path: root/macros/luatex/generic/tsvtemplate/tsvtemplate.doc
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diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/tsvtemplate/tsvtemplate.doc b/macros/luatex/generic/tsvtemplate/tsvtemplate.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bae8ac6478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/tsvtemplate/tsvtemplate.doc
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+\input minim-doc.sty
+\setbox\notehead=\vtop to 0pt
+ {\halign{&\strut#\quad\cr a1&b1&c1\cr a2&b2&c2\cr a3&b3&c3\cr}
+ \vskip-\baselineskip}
+ author {Esger Renkema}
+ title {tsvtemplate}
+ date {2022-01-01}
+ version {2022/1.0}
+ keywords {tsv; tab-separated values}
+ stopmetadata
+This is a small package with a single purpose: reading tab-separated value
+(tsv) files and applying a template to the content of their rows.
+\section Loading this package
+Plain tex users can say ⟦\input tsvtemplate⟧; latex users can say
+⟦\usepackage {tsvtemplate}⟧. You must use the lua(la)tex compiler.
+\section Using this package
+The main command of this package is ⟦*\tsvtemplate⟧, used like this
+⟦*\tsvtemplate⟧⟦ [names,of,the,columns]
+ {... template ...} {filename.tsv}⟧\par}
+This will read the file named ⟦filename.tsv⟧ row-by-row and assign the
+contents of the fields of every row to the control sequences
+⟦\names \of \the \columns⟧. These control sequences can then be used in the
+⟦template⟧, which will be repeated for every row.
+If you do not specify column names, they will be read from the first line of
+the file. In that case spaces will be ignored, so that a column headed by e.g.
+⟦Postal Code⟧ is available as ⟦\PostalCode⟧.
+In the latex case, an environment is also available as
+⟦\begin{⟧⟦*tsv template⟧⟦}[names,of,the,columns]{filename.tsv}
+ ... template ...
+\end{⟧⟦*tsv template⟧⟦}⟧\par}
+\section Field separators
+You can use other field separators than tabs by using the lower-level command
+⟦*\applytemplate⟧; in fact, ⟦\tsvtemplate[fields]⟧ is equivalent to
+⟦*\applytemplate⟧⟦ \^^I {fields}⟧\par}
+(Note that ⟦\^^I⟧ is just the tab character, preceded by a backslash. For
+colon-separated values you could say ⟦\:⟧ etc.)
+The ⟦fields⟧ may be separated either by commas or by the separator character.
+Note that they are no longer optional: leave the argument empty in order to
+have tsv read the first line of the file as a header line.
+\section Limitations
+Every row in the tsv file must have the exact same number of columns; an error
+is emitted otherwise.
+When reading files with commas or semicolons as field separators, be aware of
+programs generating fields surrounded by double quotes (⟦"⟧ characters)
+containing commas (or semicolons) themselves. Such files will confuse this
+package. The best thing you can do is convert them to proper tsv, which has no
+need for quoting.
+\section Implementation
+\font\eighttt {Latin Modern Mono:script=latn;+smcp;} at 8pt
+\font\eightit {Latin Modern Roman/I:script=latn;} at 8pt
+ \noindent \vrule height 2pt depth 8pt
+ \raise1.6pt\vbox{\hrule width 2em} file: #1\par\nointerlineskip
+ \let\tentt\eighttt\let\tenit\eightit
+ \baselineskip10pt \leftskip1em
+ \hbox{\vrule\vtop{⟦\relax\input{#1}⟧}}\nointerlineskip
+ \vskip-\baselineskip\endgroup
+ \noindent \raise1.6pt\hbox{\vrule height 1em}%
+ \raise1.6pt\vbox{\hrule width 8em}\par}
+The latex style file simply loads the plain tex implementation:
+\dots which has been kept quite short, so that you may the more easier copy and
+modify it to suit your own needs: