path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/path.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/path.lua')
1 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/path.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/path.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a438a9df87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/path.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+--- Path manipulation and file queries.
+-- This is modelled after Python's os.path library (10.1); see @{|the Guide}.
+-- NOTE: the functions assume the paths being dealt with to originate
+-- from the OS the application is running on. Windows drive letters are not
+-- to be used when running on a Unix system for example. The one exception
+-- is Windows paths to allow both forward and backward slashes (since Lua
+-- also accepts those)
+-- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `lfs`
+-- @module pl.path
+-- imports and locals
+local _G = _G
+local sub = string.sub
+local getenv = os.getenv
+local tmpnam = os.tmpname
+local package = package
+local append, concat, remove = table.insert, table.concat, table.remove
+local utils = require 'pl.utils'
+local assert_string,raise = utils.assert_string,utils.raise
+local res,lfs = _G.pcall(_G.require,'lfs')
+if not res then
+ error("pl.path requires LuaFileSystem")
+local attrib = lfs.attributes
+local currentdir = lfs.currentdir
+local link_attrib = lfs.symlinkattributes
+local path = {}
+local function err_func(name, param, err, code)
+ local ret = ("%s failed"):format(tostring(name))
+ if param ~= nil then
+ ret = ret .. (" for '%s'"):format(tostring(param))
+ end
+ ret = ret .. (": %s"):format(tostring(err))
+ if code ~= nil then
+ ret = ret .. (" (code %s)"):format(tostring(code))
+ end
+ return ret
+--- Lua iterator over the entries of a given directory.
+-- Implicit link to [`luafilesystem.dir`](
+-- @function dir
+path.dir = lfs.dir
+--- Creates a directory.
+-- Implicit link to [`luafilesystem.mkdir`](
+-- @function mkdir
+path.mkdir = function(d)
+ local ok, err, code = lfs.mkdir(d)
+ if not ok then
+ return ok, err_func("mkdir", d, err, code), code
+ end
+ return ok, err, code
+--- Removes a directory.
+-- Implicit link to [`luafilesystem.rmdir`](
+-- @function rmdir
+path.rmdir = function(d)
+ local ok, err, code = lfs.rmdir(d)
+ if not ok then
+ return ok, err_func("rmdir", d, err, code), code
+ end
+ return ok, err, code
+--- Gets attributes.
+-- Implicit link to [`luafilesystem.attributes`](
+-- @function attrib
+path.attrib = function(d, r)
+ local ok, err, code = attrib(d, r)
+ if not ok then
+ return ok, err_func("attrib", d, err, code), code
+ end
+ return ok, err, code
+--- Get the working directory.
+-- Implicit link to [`luafilesystem.currentdir`](
+-- @function currentdir
+path.currentdir = function()
+ local ok, err, code = currentdir()
+ if not ok then
+ return ok, err_func("currentdir", nil, err, code), code
+ end
+ return ok, err, code
+--- Gets symlink attributes.
+-- Implicit link to [`luafilesystem.symlinkattributes`](
+-- @function link_attrib
+path.link_attrib = function(d, r)
+ local ok, err, code = link_attrib(d, r)
+ if not ok then
+ return ok, err_func("link_attrib", d, err, code), code
+ end
+ return ok, err, code
+--- Changes the working directory.
+-- On Windows, if a drive is specified, it also changes the current drive. If
+-- only specifying the drive, it will only switch drive, but not modify the path.
+-- Implicit link to [`luafilesystem.chdir`](
+-- @function chdir
+path.chdir = function(d)
+ local ok, err, code = lfs.chdir(d)
+ if not ok then
+ return ok, err_func("chdir", d, err, code), code
+ end
+ return ok, err, code
+--- is this a directory?
+-- @string P A file path
+function path.isdir(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ if P:match("\\$") then
+ P = P:sub(1,-2)
+ end
+ return attrib(P,'mode') == 'directory'
+--- is this a file?
+-- @string P A file path
+function path.isfile(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ return attrib(P,'mode') == 'file'
+-- is this a symbolic link?
+-- @string P A file path
+function path.islink(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ if link_attrib then
+ return link_attrib(P,'mode')=='link'
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+--- return size of a file.
+-- @string P A file path
+function path.getsize(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ return attrib(P,'size')
+--- does a path exist?
+-- @string P A file path
+-- @return the file path if it exists (either as file, directory, socket, etc), nil otherwise
+function path.exists(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ return attrib(P,'mode') ~= nil and P
+--- Return the time of last access as the number of seconds since the epoch.
+-- @string P A file path
+function path.getatime(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ return attrib(P,'access')
+--- Return the time of last modification as the number of seconds since the epoch.
+-- @string P A file path
+function path.getmtime(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ return attrib(P,'modification')
+---Return the system's ctime as the number of seconds since the epoch.
+-- @string P A file path
+function path.getctime(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ return path.attrib(P,'change')
+local function at(s,i)
+ return sub(s,i,i)
+path.is_windows = utils.is_windows
+local sep, other_sep, seps
+-- constant sep is the directory separator for this platform.
+-- constant dirsep is the separator in the PATH environment variable
+if path.is_windows then
+ path.sep = '\\'; other_sep = '/'
+ path.dirsep = ';'
+ seps = { ['/'] = true, ['\\'] = true }
+ path.sep = '/'
+ path.dirsep = ':'
+ seps = { ['/'] = true }
+sep = path.sep
+--- are we running Windows?
+-- @class field
+-- @name path.is_windows
+--- path separator for this platform.
+-- @class field
+-- @name path.sep
+--- separator for PATH for this platform
+-- @class field
+-- @name path.dirsep
+--- given a path, return the directory part and a file part.
+-- if there's no directory part, the first value will be empty
+-- @string P A file path
+-- @return directory part
+-- @return file part
+-- @usage
+-- local dir, file = path.splitpath("some/dir/myfile.txt")
+-- assert(dir == "some/dir")
+-- assert(file == "myfile.txt")
+-- local dir, file = path.splitpath("some/dir/")
+-- assert(dir == "some/dir")
+-- assert(file == "")
+-- local dir, file = path.splitpath("some_dir")
+-- assert(dir == "")
+-- assert(file == "some_dir")
+function path.splitpath(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ local i = #P
+ local ch = at(P,i)
+ while i > 0 and ch ~= sep and ch ~= other_sep do
+ i = i - 1
+ ch = at(P,i)
+ end
+ if i == 0 then
+ return '',P
+ else
+ return sub(P,1,i-1), sub(P,i+1)
+ end
+--- return an absolute path.
+-- @string P A file path
+-- @string[opt] pwd optional start path to use (default is current dir)
+function path.abspath(P,pwd)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ if pwd then assert_string(2,pwd) end
+ local use_pwd = pwd ~= nil
+ if not use_pwd and not currentdir() then return P end
+ P = P:gsub('[\\/]$','')
+ pwd = pwd or currentdir()
+ if not path.isabs(P) then
+ P = path.join(pwd,P)
+ elseif path.is_windows and not use_pwd and at(P,2) ~= ':' and at(P,2) ~= '\\' then
+ P = pwd:sub(1,2)..P -- attach current drive to path like '\\fred.txt'
+ end
+ return path.normpath(P)
+--- given a path, return the root part and the extension part.
+-- if there's no extension part, the second value will be empty
+-- @string P A file path
+-- @treturn string root part (everything upto the "."", maybe empty)
+-- @treturn string extension part (including the ".", maybe empty)
+-- @usage
+-- local file_path, ext = path.splitext("/bonzo/dog_stuff/cat.txt")
+-- assert(file_path == "/bonzo/dog_stuff/cat")
+-- assert(ext == ".txt")
+-- local file_path, ext = path.splitext("")
+-- assert(file_path == "")
+-- assert(ext == "")
+function path.splitext(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ local i = #P
+ local ch = at(P,i)
+ while i > 0 and ch ~= '.' do
+ if seps[ch] then
+ return P,''
+ end
+ i = i - 1
+ ch = at(P,i)
+ end
+ if i == 0 then
+ return P,''
+ else
+ return sub(P,1,i-1),sub(P,i)
+ end
+--- return the directory part of a path
+-- @string P A file path
+-- @treturn string everything before the last dir-separator
+-- @see splitpath
+-- @usage
+-- path.dirname("/some/path/file.txt") -- "/some/path"
+-- path.dirname("file.txt") -- "" (empty string)
+function path.dirname(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ local p1 = path.splitpath(P)
+ return p1
+--- return the file part of a path
+-- @string P A file path
+-- @treturn string
+-- @see splitpath
+-- @usage
+-- path.basename("/some/path/file.txt") -- "file.txt"
+-- path.basename("/some/path/file/") -- "" (empty string)
+function path.basename(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ local _,p2 = path.splitpath(P)
+ return p2
+--- get the extension part of a path.
+-- @string P A file path
+-- @treturn string
+-- @see splitext
+-- @usage
+-- path.extension("/some/path/file.txt") -- ".txt"
+-- path.extension("/some/path/file_txt") -- "" (empty string)
+function path.extension(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ local _,p2 = path.splitext(P)
+ return p2
+--- is this an absolute path?
+-- @string P A file path
+-- @usage
+-- path.isabs("hello/path") -- false
+-- path.isabs("/hello/path") -- true
+-- -- Windows;
+-- path.isabs("hello\path") -- false
+-- path.isabs("\hello\path") -- true
+-- path.isabs("C:\hello\path") -- true
+-- path.isabs("C:hello\path") -- false
+function path.isabs(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ if path.is_windows and at(P,2) == ":" then
+ return seps[at(P,3)] ~= nil
+ end
+ return seps[at(P,1)] ~= nil
+--- return the path resulting from combining the individual paths.
+-- if the second (or later) path is absolute, we return the last absolute path (joined with any non-absolute paths following).
+-- empty elements (except the last) will be ignored.
+-- @string p1 A file path
+-- @string p2 A file path
+-- @string ... more file paths
+-- @treturn string the combined path
+-- @usage
+-- path.join("/first","second","third") -- "/first/second/third"
+-- path.join("first","second/third") -- "first/second/third"
+-- path.join("/first","/second","third") -- "/second/third"
+function path.join(p1,p2,...)
+ assert_string(1,p1)
+ assert_string(2,p2)
+ if select('#',...) > 0 then
+ local p = path.join(p1,p2)
+ local args = {...}
+ for i = 1,#args do
+ assert_string(i,args[i])
+ p = path.join(p,args[i])
+ end
+ return p
+ end
+ if path.isabs(p2) then return p2 end
+ local endc = at(p1,#p1)
+ if endc ~= path.sep and endc ~= other_sep and endc ~= "" then
+ p1 = p1..path.sep
+ end
+ return p1..p2
+--- normalize the case of a pathname. On Unix, this returns the path unchanged,
+-- for Windows it converts;
+-- * the path to lowercase
+-- * forward slashes to backward slashes
+-- @string P A file path
+-- @usage path.normcase("/Some/Path/File.txt")
+-- -- Windows: "\some\path\file.txt"
+-- -- Others : "/Some/Path/File.txt"
+function path.normcase(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ if path.is_windows then
+ return P:gsub('/','\\'):lower()
+ else
+ return P
+ end
+--- normalize a path name.
+-- `A//B`, `A/./B`, and `A/foo/../B` all become `A/B`.
+-- An empty path results in '.'.
+-- @string P a file path
+function path.normpath(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ -- Split path into anchor and relative path.
+ local anchor = ''
+ if path.is_windows then
+ if P:match '^\\\\' then -- UNC
+ anchor = '\\\\'
+ P = P:sub(3)
+ elseif seps[at(P, 1)] then
+ anchor = '\\'
+ P = P:sub(2)
+ elseif at(P, 2) == ':' then
+ anchor = P:sub(1, 2)
+ P = P:sub(3)
+ if seps[at(P, 1)] then
+ anchor = anchor..'\\'
+ P = P:sub(2)
+ end
+ end
+ P = P:gsub('/','\\')
+ else
+ -- According to POSIX, in path start '//' and '/' are distinct,
+ -- but '///+' is equivalent to '/'.
+ if P:match '^//' and at(P, 3) ~= '/' then
+ anchor = '//'
+ P = P:sub(3)
+ elseif at(P, 1) == '/' then
+ anchor = '/'
+ P = P:match '^/*(.*)$'
+ end
+ end
+ local parts = {}
+ for part in P:gmatch('[^'..sep..']+') do
+ if part == '..' then
+ if #parts ~= 0 and parts[#parts] ~= '..' then
+ remove(parts)
+ else
+ append(parts, part)
+ end
+ elseif part ~= '.' then
+ append(parts, part)
+ end
+ end
+ P = anchor..concat(parts, sep)
+ if P == '' then P = '.' end
+ return P
+--- relative path from current directory or optional start point
+-- @string P a path
+-- @string[opt] start optional start point (default current directory)
+function path.relpath (P,start)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ if start then assert_string(2,start) end
+ local split,min,append = utils.split, math.min, table.insert
+ P = path.abspath(P,start)
+ start = start or currentdir()
+ local compare
+ if path.is_windows then
+ P = P:gsub("/","\\")
+ start = start:gsub("/","\\")
+ compare = function(v) return v:lower() end
+ else
+ compare = function(v) return v end
+ end
+ local startl, Pl = split(start,sep), split(P,sep)
+ local n = min(#startl,#Pl)
+ if path.is_windows and n > 0 and at(Pl[1],2) == ':' and Pl[1] ~= startl[1] then
+ return P
+ end
+ local k = n+1 -- default value if this loop doesn't bail out!
+ for i = 1,n do
+ if compare(startl[i]) ~= compare(Pl[i]) then
+ k = i
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ local rell = {}
+ for i = 1, #startl-k+1 do rell[i] = '..' end
+ if k <= #Pl then
+ for i = k,#Pl do append(rell,Pl[i]) end
+ end
+ return table.concat(rell,sep)
+--- Replace a starting '~' with the user's home directory.
+-- In windows, if HOME isn't set, then USERPROFILE is used in preference to
+-- HOMEDRIVE HOMEPATH. This is guaranteed to be writeable on all versions of Windows.
+-- @string P A file path
+function path.expanduser(P)
+ assert_string(1,P)
+ if at(P,1) == '~' then
+ local home = getenv('HOME')
+ if not home then -- has to be Windows
+ home = getenv 'USERPROFILE' or (getenv 'HOMEDRIVE' .. getenv 'HOMEPATH')
+ end
+ return home..sub(P,2)
+ else
+ return P
+ end
+---Return a suitable full path to a new temporary file name.
+-- unlike os.tmpname(), it always gives you a writeable path (uses TEMP environment variable on Windows)
+function path.tmpname ()
+ local res = tmpnam()
+ -- On Windows if Lua is compiled using MSVC14 os.tmpname
+ -- already returns an absolute path within TEMP env variable directory,
+ -- no need to prepend it.
+ if path.is_windows and not res:find(':') then
+ res = getenv('TEMP')..res
+ end
+ return res
+--- return the largest common prefix path of two paths.
+-- @string path1 a file path
+-- @string path2 a file path
+-- @return the common prefix (Windows: separators will be normalized, casing will be original)
+function path.common_prefix (path1,path2)
+ assert_string(1,path1)
+ assert_string(2,path2)
+ -- get them in order!
+ if #path1 > #path2 then path2,path1 = path1,path2 end
+ local compare
+ if path.is_windows then
+ path1 = path1:gsub("/", "\\")
+ path2 = path2:gsub("/", "\\")
+ compare = function(v) return v:lower() end
+ else
+ compare = function(v) return v end
+ end
+ for i = 1,#path1 do
+ if compare(at(path1,i)) ~= compare(at(path2,i)) then
+ local cp = path1:sub(1,i-1)
+ if at(path1,i-1) ~= sep then
+ cp = path.dirname(cp)
+ end
+ return cp
+ end
+ end
+ if at(path2,#path1+1) ~= sep then path1 = path.dirname(path1) end
+ return path1
+ --return ''
+--- return the full path where a particular Lua module would be found.
+-- Both package.path and package.cpath is searched, so the result may
+-- either be a Lua file or a shared library.
+-- @string mod name of the module
+-- @return on success: path of module, lua or binary
+-- @return on error: nil, error string listing paths tried
+function path.package_path(mod)
+ assert_string(1,mod)
+ local res, err1, err2
+ res, err1 = package.searchpath(mod,package.path)
+ if res then return res,true end
+ res, err2 = package.searchpath(mod,package.cpath)
+ if res then return res,false end
+ return raise ('cannot find module on path\n' .. err1 .. "\n" .. err2)
+---- finis -----
+return path