path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/List.lua
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diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/List.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/List.lua
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index b66c251eaf..0000000000
--- a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/List.lua
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---- Python-style list class.
--- **Please Note**: methods that change the list will return the list.
--- This is to allow for method chaining, but please note that `ls = ls:sort()`
--- does not mean that a new copy of the list is made. In-place (mutable) methods
--- are marked as returning 'the list' in this documentation.
--- See the Guide for further @{|discussion}
--- See <a href=""></a>, section 5.1
--- **Note**: The comments before some of the functions are from the Python docs
--- and contain Python code.
--- Written for Lua version Nick Trout 4.0; Redone for Lua 5.1, Steve Donovan.
--- Dependencies: `pl.utils`, `pl.tablex`, `pl.class`
--- @classmod pl.List
--- @pragma nostrip
-local tinsert,tremove,concat,tsort = table.insert,table.remove,table.concat,table.sort
-local setmetatable, getmetatable,type,tostring,string = setmetatable,getmetatable,type,tostring,string
-local tablex = require 'pl.tablex'
-local filter,imap,imap2,reduce,transform,tremovevalues = tablex.filter,tablex.imap,tablex.imap2,tablex.reduce,tablex.transform,tablex.removevalues
-local tsub = tablex.sub
-local utils = require 'pl.utils'
-local class = require 'pl.class'
-local array_tostring,split,assert_arg,function_arg = utils.array_tostring,utils.split,utils.assert_arg,utils.function_arg
-local normalize_slice = tablex._normalize_slice
--- metatable for our list and map objects has already been defined..
-local Multimap = utils.stdmt.MultiMap
-local List = utils.stdmt.List
-local iter
--- we want the result to be _covariant_, i.e. t must have type of obj if possible
-local function makelist (t,obj)
- local klass = List
- if obj then
- klass = getmetatable(obj)
- end
- return setmetatable(t,klass)
-local function simple_table(t)
- return type(t) == 'table' and not getmetatable(t) and #t > 0
-function List._create (src)
- if simple_table(src) then return src end
-function List:_init (src)
- if self == src then return end -- existing table used as self!
- if src then
- for v in iter(src) do
- tinsert(self,v)
- end
- end
---- Create a new list. Can optionally pass a table;
--- passing another instance of List will cause a copy to be created;
--- this will return a plain table with an appropriate metatable.
--- we pass anything which isn't a simple table to iterate() to work out
--- an appropriate iterator
--- @see List.iterate
--- @param[opt] t An optional list-like table
--- @return a new List
--- @usage ls = List(); ls = List {1,2,3,4}
--- @function
- = List
---- Make a copy of an existing list.
--- The difference from a plain 'copy constructor' is that this returns
--- the actual List subtype.
-function List:clone()
- local ls = makelist({},self)
- ls:extend(self)
- return ls
---- Add an item to the end of the list.
--- @param i An item
--- @return the list
-function List:append(i)
- tinsert(self,i)
- return self
-List.push = tinsert
---- Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list.
--- equivalent to 'a[len(a):] = L'.
--- @tparam List L Another List
--- @return the list
-function List:extend(L)
- assert_arg(1,L,'table')
- for i = 1,#L do tinsert(self,L[i]) end
- return self
---- Insert an item at a given position. i is the index of the
--- element before which to insert.
--- @int i index of element before whichh to insert
--- @param x A data item
--- @return the list
-function List:insert(i, x)
- assert_arg(1,i,'number')
- tinsert(self,i,x)
- return self
---- Insert an item at the begining of the list.
--- @param x a data item
--- @return the list
-function List:put (x)
- return self:insert(1,x)
---- Remove an element given its index.
--- (equivalent of Python's del s[i])
--- @int i the index
--- @return the list
-function List:remove (i)
- assert_arg(1,i,'number')
- tremove(self,i)
- return self
---- Remove the first item from the list whose value is given.
--- (This is called 'remove' in Python; renamed to avoid confusion
--- with table.remove)
--- Return nil if there is no such item.
--- @param x A data value
--- @return the list
-function List:remove_value(x)
- for i=1,#self do
- if self[i]==x then tremove(self,i) return self end
- end
- return self
- end
---- Remove the item at the given position in the list, and return it.
--- If no index is specified, a:pop() returns the last item in the list.
--- The item is also removed from the list.
--- @int[opt] i An index
--- @return the item
-function List:pop(i)
- if not i then i = #self end
- assert_arg(1,i,'number')
- return tremove(self,i)
-List.get = List.pop
---- Return the index in the list of the first item whose value is given.
--- Return nil if there is no such item.
--- @function List:index
--- @param x A data value
--- @int[opt=1] idx where to start search
--- @return the index, or nil if not found.
-local tfind = tablex.find
-List.index = tfind
---- Does this list contain the value?
--- @param x A data value
--- @return true or false
-function List:contains(x)
- return tfind(self,x) and true or false
---- Return the number of times value appears in the list.
--- @param x A data value
--- @return number of times x appears
-function List:count(x)
- local cnt=0
- for i=1,#self do
- if self[i]==x then cnt=cnt+1 end
- end
- return cnt
---- Sort the items of the list, in place.
--- @func[opt='<'] cmp an optional comparison function
--- @return the list
-function List:sort(cmp)
- if cmp then cmp = function_arg(1,cmp) end
- tsort(self,cmp)
- return self
---- Return a sorted copy of this list.
--- @func[opt='<'] cmp an optional comparison function
--- @return a new list
-function List:sorted(cmp)
- return List(self):sort(cmp)
---- Reverse the elements of the list, in place.
--- @return the list
-function List:reverse()
- local t = self
- local n = #t
- for i = 1,n/2 do
- t[i],t[n] = t[n],t[i]
- n = n - 1
- end
- return self
---- Return the minimum and the maximum value of the list.
--- @return minimum value
--- @return maximum value
-function List:minmax()
- local vmin,vmax = 1e70,-1e70
- for i = 1,#self do
- local v = self[i]
- if v < vmin then vmin = v end
- if v > vmax then vmax = v end
- end
- return vmin,vmax
---- Emulate list slicing. like 'list[first:last]' in Python.
--- If first or last are negative then they are relative to the end of the list
--- eg. slice(-2) gives last 2 entries in a list, and
--- slice(-4,-2) gives from -4th to -2nd
--- @param first An index
--- @param last An index
--- @return a new List
-function List:slice(first,last)
- return tsub(self,first,last)
---- Empty the list.
--- @return the list
-function List:clear()
- for i=1,#self do tremove(self) end
- return self
-local eps = 1.0e-10
---- Emulate Python's range(x) function.
--- Include it in List table for tidiness
--- @int start A number
--- @int[opt] finish A number greater than start; if absent,
--- then start is 1 and finish is start
--- @int[opt=1] incr an increment (may be less than 1)
--- @return a List from start .. finish
--- @usage List.range(0,3) == List{0,1,2,3}
--- @usage List.range(4) = List{1,2,3,4}
--- @usage List.range(5,1,-1) == List{5,4,3,2,1}
-function List.range(start,finish,incr)
- if not finish then
- finish = start
- start = 1
- end
- if incr then
- assert_arg(3,incr,'number')
- if math.ceil(incr) ~= incr then finish = finish + eps end
- else
- incr = 1
- end
- assert_arg(1,start,'number')
- assert_arg(2,finish,'number')
- local t = List()
- for i=start,finish,incr do tinsert(t,i) end
- return t
---- list:len() is the same as #list.
-function List:len()
- return #self
--- Extended operations --
---- Remove a subrange of elements.
--- equivalent to 'del s[i1:i2]' in Python.
--- @int i1 start of range
--- @int i2 end of range
--- @return the list
-function List:chop(i1,i2)
- return tremovevalues(self,i1,i2)
---- Insert a sublist into a list
--- equivalent to 's[idx:idx] = list' in Python
--- @int idx index
--- @tparam List list list to insert
--- @return the list
--- @usage l = List{10,20}; l:splice(2,{21,22}); assert(l == List{10,21,22,20})
-function List:splice(idx,list)
- assert_arg(1,idx,'number')
- idx = idx - 1
- local i = 1
- for v in iter(list) do
- tinsert(self,i+idx,v)
- i = i + 1
- end
- return self
---- General slice assignment s[i1:i2] = seq.
--- @int i1 start index
--- @int i2 end index
--- @tparam List seq a list
--- @return the list
-function List:slice_assign(i1,i2,seq)
- assert_arg(1,i1,'number')
- assert_arg(1,i2,'number')
- i1,i2 = normalize_slice(self,i1,i2)
- if i2 >= i1 then self:chop(i1,i2) end
- self:splice(i1,seq)
- return self
---- Concatenation operator.
--- @within metamethods
--- @tparam List L another List
--- @return a new list consisting of the list with the elements of the new list appended
-function List:__concat(L)
- assert_arg(1,L,'table')
- local ls = self:clone()
- ls:extend(L)
- return ls
---- Equality operator ==. True iff all elements of two lists are equal.
--- @within metamethods
--- @tparam List L another List
--- @return true or false
-function List:__eq(L)
- if #self ~= #L then return false end
- for i = 1,#self do
- if self[i] ~= L[i] then return false end
- end
- return true
---- Join the elements of a list using a delimiter.
--- This method uses tostring on all elements.
--- @string[opt=''] delim a delimiter string, can be empty.
--- @return a string
-function List:join (delim)
- delim = delim or ''
- assert_arg(1,delim,'string')
- return concat(array_tostring(self),delim)
---- Join a list of strings. <br>
--- Uses `table.concat` directly.
--- @function List:concat
--- @string[opt=''] delim a delimiter
--- @return a string
-List.concat = concat
-local function tostring_q(val)
- local s = tostring(val)
- if type(val) == 'string' then
- s = '"'..s..'"'
- end
- return s
---- How our list should be rendered as a string. Uses join().
--- @within metamethods
--- @see List:join
-function List:__tostring()
- return '{'..self:join(',',tostring_q)..'}'
---- Call the function on each element of the list.
--- @func fun a function or callable object
--- @param ... optional values to pass to function
-function List:foreach (fun,...)
- fun = function_arg(1,fun)
- for i = 1,#self do
- fun(self[i],...)
- end
-local function lookup_fun (obj,name)
- local f = obj[name]
- if not f then error(type(obj).." does not have method ",3) end
- return f
---- Call the named method on each element of the list.
--- @string name the method name
--- @param ... optional values to pass to function
-function List:foreachm (name,...)
- for i = 1,#self do
- local obj = self[i]
- local f = lookup_fun(obj,name)
- f(obj,...)
- end
---- Create a list of all elements which match a function.
--- @func fun a boolean function
--- @param[opt] arg optional argument to be passed as second argument of the predicate
--- @return a new filtered list.
-function List:filter (fun,arg)
- return makelist(filter(self,fun,arg),self)
---- Split a string using a delimiter.
--- @string s the string
--- @string[opt] delim the delimiter (default spaces)
--- @return a List of strings
--- @see pl.utils.split
-function List.split (s,delim)
- assert_arg(1,s,'string')
- return makelist(split(s,delim))
---- Apply a function to all elements.
--- Any extra arguments will be passed to the function.
--- @func fun a function of at least one argument
--- @param ... arbitrary extra arguments.
--- @return a new list: {f(x) for x in self}
--- @usage List{'one','two'}:map(string.upper) == {'ONE','TWO'}
--- @see pl.tablex.imap
-function List:map (fun,...)
- return makelist(imap(fun,self,...),self)
---- Apply a function to all elements, in-place.
--- Any extra arguments are passed to the function.
--- @func fun A function that takes at least one argument
--- @param ... arbitrary extra arguments.
--- @return the list.
-function List:transform (fun,...)
- transform(fun,self,...)
- return self
---- Apply a function to elements of two lists.
--- Any extra arguments will be passed to the function
--- @func fun a function of at least two arguments
--- @tparam List ls another list
--- @param ... arbitrary extra arguments.
--- @return a new list: {f(x,y) for x in self, for x in arg1}
--- @see pl.tablex.imap2
-function List:map2 (fun,ls,...)
- return makelist(imap2(fun,self,ls,...),self)
---- apply a named method to all elements.
--- Any extra arguments will be passed to the method.
--- @string name name of method
--- @param ... extra arguments
--- @return a new list of the results
--- @see pl.seq.mapmethod
-function List:mapm (name,...)
- local res = {}
- for i = 1,#self do
- local val = self[i]
- local fn = lookup_fun(val,name)
- res[i] = fn(val,...)
- end
- return makelist(res,self)
-local function composite_call (method,f)
- return function(self,...)
- return self[method](self,f,...)
- end
-function List.default_map_with(T)
- return function(self,name)
- local m
- if T then
- local f = lookup_fun(T,name)
- m = composite_call('map',f)
- else
- m = composite_call('mapn',name)
- end
- getmetatable(self)[name] = m -- and cache..
- return m
- end
-List.default_map = List.default_map_with
---- 'reduce' a list using a binary function.
--- @func fun a function of two arguments
--- @return result of the function
--- @see pl.tablex.reduce
-function List:reduce (fun)
- return reduce(fun,self)
---- Partition a list using a classifier function.
--- The function may return nil, but this will be converted to the string key '<nil>'.
--- @func fun a function of at least one argument
--- @param ... will also be passed to the function
--- @treturn MultiMap a table where the keys are the returned values, and the values are Lists
--- of values where the function returned that key.
--- @see pl.MultiMap
-function List:partition (fun,...)
- fun = function_arg(1,fun)
- local res = {}
- for i = 1,#self do
- local val = self[i]
- local klass = fun(val,...)
- if klass == nil then klass = '<nil>' end
- if not res[klass] then res[klass] = List() end
- res[klass]:append(val)
- end
- return setmetatable(res,Multimap)
---- return an iterator over all values.
-function List:iter ()
- return iter(self)
---- Create an iterator over a seqence.
--- This captures the Python concept of 'sequence'.
--- For tables, iterates over all values with integer indices.
--- @param seq a sequence; a string (over characters), a table, a file object (over lines) or an iterator function
--- @usage for x in iterate {1,10,22,55} do io.write(x,',') end ==> 1,10,22,55
--- @usage for ch in iterate 'help' do do io.write(ch,' ') end ==> h e l p
-function List.iterate(seq)
- if type(seq) == 'string' then
- local idx = 0
- local n = #seq
- local sub = string.sub
- return function ()
- idx = idx + 1
- if idx > n then return nil
- else
- return sub(seq,idx,idx)
- end
- end
- elseif type(seq) == 'table' then
- local idx = 0
- local n = #seq
- return function()
- idx = idx + 1
- if idx > n then return nil
- else
- return seq[idx]
- end
- end
- elseif type(seq) == 'function' then
- return seq
- elseif type(seq) == 'userdata' and io.type(seq) == 'file' then
- return seq:lines()
- end
-iter = List.iterate
-return List