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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+biblatex-german-legal - comprehensive citation style for German legal texts
+The `biblatex-german-legal` aims to provide citation style (for footnotes and
+bibliographies) for German legal texts. Currently it is focused on citations
+in books, but may be extended for journal articles in the future.
+The source code is available in a git repository accessible at
+git:// , which may be browsed at
+;a=summary . If you
+click on 'snapshot' there, you can download a tar.gz containing the contents
+of the repository.
+The rationale behind this package is as follows: The package I have relied
+upon previously ('biblatex-juradiss') has become outdated. The alternatives,
+in particular 'biblatex-jura2', do not offer (yet) the flexibility I prefer,
+and (though this is a matter of subjective taste) partly follow stylistic
+choices I do not share. Parts of this code are inspired, however, by these
+two packages. Though this package is not a Derived Work of these other
+packages within the meaning of the LPPL, here are, in line with section 5
+lit. d sublit. ii of the LPPL, references to these packages:
+- biblatex-juradiss:
+- biblatex-jura2:
+## Licence
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or
+(at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is at
+<> and version 1.3 or later is part of
+all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'author-maintained'.
+The Current Maintainer of the work is Dominik Brodowski
+<>. Patches, bug reports, and critique are
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-german-legal/biblatex-german-legal.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-german-legal/biblatex-german-legal.pdf
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Binary files differ
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-german-legal/biblatex-german-legal.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+%%% Verwende biber als backend und den hier definierten Zitierstil
+ backend = biber,%
+ style = german-legal-book,%
+ title={Das \sty{biblatex-german-legal}-Paket},
+ subtitle={biblatex-Zitierstile für die Rechtswissenschaften in Deutschland},
+ url={;a=summary},
+ author={Dominik Brodowski},
+ email={},
+ revision={001},
+ date={2020-03-13}}
+ pdftitle={Das \sty{biblatex-german-legal}-Paket},
+ pdfsubject={biblatex-Zitierstile für die Rechtswissenschaften in Deutschland},
+ pdfauthor={Dominik Brodowski},
+ pdfkeywords={latex, pdflatex, lualatex, jura, rechtswissenschaften},
+ citecolor=black,
+Wie nützlich es ist, \LaTeX{} bzw. seine Varianten für das Setzen von Texten und \biblatex{} für die Automatisierung von Zitaten, Referenzen bzw. Fundstellen zu nutzen, sei an dieser Stelle nicht wiederholt.\footnote{Ein Plädoyer liefert beispielsweise das ">Nachbarpaket"< \url{} in seiner Dokumentation.} Statt dessen möchte ich nur auf eines von mutmaßlich vielen Beispielen für juristische Monographien verweisen,\footnote{Namentlich \cite{Brodowski:2016}.} die vollständig in \LaTeX{} gesetzt und dessen Referenzen mit \biblatex{} verwaltet wurden.
+\subsection{Über das Paket \sty{biblatex-german-legal}}
+Allerdings sind die juristischen Zitierstile speziell. Sie unterscheiden sich maßgeblich von den in den Naturwissenschaften, vielen Geisteswissenschaften und auch in ausländischen Rechtsordnungen verwendeten Zitierstilen. Das hier vorgelegte Paket enthält aktuell einen auf \textbf{Monographien in den deutschen Rechtswissenschaften} ausgerichteten Zitierstil namens \sty{german-legal-book}, wie ich ihn selbst verwende; eine Erweiterung auf Zitierstile für \textbf{Aufsätze} ist geplant. Dank \biblatex{} und \LaTeX{} ist ein wesentliches Kriterium automatisch gewährleistet: die Einheitlichkeit des Zitierstils. Andere Fragen sind Geschmackssache. Dabei habe ich mich ganz an meinen eigenen Vorstellungen orientiert, die sich gewiss von anderen Geschmacksrichtungen unterscheiden mögen. Für derartige Variationen lässt sich dieses Paket aber weiterentwicklen und/oder modifizieren.
+\copyright{} 2020 Dominik Brodowski \url{} u.a. ">Permission is granted to copy, distribute and\slash or modify this software under the terms of the \lppl, version 1.3c or any later version.\footnote{\url{}.}"<
+Mitarbeit an diesem Paket ist sehr gerne gesehen! Schicken Sie mir hierzu bitte Änderungsvorschläge (idealerweise in Code) an die angegebene E-Mail-Adresse mit Ihrem Einverständnis, dies -- auch in abgewandelter Form -- in eine zukünftige Veröffentlichung dieses Pakets zu intergrieren. Hierfür eignet sich als Kurform das sogenannte ">Developer Certificate of
+Um dieses Paket zu verwenden, sollte folgender Code-Schnipsel im Kopf des Dokuments eingebunden werden:
+und sodann eine oder mehrere Dateien angegeben werden, in denen sich die Literaturangaben befinden, z.B.
+Folgende Aufrufoption ist implementiert:
+Diese Option steuert, ob in den Zitierungen im Manuskript bei Büchern und Kommentaren die Auflagen\textit{nummer} mit abgedruckt wird.
+\sty{german-legal-book} kann mit Zitationen von Aufsätzen,\footnote{Dies gilt sowohl für Beiträge in Zeitschriften, die nach Jahren zitiert werden, z.B. \cite[107]{Radbruch_SJZ_1946_105}, als auch in solchen, die nach Bänden zitiert werden, z.B. \cite[295 \psqq]{NaginPogarsky_JQC_20_295}.} Monographien,\footcite[4]{Brodowski:2016} Beiträgen in Sammelbänden\footcite[211]{Vogel_Beck:2011} sowie Festschriften\footcite[408 \psq]{Koriath_FS_Jung}, Kommentaren\footnote{Dies gilt sowohl für Einzelautorenkommentare, z.B. \cite[\S\,248c Rn.~1 \psqq{}]{Fischer66}, für einbändige Kommentare, z.B. \cite[Bosch][§\,248c Rn.~1 \psq{}]{SchoenkeSchroeder30}, als auch für mehrbändige \mbox{(Groß-)}""Kommentare, z.B. \cite[Lüderssen/Jahn][§\,140 Rn.~1]{LR26}.} und Online-Quellen\footnote{Exemplarisch \cite{Mordkommission:2015}.} umgehen. Die seitengenaue Fundstelle wird jeweils in eckigen Klammern mit angegeben, erforderlichenfalls mit Verweis auf die folgende oder die folgenden Seiten:
+\cite[295 \psqq]{NaginPogarsky_JQC_20_295}
+\cite[408 \psq]{Koriath_FS_Jung}
+Im Einzelnen:
+Für Zeitschriften, die nach Jahren zitiert werden, verwende man \bibtype{article}, für Zeitschriften, die nach Bänden zitiert werden, verwende man \bibtype{periodical} und gebe den Band im Feld \bibfield{volume} an. Erforderlich sind zudem Angaben zum Verfasser (\bibfield{author}), zum Erscheinungsjahr (\bibfield{year}), zum Beitragstitel (\bibfield{title}) und zu den Seiten, auf denen der Beitrag zu finden ist (\bibfield{pages}). Weitere Felder (z.B. \bibfield{subtitle} oder \bibfield{issue}) können angegeben werden, haben aber teils nur Auswirkungen auf die Darstellung im Literaturverzeichnis. Die hier als Beispiele herangezogenen Aufsätze sind wie folgt deklariert:
+author = {Gustav Radbruch},
+year = {1946},
+journal = {SJZ},
+pages = {105--108},
+title = {Gesetzliches Recht und übergesetzliches Recht},
+journal = {Journal of Quantitative Criminology},
+year = {2004},
+title = {Time and Punishment: Delayed Consequences and Criminal Behavior},
+volume = {20},
+pages = {295--317},
+author = {Daniel S. Nagin and Greg Pogarsky},
+Bücher (\bibtype{book}) haben als Mindestangaben einen Autor (\bibfield{author}) \textit{und/oder} einen Herausgeber (\bibfield{editor}), einen Titel (\bibfield{title}), ein Erscheinungsjahr (\bibfield{year}) und einen Erscheinungsort (\bibfield{address}). Optional sind z.B. Untertitel (\bibfield{subtitle}), Kurztitel für die Ausgabe in den Fußnoten (\bibfield{shorttitle}) oder Auflagenangaben (\bibfield{edition}). In der Bibliographie-Datei empfiehlt es sich, auch Festschriften und Sammelbände als Bücher zu deklarieren. Das ergibt für die hier genutzten Beispiele folgende (Min\-\mbox{dest-)}Deklarationen:
+editor = {Susanne Beck and Christoph Burchard and Bijan Fateh-Moghadam},
+title = {Strafrechtsvergleichung als Problem und Lösung},
+address = {Baden-Baden},
+year = {2011},
+editor = {Heinz Müller-Dietz and Egon Müller and Karl-Ludwig Kunz and%
+ Henning Radtke and Guido Britz and Carsten Momsen and Heinz Koriath},
+year = {2007},
+address = {Baden-Baden},
+title = {Festschrift für Heike Jung zum 65. Geburtstag am 23. April 2007},
+shorttitle = {FS Jung},
+author = {Dominik Brodowski},
+title = {Verdeckte technische Überwachungsmaßnahmen im Polizei- und%
+ Strafverfahrensrecht},
+subtitle = {Zur rechtsstaatlichen und rechtspraktischen Notwendigkeit%
+ eines einheitlichen operativen Ermittlungsrechts},
+shorttitle = {Verdeckte technische Überwachungsmaßnahmen},
+address = {Tübingen},
+year = {2016},
+\subsubsection{Beiträge in Sammelbänden}
+Hat man den Sammelband als \bibtype{book} deklariert, so lassen sich einzelne Beiträge in diesem Sammelband als \bibtype{inbook} knapp unter Angabe des Autors (\bibfield{author}), des Beitragstitels (\bibfield{title}), der Seitenspanne (\bibtype{pages}) sowie unter Angabe eines Querverweises (\bibfield{crossref}) deklarieren:
+author = {Joachim Vogel},
+title = {Diskussionsbemerkungen: Instrumentelle Strafrechtsvergleichung},
+pages = {205--212},
+crossref = {Beck:2011},
+\subsubsection{Beiträge in Festschriften}
+Gleiches gilt für Festschriften, wobei hier der Eintragstyp \bibtype{incollection} zu verwenden ist und in der Deklaration des Buches die Kurzbezeichnung (\bibfield{shorttitle}) deklariert werden muss:
+author = {Heinz Koriath},
+title = {Fahrlässigkeit und Schuld},
+pages = {397--409},
+crossref = {FS_Jung},
+Einzelautorenkommentare werden wie Bücher (\bibtype{book}) behandelt, alle übrigen (ein- und mehrbändigen) Kommentare mit \bibtype{commentary} deklariert. Dann ist die Kurzbezeichnung des Kommentars als \bibfield{shorthand} anzugeben. Verwendet man \bibtype{commentary}, ist der Bearbeiter bei der Zitation in eckingen Klammern mit anzugeben:
+\cite[Lüderssen/Jahn][§\,140 Rn.~1]{LR26}
+In der Literaturangabe können auch Begründer*innen (Begr.), Fortführer*innen (Fortgef.) und Kommentator*innen (Komm.) angegeben werden, wie nachfolgend am Beispiel des Schönke-Schröder-Kommentars gezeigt werden möge:
+title = {Löwe-Rosenberg},
+subtitle = {Die Strafprozeßordnung und das Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz},
+shorthand = {LR},
+edition = {26},
+date = {2006/2014},
+editor = {Volker Erb and Robert Esser and Ulrich Franke and%
+ Kirsten Graalmann-Scheerer and Hans Hilger and Alexander Ignor},
+shorthand = {Schönke/Schröder},
+editor = {Adolf Schönke},
+editortype = {founder},
+editora = {Horst Schröder},
+editoratype = {continuator},
+editorb = {Albin Eser and Walter Perron and Detlev Sternberg-Lieben%
+ and Jörg Eisele and Bernd Hecker and Jörg Kinzig and Nikolaus Bosch%
+ and Frank Schuster and Bettina Weißer and Ulrike Schittenhelm},
+editorbtype = {commentator},
+edition = {30},
+address = {München},
+title = {Strafgesetzbuch},
+year = {2019},
+author = {Thomas Fischer},
+edition = {66},
+address = {München},
+year = {2019},
+title = {Strafgesetzbuch mit Nebengesetzen},
+shorttitle = {StGB},
+Für Online-Quellen verwende man den \bibtype{online}-Eintragstyp und gebe sowohl die URL (\bibfield{url}) als auch das Abrufdatum (\bibfield{urldate}) an:
+author = {{Expertengruppe zur Reform der Tötungsdelikte}},
+title = {Abschlussbericht der Expertengruppe zur Reform der Tötungsdelikte%
+ (§§\,211 -- 213, 57a StGB)},
+subtitle = {Dem Bundesminister der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz Heiko%
+ Maas im Juni 2015 vorgelegt},
+year = {2015},
+url = {
+ bericht_Experten_Toetungsdelikte.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2},
+urldate = {2020-01-01},
+shorttitle = {Abschlussbericht},
+%%% Beispieleinträge für das Literaturverzeichnis
+author = {Dominik Brodowski},
+title = {Verdeckte technische Überwachungsmaßnahmen im Polizei- und Strafverfahrensrecht},
+subtitle = {Zur rechtsstaatlichen und rechtspraktischen Notwendigkeit eines einheitlichen operativen Ermittlungsrechts},
+shorttitle = {Verdeckte technische Überwachungsmaßnahmen},
+address = {Tübingen},
+publisher = {Mohr Siebeck},
+series = {Tübinger Rechtswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen},
+number = {119},
+year = {2016},
+isbn = {978-3-16-154302-9},
+size = {XXXIII, 649},
+comment = {Diss. Tübingen 2015},
+note = {Zugl.: Tübingen, Univ., Diss., 2015},
+author = {Gustav Radbruch},
+year = {1946},
+journal = {SJZ},
+pages = {105--108},
+title = {Gesetzliches Recht und übergesetzliches Recht},
+journal = {Journal of Quantitative Criminology},
+year = {2004},
+title = {Time and Punishment: Delayed Consequences and Criminal Behavior},
+volume = {20},
+pages = {295--317},
+author = {Daniel S. Nagin and Greg Pogarsky},
+editor = {Susanne Beck and Christoph Burchard and Bijan Fateh-Moghadam},
+title = {Strafrechtsvergleichung als Problem und Lösung},
+address = {Baden-Baden},
+year = {2011},
+author = {Joachim Vogel},
+title = {Diskussionsbemerkungen: Instrumentelle Strafrechtsvergleichung},
+pages = {205--212},
+crossref = {Beck:2011},
+editor = {Heinz Müller-Dietz and Egon Müller and Karl-Ludwig Kunz and Henning Radtke and Guido Britz and Carsten Momsen and Heinz Koriath},
+year = {2007},
+address = {Baden-Baden},
+title = {Festschrift für Heike Jung zum 65. Geburtstag am 23. April 2007},
+shorttitle = {FS Jung},
+author = {Heinz Koriath},
+title = {Fahrlässigkeit und Schuld},
+pages = {397--409},
+crossref = {FS_Jung},
+author = {Thomas Fischer},
+edition = {66},
+address = {München},
+year = {2019},
+title = {Strafgesetzbuch mit Nebengesetzen},
+shorttitle = {StGB},
+title = {Löwe-Rosenberg},
+subtitle = {Die Strafprozeßordnung und das Gerichtsverfassungsgesetz},
+shorthand = {LR},
+edition = {26},
+date = {2006/2014},
+editor = {Volker Erb and Robert Esser and Ulrich Franke and Kirsten Graalmann-Scheerer and Hans Hilger and Alexander Ignor},
+shorthand = {Schönke/Schröder},
+editor = {Adolf Schönke},
+editortype = {founder},
+editora = {Horst Schröder},
+editoratype = {continuator},
+editorb = {Albin Eser and Walter Perron and Detlev Sternberg-Lieben and Jörg Eisele and Bernd Hecker and Jörg Kinzig and Nikolaus Bosch and Frank Schuster and Bettina Weißer and Ulrike Schittenhelm},
+editorbtype = {commentator},
+edition = {30},
+address = {München},
+title = {Strafgesetzbuch},
+year = {2019},
+author = {{Expertengruppe zur Reform der Tötungsdelikte}},
+title = {Abschlussbericht der Expertengruppe zur Reform der Tötungsdelikte (§§\,211 -- 213, 57a StGB)},
+subtitle = {dem Bundesminister der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz Heiko Maas im Juni 2015 vorgelegt},
+year = {2015},
+url = {},
+urldate = {2020-01-01},
+shorttitle = {Abschlussbericht},
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..78134640e2
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-german-legal/german-legal-book.bbx
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+\ProvidesFile{german-legal-book.bbx}[2020/03/13 v001]
+%%% license: LPPL
+%%% author-maintainer: Dominik Brodowski,
+%%% Vorspann %%%
+%%% Dieser Zitierstil basiert auf ext-authortitle, verwendet aber kein
+%%% ibidem (Geschmacksfrage!)
+%%% Um die Änderungen so klein wie möglich zu halten, wird das Paket
+%%% xpatch verwendet, mit dem sich existierende Makros verändern lassen,
+%%% ohne sie gänzlich neu definieren zu müssen.
+%%% Die nachfolgenden Optionen für ext-authortitle werden hier
+%%% standardmäßig gesetzt, können aber beim Einbinden dieses Zitierstils
+%%% überschrieben werden.
+ %%%
+ %%% Sortierung nach Name, dann Titel, dann Jahr,
+ sorting = nty,%
+ %%%
+ %%% Maximale Anzahl der in einer Fußnoten-Zitation wiedergegebenen Namen
+ maxcitenames = 4,%
+ %%%
+ %%% Anzahl der Namen, die vor "u.a." angegeben werden
+ mincitenames = 4,%
+ %%%
+ %%% Sollen "klickbare" Querverweise gesetzt werden?
+ hyperref = true,%
+ %%%
+ %%% Sollen für "Ausgabe" und "Herausgeber" Abkürzungen verwendet werden?
+ abbreviate = true,%
+ %%%
+ %%% Siehe oben
+ idemtracker = false,%
+ %%%
+ %%% Füge bei Sammelwerken u.ä. ein "in:" vor dem Buchtitel hinzu
+ innamebeforetitle = true,%
+ %%%
+ %%% Bei Artikeln folgt die Zeitschrift unmittelbar und wird nicht durch
+ %%% ein "in:" abgetrennt.
+ articlein = false,%
+ %%%
+ %%% Im Literaturverzeichnis erfolgen vollständige Angaben, keine
+ %%% Querverweise auf andere Einträge im Literaturverzeichnis.
+ citexref = false,%
+ %%%
+ %%% "van Beethoven" soll unter "B" und nicht unter "v" einsortiert werden.
+ useprefix = false,%
+ %%%
+ %%% im Literaturverzeichnis soll die ISBN nicht ausgegeben werden.
+ isbn = false,%
+ %%%
+ %%% im Literaturverzeichnis soll allerdings die DOI angegeben werden.
+ doi = true,%
+ %%%
+ %%% Finden sich im Literaturverzeichnis mehrere Werke desselben Autors
+ %%% bzw. derselben Autorenkombination, wird die wiederholte Angabe des
+ %%% Autors durch einen Gedankenstrich ersetzt.
+ dashed = true,%
+%%% Allgemeiner Teil %%%
+%%% Autorennamen werden kursiv gesetzt
+%%% Mehrere Autorennamen werden durch einen Schrägstrich getrennt. Dieser
+%%% ist -- wie die Autorennamen selbst (siehe soeben) -- kursiv zu setzen.
+%%% Achtung: dieser muss hier als \slash ausgegeben werden (und nicht als
+%%% \addslash), weil andernfalls \unspace mit aufgerufen wird und das
+%%% vorherige \addspace rückgängig macht...
+ \renewcommand*{\multinamedelim}{\addspace\mkbibemph{\slash}\addspace}%
+ \renewcommand*{\finalnamedelim}{\addspace\mkbibemph{\slash}\addspace}%
+%%% Sämtliche Namen sollen in der Reihenfolge "Nachname, Vorname" ausgegeben
+%%% werden
+%%% Buch- und Beitragstitel usw. sind aufrecht zu setzen
+%%% Einzelne Blöcke werden mit Kommata (und nicht mit Punkt) abgetrennt,
+%%% nur Titel und Untertitel mit Punkt.
+%%% Einige Felder sollen standardmäßig nicht abgedruckt werden
+ \clearlist{publisher}%
+ \clearfield{note}%
+%%% "Hrsg." soll in Klammern abgedruckt werden. Hierzu wird der Texttrenner
+%%% entfernt und das Makro, dass "Hrsg." ausgibt, durch die Befehle
+%%% \bibopenparen und \bibopenclose umrandet.
+%%% ... gleiches für "Hrsg. u.a."
+%%% ... gleiches für "Übers."
+%%% .. gleiches für "Übers. u.a."
+%%% Bei @article und @periodical soll bevorzugt das Feld "shortjournal"
+%%% statt "journaltitle" oder "journal" verwendet werden.
+ \iffieldundef{shortjournal}%
+ {\printtext[journaltitle]{%
+ \printfield[titlecase]{journaltitle}%
+ \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+ \printfield[titlecase]{journalsubtitle}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ {\printfield[journaltitle]{shortjournal}}%
+%%% Eine URL kann als solche angegeben werden
+%%% article %%%
+%%% Der Zeitschriftentitel soll aufrecht gesetzt werden
+%%% Die Seitenspanne soll (im Literaturverzeichnis) komplett und ohne
+%%% führendes "S." ausgegeben werden.
+%%% Der Aufsatztitel soll ohne Anführungszeichen gesetzt werden
+%%% Das Jahr soll nicht in Klammern gesetzt werden
+%%% Bei Angabe einer Heftnummer ist diese mit einem Schrägstrich abzutrennen
+ % Gibt nach der Ausgabennummer noch einen Slash dazu...
+ \iffieldundef{issue}{}{\printfield{issue}\slash}%
+ % Setze das Datum
+ \iffieldundef{volume}{\printdate}{%
+ \printtext[parens]{\printdate}%
+ }%
+%%% periodical %%%
+%%% Der Zeitschriftentitel soll aufrecht gesetzt werden
+%%% Die Seitenspanne soll (im Literaturverzeichnis) komplett und ohne
+%%% führendes "S." ausgegeben werden.
+%%% Das Jahr soll in Klammern gesetzt werden
+%%% Wird wie article definiert; keine Änderungen!
+%%% book %%%
+%%% Der Buchtitel soll aufrecht gesetzt werden
+%%% Zwischen Ort und Jahr stehe kein Trenner
+%%% inbook %%%
+%%% Der Beitrags- und Buchtitel soll aufrecht gesetzt werden
+%%% Der shortitle des Buchs soll übernommen werden
+ \inherit{shorttitle}{shorttitle}
+%%% Anders als beim Standardmakro "byeditor+others" soll der Herausgebername
+%%% zuerst (und mit der Kursivsetzung wieder rückgängig gemacht), die Angabe
+%%% "Hrsg." erst danach ausgegeben werden
+ \usebibmacro{byeditor+othersstrg}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
+ \printnames[byeditor]{editor}%
+ \setunit{\addspace}%
+ \mkbibemph{\printnames[byeditor]{editor}}%
+ \addspace%
+ \usebibmacro{editor+othersstrg}%
+%%% Anders als beim Standardmakro "inbook:parent" aus "ext-standard.bbx"
+%%% sollen der Buchtitel ("maintitle") und die Herausgeberangabe
+%%% ("byeditor+others") umgekehrt gereiht ausgegeben werden
+ \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+ \newunit\newblock%
+ \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+ \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+ \newunit\newblock
+ \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+%%% incollection %%%
+%%% Der Beitrags- und Buchtitel soll aufrecht gesetzt werden
+%%% Die Festschrift soll sowohl als "book" oder als "collection" definiert
+%%% werden können, wobei neben title,subtitle und titeladdon auch shorttitle
+%%% als ebensolcher übernommen werden soll
+ \inherit{title}{booktitle}
+ \inherit{subtitle}{booksubtitle}
+ \inherit{titleaddon}{booktitleaddon}
+ \inherit{shorttitle}{shorttitle}
+%%% Wird wie inbook definiert; keine Änderungen!
+%%% commentary %%%
+%%% Der Titel und Untertitel soll aufrecht gesetzt werden
+%%% Wird wie book definiert; keine Änderungen!
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-german-legal/german-legal-book.cbx b/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-german-legal/german-legal-book.cbx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1d77d9a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-german-legal/german-legal-book.cbx
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+\ProvidesFile{german-legal-book.cbx}[2020/03/13 v001]
+%%% license: LPPL
+%%% author-maintainer: Dominik Brodowski,
+%%% Vorspann %%%
+%%% Dieser Zitierstil basiert auf ext-authortitle, verwendet aber kein
+%%% ibidem (Geschmacksfrage!)
+%%% Um die Änderungen so klein wie möglich zu halten, wird das Paket
+%%% xpatch verwendet, mit dem sich existierende Makros verändern lassen,
+%%% ohne sie gänzlich neu definieren zu müssen.
+%%% Mit der Option "edsuper" wird angegeben, ob die Auflagennummer bei
+%%% Büchern und Kommentaren mit abgedruckt werden soll. Der Standard ist
+%%% "true", d.h. um dies zu unterbinden, muss "edsuper=false" als Option
+%%% gesetzt werden.
+ \setboolean{book:edition:super}{#1}%
+%%% Allgemeiner Teil %%%
+%%% Mehrere Autorennamen werden durch einen Schrägstrich getrennt. Dieser
+%%% ist -- wie die Autorennamen selbst (siehe bbx) -- kursiv zu setzen.
+ \renewcommand*{\multinamedelim}{\mkbibemph{\addslash}}%
+ \renewcommand*{\finalnamedelim}{\mkbibemph{\addslash}}%
+%%% cite:title wird normalerweise verwendet, um alles ab dem Beitragstitel
+%%% (d.h. nach dem Autorennamen) auszugeben. Mit dieser "Weiche" kann
+%%% hierfür, abhängig vom Beitragstyp, ein eigenes Makro definiert werden.
+ \printtext[bibhyperref]{%
+ \ifbibmacroundef{cite:\strfield{entrytype}}%
+ {%%% default, from authortitle.cbx %%%
+ \printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}%
+ }{%%% use custom override %%%
+ \usebibmacro*{cite:\strfield{entrytype}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+%%% Mit diesem Makro wird standardmäßig die Startseite ausgegeben, wenn
+%%% es einer genauen Fundstelle ("pinpoint citation") als postnote fehlt.
+ \iffieldundef{postnote}%
+ {\iffieldundef{pages}{}%
+ {\addcomma\addspace\printfield{pages}}}%
+ {}%
+%%% Die Formatdefintion "edition:super" und das Makro "printsuperedition"
+%%% werden genutzt, um -- falls book:edition:super auf "true" gesetzt ist
+%%% (Option "edsuper", siehe oben) die Auflagennummer (!) hochgestellt
+%%% auszugeben.
+ \ifinteger{#1}{%
+ \textsuperscript{\tiny{#1}}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifbool{book:edition:super}{\printfield[edition:super]{edition}}{}%
+%%% article %%%
+%%% In Fußnoten soll nicht die Seitenspanne des Aufsatzes, sondern nur die
+%%% Startseite ausgegeben werden.
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[article]{pages}{\mkfirstpage{#1}}%
+%%% Gibt es eine genaue Fundstelle ("pinpoint citation") als sog. postnote,
+%%% so soll zunächst die Startseite und danach die genaue Fundstelle in
+%%% einer Klammer ausgegeben werden.
+%%% Nachfolgend ist der Fußnoten-Zitierstil für Aufsätze definiert, die
+%%% in Zeitschriften erschienen sind, welche nach Erscheinungsjahr (und
+%%% nicht Band, dann @periodical) zitiert werden:
+ %%%
+ %%% Zeitschriftenname...
+ \usebibmacro{journal}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Leerzeichen...
+ \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ %%%
+ %%% ggf. Angabe der Ausgabe (wenn Feld "issue" definiert ist)
+ \iffieldundef{issue}{}{\printfield{issue}\slash}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Jahr...
+ \printfield{year}%
+ %%%
+ %%% und dann die Startseite bzw. pinpoint citation
+ \usebibmacro{startingpage}%
+%%% periodical %%%
+%%% In Fußnoten soll nicht die Seitenspanne des Aufsatzes, sondern nur die
+%%% Startseite ausgegeben werden.
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[periodical]{pages}{\mkfirstpage{#1}}%
+%%% Gibt es eine genaue Fundstelle ("pinpoint citation") als sog. postnote,
+%%% so soll zunächst die Startseite und danach die genaue Fundstelle in
+%%% einer Klammer ausgegeben werden.
+\DeclareFieldFormat[periodical]{postnote}{\printfield{pages} \mkbibparens{#1}}
+%%% Nachfolgend ist der Fußnoten-Zitierstil für Aufsätze definiert, die
+%%% in Zeitschriften erschienen sind, welche nach Band (und nicht nach
+%%% Erscheinungsjahr, dann @article) zitiert werden:
+ %%%
+ %%% Zeitschriftenname...
+ \usebibmacro{journal}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Leerzeichen...
+ \setunit*{\addspace}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Band...
+ \printfield{volume}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Leerzeichen...
+ \addspace%
+ %%%
+ %%% Jahr (in Klammern)...
+ \mkbibparens{\printfield{year}}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Komma...
+ \addcomma%
+ %%%
+ %%% Leerzeichen...
+ \addspace%
+ %%%
+ %%% und dann die Startseite bzw. pinpoint citation
+ \usebibmacro{startingpage}%
+%%% book %%%
+%%% In der Fußnoten interessiert uns nur die Auflagenzahl (ohne "Aufl.")
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[book]{edition}{#1}%
+%%% Nachfolgend ist der Fußnoten-Zitierstil für Bücher definiert:
+ \printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}%
+ \usebibmacro{printsuperedition}%
+%%% inbook %%%
+%%% In Fußnoten soll nicht die Seitenspanne des Aufsatzes, sondern nur die
+%%% Startseite ausgegeben werden.
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[inbook]{pages}{\mkfirstpage{#1}}%
+%%% Gibt es eine genaue Fundstelle ("pinpoint citation") als sog. postnote,
+%%% so soll zunächst die Startseite und danach die genaue Fundstelle in
+%%% einer Klammer ausgegeben werden.
+\DeclareFieldFormat[inbook]{postnote}{\printfield{pages} \mkbibparens{#1}}
+%%% Herausgebernamen in der Fußnote dürfen abgekürzt werden
+ \DeclareNameAlias[inbook]{byeditor}{labelname}%
+%%% Nachfolgend ist der Fußnoten-Zitierstil für Buchbeiträge definiert:
+ %%%
+ %%% in:
+ \usebibmacro{in:}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Hrsg. ...
+ \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Leerzeichen...
+ \newunit\newblock%
+ %%%
+ %%% dann der Buchtitel...
+ \iffieldundef{shorttitle}%
+ {\printfield{booktitle}}%
+ {\printfield{shorttitle}}%
+ \usebibmacro{printsuperedition}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Leerzeichen...
+ \newunit\newblock%
+ %%%
+ %%% und dann die Startseite bzw. pinpoint citation
+ \usebibmacro{startingpage}%
+%%% incollection %%%
+%%% In Fußnoten soll nicht die Seitenspanne des Aufsatzes, sondern nur die
+%%% Startseite ausgegeben werden.
+ \DeclareFieldFormat[incollection]{pages}{\mkfirstpage{#1}}%
+%%% Gibt es eine genaue Fundstelle ("pinpoint citation") als sog. postnote,
+%%% so soll zunächst die Startseite und danach die genaue Fundstelle in
+%%% einer Klammer ausgegeben werden.
+\DeclareFieldFormat[incollection]{postnote}{\printfield{pages} \mkbibparens{#1}}
+%%% Nachfolgend ist der Fußnoten-Zitierstil für Festschriftenbeiträge definiert:
+ %%%
+ %%% in:
+ \usebibmacro{in:}%
+ %%%
+ %%% Festschriftentitel...
+ \iffieldundef{shorttitle}%
+ {\printfield{booktitle}}%
+ {\printfield{shorttitle}}%
+%%% commentary %%%
+%%% Der Bearbeiter wird im prenote-Feld angegeben und kursiv gesetzt, danach
+%%% folgt ein Komma
+%%% Falls bei einem Kommentar "shorthand" angegeben ist, werden die
+%%% Herausgeber nicht (!) genannt. Hierzu wird der Befehl
+%%% \printnames{labelname} im allgemeinen Makro "textcite" unter die
+%%% Bedingung gestellt, dass es sich um einen Kommentar handelt und ein
+%%% "shorthand" definiert ist.
+ \printnames{labelname}%
+ \ifentrytype{commentary}{%
+ \iffieldundef{shorthand}{%
+ \printnames{labelname}%
+ }{}%
+ }{%
+ \printnames{labelname}%
+ }%
+%%% Falls bei einem Kommentar "shorthand" angegeben ist, muss trotzdem das
+%%% "in:" vorangestellt und die Auflagennummer nachgeschoben werden. Hierzu
+%%% wird das allgemeine Makro "cite:shorthand" entsprechend modifiziert.
+ \printfield{shorthand}%
+ \usebibmacro{in:}%
+ \printfield{shorthand}%
+ \usebibmacro{printsuperedition}%
+%%% Nachfolgend ist der Fußnoten-Zitierstil für Kommentare definiert. Dieser
+%%% wird indes nur verwendet, falls "shorthand" nicht definiert ist;
+%%% andernfalls erledigen die oben modifizierten Makros "textcite" und
+%%% "cite:shorthand" die ganze Arbeit.
+ \usebibmacro{in:}%
+ \iffieldundef{shorttitle}%
+ {\printfield{booktitle}}%
+ {\printfield{shorttitle}}%
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/README b/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/README
index b51f224395..9d68bbedc5 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/README
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/README
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-The "draftwatermark" package extends LaTeX providing a means to add a
-textual gray or colored watermark on every page or on the first page
-of a document. Typical usage may consist in writing words such as
-"DRAFT" or "CONFIDENTIAL" across document pages. The package may
-remind in some sense "draftcopy" by Dr. Juergen Vollmer, but its
-implementation is much lighter (as the reduced code footprint shows)
-and does not rely on postscript specials, making the package fully
-compatible with pdfLaTeX. The package depends on package "everypage"
-by the same author.
+The "draftwatermark" package extends LaTeX providing a means to add a textual
+gray or colored watermark on every page or on the first page of a
+document. Typical usage may consist in writing words such as "DRAFT" or
+"CONFIDENTIAL" across document pages. The package may remind in some sense
+"draftcopy" by Dr. Juergen Vollmer, but its implementation is lighter (as the
+reduced code footprint shows) and does not rely on postscript specials, making
+the package fully compatible with pdfLaTeX, xelatex and lualatex. The package
+depends on package "everypage" by the same author.
+The package focus is on simplicity, for complex layouts please consider
+scrlayer.sty in the KOMA script bundle.
-The "draftwatermark" package is copyright 2006, 2012 by Sergio
-Callegari <>
+The "draftwatermark" package is copyright 2006, 2012, 2020 by Sergio Callegari
It comprises this README file, as well as files
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.dtx
index 57ddd23493..2cd35a1bbd 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.dtx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% \iffalse meta-comment
-% Copyright 2006, 2012
+% Copyright 2006-2020
% Sergio Callegari <>
% ---------------------------------------------
@@ -20,31 +20,47 @@
% included in the package.
-\usepackage{mathptmx, helvet, courier}
+\DoNotIndex{\begin, \end, \begingroup, \endgroup}
+\DoNotIndex{\csname, \endcsname}
+\DoNotIndex{\if, \else, \fi}
+\DoNotIndex{\ifx, \fi}
+\DoNotIndex{\ifodd, \fi}
+\DoNotIndex{\@car, \@empty, \@ifnextchar, \@nil, \@onelevel@sanitize,
+ \@tempboxa, \@tempdima, \@tempdimb, \@tfor}
+\DoNotIndex{\AddEverypageHook, \AddThispageHook, \addtolength, \author}
+\DoNotIndex{\bfseries, \box}
+\DoNotIndex{\DeclareBoolOption, \DeclareComplementaryOption,
+ \DeclareStringOption, \def, \define@key, \dimexpr, \DisableKeyvalOption,
+ \do, \documentclass, \dp}
+\DoNotIndex{\fbox, \fontsize}
+\DoNotIndex{\hbox, \hspace, \hss, \ht}
+\DoNotIndex{\let, \lipsum}
+\DoNotIndex{\maketitle, \MyWM}
+\DoNotIndex{\newcommand, \newsavebox, \NeedsTeXFormat}
+\DoNotIndex{\PackageError, \paperheight, \paperwidth,
+ \ProcessKeyvalOptions, \ProvidesPackage}
+\DoNotIndex{\relax, \RequirePackage, \rotatebox}
+\DoNotIndex{\savebox, \sbox, \scalebox, \section, \selectfont, \setkeys,
+ \setlength, \sffamily}
+\DoNotIndex{\thepage, \title}
+\DoNotIndex{\usebox, \usepackage}
+\DoNotIndex{\vbox, \vspace, \vss}
+\DoNotIndex{\wd, \wmbox}
@@ -54,15 +70,15 @@
% \fi
-% \CheckSum{143}
+% \CheckSum{288}
% \def\filename{draftwatermark.dtx}
-% \def\fileversion{1.2}
-% \def\filedate{2015/02/19}
-% \def\docdate{2015/02/19}
+% \def\fileversion{2.0}
+% \def\filedate{2020/03/14}
+% \def\docdate{2020/03/14}
% \newcommand*{\Lpack}[1]{\textsf {#1}} ^^A typeset a package
-% \newcommand*{\Lopt}[1]{\textsf {#1}} ^^A typeset an option
+% \newcommand*{\Lopt}[1]{\texttt {#1}} ^^A typeset an option
% \newcommand*{\file}[1]{\texttt {#1}} ^^A typeset a file
% \newcommand*{\Lcount}[1]{\textsl {\small#1}} ^^A typeset a counter
% \newcommand*{\pstyle}[1]{\textsl {#1}} ^^A typeset a pagestyle
@@ -82,270 +98,567 @@
% \begin{abstract}
% The \Lpack{draftwatermark} package extends \LaTeX\ providing a means
-% to add a textual (usually light gray, but possibly colored) watermark
-% on every page or on the first page of a document. Typical usage may
-% consist in writing words such as \emph{DRAFT} or \emph{CONFIDENTIAL}
-% across document pages. The package may remind in some sense
-% \Lpack{draftcopy} by Dr.~Juergen Vollmer, but its implementation is
-% much lighter (as the reduced code footprint shows) and does not rely
-% on postscript specials, making the package fully compatible with
-% pdf\LaTeX. The package depends on \Lpack{everypage} by the same
-% author.
+% to add a watermark (typically textual and light gray, but possibly
+% more sophisticated) on the pages of a document (either on every page,
+% on the first page, or on selected pages). Typical usage may consist in
+% writing words such as ``DRAFT'' or ``CONFIDENTIAL'' across the
+% pages. The package may remind in some sense \Lpack{draftcopy} by
+% Dr.~Juergen Vollmer, but its implementation is lighter (as the reduced
+% code footprint shows) and does not rely on postscript specials, making
+% the package fully compatible with \hologo{pdfLaTeX}, \hologo{XeLaTeX}
+% and \hologo{LuaLaTeX}. The \Lpack{draftwatermark} package depends on
+% \Lpack{everypage} by the same author. Its feature set is somehow
+% restricted because the emphasis is on the simplicity of the
+% interface. For complex layouts, \Lpack{scrlayer.sty} from the
+% \emph{KOMA script} bundle may represent a valuable alternative.
% \end{abstract}
% \section{Introduction}
-% This program extends \LaTeX\ providing a means to add a textual,
-% (usually light gray, but possibly colored) watermark on every page or on
-% the first page of a document. Typical usage may consist in writing words
-% such as \emph{DRAFT} or \emph{CONFIDENTIAL} across document pages. The
-% package may remind in some sense \Lpack{draftcopy} by Dr.~Juergen
-% Vollmer, but its implementation differs by a few points:
+% This package extends \LaTeX\ providing a means to add a textual, usually
+% light gray (but possibly colored) watermark on every page, the first
+% page, or selected pages of a document. Typical usage may consist in
+% writing words such as ``DRAFT'' or ``CONFIDENTIAL'' across document
+% pages.
+% The package may remind in some sense \Lpack{draftcopy} by Dr.~Juergen
+% Vollmer, but its implementation differs in a few points:
% \begin{enumerate}
-% \item Code footprint is much, much smaller (about one order of
-% magnitude smaller), although this does not mean much on modern
-% computers.
-% \item There is no use of Postscript specials or other
-% driver-dependent tricks, so the package should be compatible with
-% any output driver and with pdf\LaTeX\ in particular. Lack of
-% compatibility with pdf\LaTeX\ in these days is the biggest pitfall
-% of \Lpack{draftcopy} and was the first motivation for writing
-% \Lpack{draftwatermark}.
-% \item Reduced code footprint comes at some price with regards to
-% features. Many features of \Lpack{draftcopy} are not supported here,
-% most notably \Lpack{draftwatermark} has:
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item No automatic selection of the watermark text to use, depending on
-% the language, using translations of the word ``DRAFT''. However,
-% this is no big loss, since there is a possibility to set the text
-% to use explicitly, and this leaves the freedom to chose whatever
-% text one happens to prefer, including things that have nothing to
-% do with the word ``DRAFT'' (e.g., ``CONFIDENTIAL'', ``FOR YOUR
-% EYES ONLY'', etc.).
-% \item No possibility to watermark only the first \emph{two} pages of a
-% document. However, it is possible to watermark only the first.
-% \end{itemize}
-% Other features available as options in \Lpack{draftcopy} (e.g., the
-% possibility of time-stamping the watermark text) can be obtained
-% working on the watermark text itself.
-% \item Dependence on the \Lpack{everypage} package by the same
-% author.
+% \item Code footprint is smaller, although this does not mean much on
+% modern computers.
+% \item There is no use of Postscript specials or other driver-dependent
+% tricks, so the package should be compatible with any output driver and
+% with \hologo{pdfLaTeX}, \hologo{XeLaTeX}, and \hologo{LuaLaTeX}\ in
+% particular. Recently, compatibility with PDF generating engines is
+% quite important and its lack in \Lpack{draftcopy} and was the first
+% motivation for writing \Lpack{draftwatermark}.
+% \item Reduced code footprint comes at some price. Many features of
+% \Lpack{draftcopy} are not supported here, most notably
+% \Lpack{draftwatermark} has:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item No automatic selection of the watermark text to use, based on
+% the language, relying on pre-stored translations of the word
+% ``DRAFT''. This may be no big loss, since one is free to choose
+% whatever text he/she happens to prefer.
+% \item No automatic possibility to watermark only the first \emph{two}
+% pages of a document. However, it is possible to automatically
+% watermark only the first or to \emph{manually} stop the watermarking
+% after the second page.
+% \end{itemize}
+% Note that some features available as options in \Lpack{draftcopy}
+% (e.g., the possibility of time-stamping the watermark text) can be
+% obtained working on the watermark text itself.
% \end{enumerate}
+% The emphasis of \Lpack{draftwatermark} is on the simplicity of its
+% interface. In many cases the package will do the right thing by just
+% loading it, without any further configuration. Such simplicity pairs
+% with some limitations. As an example, \Lpack{draftwatermark} is capable
+% of putting some text or an image on the background of the page, below
+% the document text, but not of \emph{stamping}, that is putting it in the
+% foreground, above the document text. Similarly, it is not well suited
+% for complex watermark layouts. As a further note, there may be
+% unexpected behaviors when \Lpack{draftwatermark} is used together with
+% other packages affecting the page building, e.g., with respect to the
+% stacking order of the objects on the page. For any complex layout, or
+% when the Z-ordering is important, the recommendation is to look at the
+% \Lpack{scrlayer} package in the \emph{KOMA script} bundle.
+% For the actual page building \Lpack{draftwatermark} depends on the
+% \Lpack{everypage} package by the same author.
% \section{User interface}
% When loaded, \Lpack{draftwatermark} sets up a number of defaults
% (detailed later and modifiable by specific commands) and immediately
% becomes active.
-% \subsection{Package options}
-% If loaded as
-% \begin{quote}
-% |\usepackage{draftwatermark}|
-% \end{quote}
-% the package sets up itself to put a background text on every
-% page. Alternatively, if loaded as
-% \begin{quote}
-% |\usepackage[firstpage]{draftwatermark}|
-% \end{quote}
-% the package sets up itself to put a background text only on the
-% first page.
+% \subsection{Package options and configuration}
% If loaded as
% \begin{quote}
-% |\usepackage[nostamp]{draftwatermark}|
+% |\usepackage{draftwatermark}|
% \end{quote}
-% the package does not print any watermark even if it is loaded and
-% configured to do so. This is handy for quickly removing the ``draft''
-% status from a document. Option \Lopt{final} is a synonym for
-% \Lopt{nostamp}. This can be handy because \Lopt{final} is a commonly
-% used global option that can be simultaneously obeyed by many packages
-% (e.g., to include figures, remove marks, and so on). The option
-% \Lopt{stamp} can be used to override a global \Lopt{final} option and to
-% recover the watermarking.
-% \subsection{Default behavior and commands to modify it}
-% The package defaults are illustrated in table~\ref{tbl:defaults}.
-% \begin{table}[ht]
-% \begin{center}
-% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}
-% \begin{tabular}{|p{0.6\linewidth}|c|}
-% \hline
-% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
-% Behavior & Default value\\
-% \hline\hline
-% Angle at which the watermark text is drawn & 45°\\
-% Color of the watermark text & gray 80\%\\
-% Font size of the watermark text & 5$\;$cm\\
-% Horizontal center of watermark text & .5pagewidth\\
-% Scaling of the watermark text & 1.2\\
-% Vertical center of watermark text & .5pageheight\\
-% Watermark text & DRAFT\\
-% \hline
-% \end{tabular}
-% \end{center}
-% \caption{Package defaults.}
-% \label{tbl:defaults}
-% \end{table}
-% With reference to the defaults, note that:
-% \begin{enumerate}
-% \item the watermark font size cannot exceed a maximum value that is
-% about 5$\;$cm.
-% \item the watermark scale can be any value. Using the default, the
-% word ``DRAFT'' at 45° uses up all the space on an A4 paper. To have
-% a good looking large text, it is better to enlarge the font size as
-% much as possibile, rather than using a small font size and pumping
-% up the scale.
-% \item the watermark horizontal and vertical centers define the
-% center of the text. Origin is upper left corner of page and values
-% are positive.
-% \end{enumerate}
+% the package sets up itself to put the a large, grayed background text
+% saying ``DRAFT'' at the center every page.
-% \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkAngle}
-% \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkColor}
-% \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkFontSize}
-% \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkScale}
-% \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkHorCenter}
-% \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkVerCenter}
-% \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkText}
-% Table~\ref{tbl:commands} illustrates the commands used to modify the
-% package behaviour.
-% \begin{table}[ht]
-% \begin{center}
-% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}
-% \begin{tabular}{|p{0.4\linewidth}|l|}
-% \hline
-% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
-% Behavior & Command affecting it\\
-% \hline\hline
-% Angle at which the watermark text is drawn &
-% |\SetWatermarkAngle{|\meta{real}|}|\\
-% Color of the watermark &
-% |\SetWatermarkColor|$\;$\meta{col\_spec}\\
-% Lightness of the watermark text (1=white, 0=black) &
-% |\SetWatermarkLightness{|\meta{real}|}|\\
-% Font size of the watermark text &
-% |\SetWatermarkFontSize{|\meta{length}|}|\\
-% Scaling of the watermark text &
-% |\SetWatermarkScale{|\meta{real}|}|\\
-% Horizontal center of watermark text &
-% |\SetWatermarkHorCenter{|\meta{length}|}|\\
-% Vertical center of watermark text &
-% |\SetWatermarkVerCenter{|\meta{length}|}|\\
-% Watermark text &
-% |\SetWatermarkText{|\meta{text}|}|\\
-% \hline
-% \end{tabular}
-% \end{center}
-% \caption{Commands affecting the package behavior.}
-% \label{tbl:commands}
-% \end{table}
-% Note that \meta{col\_spec} can be either a named color such as
-% |{|\meta{name}|}| or a color specification such as
-% |[|\meta{model}|]{|\meta{specs}|}|. For instance
-% \begin{quote}
-% |\SetWatermarkColor{red}|\\
-% |\SetWatermarkColor[rgb]{0,1,0}|
-% \end{quote}
-% \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkLightness}
-% are both valid colors. Also note that the command
+% This behavior can be modified by passing options to the package as in
% \begin{quote}
-% |\SetWatermarkLightness{|\meta{real}|}|
+% |\usepackage[<options>]{draftwatermark}|
% \end{quote}
-% is provided as a conveniency (and for backward compatibility) to select
-% gray watermarks (1=white, 0=black).
-% Observe that the |\SetWatermarkFontSize|,
-% |\SetWatermarkHorCenter| and |\SetWatermarkVerCenter|
-% commands take a length rather than a simple number.
-% Also observe that multiline textual
-% watermarks can easily be obtained by the |\shortstack| command and
-% that there is the possibility of using an image rather than a text
-% (e.g., a ``caution, work in progress'' sign, etc.).
-% Note that once the package is loaded, there is no way to stop it.
-% In order to have textual watermarks that appear only when
-% specific conditions are met, conditionals must be included in the
-% watermarks.
-% Eventually consider that no special assumption is made on the
-% \LaTeX\ output driver, so \Lpack{draftwatermark} should work equally
-% well with \LaTeX\ and pdf\LaTeX. Furthermore, the package should
-% work equally well with the dvi, dvips, etc.\@ output drivers.
-% Obviously, the final compatibility with the different output drivers
-% depends on the actual code that is placed in the textual watermark.
-% \section{Example}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DraftwatermarkOptions}
+% The package behavior can also be dynamically changed \emph{after the
+% package is loaded} by the command |\DraftwatermarkOptions{<options>}|
+% that can be used anywhere in the document source. In either case,
+% |<options>| is a comma separated list of options, each given as a
+% |<key>| or as a |<key>=<value>| pair. Unless otherwise indicated, all
+% options that can be used at the loading of the package can also be given
+% via the |\DraftwatermarkOptions{<options>}| mechanism. In fact, the two
+% things are almost equivalent, with some cautionary
+% details. Specifically, the parsing of options by the |\usepackage|
+% command is a bit quirky, hence when specifying options with the
+% |<key>=<value>| syntax, some values that are accepted by
+% |\DraftwatermarkOptions| may cause issues when specifying options with
+% |\usepackage|.
+% \medskip
+% The available options are:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \verb!firstpageonly=true|false!\\
+% If no value is provided, |true| is assumed. Default is |false|.\\
+% Instructs \Lpack{draftwatermark} to only apply the watermark on the
+% first page.\\
+% This option cannot be used with |\DraftwatermarkOptions{<options>}|.
+% \item |firstpage| legacy alias of |firstpageonly|.
+% \item \verb!stamp=true|false!\\
+% If no value is provided, |true| is assumed. Default is |true|.\\
+% Instructs \Lpack{draftwatermark} to print the watermark.
+% \item |nostamp| legacy alias of |stamp=false|.
+% \item |final| legacy alias of |stamp=false|.
+% \item |angle=<real>|\\
+% Default is |45|.\\
+% Defines the angle, in degrees, at which the watermark text should be
+% printed.
+% \item |scale=<real>|\\
+% Default is |1|.\\
+% Defines the scale at which the watermark text should be printed.
+% \item |fontsize=<length>|\\
+% Default is |0.25\paperwidth|.\\
+% Defines the font size for the watermark text. See
+% Section~\ref{ssec:fontsize}.
+% \item |text=<token list>|\\
+% Default is |DRAFT|.
+% Defines the watermark text. See notes in Section~\ref{ssec:text}.
+% \item |hpos=<length>|\\
+% Default is |0.5\paperwidth|.\\
+% Defines the horizontal position of the watermark, based on its anchor
+% point. See also the |pos| option.
+% \item |vpos=<length>|\\
+% Default is |0.5\paperheight|.\\
+% Defines the horizontal position of the watermark, based on its anchor
+% point. See also the |pos| option.
+% \item |pos={<length>, <length>}|\\
+% Defines at once the horizontal (first length) and vertical (second
+% length) position of the watermark, based on its anchor point. See also
+% the options |hpos| and |vpos|.
+% \item \verb!hanchor=l|c|r!\\
+% Default is |c|.\\
+% Defines the horizontal position of the watermark anchor
+% point. Specifically, |l| stands for \emph{left}, |c| for \emph{center}
+% and |r| for \emph{right}. See also the |anchor| option.
+% \item \verb!hanchor=t|m|b!\\
+% Default is |c|.\\
+% Defines the vertical position of the watermark anchor
+% point. Specifically, |t| stands for \emph{top}, |m| for \emph{middle}
+% and |b| for \emph{bottom}. See also the |anchor| option.
+% \item |anchor=<string>|\\
+% Defines the anchor point for the watermark. The anchor point is placed
+% at the page coordinates specified by the |hpos| and |vpos|
+% options. The string used for the specification is made of the |l|,
+% |c|, |r|, |t|, |m|, and |b| characters, whose meaning is as described
+% for the |hanchor| and |vanchor| options. For instance, if the anchor
+% specification is |lt|, then the top left corner of the watermark is
+% placed at the position specified by the |hpos| and |vpos| options.
+% \item |colormodel=<color model>|\\
+% Defaults to |gray|.\\
+% Defines the color model for the specification of the color of the
+% watermark text. Can be any color model supported by the \Lpack{color}
+% package. Leaving it empty allows named colors to be specified. See
+% also the |color| option.
+% \item |colorspec=<color specification>|\\
+% Defaults to |0.8|.\\
+% Defines a color specification for the watermark text. The
+% specification is interpreted according to the color model. For
+% instance if the model is |rgb|, then the specification can be a color
+% triple. See also the |color| option.
+% \item |color=<full color specification>|\\
+% Defines the color of the watermark text. The color specification may
+% include an optional color model and must include a color
+% specification, following the standard set by the \Lpack{color}
+% package. For instance, some examples of valid specifications are
+% |red|, or |{[rgb]{1, 0, 1}}|, or |{[gray]{0.5}}|.
+% \item |markcmd=<macro>|\\
+% Default is |\DraftwatermarkStdMark|.\\
+% Defines the command used to draw the actual watermark. See also
+% Sect.~\ref{sec:markcmd}.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \section{Some notes on the configuration options}
+% \subsection{The \Lopt{stamp} option and its companion configuration
+% directives}
+% The |stamp|, |nostamp| and |final| options let one control whether the
+% watermark should actually be printed or not. They can be handy for
+% quickly removing the ``draft'' status from a document, without having to
+% alter the actual watermark setup. Option \Lopt{final} is a synonym for
+% \Lopt{nostamp}. Note that \Lopt{final} is a commonly used global
+% (class-level) option that can be simultaneously obeyed by multiple
+% packages. The option \Lopt{stamp} can be used to override a global
+% \Lopt{final} option and to recover the watermarking.
+% Via the |\DraftwatermarkOptions| command, the |stamp| option can be
+% given at arbitrary points in the document to suspend or resume
+% watermarking. In this way one can \emph{manually} apply the watermark
+% only on selected pages of a document.
+% \subsection{The watermark text size}
+% \label{ssec:fontsize}
+% The package lets one control the watermark size in two different
+% ways. One is by picking a font size via the |fontsize| option; the other
+% one is by scaling the watermark with the |scale| option.
+% In principle, using a large font to produce a large textual watermark is
+% the preferred choice. In fact, a font with a large point size is not
+% just a scaled up version of the same font with a small point
+% size. Conversely, it is a font where all the traits are adjusted to
+% actually look well at a large size. This is why \Lpack{draftwatermark}
+% defaults to setting |scale=1| and to a large point size for the font (in
+% fact, sufficiently large to get the word ``DRAFT'', rotated at
+% 45\textdegree, take about half of the page width.
+% Nonetheless asking for a large font may not work, if \LaTeX\ has not
+% been set up to use \emph{scalable} fonts. For this reason, the
+% recommendation is to always use \Lpack{draftwatermark} on \LaTeX\ or
+% \hologo{pdfLaTeX} together with other packages that trigger the usage of
+% fully scalable fonts (practical examples may be \Lpack{newtx} or
+% \Lpack{mathptmx}, etc.). An even better alternative is to use modern
+% \TeX\ engines, as in \hologo{XeLaTeX} or \hologo{LuaLaTeX} with
+% \Lpack{fontspec}. In any case, recall that even with scalable fonts,
+% \LaTeX\ may be unable to deal with extremely large font sizes (e.g.,
+% $\gg 5\,\mathrm{cm}$). If really large letters are required for the
+% watermark, a suitable combination of |fontsize| and |scale| may be
+% needed.
+% One can immediately realize when \LaTeX\ is unable to deal with the
+% package default or selected |fontsize| from two things: (i) a font
+% warning from \LaTeX; and (ii) a tiny watermark text whose size seems not
+% to react to the |fontsize| option. In this case, either switch to
+% scalable fonts or select a small |fontsize| (e.g., |12pt|) together with
+% a |scale| significantly larger than |1|.
+% \subsection{The watermark text}
+% \label{ssec:text}
+% As previously noticed, the watermark text can be specified with the
+% |text| option. The value passed to the |text| option does not need to be
+% a plain string. Conversely, it may include formatting marks, such as
+% line break commands (e.g., |\\|) or commands to select font variants
+% (e.g., |\bfseries|). In fact, it is also possible to use a command to
+% include an image as the text. A word of caution is necessary, though. To
+% use \LaTeX\ commands in the watermark text, please configure the latter
+% via the |\DraftwatermarkOptions| command. Trying to do so by passing
+% options to the \Lpack{draftwatermark} package via the |\usepackage|
+% mechanism may fail due to how \LaTeX\ parses option strings. Also note
+% that the text may need to be surrounded by braces.
+% If the watermark text includes line breaks, \Lpack{draftwatermark} will
+% use a default interline space set to 1.2 times the font size. Consider
+% that multiline texts with alignment, taking up their natural width can
+% easily be obtained with the |\shortstack| command.
+% Also, note that the watermark typesetting happens inside a \TeX\
+% group, to make sure that any parameter setting you do in the |text|
+% token list can stay local.
+% As a further remark, observe that in order to only put a watermark on
+% selected pages, an alternative to changing the |stamp| configuration
+% option at arbitrary points in the document can be to use conditional
+% expressions in the watermark text itself.
+% \subsection{The watermark positioning}
+% The watermark position is controlled via the |hpos| and |vpos|
+% configuration options (or alternatively, by the |pos| configuration
+% option). It is worth underlining that these configuration parameters
+% require \emph{lengths} not plain numbers.
+% The coordinates used by the positioning parameters are measured from the
+% top left corner of the page. They work in conjunction with the anchoring
+% parameters (|hanchor|, |vanchor| and |anchor|). Specifically, the anchor
+% point of the watermark is placed at the specified position. The default
+% is to center the watermark on the page, but it is possible to choose
+% other positions by a smart choice of the positioning and anchoring
+% parameters. For instance, one may want to put the watermark on the top
+% right corner of each page, which can be easily done with an |rt|
+% anchoring.
+% As a final remark, observe that the specification of the positioning
+% coordinates can be based on \LaTeX\ macros. For instance, one can set
+% the horizontal position at |0.5\paperwidth| (for centering) or at
+% |\dimexpr\paperwidth-5mm| (for placement at the right hand side of the
+% page). Interestingly, \Lpack{draftwatermark} re-evaluates the
+% positioning coordinates on every page. This means that positions based
+% on |\paperwidth| or |\paperheight| should dynamically adjust if the page
+% size is changed through the document.
-% As an example, consider the following code snippet:
+% \section{The standard watermark and ways of overriding it}
+% \label{sec:markcmd}
+% In order to simplify its usage as much as possible, the
+% \Lpack{draftwatermark} package is designed under the assumption that,
+% most of the time, the user will need just a \emph{textual} watermark and
+% some basic way to tune its visual aspect, such as choosing the text
+% font, font size, scale, rotation angle, etc.
+% \DescribeMacro{\DraftwatermarkStdMark} To this aim, the macro
+% |\DraftwatermarkStdMark| is provided to do the standard job of
+% typesetting the watermark text according to the configuration-defined
+% font, color, angle, and so on. Then the package arranges so that this
+% macro is called whenever watermarking is needed.
+% In case the facilities provided by |\DraftwatermarkStdMark| are
+% insufficient, the package user can set up his/her own macro to do the
+% watermark typesetting and instruct \Lpack{draftwatermark} to use it in
+% place of |\DraftwatermarkStdMark|. This is done by using the
+% configuration option |markcmd| that takes the new macro name as its
+% parameter. The advice is to always write a new macro rather than
+% redefining or patching |\DraftwatermarkStdMark|. Note that because
+% |markcmd| can be reconfigured multiple times, one may actually define
+% multiple macros to get different watermark layouts on different
+% pages of the same document.
+% \begin{sloppy} It is worth recalling that when |markcmd| is set to
+% something different from |\DraftwatermarkStdMark|, the angle, font,
+% scale, color parameters will be ignored. In this case, the package
+% user is on his/her own if he/she wants to parametrize the watermark
+% appearance.
+% \end{sloppy}
+% \section{Compatibility notes for version 2.0 of the package and later
+% versions}
+% Version 2.0 of the package is an almost complete rewrite with respect to
+% version 1.2. Specifically, all the configuration mechanism has been
+% overhauled, by moving to an interface based on configuration keys and
+% associated values.
+% In principle, compatibility to the 1.x series should be fully preserved
+% by the provision of a \emph{legacy interface}. In case old documents are
+% broken by the 2.x series, please report it as a bug.
+% The advice is not to use the legacy interface in new documents, unless
+% you know that they will need to be processed in environments lacking a
+% recent \Lpack{draftwatermark}.
+% \subsection{The legacy interface}
+% The legacy interface is composed by the following commands:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkAngle}^^A
+% Command |\SetWatermarkAngle{<real>}| is the same as\\
+% |\DraftwatermarkOptions{angle=<real>}|.
+% \item \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkColor}^^A
+% Command |\SetWatermarkColor[<model>]{<color spec>}| is the same as\\
+% |\DraftwatermarkOptions{color={[<model>]{<color spec>}}}|.
+% \item \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkLightness}^^A
+% Command |\SetWatermarkLightness{<real>}| is the same as\\
+% |\DraftwatermarkOptions{color={[<gray>]{<real>}}}|. The real value
+% should be in between 0 (for black) and 1 (for white).
+% \item \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkFontSize}^^A
+% Command |\SetWatermarkFontSize{<length>}| is the same as\\
+% |\DraftwatermarkOptions{fontsize=<length>}|.
+% \item \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkScale}^^A
+% Command |\SetWatermarkScale{<real>}| is the same as\\
+% |\DraftwatermarkOptions{scale=<real>}|.
+% \item \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkHorCenter}^^A
+% Command |\SetWatermarkHorCenter{<length>}| is the same as\\
+% |\DraftwatermarkOptions{hpos=<length>, hanchor=c}|.
+% \item \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkVerCenter}^^A
+% Command |\SetWatermarkVerCenter{<length>}| is the same as\\
+% |\DraftwatermarkOptions{vpos=<length>, vanchor=m}|.
+% \item \DescribeMacro{\SetWatermarkText}^^A
+% Command |\SetWatermarkText{<text>}| is the same as\\
+% |\DraftwatermarkOptions{text=<text>}|.
+% \end{itemize}
+% Note that the legacy interface supports only a subset of what is
+% possible with the modern interface.
+% \section{Examples}
+% \subsection{Plain case, using the modern package interface}
+% As an example, consider this first document source:
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \begin{macrocode}
+\usepackage[firstpageonly, color={[gray]{0.5}}]{draftwatermark}
+\title{Sample document for the draftwatermark package}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \makeatletter \c@CodelineNo\z@ \makeatother
+% This produces a two pages document with placeholder content, putting a
+% page-centered watermark on the first page only. The watermark is made a
+% slightly darker toneof gray than the default.
+% \subsection{Plain case, using the legacy interface}
+% Using the legacy interface, the source for the same sample document as
+% above would look like:
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\title{Sample document for the draftwatermark package}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \makeatletter \c@CodelineNo\z@ \makeatother
+% \subsection{Things that cannot be done with the legacy interface}
+% A major limitation of the legacy interface that has been removed with
+% the modern interface is the inability to control the watermark
+% anchoring. For instance, one may want the watermark to appear in the
+% right top angle of every page. With the modern interface, such a result
+% can be easily obtained as in the following sample code:
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\usepackage[firstpage, anchor=tr, color=red,
+ pos={\dimexpr\paperwidth-5mm, 5mm},
+ angle=-45, fontsize=32pt]{draftwatermark}
\title{Sample document for the draftwatermark package}
+\DraftwatermarkOptions{text=\bfseries DRAFT}
-This text is here just to fill in some space. This text is here just to
-fill in some space. This text is here just to fill in some space. This
-text is here just to fill in some space. This text is here just to fill in
-some space. This text is here just to fill in some space. This text is
-here just to fill in some space. This text is here just to fill in some
-space. This text is here just to fill in some space. This text is here
-just to fill in some space. This text is here just to fill in some
-space. This text is here just to fill in some space. This text is here
-just to fill in some space. This text is here just to fill in some
-space. This text is here just to fill in some space. This text is here
-just to fill in some space. This text is here just to fill in some
-space. This text is here just to fill in some space. This text is here
-just to fill in some space. This text is here just to fill in some
-space. This text is here just to fill in some space.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \makeatletter \c@CodelineNo\z@ \makeatother
+% \subsection{Maximum freedom with a custom watermarking command}
+% As a final example, see how maximum freedom can be obtained with a
+% custom watermarking command. The following document source lets one have
+% a watermark on the top right corner of odd pages and on the top left
+% corner of even pages.
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\title{Sample document for the draftwatermark package}
-Also this text is here just to fill in some space. Also this text is here
-just to fill in some space. Also this text is here just to fill in some
-space. Also this text is here just to fill in some space. Also this text
-is here just to fill in some space. Also this text is here just to fill in
-some space. Also this text is here just to fill in some space. Also this
-text is here just to fill in some space. Also this text is here just to
-fill in some space. Also this text is here just to fill in some
-space. Also this text is here just to fill in some space. Also this text
-is here just to fill in some space. Also this text is here just to fill in
-some space. Also this text is here just to fill in some space. Also this
-text is here just to fill in some space. Also this text is here just to
-fill in some space. Also this text is here just to fill in some space.
+ {\color[rgb]{1,0.8,0.8}\sffamily \fbox{DRAFT}}}
+ \ifodd\thepage
+ \hspace*{\dimexpr \paperwidth -\wd\wmbox-10mm}%
+ \usebox{\wmbox}%
+ \else
+ \usebox{\wmbox}%
+ \fi}
+\DraftwatermarkOptions{anchor=lt, pos={5mm, 5mm}, markcmd=\MyWM}
% \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
+% \makeatletter \c@CodelineNo\z@ \makeatother
% \section{Development and support}
-% The package is developed at \emph{github}:
+% The package is developed on \emph{github}:
% \begin{quote}
% \url{}
% \end{quote}
-% Please refer to that site for any bug report or development information.
+% Please, refer to that site for any bug report or development
+% information. Be so kind to refrain from opening bugs for enhancement
+% requests that, from the present document, would evidently require moving
+% against some fundamental design decisions.
% \section{Changelog}
% \begin{description}
% \item[1.0 - 2006/06/30] Initial version.
-% \item[1.1 - 2012/01/06] Add support for colored watermarks; Options to
-% disable watermarking; Many small fixes in the documentation.
+% \item[1.1 - 2012/01/06] Add support for colored watermarks; options to
+% disable watermarking; many small fixes in the documentation.
% \item[1.2 - 2015/02/19] Add support for watermark position.
+% \item[2.0 - 2020/03/08] Configuration management overhaul; introduction
+% of a legacy interface for compatibility.
% \end{description}
% \StopEventually {}
@@ -360,174 +673,255 @@ fill in some space. Also this text is here just to fill in some space.
% \begin{macrocode}
- [2015/02/19 1.2 Put a gray textual watermark on document pages]
+ [2020/03/14 2.0 Put a gray textual watermark on document pages]
% \end{macrocode}
-% Require the needed packages. Note that if these are pre-loaded
-% before loading \Lpack{draftwatermark}, using suitable options to
-% preset behavior for a desired output driver, this is used also
-% here.
+% Require the needed packages.
% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\if@sc@wm@first}
-% Set up the conditional to store whether a watermark is needed only
-% on the first page or everywhere.
+% Define the configuration options and default values.
% \begin{macrocode}
+ \csname draftwatermark@firstpageonly#1\endcsname}
+ \draftwatermark@processpos #1\@nil}
+ \draftwatermark@processanchor{#1}}
+ \draftwatermark@processcolor #1\@nil}
% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\if@sc@wm@stamp}
-% Set up the conditional to store whether to stamp the watermark or not.
+% Set up some helper marcros to process the options. These should be
+% rather self-explanatory.
% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\draftwatermark@hpos{#1}%
+ \def\draftwatermark@vpos{#2}}
+ \def\draftwatermark@tempa{#1}
+ \@onelevel@sanitize \draftwatermark@tempa
+ \expandafter \@tfor \expandafter \draftwatermark@tempb
+ \expandafter :\expandafter =\draftwatermark@tempa
+ \do
+ {%
+ \if \draftwatermark@tempb l%
+ \def \draftwatermark@hanchor{l}%
+ \else \if \draftwatermark@tempb c%
+ \def \draftwatermark@hanchor{c}%
+ \else \if \draftwatermark@tempb r%
+ \def \draftwatermark@hanchor{r}%
+ \else \if \draftwatermark@tempb t%
+ \def \draftwatermark@vanchor{t}%
+ \else \if \draftwatermark@tempb m%
+ \def \draftwatermark@vanchor{m}%
+ \else \if \draftwatermark@tempb b%
+ \def \draftwatermark@vanchor{b}
+ \else
+ \PackageError{draftwatermark}{%
+ Illegal anchor directive `\draftwatermark@tempb'}%
+ {Directive has been ingnored.}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ }}
+ \@ifnextchar[
+ \draftwatermark@processcolor@ii\draftwatermark@processcolor@i}
+ \def\draftwatermark@colormodel{}%
+ \def\draftwatermark@colorspec{#1}}
+ \def\draftwatermark@colormodel{#1}%
+ \def\draftwatermark@colorspec{#2}}
% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% Declare the package options.
+% Process the package options\dots
% \begin{macrocode}
- \@sc@wm@firsttrue}
- \@sc@wm@stampfalse}
- \@sc@wm@stampfalse}
- \@sc@wm@stamptrue}
% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\sc@wm@angle}
-% \begin{macro}{\sc@wm@colormodel}
-% \begin{macro}{\sc@wm@colorspecs}
-% \begin{macro}{\sc@wm@scale}
-% \begin{macro}{\sc@wm@hcenter}
-% \begin{macro}{\sc@wm@vcenter}
-% \begin{macro}{\sc@wm@fontsize}
-% \begin{macro}{\sc@wm@text}
-% Set up the package defaults.
+% \dots\, and then disable the |firstpageonly| and |firstpage| options,
+% that can only be used at the package loading time.
% \begin{macrocode}
-%% defaults
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\DraftwatermarkOptions}
+% Set up a command to modify the configuration as needed.
+% \begin{macrocode}
% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
+% Introduce the legacy interface.
% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkAngle}
-% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkColor}
-% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkLightness}
+% Legacy command to set the rotation angle for the standard watermark
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkFontSize}
+% Legacy command to set the font size for the standard watermark
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkScale}
+% Legacy command to set the scale for the standard watermark
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkHorCenter}
% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkVerCenter}
-% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkText}
-% Set up the commands to modify the behavior.
+% Legacy commands to set the horizontal and vertical position for the
+% standard watermark, also forcing it to be centered there.
% \begin{macrocode}
- \def\sc@wm@angle{#1}}
- \def\sc@wm@colormodel{#1}%
- \def\sc@wm@colorspecs{#2}}
- \SetWatermarkColor[gray]{#1}}
- \setlength\sc@wm@fontsize{#1}}
- \def\sc@wm@scale{#1}}
- \setlength\sc@wm@hcenter{#1}}
+ \DraftwatermarkOptions{hpos=#1, hanchor=c}}
- \setlength\sc@wm@vcenter{#1}}
- \def\sc@wm@text{#1}}
+ \DraftwatermarkOptions{vpos=#1, vanchor=m}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkText}
+% Legacy command to set the text of the standard watermark
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarColor}
+% \begin{macro}{\SetWatermarkLightness}
+% Legacy commands to set the color for the
+% standard watermark.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \DraftwatermarkOptions{colormodel=#1, colorspec=#2}}
+ \DraftwatermarkOptions{colormodel=gray, colorspec=#1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% \end{macro}
-% The command to draw the watermark\ldots This assumes an origin in
-% the left top corner of the page (and also assumes that |\paperwidth|
-% and |\paperheight| are set correctly if accepting the defaults).
-% There is no need to worry
-% about the horizontal and vertical size that is taken by the
-% watermark object. Note that this is typically a text, but
-% |\sc@wm@text| may well contain other material, e.g.\@ an
-% |\includegraphics| directive.
+% \begin{macro}{\DraftwatermarkStdMark}
+% The command to generate the standard watermark
% \begin{macrocode}
- \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\sc@wm@hcenter}%
- \setlength{\@tempdimc}{-\sc@wm@vcenter}%
- \put(\strip@pt\@tempdimb,\strip@pt\@tempdimc){%
- \makebox(0,0){\rotatebox{\sc@wm@angle}{%
- \scalebox{\sc@wm@scale}{%
- \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\textcolor
- \expandafter\sc@wm@colormodel\expandafter{\sc@wm@colorspecs}{%
- \fontsize{\sc@wm@fontsize}{1.2\sc@wm@fontsize}
- \selectfont
- \sc@wm@text}}}}}}
+ \rotatebox{\draftwatermark@angle}{%
+ \scalebox{\draftwatermark@scale}{%
+ \begingroup
+ \ifx\draftwatermark@colormodel\@empty
+ \color{\draftwatermark@colorspec}%
+ \else
+ \color[\draftwatermark@colormodel]{\draftwatermark@colorspec}%
+ \fi
+ \setlength{\@tempdima}{\draftwatermark@fontsize}%
+ \fontsize{\@tempdima}{1.2\@tempdima}\selectfont
+ \draftwatermark@text
+ \endgroup}}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\sc@wm@print}
-% The command to actually \emph{print} the watermark. It is assumed
-% that this is called before any other material is shipped to the
-% page. As such, the origin here is the page origin in Knuthian sense
-% (1 inch down, 1 inch right from the top left corner of the
-% page\ldots First of all, this is changed to the proper top left
-% corner of the page.
+% The code to actually print the watermark
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \sbox\@tempboxa{#1}%
+ \setlength{\@tempdima}{\draftwatermark@hpos}%
+ \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\draftwatermark@vpos}%
+ \let \draftwatermark@tempa \draftwatermark@hanchor
+ \@onelevel@sanitize \draftwatermark@tempa
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\draftwatermark@tempb
+ \expandafter{\expandafter\@car \draftwatermark@tempa\@nil}
+ \if \draftwatermark@tempb r%
+ \addtolength\@tempdima{-\wd\@tempboxa}%
+ \else\if \draftwatermark@tempb c%
+ \addtolength\@tempdima{-0.5\wd\@tempboxa}%
+ \else\if \draftwatermark@tempb l%
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \PackageError{draftwatermark}{%
+ Illegal anchor directive `\draftwatermark@tempb'}%
+ {Anchoring to left side.}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \let \draftwatermark@tempa \draftwatermark@vanchor
+ \@onelevel@sanitize \draftwatermark@tempa
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\draftwatermark@tempb
+ \expandafter{\expandafter\@car \draftwatermark@tempa\@nil}
+ \if \draftwatermark@tempb b%
+ \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\ht\@tempboxa}%
+ \addtolength\@tempdimb{-\dp\@tempboxa}%
+ \else\if \draftwatermark@tempb m%
+ \addtolength\@tempdimb{-0.5\ht\@tempboxa}%
+ \addtolength\@tempdimb{-0.5\dp\@tempboxa}%
+ \else\if \draftwatermark@tempb t%
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \PackageError{draftwatermark}{%
+ Illegal anchor directive `\draftwatermark@tempb'}%
+ {Anchoring to top side.}%
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \vbox to 0pt {
+ \vspace*{-1in}%
+ \vspace*{\@tempdimb}%
+ \hbox to 0pt {%
+ \hspace*{-1in}%
+ \hspace*{\@tempdima}%
+ \usebox\@tempboxa
+ \hss}%
+ \vss}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A wrapper to make the watermark printing conditional
% \begin{macrocode}
- \if@sc@wm@stamp
- \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox to \z@{%
- \vskip -1in \moveleft 1in \vbox{%
- \hbox to \z@{%
- #1\hss}}\vss}
- \dp\@tempboxa\z@
- \box\@tempboxa
+ \ifdraftwatermark@stamp
+ \draftwatermark@printwm{#1}%
% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% Eventually, set up the |\sc@wm@print| command to be called when
-% needed, using the appropriate \Lpack{everypage} hook.
+% \dots\, and finally the code to set up the \Lpack{everypage} hooks to
+% assure that the watermark printing commands are called when needed
% \begin{macrocode}
+ \AddThispageHook{\draftwatermark@print{\draftwatermark@markcmd}}
+ \AddEverypageHook{\draftwatermark@print{\draftwatermark@markcmd}}
% \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.ins b/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.ins
index 751b99ccf7..f1ec2f8ded 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.ins
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.ins
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-Copyright 2006
+Copyright 2006, 2020
Sergio Callegari <>
@@ -65,8 +65,14 @@ in the same archive or directory.)
\Msg{*** Generating the example files ***}
- \from{draftwatermark.dtx}{samplecode}}}
+ \from{draftwatermark.dtx}{samplecode-modern}}}
+ \from{draftwatermark.dtx}{samplecode-legacy}}}
+ \from{draftwatermark.dtx}{samplecode-anchor}}}
+ \from{draftwatermark.dtx}{samplecode-custom}}}
@@ -82,9 +88,9 @@ in the same archive or directory.)
\Msg{* through LaTeX (or maybe pdfLaTeX).}
\Msg{* Process draftwatermark.idx file by:}
\Msg{* \space\space\space\space makeindex -s draftwatermark}
-\Msg{* Process draftwatermark.glo file by:}
-\Msg{* \space\space\space\space makeindex -s -o draftwatermark.gls
- draftwatermark.glo}
+%\Msg{* Process draftwatermark.glo file by:}
+%\Msg{* \space\space\space\space makeindex -s -o draftwatermark.gls
+% draftwatermark.glo}
\Msg{* Re run through LaTeX the draftwatermark.dtx file as necessary}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.pdf
index 88ba35d002..41c67efb51 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/draftwatermark/draftwatermark.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/README b/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/README
index b097d0b412..a80857f814 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/README
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/README
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ directory.
The above procedure will create a print version, namely elsdoc-cas.pdf.
-Copyright 2019, Elsevier. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions and
-comments may be mailed to elsarticle.cls,
-related documentation and supporting packages are released under the
+Copyright 2019-2020, Elsevier. Bugs, feature requests, suggestions and
+comments may be mailed to cas-sc.cls, cas-dc.cls
+related documentations and supporting packages are released under the
LATEX Project Public Licence, either version 1.2 or any later
version. This work has the LPPL maintenance status
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-common.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-common.sty
index 7d74d5a76d..5ce6761ca8 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-common.sty
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-common.sty
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
%% given in the file `manifest.txt'.
-% $Id: cas-common.sty 38 2020-02-25 09:10:36Z rishi $
+% $Id: cas-common.sty 49 2020-03-14 09:05:10Z rishi $
- \def\RCSversion{1.2}%
- \def\RCSdate{2020/02/24}%
+ \def\RCSversion{2.1}%
+ \def\RCSdate{2020/03/14}%
@@ -1952,10 +1952,10 @@
unknown .code:n = {
\ifstrempty { #1 }
- \tl_set:Nn \l_fig_pos_tl { \l_keys_key_tl },
+ \tl_set:Nn \l_fig_pos_tl { \l_keys_key_tl }
- \l_keys_key_tl=#1
+ \l_keys_key_tl=#1,
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-dc.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-dc.cls
index 719c0928be..38a0190147 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-dc.cls
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-dc.cls
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
%% given in the file `manifest.txt'.
-%% $Id: cas-dc.cls 42 2020-02-25 09:50:39Z rishi $
+%% $Id: cas-dc.cls 49 2020-03-14 09:05:10Z rishi $
- \def\RCSversion{1.2}%
- \def\RCSdate{2020/02/25}%
+ \def\RCSversion{2.1}%
+ \def\RCSdate{2020/03/14}%
\ProvidesClass{\RCSfile}[\RCSdate, \RCSversion: Formatting class
for CAS double column articles]
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-sc.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-sc.cls
index 1cf68c20ed..855ec476fc 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-sc.cls
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/els-cas-templates/cas-sc.cls
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
%% given in the file `manifest.txt'.
-%% $Id: cas-sc.cls 39 2020-02-25 09:13:49Z rishi $
+%% $Id: cas-sc.cls 49 2020-03-14 09:05:10Z rishi $
- \def\RCSversion{1.2}%
- \def\RCSdate{2020/02/25}%
+ \def\RCSversion{2.1}%
+ \def\RCSdate{2020/03/14}%
\ProvidesClass{\RCSfile}[\RCSdate, \RCSversion: Formatting class
for CAS single column articles]