path: root/macros/latex209/contrib/misc/db.sty
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1 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex209/contrib/misc/db.sty b/macros/latex209/contrib/misc/db.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..983152823f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex209/contrib/misc/db.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DATABASE STYLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% db.sty
+% Style to generate listings, to send out letters, etc. using
+% a database.
+% Version 2.1 (11/20/91)
+% Written by George Panagopoulos (
+%%%%%%%%%%%% SAMPLE DATABASE FILE mydb.tdb:
+% Schema definition
+\fields{FName, LName,
+ Email, Addr,
+ local}
+% Database
+\tuple{FName= George,
+ LName= Panagopoulos,
+ Addr= {CS Dept., U of MD, College Park 20742},
+ Email= {\tt},
+ local= 1}
+\tuple{FName= Somebody,
+ LName= Else,
+ Email= {\tt sb@elsewhere}} % all other fields empty
+\tuple{FName= Ten,
+ LName= \FirstName}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%% SAMPLE USE FILE mydb.tex:
+% List 1
+\newcommand{\tupletext}{\thetuplectr & \FName\ \LName & \Email \\}
+ \db{mydb} % Lists all
+\thetuplectr\ person(s) listed
+% List 2
+\renewcommand{\tupletext}{\FName\ (\Email)}
+\ref{num:tuples} local person(s):
+ \db{mydb}[local] % lists all that have nonempty \local
+ \label{num:tuples}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%% OUTPUT of mydb.tex:
+1 George Panagopoulos
+2 Somebody Else sb@elsewhere
+3 Ten Ten
+3 person(s) listed
+1 person(s) below:
+1. George (
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTES (refer to example above)
+Database files have the extension ".tdb".
+Field order is irrelevant.
+A subset of the fields may be given as argument in the \tuple command.
+The rest become empty.
+TeX/LaTeX commands are valid inside field values.
+Other fields are valid inside field values.
+A field value must not contain a comma, unless the comma is enclosed
+in braces.
+White space is insignificant outside \fields and \tuple commands in
+the database file.
+White space is insignificant inside a \fields or a \tuple command,
+except between the first letter of a field name and the following
+equal sign, and between the first letter of a field value and the
+following comma or closing brace.
+ In a \fields command, *there must be no space between the field name
+ and the following comma or closing brace*:
+ \fields{ Name, Addr}
+ is valid, but
+ \fields{Name ,Addr}
+ is invalid, and so is
+ \fields{Name,Addr }
+ In a \tuple command, *there must be no space between the field name
+ and the equal sign, and no unwanted spaces between the field value
+ and the following comma or closing brace*:
+ \tuple{ Name= x xx , Addr= yy y }
+ is equivalent to
+ \tuple{Name={x xx },Addr={yy y }},
+ but
+ \tuple{Name =xxx,Addr=yyy}
+ is invalid.
+Beware of conflicts between field names and other TeX macros. The
+\fields command issues a warning if your field name conflicts with an
+already defined macro, but goes on to redefine it anyway.
+The field macros become undefined after the execution of the the \db
+command. The old values (if applicable) are NOT restored.
+The same database and more than one databases may be included in the
+same document.
+The counter {tuplectr} is used to count tuples. The macro \thetuplectr
+may be used and/or modified at wish. The value of the counter is saved
+in the \ref variable in the end of the \db command.
+%%%%%%%%%%%% USEFUL MACROS
+\def\ignorewhitespace{\catcode`\ =9\catcode`\^^M=9}
+\def\noignorewhitespace{\catcode`\ =10\catcode`\^^M=5}
+\def\db@ifb#1{ % trim one space from #1, if needed
+ \ifx \space #1
+ \else #1 \fi}
+%%%%%%%%%%%% SCHEMA READING
+\def\chk@fld@name#1{ % check fldname #1 for conflict with other macros
+ \expandafter\ifx \csname#1\endcsname \relax % if undefined
+ \else
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname#1\endcsname\relax % undefine macro
+ \typeout{Warning: \space field \space name \space
+ \expandafter\string\csname#1\endcsname
+ \space redefines \space a \space TeX \space macro}
+ \fi}
+\def\@field#1,{ % expand \init@fields with: \gdef\#1{} (#1=fldname)
+ % and \undef@fields with: \global\let\#1\relax
+ \edef\fld@name{\db@ifb#1}
+ \chk@fld@name{\fld@name}
+ \xdef\init@fields{
+ \init@fields
+ \expandafter\gdef\csname\fld@name\endcsname{}}
+ \xdef\undef@fields{
+ \undef@fields
+ \global\expandafter\let\csname\fld@name\endcsname\relax}}
+\def\parse@fld@names#1{ % set \init@fields to clear all fields
+ % and \undef@fields to undef all field macros
+ \@for\@args:=#1
+ \do {\expandafter\@field\@args,}}
+\def\fields#1{ % read field names (keeps ignoring whitespace)
+ \xdef\init@fields{}
+ \xdef\undef@fields{}
+ \parse@fld@names{#1}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%% TUPLE PARSING
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname\db@ifb#1\endcsname{#2}}
+ \@for\@args:=#1
+ \do {\expandafter\@setfield\@args,}}
+\def\print@tuple{ % print tuple value as requested
+ % \db@flag is not expanded and contains the name of a field
+ \edef\db@flag@val{\db@flag} % eval \db@flag
+ \ifx \db@flag@val \empty % ignore tuple if \db@flag=\empty
+ \else
+ \refstepcounter{tuplectr}
+ \tupletext
+ \fi}
+%%%%%%%%%%%% TUPLE READING
+\def\@tuple#1{ % parse tuple and call \print@tuple
+ \init@fields % empty field values
+ \parse@fields{#1}
+ \print@tuple
+ \ignorewhitespace}
+\def\tuple{ % read tuple, print \tupletext if \db@flag not empty
+ \noignorewhitespace % will be restored by \@tuple
+ \@tuple}
+\def\notuple#1{} % ignore entry
+%%%%%%%%%%%% DB READING
+\def\@db#1[#2]{ % #1=file, #2=field not to be empty for \tupletext
+ \ifx . #2
+ \gdef\db@flag{1} % always nonempty
+ \else
+ \xdef\db@flag{\csname#2\endcsname}
+ \fi
+ \setcounter{tuplectr}{0}
+ \ignorewhitespace
+ \@input{#1.tdb}
+ \undef@fields
+ \noignorewhitespace}
+\def\db#1{ % read database, print \tupletext for each included tuple
+ \@ifnextchar [
+ {\@db#1}
+ {\@db#1[.]}}