path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/lapp.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/lapp.lua')
1 files changed, 451 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/lapp.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/lapp.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..56d1d9d72f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/lapp.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+--- Simple command-line parsing using human-readable specification.
+-- Supports GNU-style parameters.
+-- lapp = require 'pl.lapp'
+-- local args = lapp [[
+-- Does some calculations
+-- -o,--offset (default 0.0) Offset to add to scaled number
+-- -s,--scale (number) Scaling factor
+-- <number> (number) Number to be scaled
+-- ]]
+-- print(args.offset + args.scale * args.number)
+-- Lines beginning with `'-'` are flags; there may be a short and a long name;
+-- lines beginning with `'<var>'` are arguments. Anything in parens after
+-- the flag/argument is either a default, a type name or a range constraint.
+-- See @{|the Guide}
+-- Dependencies: `pl.sip`
+-- @module pl.lapp
+local status,sip = pcall(require,'pl.sip')
+if not status then
+ sip = require 'sip'
+local match = sip.match_at_start
+local append,tinsert = table.insert,table.insert
+local function lines(s) return s:gmatch('([^\n]*)\n') end
+local function lstrip(str) return str:gsub('^%s+','') end
+local function strip(str) return lstrip(str):gsub('%s+$','') end
+local function at(s,k) return s:sub(k,k) end
+local lapp = {}
+local open_files,parms,aliases,parmlist,usage,script
+lapp.callback = false -- keep Strict happy
+local filetypes = {
+ stdin = {io.stdin,'file-in'}, stdout = {io.stdout,'file-out'},
+ stderr = {io.stderr,'file-out'}
+--- controls whether to dump usage on error.
+-- Defaults to true
+lapp.show_usage_error = true
+--- quit this script immediately.
+-- @string msg optional message
+-- @bool no_usage suppress 'usage' display
+function lapp.quit(msg,no_usage)
+ if no_usage == 'throw' then
+ error(msg)
+ end
+ if msg then
+ io.stderr:write(msg..'\n\n')
+ end
+ if not no_usage then
+ io.stderr:write(usage)
+ end
+ os.exit(1)
+--- print an error to stderr and quit.
+-- @string msg a message
+-- @bool no_usage suppress 'usage' display
+function lapp.error(msg,no_usage)
+ if not lapp.show_usage_error then
+ no_usage = true
+ elseif lapp.show_usage_error == 'throw' then
+ no_usage = 'throw'
+ end
+ lapp.quit(script..': '..msg,no_usage)
+--- open a file.
+-- This will quit on error, and keep a list of file objects for later cleanup.
+-- @string file filename
+-- @string[opt] opt same as second parameter of ``
+function (file,opt)
+ local val,err =,opt)
+ if not val then lapp.error(err,true) end
+ append(open_files,val)
+ return val
+--- quit if the condition is false.
+-- @bool condn a condition
+-- @string msg message text
+function lapp.assert(condn,msg)
+ if not condn then
+ lapp.error(msg)
+ end
+local function range_check(x,min,max,parm)
+ lapp.assert(min <= x and max >= x,parm..' out of range')
+local function xtonumber(s)
+ local val = tonumber(s)
+ if not val then lapp.error("unable to convert to number: "..s) end
+ return val
+local types = {}
+local builtin_types = {string=true,number=true,['file-in']='file',['file-out']='file',boolean=true}
+local function convert_parameter(ps,val)
+ if ps.converter then
+ val = ps.converter(val)
+ end
+ if ps.type == 'number' then
+ val = xtonumber(val)
+ elseif builtin_types[ps.type] == 'file' then
+ val =,(ps.type == 'file-in' and 'r') or 'w' )
+ elseif ps.type == 'boolean' then
+ return val
+ end
+ if ps.constraint then
+ ps.constraint(val)
+ end
+ return val
+--- add a new type to Lapp. These appear in parens after the value like
+-- a range constraint, e.g. '<ival> (integer) Process PID'
+-- @string name name of type
+-- @param converter either a function to convert values, or a Lua type name.
+-- @func[opt] constraint optional function to verify values, should use lapp.error
+-- if failed.
+function lapp.add_type (name,converter,constraint)
+ types[name] = {converter=converter,constraint=constraint}
+local function force_short(short)
+ lapp.assert(#short==1,short..": short parameters should be one character")
+-- deducing type of variable from default value;
+local function process_default (sval,vtype)
+ local val, success
+ if not vtype or vtype == 'number' then
+ val = tonumber(sval)
+ end
+ if val then -- we have a number!
+ return val,'number'
+ elseif filetypes[sval] then
+ local ft = filetypes[sval]
+ return ft[1],ft[2]
+ else
+ if sval == 'true' and not vtype then
+ return true, 'boolean'
+ end
+ if sval:match '^["\']' then sval = sval:sub(2,-2) end
+ local ps = types[vtype] or {}
+ ps.type = vtype
+ local show_usage_error = lapp.show_usage_error
+ lapp.show_usage_error = "throw"
+ success, val = pcall(convert_parameter, ps, sval)
+ lapp.show_usage_error = show_usage_error
+ if success then
+ return val, vtype or 'string'
+ end
+ return sval,vtype or 'string'
+ end
+--- process a Lapp options string.
+-- Usually called as `lapp()`.
+-- @string str the options text
+-- @tparam {string} args a table of arguments (default is `_G.arg`)
+-- @return a table with parameter-value pairs
+function lapp.process_options_string(str,args)
+ local results = {}
+ local varargs
+ local arg = args or _G.arg
+ open_files = {}
+ parms = {}
+ aliases = {}
+ parmlist = {}
+ local function check_varargs(s)
+ local res,cnt = s:gsub('^%.%.%.%s*','')
+ return res, (cnt > 0)
+ end
+ local function set_result(ps,parm,val)
+ parm = type(parm) == "string" and parm:gsub("%W", "_") or parm -- so foo-bar becomes foo_bar in Lua
+ if not ps.varargs then
+ results[parm] = val
+ else
+ if not results[parm] then
+ results[parm] = { val }
+ else
+ append(results[parm],val)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ usage = str
+ for _,a in ipairs(arg) do
+ if a == "-h" or a == "--help" then
+ return lapp.quit()
+ end
+ end
+ for line in lines(str) do
+ local res = {}
+ local optparm,defval,vtype,constraint,rest
+ line = lstrip(line)
+ local function check(str)
+ return match(str,line,res)
+ end
+ -- flags: either '-<short>', '-<short>,--<long>' or '--<long>'
+ if check '-$v{short}, --$o{long} $' or check '-$v{short} $' or check '--$o{long} $' then
+ if res.long then
+ optparm = res.long:gsub('[^%w%-]','_') -- I'm not sure the $o pattern will let anything else through?
+ if == 1 then optparm = optparm .. end
+ if res.short then aliases[res.short] = optparm end
+ else
+ optparm = res.short
+ end
+ if res.short and not lapp.slack then force_short(res.short) end
+, varargs = check_varargs(
+ elseif check '$<{name} $' then -- is it <parameter_name>?
+ -- so <input file...> becomes input_file ...
+ optparm,rest = '([^%.]+)(.*)'
+ optparm = optparm:gsub('%A','_')
+ varargs = rest == '...'
+ append(parmlist,optparm)
+ end
+ -- this is not a pure doc line and specifies the flag/parameter type
+ if then
+ line =
+ res = {}
+ local optional
+ -- do we have ([optional] [<type>] [default <val>])?
+ if match('$({def} $',line,res) or match('$({def}',line,res) then
+ local typespec = strip(res.def)
+ local ftype, rest = typespec:match('^(%S+)(.*)$')
+ rest = strip(rest)
+ if ftype == 'optional' then
+ ftype, rest = rest:match('^(%S+)(.*)$')
+ rest = strip(rest)
+ optional = true
+ end
+ local default
+ if ftype == 'default' then
+ default = true
+ if rest == '' then lapp.error("value must follow default") end
+ else -- a type specification
+ if match('$f{min}..$f{max}',ftype,res) then
+ -- a numerical range like 1..10
+ local min,max = res.min,res.max
+ vtype = 'number'
+ constraint = function(x)
+ range_check(x,min,max,optparm)
+ end
+ elseif not ftype:match '|' then -- plain type
+ vtype = ftype
+ else
+ -- 'enum' type is a string which must belong to
+ -- one of several distinct values
+ local enums = ftype
+ local enump = '|' .. enums .. '|'
+ vtype = 'string'
+ constraint = function(s)
+ lapp.assert(enump:match('|'..s..'|'),
+ "value '"..s.."' not in "..enums
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ = rest
+ typespec =
+ -- optional 'default value' clause. Type is inferred as
+ -- 'string' or 'number' if there's no explicit type
+ if default or match('default $r{rest}',typespec,res) then
+ defval,vtype = process_default(,vtype)
+ end
+ else -- must be a plain flag, no extra parameter required
+ defval = false
+ vtype = 'boolean'
+ end
+ local ps = {
+ type = vtype,
+ defval = defval,
+ required = defval == nil and not optional,
+ comment = or optparm,
+ constraint = constraint,
+ varargs = varargs
+ }
+ varargs = nil
+ if types[vtype] then
+ local converter = types[vtype].converter
+ if type(converter) == 'string' then
+ ps.type = converter
+ else
+ ps.converter = converter
+ end
+ ps.constraint = types[vtype].constraint
+ elseif not builtin_types[vtype] and vtype then
+ lapp.error(vtype.." is unknown type")
+ end
+ parms[optparm] = ps
+ end
+ end
+ -- cool, we have our parms, let's parse the command line args
+ local iparm = 1
+ local iextra = 1
+ local i = 1
+ local parm,ps,val
+ local end_of_flags = false
+ local function check_parm (parm)
+ local eqi = parm:find '[=:]'
+ if eqi then
+ tinsert(arg,i+1,parm:sub(eqi+1))
+ parm = parm:sub(1,eqi-1)
+ end
+ return parm,eqi
+ end
+ local function is_flag (parm)
+ return parms[aliases[parm] or parm]
+ end
+ while i <= #arg do
+ local theArg = arg[i]
+ local res = {}
+ -- after '--' we don't parse args and they end up in
+ -- the array part of the result (args[1] etc)
+ if theArg == '--' then
+ end_of_flags = true
+ iparm = #parmlist + 1
+ i = i + 1
+ theArg = arg[i]
+ if not theArg then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ -- look for a flag, -<short flags> or --<long flag>
+ if not end_of_flags and (match('--$S{long}',theArg,res) or match('-$S{short}',theArg,res)) then
+ if res.long then -- long option
+ parm = check_parm(res.long)
+ elseif #res.short == 1 or is_flag(res.short) then
+ parm = res.short
+ else
+ local parmstr,eq = check_parm(res.short)
+ if not eq then
+ parm = at(parmstr,1)
+ local flag = is_flag(parm)
+ if flag and flag.type ~= 'boolean' then
+ --if isdigit(at(parmstr,2)) then
+ -- a short option followed by a digit is an exception (for AW;))
+ -- push ahead into the arg array
+ tinsert(arg,i+1,parmstr:sub(2))
+ else
+ -- push multiple flags into the arg array!
+ for k = 2,#parmstr do
+ tinsert(arg,i+k-1,'-',k))
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ parm = parmstr
+ end
+ end
+ if aliases[parm] then parm = aliases[parm] end
+ if not parms[parm] and (parm == 'h' or parm == 'help') then
+ lapp.quit()
+ end
+ else -- a parameter
+ parm = parmlist[iparm]
+ if not parm then
+ -- extra unnamed parameters are indexed starting at 1
+ parm = iextra
+ ps = { type = 'string' }
+ parms[parm] = ps
+ iextra = iextra + 1
+ else
+ ps = parms[parm]
+ end
+ if not ps.varargs then
+ iparm = iparm + 1
+ end
+ val = theArg
+ end
+ ps = parms[parm]
+ if not ps then lapp.error("unrecognized parameter: "..parm) end
+ if ps.type ~= 'boolean' then -- we need a value! This should follow
+ if not val then
+ i = i + 1
+ val = arg[i]
+ theArg = val
+ end
+ lapp.assert(val,parm.." was expecting a value")
+ else -- toggle boolean flags (usually false -> true)
+ val = not ps.defval
+ end
+ ps.used = true
+ val = convert_parameter(ps,val)
+ set_result(ps,parm,val)
+ if builtin_types[ps.type] == 'file' then
+ set_result(ps,parm..'_name',theArg)
+ end
+ if lapp.callback then
+ lapp.callback(parm,theArg,res)
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ val = nil
+ end
+ -- check unused parms, set defaults and check if any required parameters were missed
+ for parm,ps in pairs(parms) do
+ if not ps.used then
+ if ps.required then lapp.error("missing required parameter: "..parm) end
+ set_result(ps,parm,ps.defval)
+ end
+ end
+ return results
+if arg then
+ script = arg[0]
+ script = script or rawget(_G,"LAPP_SCRIPT") or "unknown"
+ -- strip dir and extension to get current script name
+ script = script:gsub('.+[\\/]',''):gsub('%.%a+$','')
+ script = "inter"
+setmetatable(lapp, {
+ __call = function(tbl,str,args) return lapp.process_options_string(str,args) end,
+return lapp