path: root/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/epstopdf
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/epstopdf')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/epstopdf b/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/epstopdf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f7b5b1675c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/exptl/graphicp/epstopdf
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'PERL_BADLANG=x;export PERL_BADLANG;: \
+;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" ${1+"$@"};#'if 0;
+eval 'setenv PERL_BADLANG x;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" $argv:q;#'.q
+#!perl -w
++($0=~/(.*)/s);do$1;die$@if$@;__END__+if 0;
+# Don't touch/remove lines 1--7:
+use strict;
+# Change by Thomas Esser, Sept. 1998: The above lines allows us to find
+# perl along $PATH rather than guessing a fixed location. The above
+# construction should work with most shells.
+# Modified by at and before Sun Feb 2 12:57:10 CET 2003
+# A script to transform an EPS file so that:
+# a) it is guarenteed to start at the 0,0 coordinate
+# b) it sets a page size exactly corresponding to the BoundingBox
+# This means that when Ghostscript renders it, the result needs no
+# cropping, and the PDF MediaBox is correct.
+# c) the result is piped to Ghostscript and a PDF version written
+# -- It needs a Level 2 PS interpreter.
+# -- If the bounding box is not right, of course, you have problems...
+# -- BoundingBox: (atend) is perfectly supported.
+# -- recommended options: --below --hires
+# Sebastian Rahtz, for Elsevier Science
+# now with extra tricks from Hans Hagen's texutil.
+# History
+# 1999/05/06 v2.5 (Heiko Oberdiek)
+# * New options: --hires, --exact, --filter, --help.
+# * Many cosmetics: title, usage, ...
+# * New code for debug, warning, error
+# * Detecting of cygwin perl
+# * Scanning for %%{Hires,Exact,}BoundingBox.
+# * Scanning only the header in order not to get a wrong
+# BoundingBox of an included file.
+# * (atend) supported.
+# * uses strict; (earlier error detecting).
+# * changed first comment from '%!PS' to '%!';
+# * corrected (atend) pattern: '\s*\(atend\)'
+# * using of $bbxpat in all BoundingBox cases,
+# correct the first white space to '...Box:\s*$bb...'
+# * corrected first line (one line instead of two before 'if 0;';
+# 2000/11/05 v2.6 (Heiko Oberdiek)
+# * %%HiresBoundingBox corrected to %%HiResBoundingBox
+# 2001/03/05 v2.7 (Heiko Oberdiek)
+# * Newline before grestore for the case that there is no
+# whitespace at the end of the eps file.
+# 2003/02/02 (Szabó Péter)
+# * option --below
+# * removes DOS EPSF binary junk correctly
+# * adds all 3 BoundingBox DSC comments
+# * reads all 3 BoundingBox DSC comments, and picks the best
+# * forces BoundingBox to be an integer
+# * adds %%EndComments and proper %!PS-Adobe-?-? EPSF-?.? header
+# * adds %%Pages:
+# Dat: calling ``showpage'' is not required, gs 6.50 works without it
+# Imp: detect error messages from GS, abort...
+# Imp: make it work for PDF input
+# Imp: make it work for PS non-EPS files
+### program identification
+my $program = "epstopdf";
+my $filedate="2003/02/02"; # my $filedate="2001/03/05";
+my $fileversion="2.7p";
+my $copyright = "Copyright 1998-2001 by Sebastian Rahtz et al.\nContains modifications by pts\";
+my $title = "\U$program\E $fileversion, $filedate - $copyright\n";
+### ghostscript command name
+($quote,$GS) = ("\"","gswin32c") if $^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O =~ /cygwin/i;
+### options
+### usage
+my @bool = ("false", "true");
+my $usage = <<"END_OF_USAGE";
+${title}Syntax: $program [options] <eps file>
+ --help: print usage
+ --outfile=<file>: write result to <file>
+ --(no)filter: read standard input (default: $bool[$::opt_filter])
+ --(no)gs: run Ghostscript to create PDF (default: $bool[$::opt_gs])
+ --(no)compress: use compression (default: $bool[$::opt_compress])
+ --(no)hires: scan HiResBoundingBox (default: $bool[$::opt_hires])
+ --(no)exact: scan ExactBoundingBox (default: $bool[$::opt_exact])
+ --(no)debug: debug informations (default: $bool[$::opt_debug])
+ --(no)below: allow below baseline (default: $bool[$::opt_below])
+Examples for producing 'test.pdf':
+ * $program test.eps
+ * produce postscript | $program --filter >test.pdf
+ * produce postscript | $program -f -d -o=test.pdf
+Example: look for HiResBoundingBox and produce corrected PostScript:
+ * $program -d --nogs -hires>
+### process options
+use Getopt::Long;
+GetOptions (
+ "help!",
+ "debug!",
+ "filter!",
+ "compress!",
+ "gs!",
+ "hires!",
+ "below!",
+ "exact!",
+ "outfile=s",
+) or die $usage;
+### help functions
+sub debug {
+ print STDERR "* @_\n" if $::opt_debug;
+sub warning {
+ print STDERR "==> Warning: @_!\n";
+sub error {
+ die "$title!!! Error: @_!\n";
+sub errorUsage {
+ die "$usage\n!!! Error: @_!\n";
+### option help
+die $usage if $::opt_help;
+### get input filename
+my $InputFilename = "";
+if ($::opt_filter) {
+ @ARGV == 0 or
+ errorUsage "Input file cannot be used with filter option";
+ $InputFilename = "-";
+ debug "Input file: standard input";
+} else {
+ @ARGV > 0 or errorUsage "Input filename missing";
+ @ARGV < 2 or errorUsage "Unknown option or too many input files";
+ $InputFilename = $ARGV[0];
+ if ($ARGV[0] eq '-') {
+ $::opt_filter=1;
+ debug "Input file: standard input";
+ } else {
+ -f $InputFilename or error "'$InputFilename' does not exist";
+ debug "Input filename:", $InputFilename;
+ }
+### option compress
+my $GSOPTS;
+$GSOPTS = "-dUseFlateCompression=".($::opt_compress?"true":"false")." ";
+# $GSOPTS.=" -r72 -g99999x99999 ";
+$GSOPTS.=" -r72 -sPAPERSIZE=a4 "; # default
+$GSOPTS.=" -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2";
+### option BoundingBox types
+#**** pts ****
+# scan all of them and find the best
+{ my $BBprint = "%%BoundingBox:";
+ $BBprint = "%%HiResBoundingBox:" if $::opt_hires;
+ $BBprint = "%%ExactBoundingBox:" if $::opt_exact;
+ debug "strongest BoundingBox comment:", $BBprint;
+my $BBregex='%%(Hi[Rr]es|Exact|)BoundingBox:';
+### option outfile
+my $OutputFilename = $::opt_outfile;
+if ($OutputFilename eq "") {
+ if ($::opt_gs) {
+ $OutputFilename = $InputFilename;
+ if (!$::opt_filter) {
+ $OutputFilename =~ s/\.[^\.]*$//;
+ $OutputFilename .= ".pdf";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $OutputFilename = "-"; # standard output
+ }
+if ($::opt_filter) {
+ debug "Output file: standard output";
+else {
+ debug "Output filename:", $OutputFilename;
+### option gs
+if ($::opt_gs) {
+ debug "Ghostscript command:", $GS;
+ debug "Compression:", ($::opt_compress) ? "on" : "off";
+### open input file
+if ($::opt_filter) {
+ open(IN, "<&STDIN") or error "Cannot open standard input";
+} else {
+ open(IN,"< $InputFilename") or error "Cannot open '$InputFilename'";
+binmode IN;
+#**** pts ****
+sub read_error() { error "read $InputFilename: $!" }
+my $bytes_left=-1;
+#** @param $_[0] number of bytes to read, or undef to read a line
+#** @return the string read
+sub readIN(;$) {
+ my $S;
+ return "" if $bytes_left==0;
+ ## print STDERR "READ\n";
+ if (defined $_[0]) { read_error if 0>read IN, $S, $_[0] }
+ else {
+ $S=<IN>;
+ read_error if !defined($S) and $!;
+ $S="" if !defined $S;
+ }
+ if ($bytes_left<0) { # unlimited
+ } elsif (length($S)>=$bytes_left) {
+ $S=substr($S, 0, $bytes_left);
+ $bytes_left=0;
+ } else { $bytes_left-=length($S) }
+ $S
+### scan first line, check for DOS eps (and remove DOS headers)
+#**** pts ****
+my $header="";
+{ my $S;
+ read_error if 0>read IN, $S, 1;
+ error "$InputFilename: empty file" if 0==length($S);
+ if ($S eq "\305") { # DOS EPSF header
+ read_error if 29>read IN, $S, 29, 1;
+ my ($eheader,$ps_ofs,$ps_len,$wmf_ofs,$wmf_len,$tif_ofs,$tif_len,$checksum)=
+ unpack"A4VVVVVVv", $S;
+ error "$InputFilename: bad DOS EPS" if $eheader ne "\305\320\323\306" or $ps_ofs<30;
+ my($ps_end, $wmf_end, $tif_end)=($ps_ofs+$ps_len, $wmf_ofs+$wmf_len, $tif_ofs+$tif_len);
+ $ps_ofs-=30;
+ if (!seek IN, $ps_ofs, 1) {
+ while ($ps_ofs>4096) { $ps_ofs-=4096; readIN 4096 }
+ read_in $ps_ofs if $ps_ofs>0;
+ }
+ $bytes_left=($ps_end>$wmf_end and $ps_end>$tif_end) ? -1 : $ps_len;
+ $S=readIN(1);
+ }
+ if ($S eq '%') {
+ $S.=readIN;
+ error "$InputFilename: won't read a PDF file" if substr($S,0,4)eq'%PDF';
+ error "$InputFilename: EPS DSC must be %!PS-Adobe" if substr($S,0,4)ne'%!PS';
+ # ^^^ Dat: mpost outputs "%!PS\n"
+ } else {
+ warning "$InputFilename: no PS ADSC header, BoundingBox not found\n"
+ }
+ $header=$S;
+### open output file
+if ($::opt_gs) {
+ my $fn=$OutputFilename;
+ $fn=~s@'@\\'@g if $quote eq "'";
+ my $pipe = "$GS -q -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite $GSOPTS " .
+ "-sOutputFile=$quote$OutputFilename$quote -";
+ debug "Ghostscript pipe:", $pipe;
+ open(OUT,"|$pipe") or error "Cannot open Ghostscript for piped input";
+} else {
+ open(OUT,"> $OutputFilename") or error "Cannot write '$OutputFilename";
+die unless binmode OUT;
+### variables and pattern for BoundingBox search
+my $bbxpatt = '[0-9eE\.\-]';
+ # protect backslashes: "\\" gets '\'
+my $BBValues = "\\s*($bbxpatt+)\\s+($bbxpatt+)\\s+($bbxpatt+)\\s+($bbxpatt+)";
+#** @return arg rounded down to int
+sub floor($) {
+ # Dat: Perl int() rounds towards zero
+ $_[0] < 0 ? -int(-$_[0]) : int($_[0])
+#** @return arg rounded up to int
+sub ceil($) {
+ $_[0] > 0 ? -int(-$_[0]) : int($_[0])
+my ($xoffset, $yoffset) = (0, 0);
+my $do_translate=0;
+#** @return PostScript code to be printed after the header
+sub CorrectBoundingBox($$$$) {
+ my ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = @_;
+ debug "Old BoundingBox:", $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury;
+ my ($width, $height) = ($urx - $llx, $ury - $lly);
+ ($xoffset, $yoffset) = (-$llx, -$lly);
+ # Dat: it is inherently impossible to tell GS that it shouldn't
+ # recompress the images already compressed in the EPS file, but keep
+ # them in their original, compressed form. So we rather instruct GS to
+ # recompress
+ my $pagedevice2set="
+/AutoRotatePages /None
+/CompatibilityLevel 1.2
+/UseFlateCompression true
+/AutoPositionEPSFiles false
+/AutoFilterGrayImages false
+/ConvertImagesToIndexed false
+/DownsampleMonoImages false
+/DownsampleGrayImages false
+/DownsampleColorImages false
+/AutoFilterColorImages false
+/EncodeMonoImages true
+/EncodeGrayImages true
+/EncodeColorImages true
+/AntiAliasMonoImages false
+/AntiAliasGrayImages false
+/AntiAliasColorImages false\n";
+ $::opt_below=0 if $lly>=0;
+ ($llx,$lly,$urx,$ury)=(0,0,$urx-$llx,$ury-$lly) if !$::opt_below;
+ my $bbx="%%BoundingBox: ".floor($llx)." ".floor($lly)." ".
+ ceil ($urx)." ".ceil ($ury)."\n".
+ "%%HiResBoundingBox: $llx $lly $urx $ury\n".
+ "%%ExactBoundingBox: $llx $lly $urx $ury\n%%EndComments\n";
+ if ($::opt_below) { #**** pts ****
+ # vvv we output a second /MediaBox here, and we'll remove the first one
+ # (written by GS) later
+ return "$bbx<< /PageSize [$width $height] $pagedevice2set >> setpagedevice
+mark /MediaBox [$llx $lly $urx $ury] /PAGE pdfmark
+mark /CropBox [$llx $lly $urx $ury] /PAGE pdfmark\n";
+ }
+ debug "New BoundingBox: 0 0", $width, $height;
+ debug "Offset:", $xoffset, $yoffset;
+ if ($xoffset==0 and $yoffset==0) {
+ return "$bbx<< /PageSize [$width $height] $pagedevice2set >> setpagedevice
+mark /CropBox [0 0 $width $height] /PAGE pdfmark\n"
+ }
+ $xoffset=0 if $xoffset==0; # get rid of `-0'
+ $yoffset=0 if $yoffset==0; # get rid of `-0'
+ $do_translate=1;
+ "$bbx<< /PageSize [$width $height] $pagedevice2set >> setpagedevice
+mark /CropBox [0 0 $width $height] /PAGE pdfmark
+gsave $xoffset $yoffset translate\n"
+### scan header
+if (1<length($header)) {
+ my($llx,$lly,$urx,$ury);
+ my($bbtype)='-'; # None
+ debug "Scanning header for BoundingBox";
+ $header=~s@\r\n?\Z(?!\n)@@;
+ { my $headEPSF="EPSF-3.0";
+ my $headPS="PS-Adobe-3.0";
+ $headEPSF=$1 if $header=~s/\s+(EPSF-[.\d]+)$//;
+ $headPS=$1 if $header=~s/(PS-Adobe-[.\d+])$//;
+ print OUT "%!$headPS $headEPSF\n";
+ }
+ my $BBCorrected="";
+ my $do_atend=0;
+ my $had_pages=0;
+ my $doing_atend=0;
+ my $saved_pos;
+ my $saved_bytes_left;
+ read_again: while (length($_=readIN)) {
+ ## print STDERR "(($_))\n";
+ ### end of header
+ if (!$doing_atend) {
+ if (/^%%EndComments/i) { last }
+ if (substr($_,0,2)ne'%%' or substr($_,0,5)eq'%%End') { $BBCorrected=$_; last }
+ }
+ ### BoundingBox with values
+ if (/^$BBregex$BBValues/oi) {
+ if ($bbtype eq '-'
+ or $::opt_hires and $1 eq 'H'
+ or $::opt_exact and $1 eq 'E'
+ or $::opt_hires and $1 eq 'E' and $bbtype ne 'H'
+ or $::opt_exact and $1 eq 'H' and $bbtype ne 'E'
+ ) {
+ ($bbtype,$llx,$lly,$urx,$ury)=($1,$2+0,$3+0,$4+0,$5+0);
+ }
+ } elsif (/^$BBregex\s*\(atend\)/oi) {
+ ### BoundingBox with (atend)
+ debug "BoundingBox $1 (atend)";
+ if ($::opt_filter) {
+ warning "Cannot look for BoundingBox in the trailer",
+ "with option --filter";
+ } else { $do_atend=1 }
+ } elsif ($doing_atend) {
+ } elsif (/^%%Pages:/) {
+ print OUT; $had_pages=1;
+ } else { print OUT }
+ }
+ if ($doing_atend) { # already read (atend); restore file position
+ seek(IN, $saved_pos, 0) or error "Cannot go back to line `: (atend)'";
+ $bytes_left=$saved_bytes_left;
+ } elsif ($do_atend) { # seek to near EOF and try again
+ error "Cannot leave line `: (atend)'" if ($saved_pos=tell IN)<0;
+ $saved_bytes_left=$bytes_left;
+ # vvv get the very last *BoundingBox entry from the last 4096 bytes
+ if ($bytes_left>4096) {
+ die unless seek(IN, $bytes_left-4096, 1);
+ $bytes_left=4096;
+ } elsif ($bytes_left<0) {
+ die unless seek(IN, -4096, 2);
+ }
+ $doing_atend=1; goto read_again;
+ }
+ print OUT "%%Pages: 1\n" if !$had_pages;
+ if ($bbtype ne'-') { print OUT CorrectBoundingBox $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury }
+ else { warning "BoundingBox not found"; print OUT "%%EndComments\n" }
+ print OUT $BBCorrected;
+### print rest of file
+print OUT while length($_=readIN 4096);
+### close files
+error "running gs" unless close(IN);
+# ^^^ SUXX: gs always exit(0), if exists
+print OUT "\ngrestore\n" if $do_translate;
+if ($::opt_below and $::opt_gs) {
+ ### ****pts**** remove incorrect /MediaBox produced by gs
+ die unless open F, "> $OutputFilename.tgs"; # Imp: in temp dir
+ die unless print F '
+ % this is temporary gs command file created by epstopdf
+ GS_PDF_ProcSet begin
+ pdfdict begin
+ FN (r) file pdfopen begin
+ % vvv keep file offsets, because `pdffindpageref` overrides it with contents
+ /OFT Objects 0 get dup length array copy def
+ % vvv Dat: the generation number is assumed to be 0
+ % vvv Dat: modifies Objects[0]
+ 1 pdffindpageref 0 get
+ Objects 0 OFT put
+ readxrefentry ===
+ currentdict pdfclose end end end
+ ';
+ die unless close F;
+ my $offset=`$GS -dNODISPLAY -dSAFER -dBATCH -sFN=$quote$OutputFilename$quote -q $quote$OutputFilename.tgs$quote`;
+ chomp $offset;
+ unlink "$OutputFilename.tgs";
+ die unless $offset=~/\A\d+\Z(?!\n)/;
+ # Dat: now $offsets is a file position in $OutputFilename containing our /Page object
+ die unless open F, "+< $OutputFilename";
+ die unless binmode F;
+ die unless seek F, $offset+=0, 0;
+ my $pageobj;
+ die unless 32<read F, $pageobj, 4096;
+ if ($pageobj=~m@\A(.*?/Type\s*/Page\b.*?)(/MediaBox\s*\[[^\]]*\]).*?/MediaBox@s) {
+ substr($pageobj, length($1), length($2))=" "x length($2);
+ # ^^^ overwrite first buggy /MediaBox definition with spaces
+ die unless seek F, $offset, 0;
+ die unless print F $pageobj;
+ debug "Below correction ($xoffset $yoffset) applied.";
+ } else {
+ debug "warning: double /MediaBox not found.";
+ }
+ die unless close F;
+debug "Ready.";