factorroots = replaceroots
+ end
+ roots = JoinArrays(roots, factorroots)
+ end
+ end
+ ::nextfactor::
+ return roots
+-- Inheritance --
+__PolynomialRing.__index = Ring
+__PolynomialRing.__call =
+PolynomialRing = setmetatable(PolynomialRing, __PolynomialRing) \ No newline at end of file