path: root/macros/luatex/generic/opbible/examples/english/fmt/fmt-Jubilee2000-Dan.tex
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+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/opbible/examples/english/fmt/fmt-Jubilee2000-Dan.tex
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+% headings from Bible Outlines:
+\fmtpre{1:1}{\chaptit{Jehoiakim's captivity}}
+\fmtpre{1:3}{\schaptit{Ashpenaz takes Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah}}
+\fmtpre{1:8}{\schaptit{They refusing the king's portion do prosper with pulse and water}}
+\fmtpre{1:17}{\schaptit{Their proficiency in wisdom}}
+\fmtpre{2:1}{\chaptit{Nebuchadnezzar, forgetting his dream, requires it of the Chaldeans, by promises and threatenings}}
+\fmtpre{2:10}{\schaptit{They acknowledging their inability are judged to die}}
+\fmtpre{2:14}{\schaptit{Daniel obtaining some respite finds the dream}}
+\fmtpre{2:19}{\schaptit{He blesses God}}
+\fmtpre{2:24}{\schaptit{He staying the decree is brought to the king}}
+\fmtpre{2:31}{\schaptit{The dream}}
+\fmtpre{2:36}{\schaptit{The interpretation}}
+\fmtpre{2:46}{\schaptit{Daniel's advancement}}
+\fmtpre{3:1}{\chaptit{Nebuchadnezzar dedicates a golden image in Dura}}
+\fmtpre{3:8}{\schaptit{Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are accused for not worshipping the image}}
+\fmtpre{3:13}{\schaptit{They being threatened, make a good confession}}
+\fmtpre{3:19}{\schaptit{They are cast into the furnace,}}
+\fmtpre{3:24}{\schaptit{from which God delivers them.}}
+\fmtpre{3:28}{\schaptit{Nebuchadnezzar seeing the miracle blesses God, and advances them}}
+\fmtpre{4:1}{\chaptit{Nebuchadnezzar confesses God's kingdom,}}
+\fmtpre{4:4}{\schaptit{makes relation of his dreams, which the magicians could not interpret.}}
+\fmtpre{4:8}{\schaptit{Daniel hears the dream}}
+\fmtpre{4:19}{\schaptit{He interprets it}}
+\fmtpre{4:28}{\schaptit{The dream fulfilled}}
+\fmtpre{5:1}{\chaptit{Belshazzar's impious feas}}
+\fmtpre{5:5}{\schaptit{A hand-writing unknown to the magicians, troubles the king}}
+\fmtpre{5:10}{\schaptit{At the commendation of the queen Daniel is brought}}
+\fmtpre{5:17}{\schaptit{He, reproving the king of pride and idolatry,}}
+\fmtpre{5:25}{\schaptit{reads and interprets the writing.}}
+\fmtpre{5:30}{\schaptit{The monarchy is translated to the Medes}}
+\fmtpre{6:1}{\chaptit{Daniel is made chief of the presidents}}
+\fmtpre{6:4}{\schaptit{They, conspiring against him, obtain an idolatrous decree}}
+\fmtpre{6:10}{\schaptit{Daniel, accused of the breach thereof, is cast into the lion's den}}
+\fmtpre{6:18}{\schaptit{Daniel is saved;}}
+\fmtpre{6:24}{\schaptit{his adversaries devoured;}}
+\fmtpre{6:25}{\schaptit{and God magnified by a decree}}
+\fmtpre{7:1}{\chaptit{Daniel's vision of the four beasts,}}
+\fmtpre{7:9}{\schaptit{and of God's kingdom}}
+\fmtpre{7:15}{\schaptit{The interpretation thereo}}
+\fmtpre{8:1}{\chaptit{Daniel's vision of the ram and he goat}}
+\fmtpre{8:13}{\schaptit{The two thousand three hundred days of the suspension of the daily sacrifice}}
+\fmtpre{8:15}{\schaptit{Gabriel comforts Daniel, and interprets the vision}}
+\fmtpre{9:1}{\chaptit{Daniel, considering the time of the captivity,}}
+\fmtpre{9:3}{\schaptit{makes confession of sins}}
+\fmtpre{9:16}{\schaptit{and prays for the restoration of Jerusalem}}
+\fmtpre{9:20}{\schaptit{Gabriel informs him of the seventy weeks}}
+\fmtpre{10:1}{\chaptit{Daniel, having humbled himself, sees a vision}}
+\fmtpre{10:10}{\schaptit{Being troubled with fear, he is comforted by the angel}}
+\fmtpre{11:1}{\chaptit{The overthrow of Persia by the king of Grecia}}
+\fmtpre{11:5}{\schaptit{Leagues and conflicts between the kings of the south and of the north}}
+\fmtpre{11:30}{\schaptit{The invasion and tyranny of the Romans}}
+\fmtpre{12:1}{\chaptit{Michael shall deliver Israel from their troubles}}
+\fmtpre{12:5}{\schaptit{Daniel is informed of the times}}