path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/array2d.lua
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index 2bc13b9cd4..0000000000
--- a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/array2d.lua
+++ /dev/null
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---- Operations on two-dimensional arrays.
--- See @{|The Guide}
--- The size of the arrays is determined by using the length operator `#` hence
--- the module is not `nil` safe, and the usual precautions apply.
--- Note: all functions taking `i1,j1,i2,j2` as arguments will normalize the
--- arguments using `default_range`.
--- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `pl.tablex`, `pl.types`
--- @module pl.array2d
-local tonumber,tostring,io,ipairs,string,table =
- _G.tonumber,_G.tostring,,_G.ipairs,_G.string,_G.table
-local setmetatable,getmetatable = setmetatable,getmetatable
-local tablex = require 'pl.tablex'
-local utils = require 'pl.utils'
-local types = require 'pl.types'
-local imap,tmap,reduce,keys,tmap2,tset,index_by = tablex.imap,,tablex.reduce,tablex.keys,tablex.map2,tablex.set,tablex.index_by
-local remove = table.remove
-local splitv,fprintf,assert_arg = utils.splitv,utils.fprintf,utils.assert_arg
-local byte = string.byte
-local stdout = io.stdout
-local min = math.min
-local array2d = {}
-local function obj (int,out)
- local mt = getmetatable(int)
- if mt then
- setmetatable(out,mt)
- end
- return out
-local function makelist (res)
- return setmetatable(res, require('pl.List'))
---- return the row and column size.
--- Size is calculated using the Lua length operator #, so usual precautions
--- regarding `nil` values apply.
--- @array2d a a 2d array
--- @treturn int number of rows (`#a`)
--- @treturn int number of cols (`#a[1]`)
-function array2d.size (a)
- assert_arg(1,a,'table')
- return #a,#a[1]
- local function index (t,k)
- return t[k]
- end
- --- extract a column from the 2D array.
- -- @array2d a 2d array
- -- @param j column index
- -- @return 1d array
- function array2d.column (a,j)
- assert_arg(1,a,'table')
- return makelist(imap(index,a,j))
- end
-local column = array2d.column
---- extract a row from the 2D array.
--- Added in line with `column`, for read-only purposes directly
--- accessing a[i] is more performant.
--- @array2d a 2d array
--- @param i row index
--- @return 1d array (copy of the row)
-function array2d.row(a,i)
- assert_arg(1,a,'table')
- local row = a[i]
- local r = {}
- for n,v in ipairs(row) do
- r[n] = v
- end
- return makelist(r)
---- map a function over a 2D array
--- @func f a function of at least one argument
--- @array2d a 2d array
--- @param arg an optional extra argument to be passed to the function.
--- @return 2d array
-function (f,a,arg)
- assert_arg(2,a,'table')
- f = utils.function_arg(1,f)
- return obj(a,imap(function(row) return imap(f,row,arg) end, a))
---- reduce the rows using a function.
--- @func f a binary function
--- @array2d a 2d array
--- @return 1d array
--- @see pl.tablex.reduce
-function array2d.reduce_rows (f,a)
- assert_arg(1,a,'table')
- return tmap(function(row) return reduce(f,row) end, a)
---- reduce the columns using a function.
--- @func f a binary function
--- @array2d a 2d array
--- @return 1d array
--- @see pl.tablex.reduce
-function array2d.reduce_cols (f,a)
- assert_arg(1,a,'table')
- return tmap(function(c) return reduce(f,column(a,c)) end, keys(a[1]))
---- reduce a 2D array into a scalar, using two operations.
--- @func opc operation to reduce the final result
--- @func opr operation to reduce the rows
--- @param a 2D array
-function array2d.reduce2 (opc,opr,a)
- assert_arg(3,a,'table')
- local tmp = array2d.reduce_rows(opr,a)
- return reduce(opc,tmp)
---- map a function over two arrays.
--- They can be both or either 2D arrays
--- @func f function of at least two arguments
--- @int ad order of first array (`1` if `a` is a list/array, `2` if it is a 2d array)
--- @int bd order of second array (`1` if `b` is a list/array, `2` if it is a 2d array)
--- @tab a 1d or 2d array
--- @tab b 1d or 2d array
--- @param arg optional extra argument to pass to function
--- @return 2D array, unless both arrays are 1D
-function array2d.map2 (f,ad,bd,a,b,arg)
- assert_arg(1,a,'table')
- assert_arg(2,b,'table')
- f = utils.function_arg(1,f)
- if ad == 1 and bd == 2 then
- return imap(function(row)
- return tmap2(f,a,row,arg)
- end, b)
- elseif ad == 2 and bd == 1 then
- return imap(function(row)
- return tmap2(f,row,b,arg)
- end, a)
- elseif ad == 1 and bd == 1 then
- return tmap2(f,a,b)
- elseif ad == 2 and bd == 2 then
- return tmap2(function(rowa,rowb)
- return tmap2(f,rowa,rowb,arg)
- end, a,b)
- end
---- cartesian product of two 1d arrays.
--- @func f a function of 2 arguments
--- @array t1 a 1d table
--- @array t2 a 1d table
--- @return 2d table
--- @usage product('..',{1,2},{'a','b'}) == {{'1a','2a'},{'1b','2b'}}
-function array2d.product (f,t1,t2)
- f = utils.function_arg(1,f)
- assert_arg(2,t1,'table')
- assert_arg(3,t2,'table')
- local res = {}
- for i,v in ipairs(t2) do
- res[i] = tmap(f,t1,v)
- end
- return res
---- flatten a 2D array.
--- (this goes over columns first.)
--- @array2d t 2d table
--- @return a 1d table
--- @usage flatten {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}} == {1,2,3,4,5,6}
-function array2d.flatten (t)
- local res = {}
- local k = 1
- local rows, cols = array2d.size(t)
- for r = 1, rows do
- local row = t[r]
- for c = 1, cols do
- res[k] = row[c]
- k = k + 1
- end
- end
- return makelist(res)
---- reshape a 2D array. Reshape the aray by specifying a new nr of rows.
--- @array2d t 2d array
--- @int nrows new number of rows
--- @bool co use column-order (Fortran-style) (default false)
--- @return a new 2d array
-function array2d.reshape (t,nrows,co)
- local nr,nc = array2d.size(t)
- local ncols = nr*nc / nrows
- local res = {}
- local ir,ic = 1,1
- for i = 1,nrows do
- local row = {}
- for j = 1,ncols do
- row[j] = t[ir][ic]
- if not co then
- ic = ic + 1
- if ic > nc then
- ir = ir + 1
- ic = 1
- end
- else
- ir = ir + 1
- if ir > nr then
- ic = ic + 1
- ir = 1
- end
- end
- end
- res[i] = row
- end
- return obj(t,res)
---- transpose a 2D array.
--- @array2d t 2d array
--- @return a new 2d array
-function array2d.transpose(t)
- assert_arg(1,t,'table')
- local _, c = array2d.size(t)
- return array2d.reshape(t,c,true)
---- swap two rows of an array.
--- @array2d t a 2d array
--- @int i1 a row index
--- @int i2 a row index
--- @return t (same, modified 2d array)
-function array2d.swap_rows (t,i1,i2)
- assert_arg(1,t,'table')
- t[i1],t[i2] = t[i2],t[i1]
- return t
---- swap two columns of an array.
--- @array2d t a 2d array
--- @int j1 a column index
--- @int j2 a column index
--- @return t (same, modified 2d array)
-function array2d.swap_cols (t,j1,j2)
- assert_arg(1,t,'table')
- for _, row in ipairs(t) do
- row[j1],row[j2] = row[j2],row[j1]
- end
- return t
---- extract the specified rows.
--- @array2d t 2d array
--- @tparam {int} ridx a table of row indices
--- @return a new 2d array with the extracted rows
-function array2d.extract_rows (t,ridx)
- return obj(t,index_by(t,ridx))
---- extract the specified columns.
--- @array2d t 2d array
--- @tparam {int} cidx a table of column indices
--- @return a new 2d array with the extracted colums
-function array2d.extract_cols (t,cidx)
- assert_arg(1,t,'table')
- local res = {}
- for i = 1,#t do
- res[i] = index_by(t[i],cidx)
- end
- return obj(t,res)
---- remove a row from an array.
--- @function array2d.remove_row
--- @array2d t a 2d array
--- @int i a row index
-array2d.remove_row = remove
---- remove a column from an array.
--- @array2d t a 2d array
--- @int j a column index
-function array2d.remove_col (t,j)
- assert_arg(1,t,'table')
- for i = 1,#t do
- remove(t[i],j)
- end
- local function _parse (s)
- local r, c = s:match 'R(%d+)C(%d+)'
- if r then
- r,c = tonumber(r),tonumber(c)
- return r,c
- end
- c,r = s:match '(%a+)(%d+)'
- if c then
- local cv = 0
- for i = 1, #c do
- cv = cv * 26 + byte(c:sub(i,i)) - byte 'A' + 1
- end
- return tonumber(r), cv
- end
- error('bad cell specifier: '..s)
- end
- --- parse a spreadsheet range.
- -- The range can be specified either as 'A1:B2' or 'R1C1:R2C2';
- -- a special case is a single element (e.g 'A1' or 'R1C1')
- -- @string s a range (case insensitive).
- -- @treturn int start row
- -- @treturn int start col
- -- @treturn int end row
- -- @treturn int end col
- function array2d.parse_range (s)
- assert_arg(1,s,'string')
- s = s:upper()
- if s:find ':' then
- local start,finish = splitv(s,':')
- local i1,j1 = _parse(start)
- local i2,j2 = _parse(finish)
- return i1,j1,i2,j2
- else -- single value
- local i,j = _parse(s)
- return i,j
- end
- end
---- get a slice of a 2D array using spreadsheet range notation. @see parse_range
--- @array2d t a 2D array
--- @string rstr range expression
--- @return a slice
--- @see array2d.parse_range
--- @see array2d.slice
-function array2d.range (t,rstr)
- assert_arg(1,t,'table')
- return array2d.slice(t,array2d.parse_range(rstr))
-local default_range do
- local function norm_value(v, max)
- if not v then return v end
- if v < 0 then
- v = max + v + 1
- end
- if v < 1 then v = 1 end
- if v > max then v = max end
- return v
- end
- --- normalizes coordinates to valid positive entries and defaults.
- -- Negative indices will be counted from the end, too low, or too high
- -- will be limited by the array sizes.
- -- @array2d t a 2D array
- -- @int i1 start row (default 1)
- -- @int j1 start col (default 1)
- -- @int i2 end row (default N)
- -- @int j2 end col (default M)
- -- return i1, j1, i2, j2
- function array2d.default_range (t,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- local nr, nc = array2d.size(t)
- i1 = norm_value(i1 or 1, nr)
- j1 = norm_value(j1 or 1, nc)
- i2 = norm_value(i2 or nr, nr)
- j2 = norm_value(j2 or nc, nc)
- return i1,j1,i2,j2
- end
- default_range = array2d.default_range
---- get a slice of a 2D array. Note that if the specified range has
--- a 1D result, the rank of the result will be 1.
--- @array2d t a 2D array
--- @int i1 start row (default 1)
--- @int j1 start col (default 1)
--- @int i2 end row (default N)
--- @int j2 end col (default M)
--- @return an array, 2D in general but 1D in special cases.
-function array2d.slice (t,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- assert_arg(1,t,'table')
- i1,j1,i2,j2 = default_range(t,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- local res = {}
- for i = i1,i2 do
- local val
- local row = t[i]
- if j1 == j2 then
- val = row[j1]
- else
- val = {}
- for j = j1,j2 do
- val[#val+1] = row[j]
- end
- end
- res[#res+1] = val
- end
- if i1 == i2 then res = res[1] end
- return obj(t,res)
---- set a specified range of an array to a value.
--- @array2d t a 2D array
--- @param value the value (may be a function, called as `val(i,j)`)
--- @int i1 start row (default 1)
--- @int j1 start col (default 1)
--- @int i2 end row (default N)
--- @int j2 end col (default M)
--- @see tablex.set
-function array2d.set (t,value,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- i1,j1,i2,j2 = default_range(t,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- local i = i1
- if types.is_callable(value) then
- local old_f = value
- value = function(j)
- return old_f(i,j)
- end
- end
- while i <= i2 do
- tset(t[i],value,j1,j2)
- i = i + 1
- end
---- write a 2D array to a file.
--- @array2d t a 2D array
--- @param f a file object (default stdout)
--- @string fmt a format string (default is just to use tostring)
--- @int i1 start row (default 1)
--- @int j1 start col (default 1)
--- @int i2 end row (default N)
--- @int j2 end col (default M)
-function array2d.write (t,f,fmt,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- assert_arg(1,t,'table')
- f = f or stdout
- local rowop
- if fmt then
- rowop = function(row,j) fprintf(f,fmt,row[j]) end
- else
- rowop = function(row,j) f:write(tostring(row[j]),' ') end
- end
- local function newline()
- f:write '\n'
- end
- array2d.forall(t,rowop,newline,i1,j1,i2,j2)
---- perform an operation for all values in a 2D array.
--- @array2d t 2D array
--- @func row_op function to call on each value; `row_op(row,j)`
--- @func end_row_op function to call at end of each row; `end_row_op(i)`
--- @int i1 start row (default 1)
--- @int j1 start col (default 1)
--- @int i2 end row (default N)
--- @int j2 end col (default M)
-function array2d.forall (t,row_op,end_row_op,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- assert_arg(1,t,'table')
- i1,j1,i2,j2 = default_range(t,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- for i = i1,i2 do
- local row = t[i]
- for j = j1,j2 do
- row_op(row,j)
- end
- if end_row_op then end_row_op(i) end
- end
----- move a block from the destination to the source.
--- @array2d dest a 2D array
--- @int di start row in dest
--- @int dj start col in dest
--- @array2d src a 2D array
--- @int i1 start row (default 1)
--- @int j1 start col (default 1)
--- @int i2 end row (default N)
--- @int j2 end col (default M)
-function array2d.move (dest,di,dj,src,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- assert_arg(1,dest,'table')
- assert_arg(4,src,'table')
- i1,j1,i2,j2 = default_range(src,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- local nr,nc = array2d.size(dest)
- i2, j2 = min(nr,i2), min(nc,j2)
- --i1, j1 = max(1,i1), max(1,j1)
- dj = dj - 1
- for i = i1,i2 do
- local drow, srow = dest[i+di-1], src[i]
- for j = j1,j2 do
- drow[j+dj] = srow[j]
- end
- end
---- iterate over all elements in a 2D array, with optional indices.
--- @array2d a 2D array
--- @bool indices with indices (default false)
--- @int i1 start row (default 1)
--- @int j1 start col (default 1)
--- @int i2 end row (default N)
--- @int j2 end col (default M)
--- @return either `value` or `i,j,value` depending on the value of `indices`
-function array2d.iter(a,indices,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- assert_arg(1,a,'table')
- i1,j1,i2,j2 = default_range(a,i1,j1,i2,j2)
- local i,j = i1,j1-1
- local row = a[i]
- return function()
- j = j + 1
- if j > j2 then
- j = j1
- i = i + 1
- row = a[i]
- if i > i2 then
- return nil
- end
- end
- if indices then
- return i,j,row[j]
- else
- return row[j]
- end
- end
---- iterate over all columns.
--- @array2d a a 2D array
--- @return column, column-index
-function array2d.columns(a)
- assert_arg(1,a,'table')
- local n = #a[1]
- local i = 0
- return function()
- i = i + 1
- if i > n then return nil end
- return column(a,i), i
- end
---- iterate over all rows.
--- Returns a copy of the row, for read-only purrposes directly iterating
--- is more performant; `ipairs(a)`
--- @array2d a a 2D array
--- @return row, row-index
-function array2d.rows(a)
- assert_arg(1,a,'table')
- local n = #a
- local i = 0
- return function()
- i = i + 1
- if i > n then return nil end
- return array2d.row(a,i), i
- end
---- new array of specified dimensions
--- @int rows number of rows
--- @int cols number of cols
--- @param val initial value; if it's a function then use `val(i,j)`
--- @return new 2d array
- local res = {}
- local fun = types.is_callable(val)
- for i = 1,rows do
- local row = {}
- if fun then
- for j = 1,cols do row[j] = val(i,j) end
- else
- for j = 1,cols do row[j] = val end
- end
- res[i] = row
- end
- return res
-return array2d