path: root/macros/latex/contrib/writeongrid/doc/WriteOnGrid-doc-en.tex
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1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/writeongrid/doc/WriteOnGrid-doc-en.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/writeongrid/doc/WriteOnGrid-doc-en.tex
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+% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///arara
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode}
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode} if found('log', '(undefined references|Please rerun|Rerun to get)')
+\lfoot{\sffamily\small [WriteOnGrid]}
+\cfoot{\sffamily\small - \thepage{} -}
+\hypersetup{pdfborder=0 0 0}
+\NewTCBListing{PresentationCode}{ O{blue} m }{%
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+ ,sharp corners=downhill,arc=12pt,%
+ },%
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+ minted language=tex,minted options={tabsize=4,fontsize=\footnotesize,autogobble},
+ #2
+\newcommand\Cle[1]{{\bfseries\sffamily\textlangle #1\textrangle}}
+ \begin{minipage}{0.75\linewidth}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=yellow,colback=yellow!15]
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ {\Huge \texttt{WriteOnGrid [en]}}\\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE To write on lines} \\
+ {\LARGE of a grid.}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \medskip
+ {\small \texttt{Version \TPversion{} -- \TPdate}}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \texttt{Cédric Pierquet}\\
+ {\ttfamily c pierquet -- at -- outlook . fr}\\
+ \texttt{\url{}}
+{$\blacktriangleright$~~Some commands to create a grid (5x5 or Seyes) and to write \og on \fg{} the lines.}
+{$\blacktriangleright$~~Possibility to personnalize size, margins, ...}
+ \begin{EnvGrid}[NumSquares=22x8]
+ \WriteLine{my text on line 1\ldots}
+ \WriteLine<center>{my centered text on line 2\ldots}
+ \WriteLine<right>{my right-align text on ligne 3\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[OffsetH=2]{my 2-squares shifted text on line 4\ldots}
+ \PassLine
+ \WriteLine{\sffamily my text, sans serif, on line 6\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[OffsetH=-1]{\small\cursive my -1-square shifted text on line 7\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[Scale=1.5]{\textcolor{red}{my text on line 1\ldots}}
+ \WriteLine[Scale=1.5]{\textcolor{blue}{my text on line 2\ldots}}
+ \WriteLine[Scale=1.5,OffsetH=-1]{$1+\frac{1}{2}=\frac32$ et $(1+x)^2=1+2x+x^2$ on line 3\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[Scale=1.5]{\cursive my text on line 4\ldots}
+%\hfill{}\textit{Merci à Denis Bitouzé et à Patrick Bideault pour leurs retours et idées !}
+{\huge \LaTeX} & & & & &\\
+& {\huge \pdfLaTeX} & & & & \\
+& & {\huge \LuaLaTeX} & & & \\
+& & & {\huge \TikZ} & & \\
+& & & & {\huge \TeXLive} & \\
+& & & & & {\huge \MiKTeX} \\
+\section{The package}
+\subsection{Loading of the package, used packages}
+The package \textsf{writeongrid} loads within the preamble :
+\begin{PresentationCode}{listing only}
+It’s mostly compatible with \textsf{latex}, \textsf{pdflatex}, \textsf{lualatex} or \textsf{xelatex} compilation !
+It loads the following packages and libraries :
+ \item \texttt{tikz} with the librairies \Cle{calc} and \Cle{positionning} ;
+ \item \texttt{xstring}, \texttt{xparse} and \texttt{simplekv}.
+\subsection{The package itself}
+The idea is to, thanks to TikZ, propose commands and environment to work with a grid, and to write on the lines.
+\begin{PresentationCode}{listing only}
+%environment, with keys to prepare the grid
+%commands to write or pass a line
+ \WriteLine[keys]<alignment>{text}
+ \PassLine
+\subsection{Overall functioning}
+The grid is given by the number of squares (nbCol$\times$nbRow), and after we can adjust with \textit{overtakings} to enlarge the grid onto the margins of the paper (left or right). We can also \textit{adjust} the global margin, to begin the lines differently.
+For example, a $5\times5$ grid :
+ \item with a size 24x5 squares ;
+ \item with an overtaking by \textcolor{red}{2 squares at the left} and \textcolor{blue}{3 squares at the right} ;
+ \item with a global margin of \textcolor{orange}{1 square} ;
+ \item with a \textcolor{ForestGreen}{\textit{border}} to show the \textit{basis} grid.
+ \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle ({0.5*24},{-0.5*5}) ;
+ \draw[xstep=0.5,ystep=0.5,thin,lightgray!75] ({-0.5*2},0) grid ({0.5*24+0.5*3},{-0.5*5}) ;
+ \draw[thick,decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=8pt,mirror}](0,{-0.5*5-0.25})--({0.5*24},{-0.5*5-0.25}) node[midway,below=8pt,font=\small\sffamily] {24C} ;
+ \draw[red,thick,decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=8pt,mirror}] ({-2*0.5},{-0.5*5-0.25})--({0},{-0.5*5-0.25}) node[midway,below=8pt,font=\small\sffamily] {2C} ;
+ \draw[blue,thick,decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=8pt,mirror}] ({0.5*24},{-0.5*5-0.25})--({0.5*24+3*0.5},{-0.5*5-0.25}) node[midway,below=8pt,font=\small\sffamily] {3C} ;
+ \draw[thick,decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=8pt}] ({0.5*24+3*0.5+0.25},0)--({0.5*24+3*0.5+0.25},{-0.5*5}) node[midway,right=8pt,font=\small\sffamily] {5C} ;
+ \draw[very thick,orange,densely dashed] ({0.5*1},0)--({0.5*1},{-0.5*5}) ;
+ \draw[ForestGreen,thick] (0,0) rectangle ({0.5*24},{-0.5*5}) ;
+The \texttt{tikzpicture} is \textit{bounded} by the \textcolor{ForestGreen}{\textit{border}}, in order to specify overtakings or alignment.
+Le left-border of the \textcolor{ForestGreen}{\textit{border}} is aligned on the left-margin of the page, so take care of the \texttt{\textbackslash parindent}.
+\section{Commands, keys and options}
+\subsection{The environement}
+\begin{PresentationCode}{listing only}
+%environment, with keys to prepare the grid
+ ...
+The first argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{[...]} give the \Cle{keys} :
+ \item \Cle{NumSwuares} to specify the size of the grid, under \texttt{(nbCol)x(nbRow)} ; \hfill~default : \Cle{17x5}
+ \item \Cle{Unit} to specify the scale of the grid ; \hfill~default : \Cle{1}
+ \item \Cle{Margin} to specify the global \textcolor{orange}{margin} at the beginning of the lines ; \hfill~default : \Cle{0}
+ \item \Cle{Enlarge} to specify the squares-overtakings, globally with \texttt{\textcolor{red}{L}\textcolor{blue}{R}} or side by side with \texttt{\textcolor{red}{L}/\textcolor{blue}{R}} ;\hfill~default : \Cle{0}
+ \item the boolean \Cle{Border} to display the basis border of the grid ;\hfill~default : \Cle{false}
+ \item the boolean \Cle{Seyes} to work with a Seyes grid.\hfill~default : \Cle{false}
+The second argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{<...>} is the major color of the grid, \Cle{lightgray} by default.
+\begin{PresentationCode}{listing only}
+%the borders are added to show the basis grid
+%30x5 small squares, w/o overtakings, basis color
+%36x8 small squares, overtakings 3/3, LightSteelBlue color
+%15x5 big squares, overtakings 1/2, orange, centered
+ \begin{EnvGrid}[NumSquares=15x5,Enlarge=1/2,Seyes]<orange>
+ \end{EnvGrid}
+ \begin{EnvGrid}[NumSquares=15x5,Enlarge=1/2,Seyes,Border]<orange>
+ \end{EnvGrid}
+\subsection{Write on the lines}
+The idea is to write on the created grid. In order to write \textit{right} on the lines, we can :
+ \item give the lines one by one ;
+ \item avoid using multilines paragraps, items ;
+ \item pass a line.
+\begin{PresentationCode}{listing only}
+ %to write the lines, one by one
+ \WriteLine[keys]<alignment>{text}
+ %to pass the ligne
+ \PassLine
+The fisrt argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{[...]} give the \Cle{keys} :
+ \item \Cle{OffsetH}, in squares, to shift the text from the \textcolor{orange}{margin} ; \hfill~default : \Cle{0}
+ \item \Cle{OffsetV} to shift vertically the line ; \hfill~default : \Cle{0pt}
+ \item \Cle{Scale} to specify the scale of the given text.\hfill~default : \Cle{1}
+the second argument, \textit{optional}, between \texttt{<...>} is the horizontal alignment (\Cle{left/center/right}) of the text in the basis \textcolor{ForestGreen}{\textit{border}}, \Cle{left} by default.
+Le third argument, \textit{mandatory} and between \texttt{\{...\}} is the text, eventually with options.
+\begin{PresentationCode}{listing only}
+ \WriteLine{my text on ligne 1\ldots}
+ \WriteLine<center>{\ttfamily my tetetype text centered on line 2\ldots}
+ \WriteLine<right>{right-align text on line 3\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[OffsetH=0.1]{\textcolor{red}{red text, 1mm-shifted\ldots}}
+ \PassLine
+ \WriteLine[Scale=0.5]{\sffamily sans serif text, reduced by 50\,\%, on line 6\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[OffsetH=3]{\cursive 3 squares-shited text\ldots}
+ \WriteLine{my text on ligne 1\ldots}
+ \WriteLine<center>{\ttfamily my tetetype text centered on line 2\ldots}
+ \WriteLine<right>{right-align text on line 3\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[OffsetH=0.1]{\textcolor{red}{red text, 1mm-shifted\ldots}}
+ \PassLine
+ \WriteLine[Scale=0.5]{\sffamily sans serif text, reduced by 50\,\%, on line 6\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[OffsetH=3]{\cursive 3 squares-shited text\ldots}
+\begin{PresentationCode}{listing only}
+ \WriteLine[Scale=1.5]{\textcolor{red}{red text on line 1\ldots}}
+ \WriteLine[Scale=1.15,OffsetH=1]{$(1+x)^2=1+2x+x^2$ on line 2, with 1-square offset\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[OffsetH=-1]{\textcolor{blue}{blue text, back to left, on line 3\ldots}}
+ \WriteLine[Scale=1.5]{\textcolor{red}{red text on line 1\ldots}}
+ \WriteLine[Scale=1.15,OffsetH=1]{$(1+x)^2=1+2x+x^2$ on line 2, with 1-square offset\ldots}
+ \WriteLine[OffsetH=-1]{\textcolor{blue}{blue text, back to left, on line 3\ldots}}
+\verb|v0.1.0|~:~~~~Initial version
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file