path: root/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/reference/ref_calculus/ref_calculus_methods/ref_calculus_methods.tex
diff options
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diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/reference/ref_calculus/ref_calculus_methods/ref_calculus_methods.tex b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/reference/ref_calculus/ref_calculus_methods/ref_calculus_methods.tex
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+\subsection{Calculus Methods}
+\newcoderef{function IntegralExpression.table(integral)}{return Expression|nil}{integral IntegralExpression}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.table}
+Attempts to integrate \texttt{integral.expression} with respect to \texttt{integral.symbol} by checking a table of basic integrals; returns nil if the integrand isn't in the table. For example:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ f = int(cos(x),x)
+ f = f:table()
+ g = int(x*cos(x),x)
+ g = g:table()
+\[ f = \print{f} \qquad g = \print{g} \]
+ vars('x')
+ f = int(cos(x),x)
+ f = f:table()
+ g = int(x*cos(x),x)
+ g = g:table()
+ \end{CAS}
+\[ f = \print{f} \qquad g = \print{g} \]
+The table of integrals consists of power functions, exponentials, logarithms, trigonometric, and inverse trigonometric functions.
+\newcoderef{function IntegralExpression.linearproperties(integral)}{return Expression|nil}{integral IntegralExpression}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.linearproperties}
+Attempts to integrate \texttt{integral.expression} with respect to \texttt{integral.symbol} by using linearity properties (e.g. the integral of a sum/difference is the sum/difference of integrals); returns nil if any individual component cannot be integrated using \mintinline{lua}{IntegralExpression:integrate()}. For example:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ f = int(sin(x) + e^x,x)
+ g = f:table()
+ f = f:linearproperties()
+\[ f = \print*{f} \qquad g = \print*{g} \]
+ f = int(sin(x) + e^x,x)
+ g = f:table()
+ f = f:linearproperties()
+\[ f = \print*{f} \qquad g = \print*{g} \]
+\newcoderef{function IntegralExpression.substitutionmethod(integral)}{return Expression|nil}{integral IntegralExpression}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.substitutionmethod}
+Attempts to integrate \texttt{integral.expression} with respect to \texttt{integral.symbol} via $u$-substitution; returns nil if no suitable substitution is found to be successful.
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ f = int(x*e^(x^2),x)
+ g = int(x*e^x,x)
+ f = f:substitutionmethod()
+ g = g:substitutionmethod()
+\[ f = \print*{f} \qquad g = \print*{g}.\]
+ vars('x')
+ f = int(x*e^(x^2),x)
+ g = int(x*e^x,x)
+ f = f:substitutionmethod()
+ g = g:substitutionmethod()
+\[ f = \print*{f} \qquad g = \print*{g}.\]
+\newcoderef{function IntegralExpression.enhancedsubstitutionmethod(integral)}{return Expression|nil}{integral IntegralExpression}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.enhancedsubstitutionmethod}
+Attempts integrate \texttt{integral.expression} with respect to \texttt{integral.symbol} via $u$-substitutions. This method distinguishes itself from the \mintinline{lua}{.substitutionmethod} by attempted to solve $u= g(x)$ for the original variable and then substituting the result into the expression. This behavior is not included in \mintinline{lua}{.substitutionmethod} due to speed concerns. For example:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ f = int(x^5*sqrt(x^3+1),x)
+ g = f:substitutionmethod()
+ h = f:enhancedsubstitutionmethod()
+\[ g= \print*{g} \]
+\[ h= \print*{h} \]
+ vars('x')
+ f = int(x^5*sqrt(x^3+1),x)
+ g = f:substitutionmethod()
+ h = f:enhancedsubstitutionmethod()
+\[ g= \print*{g} \]
+\[ h= \print*{h} \]
+\newcoderef{function IntegralExpression.trialsubstitutions(Expression)}{return table<number, Expression}{}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.trialsubstitutions}
+Generates a list of possible $u$-substitutions to attempt in \texttt{substitutionmethod()} and \texttt{enhancedsubstitutionmethod()}. For example:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ f = cos(x)/(1+sin(x))
+ f = f:autosimplify()
+ l = IntegralExpression.trialsubstitutions(f)
+$\left\{ \lprint{l} \right\}$.
+ vars('x')
+ f = cos(x)/(1+sin(x))
+ f = f:autosimplify()
+ l = IntegralExpression.trialsubstitutions(f)
+$ \left\{ \lprint{l} \right\}$.
+\newcoderef{function IntegralExpression.rationalfunction(IntegralExpression)}{return Expression|nil}{}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.rationalfunction}
+Integrates \texttt{integrand} with respect to \texttt{symbol} via Lazard, Rioboo, Rothstein, and Trager's method in the case when \texttt{expression} is a rational function in the variable \texttt{symbol}. If \texttt{integrand} is not a rational function, then nil is returned.
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ f = (x^2+2*x+2)/(x^2+3*x+2)
+ f = f:autosimplify()
+ g = int(f,x):rationalfunction()
+\[ \int \print{f}\ dx = \print*{g} \]
+ vars('x')
+ f = (x^2+2*x+2)/(x^2+3*x+2)
+ f = f:autosimplify()
+ g = int(f,x):rationalfunction()
+\[ \int \print{f}\ dx = \print*{g} \]
+In some cases, the \mintinline{lua}{.rationalfunction} method returns non-standard results. For example:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ num = x^2
+ den = ((x+1)*(x^2+2*x+2)):expand()
+ f = (num/den):autosimplify()
+ f = int(f,x):rationalfunction()
+\[ \print{simplify(f)} \]
+ vars('x')
+ num = x^2
+ den = ((x+1)*(x^2+2*x+2)):expand()
+ f = (num/den):autosimplify()
+ f = int(f,x):rationalfunction()
+\[ \print{simplify(f)} \]
+On the other hand:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ pfrac = parfrac(num,den)
+\[ \print*{int(pfrac,x)} \]
+ pfrac = parfrac(num,den)
+ \end{CAS}
+\[ \print*{int(pfrac,x)} \]
+\newcoderef{function IntegralExpression.partsmethod(IntegralExpression)}{return Expression|nil}{}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.partsmethod}
+Attempts to integrate \texttt{integral.expression} with respect to \texttt{integral.symbol} via \emph{integration by parts}; returns nil if no suitable application of IBP is found. For example:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ a = int(x*e^x,x)
+ b = a:partsmethod()
+ c = int(e^(x^2),x)
+ d = c:partsmethod()
+\[ b=\print*{b} \]
+\[ d=\print*{d} \]
+ vars('x')
+ a = int(x*e^x,x)
+ b = a:partsmethod()
+ c = int(e^(x^2),x)
+ d = c:partsmethod()
+\[ b= \print*{b} \]
+\[ d= \print*{d} \]
+\newcoderef{function IntegralExpression.eulersformula(integral)}{return Expression|nil}{integral IntegralExpression}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.eulersformula}
+Attempts to integrate \texttt{integral.expression} with respect to \texttt{integral.symbol} by using the Euler formulas:
+\[ \cos x = \frac{e^{ix} + e^{-ix}}{2} \qquad \sin x = \frac{e^{ix} - e^{-ix}}{2i}.\]
+Per usual, this method returns nil if such a method is unsuccessful (or if the integrand is unchanged after applying the above substitutions). This can often be used as an alternative for integration by parts. For example:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ a = int(e^x*sin(x),x)
+ b = int(x^2,x)
+ c = a:eulersformula()
+ d = b:eulersformula()
+\[ c= \print*{c} \]
+\[ d= \print*{d} \]
+ vars('x')
+ a = int(e^x*sin(x),x)
+ b = int(x^2,x)
+ c = a:eulersformula()
+ d = b:eulersformula()
+\[ c= \print*{c} \]
+\[ d= \print*{d} \]
+\newcoderef{function IntegralExpression.integrate(integral)}{return Expression|nil}{integral IntegralExpression}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.integrate}
+Recursive part of the indefinite integral operator; returns nil if the expression could not be integrated. The methods above get called (roughly) in the following order:
+ \item \mintinline{lua}{.table}
+ \item \mintinline{lua}{.linearproperties}
+ \item \mintinline{lua}{.substitutionmethod}
+ \item \mintinline{lua}{.rationalfunction}
+ \item \mintinline{lua}{.partsmethod}
+ \item \mintinline{lua}{.eulersformula}
+ \item \mintinline{lua}{.enhancedsubstitutionmethod}
+Between (vi) and (vii), the \mintinline{lua}{.integrate} method will attempt to expand the integrand and retry. The method is recursive in the sense that (most) of the methods listed above will call \mintinline{lua}{.integrate} at some point. For example, after a list of trial substitutions is created, the method \mintinline{lua}{.substitutionmethod} will call \mintinline{lua}{.integrate} to determine whether the new integrand can be integrated via the methods in the above list.
+Recall the function \mintinline{lua}{int()} which acts as a shortcut for \mintinline{lua}{IntegralExpression:new()}. When \mintinline{lua}{:autosimplify()} is called upon an \texttt{IntegralExpression}, then \mintinline{lua}{IntegralExpression.integrate} is applied. If \mintinline{lua}{nil} is returned, then \mintinline{lua}{:autosimplify()} returns \mintinline{lua}{self}; otherwise the result of \mintinline{lua}{.integrate} is returned and evaluated over the bounds, if any are given. For example:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ f = cos(x)*e^(sin(x))
+ f = int(f,x,0,pi/2)
+\[ \print{f} = \print*{f}\]
+ vars('x')
+ f = cos(x)*e^(sin(x))
+ f = int(f,x,0,pi/2)
+\[ \print{f} = \print*{f}\]
+On the other hand:
+ \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{latex}
+ vars('x')
+ f = e^(e^x)
+ f = int(f,x,0,1)
+\[ \print{f} = \print*{f} \]
+ vars('x')
+ f = e^(e^x)
+ f = int(f,x,0,1)
+\[ \print{f} = \print*{f} \]
+\coderef{function IntegralExpression:isdefinite()}{return bool}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{\ttfamily IntegralExpression.isdefinite}
+Returns \mintinline{lua}{true} of \texttt{IntegralExpression} is definite (i.e. if \texttt{.upper} and \texttt{.lower} are defined fields), otherwise returns \mintinline{lua}{false}.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file