path: root/macros/luatex/generic/cstypo/cstypo.tex
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1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/cstypo/cstypo.tex b/macros/luatex/generic/cstypo/cstypo.tex
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+\setmainfont[]{Charis SIL}
+\setsansfont[Ligatures={TeX,Common}, Scale=MatchLowercase]{TeX Gyre Heros}
+\setmonofont[Ligatures=,Scale=MatchLowercase]{DejaVu Sans Mono}
+\author{Václav Haisman\texorpdfstring{%
+ \\{\small\href{[cstypo]}{}}}{}}
+\title{\texttt{cstypo} user manual}
+ colorlinks,
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+ breaklinks=true}
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+ language=[LaTeX]{Tex},
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily
+ \maketitle
+The \href{}{\texttt{cstypo}}\footnote{Source
+ code is on GitHub in
+ \href{}{\texttt{wilx/cstypo}} repository.}
+package provides macros that enforce basic Czech typography rules through Lua
+hooks available in \LuaTeX{}.
+\item\label{itm:singleletter} There should be no line break between single
+ letter preprosition and single letter conjugations and word following them.
+\item\label{itm:percents} There should be no line break between number and \%
+ symbol.
+There are obviously more rules than these two but only the above rules are
+enforcable through this package.
+\section{User interface}
+Czech typography rules, when enabled by the following macros, are only
+enforced on text marked as Czech by \texttt{polyglossia} or \texttt{babel}.
+The following two macros allow to enable and disable hook that enforces
+penalization of line breaks after single letter words:
+The following two macros allow to enable and disable hook that enforces the
+same rule as above but for ‘a’ conjugation. The reason that this is separete
+from the rest of the single letter prepositions and conjugations is that line
+break after ‘a’ is tolerated for narrow column texts. It might be desirable
+to have this rule enforced for all of the single letter words except for the
+The following two macros allow to enable and disable hook that enforces
+penalization of line breaks between number and \enquote*{\%} symbol and also
+few more symbols: per thousand~\enquote*{‰}, degree~\enquote*{°}, degree
+Celsius~\enquote*{℃} and degree Fahrenheit~\enquote*{℉}.
+The following two macros allow to enable and disable hook that enforces
+penalization of line breaks between~\enquote*{§} symbol and following number.
+This package was inspired by
+\texttt{\href{}{impnattypo}} French
+typography package. It would not be possible without help and comments from
+people of
+ \LaTeX{} and Friends} StackExchange chat room and the
+\href{}{\TeX.SE} site itself.
+\begin{description}[style=nextline, labelwidth=4.5em, leftmargin=!, labelindent=0em]
+\item[\texttt{v0.03}] Limit Czech typography rules enforcement only to text
+ marked as Czech language. Handle per thousand~\enquote*{‰},
+ degree~\enquote*{°}, degree Celsius~\enquote*{℃}, degree
+ Fahrenheit~\enquote*{℉} and paragraph~\enquote*{§} symbols.
+\item[\texttt{v0.02}] Fixed some packaging and documentation issues found by
+ CTAN submission review.
+\item[\texttt{v0.01}] First published version of this package.