path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/strict.lua
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diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/strict.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/strict.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 67cbf5b7f2..0000000000
--- a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/strict.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
---- Checks uses of undeclared global variables.
--- All global variables must be 'declared' through a regular assignment
--- (even assigning `nil` will do) in a main chunk before being used
--- anywhere or assigned to inside a function. Existing metatables `__newindex` and `__index`
--- metamethods are respected.
--- You can set any table to have strict behaviour using `strict.module`. Creating a new
--- module with `strict.closed_module` makes the module immune to monkey-patching, if
--- you don't wish to encourage monkey business.
--- If the global `PENLIGHT_NO_GLOBAL_STRICT` is defined, then this module won't make the
--- global environment strict - if you just want to explicitly set table strictness.
--- @module pl.strict
-require 'debug' -- for Lua 5.2
-local getinfo, error, rawset, rawget = debug.getinfo, error, rawset, rawget
-local strict = {}
-local function what ()
- local d = getinfo(3, "S")
- return d and d.what or "C"
---- make an existing table strict.
--- @string[opt] name name of table
--- @tab[opt] mod the table to protect - if `nil` then we'll return a new table
--- @tab[opt] predeclared - table of variables that are to be considered predeclared.
--- @return the given table, or a new table
--- @usage
--- local M = { hello = "world" }
--- strict.module ("Awesome_Module", M, {
--- Lua = true, -- defines allowed keys
--- })
--- assert(M.hello == "world")
--- assert(M.Lua == nil) -- access allowed, but has no value yet
--- M.Lua = "Rocks"
--- assert(M.Lua == "Rocks")
--- M.not_allowed = "bad boy" -- throws an error
-function strict.module (name,mod,predeclared)
- local mt, old_newindex, old_index, old_index_type, global
- if predeclared then
- global = predeclared.__global
- end
- if type(mod) == 'table' then
- mt = getmetatable(mod)
- if mt and rawget(mt,'__declared') then return end -- already patched...
- else
- mod = {}
- end
- if mt == nil then
- mt = {}
- setmetatable(mod, mt)
- else
- old_newindex = mt.__newindex
- old_index = mt.__index
- old_index_type = type(old_index)
- end
- mt.__declared = predeclared or {}
- mt.__newindex = function(t, n, v)
- if old_newindex then
- old_newindex(t, n, v)
- if rawget(t,n)~=nil then return end
- end
- if not mt.__declared[n] then
- if global then
- local w = what()
- if w ~= "main" and w ~= "C" then
- error("assign to undeclared global '"..n.."'", 2)
- end
- end
- mt.__declared[n] = true
- end
- rawset(t, n, v)
- end
- mt.__index = function(t,n)
- if not mt.__declared[n] and what() ~= "C" then
- if old_index then
- if old_index_type == "table" then
- local fallback = old_index[n]
- if fallback ~= nil then
- return fallback
- end
- else
- local res = old_index(t, n)
- if res ~= nil then
- return res
- end
- end
- end
- local msg = "variable '"..n.."' is not declared"
- if name then
- msg = msg .. " in '"..tostring(name).."'"
- end
- error(msg, 2)
- end
- return rawget(t, n)
- end
- return mod
---- make all tables in a table strict.
--- So `strict.make_all_strict(_G)` prevents monkey-patching
--- of any global table
--- @tab T the table containing the tables to protect. Table `T` itself will NOT be protected.
-function strict.make_all_strict (T)
- for k,v in pairs(T) do
- if type(v) == 'table' and v ~= T then
- strict.module(k,v)
- end
- end
---- make a new module table which is closed to further changes.
--- @tab mod module table
--- @string name module name
-function strict.closed_module (mod,name)
- -- No clue to what this is useful for? see tests
- -- Deprecate this and remove???
- local M = {}
- mod = mod or {}
- local mt = getmetatable(mod)
- if not mt then
- mt = {}
- setmetatable(mod,mt)
- end
- mt.__newindex = function(t,k,v)
- M[k] = v
- end
- return strict.module(name,M)
-if not rawget(_G,'PENLIGHT_NO_GLOBAL_STRICT') then
- strict.module(nil,_G,{_PROMPT=true,_PROMPT2=true,__global=true})
-return strict