path: root/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/wargame.dtx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/wargame.dtx')
1 files changed, 2455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/wargame.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/wargame.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2e7d06a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/wargame.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,2455 @@
+% \iffalse
+% This is the preamp used in various documents
+% This is for the main documentation
+ \divide,\def,\h,\filldraw,\node,\path,\RequirePackage,\ProvidesPackage,
+ \Large,\large,\huge,\Huge,\normalsize,\tiny,
+ \long,\n,\mc,\o,\p,
+ \usetikzlibrary,\draw,\foreach,\fv,\tikzinputsegmentfirst,
+ \tikzinputsegmentsupporta,\tikzinputsegmentsupportb,
+ \tikzinputsegmentlast,\pgfmathparse,\pgfpoint,\edef,\pgfmathresult,
+ \relax,\ifx,\else,\fi,\definecolor,\tikz,\tikzset,\tikzstyle,
+ \maxdimen,\pgfseteorule,\message,\global,\clip,\let,\end,\begin,
+ \sffamily,\selectfont,\fontsize,\DeclareTextFontCommand,
+ \selectfont,\define@key,\pgf@x,\pgf@y,\xdef,\expandafter,\@ifundefined,
+ \pgfpointxy,\csname,\endcsname,\pgfpointadd,\fill,\@empty,\@ifnextchar,
+ \@undefined,\@undefinedb,\arrow,\b,\c,\color,\fontfamily,\fontseries,
+ \gdef,\i,\k,\m,\newcommand,\newcount,\newif,\newlength
+ \pgf@pathmaxx,\pgf@pathminx,\pgf@pathmaxy,\pgf@pathminy,
+ \pgf@picmaxx,\pgf@picminx,\pgf@picmaxy,\pgf@picminy,
+ \pgf@relevantforpicturesizefalse,\pgf@relevantforpicturesizetrue,
+ \pic,\r,\setkeys,\setlength,\show,\t,\temp,\the,
+ \tikzdeclarecoordinatesystem,\tmp@x,\tmp@y,\v,\x,\y}
+%% \OnlyDescription
+\title{The \textsf{wargame} package}
+\author{Christian Holm Christensen}
+ This package provides tools to typesetting manuals, board, and
+ counters for wargames using \LaTeX{}.
+ Licensed under
+ \href{}{Creative
+ Commons Attribution-ShareAlike International License, version 4}
+ \tikz[scale=.2,transform shape]{\pic{cc by sa};}.
+% To avoid: Package multicol Error: Error saving partial page.
+% \iffalse
+% ====================================================================
+% Documentation
+% ====================================================================
+% \fi
+% \newif\ifShowSymbols\ShowSymbolsfalse
+% \newif\ifShowCompat\ShowCompatfalse
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Introduction
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \section{Introduction}
+% This package provides tools for typesetting classic, hex-based
+% wargames. The package allows an author to design a board, or map,
+% comprised of hex, using a relatively simple interface. Units are
+% typeset using a similar interface. Unit types are identified using
+% the NATO Joint Military Symbology \cite{app6c} standard.
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Hexes
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \section{Hex Boards}
+% The package provides a number of facilities to set-up a board
+% comprised of hexagon fields (``hexes'').
+% \subsection{Placing hexes}
+% A hex can be added to the current \texttt{tikzpicture} using the
+% macro \cs{hex}. It takes up to 4 arguments
+% \begin{MacroSyntax}{\hex}
+% \cs{hex}\oarg{key-value-pairs}\parg{location}\parg{name}
+% \end{MacroSyntax}
+% The \meta{key-value-pairs} specify the hex. Valid options are
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\keyval{terrain}{\meta{terrain-keys}}] specifies the terrain
+% of the hex. More on in this in
+% \sectionname~\ref{sec:hex:terrain}.
+% \item[\keyval{ridges}{\meta{ridges-keys}}] specifies where ridges
+% are drawn in the hex. \sectionname~\ref{sec:hex:ridges}.
+% \item[\keyval{label}{\meta{label-keys}}] specifies the how to output
+% the hex label, if any. This is expanded upon in
+% \sectionname~\ref{sec:hex:label}.
+% \item[\keyval{town}{\meta{town-keys}}] specifies that a town (or
+% similar) is present in the hex. The various keys are described in
+% \sectionname~\ref{sec:hex:town}.
+% \item[\keyval{extra}{\meta{extra-keyx}} \textrm{and} \keyval{extra
+% clipped}{\meta{extra-keyx}}] allows the user to put custom
+% graphics in the hexes. See also \sectionname~\ref{sec:hex:extra}
+% for more.
+% \item any style key defined for \TikZ{} pictures.
+% \end{description}
+% The \meta{location} argument specifies the coordinates, in the hex
+% coordinate system where to put the hex. More about the coordinate
+% system is given in \sectionname~\ref{sec:hex:cs}. Note, the numbers
+% starts from the lower--left corner.
+% The elements are rendered in the following order
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item The terrain, clipped to the hex shape.
+% \item The hex, including circumference and fill
+% \item The ridges, if any
+% \item The label, if any
+% \item Extra graphics clipped to the hex
+% \item Town, if any
+% \item Extra graphics which may extend beyond the confines of the
+% hex.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \figurename~\ref{fig:hex:parts} illustrates some of the components
+% of a hex. The hexes are 2 unit lengths wide. Typically, the unit
+% length is one centimetre, which means the hexes are roughly
+% $2\,\text{cm}\times 1.86\,\text{cmm}$ --- or roughly $3/4"\times
+% 3/4"$ --- big. This allows the hexes to fit chits (see
+% Section~\ref{sec:chit}) of size $12\,\mathrm{mm}\times12\,\mathrm{mm}$
+% --- or roughly $1/2"\times1/2"$ --- nicely. If one wants larger
+% chits or hexes one should take care to scale both by a similar
+% amount.
+% {\makeatletter\global\let\hexyy\hex@yy}
+% \tikzset{wg arrow/.style={red!50!black,thick,<-}}
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
+% \hex[terrain={woods},label={text=A1},color=blue](r=0,c=0)
+% \draw[red]($(hex cs:e=N)-(0,.2)$)
+% ellipse [x radius=.8, y radius=.4] node(label){};
+% \draw[wg arrow] (label)--(1.3,1.2)
+% node[align=right,anchor=south]{\texttt{label=\{text=A1\}}};
+% \draw[wg arrow] (0,0)--(-2,-1)node[align=right,anchor=base east]{
+% \texttt{terrain=\{woods\}}};
+% \pic[draw,transform shape]{wg/x axis={-1,1, -1.2,{0},}};
+% \pic[draw,transform shape]{wg/y axis={1.2, -1,1, {0},{-\hexyy,\hexyy}}};
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \caption{Hex parts. The bar on the bottom and to the right
+% indicate two units of length.}
+% \label{fig:hex:parts}
+% \end{figure}
+% \subsection{Styling hexes}
+% Typical \TikZ{} options can be passed to the \cs{hex} macro. For
+% example, if you want to draw the hex borders in red, simply pass
+% \spec{draw=red} in the \oarg{optional} arguments to
+% \cs{hex}. Individual parts of the hexes can be styled separately.
+% the default style used by \cs{hex} is \spec{tikz/hex/hex}. Users
+% can redefine this style to suit their needs. If one does not want
+% to change the default style, or pass the same argument to all
+% \cs{hex}s one can define the style \spec{tikz/every hex}. For example,
+% if one wants to auto label all hexes, one can do
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \begin{scope}[every hex/.style={label=auto}]
+% % Hexes
+% \end{scope}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \subsection{Hex coordinate system}
+% \label{sec:hex:cs}
+% The package defines a coordinate system based on hexes. The centre
+% of a hex is specified as \meta{column}-\meta{row} pairs, while
+% vertexes and mid-point on edges can be specified separately. The
+% syntax of the coordinates is
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% (hex cs:row=\meta{hex-row},column=\meta{hex-column},vertex=\meta{vertex},edge=\meta{edge})
+% \end{Syntax}
+% where \meta{vertex} and \meta{edge} are optional. The hex row and
+% column defaults both to 0 and can be decimal numbers. The
+% \spec{row}, \spec{column}, \spec{vertex}, and \spec{edge} keywords
+% may be shorted to \spec{r}, \spec{c}, \spec{v}, and \spec{e},
+% respectively. Possible vertexes and edges are listed in
+% \tablename~\ref{tab:hex:ve}.
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{m{.3\linewidth}m{.65\linewidth}}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \hex(r=0,c=0)
+% \foreach \v in {E,NE,NW,W,SW,SE}{
+% \fill(hex cs:v=\v) circle(0.05);
+% \node[inner sep=2pt] (v\v) at ($1.6*(hex cs:v=\v)$){\spec{v=\v}};
+% \draw[<-](hex cs:v=\v)--(v\v); }
+% \foreach \e in {NE,N,NW,SW,S,SE}{
+% \fill(hex cs:e=\e) circle(0.05);
+% \node[inner sep=2pt] (e\e) at ($1.6*(hex cs:e=\e)$) {\spec{e=\e}};
+% \draw[<-](hex cs:e=\e) -- (e\e);}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% &
+% \begin{tabular}{|ccr|ccr|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% \multicolumn{2}{c}{\color{headfg}\spec{vertex=}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Angle}}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\color{headfg}\spec{edge=}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Angle}}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{white}
+% \spec{east} & \spec{E} & $ 0^{\circ}$ &
+% \spec{north east} & \spec{NE} & $ 30^{\circ}$\\
+% \spec{north east} & \spec{NE} & $ 60^{\circ}$ &
+% \spec{north} & \spec{N} & $ 90^{\circ}$\\
+% \spec{north west} & \spec{NW} & $120^{\circ}$ &
+% \spec{north west} & \spec{NW} & $150^{\circ}$\\
+% \spec{west} & \spec{W} & $180^{\circ}$ &
+% \spec{south west} & \spec{SW} & $210^{\circ}$\\
+% \spec{south west} & \spec{SW} & $240^{\circ}$ &
+% \spec{south} & \spec{S} & $270^{\circ}$\\
+% \spec{south east} & \spec{SE} & $300^{\circ}$ &
+% \spec{south east} & \spec{SE} & $330^{\circ}$\\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Vertex and edge positions}
+% \label{tab:hex:ve}
+% \end{table}
+% In \figurename~\ref{fig:hex:cs} is an example of a picture drawn in
+% this coordinate system.
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \begin{tabular}{m{.3\linewidth}m{.65\linewidth}}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[]
+% \hex[color=lightgray](r=0,c=0)
+% \hex[color=lightgray](r=0,c=1)
+% \hex[color=lightgray](r=1,c=0)
+% \hex[color=lightgray](r=1,c=1)
+% \draw[blue!50!black] (hex cs:r=0,c=0) -- (hex cs:r=1,c=1);
+% \draw[red!50!black] (hex cs:r=0,c=0,vertex=E) --
+% (hex cs:r=1,c=1,edge=north west);
+% \fill (hex cs:r=0,c=0) circle(.1)
+% node[color=gray,anchor=north] {\spec{(r=0,c=0)}};
+% \fill (hex cs:r=1,c=1) circle(.1)
+% node[color=gray,anchor=west] {\spec{(r=1,c=1)}};
+% \fill (hex cs:r=0,c=0,v=east) circle(.1)
+% node[color=gray,anchor=north west]{\spec{(r=0,c=0,v=E)}};
+% \fill (hex cs:r=1,c=1,e=north west) circle(.1)
+% node[color=gray,anchor=south]{
+% \spec{(r=1,c=1,e=NW)}};
+% \fill[lightgray](hex cs:r= .3,c= .3) circle(0.1)
+% node[anchor=south,inner sep=0]{(0.3,0.3)};
+% \fill[lightgray](hex cs:r=1.3,c= .3) circle(0.1)
+% node[anchor=south,inner sep=0]{(1.3,0.3)};
+% \fill[lightgray](hex cs:r=0.3,c=1.3) circle(0.1)
+% node[anchor=south,inner sep=0]{(0.3,1.3)};
+% \fill[lightgray](hex cs:r=1.3,c=1.3) circle(0.1)
+% node[anchor=south,inner sep=0]{(1.3,1.3)};
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% &
+% Hexes and lines drawn with
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \hex(0,0)\hex(0,1)\hex(1,0)\hex(1,1)
+% \draw[blue!50!black] (hex cs:r=0,c=0) --
+% (hex cs:r=1,c=1);
+% \draw[red!50!black] (hex cs:r=0,c=0,vertex=E) --
+% (hex cs:r=1,c=1,edge=NW);
+% \fill[lightgray](hex cs:r= .3,c= .3) circle(0.1);
+% \fill[lightgray](hex cs:r=1.3,c= .3) circle(0.1);
+% \fill[lightgray](hex cs:r=0.3,c=1.3) circle(0.1);
+% \fill[lightgray](hex cs:r=1.3,c=1.3) circle(0.1);
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Hex coordinate system}
+% \label{fig:hex:cs}
+% \end{figure}
+% \textbf{Important}: When the horizontal distance to the centre of a
+% hex becomes less than $-\cos60^{\circ}$ or larger than
+% $b-\cos60^{\circ}$ we effectively have a new hex column, and the
+% coordinates are shifted upward or downward for smaller or larger
+% numbers. Figure~\ref{fig:hex:coord:nb} illustrates. this. This can
+% make it a little hard to specify coordinates relative to a hex
+% centre. Alternatively one may use vertex or edge specifciations
+% together with a relative offset in those directions.
+% \
+% \begin{figure}
+% \centering
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \begin{scope}[scale=2,every node/.style={inner sep=0}]
+% \hex
+% \begin{scope}[red,fill]
+% \draw[anchor=south east](hex cs:c=-0.66,r=-0.67)circle(.01)node{(-2/3,-2/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=south east](hex cs:c=-0.67,r=-0.33)circle(.01)node{(-2/3,-1/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=south east](hex cs:c=-0.67,r=0)circle(.01)node{(-2/3,0)};
+% \draw[anchor=south east](hex cs:c=-0.67,r=0.33)circle(.01)node{(-2/3,1/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=north](hex cs:c=-0.33,r=-0.67)circle(.01)node{(-1/3,-2/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=north](hex cs:c=-0.33,r=-0.33)circle(.01)node{(-1/3,-1/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=south](hex cs:c=-0.33,r=0.33)circle(.01)node{(-1/3,1/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=south](hex cs:c=-0.33,r=0.67)circle(.01)node{(-1/3,2/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=south](hex cs:c=0.33,r=-0.67)circle(.01)node{(1/3,-2/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=south](hex cs:c=0.33,r=-0.33)circle(.01)node{(1/3,-1/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=north](hex cs:c=0.33,r=0.33)circle(.01)node{(1/3,1/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=north](hex cs:c=0.33,r=0.67)circle(.01)node{(1/3,2/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=north west](hex cs:c=0.67,r=-0.33)circle(.01)node{(2/3,-1/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=north west](hex cs:c=0.67,r=0)circle(.01)node{(2/3,0)};
+% \draw[anchor=north west](hex cs:c=0.67,r=0.33)circle(.01)node{(2/3,1/3)};
+% \draw[anchor=north west](hex cs:c=0.67,r=0.67)circle(.01)node{(2/3,2/3)};
+% \end{scope}
+% \hex(c=2)
+% \begin{scope}[blue,fill]
+% \draw[anchor=south west](hex cs:c=2,v=NE,o=0.5)circle(.01)node{NE by 1/2};
+% \draw[anchor=south west](hex cs:c=2,v=NE,o=1.0)circle(.01)node{NE by 1};
+% \draw[anchor=south west](hex cs:c=2,v=NE,o=1.5)circle(.01)node{NE by 3/2};
+% \draw[anchor=south east](hex cs:c=2,v=NW,o=0.5)circle(.01)node{NW by 1/2};
+% \draw[anchor=south east](hex cs:c=2,v=NW,o=1.0)circle(.01)node{NW by 1};
+% \draw[anchor=south east](hex cs:c=2,v=NW,o=1.5)circle(.01)node{NW by 3/2};
+% \draw[anchor=north](hex cs:c=2,v=W,o=0.5)circle(.01)node{W by 1/2};
+% \draw[anchor=south](hex cs:c=2,v=W,o=1.0)circle(.01)node{W by 1};
+% \draw[anchor=north](hex cs:c=2,v=W,o=1.5)circle(.01)node{W by 3/2};
+% \draw[anchor=north east](hex cs:c=2,v=SW,o=0.5)circle(.01)node{SW by 1/2};
+% \draw[anchor=north east](hex cs:c=2,v=SW,o=1.0)circle(.01)node{SW by 1};
+% \draw[anchor=north east](hex cs:c=2,v=SW,o=1.5)circle(.01)node{SW by 3/2};
+% \draw[anchor=north west](hex cs:c=2,v=SE,o=0.5)circle(.01)node{SE by 1/2};
+% \draw[anchor=north west](hex cs:c=2,v=SE,o=1.0)circle(.01)node{SE by 1};
+% \draw[anchor=north west](hex cs:c=2,v=SE,o=1.5)circle(.01)node{SE by 3/2};
+% \draw[anchor=north](hex cs:c=2,v=E,o=0.5)circle(.01)node{E by 1/2};
+% \draw[anchor=south](hex cs:c=2,v=E,o=1.0)circle(.01)node{E by 1};
+% \draw[anchor=north](hex cs:c=2,v=E,o=1.5)circle(.01)node{E by 3/2};
+% \end{scope}
+% \end{scope}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \caption{Relative coordinates}
+% \label{fig:hex:coords:nb}
+% \end{figure}
+% \subsection{Terrains}
+% \label{sec:hex:terrain}
+% Terrains are rendered using tile images or \TikZ{}
+% \texttt{pic}tures. The available terrains are shown in
+% \tablename{}s~\ref{tab:hex:terrain:image}
+% and~\ref{tab:hex:terrain:pic}. Users can provide their own tile
+% images and select those via \texttt{terrain=\{image=\meta{image}\}}
+% or defined \TikZ{} \texttt{pic}tures and select those via
+% \texttt{terrain=\{pic=\meta{pic-name}\}}. In all cases, the terrain
+% graphics is clipped to the hex.
+% The terrain of a hex is selected via the multi-valued key
+% \spec{terrain}. Sub-keys of this key are
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\spec{image=}\meta{graphics-file}] Specifies terrain tile
+% image \meta{graphics-file}.
+% \item[\spec{pic=}\meta{picture-key}] Specifies terrain tile \TikZ{}
+% \spec{pic}ture.
+% \item[\spec{code=}\meta{tikz-code}] Any valid \TikZ{} code
+% \item[\spec{clip=}\meta{path(s)}] \TikZ{} path specification to clip
+% the terrain within the hex.
+% \end{description}
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|m{2cm}|ll|m{2cm}|ll|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Name}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\texttt{terrain=\{image=\meta{image}\}}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Name}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\texttt{terrain=\{image=\meta{image}\}}}\\
+% \hline
+% &&&&&\\[-1ex]
+% \tikz{\hex[](r=0,c=0) }
+% & Clear
+% & \texttt{}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={image=beach}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & Beach
+% & \texttt{\{image=beach\}}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={image=light_woods}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & Light woods
+% & \texttt{\{image=light\_woods\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={image=woods}](r=0,c=0)}
+% & Woods
+% & \texttt{\{image=woods\}}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={image=rough}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & Rough
+% & \texttt{\{image=rough\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={image=swamp}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & Swamp
+% & \texttt{\{image=swamp\}}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={image=mountains}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & Mountains
+% & \texttt{\{image=mountains\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[fill=blue!40!white](r=0,c=0) }
+% & Sea
+% & \texttt{\{image=sea\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Terrains specified via tile images}
+% \label{tab:hex:terrain:image}
+% \end{table}
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|m{2cm}|l|l|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Name}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\texttt{terrain=\{pic=\meta{image}\}}}\\
+% \hline
+% &&\\[-1ex]
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={pic=hex/terrain/mountain,line width=3pt}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & Mountains
+% & \texttt{\{pic=hex/terrain/mountain,line width=3pt\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Terrains specified via \TikZ{} \spec{pic}tures}
+% \label{tab:hex:terrain:pic}
+% \end{table}
+% The terrain can be clipped by the sub-key \spec{clip}. This can be
+% useful if the game specifies movement costs in terms of hex-edge
+% crossing, for example \emph{First Blood}~\cite{fb}. In that case, a
+% hex may be, for example, a jungle hex, but some edges a clear. Thus
+% movements across such an edge would count as moving into clear
+% territory while moving over other edges will count as moving into a
+% jungle. This is, of course, not how most games count movement
+% costs, but this package nonetheless facilitates such rules.
+% \tablename~\ref{tab:hex:terrain:clip} shows a few examples of
+% predefined clippings of terrain.
+% Users can define \TikZ{} \spec{pic}tures that specify clipping paths
+% as needed. For example, one could add clipping to the terrain to
+% ensure that other graphics in the hex stands out.
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|m{2cm}m{.3\linewidth}|m{2cm}m{.3\linewidth}|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\texttt{terrain=\{clip=,...\}}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\texttt{terrain=\{clip=,...\}}}\\
+% \hline
+% &&&\\
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=NE}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=NE\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={
+% hex/large sextant=NE,
+% hex/large sextant=N}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/large sextant=NE,hex/large sextant=N\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=N}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=N\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=NW}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=NW\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW,
+% hex/sextant=SW}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW,
+% hex/sextant=SW\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=SW}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=SW\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW,
+% hex/sextant=SW,
+% hex/sextant=S}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW,
+% hex/sextant=SW,
+% hex/sextant=S\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=S}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=S\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW,
+% hex/sextant=SW,
+% hex/sextant=S,
+% hex/sextant=SE}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW,
+% hex/sextant=SW,
+% hex/sextant=S,
+% hex/sextant=SE\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=SE}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=SE\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW,
+% hex/sextant=SW,
+% hex/sextant=S,
+% hex/sextant=SE,
+% hex/sextant=C}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=NW,
+% hex/sextant=SW,
+% hex/sextant=S,
+% hex/sextant=SE,
+% hex/sextant=C\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=C}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=C\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[terrain={woods,
+% clip={hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=S,
+% hex/sextant=SE,
+% hex/sextant=C}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{hex/sextant=NE,
+% hex/sextant=N,
+% hex/sextant=S,
+% hex/sextant=SE,
+% hex/sextant=C\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Terrain clipped via \spec{clip} sub-key}
+% \label{tab:hex:terrain:clip}
+% \end{table}
+% \subsubsection{Styling terrains}
+% Terrains use the key \spec{tikz/hex/terrain} to render the
+% terrains. This is mainly useful for terrains made from \TikZ{}
+% \spec{pic}tures.
+% \subsection{Ridges}
+% \label{sec:hex:ridges}
+% Ridges, or hill or mountain slopes, can be added to a hex via the
+% keyword \spec{ridges}. The keyword takes a list of hex edges and
+% generates symbology for the ridge on the chosen edges. Note that
+% the edges does not have to be continuous, as illustrated in the
+% bottom right of \tablename~\ref{tab:hex:ridges}, nor in any
+% particular order. The edges are specified as compass direction
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% north east, north, north west, south west, south, south east.\\
+% NE, N, NW, SW, S, SE
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \tablename~\ref{tab:hex:ridges} shows some examples.
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|m{2cm}|c|m{2cm}|c|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{ridges=}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{ridges=}}\\
+% \hline
+% &&&\\[-1ex]
+% \tikz{\hex[ridges=NE]}
+% & \spec{NE}
+% & \tikz{\hex[ridges={NE,N}]}
+% & \spec{NE,N}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[ridges=N]}
+% & \spec{N}
+% & \tikz{\hex[ridges={NE,N,NW}]}
+% & \spec{NE,N,NW}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[ridges=NW]}
+% & \spec{NW}
+% & \tikz{\hex[ridges={NE,N,NW,SW}]}
+% & \spec{NE,N,NW,SW}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[ridges=SW]}
+% & \spec{SW}
+% & \tikz{\hex[ridges={NE,N,NW,SW,S,line width=3pt}]}
+% & \spec{NE,N,NW,SW,S,line width=3pt}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[ridges=S]}
+% & \spec{S}
+% & \tikz{\hex[ridges={NE,N,NW,SW,S,SE,color=brown!70!black}]}
+% & \spec{NE,N,NW,SW,S,SE,color=brown!70!black}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[ridges=SE]}
+% & \spec{SE}
+% & \tikz{\hex[ridges={N,S,NW,SE},terrain={rough}]}
+% & \spec{N,S,NW,SE}\\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Ridges}
+% \label{tab:hex:ridges}
+% \end{table}
+% \subsubsection{Styling ridges}
+% Every ridge is drawn with the style \spec{tikz/hex/ridges}. Users
+% can customise this style. The default is to draw thin black wave
+% lines (\TikZ{} decoration \spec{waves}). The default style also
+% takes care to auto scale line widths.
+% \subsection{Labels}
+% \label{sec:hex:label}
+% Labels can be placed on the hexes via the keyword \spec{label}. The
+% label can either be auto-generated or given explicitly.
+% \tablename~\ref{tab:hex:label} shows the various choices.
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|m{2cm}|l|c|m{6cm}|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Name}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Column/Row}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{label=}}\\
+% \hline
+% &&&\\[-1ex]
+% \tikz{\hex[label=none](r=0,c=0) }
+% & No label
+% & n/a
+% & \spec{none}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[label={text=B10}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & User specified
+% & n/a
+% & \spec{text=B10}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[label={color=blue,text=A1}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & User specified
+% & n/a
+% & \spec{\{color=blue,text=A1\}}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[label=auto](r=3,c=9) }
+% & Two-digit, zero padded numbers
+% & 9/3
+% & \spec{auto}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[label={auto=alpha column,font=\noexpand\rmfamily}](r=3,c=2)}
+% & Column letter, number row
+% & 2/3
+% & \spec{\{auto=alpha column,font=\cs{noexpand}\cs{rmfamily}\}}
+% \textsuperscript{$\dag$}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[label={auto=alpha 2 column,anchor=north east}](r=24,c=6) }
+% & Two letter column, two digit row
+% & 6/24
+% & \spec{\{auto=alpha 2 column,anchor=north east\}}\\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Labels\newline
+% \textsuperscript{$\dag$}When specifying macros as key values in
+% the options, for example the value \cs{rmfamily} for the key
+% \spec{font} above, we have to put a \cs{noexpand} in front if the
+% macro. This is to prevent early expansion of the macro, which
+% would cause errors. A minor nuisance.}
+% \label{tab:hex:label}
+% \end{table}
+% The option \spec{auto=inv y x plus 1} will label the rows
+% inversely, and add one to the column number. This requires that the
+% key \spec{tikz/max hex row} has been set to the largest row number
+% used.
+% In addition to the sub-keys \spec{none}, \spec{auto}, and
+% \spec{text}, one can also specify the following keys
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\keyval{place}{\meta{coordinates}}] specifies the Location of
+% label within the hex. The anchor point of the text will be placed
+% at this point.
+% \item[\oarg[options]] at the start of the option (but inside braces
+% \spec{\{\textellipsis\}}) can be used to give additional style
+% options.
+% \end{description}
+% \subsubsection{Styling labels}
+% All labels use the style \spec{tikz/hex/label}. By default, this
+% places the label at the top of the hex, and renders the text as gray
+% script sized text. Users can customise this style. If a user does
+% not want to change the default style, or want to pass the same
+% option to all labels, then one can set the key \spec{tikz/every
+% label} to those options.
+% \subsection{Towns}
+% \label{sec:hex:town}
+% Towns in hexes are made via the key \spec{town}. This key takes
+% several sub-keys, as illustrated in \tablename~\ref{tab:hex:town}
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|m{2cm}l|m{2cm}l|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{town=}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{town=}}\\
+% \hline
+% &&&\\[-1ex]
+% \tikz{\hex[town](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{}
+% & \tikz{\hex[town={name=Copenhagen}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{name=Copenhagen\}}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[town={pic=hex/town/city}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{pic=hex/town/city\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[town={red,pic=hex/town/city}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{red,pic=hex/town/city\}}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[town={fill=red}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{fill=red\}}
+% & \tikz{\hex[town={pic=hex/town/city,name=London}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{name=London\}}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[town={color=red,name=Paris}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{red,name=Paris\}}
+% &\tikz{\hex[town={above=0.8,name=Berlin}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{above=0.8,name=Berlin\}}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[town={place={(.2,.2)}}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{place=\{(.2,.2)\}\}}
+% &\tikz{\hex[town={font=\noexpand\itshape,name=Amsterdam}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{font=\cs{noexpand}\cs{itshape},name=Amsterdam\}}
+% \textsuperscript{$\dag$}\\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Towns\newline
+% \textsuperscript{$\dag$}When specifying macros as key values in
+% the options, for example the value \cs{rmfamily} for the key
+% \spec{font} above, we have to put a \cs{noexpand} in front if the
+% macro. This is to prevent early expansion of the macro, which
+% would cause errors. A minor nuisance.}
+% \label{tab:hex:town}
+% \end{table}
+% The sub-keys available for the \spec{town} key are
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\keyval{pic}{\meta{town-pic}}] The name of a \TikZ{}
+% \spec{pic}ture. Currently defined are \spec{hex/town/town} and
+% \spec{hex/town/city}. Users can provide alternate definitions or new types
+% by defining \TikZ{} \spec{pic}tures.
+% \item[\keyval{place}{\meta{coordinates}}] Location of label within
+% the hex. The anchor point of the text will be placed at this
+% point.
+% \item[\keyval{name}{\meta{name}}] Name of town
+% \end{description}
+% \subsubsection{Styling towns}
+% Towns uses two styles: \spec{tikz/hex/town} for the town graphics,
+% and \spec{tikz/hex/town name} for the name of the town. In addition,
+% a user may set the key \spec{tikz/every hex town} to contain options
+% to be passed to all towns.
+% \subsection{Extra graphics for hexes}
+% \label{sec:hex:extra}
+% Additional graphics for hexes can be added by the two keys
+% \spec{extra} and \spec{extra clipped}. The difference between the
+% two are that graphics specified by \spec{extra clipped} are clipped
+% (restricted) to the hex, while graphics given by \spec{extra} may
+% extend beyond the hex. Both keys accept a comma separated list of
+% arguments, where each element has the syntax
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \oarg{options}\parg{placement}\meta{picture}
+% \end{Syntax}
+% Both \meta{options} and \meta{placement} are optional, and specifies
+% keys to draw \meta{picture} with and the relative location in the
+% hex, respectively. The required argument \meta{picture} must name a
+% \TikZ{} \spec{pic}ture, for example \spec{hex/fortress}. This can
+% be useful for marking hexes on the board. For example to mark a
+% set-up hex for one faction of the game.
+% One could for example define the following pictures to define set-up
+% points for a Sovjet and German faction
+% \tikzset{
+% setup/sovjet/.pic={
+% \path[fill=red,draw=yellow,pic actions]
+% ( 90:.4)--(126:.15)--
+% (162:.4)--(198:.15)--
+% (234:.4)--(270:.15)--
+% (306:.4)--(342:.15)--
+% ( 18:.4)--( 54:.15)--cycle;},
+% setup/german/.pic={
+% \path[fill,pic actions]
+% (-.4, -.1) rectangle(.4,.1)
+% (-.1, -.4) rectangle(.1,.4);
+% \path[draw,pic actions]
+% (-.4,-.2) -- (-.2,-.2) -- (-.2,-.4)
+% (-.4, .2) -- (-.2, .2) -- (-.2, .4)
+% ( .4, .2) -- ( .2, .2) -- ( .2, .4)
+% ( .4,-.2) -- ( .2,-.2) -- ( .2,-.4);},
+% foo/large/.pic={
+% \path[fill=gray,pic actions] (-1,-.5) rectangle(1,.5);},
+% }
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% setup/sovjet/.pic={
+% \path[fill=red,draw=yellow,pic actions]
+% ( 90:.4)--(126:.15)--
+% (162:.4)--(198:.15)--
+% (234:.4)--(270:.15)--
+% (306:.4)--(342:.15)--
+% ( 18:.4)--( 54:.15)--cycle;},
+% setup/german/.pic={
+% \path[fill,pic actions]
+% (-.4, -.1) rectangle(.4,.1)
+% (-.1, -.4) rectangle(.1,.4);
+% \path[draw,pic actions]
+% (-.4,-.2) -- (-.2,-.2) -- (-.2,-.4)
+% (-.4, .2) -- (-.2, .2) -- (-.2, .4)
+% ( .4, .2) -- ( .2, .2) -- ( .2, .4)
+% ( .4,-.2) -- ( .2,-.2) -- ( .2,-.4);}
+% foo/large/.pic={
+% \path[fill=gray,pic actions] (-1,-.5) rectangle(1,.5);},
+% }
+% \end{verbatim}
+% We can place extra graphics in hexes as shown in
+% \tablename~\ref{tab:hex:extra}.
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|m{2cm}l|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{extra=}}\\
+% \hline
+% &\\[-1ex]
+% \tikz{\hex[extra=hex/fortress](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{hex/fortress}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[extra=setup/sovjet](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{setup/sovjet}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[extra=setup/german](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{setup/german}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[extra={setup/german,hex/fortress}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{setup/german,hex/fortress\}}\textsuperscript{$\dag$}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[extra={[{line width=2pt,color=brown}]hex/fortress 2}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{[\{line width=2pt,brown\}]
+% fortress 2\}}\textsuperscript{$\ddag$}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[extra={[shift={(.2,.2)}]setup/sovjet}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{[shift=\{(.2,.2)\}]setup/sovjet\}}\textsuperscript{$\ddag$}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[extra={[{shift={(.2,.2)},scale=.5,color=gray}]setup/german}](r=0,c=0) }
+% & \spec{\{[\{shift=\{(.2,.2)\},scale=.5,color=gray\}]
+% setup/german\}}\textsuperscript{$\ddag$}\\
+% \tikz{\hex[extra=foo/large]} & \spec{foo/large}\\
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{extra clipped=}}\\
+% \hline
+% &\\[-1ex]
+% \iftrue
+% \tikz{\hex[extra clipped=foo/large]} & \spec{foo/large}\\
+% \fi
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Hex extra graphics. Note that in the last line we use
+% the graphics \spec{foo/large} with \spec{extra clipped} (compare
+% to line just above) to restrict the graphics to the hex.\newline%
+% \textsuperscript{$\dag$}When specifying more than one item, the
+% list must be enclosed in braces
+% (\spec{\{\textellipsis\}})\newline%
+% \textsuperscript{$\ddag$}When an item in the list of \spec{extra}
+% contains a comma (\spec{,}), for example in a list of graphics
+% options, then we need to enclose the inner list \emph{and} the
+% whole list in braces (\spec{\{\textellipsis\}}) to protect against
+% unwanted expansion.}
+% \label{tab:hex:extra}
+% \end{table}
+% To finish off this part on hexes and what we can do with those, we
+% generate a map in \figurename~\ref{fig:hex:placing}.
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{m{.3\linewidth}m{.68\linewidth}}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.8]
+% \hex[town={pic=hex/town/city,name=Berlin}](r=0,c=0)
+% \hex[] (r=0,c=1)
+% \hex[] (r=0,c=2)
+% \hex[terrain={swamp},label=auto] (r=0,c=3)
+% \hex[] (r=1,c=0)
+% \hex[terrain={light woods}] (r=1,c=1)
+% \hex[terrain={woods}] (r=1,c=2)
+% \hex[terrain={swamp}] (r=1,c=3)
+% \hex[town={name=Freiburg},extra=hex/fortress](r=2,c=0)
+% \hex[extra=hex/fortress] (r=2,c=1)
+% \hex[terrain={rough}] (r=2,c=2)
+% \hex[] (r=2,c=3)
+% \hex[terrain={mountains}] (r=3,c=0)
+% \hex[terrain={mountains}] (r=3,c=1)
+% \hex[terrain={mountains}] (r=3,c=2)
+% \hex[] (r=3,c=3)
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% &
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \hex[town={pic=hex/town/city,name=Berlin}] (r=0,c=0)
+% \hex[] (r=0,c=1)
+% \hex[] (r=0,c=2)
+% \hex[terrain={swamp},label=auto] (r=0,c=3)
+% \hex[] (r=1,c=0)
+% \hex[terrain={light woods}] (r=1,c=1)
+% \hex[terrain={woods}] (r=1,c=2)
+% \hex[terrain={swamp}] (r=1,c=3)
+% \hex[town={name=Freiburg},extra=hex/fortress](r=2,c=0)
+% \hex[extra=hex/fortress] (r=2,c=1)
+% \hex[terrain={rough}] (r=2,c=2)
+% \hex[] (r=2,c=3)
+% \hex[terrain={mountains}] (r=3,c=0)
+% \hex[terrain={mountains}] (r=3,c=1)
+% \hex[terrain={mountains}] (r=3,c=2)
+% \hex[] (r=3,c=3)
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Placing hexes}
+% \label{fig:hex:placing}
+% \end{figure}
+% \subsection{Rivers, borders, and roads}
+% Rivers and borders follow the hex sides and are added to the current
+% \spec{tikkzpicture} using \cs{river} and \cs{border} macros
+% respectively. They are specified as regular \TikZ{} paths. It is
+% useful to utilise the hex coordinate system for this.
+% \begin{MacroSyntax}{\river,\border}
+% \cs{river}\oarg{options} \meta{path};\\
+% \cs{border}\oarg{options} \meta{path};
+% \end{MacroSyntax}
+% Rivers are essentially borders, but are randomized to giver a more
+% aesthetically pleasing output.
+% Roads and railroads typically go from hex--center to hex--center,
+% and are added using the macro \cs{road}. The road or railroad is
+% specified via a regular \TikZ{} path.
+% \begin{MacroSyntax}{\addriver}
+% \cs{road}\oarg{options} \meta{path};\\
+% \cs{railroad}\oarg{options} \meta{path};
+% \end{MacroSyntax}
+% Towns and cities conveniently serve as places to split up a road at.
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \testmap
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \caption{Adding rivers, boarders, and roads}
+% \end{figure}
+% \subsection{Board clipping and frame}
+% In the river, border, and road example above, the roads extend beyond
+% the hexes, which does not look very nice. One way to deal with this,
+% is to draw a clipping box around the hexes
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{m{.\linewidth}m{.\linewidth}}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \draw[clip](-.5,-.5) rectangle (5,5);
+% \testmap
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% &
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \draw[clip](-.5,-.5) rectangle (5,5);
+% \testmap
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Clipping for a manual using a \TikZ{}
+% \cs{draw}\spec{[clip]} command.}
+% \label{fig:hex:boxclip}
+% \end{figure}
+% This technique works fine for examples in a manual, it has a
+% somewhat displeasing effect for a full board. The package therefor
+% defines the macro \cs{boardclip} which clips the graphics
+% according to the defined hexes.
+% \begin{MacroSyntax}{\boardclip}
+% \cs{boardclip}\parg{lower-left}\parg{upper-right}\marg{options}
+% \end{MacroSyntax}
+% A clipping path of that spans from the hex at \meta{lower-lest} to
+% \meta{upper-right}. Note, that both of these arguments should only
+% specify the column and row keys. If \meta{options} is non-empty,
+% then the clipping path is drawn with those options.
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{m{.4\linewidth}m{.4\linewidth}}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \begin{scope}
+% \boardclip(c=0,r=0)(c=3,r=3){}
+% \testmap
+% \end{scope}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% &
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \begin{scope}
+% \boardclip(c=0,r=0)(c=3,r=3){}
+% \testmap
+% \end{scope}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Snug--fit clipping of board using the macro \cs{boardclip}}
+% \label{fig:hex:clip}
+% \end{figure}
+% This is particularly useful together with the \cs{boardframe} macro.
+% This macro will put a frame around the board, optionally with a
+% margin.
+% \begin{MacroSyntax}{\boardframe}
+% \cs{boardframe}\oarg{margin}\parg{lower-left}{upper-right}
+% \end{MacroSyntax}
+% where \meta{lower-left} and \meta{upper-right} are as for
+% \cs{boardclip}. The \meta{margin} must be a number, and specifies an
+% optional margin around the hexes, The argument \meta{options}
+% specifies how the frame is drawn. The idea is to first draw the
+% frame, then the clipping shape, and then the hexes. One should take
+% care to use the \meta{options} argument to \cs{boardclip} to specify
+% a default background color. The frame is drawn with the style
+% \spec{hex/board frame}
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{m{4.\linewidth}m{4.\linewidth}}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[hex/border/.append style={color=red},
+% hex/board frame/.style={fill=Tan}]
+% \begin{scope}[every hex/.style={label=auto}]
+% \boardframe[0.5](c=0,r=0)(c=3,r=3){0.5}
+% \boardclip(c=0,r=0)(c=3,r=3){fill=white}
+% \testmap{}
+% \end{scope}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% &
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \begin{scope}[every hex/.style={label=auto}]
+% \boardframe[0.5](c=0,r=0)(c=3,r=3)
+% \boardclip(c=0,r=0)(c=3,r=3){fill=white}
+% \testmap{}
+% \end{scope}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Combining a frame and clipping}
+% \label{fig:hex:frame}
+% \end{figure}
+% The \cs{boardframe} macro prints the position of the rectangle to
+% the log output, if one needs to do some more stuff around the board.
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Chits
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \cleardoublepage
+% \section{Chits}
+% Chits, or playing counters\footnote{Since \TeX{} has the concept of
+% counters as in `\cs{count}' and \LaTeX{}'s `\cs{newcounter}', we
+% choose the name `chit' for playing pieces instead.}, can be made
+% with the macro \cs{chit}. The syntax for rendering a chit is
+% \begin{MacroSyntax}{\chit}
+% \cs{chit}\oarg{key-value-pairs}\parg{location}\parg{name}
+% \end{MacroSyntax}
+% \figurename~\ref{fig:chit:overview} shows an example of a chit.
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
+% \firstchit
+% \pic[draw,transform shape]{wg/x axis={-1,1, -1.2,{0},{-.6,.6}}};
+% \pic[draw,transform shape]{wg/y axis={1.2,-1,1, {0},{-.6,.6}}};
+% \draw[wg arrow] (-.2,-.4)--(-0.9,-.6)
+% node[anchor=east]{\spec{factors=\{chit/2 factors=\{4,8\}\}}};
+% \draw[wg arrow] (-.5,.2)--(-1.1,.6)
+% node[anchor=east]{\spec{left=\{chit/identifier=\{1\}\}}};
+% \draw[wg arrow] (.5,.2)--(.7,1.2)
+% node[anchor=south west]{\spec{right=\{chit/identifier=\{2\}\}}};
+% \draw[wg arrow] (-.2,.4)--(-1,1)
+% node[anchor=east]{\spec{symbol=\{\meta{nato app 6(c) spec}\}}};
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \caption{An example of a chit. The lines below and to the right
+% shows two unit lengths. Other global options used are
+% \spec{color=white} to set the foreground colour, \spec{fill=blue}
+% for the background, and \spec{text=yellow} to set the font colour
+% to yellow. The \spec{symbol} key also contains
+% \spec{frame=\{fill=yellow!50!black} to set the frame fill colour,
+% and \spec{ultra thick} to set the line width of the NATO App6(C)
+% symbol. Note that the line width is automatically scaled.}
+% \label{fig:chit:overview}
+% \end{figure}
+% The example in \figurename~\ref{fig:chit:overview} shows an infantry
+% mountaineer army unit with attack factor 4, and movement factor 8.
+% The NATO App6(c) symbol is given in terms of keywords for the
+% \cs{natoapp} macro (see \sectionname~\ref{sec:nateoapp6c}). The
+% other parts of the chit (\spec{factors}, \spec{left}, \spec{right},
+% and \spec{below}) are rendered onto the chit via \TikZ{}
+% \spec{pic}tures. This allows for a great deal of flexibility in
+% generating chits. For example, above we use the \spec{pic}tures
+% \spec{chit/identifier} and \spec{chit/2 factors} to render the left-
+% and right-hand identifiers, and the factors, respectively.
+% Full frame chits --- that is chits which are not typically
+% designating units or faction specific chits, e.g., a turn marker ---
+% can be made by using the key \spec{full}. In that case, all other
+% keys (\spec{symbol}, \spec{factors}, \spec{left}, \spec{right},
+% and \spec{below}) are ignored. \figurename~\ref{fig:chit:full} shows
+% such an example.
+% \begin{figure}[tbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{m{.45\linewidth}m{.45\linewidth}}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
+% \turnchit
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% &
+% chit made with
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \tikzset{
+% wg/big text/.pic={
+% \node[font=\sffamily\fontsize{18}{0}%
+% \selectfont]{#1};}}
+% \tikz{
+% \chit[full={wg/big text={Turn}},
+% black,fill=yellow!20!white](0,0)}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{An example of a full-frame chit. }
+% \label{fig:chit:full}
+% \end{figure}
+% The size of the chits are $1.2\times1.2$ unit lengths squared. This
+% is tuned so that the chits will fit within the hexes produced by the
+% \cs{hex} command (see \sectionname~\label{sec:hex}). In
+% \figurename~\ref{fig:chit:hex} we illustrate this. Typically the
+% unit is one centimetre. which means the chits are
+% $12\,\text{mm}\times12\,\text{mm}$ --- or roughly $1/2"\times1/2"$,
+% which is a fairly good size for most games.
+% \begin{figure}[tbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \hex
+% \firstchit(hex cs:r=0,c=0)
+% \hex(c=1,r=0)
+% \secondchit(hex cs:r=0,c=1)
+% \hex(c=2,r=0)
+% \thirdchit(hex cs:r=0,c=2)
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \caption{Example of chits fit within hexes. }
+% \label{fig:chit:hex}
+% \end{figure}
+% \subsection{Styling chits}
+% Typical \TikZ{} options can be passed to the \cs{chit} macro. For
+% example, if you want to draw the chit with a red foreground, simply pass
+% \spec{draw=red} in the \oarg{optional} arguments to
+% \cs{chits}. Individual parts of the hexes can be styled separately.
+% \paragraph{Important:} To set the colours of the various elements,
+% one should use
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\spec{color}=\meta{foreground and text}] Selects the
+% foreground colour of lines, text, and so on, including for the
+% NATO App6(C) symbol.
+% \item[\spec{fill}=\meta{background}] Selects the background colour
+% of the full chit. By default this is transparent.
+% \item[\spec{text}=\meta{text foreground}] Selects the colour used
+% for text in the chit. This overrides \spec{color} for text.
+% \item[\spec{draw}=\meta{foreground}] This sets the colour for
+% foreground elements, excluding text.
+% \end{description}
+% \TikZ{} allows one to pass a \meta{colour} as arguments for drawing
+% and understands that as giving the foreground and text colours.
+% However, that key is \emph{deprecated} for this library, as it does
+% not properly propagate through\footnote{The colour
+% \spec{pgfstrokecolor} is not modified by that.}.
+% The styles used by the \spec{left}, \spec{right}, \spec{setup},
+% \spec{factors}, and \spec{symbol} elements are
+% \spec{tikz/chit/left}, \spec{tikz/chit/right}, \spec{tikz/setup},
+% \spec{tikz/factors}, and \spec{tikz/symbol} respectively. A user can
+% redefine these to change the appearance of the chits. For example,
+% one could make the symbol larger by setting a different
+% \spec{scale}, move the factors to the side by changing \spec{shift},
+% and so on.
+% Pictures used by these elements are also styled by
+% similar keys. For example, the picture \spec{chit/identifier} is
+% styled by \spec{tikz/chit/identifier}.
+% In addition, one can define the key \spec{tikz/every chit} to be the
+% default options for all chits.
+% \subsection{Defining preset chit types}
+% One can conveniently pre-define some chit styles. For example,
+% given the style definition
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \tikzset{
+% my chit/.style={/chit/symbol={[
+% faction=friendly,
+% command=land,
+% main=armoured]},
+% /chit/left={chit/identifier={Mine}},
+% /chit/factors={chit/2 factors={2,4}}}}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% We can use that to make different chits with some commonalities
+% defined by that style. For example
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \chit[my chit](0,-2)
+% \chit[my chit,color=white,fill=red,right={chit/identifier=1}](2,-2)
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% where, in the second example, we have passed additional options to
+% \cs{chit}. Note that we \emph{must} give the full path to the
+% \spec{chit} keys when defining a style like this.
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% NATO App6(c) symbols
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \cleardoublepage
+% \section{NATO App 6(c) symbols}
+% \label{sec:nateoapp6c}
+% The NATO markers are designed to fit within the template shown in
+% \figurename~\ref{fig:natoapp:template}. The template is serves as a
+% placement guide of the the various parts of the NATO marker as
+% illustrated in \figurename{fig:natoapp:usage}.
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
+% \node[natoapp6c={command=base}] {};
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \caption{Template for NATO symbols}
+% \label{fig:natoapp:template}
+% \end{figure}
+% \begin{MacroSyntax}{\natoapp}
+% \cs{natoapp}\oarg{key-value-pairs}\parg{location}\parg{name}
+% \end{MacroSyntax}
+% where all arguments are optional.
+% Keys are defined to fill in the various parts of the markers. These
+% keys are
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\keyval{faction}{\meta{faction}}] Selects the faction used for
+% the symbol. See also
+% \sectionname~\ref{sec:natoapp:faction:command}.
+% \item[\keyval{command}{\meta{command}}] Selects the command used for
+% the symbol. See also
+% \sectionname~\ref{sec:natoapp:faction:command}.
+% \item[\keyval{main}{\meta{mains}}] Specifies the main symbol(s).
+% This can be a comma separated list of specifiers (delimited by
+% braces \marg{first,second,\textellipsis}), and each symbol can be
+% preceeded by an optional argument to shift, scale, rotate, etc.,
+% the individual symbols. \ifShowSymbols See also
+% \sectionname~\ref{sec:natoapp:mains}\fi.
+% \item[\keyval{left}{\meta{lefts}}, \keyval{right}{\meta{rights}},
+% \keyval{top}{\meta{tops}}, \keyval{bottom}{\meta{bottoms}},
+% \keyval{below}{\meta{belows}}] Specifies the left-, right-hand,
+% top, bottom, and lower symbol(s). The format of the arguments
+% \meta{lefts}, \meta{rights}, \meta{tops}, \meta{bottoms}, and
+% \meta{belows} has the same format as \meta{mains}.
+% \end{description}
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \begin{tabular}{m{.45\linewidth}m{.45\linewidth}}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2]
+% \natoapp[
+% faction=none,
+% command=base,
+% echelon=army,
+% main={text=M},
+% top={text=T},
+% bottom={text=B},
+% left={text=L},
+% right={text=R},
+% below={text=V}]
+% \pic[draw,transform shape]{wg/x axis={-.5,.5,-.7,,}};
+% \pic[draw,transform shape]{wg/y axis={.7,-.62,.74,,{-.5,.5,-.2,.2}}};
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{center}
+% & The figure is typeset by
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \natoapp[faction=none,
+% command=base,
+% echelon=army,
+% main={text=M},
+% top={text=T},
+% bottom={text=B},
+% left={text=L},
+% right={text=R},
+% below={text=V}]
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Main keys of \cs{natoapp}. The bottom and right hand
+% bars indicate one unit of length.}
+% \label{fig:natoapp:usage}
+% \end{figure}
+% Other keys are available to further customise the appearance of the
+% symbols
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\keyval{echelon}{\meta{size}}] The size of the unit described.
+% Possible values are \spec{team}, \spec{squad}, \spec{section},
+% \spec{platoon}, \spec{company}, \spec{battalion}, \spec{regiment},
+% \spec{brigade}, \spec{division}, \spec{corps}, \spec{army},
+% \spec{army group}, \spec{theatre}, and \spec{command}.
+% \item[\keyval{frame}{\meta{keys}}] Extra keys for frame.
+% \end{description}
+% \subsection{Faction and Command Selection}
+% \label{sec:natoapp:faction:command}
+% Table~\ref{tab:frames} shows the various bases used for the various
+% {\ttfamily{\itshape faction}/{\itshape command}} combinations. Also
+% shown in the table is the base template for main identifiers.
+% \makeatletter
+% \def\tabledata{}
+% \foreach \c in {air,land,equipment,installation,sea surface,sub surface,space,activity}{%
+% \protected@xappto\tabledata{\spec{\c}}
+% \foreach \f in {friendly,hostile,neutral,unknown}{%
+% \protected@xappto\tabledata{
+% &\noexpand\tikz[scale=.8]{%
+% \noexpand\path (-.75,-.75) rectangle (.75,.75);
+% \noexpand\node[natoapp6c={faction=\f,command=\c},fill=\f]{};
+% \noexpand\node[natoapp6c={command=base},draw=lightgray]{};
+% }}}
+% \protected@xappto\tabledata{\\ \noexpand\hline}}
+% \makeatother
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|m{2cm}m{2cm}m{2cm}m{2cm}|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{{\color{headfg}\meta{faction}}}\\
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\meta{command}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{friendly}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{hostile}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{neutral}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{unknown}}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \tabledata
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Frames for various combinations of \meta{faction} and
+% \meta{command} combinations. These are drawn with the
+% \spec{pic} given by
+% \spec{natoapp6c/\meta{faction}/\meta{command}} with the options
+% \spec{draw=blue,fill=\meta{faction}}. If no \spec{fill} is
+% specified, then the background will be transparent. Note, the
+% template for main identifiers is also shown on top of each frame.}
+% \label{tab:frames}
+% \end{table}
+% The fill color of the frame is set by the key \spec{frame}. If
+% this is or contains the special value \spec{faction}, then the
+% frame fill colour will be the standard for the faction as
+% illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:faction:color}.
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \foreach[count=\i] \f in {friendly,hostile,neutral,unknown}{
+% \natoapp[frame=faction,faction=\f,
+% command=space,main={infantry}](2*\i-2,0)}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \caption{Illustration of using the special value \spec{faction}
+% for the \spec{frame} key}
+% \label{fig:faction:color}
+% \end{figure}
+% Elements of the frame can be controlled by the key \spec{frame}.
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\keyval{frame}{\meta{keys}}] Additional keys to pass to the
+% frame drawing. The special option \spec{faction} will make the
+% frame be filled with the standard faction color.
+% \end{description}
+% \tablename~\ref{tab:frame:color} illustrates this.
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|c|cccc|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Example}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{\spec{frame=\{color,...\}}}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{\spec{frame=\{fill,...\}}}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{\spec{frame=\{draw,...\}}}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{\spec{frame=\{line width,...\}}}}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \cellcolor{white}
+% \tikz{\natoapp[main={fixed wing},command=air]}
+% &
+% &
+% &
+% &
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \cellcolor{white}
+% \tikz{\natoapp[main={fixed wing},command=air,color=red,
+% frame={line width=2pt}]}
+% & \spec{red}
+% &
+% &
+% & \spec{thick}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \cellcolor{white}
+% \tikz{\natoapp[main={fixed wing},command=air,
+% frame={fill=yellow,line width=.5pt}]}
+% &
+% & \spec{yellow}
+% &
+% & \spec{thin}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \cellcolor{white}
+% \tikz{\natoapp[main={fixed wing},command=air,frame={blue}]}
+% &
+% &
+% & \spec{blue}
+% &
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \cellcolor{white}
+% \tikz{\natoapp[main={fixed wing},command=air,frame={fill=pink,magenta}]}
+% &
+% & \spec{pink}
+% & \spec{magenta}
+% &
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \cellcolor{white}
+% \tikz{\natoapp[main={fixed wing},command=air,color=red,
+% frame={fill=green,draw=blue,line width=3pt}]}
+% & \spec{red}
+% & \spec{green}
+% & \spec{blue}
+% & \spec{ultra thick}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Illustration of frame colour choices}
+% \label{tab:frame:color}
+% \end{table}
+% \subsection{Unit Size (\spec{echelon})}
+% The size of a unit a marker represents is given by the
+% \spec{echelon} keyword. \tablename~\ref{tab:natoapp6c:echelon}
+% shows the various markers and approximate unit sizes.
+% \let\foo\empty
+% \begin{table}[htbp]
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabular}{|m{1.2cm}|cr@{--}lm{.27\linewidth}m{.27\linewidth}|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Example}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\spec{echelon}}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c}{{\color{headfg}\textbf{Approx.~size}}}
+% & \foo{} {\color{headfg}\textbf{Sub-units}}
+% & \foo{} {\color{headfg}\textbf{Officer}}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=team,lower=airborne]}
+% & \spec{team}
+% & 3
+% & 5
+% & \foo{} none
+% & \foo{} Corporal or Sergeant
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=squad]}
+% & \spec{squad}
+% & 5
+% & 10
+% & \foo{} 1--2 teams
+% & \foo{} Sergeant
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=section]}
+% & \spec{section}
+% & 7
+% & 13
+% & \foo{} 2--3 teams
+% & \foo{} Sergeant
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=platoon]}
+% & \spec{platoon}
+% & $25$
+% & $40$
+% & \foo{} Several squads/sections
+% & \foo{} Second Lieutenant
+% \\
+% \hline\tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=company]}
+% & \spec{company}
+% & $60$
+% & $250$
+% & \foo{} Several platoons
+% & \foo{} Captain
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=battalion]}
+% & \spec{battalion}
+% & $300$
+% & $1\,000$
+% & \foo{} 2--6 companies
+% & \foo{} Lieutenant colonel
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=regiment]}
+% & \spec{regiment}
+% & $500$
+% & $2\,000$
+% & \foo{} 3--7 battalions
+% & \foo{} Colonel
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=brigade]}
+% & \spec{brigade}
+% & $2\,000$
+% & $5\,000$
+% & \foo{} Several battalions
+% & \foo{} Colonel
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=division]}
+% & \spec{division}
+% & $10\,000$
+% & $20\,000$
+% & \foo{} Several brigades/regiments
+% & \foo{} Major General
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=corps]}
+% & \spec{corps}
+% & $30\,000$
+% & $60\,000$
+% & \foo{} Several divisions
+% & \foo{} Lieutenant General
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=army]}
+% & \spec{army}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$100\,000$}
+% & \foo{} Several corps (5--10 divisions)
+% & \foo{} General
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=army group]}
+% & \spec{army group}
+% & $120\,000$
+% & $500\,000$
+% & \foo{} Several armies
+% & \foo{} Field Marshal
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=theatre]}
+% & \spec{theatre}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$250\,000+$}
+% & \foo{} Several army groups
+% & \foo{} Field Marshal
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \tikz[scale=.8]{\natoapp[command=land,faction=friendly,main=infantry,echelon=command]}
+% & \spec{command}
+% & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Not a unit size, but designator}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Illustration of echelon values. Approximate sizes and
+% command officer titles are typical modern day United States of
+% America army values and identifiers. Historically the unit
+% sizes have changed, as has officer titles. Furthermore, both
+% the unit sizes, names, and command officer titles may vary from
+% country to country, even across command.}
+% \label{tab:natoapp6c:echelon}
+% \end{table}
+% \subsection{Unit type identification}
+% \begin{table}
+% \centering%
+% \def\typemark#1{%
+% \tikz[scale=.3]{\natoapp[faction=friendly,command=land,#1]}}
+% \def\sizemark#1{%
+% \tikz[scale=.2]{\pic{natoapp6c/s/echelon=#1};}}
+% \begin{tabular}{|clc|}
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\color{headfg}\textbf{Type \& Abbreviation}}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \typemark{upper=air assault}
+% & Air assault
+% & AA\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \typemark{upper=air defence}
+% & Air defence
+% & ADA\\
+% \typemark{lower=airborne}
+% & Airborne
+% & AB\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \typemark{lower=amphibious}
+% & Amphibious
+% & AM\\
+% \typemark{main=anti tank anti armour}
+% & Anti tank/armoured
+% & AT\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \typemark{main=armoured}
+% & Armoured
+% & AR\\
+% \typemark{main=chemical biological radiological nuclear}
+% & Chemical biological radiological nuclear
+% & CB\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \typemark{main=combined arms}
+% & Combined arms
+% & CAR\\
+% \typemark{main=engineer}
+% & Engineer
+% & ENG\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \typemark{main={[fill=pgfstrokecolor]artillery}}
+% & Field artillery
+% & FA\\
+% \typemark{main=infantry}
+% & Infantry
+% & IN\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \typemark{main={infantry,armoured}}
+% & Mechanised infantry
+% & M\\
+% \typemark{lower=mountain}
+% & Mountaineer
+% & MTN\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \typemark{upper=naval}
+% & Naval
+% & N\\
+% \typemark{main=reconnaissance}
+% & Reconnaissance
+% & REC\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \typemark{main={text=sof}}
+% & Special Operations Forces
+% & SOF\\
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Symbol}}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\color{headfg}\textbf{Echelon \& Abbreviation}}
+% \\
+% \hline
+% \sizemark{army group}
+% & Army group
+% & AG\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \sizemark{army}
+% & Army
+% & A\\
+% \sizemark{corps}
+% & Corps
+% & -\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \sizemark{division}
+% & Division
+% & D\\
+% \sizemark{brigade}
+% & Brigade
+% & BD\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \sizemark{regiment}
+% & Regiment
+% & REGT\\
+% \sizemark{battalion}
+% & Battalion
+% & BN\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \sizemark{company}
+% & Company
+% & COY\\
+% \sizemark{platoon}
+% & Platoon
+% & PLT\\
+% \rowcolor{altcol}
+% \sizemark{section}
+% & Section
+% & \\
+% \sizemark{squad}
+% & Squad
+% & \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \caption{Some abbreviations of unit type identifications}
+% \label{tab:natoapp6c:abbr}
+% \end{table}
+% \ifShowSymbols
+% \subsection{Symbols Available}
+% \label{sec:natoapp:mains}
+% \tablename~\ref{tab:natoapp6c:main:symbols} lists all the symbols
+% defined. Note, these do \emph{not} correspond to \emph{all} the
+% symbols defined in NATO APP-6(C) \cite{app6c}. However, using
+% combinations of these symbols one can construct \emph{all} of
+% those symbols (and so more if so desired).
+% \ifShowCompat
+% See also
+% Appendix~\ref{app:natoapp6c:compat} for compatibility charts
+% between this library and \textsf{milsymb} \cite{milsymb}.
+% \fi
+% {\makeatletter\SymbolTable{land}{\n@to@pp@s@ll}}
+% \fi
+% \begin{thebibliography}{99}
+% \bibitem{fb} Hanover,C., Hendrix,C.E., \& Llewelyn,S.,
+% \textit{First Blood}, 1997, \url{}
+% \bibitem{app6c} \textit{NATO Joint Military Symbology}, APP-6(C),
+% May 2011,
+% \url{}.
+% \bibitem{app6d} \textit{NATO Joint Military Symbology}, APP-6(D),
+% October 2017,
+% \url{}
+% \bibitem{milsymb} \textsf{milsymb} package,
+% \url{}.
+% \end{thebibliography}
+% \StopEventually{}
+% \iffalse
+% ====================================================================
+% Implementation
+% ====================================================================
+% The wargame main package
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \section{Implementation}
+% \label{sec:impl}
+% \input{package.dtx}
+% \input{util/core.dtx}
+% \input{hex/core.dtx}
+% \input{chit/core.dtx}
+% \input{natoapp6c/core.dtx}
+% \appendix
+% \iffalse
+% ====================================================================
+% Appendices
+% ====================================================================
+% Compat tables
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \ifShowCompat
+% \section{Compatibility tables}
+% \label{app:natoapp6c:compat}
+% The following tables provides compatibility with the the
+% \textsf{milsymb} package available from CTAN.
+% \let\CompatSection\subsection
+% \let\CompatSubSection\subsubsection
+% \input{cmp_air}
+% \input{cmp_missile}
+% \input{cmp_land}
+% \input{cmp_equipment}
+% \input{cmp_installation}
+% \input{cmp_seasurface}
+% \input{cmp_subsurface}
+% \input{cmp_seamine}
+% \input{cmp_space}
+% \input{cmp_activity}
+% \fi
+% \iffalse
+% ====================================================================
+% Draft VASSAL module
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \section{Generate draft VASSAL module}
+% \label{app:vassal}
+% We can use the code you wrote for your game pieces (counters, maps,
+% tables), to generate a draft VASSAL module. To that end, use the
+% document class \textsf{wgexport}, and some simple macros to export
+% your graphics to a single PDF. A provided Python script then
+% processes this to generate the draft VASSAL module.
+% The generated VASSAL module is not the final thing, but it is a good
+% start.
+% \subsection{Example}
+% Suppose we have defined counters and markers like
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% allied 1 id axis 1 ad out of supply
+% allied 2 ad axis 2 ad game turn
+% allied 3 abid axis 3 ic
+% \end{verbatim}
+% via Tikz styles. Also assume that we have macros
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \board \oob \charts \front
+% \end{verbatim}
+% which produces \textsf{tikzpicture}s to the board, OOBs, charts, and
+% cover, respectively. All this is defined in our package
+% \texttt{mygame}. Of course that we have our rules in the file
+% \texttt{game.pdf}.
+% We prepare a simple \LaTeX{} source file
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentclass{wgexport}
+% \usepackage{mygame}
+% \begin{document}
+% \begin{imagelist} %% Records image meta info
+% \chitimages{{%
+% {allied 1 id,allied 2 ad,allied 3 abid}/Allied,%
+% {axis 1 ad,axis 2 ad,axis 3 ic}/Axis,%
+% {out of supply, game turn}/Markers}}
+% \info{Board}{board}{} \board
+% \info{OOB}{oob}{} \oob
+% \info{Charts}{chart}{}\chart
+% \info{Cover}{front}{} \front
+% \end{imagelist}
+% \end{document}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% When we run \LaTeX{} on this, we will get a PDF where each page is a
+% separate image and the page is cropped to image. \emph{In addition}
+% we will get a CSV (comma-separated-values) file \texttt{export.csv}
+% which contains some meta information about each page. In
+% particular, it identifies the name of each page, the category, and
+% sub category of the image.
+% For chits, the name of the image is the style name (e.g., \texttt{game
+% turn}). For other images, it is the first argument to \cs{info}
+% above.
+% The category is for chits is always \texttt{counter}. For other
+% images, it is the second argument to the \cs{info} macro (e.g.,
+% \texttt{board}).
+% The category of an image is important later on when we generate the
+% VASSAL module. Recognised categories are
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \texttt{counter} for counter images. Such an image will
+% trigger the creation of a VASSAL game piece.
+% \item \texttt{board} for board images. Images of this kind will
+% result in VASSAL board (or Map) elements.
+% \item \texttt{oob} for Order of Battle tables. This will also
+% result in a VASSAL map being created, but one that is displayed as
+% a pop-up and with a rectangular grid. This is useful for placing
+% units in an Order of Battle chart.
+% \item \texttt{chart} for charts. These images will be made VASSAL
+% charts --- i.e., pop-up windows which contains some graphics for the
+% players reference.
+% \item \texttt{front} for the cover image. This will become the
+% module splash image. Only one such image (the first) will be used.
+% \end{itemize}
+% Other categories may be used, and the corresponding image will be
+% added to the VASSAL module. However, they will no be processed in
+% any specific way.
+% The \emph{sub-category} is mainly used for counters. Above, we gave
+% the sub-categories \texttt{Allied}, \texttt{Axis}, and
+% \texttt{Markers}. The sub-categories will help to identify the
+% factions of the game, and counter prototypes will be made for each
+% category. The sub-categories of \texttt{board}, \texttt{charts},
+% \texttt{oob}, and \texttt{front} has no or little effect.
+% One we have processed the file above to generate our PDF (Say
+% \texttt{export.pdf}), then we can process it (and the CSV file) with
+% a Python script to make our draft VASSAL module
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% export.pdf export.csv -o Game.vmod -t Game -v 0.1 \
+% -d "My game" -r rules.pdf
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This will generate the draft module \texttt{Game.vmod}. Note that
+% we add the rules (\texttt{-r rules.pdf}) to the module so that the
+% module is complete.
+% Once the module has been generated, one can open it in the VASSAL
+% editor and further customise it. For example, the grids used in
+% the boards needs to be adjusted, and one may want to make initial
+% set-ups or add all counters to the OOB.
+% Of course, running the Python script will overwrite all changes, so
+% perhaps it is a good idea to work on a copy of the output file.
+% \iffalse
+% This is the package used by the documentation
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{noterrainpic}{wargame}}
+\tikzexternalize[mode=graphics if exists,prefix=.cache-]
+\newcommand\TikZ{{\mdseries Ti{\itshape k}Z}}
+\newcommand\spec[1]{{\obeyspaces\ttfamily #1}}
+\newcommand\tspec[1]{{\ttfamily\footnotesize\obeyspaces #1}}
+ cc name/.pic={
+ \draw[fill=pgfstrokecolor,draw=none,even odd rule]
+ (0,0) circle(.5) circle(.41)
+ node[fill=none,transform shape,
+ font=\sffamily\bfseries\fontsize{16}{0}\selectfont] {cc}
+ ;
+ },
+ cc by/.pic={
+ \draw[fill=pgfstrokecolor,draw=none,even odd rule]
+ (0,0) circle(.5) circle(.41) (0,.26) circle(.07)
+ (0,.15)
+ --++(.11,0)
+ to[bend left] ++(.02,-.02)
+ --++(0,-.20)
+ --++(-.05,0)
+ --++(0,-.25)
+ --++(-.15,0)
+ --++(0,.25)
+ --++(-.05,0)
+ --++(0,.2)
+ to[bend left] ++(.02,.02)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ },
+ cc sa/.pic={
+ \draw[fill=pgfstrokecolor,draw=none,even odd rule]
+ (0,0) circle(.5) circle(.41)
+ (-.22,-.08)
+ to[bend right=40] ++(.23,-.20)
+ to[bend right=40] ++(.23, .20)
+ to[bend right=10] ++(0, .16)
+ to[bend right=40] ++(-.23, .20)
+ to[bend right=40] ++(-.23, -.20)
+ --++(-.05,0)
+ --++(-45:.15)
+ --++( 45:.15)
+ --++(-.05,0)
+ to[bend left=40] ++(.12, .1)
+ to[bend left=40] ++(.12, -.1)
+ to[bend left=10] ++(0, -.16)
+ to[bend left=40] ++(-.12, -.1)
+ to[bend left=40] ++(-.12, .1)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ },
+ cc by sa/.pic={
+ \pic at(-1,0) {cc name};
+ \pic at( 0,0) {cc by};
+ \pic at( 1,0) {cc sa};
+ }
+ \textit{\small continued from previous page}}\\}
+ \textit{\small continues on next page}}\\}
+ \setlength{\LTcapwidth}{\linewidth}
+ \def\tabledata{}
+ \foreach \m in #3{%
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{\spec{\m}}
+ \foreach \f in {friendly,hostile,neutral,unknown}{%
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{
+ &\noexpand\tikz[scale=.8]{%
+ \noexpand\natoapp[faction=\f,%
+ command=#2,%
+ main={\m},%
+ frame={faction},%
+ #1]}}}
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{\\ \noexpand\hline}}
+ \def\colheaders{%
+ \hline%
+ & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{\meta{faction}}\\%
+ \meta{symbol}%
+ & \spec{friendly}%
+ & \spec{hostile}%
+ & \spec{neutral}%
+ & \spec{unknown}%
+ \\%
+ \hline}
+ \begin{longtable}{|l|
+ m{.1\linewidth}
+ m{.1\linewidth}
+ m{.1\linewidth}
+ m{.1\linewidth}|}
+ \caption{Symbols\label{tab:natoapp6c:main:symbols}}\\
+ \colheaders
+ \endfirsthead
+ \Continued{5}
+ \colheaders
+ \endhead
+ \Continues{5}
+ \endfoot
+ \endlastfoot
+ \tabledata
+ \end{longtable}
+\newcommand\CompatTable[3]{% command, where, list
+ \CompatSubSection{\spec{#2}}
+ \setlength{\LTcapwidth}{\linewidth}
+ \def\tabledata{}
+ \foreach \m/\s in #3{%
+ \n@to@pp@dbg{2}{Compatibility: `\m' -> `\s'}
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{\tspec{\m} & \tspec{\s}}
+ \foreach \f in {{none,frame={draw=lightgray}},%
+ friendly,hostile,neutral,unknown}{%
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{
+ &\noexpand\tikz[scale=.5]{%
+ \noexpand\natoapp[faction=\f,command=#1,\s,frame={faction}]}}}
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{\\ \noexpand\hline}}
+ \def\colheaders{%
+ \hline%
+ &
+ & \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\meta{faction}}\\%
+ \textsf{milsymb}%
+ &\textsf{wargame}%
+ & \spec{none}%
+ & \spec{friendly}%
+ & \spec{hostile}%
+ & \spec{neutral}%
+ & \spec{unknown}%
+ \\%
+ \hline}
+ \begin{longtable}{|
+ m{.15\linewidth}|
+ m{.20\linewidth}|
+ m{.08\linewidth}
+ m{.08\linewidth}
+ m{.08\linewidth}
+ m{.08\linewidth}
+ m{.08\linewidth}|}
+ \caption{Compatibility with \textsf{milsymb} \spec{#1},\spec{#2}
+ symbols\label{tab:compat:#1:#2}}\\
+ \colheaders
+ \endfirsthead
+ \Continues{7}
+ \colheaders
+ \endhead
+ \Continues{7}
+ \endfoot
+ \endlastfoot
+ \tabledata
+ \end{longtable}
+ \par
+ \vspace{1ex}
+ \hspace*{-1cm}
+ \ttfamily
+ \begin{tabular}{|>{\columncolor{altcol}}p{.8\textwidth}|}
+ \hline}{\\\hline\end{tabular}\par\vskip 1ex}
+ \leavevmode\begingroup%
+ %\catcode`\\12
+ \MakePrivateLetters\M@croSyntax}
+ \foreach \k in {#1}{\expandafter\Special@Usage@Index\k}
+ \Syntax}
+ \gdef\SpecialIndex@#1#2{%
+ \@SpecialIndexHelper@#1\@nil
+ \def\@tempb{ }%
+ \ifcat \@tempb\@gtempa
+ \special@index{\quotechar\space\actualchar
+ \string\verb\quotechar*\verbatimchar
+ \quotechar\bslash\quotechar\space\verbatimchar#2}%
+ \else
+ \def\@tempb##1##2\relax{\ifx\relax##2\relax
+ \def\@tempc{\special@index{\quotechar##1\actualchar
+ \string\verb\quotechar*\verbatimchar
+ \quotechar\bslash\quotechar##1\verbatimchar#2}}%
+ \else
+ \def\@tempc{\special@index{##1##2\actualchar
+ \string\verb\quotechar*\verbatimchar
+ \bslash##1##2\verbatimchar#2}}%
+ \fi}%
+ \expandafter\@tempb\@gtempa\relax
+ \@tempc
+ \fi}}{}
+ {\let\special@index\index\SpecialIndex@{#1}{}}%
+ \@esphack}
+ \@bsphack\special@index{%
+ #1\actualchar
+ {\string\ttfamily\space#1}
+ (#3)%
+ \encapchar main}%
+ \special@index{#4:\levelchar#2\actualchar{%
+ \string\ttfamily\space#2}\encapchar main}\@esphack}
+\def\SpecialHexKeyIndex#1#2{\Speci@lIndex{#1}{#2}{key}{Hex keys}}
+ \Speci@lIndex{#1}{#2}{symbol}{NATO App6(c) symbols}}
+\def\SpecialNatoFrameIndex#1#2{\Speci@lIndex{#1}{#2}{frame}{NATO App6(c) frame}}
+\def\SpecialNatoKeyIndex#1#2{\Speci@lIndex{#1}{#2}{key}{NATO App6(c) keys}}
+\def\SpecialKeyIndex#1{\Speci@lIndex{#1}{#1}{key}{TikZ keys}}
+\def\get@third #1/#2/#3/{\gdef\curr@third{#3}}
+\def\get@second #1/#2/#3/{\gdef\curr@second{#2}}
+ \leavevmode
+ \par
+ \vspace{1ex}
+ \hspace*{-1cm}
+ \begin{tabular}{#1}
+ \hline
+ #2
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}\par}
+ \KeyT@ble{|p{.1\textwidth}|>{\columncolor{altcol}}p{.7\textwidth}|}{#1}}
+ \begingroup%
+ \catcode`\\12
+ \MakePrivateLetters\M@cro}
+ \endgroup
+ \def\tabledata{}
+ \foreach \k in {#1}{%
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{%
+ \noexpand\spec{\noexpand\string\k}\noexpand\SpecialMainIndex{\k}\\}}
+ \KeyT@ble{|>{\columncolor{altcol}}p{.8\textwidth}|}{\noexpand\tabledata}}
+ \def\tabledata{}
+ \foreach \k in {#1}{%
+ \expandafter\get@third\k/
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{%
+ \noexpand\tikz[scale=.5]{\noexpand\natoapp[main=\curr@third,
+ faction=none,command=base,frame={draw=lightgray}]}
+ &\noexpand\spec{\k}
+ \noexpand\SpecialNatoSymbolIndex{\k}{\curr@third}\\}}
+ \ShowKeyT@ble{\tabledata}}{}
+ \def\tabledata{}
+ \foreach \k in {#1}{%
+ %\expandafter\get@third\k/
+ %\expandafter\get@second\k/
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{%
+ \noexpand\tikz[scale=.5]{\noexpand\node[shape=\k] {};}
+ &\noexpand\spec{\k}
+ \noexpand\SpecialNatoFrameIndex{\k}{\k}\\}}
+ \ShowKeyT@ble{\tabledata}}{}
+ \def\tabledata{}
+ \foreach \k in {#1}{%
+ \expandafter\get@second\k//
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{%
+ \noexpand\spec{\k}\noexpand\SpecialNatoKeyIndex{\k}{\curr@second}\\}}
+ \KeyT@ble{|>{\columncolor{altcol}}p{.8\textwidth}|}{\tabledata}}{}
+ \def\tabledata{}
+ \foreach \k in {#1}{%
+ \expandafter\get@second\k//
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{%
+ \noexpand\spec{\k}\noexpand\SpecialHexKeyIndex{\k}{\curr@second}\\}}
+ \KeyT@ble{|>{\columncolor{altcol}}p{.8\textwidth}|}{\tabledata}}{}
+ \def\tabledata{}
+ \foreach \k in {#1}{%
+ \expandafter\get@second\k/
+ \expandafter\get@third\k/
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{%
+ \noexpand\spec{\k}\noexpand\SpecialHexKeyIndex{\k}{\curr@second/\curr@third}\\}}
+ \KeyT@ble{|>{\columncolor{altcol}}p{.8\textwidth}|}{\tabledata}}{}
+ \def\tabledata{}
+ \foreach \k in {#1}{%
+ \protected@xappto\tabledata{%
+ \noexpand\spec{\k}\noexpand\SpecialKeyIndex{\k}\\}}
+ \KeyT@ble{|>{\columncolor{altcol}}p{.8\textwidth}|}{\tabledata}}{}
+ pics/wg/x axis/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4,#5}{
+ code={
+ \begin{scope}[/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2]
+ \path[pic actions] (#1,#3)--(#2,#3)
+ \foreach \t in {#1,#2,#4}{
+ \ifx\t\@empty\else
+ (\t,#3)--++(0,-.2)
+ node[anchor=north]{$\pgfmathprintnumber{\t}$}\fi}
+ \foreach \t in {#5}{
+ \ifx\t\@empty\else
+ (\t,#3)--++(0,-.1)
+ node[anchor=north,font=\small]{$\pgfmathprintnumber{\t}$}\fi};
+ \end{scope}}},
+ pics/wg/y axis/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4,#5}{
+ code={
+ \begin{scope}[/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2]
+ \path[pic actions] (#1,#2)--(#1,#3)
+ \foreach \t in {#2,#3,#4}{
+ \ifx\t\@empty\else
+ (#1,\t)--++(.2,0)
+ node[anchor=west]{$\pgfmathprintnumber{\t}$}\fi}
+ \foreach \t in {#5}{
+ \ifx\t\@empty\else
+ (#1,\t)--++(.1,0)
+ node[anchor=west,font=\small]{$\pgfmathprintnumber{\t}$}\fi};
+ \end{scope}}},
+ pics/wg/xaxis/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{%
+ code={
+ \pic[draw]{wg/x axis={-#1,#1,#2,#3,#4}};}},
+ pics/wg/yaxis/.style args={#1,#2,#3,#4}{%
+ code={
+ \pic[draw]{wg/y axis={#1,-#2,#2,#3,#4}};}},
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Symbols documentation driver
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% Driver for symbols only document
+\title{The \textsf{wargame} package\\
+ Symbols}
+\author{Christian Holm Christensen}
+% \natoappdbglvl=3
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Compatibility documentation driver
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% Driver for compatibility only document
+\title{The \textsf{wargame} package\\
+ \textsf{milsymb} Compatibility}
+\author{Christian Holm Christensen}
+% \natoappdbglvl=1
+% \fi
+% \PrintIndex
+% \Finale
+% \iffalse
+% EOF
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-command-extra-options: "-shell-escape"
+% End:
+% \fi