path: root/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/appendix/latexcode.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/appendix/latexcode.tex')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/appendix/latexcode.tex b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/appendix/latexcode.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f8ccd7471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/latex/luacas/doc/appendix/latexcode.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ \tcbuselibrary{xparse}
+ enhanced,skin=bicolor,
+ #1,
+ arc=1pt,
+ colframe=brown,
+ colback=brown!15,colbacklower=white,
+ boxrule=1pt,
+ notitle
+\section{The \LaTeX{} code}
+As noted above, this package is really a Lua program; the package {\ttfamily luacas.sty} is merely a shell to make accessing that Lua program easy and manageable from within \LaTeX{}.
+ firstline=12,
+ lastline=14,
+ breaklines,
+ linenos,
+ numbersep=5pt]
+ {latex}
+ {luacas.dat}
+We check to make sure the user is compiling with Lua\LaTeX{}; if not, an error message is printed and compilation is aborted.
+ firstline=16,
+ lastline=24,
+ breaklines,
+ linenos,
+ numbersep=5pt]
+ {latex}
+ {luacas.dat}
+The following packages are required for various macros:
+ firstline=27,
+ lastline=32,
+ breaklines,
+ linenos,
+ numbersep=5pt]
+ {latex}
+ {luacas.dat}
+The files \verb|helper.lua| and \verb|parser.lua| help bridge the gap between the Lua program and \LaTeX{}.
+ firstline=35,
+ lastline=37,
+ breaklines,
+ linenos,
+ numbersep=5pt]
+ {latex}
+ {luacas.dat}
+We now define the \mintinline{latex}{\begin{CAS}..\end{CAS}} environment:
+ firstline=39,
+ lastline=42,
+ breaklines,
+ linenos,
+ numbersep=5pt]
+ {latex}
+ {luacas.dat}
+{\bf Note:} The contents are wrapped in the function \mintinline{lua}{CASparse()}. We now define the retrieving macros \mintinline{latex}{\get}, \mintinline{latex}{\fetch}, and \mintinline{latex}{\store}:
+ firstline=44,
+ lastline=67,
+ breaklines,
+ linenos,
+ numbersep=5pt]
+ {latex}
+ {luacas.dat}
+And now we define the printing macros \mintinline{latex}{\print}, \mintinline{latex}{\vprint}, and \mintinline{latex}{\lprint}:
+ firstline=75,
+ lastline=128,
+ breaklines,
+ linenos,
+ numbersep=5pt]
+ {latex}
+ {luacas.dat}
+And finally, we define the macros useful for printing expression trees:
+ firstline=130,
+ lastline=230,
+ breaklines,
+ linenos,
+ numbersep=5pt]
+ {latex}
+ {luacas.dat}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file