path: root/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/reference/ref_algebra/ref_algebra.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/reference/ref_algebra/ref_algebra.tex')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/reference/ref_algebra/ref_algebra.tex b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/reference/ref_algebra/ref_algebra.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e9bd011e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/reference/ref_algebra/ref_algebra.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
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+ This section contains reference materials for the algebra functionality of \texttt{luacas}. The classes in this module are diagramed below according to inheritance along with the methods/functions one can call upon them.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item {\error\ttfamily\itshape method}: an abstract method;
+ \item {\self\ttfamily\itshape method}: a method that returns the expression unchanged;
+ \item {\ttfamily\itshape method}: method that is either unique, implements an abstract method, or overrides an abstract
+ \item {\tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]\node[fill=rose!30] {\ttfamily\bfseries Class};}: a concrete class.
+ \end{itemize}
+Here is an inhertiance diagram of the classes in the algebra module that are derived from the \texttt{AtomicExpression} branch of classes. However, not all of them are proper {\ttfamily ConstantExpression}s, so some of them override the {\ttfamily isconstant()} method. Most methods are stated, but some were omitted (because they inherit in the obvious way, they are auxiliary and not likely to be interesting to the end-user, etc).
+ \vfill
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+ rectangle split parts=2,
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+ rectangle split parts=2,
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+ multiple directions/.style={
+ for tree={#1},
+ phantom,
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+ no edge,
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+ before computing xy={l=0,s=0}
+ }
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+ grow subtree/.style={for tree={grow=#1}},
+ grow' subtree/.style={for tree={grow'=#1}}}
+ every two node part/.style={font=\ttfamily\itshape\footnotesize}
+ \begin{forest}
+ for tree = {node options={align=left},
+ edge = {-stealth}
+ },
+ forked edges
+ [Expression\nodepart{two}$\cdots$,rectcore={0}
+ [AtomicExpression\nodepart{two}$\cdots$,rectcore={0}
+ [SymbolExpression\nodepart{two}$\cdots$,rectcore={50}]
+ [ConstantExpression\nodepart{two}$\cdots$,rectcore={0}
+ [Ring\nodepart{two}\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}\begin{multicols}{3}
+ {\error :getring}\\
+ {\error :inring(ring)}\\
+ {\error :iscommutative}\\
+ {\error :add(b)}\\
+ :sub(b)\\
+ {\error :neg(b)}\\
+ {\error :mul(b)}\\
+ :pow(n)\\
+ {\error :eq(b)}\\
+ {\error :lt(b)}\\
+ {\error :le(b)}\\
+ {\error :zero()}\\
+ {\error :one()}\\
+ {\error .makering}\\
+ .resultantring
+ \end{multicols}\end{minipage}
+ ,rectalg={0}
+ [PolynomialRing\nodepart{two}
+ .makering\\
+ .R\\
+ .gcd\\
+ .extendedgcd\\
+ .resultant\\
+ .resultantmulti\\
+ .monicgcdremainders\\
+ .partialfractions\\
+ %:isatomic\\
+ :new\\
+ .mul{\textunderscore}rec\\
+ :divremainder\\
+ :psuedodivide\\
+ :isconstant\\
+ :isatomic\\
+ :freeof\\
+ :tocompoundexpression\\
+ :evaluateat\\
+ :derivative\\
+ :squarefreefactorization\\
+ :factor\\
+ :rationalroots\\
+ :roots\\
+ $\cdots$
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ [EuclideanDomain\nodepart{two}
+ {\error :divremainder}\\
+ :iscommutative
+ ,rectalg={0}
+ [Integer\nodepart{two}
+ .gcd\\
+ .extendedgcd\\
+ .max\\
+ .min\\
+ .ceillog\\
+ .powmod\\
+ :new\\
+ :divremainder\\
+ :asnumber\\
+ :divisors\\
+ :primefactorization\\
+ :findafactor\\
+ :isprime\\
+ :abs\\
+ $\cdots$
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ [Field\nodepart{two}
+ :div
+ ,rectalg={0}
+ [Rational\nodepart{two}
+ :new\\
+ :reduce\\
+ :isconstant\\
+ :tocompoundexpression\\
+ :asnumber\\
+ :div
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ [IntegerModN\nodepart{two}
+ :new
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ \end{forest}
+Here is an inhertiance diagram of the classes in the algebra module that are derived from the \texttt{CompoundExpression} branch of classes. Again, most methods are stated, but some were omitted (because they inherit in the obvious way, they are auxiliary and not likely to be interesting to the end-user, etc).
+ \begin{forest}
+ for tree = {node options={align=left},
+ grow = south,
+ edge = {-stealth},
+ child anchor = west
+ },
+ forked edges
+ [Expression\nodepart{two}$\cdots$,
+ rectcore={0}
+ [CompoundExpression\nodepart{two}
+ $\cdots$,
+ rectcore={0},
+ calign = first,
+ for tree = {node options = {anchor = west},
+ grow' = east}
+ [BinaryOperation\nodepart{two}
+ $\cdots$,
+ rectcore={50}]
+ [FunctionExpression\nodepart{two}
+ $\cdots$,
+ rectcore={50}
+ [TrigExpression\nodepart{two}
+ :new
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ ]
+ [AbsExpression\nodepart{two}
+ :new
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ [SqrtExpression\nodepart{two}
+ :new\\
+ :topower
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ [RootExpression\nodepart{two}
+ :new
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ [FactorialExpression\nodepart{two}
+ :new
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ [Logarithm\nodepart{two}
+ :new
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ [Equation\nodepart{two}
+ :new\\
+ :solvefor()
+ ,rectalg={30}]
+ ]
+ ]
+ \end{forest}