path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/comprehension.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/comprehension.lua')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/comprehension.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/comprehension.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39be7c5260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/comprehension.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+--- List comprehensions implemented in Lua.
+-- See the [wiki page](
+-- local C= require 'pl.comprehension' . new()
+-- C ('x for x=1,10') ()
+-- ==> {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
+-- C 'x^2 for x=1,4' ()
+-- ==> {1,4,9,16}
+-- C '{x,x^2} for x=1,4' ()
+-- ==> {{1,1},{2,4},{3,9},{4,16}}
+-- C '2*x for x' {1,2,3}
+-- ==> {2,4,6}
+-- dbl = C '2*x for x'
+-- dbl {10,20,30}
+-- ==> {20,40,60}
+-- C 'x for x if x % 2 == 0' {1,2,3,4,5}
+-- ==> {2,4}
+-- C '{x,y} for x = 1,2 for y = 1,2' ()
+-- ==> {{1,1},{1,2},{2,1},{2,2}}
+-- C '{x,y} for x for y' ({1,2},{10,20})
+-- ==> {{1,10},{1,20},{2,10},{2,20}}
+-- assert(C 'sum(x^2 for x)' {2,3,4} == 2^2+3^2+4^2)
+-- (c) 2008 David Manura. Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT license).
+-- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `pl.luabalanced`
+-- See @{|the Guide}
+-- @module pl.comprehension
+local utils = require 'pl.utils'
+local status,lb = pcall(require, "pl.luabalanced")
+if not status then
+ lb = require 'luabalanced'
+local math_max = math.max
+local table_concat = table.concat
+-- fold operations
+local ops = {
+ list = {init=' {} ', accum=' __result[#__result+1] = (%s) '},
+ table = {init=' {} ', accum=' local __k, __v = %s __result[__k] = __v '},
+ sum = {init=' 0 ', accum=' __result = __result + (%s) '},
+ min = {init=' nil ', accum=' local __tmp = %s ' ..
+ ' if __result then if __tmp < __result then ' ..
+ '__result = __tmp end else __result = __tmp end '},
+ max = {init=' nil ', accum=' local __tmp = %s ' ..
+ ' if __result then if __tmp > __result then ' ..
+ '__result = __tmp end else __result = __tmp end '},
+-- Parses comprehension string expr.
+-- Returns output expression list <out> string, array of for types
+-- ('=', 'in' or nil) <fortypes>, array of input variable name
+-- strings <invarlists>, array of input variable value strings
+-- <invallists>, array of predicate expression strings <preds>,
+-- operation name string <opname>, and number of placeholder
+-- parameters <max_param>.
+-- The is equivalent to the mathematical set-builder notation:
+-- <opname> { <out> | <invarlist> in <invallist> , <preds> }
+-- @usage "x^2 for x" -- array values
+-- @usage "x^2 for x=1,10,2" -- numeric for
+-- @usage "k^v for k,v in pairs(_1)" -- iterator for
+-- @usage "(x+y)^2 for x for y if x > y" -- nested
+local function parse_comprehension(expr)
+ local pos = 1
+ -- extract opname (if exists)
+ local opname
+ local tok, post = expr:match('^%s*([%a_][%w_]*)%s*%(()', pos)
+ local pose = #expr + 1
+ if tok then
+ local tok2, posb = lb.match_bracketed(expr, post-1)
+ assert(tok2, 'syntax error')
+ if expr:match('^%s*$', posb) then
+ opname = tok
+ pose = posb - 1
+ pos = post
+ end
+ end
+ opname = opname or "list"
+ -- extract out expression list
+ local out; out, pos = lb.match_explist(expr, pos)
+ assert(out, "syntax error: missing expression list")
+ out = table_concat(out, ', ')
+ -- extract "for" clauses
+ local fortypes = {}
+ local invarlists = {}
+ local invallists = {}
+ while 1 do
+ local post = expr:match('^%s*for%s+()', pos)
+ if not post then break end
+ pos = post
+ -- extract input vars
+ local iv; iv, pos = lb.match_namelist(expr, pos)
+ assert(#iv > 0, 'syntax error: zero variables')
+ for _,ident in ipairs(iv) do
+ assert(not ident:match'^__',
+ "identifier " .. ident .. " may not contain __ prefix")
+ end
+ invarlists[#invarlists+1] = iv
+ -- extract '=' or 'in' (optional)
+ local fortype, post = expr:match('^(=)%s*()', pos)
+ if not fortype then fortype, post = expr:match('^(in)%s+()', pos) end
+ if fortype then
+ pos = post
+ -- extract input value range
+ local il; il, pos = lb.match_explist(expr, pos)
+ assert(#il > 0, 'syntax error: zero expressions')
+ assert(fortype ~= '=' or #il == 2 or #il == 3,
+ 'syntax error: numeric for requires 2 or three expressions')
+ fortypes[#invarlists] = fortype
+ invallists[#invarlists] = il
+ else
+ fortypes[#invarlists] = false
+ invallists[#invarlists] = false
+ end
+ end
+ assert(#invarlists > 0, 'syntax error: missing "for" clause')
+ -- extract "if" clauses
+ local preds = {}
+ while 1 do
+ local post = expr:match('^%s*if%s+()', pos)
+ if not post then break end
+ pos = post
+ local pred; pred, pos = lb.match_expression(expr, pos)
+ assert(pred, 'syntax error: predicated expression not found')
+ preds[#preds+1] = pred
+ end
+ -- extract number of parameter variables (name matching "_%d+")
+ local stmp = ''; lb.gsub(expr, function(u, sin) -- strip comments/strings
+ if u == 'e' then stmp = stmp .. ' ' .. sin .. ' ' end
+ end)
+ local max_param = 0; stmp:gsub('[%a_][%w_]*', function(s)
+ local s = s:match('^_(%d+)$')
+ if s then max_param = math_max(max_param, tonumber(s)) end
+ end)
+ if pos ~= pose then
+ assert(false, "syntax error: unrecognized " .. expr:sub(pos))
+ end
+ --DEBUG:
+ --print('----\n', string.format("%q", expr), string.format("%q", out), opname)
+ --for k,v in ipairs(invarlists) do print(k,v, invallists[k]) end
+ --for k,v in ipairs(preds) do print(k,v) end
+ return out, fortypes, invarlists, invallists, preds, opname, max_param
+-- Create Lua code string representing comprehension.
+-- Arguments are in the form returned by parse_comprehension.
+local function code_comprehension(
+ out, fortypes, invarlists, invallists, preds, opname, max_param
+ local op = assert(ops[opname])
+ local code = op.accum:gsub('%%s', out)
+ for i=#preds,1,-1 do local pred = preds[i]
+ code = ' if ' .. pred .. ' then ' .. code .. ' end '
+ end
+ for i=#invarlists,1,-1 do
+ if not fortypes[i] then
+ local arrayname = '__in' .. i
+ local idx = '__idx' .. i
+ code =
+ ' for ' .. idx .. ' = 1, #' .. arrayname .. ' do ' ..
+ ' local ' .. invarlists[i][1] .. ' = ' .. arrayname .. '['..idx..'] ' ..
+ code .. ' end '
+ else
+ code =
+ ' for ' ..
+ table_concat(invarlists[i], ', ') ..
+ ' ' .. fortypes[i] .. ' ' ..
+ table_concat(invallists[i], ', ') ..
+ ' do ' .. code .. ' end '
+ end
+ end
+ code = ' local __result = ( ' .. op.init .. ' ) ' .. code
+ return code
+-- Convert code string represented by code_comprehension
+-- into Lua function. Also must pass ninputs = #invarlists,
+-- max_param, and invallists (from parse_comprehension).
+-- Uses environment env.
+local function wrap_comprehension(code, ninputs, max_param, invallists, env)
+ assert(ninputs > 0)
+ local ts = {}
+ for i=1,max_param do
+ ts[#ts+1] = '_' .. i
+ end
+ for i=1,ninputs do
+ if not invallists[i] then
+ local name = '__in' .. i
+ ts[#ts+1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ if #ts > 0 then
+ code = ' local ' .. table_concat(ts, ', ') .. ' = ... ' .. code
+ end
+ code = code .. ' return __result '
+ --print('DEBUG:', code)
+ local f, err = utils.load(code,'tmp','t',env)
+ if not f then assert(false, err .. ' with generated code ' .. code) end
+ return f
+-- Build Lua function from comprehension string.
+-- Uses environment env.
+local function build_comprehension(expr, env)
+ local out, fortypes, invarlists, invallists, preds, opname, max_param
+ = parse_comprehension(expr)
+ local code = code_comprehension(
+ out, fortypes, invarlists, invallists, preds, opname, max_param)
+ local f = wrap_comprehension(code, #invarlists, max_param, invallists, env)
+ return f
+-- Creates new comprehension cache.
+-- Any list comprehension function created are set to the environment
+-- env (defaults to caller of new).
+local function new(env)
+ -- Note: using a single global comprehension cache would have had
+ -- security implications (e.g. retrieving cached functions created
+ -- in other environments).
+ -- The cache lookup function could have instead been written to retrieve
+ -- the caller's environment, lookup up the cache private to that
+ -- environment, and then looked up the function in that cache.
+ -- That would avoid the need for this <new> call to
+ -- explicitly manage caches; however, that might also have an undue
+ -- performance penalty.
+ if not env then
+ env = utils.getfenv(2)
+ end
+ local mt = {}
+ local cache = setmetatable({}, mt)
+ -- Index operator builds, caches, and returns Lua function
+ -- corresponding to comprehension expression string.
+ --
+ -- Example: f = comprehension['x^2 for x']
+ --
+ function mt:__index(expr)
+ local f = build_comprehension(expr, env)
+ self[expr] = f -- cache
+ return f
+ end
+ -- Convenience syntax.
+ -- Allows comprehension 'x^2 for x' instead of comprehension['x^2 for x'].
+ mt.__call = mt.__index
+ = new
+ return cache
+local comprehension = {} = new
+return comprehension