path: root/macros/luatex/generic/luaotfload/luaotfload-harf-plug.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/luaotfload/luaotfload-harf-plug.lua')
1 files changed, 983 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/luaotfload/luaotfload-harf-plug.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/luaotfload/luaotfload-harf-plug.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..123a1c4563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/luaotfload/luaotfload-harf-plug.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+-- FILE: luaotfload-harf-plug.lua
+-- DESCRIPTION: part of luaotfload / HarfBuzz / fontloader plugin
+do -- block to avoid to many local variables error
+ local ProvidesLuaModule = {
+ name = "luaotfload-harf-plug",
+ version = "3.1", --TAGVERSION
+ date = "2019-11-04", --TAGDATE
+ description = "luaotfload submodule / database",
+ license = "GPL v2.0",
+ author = "Khaled Hosny, Marcel Krüger",
+ copyright = "Luaotfload Development Team",
+ }
+ if luatexbase and luatexbase.provides_module then
+ luatexbase.provides_module (ProvidesLuaModule)
+ end
+local hb = luaotfload.harfbuzz
+local assert = assert
+local next = next
+local tonumber = tonumber
+local type = type
+local format = string.format
+local open =
+local tableinsert = table.insert
+local tableremove = table.remove
+local ostmpname = os.tmpname
+local osremove = os.remove
+local direct =
+local tonode = direct.tonode
+local todirect = direct.todirect
+local traverse = direct.traverse
+local insertbefore = direct.insert_before
+local insertafter = direct.insert_after
+local protectglyph = direct.protect_glyph
+local newnode =
+local freenode =
+local copynode = direct.copy
+local removenode = direct.remove
+local copynodelist = direct.copy_list
+local ischar = direct.is_char
+local uses_font = direct.uses_font
+local getattrs = direct.getattributelist
+local setattrs = direct.setattributelist
+local getchar = direct.getchar
+local setchar = direct.setchar
+local getdir = direct.getdir
+local setdir = direct.setdir
+local getdisc = direct.getdisc
+local setdisc = direct.setdisc
+local getfont = direct.getfont
+local getdata = direct.getdata
+local setdata = direct.setdata
+local getfont = direct.getfont
+local setfont = direct.setfont
+local getfield = direct.getfield
+local setfield = direct.setfield
+local getid = direct.getid
+local getkern = direct.getkern
+local setkern = direct.setkern
+local getnext = direct.getnext
+local setnext = direct.setnext
+local getoffsets = direct.getoffsets
+local setoffsets = direct.setoffsets
+local getproperty = direct.getproperty
+local setproperty = direct.setproperty
+local getprev = direct.getprev
+local setprev = direct.setprev
+local getsubtype = direct.getsubtype
+local setsubtype = direct.setsubtype
+local getwidth = direct.getwidth
+local setwidth = direct.setwidth
+local is_char = direct.is_char
+local tail = direct.tail
+local properties = direct.get_properties_table()
+local imgnode = img.node
+local disc_t ="disc")
+local glue_t ="glue")
+local glyph_t ="glyph")
+local dir_t ="dir")
+local kern_t ="kern")
+local localpar_t ="local_par")
+local whatsit_t ="whatsit")
+local pdfliteral_t = node.subtype("pdf_literal")
+local explicitdisc_t = 1
+local fontkern_t = 0
+local italiccorr_t = 3
+local regulardisc_t = 3
+local spaceskip_t = 13
+local invalid_l =
+local invalid_s =
+local dir_ltr ="ltr")
+local dir_rtl ="rtl")
+local fl_unsafe = hb.Buffer.GLYPH_FLAG_UNSAFE_TO_BREAK
+local startactual_p = "luaotfload_startactualtext"
+local endactual_p = "luaotfload_endactualtext"
+-- "Copy" properties as done by LuaTeX: Make old properties metatable
+local function copytable(old)
+ local new = {}
+ for k, v in next, old do
+ if type(v) == "table" then v = copytable(v) end
+ new[k] = v
+ end
+ setmetatable(new, getmetatable(old))
+ return new
+-- Set and get properties.
+local function setprop(n, prop, value)
+ local props = properties[n]
+ if not props then
+ props = {}
+ properties[n] = props
+ end
+ props[prop] = value
+local function inherit(t, base, properties)
+ local n = newnode(t)
+ setattrs(n, getattrs(base))
+ if properties then
+ setproperty(n, setmetatable({}, {__index = properties}))
+ end
+ return n
+-- New kern node of amount `v`, inheriting the properties/attributes of `n`.
+local function newkern(v, n)
+ local kern = inherit(kern_t, n, getproperty(n))
+ setkern(kern, v)
+ return kern
+local function insertkern(head, current, kern, rtl)
+ if rtl then
+ head = insertbefore(head, current, kern)
+ else
+ head, current = insertafter(head, current, kern)
+ end
+ return head, current
+-- Convert list of integers to UTF-16 hex string used in PDF.
+local function to_utf16_hex(uni)
+ if uni < 0x10000 then
+ return format("%04X", uni)
+ else
+ uni = uni - 0x10000
+ local hi = 0xD800 + (uni // 0x400)
+ local lo = 0xDC00 + (uni % 0x400)
+ return format("%04X%04X", hi, lo)
+ end
+local process
+-- Legacy TeX Input Method Disguised as Font Ligatures hack.
+-- Single replacements, keyed by character to replace. Handled separately
+-- because TeX ligaturing mechanism does not support one-to-one replacements.
+local trep = {
+ [0x0022] = 0x201D, -- ["]
+ [0x0027] = 0x2019, -- [']
+ [0x0060] = 0x2018, -- [`]
+local function itemize(head, fontid, direction)
+ local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
+ local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb
+ local spec = fontdata and fontdata.specification
+ local options = spec and spec.features.raw
+ local texlig = options and options.tlig
+ local runs, codes = {}, {}
+ local dirstack = {}
+ local currdir = direction or "TLT"
+ local lastskip, lastdir = true
+ local lastrun = {}
+ for n, id, subtype in direct.traverse(head) do
+ local skip = false
+ if id == glyph_t then
+ if is_char(n) and getfont(n) == fontid then
+ code = getchar(n)
+ else
+ skip = true
+ end
+ elseif id == glue_t and subtype == spaceskip_t then
+ code = 0x0020 -- SPACE
+ skip = lastskip
+ elseif id == disc_t then
+ if uses_font(n, fontid) then
+ code = 0x00AD -- SOFT HYPHEN
+ else
+ skip = true
+ end
+ elseif id == dir_t then
+ local dir = getdir(n)
+ if dir:sub(1, 1) == "+" then
+ -- Push the current direction to the stack.
+ tableinsert(dirstack, currdir)
+ currdir = dir:sub(2)
+ else
+ assert(currdir == dir:sub(2))
+ -- Pop the last direction from the stack.
+ currdir = tableremove(dirstack)
+ end
+ skip = lastskip
+ elseif id == localpar_t then
+ currdir = getdir(n)
+ skip = lastskip
+ end
+ if not skip and texlig then
+ local replacement = trep[code]
+ if replacement then
+ code = replacement
+ end
+ end
+ codes[#codes + 1] = code
+ if lastdir ~= currdir or lastskip ~= skip then
+ lastrun.after = n
+ lastrun = {
+ start = #codes,
+ len = 1,
+ font = fontid,
+ dir = currdir == "TRT" and dir_rtl or dir_ltr,
+ skip = skip,
+ codes = codes,
+ }
+ runs[#runs + 1] = lastrun
+ lastdir, lastskip = currdir, skip
+ else
+ lastrun.len = lastrun.len + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return runs
+-- Check if it is not safe to break before this glyph.
+local function unsafetobreak(glyph)
+ return glyph
+ and glyph.flags
+ and glyph.flags & fl_unsafe
+local shape
+-- Make s a sub run, used by discretionary nodes.
+local function makesub(run, codes, nodelist)
+ local subrun = {
+ start = 1,
+ len = #codes,
+ font = run.font,
+ dir = run.dir,
+ fordisc = true,
+ node = nodelist,
+ codes = codes,
+ }
+ local glyphs
+ if nodelist == 0 then -- FIXME: This shouldn't happen
+ nodelist = nil
+ end
+ nodelist, glyphs = shape(nodelist, nodelist, subrun)
+ return { glyphs = glyphs, run = subrun, head = nodelist }
+local function printnodes(label, head, after)
+ after = tonode(after)
+ for n in node.traverse(tonode(head)) do
+ if n == after then return end
+ print(label, n, n.font or '', n.char or '')
+ local pre, post, rep = getdisc(todirect(n))
+ if pre then
+ printnodes(label .. '<', pre)
+ end
+ if post then
+ printnodes(label .. '>', post)
+ end
+ if rep then
+ printnodes(label .. '=', rep)
+ end
+ end
+-- Main shaping function that calls HarfBuzz, and does some post-processing of
+-- the output.
+function shape(head, node, run)
+ local codes =
+ local offset = run.start
+ local nodeindex = offset
+ run.start = offset
+ local len = run.len
+ local fontid = run.font
+ local dir = run.dir
+ local fordisc = run.fordisc
+ local cluster = offset - 2
+ local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
+ local hbdata = fontdata.hb
+ local spec = hbdata.spec
+ local features = spec.hb_features
+ local options = spec.features.raw
+ local hbshared = hbdata.shared
+ local hbfont = hbshared.font
+ local lang = spec.language or invalid_l
+ local script = spec.script or invalid_s
+ local shapers = options.shaper and { options.shaper } or {}
+ local buf =
+ buf:set_direction(dir)
+ buf:set_script(script)
+ buf:set_language(lang)
+ buf:set_cluster_level(buf.CLUSTER_LEVEL_MONOTONE_CHARACTERS)
+ buf:add_codepoints(codes, offset - 1, len)
+ local hscale = hbdata.hscale
+ local vscale = hbdata.vscale
+ hbfont:set_scale(hscale, vscale)
+ if hb.shape_full(hbfont, buf, features, shapers) then
+ -- The engine wants the glyphs in logical order, but HarfBuzz outputs them
+ -- in visual order, so we reverse RTL buffers.
+ if dir:is_backward() then buf:reverse() end
+ local glyphs = buf:get_glyphs()
+ local i = 0
+ while i < #glyphs do
+ i = i + 1
+ local glyph = glyphs[i]
+ -- Calculate the Unicode code points of this glyph. If cluster did not
+ -- change then this is a glyph inside a complex cluster and will be
+ -- handled with the start of its cluster.
+ if cluster ~= glyph.cluster then
+ cluster = glyph.cluster
+ for i = nodeindex, cluster do node = getnext(node) end
+ nodeindex = cluster + 1
+ local hex = ""
+ local str = ""
+ local nextcluster
+ for j = i+1, #glyphs do
+ nextcluster = glyphs[j].cluster
+ if cluster ~= nextcluster then
+ glyph.nglyphs = j - i
+ goto NEXTCLUSTERFOUND -- break
+ end
+ end -- else -- only executed if the loop reached the end without
+ -- finding another cluster
+ nextcluster = offset + len - 1
+ glyph.nglyphs = #glyphs + 1 - i
+ glyph.nextcluster = nextcluster
+ do
+ local node = node
+ for j = cluster,nextcluster-1 do
+ local id = getid(node)
+ if id == glyph_t or id == glue_t then
+ local code = codes[j + 1]
+ hex = hex..to_utf16_hex(code)
+ str = str..utf8.char(code)
+ end
+ end
+ glyph.tounicode = hex
+ glyph.string = str
+ end
+ if not fordisc then
+ local discindex = nil
+ local disc = node
+ for j = cluster + 1, nextcluster do
+ if codes[j] == 0x00AD then
+ discindex = j
+ break
+ end
+ disc = getnext(disc)
+ end
+ if discindex then
+ -- Discretionary found.
+ local startindex, stopindex = nil, nil
+ local startglyph, stopglyph = nil, nil
+ -- Find the previous glyph that is safe to break at.
+ local startglyph = i
+ while startglyph > 1
+ and codes[glyphs[startglyph - 1].cluster + 1] ~= 0x20
+ and codes[glyphs[startglyph - 1].cluster + 1] ~= 0xFFFC
+ and unsafetobreak(glyphs[startglyph]) do
+ startglyph = startglyph - 1
+ end
+ -- Get the corresponding character index.
+ startindex = glyphs[startglyph].cluster + 1
+ -- Find the next glyph that is safe to break at.
+ stopglyph = i + 1
+ local lastcluster = glyphs[i].cluster
+ while stopglyph <= #glyphs
+ and codes[glyphs[stopglyph].cluster + 1] ~= 0x20
+ and codes[glyphs[stopglyph].cluster + 1] ~= 0xFFFC
+ and (unsafetobreak(glyphs[stopglyph])
+ or lastcluster == glyphs[stopglyph].cluster) do
+ lastcluster = glyphs[stopglyph].cluster
+ stopglyph = stopglyph + 1
+ end
+ stopindex = stopglyph <= #glyphs and glyphs[stopglyph].cluster + 1
+ or offset + len
+ local startnode, stopnode = node, node
+ for j=nodeindex - 1, startindex, -1 do
+ startnode = getprev(startnode)
+ end
+ for j=nodeindex + 1, stopindex do
+ stopnode = getnext(stopnode)
+ end
+ glyphs[startglyph] = glyph
+ glyph.cluster = startindex - 1
+ glyph.nextcluster = startindex
+ for j = stopglyph, #glyphs do
+ local glyph = glyphs[j]
+ glyph.cluster = glyph.cluster - (stopindex - startindex) + 1
+ end
+ len = len - (stopindex - startindex) + 1
+ table.move(glyphs, stopglyph, #glyphs + stopglyph - startglyph - 1, startglyph + 1)
+ local subcodes, subindex = {}
+ do
+ local node = startnode
+ while node ~= stopnode do
+ if node == disc then
+ subindex = #subcodes
+ startindex = startindex + 1
+ node = getnext(node)
+ elseif getid(node) == disc_t then
+ local oldnode = node
+ startnode, node = removenode(startnode, node)
+ freenode(oldnode)
+ tableremove(codes, startindex)
+ else
+ subcodes[#subcodes + 1] = tableremove(codes, startindex)
+ node = getnext(node)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local pre, post, rep, lastpre, lastpost, lastrep = getdisc(disc, true)
+ local precodes, postcodes, repcodes = {}, {}, {}
+ table.move(subcodes, 1, subindex, 1, repcodes)
+ for n, id, subtype in traverse(rep) do
+ repcodes[#repcodes + 1] = getfont(n) == fontid and getchar(n) or 0xFFFC
+ end
+ table.move(subcodes, subindex + 1, #subcodes, #repcodes + 1, repcodes)
+ table.move(subcodes, 1, subindex, 1, precodes)
+ for n, id, subtype in traverse(pre) do
+ precodes[#precodes + 1] = getfont(n) == fontid and getchar(n) or 0xFFFC
+ end
+ for n, id, subtype in traverse(post) do
+ postcodes[#postcodes + 1] = getfont(n) == fontid and getchar(n) or 0xFFFC
+ end
+ table.move(subcodes, subindex + 1, #subcodes, #postcodes + 1, postcodes)
+ if startnode ~= disc then
+ local newpre = copynodelist(startnode, disc)
+ setnext(tail(newpre), pre)
+ pre = newpre
+ end
+ if post then
+ setnext(lastpost, copynodelist(getnext(disc), stopnode))
+ else
+ post = copynodelist(getnext(disc), stopnode)
+ end
+ if startnode ~= disc then
+ local predisc = getprev(disc)
+ setnext(predisc, rep)
+ setprev(rep, predisc)
+ if startnode == head then
+ head = disc
+ else
+ local before = getprev(startnode)
+ setnext(before, disc)
+ setprev(disc, before)
+ end
+ setprev(startnode, nil)
+ rep = startnode
+ lastrep = lastrep or predisc
+ end
+ if getnext(disc) ~= stopnode then
+ setnext(getprev(stopnode), nil)
+ setprev(stopnode, disc)
+ setprev(getnext(disc), lastrep)
+ setnext(lastrep, getnext(disc))
+ rep = rep or getnext(disc)
+ setnext(disc, stopnode)
+ end
+ glyph.replace = makesub(run, repcodes, rep)
+ glyph.pre = makesub(run, precodes, pre)
+ = makesub(run, postcodes, post)
+ i = startglyph
+ node = disc
+ cluster = glyph.cluster
+ nodeindex = cluster + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return head, glyphs, run.len - len
+ end
+ return head, {}, 0
+local function color_to_rgba(color)
+ local r = / 255
+ local g = / 255
+ local b = / 255
+ local a = color.alpha / 255
+ if a ~= 1 then
+ -- XXX: alpha
+ return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b)
+ else
+ return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b)
+ end
+-- Cache of color glyph PNG data for bookkeeping, only because I couldn’t
+-- figure how to make the engine load the image from the binary data directly.
+local pngcache = {}
+local pngcachefiles = {}
+local function cachedpng(data)
+ local hash = md5.sumhexa(data)
+ local i = pngcache[hash]
+ if not i then
+ local path = ostmpname()
+ pngcachefiles[#pngcachefiles + 1] = path
+ open(path, "wb"):write(data):close()
+ -- local file = open(path, "wb"):write():close()
+ -- file:write(data)
+ -- file:close()
+ i = img.scan{filename = path}
+ pngcache[hash] = i
+ end
+ return i
+local function get_png_glyph(gid, fontid, characters, haspng)
+ return gid
+local push_cmd = { "push" }
+local pop_cmd = { "pop" }
+local nop_cmd = { "nop" }
+local save_cmd = { "pdf", "page", "q" }
+local restore_cmd = { "pdf", "page", "Q" }
+-- Convert glyphs to nodes and collect font characters.
+local function tonodes(head, node, run, glyphs)
+ local nodeindex = run.start
+ local dir = run.dir
+ local fontid = run.font
+ local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
+ local characters = fontdata.characters
+ local hbdata = fontdata.hb
+ local palette = hbdata.palette
+ local hbshared = hbdata.shared
+ local hbface = hbshared.face
+ local nominals = hbshared.nominals
+ local hbfont = hbshared.font
+ local fontglyphs = hbshared.glyphs
+ local gid_offset = hbshared.gid_offset
+ local rtl = dir:is_backward()
+ local lastprops
+ local scale = hbdata.scale
+ local letterspace = hbdata.letterspace
+ local haspng = hbshared.haspng
+ local fonttype = hbshared.fonttype
+ local nextcluster
+ for i, glyph in ipairs(glyphs) do
+ if glyph.cluster + 1 >= nodeindex then -- Reached a new cluster
+ nextcluster = glyph.nextcluster
+ assert(nextcluster)
+ for j = nodeindex, glyph.cluster do
+ local oldnode = node
+ head, node = removenode(head, node)
+ freenode(oldnode)
+ end
+ lastprops = getproperty(node)
+ nodeindex = glyph.cluster + 1
+ elseif nextcluster + 1 == nodeindex then -- Oops, we went too far
+ nodeindex = nodeindex - 1
+ local new = inherit(glyph_t, getprev(node), lastprops)
+ setfont(new, fontid)
+ head, node = insertbefore(head, node, new)
+ end
+ local gid = glyph.codepoint
+ local char = nominals[gid] or gid_offset + gid
+ local id = getid(node)
+ if glyph.replace then
+ -- For discretionary the glyph itself is skipped and a discretionary node
+ -- is output in place of it.
+ local rep, pre, post = glyph.replace, glyph.pre,
+ setdisc(node, tonodes(pre.head, pre.head,, pre.glyphs),
+ tonodes(post.head, post.head,, post.glyphs),
+ tonodes(rep.head, rep.head,, rep.glyphs))
+ node = getnext(node)
+ nodeindex = nodeindex + 1
+ elseif glyph.skip then
+ local oldnode = node
+ head, node = removenode(head, node)
+ freenode(oldnode)
+ nodeindex = nodeindex + 1
+ else
+ if id == glyph_t then
+ local done
+ local fontglyph = fontglyphs[gid]
+ local character = characters[char]
+ if not character.commands then
+ if palette then
+ local layers = fontglyph.layers
+ if layers == nil then
+ layers = hbface:ot_color_glyph_get_layers(gid) or false
+ fontglyph.layers = layers
+ end
+ if layers then
+ local cmds = {} -- Every layer will add 5 cmds
+ local prev_color = nil
+ for j = 1, #layers do
+ local layer = layers[j]
+ local layerchar = characters[gid_offset + layer.glyph]
+ if layerchar.height > character.height then
+ character.height = layerchar.height
+ end
+ if layerchar.depth > character.depth then
+ character.depth = layerchar.depth
+ end
+ -- color_index has a special value, 0x10000, that mean use text
+ -- color, we don’t check for it here explicitly since we will
+ -- get nil anyway.
+ local color = palette[layer.color_index]
+ cmds[5*j - 4] = (color and not prev_color) and save_cmd or nop_cmd
+ cmds[5*j - 3] = prev_color == color and nop_cmd or (color and {"pdf", "page", color_to_rgba(color)} or restore_cmd)
+ cmds[5*j - 2] = push_cmd
+ cmds[5*j - 1] = {"char", layer.glyph + gid_offset}
+ cmds[5*j] = pop_cmd
+ fontglyphs[layer.glyph].used = true
+ prev_color = color
+ end
+ cmds[#cmds + 1] = prev_color and restore_cmd
+ if not character.colored then
+ local coloredcharacter = {}
+ for k,v in next, character do
+ coloredcharacter[k] = v
+ end
+ coloredcharacter.commands = cmds
+ local newcharacters = {[gid + 0x130000] = coloredcharacter}
+ characters[gid + 0x130000] = coloredcharacter
+ if char ~= gid + gid_offset then
+ newcharacters[char] = coloredcharacter
+ characters[char] = coloredcharacter
+ character.colored = char
+ else
+ character.colored = gid + 0x130000
+ end
+ font.addcharacters(fontid, {characters = newcharacters})
+ end
+ char = character.colored
+ character = characters[char]
+ end
+ end
+ if haspng then
+ local pngglyph = character.pngglyph
+ if pngglyph == nil then
+ local pngblob = hbfont:ot_color_glyph_get_png(gid)
+ if pngblob then
+ local glyphimg = cachedpng(pngblob:get_data())
+ local pngchar = { }
+ for k,v in next, character do
+ pngchar[k] = v
+ end
+ local i = img.copy(glyphimg)
+ i.width = character.width
+ i.depth = 0
+ i.height = character.height + character.depth
+ pngchar.commands = fonttype and {
+ {"push"}, {"char", gid_offset + gid}, {"pop"},
+ {"down", character.depth}, {"image", i}
+ } or { {"down", character.depth}, {"image", i} }
+ if not nominals[gid] then
+ char = 0x130000 + gid
+ end
+ characters[char] = pngchar
+ pngglyph = char
+ font.addcharacters(fontid, {characters = {[char] = pngchar}})
+ end
+ character.pngglyph = pngglyph
+ end
+ if pngglyph then
+ char = pngglyph
+ elseif not fonttype then
+ -- Color bitmap font with no glyph outlines (like Noto
+ -- Color Emoji) but has no bitmap for current glyph (most likely
+ -- `.notdef` glyph). The engine does not know how to embed such
+ -- fonts, so we don’t want them to reach the backend as it will cause
+ -- a fatal error. We use `nullfont` instead. That is a hack, but I
+ -- think it is good enough for now. We could make the glyph virtual
+ -- with empty commands suh that LuaTeX ignores it, but we still want
+ -- a missing glyph warning.
+ -- We insert the glyph node and move on, no further work is needed.
+ setfont(node, 0)
+ done = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not done then
+ local oldcharacter = characters[getchar(node)]
+ -- If the glyph index of current font character is the same as shaped
+ -- glyph, keep the node char unchanged. Helps with primitives that
+ -- take characters as input but actually work on glyphs, like
+ -- `\rpcode`.
+ if character.commands or not oldcharacter
+ or character.index ~= oldcharacter.index then
+ setchar(node, char)
+ end
+ local xoffset = (rtl and -glyph.x_offset or glyph.x_offset) * scale
+ local yoffset = glyph.y_offset * scale
+ setoffsets(node, xoffset, yoffset)
+ fontglyph.used = fonttype and true
+ -- The engine will use this string when printing a glyph node e.g. in
+ -- overfull messages, otherwise it will be trying to print our
+ -- invalid pseudo Unicode code points.
+ -- If the string is empty it means this glyph is part of a larger
+ -- cluster and we don’t to print anything for it as the first glyph
+ -- in the cluster will have the string of the whole cluster.
+ local props = properties[node]
+ if not props then
+ props = {}
+ properties[node] = props
+ end
+ props.glyph_info = glyph.string or ""
+ -- Handle PDF text extraction:
+ -- * Find how many characters in this cluster and how many glyphs,
+ -- * If there is more than 0 characters
+ -- * One glyph: one to one or one to many mapping, can be
+ -- represented by font’s /ToUnicode
+ -- * More than one: many to one or many to many mapping, can be
+ -- represented by /ActualText spans.
+ -- * If there are zero characters, then this glyph is part of complex
+ -- cluster that will be covered by an /ActualText span.
+ local tounicode = glyph.tounicode
+ if tounicode then
+ if glyph.nglyphs == 1
+ and not character.commands
+ and not fontglyph.tounicode then
+ fontglyph.tounicode = tounicode
+ elseif character.commands or tounicode ~= fontglyph.tounicode then
+ setprop(node, startactual_p, tounicode)
+ glyphs[i + glyph.nglyphs - 1].endactual = true
+ end
+ end
+ if glyph.endactual then
+ setprop(node, endactual_p, true)
+ end
+ local x_advance = glyph.x_advance + letterspace
+ local width = fontglyph.width
+ if width ~= x_advance then
+ -- The engine always uses the glyph width from the font, so we need
+ -- to insert a kern node if the x advance is different.
+ local kern = newkern((x_advance - width) * scale, node)
+ head, node = insertkern(head, node, kern, rtl)
+ end
+ end
+ elseif id == glue_t and getsubtype(node) == spaceskip_t then
+ -- If the glyph advance is different from the font space, then a
+ -- substitution or positioning was applied to the space glyph changing
+ -- it from the default, so reset the glue using the new advance.
+ -- We are intentionally not comparing with the existing glue width as
+ -- spacing after the period is larger by default in TeX.
+ local width = (glyph.x_advance + letterspace) * scale
+ if ~= width then
+ setwidth(node, width)
+ setfield(node, "stretch", width / 2)
+ setfield(node, "shrink", width / 3)
+ end
+ elseif id == kern_t and getsubtype(node) == italiccorr_t then
+ -- If this is an italic correction node and the previous node is a
+ -- glyph, update its kern value with the glyph’s italic correction.
+ local prevchar, prevfontid = ischar(getprev(node))
+ if prevfontid == fontid and prevchar and prevchar > 0 then
+ local italic = characters[prevchar].italic
+ if italic then
+ setkern(node, italic)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ node = getnext(node)
+ nodeindex = nodeindex + 1
+ end
+ end
+ while node ~= run.after do
+ local oldnode = node
+ head, node = removenode(head, node)
+ freenode(oldnode)
+ end
+ return head, node
+local function shape_run(head, current, run)
+ if not run.skip then
+ -- Font loaded with our loader and an HarfBuzz face is present, do our
+ -- shaping.
+ local fontid = run.font
+ local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid)
+ local options = fontdata.specification.features.raw
+ local glyphs, offset
+ head, glyphs, offset = shape(head, current, run)
+ return offset, tonodes(head, current, run, glyphs)
+ else
+ return 0, head, run.after
+ end
+function process(head, font, direction)
+ local newhead, current = head, head
+ local runs = itemize(head, font, direction)
+ local offset = 0
+ for i = 1,#runs do
+ local run = runs[i]
+ run.start = run.start - offset
+ local new_offset
+ new_offset, newhead, current = shape_run(newhead, current, run)
+ offset = offset + new_offset
+ end
+ return newhead or head
+local function pageliteral(data)
+ local n = newnode(whatsit_t, pdfliteral_t)
+ setfield(n, "mode", 1) -- page
+ setdata(n, data)
+ return n
+local function post_process(head)
+ for n in traverse(head) do
+ local props = properties[n]
+ local startactual, endactual
+ if props then
+ startactual = rawget(props, startactual_p)
+ endactual = rawget(props, endactual_p)
+ end
+ if startactual then
+ local actualtext = "/Span<</ActualText<FEFF"..startactual..">>>BDC"
+ head = insertbefore(head, n, pageliteral(actualtext))
+ end
+ if endactual then
+ head = insertafter(head, n, pageliteral("EMC"))
+ end
+ local replace = getfield(n, "replace")
+ if replace then
+ setfield(n, "replace", post_process(replace))
+ end
+ local subhead = getfield(n, "head")
+ if subhead then
+ setfield(n, "head", post_process(subhead))
+ end
+ end
+ return head
+local function post_process_nodes(head, groupcode)
+ return tonode(post_process(todirect(head)))
+local function run_cleanup()
+ -- Remove temporary PNG files that we created, if any.
+ -- FIXME: It would be nice if we wouldn't need this
+ for _, path in next, pngcachefiles do
+ osremove(path)
+ end
+local function set_tounicode()
+ for fontid, fontdata in font.each() do
+ local hbdata = fontdata.hb
+ if hbdata and fontid == pdf.getfontname(fontid) then
+ local characters = fontdata.characters
+ local newcharacters = {}
+ local hbshared = hbdata.shared
+ local glyphs = hbshared.glyphs
+ local nominals = hbshared.nominals
+ local gid_offset = hbshared.gid_offset
+ for gid = 0, #glyphs do
+ local glyph = glyphs[gid]
+ if glyph.used then
+ local character = characters[gid + gid_offset]
+ newcharacters[gid + gid_offset] = character
+ local unicode = nominals[gid]
+ if unicode then
+ newcharacters[unicode] = character
+ end
+ character.tounicode = glyph.tounicode or "FFFD"
+ character.used = true
+ end
+ end
+ font.addcharacters(fontid, { characters = newcharacters })
+ end
+ end
+-- FIXME: Move this into generic parts of luaotfload
+local utfchar = utf8.char
+local function get_glyph_info(n)
+ n = todirect(n)
+ local props = properties[n]
+ return props and props.glyph_info or utfchar(getchar(n)):gsub('\0', '^^@')
+fonts.handlers.otf.registerplugin('harf', process)
+-- luatexbase does not know how to handle `wrapup_run` callback, teach it.
+-- TODO: Move these into ltluatex
+luatexbase.callbacktypes.wrapup_run = 1 -- simple
+luatexbase.callbacktypes.glyph_info = 1 -- simple
+local base_callback_descriptions = luatexbase.callback_descriptions
+local base_add_to_callback = luatexbase.add_to_callback
+local base_remove_from_callback = luatexbase.remove_from_callback
+-- Remove all existing functions from given callback, insert ours, then
+-- reinsert the removed ones, so ours takes a priority.
+local function add_to_callback(name, func)
+ local saved_callbacks = {}, ff, dd
+ for k, v in next, base_callback_descriptions(name) do
+ saved_callbacks[k] = { base_remove_from_callback(name, v) }
+ end
+ base_add_to_callback(name, func, "Harf "" callback")
+ for _, v in next, saved_callbacks do
+ base_add_to_callback(name, v[1], v[2])
+ end
+add_to_callback('pre_output_filter', post_process_nodes) -- FIXME: Wrong callback, but I want to get rid of the whole function anyway
+add_to_callback('wrapup_run', run_cleanup)
+add_to_callback('finish_pdffile', set_tounicode)
+add_to_callback('glyph_info', get_glyph_info)