path: root/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex')
22 files changed, 13979 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/board.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/board.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd0af295fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/board.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Board clipping and frame}
+% \begin{Macro}{\boardframe}
+% Define the bounding box around the board
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{boardframe}\oarg{margin}\parg{lower=left}\parg{upper-right}\marg{margin}
+% \end{Syntax}
+% where \meta{lower-left} and \meta{upper-right} specifies the lower
+% left and upper right hexes (inclusive) of the board.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/board frame/.style={draw}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\bo@rdframe}{\bo@rdframe[0]}%}
+ \hex@coords@conv{#2}
+ \edef\llx{\hex@x}
+ \edef\lly{\hex@y}
+ \edef\llc{\hex@col}
+ \edef\llr{\hex@row}
+ \edef\ellc{\hex@eff@col}
+ \edef\ellr{\hex@eff@row}
+ %
+ \hex@coords@conv{#3}
+ \edef\urx{\hex@x}
+ \edef\ury{\hex@y}
+ \edef\urc{\hex@col}
+ \edef\urr{\hex@row}
+ \edef\eurc{\hex@eff@col}
+ \edef\eurr{\hex@eff@row}
+ %
+ \def\margin{#1}
+ %
+ \hex@dbg{2}{%
+ Board Hex range: (\llc,\llr)x(\urc,\urr)
+ ^^JEffective range: (\ellc,\ellr)x(\eurc,\eurr)
+ ^^JBB: (\llx,\lly)x(\urx,\ury)}%
+ \ifnum\hexdbglvl>1
+ %\draw[red,very thick](hex cs:c=\llc,r=\llr) rectangle(hex cs:c=\urc,r=\urr);
+ \draw[red,ultra thick,dashed](\llx,\lly) rectangle(\urx,\ury);
+ \draw[->,very thick,blue] (0,0) -- (0,1) (0,0) -- (1,0);
+ \fi
+ % Calculate how many half hex hides to add to the "bottom"
+ %
+ \def\oddeven{isodd}
+ \ifnum\hex@coords@row@fac<0\def\oddeven{iseven}\fi%
+ \pgfmathparse{
+ ifthenelse(\hex@got@bot@short(\ellc),
+ ifthenelse(\hex@bot@short@col(\llc)*not(\oddeven(\ellc)),2,
+ ifthenelse(\hex@bot@short@col(\llc),0,1)),
+ ifthenelse(\oddeven(\ellc),1,2))}
+ \edef\olly{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \hex@dbg{2}{Delta lly: \olly half heights}
+ % Calculate how many half hex heights to add to the "top"
+ \def\oddeven{iseven}
+ \ifnum\hex@coords@row@fac<0\def\oddeven{isodd}\fi%
+ %
+ \pgfmathparse{
+ ifthenelse(\hex@got@top@short(\urc),
+ ifthenelse(\hex@top@short@col(\urc)*\oddeven(\eurc),0,
+ ifthenelse(\hex@top@short@col(\urc),2,1)),
+ ifthenelse(\oddeven(\eurc),1,2))}
+ \edef\oury{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \hex@dbg{2}{Delta ury: \oury half heights}
+ % Calculate new LLY and URY
+ \pgfmathparse{\lly-\hex@coords@row@fac*(\olly*\hex@yy+\margin)}
+ \edef\lly{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathparse{\ury+\hex@coords@row@fac*(\oury*\hex@yy+\margin)}
+ \edef\ury{\pgfmathresult}
+ % Calculate new LLX and URX
+ \pgfmathparse{\llx-1-\margin}\edef\llx{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathparse{\urx+1+\margin}\edef\urx{\pgfmathresult}
+ % Calculate width and height
+ \pgfmathparse{\urx-\llx}\edef\w{\pgfmathresult}
+ \pgfmathparse{\ury-\lly}\edef\h{\pgfmathresult}
+ \hex@dbg{0}{Board Frame: (\llx,\lly)x(\urx,\ury) (\w x\h) (\llc,\llr)x(\urc,\urr)}
+ \draw[hex/board frame/.try](\llx,\lly) rectangle(\urx,\ury);
+ \xdef\boardXmin{\llx}%
+ \xdef\boardYmin{\lly}%
+ \xdef\boardXmax{\urx}%
+ \xdef\boardYmax{\ury}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \begin{Macro}{\boardclip}
+% Clip the board to not show incomplete hexes
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{boardclip}\marg{nx}\marg{ny}\marg{preaction}
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hex@coords@reset%
+ \tikzset{/hex/coords/.cd, #1}
+ \edef\llx{\hex@col}
+ \edef\lly{\hex@row}
+ %%
+ \hex@coords@reset%
+ \tikzset{/hex/coords/.cd, #2}
+ \edef\urx{\hex@col}
+ \edef\ury{\hex@row}
+ \let\board@odd\@undefined%
+ \hex@dbg{1}{Board BB in hex: (\llx,\lly)x(\urx,\ury)}
+ %%
+ \def\fv{south}
+ \def\sv{north}
+ \ifnum\hex@coords@row@fac<0
+ \def\fv{north}
+ \def\sv{south}
+ \fi
+ \edef\hex@board@path{(hex cs:c=\llx,r=\lly,v=\fv\space west)}
+ %% First the left side
+ \foreach \r in {\lly,...,\ury} {%
+ \edef\t{
+ --(hex cs:c=\llx,r=\r,v=west)
+ --(hex cs:c=\llx,r=\r,v=\sv\space west)}
+ \wg@addto@macro{\hex@board@path}{\t}}
+ %% Then for top of board
+ \foreach \c in {\llx,...,\urx} {%
+ % To be done
+ %\pgfmathparse{int(ifthenelse(\hex@bot@short@col(\c),1,0))}
+ %\edef\tmp{\pgfmathresult}
+ %\ifnum\tmp>0
+ %\edef\t{
+ % --(hex cs:c=\c,r=\ury,v=\sv\space west)
+ % --(hex cs:c=\c,r=\ury,v=\sv\space east)}
+ %\else
+ \edef\t{
+ --(hex cs:c=\c,r=\ury,v=\fv\space east)
+ --(hex cs:c=\c,r=\ury,v=\fv\space west)}
+ %\fi
+ \wg@addto@macro{\hex@board@path}{\t}}
+ %% Then for right of board
+ \foreach \r in {\ury,...,\lly} {%
+ \edef\t{
+ --(hex cs:c=\urx,r=\r,v=east)
+ --(hex cs:c=\urx,r=\r,v=\fv\space east)}
+ \wg@addto@macro{\hex@board@path}{\t}}
+ %% Then for bottom of board
+ \edef\t{--(hex cs:r=\lly,c=\urx,v=\fv\space west)}
+ \wg@addto@macro{\hex@board@path}{\t}
+ \foreach \c in {\urx,...,\llx} {%
+ \pgfmathparse{int(ifthenelse(\hex@bot@short@col(\c),1,0))}
+ \edef\tmp{\pgfmathresult}
+ \ifnum\tmp>0
+ \edef\t{
+ --(hex cs:c=\c,r=\lly,v=\sv\space east)
+ --(hex cs:c=\c,r=\lly,v=\sv\space west)}
+ \else
+ \edef\t{
+ --(hex cs:c=\c,r=\lly,v=\fv\space east)
+ --(hex cs:c=\c,r=\lly,v=\fv\space west)}
+ \fi
+ \wg@addto@macro{\hex@board@path}{\t}}
+ \def\t{--cycle}
+ \wg@addto@macro{\hex@board@path}{\t}
+ \global\let\hexboardpath\hex@board@path
+% \pgfmathparse{int(#1-1)}\xdef\board@range{\pgfmathresult,...,0}%
+% %% \show\board@range
+% \draw \ifx|#3|\else[preaction={#3}]\fi%
+% [clip]
+% % [decorate,decoration={show path construction,
+% % moveto code={\fill[red](\tikzinputsegmentfirst) circle(2pt)
+% % node [fill=none,below]{moveto};},
+% % lineto code={\draw[thick,blue,->](\tikzinputsegmentfirst)--
+% % (\tikzinputsegmentlast) node [above] {lineto};},
+% % curveto code={\draw[thick,green,->](\tikzinputsegmentfirst)..
+% % controls(\tikzinputsegmentsupporta) and
+% % (\tikzinputsegmentsupportb)
+% % ..(\tikzinputsegmentlast) node[above]{curveto};},
+% % closepath code={\draw[thick,orange,->](\tikzinputsegmentfirst)--
+% % (\tikzinputsegmentlast) node [above] {closepath};}
+% % }]
+% (hex cs:r=0,c=0,v=south west)
+% %% First the left side
+% \foreach \r in {0,1,...,#2} {%
+% --(hex cs:c=0,r=\r,v=west)--(hex cs:c=0,r=\r,v=north west)}
+% %% Then for top of board
+% \foreach \c in {0,1,...,#1} {%
+% --(hex cs:r=#2,c=\c,v=north west)--(hex cs:c=\c,r=#2,v=north east)}
+% %% Then for right of board
+% \foreach \r in {#2,...,0} {%
+% --(hex cs:c=#1,r=\r,v=east)--(hex cs:c=#1,r=\r,v=south east)}
+% %% Then for bottom of board
+% --(hex cs:r=0,c=#1,v=south west) \foreach \c in \board@range {%
+% --(hex cs:r=0,c=\c,v=south east) --(hex cs:c=\c,r=0,v=south west) }
+% --cycle; }
+%% New definition - much simpler
+ \boardpath(#1)(#2)
+ \draw \ifx|#3|\else[preaction={#3}]\fi%
+ [clip] \hexboardpath;
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \begin{Macro}{\debuggrid}
+% Show a debug grid. This requires \cs{boardframe}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1} {%
+ \pgfmathparse{\i*\boardW+\boardXmin}%
+ \edef\debug@x{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \draw [very thin,gray](\debug@x,\boardYmin) --
+ (\debug@x,\boardYmax) node [below,rotate=90] at
+ (\debug@x,\boardYmin) {$\i$}; }%
+ \foreach \i in {0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1} {%
+ \pgfmathparse{\i*\boardH+\boardYmin}%
+ \edef\debug@x{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \draw [very thin,gray] (\boardXmin,\debug@x) --
+ (\boardXmax,\debug@x) node [left,rotate=90] at
+ (\boardXmin,\debug@x) {$\i$}; } }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% Some dummy styles. These will be defined by the export class to
+% facilitate getting information from the board.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ zoned/.style={},
+ zone scope/.style={},
+ zone path/.style={}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/coord.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/coord.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b996ffa3c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/coord.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Hex coordinate system}
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@xx,\hex@yy}
+% Some offsets along $x$ and $y$ due to offset of every second hex
+% column.
+% \begin{align*}
+% \delta_x &= \cos60^{\circ}\\
+% \delta_y &= \sin60^{\circ}\\
+% \end{align*}
+% These numbers are calculated once here and then used several times
+% in the following code.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\pgfmathparse{cos(60)} \xdef\hex@xx{\pgfmathresult}
+\pgfmathparse{sin(60)} \xdef\hex@yy{\pgfmathresult}
+\newdimen\hex@dx \expandafter\hex@dx=\hex@xx cm
+\newdimen\hex@dy \expandafter\hex@dy=\hex@yy cm
+\newdimen\hex@e@dx \expandafter\hex@e@dx=\hex@e@xx cm
+\newdimen\hex@e@dy \expandafter\hex@e@dy=\hex@e@yy cm
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% Some code we need for some options
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \def\pgfmathresult{0}%
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\pgfmathresult
+ \endgroup}
+ \begingroup
+ \def\pgfmathresult{1}%
+ \pgfmath@smuggleone\pgfmathresult
+ \endgroup}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% What follows is a way to configure the hex coordinate system. For
+% example, if the rows goes down, then we can flag that, but still add
+% hexes straightforwardly. Similar for columns. We can also specify
+% that the first row or column has number 1 (instead of 0). Since
+% this is dealt with a the coordinate level, it means most of the rest
+% of the code is agnostic to these choices.
+% Which is the first coordinate (0 or 1)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/first row is/.is choice,
+ hex/first row is/0/.code={\def\hex@coords@row@off{0}},
+ hex/first row is/1/.code={\def\hex@coords@row@off{-1}},
+ hex/first row is=0,
+ hex/first column is/.is choice,
+ hex/first column is/0/.code={\def\hex@coords@col@off{0}},
+ hex/first column is/1/.code={\def\hex@coords@col@off{-1}},
+ hex/first column is=0,
+ hex/first row and column are/.is choice,
+ hex/first row and column are/0/.style={
+ hex/first row is=0,%
+ hex/first column is=0},
+ hex/first row and column are/1/.style={
+ hex/first row is=1,%
+ hex/first column is=1},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Which way does the column and row numbers go
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/row direction is/.is choice,
+ hex/row direction is/normal/.code={\def\hex@coords@row@fac{1}},
+ hex/row direction is/reversed/.code={\def\hex@coords@row@fac{-1}},
+ hex/row direction is/up/.style={hex/row direction is=normal},
+ hex/row direction is/down/.style={hex/row direction is=reversed},
+ hex/row direction is/positive/.style={hex/row direction is=normal},
+ hex/row direction is/negative/.style={hex/row direction is=reversed},
+ hex/row direction is=normal,
+ hex/column direction is/.is choice,
+ hex/column direction is/normal/.code={\def\hex@coords@col@fac{1}},
+ hex/column direction is/reversed/.code={\def\hex@coords@col@fac{-1}},
+ hex/column direction is/right/.style={hex/column direction is=normal},
+ hex/column direction is/left/.style={hex/column direction is=reversed},
+ hex/column direction is/positive/.style={hex/column direction is=normal},
+ hex/column direction is/negative/.style={hex/column direction is=reversed},
+ hex/column direction is=normal,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Make labels names of shapes of the hexes so we can use labels to
+% place stuff
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/label is name/.is if=hex@label@is@name,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If we have uneven number of rows in some columns.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/short bottom columns/.is choice,
+ hex/short bottom columns/odd/.code={%
+ \def\hex@bot@short@col{isodd}
+ \def\hex@got@bot@short{istrue}
+ \hex@dbg{4}{Short columns (odd): \meaning\hex@bot@short@col}},
+ hex/short bottom columns/even/.code={
+ \def\hex@bot@short@col{iseven}
+ \def\hex@got@bot@short{istrue}
+ \hex@dbg{4}{Short column (even): \meaning\hex@bot@short@col}},
+ hex/short bottom columns/none/.code={
+ \def\hex@bot@short@col{isfalse}
+ \def\hex@got@bot@short{isfalse}
+ \hex@dbg{4}{Short columns (none): \meaning\hex@bot@short@col}},
+ hex/short bottom columns=none,
+ hex/short columns/.forward to=hex/short bottom columns,
+ hex/short top columns/.is choice,
+ hex/short top columns/odd/.code={%
+ \def\hex@top@short@col{isodd}
+ \def\hex@got@top@short{istrue}
+ \hex@dbg{4}{Short columns (odd): \meaning\hex@top@short@col}},
+ hex/short top columns/even/.code={
+ \def\hex@top@short@col{iseven}
+ \def\hex@got@top@short{istrue}
+ \hex@dbg{4}{Short column (even): \meaning\hex@top@short@col}},
+ hex/short top columns/none/.code={
+ \def\hex@top@short@col{isfalse}
+ \def\hex@got@top@short{isfalse}
+ \hex@dbg{4}{Short columns (none): \meaning\hex@top@short@col}},
+ hex/short top columns=none,
+\message{^^JInitial hex coordinate setup:
+ Rows: factor=\hex@coords@row@fac, offset=\hex@coords@row@off
+ Columns: factor=\hex@coords@col@fac, offset=\hex@coords@col@off}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{HexKey*}{
+% hex/coords/column,
+% hex/coords/row,
+% hex/coords/vertex,
+% hex/coords/edge,
+% hex/coords/offset}
+% We define the keys for hexagon coordinates. These are the
+% \spec{row}, \spec{column}, possible \spec{vertex} or
+% \spec{edge}. Vertexes and edges are defined as
+% multiple-choice. \spec{offset} specifies the offset from the
+% centre in the direction of a vertex or edge. By default, the
+% offset is one, meaning all the way to the vertex or edge.
+% The key \spec{inverse row} specifies that the rows are given from
+% the top down, but coordinates should be calculated as if the row
+% was negative. This (should) allow us to design boards where rows
+% increase downward, while still keeping the interface and remaining
+% code somewhat reasonable and agnostic.
+% Similarly, the key \spec{column 1}, will allow us to start the
+% columns with 1.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ /hex/coords/.cd,
+ column/.store in=\hex@col,
+ c/.store in=\hex@col,
+ row/.store in=\hex@row,
+ r/.store in=\hex@row,
+ offset/.store in=\hex@off,
+ o/.store in=\hex@off,
+ vertex/.is choice,
+ vertex/none/.code={\global\let\hex@vtx\@empty},
+ vertex/east/.code={\def\hex@vtx{0}},
+ vertex/north east/.code={\def\hex@vtx{60}},
+ vertex/north west/.code={\def\hex@vtx{120}},
+ vertex/west/.code={\def\hex@vtx{180}},
+ vertex/south west/.code={\def\hex@vtx{240}},
+ vertex/south east/.code={\def\hex@vtx{300}},
+ vertex/E/.code={\def\hex@vtx{0}},
+ vertex/NE/.code={\def\hex@vtx{60}},
+ vertex/NW/.code={\def\hex@vtx{120}},
+ vertex/W/.code={\def\hex@vtx{180}},
+ vertex/SW/.code={\def\hex@vtx{240}},
+ vertex/SE/.code={\def\hex@vtx{300}},
+ vertex/.default=none,
+ v/.forward to=/hex/coords/vertex=#1,
+ edge/.is choice,
+ edge/none/.code={\global\let\hex@edg\@empty},
+ edge/north east/.code={\def\hex@edg{30}},
+ edge/north/.code={\def\hex@edg{90}},
+ edge/north west/.code={\def\hex@edg{150}},
+ edge/south west/.code={\def\hex@edg{210}},
+ edge/south/.code={\def\hex@edg{270}},
+ edge/south east/.code={\def\hex@edg{330}},
+ edge/NE/.code={\def\hex@edg{30}},
+ edge/N/.code={\def\hex@edg{90}},
+ edge/NW/.code={\def\hex@edg{150}},
+ edge/SW/.code={\def\hex@edg{210}},
+ edge/S/.code={\def\hex@edg{270}},
+ edge/SE/.code={\def\hex@edg{330}},
+ edge/.default=none,
+ e/.forward to=/hex/coords/edge,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{HexKey*}
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@coords@reset}
+% This macro resets the hex coordinates to default values. That is
+% row and column 0, no vertex or edge.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \tikzset{%
+ /hex/coords/.cd,
+ column=0,
+ row=0,
+ edge=none,
+ vertex=none,
+ offset=1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% The following calculates the Cartesian coordinates from Hex
+% coordinates
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% (cs:hex column=\meta{C},row=\meta{R},vertex=\meta{V},edge=\meta{E})
+% \end{Syntax}
+% Given the hexagon column $C$ and row $R$ with hexagon radius $r$,
+% the centre of the hexagon is at
+% \begin{eqnarray*}
+% x &=& 2C\frac{3}{4}r\\
+% y &=& r(R - (C \% 2)\sin60^{\circ})
+% \end{eqnarray*}
+% If \meta{V} or \meta{E} are given, then these are added to the
+% centre point.
+% Note, $C$ and $R$ may be fractional numbers, which will specify a
+% point inside a hex.
+% We set-up the translation to Cartesian coordinates. First
+% thing is to reset keys in \spec{/hex/coords}, and then parse out the
+% keys given.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hex@coords@reset%
+ \tikzset{/hex/coords/.cd, #1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Then we calculate the $x$ coordinate and set the dimension
+% \cs{pgf@x}. We do this by
+% $$x=c_e \frac{3}{2}\quad,$$
+% where
+% $$c_e = f_c (c+o_c)\quad,$$
+% is the effective column (stored in \cs{hex@eff@col}) calculated from
+% is the direction factor $f_c$ (set by \spec{hex/column direction
+% is}) and the offset $o_c$ (set by \spec{hex/first column is}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \pgfmathparse{int(\hex@coords@col@fac*(\hex@col+\hex@coords@col@off))}%
+ \xdef\hex@eff@col{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \hex@dbg{2}{Effective column: \hex@coords@col@fac * (\hex@col -
+ \hex@coords@col@off) -> \hex@eff@col}%
+ \pgfmathparse{\hex@eff@col*1.5}%
+ \xdef\hex@x{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\pgf@x=\hex@x cm%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% And then for the $y$ coordinate and set the dimension \cs{pgf@y}.
+% $$y = 2\left(r_e - c_e \operatorname{mod} 2\right) \cos60^{\circ}\quad,$$
+% where
+% $$r_e= 2 f_r (r+o_r) - (c+o_c) \operatorname{mod} 2\quad,$$
+% is the effective row (stored as \cs{hex@eff@row}) calculated from
+% the the direction factor $f_r$ (set by \spec{hex/row
+% direction is}) and the offset $o_r$ (set by \spec{hex/first
+% row is}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \pgfmathparse{int(\hex@coords@row@fac*(\hex@row+\hex@coords@row@off))}%
+ \xdef\hex@eff@row{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \hex@dbg{2}{Effective row: \hex@coords@row@fac * (\hex@row +
+ \hex@coords@row@off) -> \hex@eff@row}%
+ \pgfmathparse{(2*\hex@eff@row-mod(round((\hex@col+\hex@coords@col@off)),2))*\hex@yy}%
+ \xdef\hex@y{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \expandafter\pgf@x=\hex@y cm%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If we have a vertex specification add that location to the current
+% coordinates. If not, set the point.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\hex@vtx\@empty\pgfpointxy{\hex@x}{\hex@y}\else%
+ \pgfpointadd{\pgfpointxy{\hex@x}{\hex@y}}{%
+ \pgfpointscale{\hex@off}{\pgfpointpolarxy{\hex@vtx}{1}}}\fi%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If we have an edge specification add that location to the current
+% coordinates.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\hex@edg\@empty\else%
+ \pgfpointadd{\pgfpointxy{\hex@x}{\hex@y}}{%
+ \pgfpointscale{\hex@off}{\pgfpointpolarxy{\hex@edg}{\hex@yy}}}\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For debugging, we can print out stuff.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hex@dbg{2}{Hex coordinates: #1
+ ^^J c=\hex@col
+ ^^J r=\hex@row
+ ^^J v=\hex@vtx
+ ^^J e=\hex@edg
+ ^^J x=\hex@x
+ ^^J y=\hex@y}%
+ \global\let\hex@x\hex@x%
+ \global\let\hex@y\hex@y%
+ \global\let\hex@row\hex@row%
+ \global\let\hex@col\hex@col%
+ \hex@coords@conv{#1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/core.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/core.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1847ad42c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/core.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+% \iffalse
+% ====================================================================
+% \fi
+% \subsection{The \texttt{wargame.hex} \TikZ{} library}
+% \label{sec:impl:hex}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% Used \TikZ{} libraries
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{Macro}{\@ifempty}
+% This is a utility macro we will use below.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Debugging}
+% The counter \cs{hexdbglvl} sets the debug level, and the macro
+% \cs{hex@dbg} prints out (conditionally) debug messages.
+% \begin{Macro}{\hexdbglvl,\hex@dbg}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum#1>\hexdbglvl\relax\else\message{^^J#2}\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Suppress terrain pictures}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \newif\ifhex@terrain@pic
+ \hex@terrain@pictrue}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \input{hex/coord.dtx}
+% \input{hex/shape.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/beach.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/light_woods.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/woods.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/swamp.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/rough.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/mountains.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/village.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/town.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/city.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/mountain.dtx}
+% \input{hex/terrain/tree.dtx}
+% \input{hex/ridges.dtx}
+% \input{hex/towns.dtx}
+% \input{hex/labels.dtx}
+% \input{hex/extra.dtx}
+% \input{hex/paths.dtx}
+% \input{hex/board.dtx}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/extra.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/extra.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05f7215297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/extra.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Extra graphics}
+% \label{sec:impl:hex:extra}
+% To make the interface a bit more flexible we allow for adding
+% arbitrary stuff to the hexes.
+% Some examples of \spec{pic}tures to add in the \spec{extra} stuff.
+% \begin{HexKey}{hex/fortress}
+% Draw a fortress. An example of a extra graphics entity.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/fortress/.pic={
+ \path[draw,pic actions]
+ (0: .9) --
+ (0: .7) --
+ (60: .7) -- ( 60:.9) -- ( 60:.7) --
+ (120:.7) -- (120:.9) -- (120:.7) --
+ (180:.7) -- (180:.9) -- (180:.7) --
+ (240:.7) -- (240:.9) -- (240:.7) --
+ (300:.7) -- (300:.9) -- (300:.7) --
+ (0: .7) -- cycle;}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{HexKey}
+% \begin{HexKey}{hex/fortress 2}
+% Draw a fortress. An example of a extra graphics entity.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/fortress 2/.pic={%
+ \draw[pic actions,transform shape] (0:0.64)
+ foreach \a in {15,45,...,345}{
+ --(\a:0.64)
+ --(\a:0.80)
+ --(\a+15:0.80)
+ --(\a+15:0.64)}
+ --cycle;
+ },
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{HexKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Some macros}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareRobustCommand\fortmark[1][scale=.25]{\tikz[#1,transform shape]{%
+ \pic{hex/fortress 2}}}
+ \tikz[#1]{\hex[label=,terrain=#2]}}
+ \tikz[#1]{%
+ \hex[label=](c=0,r=0)%
+ \river[](hex cs:e=SW)--(hex cs:e=NE);}}
+ \tikz[#1]{%
+ \hex[label=](c=0,r=0)%
+ \road(hex cs:e=SW)--(hex cs:e=NE);}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/labels.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/labels.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7767dcc661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/labels.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Labels}
+% \label{sec:impl:hex:label}
+% Like terrains, we will set up some macros for dealing with labels.
+% To process coordinates and turn them into labels, we set up two
+% counters.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% In case we want to invert the row axis, we set-up a key to set the
+% maximum row number.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ max hex row/.store in=\hex@max@row,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Again, we will make a separate namespace/family for the handling
+% labels. We also define a counter which we will use to typeset
+% alphabetic column numbers.
+% First a graphics style.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/label/.style={%
+ draw=none,%
+ shape=rectangle,%
+ anchor=north,%
+ color=gray,%
+ font=\sffamily\bfseries\scriptsize,%
+ inner sep=0},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Next, the choices of how to make a label. These are put in the
+% \spec{/hex/label} family to make it easy to parse out only these
+% keys. This uses some macros defined below. Note, this uses the
+% macros \cs{hex@col} and \cs{hex@row} defined by the hex coordinate
+% system.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ /hex/label/.search also={/tikz},
+ /hex/label/.cd,
+ none/.code={\global\let\hex@l@text\@empty},
+ auto/.is choice,
+ auto/none/.code={\global\let\hex@l@text\@empty},
+ auto/numbers/.code={%
+ \hex@l@abs%
+ \xdef\hex@l@text{%
+ \hex@l@n@pad{\the\c@hex@l@c}%
+ \hex@l@n@pad{\the\c@hex@l@r}}},
+ auto/alpha column/.code={%
+ \xdef\hex@l@text{%
+ \ifnum0>\hex@col\AlphAlph{-\hex@col}\else\AlphAlph{\hex@col}\fi%
+ \hex@row}},
+ auto/alpha 2 column/.code={%
+ \hex@l@abs%
+ \advance\c@hex@l@c27\relax%
+ \xdef\hex@l@text{%
+ \AlphAlph{\value{hex@l@c}}%
+ \hex@l@n@pad{\hex@row}}},
+ auto/inv y x plus 1/.code={%
+ \hex@dbg{3}{Inverse row, add one to column with arg `#1'}
+ \let\hex@l@text\@empty%
+ \ifnum\hex@max@row>0%
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\hex@l@row}{\hex@max@row-\hex@row}
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\hex@l@col}{1+\hex@col}
+ \xdef\hex@l@text{%
+ \hex@l@n@pad{\hex@l@col}%
+ \hex@l@n@pad{\hex@l@row}}
+ \else\message{Max row number not set}\fi},
+ auto/x and y plus 1/.code={%
+ \hex@dbg{3}{Inverse row, add one to column with arg `#1'}
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\hex@l@row}{1+\hex@row}
+ \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\hex@l@col}{1+\hex@col}
+ \xdef\hex@l@text{%
+ \hex@l@n@pad{\hex@l@col}%
+ \hex@l@n@pad{\hex@l@row}}},
+ auto/.default=numbers,
+ %text/.store in=\hex@l@text,
+ text/.code={\gdef\hex@l@text{#1}},
+ place/.store in=\hex@l@pos,
+ location/.forward to=/hex/label/place,
+ rotate/.store in=\hex@l@rot
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@l@abs}
+% This takes the absolute value of row and column numbers.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{hex@l@c}{\hex@col}
+ \setcounter{hex@l@r}{\hex@row}
+ \expandafter\ifnum\value{hex@l@c}<0\multiply\c@hex@l@c by-1\fi%
+ \expandafter\ifnum\value{hex@l@r}<0\multiply\c@hex@l@r by-1\fi%
+ % \hex@dbg{0}{\hex@col->\the\c@hex@l@c\space\hex@row->\the\c@hex@l@r}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@l@n@pad}
+% This will pad a number with a 0 if the number is smaller than 10.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum#1<10 0\fi%
+ #1}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@do@label}
+% This macro puts in the label. First, we reset label keys, then we
+% read in the keys from the argument. If this results in the macro
+% \cs{hex@l@text} to be non-empty, then we set the label via a
+% \TikZ{} \spec{node}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hex@dbg{1}{Hex label: `\meaning\hex@label'}%
+ \edef\hex@l@tmp{[%
+ /hex/label/.cd,%
+ rotate=0,%
+ place={(90:.8)},%
+ /tikz/hex/label/.try,%
+ /tikz/every hex label/.try,%
+ \hex@label]}%
+ \expandafter\scope\hex@l@tmp%
+ \hex@dbg{1}{Label:
+ ^^J Text: `\meaning\hex@l@text'
+ ^^J Location: `\meaning\hex@l@pos'
+ ^^J Rotation: `\meaning\hex@l@rot'
+ }%
+ \@ifundefined{hex@l@text}{\let\hex@l@text\empty}{}%
+ \ifx\hex@l@text\empty\else%
+ \node[rotate=\hex@l@rot] at \hex@l@pos {\hex@l@text};%
+ \fi%
+ \endscope%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/paths.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/paths.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..833a4a245a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/paths.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Edges, borders, roads, rivers, and so on}
+% Styles of drawing edges, borders, rivers, roads, and railroads.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% A decoration to extract outline of a path
+ \state{init}[next state=tick,width=0pt]{
+ \xdef\outlinerev{}}
+ \state{tick}[%
+ width=+\pgfdecorationsegmentlength]%
+ {
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointadd{\pgfpointorigin}{
+ \pgfpointpolar{\pgfdecorationsegmentangle}{
+ +\pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude}}}
+ \pgf@xa=\pgf@x
+ \pgf@ya=\pgf@y
+ \message{^^J\the\pgf@x,\the\pgf@y}
+ \pgfpointadd{\pgfpointorigin}{
+ \pgfpointpolar{-\pgfdecorationsegmentangle}{
+ \pgfdecorationsegmentamplitude}}
+ \pgfpointtransformed{\pgfpoint{\pgf@x}{\pgf@y}}%
+ \message{^^J\the\pgf@x,\the\pgf@y}
+ \xdef\outlinerev{\the\pgf@x/\the\pgf@y,\outlinerev}
+ \pgf@x=\pgf@xa
+ \pgf@y=\pgf@ya
+ }%
+ \state{final}
+ {
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpointdecoratedpathlast}
+ \foreach \x/\y in \outlinerev{
+ \ifx\x\empty\else
+ \ifx\y\empty\else
+ \pgf@xa=\x
+ \pgf@ya=\y
+ \pgf@nlt@lineto{\pgf@xa}{\pgf@ya}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ }
+ }%
+ hex/road/.style={
+ rounded corners=3\pgflinewidth,% .25cm,
+ color=black,
+ transform shape,
+ scale line widths,
+ thick},
+ hex/railroad/.style={
+ %scale line widths,
+ rounded corners=.25cm,
+ color=gray!50!black,
+ transform shape,
+ postaction={draw,decorate},
+ decoration={ticks,
+ segment length=9\pgflinewidth,
+ amplitude=3\pgflinewidth,%.1cm
+ }
+ },
+ hex/river/.style={
+ color=blue,
+ scale line widths,
+ line width=3pt,
+ transform shape,
+ decorate,
+ decoration={random steps,
+ segment length=.3cm,
+ amplitude=.15cm,
+ pre=lineto,
+ post=lineto,
+ pre length=.05cm,
+ post length=.05cm},
+ rounded corners=.08cm},
+ hex/border/.style={
+ color=gray,
+ rounded corners=3pt,
+ dashed,
+ transform shape,
+ scale line widths,
+ very thick
+ },
+ every river/.style={},
+ every road/.style={},
+ every railroad/.style={},
+ every border/.style={},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{Macro}{\road,\railroad,\river,\border}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hex@dbg{3}{Road}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\road@}{\road@[]}%]
+\def\road@[#1]{\draw[hex/road,every hex road/.try,#1]}
+ \hex@dbg{3}{Rail road}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\railroad@}{\railroad@[]}%]
+\def\railroad@[#1]{\draw[hex/railroad,every hex railroad/.try,#1]}
+ \hex@dbg{3}{River}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\river@}{\river@[]}%]
+\def\river@[#1]{\draw[hex/river,every hex river/.try,#1]}
+ \hex@dbg{3}{Border}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\border@}{\border@[]}%]
+\def\border@[#1]{\draw[hex/border,every hex border/.try,#1]}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Other paths}
+% \begin{Macro}{\shiftScalePath}
+% Shifts and scales a path and defines a macro to contain the path
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{shiftScalePath}\marg{macro}\marg{relative-coordinates}
+% \end{Syntax}
+% where \meta{relative-coordinates} is a comma separated list of
+% relative coordinates (to the lower-left and upper-right corners)
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \meta{x}/\meta{y}
+% \end{Syntax}
+% Note, this requires that \cs{boardXmin},\cs{boardYmin} and
+% \cs{boardXmax},\cs{boardYmax} is defined. This can be done using
+% the \cs{boardframe} macro.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\tmp@path\@undefined%
+ \foreach \x/\y in {#2}{%
+ \pgfmathparse{\x*\boardW+\boardXmin}\xdef\tmp@x{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \pgfmathparse{\y*\boardH+\boardYmin}\xdef\tmp@y{\pgfmathresult}%
+ \@ifundefined{tmp@path}{\def\tmp@path{}}{\xdef\tmp@path{\tmp@path--}}%
+ \xdef\tmp@path{\tmp@path(\tmp@x,\tmp@y)}}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname #1\endcsname{\tmp@path}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Move, attacks, retreats from hex to hex}
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@getscale}
+% Get current scaling factor.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \pgfgettransformentries{%
+ \scaleA}{%
+ \scaleB}{%
+ \scaleC}{%
+ \scaleD}{%
+ \whatevs}{%
+ \whatevs}%
+ \pgfmathsetmacro{#1}{sqrt(abs(\scaleA*\scaleD-\scaleB*\scaleC))}%
+ \expandafter
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% Key to get the scale
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/get scale/.code={
+ \hex@getscale{\hex@scale}},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Style for moves. Use like
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{path}[move] \meta{coordinates};
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % Argument is colour
+ hex/move/.style={
+ hex/get scale,
+ decorate,
+ decoration={
+ markings,
+ mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 0.75*\hex@scale*\hex@dy with {
+ \node [single arrow,
+ single arrow head extend=3pt,
+ fill=#1,
+ inner sep=\hex@scale*.5mm,
+ minimum width=\hex@scale*2mm,
+ minimum height=\hex@scale*\hex@dy/2,
+ transform shape]{};
+ }
+ },
+ },
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A short move style
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{path}[short move] \meta{coordinates};
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % Argument is colour
+ hex/short move/.style={
+ hex/get scale,
+ decorate,
+ decoration={
+ markings,
+ mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 0.5*\hex@scale*\hex@dy with {
+ \node [single arrow,
+ single arrow head extend=3pt,
+ fill=#1,
+ inner sep=\hex@scale*.5mm,
+ minimum width=\hex@scale*2mm,
+ minimum height=\hex@scale*\hex@dy/3,
+ transform shape]{};
+ }
+ },
+ },
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A short move style
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{path}[long move] \meta{coordinates};
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % Argument is colour
+ hex/long move/.style={
+ hex/get scale,
+ transform shape,
+ decorate,
+ decoration={
+ markings,
+ mark=between positions 0 and -.7*\hex@scale*\hex@dy
+ step 2*\hex@scale*\hex@dy with {
+ \node [single arrow,
+ single arrow head extend=3pt,
+ fill=#1,
+ anchor=west,
+ inner sep=\hex@scale*.25mm,
+ outer sep=.3*\hex@scale*\hex@dy,
+ minimum width=\hex@scale*2mm,
+ minimum height=1.4*\hex@scale*\hex@dy,
+ transform shape]{};
+ }
+ },
+ },
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A short move style
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{path}[move with start] \meta{coordinates};
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % Argument is colour
+ hex/move with start/.style={
+ hex/get scale,
+ decorate,
+ decoration={
+ markings,
+ mark=at position 0 with {
+ \node [inner sep=0,
+ circle,
+ minimum size=\hex@scale*5mm,
+ fill=#1,
+ transform shape] {};},
+ mark=between positions 0 and 1 step 0.75*\hex@scale*\hex@dy with {
+ \node [single arrow,
+ single arrow head extend=\hex@scale*3pt,
+ fill=#1,
+ inner sep=\hex@scale*1mm,
+ minimum width=\hex@scale*3mm,
+ minimum height=\hex@scale*\hex@dy/2,
+ transform shape]{};
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ % Default fill colour is black
+ hex/move/.default=black,
+ hex/move with start/.default=black,
+ hex/short move/.default=black,
+ hex/long move/.default=black,
+ % Arguments are draw and fill color
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A move cost style
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{path}[move] ...(coordinate)node[hex/move cost]{} ...;
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/move cost/.style 2 args={
+ minimum size=1mm,
+ inner sep=0.1mm,
+ circle,
+ fill=#2,
+ transform shape,
+ text=#1,
+ font=\sffamily\bfseries\Large},
+ hex/move cost/.default={black}{none},
+ % Argument is fill colour
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A short line style for retreates, advances, and so on
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{path}[short line] (start)--(end);
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/short line/.style={%
+ hex/get scale,
+ inherit options/.code={\csname tikz@options\endcsname},
+ inherit options,
+ decorate,
+ decoration={
+ markings,
+ mark=between positions \hex@scale*\hex@dy
+ and 1 step 2*\hex@scale*\hex@dy with {
+ \node [single arrow,draw=black,fill=#1,
+ single arrow head extend=\hex@scale*3pt,
+ inner sep=1mm,
+ minimum width=0.75*\hex@scale*\hex@dy,
+ minimum height=\hex@scale*\hex@dy,
+ transform shape]{};
+ }
+ },
+ },
+% \end{macrocode}
+% An attack indication style
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{path}[attack] (start)--(end);
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % Argument is fill color
+ hex/attack/.style={
+ hex/get scale,
+ inherit options/.code={\csname tikz@options\endcsname},
+ inherit options,
+ decorate,
+ decoration={
+ markings,
+ mark=between positions \hex@scale*\hex@dy
+ and 1 step 2*\hex@scale*\hex@dy with {
+ \node [regular polygon,
+ fill=#1,
+ draw=#1,
+ regular polygon sides=3,
+ inner sep=0,
+ minimum size=0.75*\hex@scale*\hex@dy,
+ rotate=-90,
+ transform shape]{};
+ }
+ },
+ },
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Short hands
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{path}[attack] (start)--(end);
+% \end{Syntax}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % Default colour is red for attachs
+ hex/attack/.default=red!70!black,
+ %%
+ hex/retreat/.style={hex/short line=#1},
+ hex/retreat/.default=white,
+ %%
+ hex/advance/.style={hex/short line=#1},
+ hex/advance/.default={green!70!black},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/ridges.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/ridges.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3914ff6ce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/ridges.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Ridges}
+% \label{sec:impl:hex:ridges}
+% A hex can be decorated with up to 6 ridges --- one for each edge of
+% the hexagon. The first thing is to set up the graphics style to use
+% for the ridges. We use the \spec{wave} decoration.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/ridges/.style={
+ line cap=round,
+ draw=pgfstrokecolor,
+ rounded corners=.25cm,
+ scale line widths,
+ decoration={
+ path has corners=true,
+ pre=waves,
+ post=waves,
+ pre length=-.1cm,
+ post length=0cm,
+ waves,
+ radius=.2cm,
+ segment length=.2cm},
+ decorate}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% To properly set up the ridges, we need to concatenate ridge paths in
+% order. To facilitate that, we define 6 \cs{if}s --- one for each
+% edge.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Next is the keys for each edge. These will set the above \cs{if}s
+% to \spec{true}. We put these into the family \spec{/hex/r} so that
+% we can parse them separately.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ /hex/ridges/.search also={/tikz},
+ /hex/ridges/.cd,
+ north east/.is if=hex@r@ne,
+ north/.is if=hex@r@n,
+ north west/.is if=hex@r@nw,
+ south west/.is if=hex@r@sw,
+ south/.is if=hex@r@s,
+ south east/.is if=hex@r@se,
+ radius/.store in=\hex@r@r,
+ NE/.is if=hex@r@ne,
+ N/.is if=hex@r@n,
+ NW/.is if=hex@r@nw,
+ SW/.is if=hex@r@sw,
+ S/.is if=hex@r@s,
+ SE/.is if=hex@r@se,
+ r/.store in=\hex@r@r,
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@do@ridges}
+% This is the macro that actually generates the ridge. We use the
+% same \textsc{pgf} filtered key parsing trick as above. Note that
+% the routine below is handcrafted since it is relatively simple.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\hex@r@tmp{[
+ /hex/ridges/.cd,%
+ radius=0.8,%
+ /tikz/every hex ridges/.try,
+ \hex@ridges]}
+ \expandafter\scope\hex@r@tmp%
+ \hex@dbg{3}{Ridges: `\meaning\hex@ridges', `\meaning\hex@r@tmp'
+ ^^Jnorth east=\ifhex@r@ne yes\else no\fi
+ ^^Jnorth =\ifhex@r@n yes\else no\fi
+ ^^Jnorth west=\ifhex@r@nw yes\else no\fi
+ ^^Jsouth west=\ifhex@r@sw yes\else no\fi
+ ^^Jsouth =\ifhex@r@s yes\else no\fi
+ ^^Jsouth east=\ifhex@r@se yes\else no\fi
+ ^^Jradius =\hex@r@r
+ }
+ \def\hex@r@p{}
+ % Hand written algorithm
+ \ifhex@r@ne
+ \def\hex@r@p{(0:\hex@r@r)--(60:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \ifhex@r@n
+ \hex@dbg{4}{Ridge along north edge: `\hex@r@p'}
+ \ifhex@r@ne\else
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p ( 60:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p --(120:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \ifhex@r@nw
+ \ifhex@r@n\else
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p (120:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p --(180:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \ifhex@r@sw
+ \ifhex@r@nw\else
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p (180:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p --(240:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \ifhex@r@s
+ \ifhex@r@sw\else
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p (240:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p --(300:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \ifhex@r@se
+ \ifhex@r@s\else
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p (300:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\hex@r@p{\hex@r@p --(360:\hex@r@r)}
+ \fi
+ \hex@dbg{3}{ Ridges path: \hex@r@p}
+ \draw[hex/ridges] \hex@r@p;
+ \endscope% End of ridges scope
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/shape.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/shape.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d31da837f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/shape.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Hexes}
+% \label{sec:impl:hex:hex}
+% In this part, we make macros etc. for the hexes.
+% A hex shape. We make a node of this shape if we are to give a name
+% to the hex added. We add a bunch of anchors to it so we may easily
+% refer to it. This is also where we actual fill stuff into the hex,
+% such as terrain and so on.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\hex@dbg{5}{Base vertex: \hex@xx,\hex@yy}
+\hex@dbg{5}{Base edges: \hex@e@xx,\hex@e@yy}
+ \saveddimen\radius{\pgf@x=\hex@radius}
+ \savedanchor{\east}{ \pgfqpoint{ \hex@radius}{0cm}}
+ \savedanchor{\west}{ \pgfqpoint{-\hex@radius}{0cm}}
+ \savedanchor{\northeast}{ \pgfqpoint{ \hex@dx}{ \hex@dy}}
+ \savedanchor{\northwest}{ \pgfqpoint{-\hex@dx}{ \hex@dy}}
+ \savedanchor{\southwest}{ \pgfqpoint{-\hex@dx}{-\hex@dy}}
+ \savedanchor{\southeast}{ \pgfqpoint{ \hex@dx}{-\hex@dy}}
+ \savedanchor{\northedge}{ \pgfqpoint{ 0cm}{ \hex@dy}}
+ \savedanchor{\southedge}{ \pgfqpoint{ 0cm}{-\hex@dy}}
+ \savedanchor{\northeastedge}{\pgfqpoint{ \hex@e@dx}{ \hex@e@dy}}
+ \savedanchor{\northwestedge}{\pgfqpoint{-\hex@e@dx}{ \hex@e@dy}}
+ \savedanchor{\southwestedge}{\pgfqpoint{-\hex@e@dx}{-\hex@e@dy}}
+ \savedanchor{\southeastedge}{\pgfqpoint{ \hex@e@dx}{-\hex@e@dy}}
+ \savedmacro\init{%
+ \def\hexpath{%
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\east}%
+ \pgfpathlineto{\northeast}%
+ \pgfpathlineto{\northwest}%
+ \pgfpathlineto{\west}%
+ \pgfpathlineto{\southwest}%
+ \pgfpathlineto{\southeast}%
+ \pgfpathclose}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% These are the actual user callable anchors. We make anchors for
+% each vertex and mid points on each edge.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \anchor{center}{ \pgfpointorigin}
+ \anchor{east}{ \east}
+ \anchor{west}{ \west}
+ \anchor{north east}{ \northeast}
+ \anchor{north west}{ \northwest}
+ \anchor{south west}{ \southwest}
+ \anchor{south east}{ \southeast}
+ \anchor{north edge}{ \northedge}
+ \anchor{south edge}{ \southedge}
+ \anchor{north east edge}{\northeastedge}
+ \anchor{north west edge}{\northwestedge}
+ \anchor{south west edge}{\southwestedge}
+ \anchor{south east edge}{\southeastedge}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Next we make some short hand aliases for each of these anchors.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \anchor{E}{ \east}
+ \anchor{W}{ \west}
+ \anchor{NE}{ \northeast}
+ \anchor{NW}{ \northwest}
+ \anchor{SW}{ \southwest}
+ \anchor{SE}{ \southeast}
+ \anchor{N edge}{ \northedge}
+ \anchor{S edge}{ \southedge}
+ \anchor{NE edge}{\northeastedge}
+ \anchor{NW edge}{\northwestedge}
+ \anchor{SW edge}{\southwestedge}
+ \anchor{SE edge}{\southeastedge}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The next part is commented out because its not obvious we'll use
+% these.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ %%
+ \savedanchor{\chitnorth}{ \pgfqpoint{ 0cm}{ 0.6cm}}
+ \savedanchor{\chitsouth}{ \pgfqpoint{ 0cm}{ -0.6cm}}
+ \savedanchor{\chiteast}{ \pgfqpoint{ 0.6cm}{ 0cm}}
+ \savedanchor{\chitwest}{ \pgfqpoint{-0.6cm}{ 0cm}}
+ \savedanchor{\chitnortheast}{\pgfqpoint{ 0.6cm}{ 0.6cm}}
+ \savedanchor{\chitnorthwest}{\pgfqpoint{-0.6cm}{ 0.6cm}}
+ \savedanchor{\chitsouthwest}{\pgfqpoint{-0.6cm}{-0.6cm}}
+ \savedanchor{\chitsoutheast}{\pgfqpoint{ 0.6cm}{-0.6cm}}
+ %
+ \anchor{chit north}{\chitnorth}
+ \anchor{chit south}{\chitsouth}
+ \anchor{chit east}{\chiteast}
+ \anchor{chit west}{\chitwest}
+ \anchor{chit north east}{\chitnortheast}
+ \anchor{chit north west}{\chitnorthwest}
+ \anchor{chit south west}{\chitsouthwest}
+ \anchor{chit south east}{\chitsoutheast}
+ %
+ \anchor{chit N}{\chitnorth}
+ \anchor{chit S}{\chitsouth}
+ \anchor{chit E}{\chiteast}
+ \anchor{chit W}{\chitwest}
+ \anchor{chit NE}{\chitnortheast}
+ \anchor{chit NW}{\chitnorthwest}
+ \anchor{chit SW}{\chitsouthwest}
+ \anchor{chit SE}{\chitsoutheast}
+ %
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The background path. This path may be drawn when the node is
+% drawn. However, we will do most of the work in the
+% \cs{behindbackgroundpath} which gets drawn \emph{after} this path.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \backgroundpath{\init\hexpath}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \emph{behind} background path, where we do most of the work.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \behindforegroundpath{%
+ \hex@dbg{2}{Hex behind foreground path:
+ ^^JTerrain: `\meaning\hex@terrain'
+ ^^JRidges: `\meaning\hex@ridges'
+ ^^JTown: `\meaning\hex@town'
+ ^^JExtra clipped: `\meaning\hex@extra@clip'
+ ^^JLabel: `\meaning\hex@label'
+ ^^JExtra: `\meaning\hex@extra'
+ ^^JLast node name:`\meaning\tikzlastnode'
+ ^^JHex row: `\meaning\hex@row'
+ ^^JHex col: `\meaning\hex@col'
+ }%
+ \init%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We start a scope and clip to the hex path first.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \scope%
+ \hexpath%
+ \pgfusepath{clip}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Anything inside this scope is clipped to the hex path. The next
+% step is to see if we have a specified terrain for the hex.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@terrain}{\let\hex@terrain\empty}{}%
+ \ifx\hex@terrain\empty\else\hex@do@terrain\fi%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This concludes the processing of the terrain of the hex. Next, we
+% must see if the user specified ridges.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@ridges}{\let\hex@ridges\empty}{}%
+ \ifx\hex@ridges\empty\else\hex@do@ridges\fi%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This concludes the processing of the ridges of the hex. Next, we
+% should process any extra (clipped) stuff specified. The user may
+% pass options to each \spec{pic}ture by preceding it with
+% \oarg{options}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@extra@clip}{\let\hex@extra@clip\empty}{}
+ \ifx\hex@extra@clip\empty\else%
+ \hex@dbg{5}{Extra clipped: `\meaning\hex@extra'}
+ \pgfpointorigin\wg@tmpa=\pgf@x\wg@tmpb=\pgf@y%
+ \wg@pic@all{\hex@extra@clip}{}{\the\wg@tmpa,\the\wg@tmpb}{}%
+ \fi%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This concludes the extra stuff put in the hex. Next, we should
+% place the label is specified. Note, we may know the hex row and
+% column at this point, stored in \cs{hex@row} and \cs{hex@column},
+% respectively. We may want to name the generated node from these if
+% the user specified that option (perhaps use \cs{pgfnoderename} or
+% similar).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@label}{\let\hex@label\empty}{}
+ \ifx\hex@label\empty\else\hex@do@label\fi%
+ \endscope%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This concludes the label processing, and stuff that should be
+% clipped to the hex shape. If the user specified a town, we can now
+% make that.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@town}{\let\hex@town\empty}{}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@c@pic}{\let\hex@c@pic\empty}{}
+ \ifx\hex@town\empty\else\hex@do@town\fi%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We can now add extra (non-clipped) stuff. We assume that extra
+% stuff is \spec{pic}tures. The user may pass options to each
+% \spec{pic}ture by preceding it with \oarg{options}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@extra}{\let\hex@extra\empty}{}
+ \ifx\hex@extra\empty\else%
+ \hex@dbg{5}{Extra: `\meaning\hex@extra'}
+ \pgfpointorigin\wg@tmpa=\pgf@x\wg@tmpb=\pgf@y%
+ \wg@pic@all{\hex@extra}{}{\the\wg@tmpa,\the\wg@tmpb}{}%
+ \fi%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{HexKey*}{
+% /hex/terrain,
+% /hex/town,
+% /hex/label,
+% /hex/ridges,
+% /hex/extra,
+% /hex/extra clipped}
+% Next, we set up the name space for hex keys. This is the top level
+% name space for hexes. Sub keys \spec{terrain}, \spec{ridges},
+% \spec{town}, \spec{extra}, \spec{label}, and \spec{extra clipped},
+% store their arguments in macros and we expand these later on. This
+% allows us to scope some of the keys given to those specific parts.
+% Define keys for hexagon options. These are
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|p{.7\linewidth}|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Name}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Description}}\\
+% \hline
+% \spec{terrain} & Terrain\\
+% \spec{label} & Label on hex\\
+% \spec{town} & Town in hex. Optionally with a name\\
+% \spec{ridges} & Ridge markings on hex\\
+% \spec{extra} & More \\
+% \spec{extra clipped} & More clipped to hex\\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ /hex/.search also={/tikz},%
+ /hex/.cd,%
+ terrain/.store in=\hex@terrain,%
+ ridges/.store in=\hex@ridges,%
+ town/.store in=\hex@town,%
+ extra/.store in=\hex@extra,%
+ label/.store in=\hex@label,%
+ extra clipped/.store in=\hex@extra@clip%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{HexKey*}
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex}
+% The next key is the real work horse of the show. Specifying the
+% \spec{hex} key to a node effectively creates a hex for us. Now,
+% there are some things we cannot do outright in the node shape
+% code. For example, we cannot set the name of the node created
+% from the shape code. Therefore, the use of \cs{hex} is often the
+% right choice.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/hex/.style={
+ transform shape,
+ anchor=center,
+ draw=pgfstrokecolor,
+ fill=none,
+ thick,
+ solid},
+ hex/.code={%
+ \hex@dbg{1}{=== Hex with options: `#1'}%
+ \pgfkeys{/tikz/transform shape,/tikz/shape=hex/hex}
+ \pgfkeys{/hex/.cd,/tikz/hex/hex,/tikz/every hex/.try,#1}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% The first thing is to set the default graphics options. The key
+% \spec{every hex} can be set to hex options to be used for all hexes.
+% For example, if one want to label all hexes with an auto-generated
+% label, one can do
+% \begin{Syntax}
+% \cs{tikzset}\{every hex/.style=\{label=\{auto=numbered\}\}\}
+% \end{Syntax}
+% This, coupled with the \spec{hex/label is name} option allows us to
+% set up the board with really minimal effort. We can then use the
+% board coordinates when placing units, and other things.
+% Now we have set up these tools we can go on and define the user
+% facing macro.
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex,\hex@,\hex@@}
+% This will add a hex to the output graphics. Note, the macro
+% need not be followed by a semi-colon (\spec{;}).
+% First argument is optional options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\hex@}{\hex@[]}%]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Second optional argument is the coordinates. These should be given
+% in the hex coordinate system.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifnextchar({\hex@@{#1}}{%
+ \hex@@{#1}(c=0,r=0)}%)
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Third argument is the name to be used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifnextchar({\hex@@@{#1}{#2}}{\hex@@@{#1}{#2}()}%)
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now for the real work-horse. First thing is to reset keys and parse
+% them out from the arguments.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% Third argument is name
+ \node[hex={#1}] (tmp) at (hex cs:#2) {};%
+ \hex@dbg{8}{=== Label text: `\meaning\hex@l@text'}
+ \ifx|#3|\relax%
+ \@ifundefined{hex@l@text}{%
+ \hex@dbg{8}{=== Label text of hex (#2) not defined}%
+ \let\hex@l@text\empty%
+ }{}
+ \ifhex@label@is@name%
+ \hex@dbg{5}{=== Use label text of hex (#2) as name}%
+ \ifx\hex@l@text\@empty%
+ \hex@dbg{8}{=== Argh! Label text is empty! `\meaning\hex@l@text'}
+ \else%
+ \hex@dbg{3}{=== Renaming hex to label text `\hex@l@text'}
+ \pgfnoderename{\hex@l@text}{tmp}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \hex@dbg{3}{=== Renaming hex to user defined name `#3'}%
+ \pgfnoderename{#3}{tmp}%
+ \fi%
+ \@ifnextchar;{\@gobble}{}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..765b38e759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Terrain}
+% \label{sec:impl:hex:terrain}
+% With the above main routine for making hexes, we turn to decorating
+% a hex with a terrain.
+% \begin{HexKey*}{hex/terrain/image,
+% hex/terrain/pic,
+% hex/terrain/code,
+% hex/terrain/clip}
+% We make the namespace \spec{/hex/terrain} to hold the
+% specific terrain keys. Keys used by terrain identifiers are
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|p{.7\linewidth}|}
+% \hline
+% \rowcolor{headbg}
+% {\color{headfg}\textbf{Name}}
+% & {\color{headfg}\textbf{Description}}\\
+% \hline
+% \spec{image} & Terrain tile image\\
+% \spec{pic} & Terrain \TikZ{} \spec{pic}ture\\
+% \spec{code} & Arbitary \TikZ{} code\\
+% \spec{clip} & \TikZ{} path to clip terrain\\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% Now, we have the keys we'll need for selecting the terrain. These
+% live in the namespace \spec{/hex/terrain}, and we can select
+% between \spec{pic}tures or \spec{image}s (external graphics files)
+% for making the terrain. We define some short hands to easily
+% select the common terrains.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ /hex/terrain/.search also={/tikz},%
+ /hex/terrain/.cd,%
+ pic/.store in=\hex@t@pic,%
+ image/.store in=\hex@t@image,%
+ code/.store in=\hex@t@code,%
+ clip/.store in=\hex@t@clip,%
+ pic/.default=,
+ image/.default=,
+ code/.default=,
+ clip/.default,
+ /hex/terrain/.cd,%
+ beach/.style={pic=hex/terrain/beach},
+ light woods/.style={pic=hex/terrain/light woods},
+ woods/.style={pic=hex/terrain/woods},
+ swamp/.style={pic=hex/terrain/swamp},
+ rough/.style={pic=hex/terrain/rough},
+ mountains/.style={pic=hex/terrain/mountains},
+ village/.style={pic=hex/terrain/village},
+ town/.style={pic=hex/terrain/town},
+ city/.style={pic=hex/terrain/city},
+ /hex/terrain/.cd,%
+ beach/.style={image=beach},
+ light woods/.style={image=light_woods},
+ woods/.style={image=woods},
+ swamp/.style={image=swamp},
+ rough/.style={image=rough},
+ mountains/.style={image=mountains},
+ village/.style={image=village},
+ town/.style={image=town},
+ city/.style={image=city},
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{HexKey*}
+% Before we go on, we define the macro that actually generates the
+% terrain of a hex.
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@do@terrain}
+% If we do have a terrain specified, we start a new scope, this time
+% to clip the terrain by the clipping path specified by
+% \spec{hex=\{terrain=\{clip=...\}\}}. The first thing into the new
+% scope is to process the keys specified in
+% \spec{hex=\{terrain=...\}}. This will set the terrain and the
+% clipping of the terrain.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hex@dbg{5}{Terrain: \meaning\hex@terrain}%
+ \edef\hex@t@tmp{[/hex/terrain/.cd,\hex@terrain]}%
+ \expandafter\scope\hex@t@tmp% Scope for terrain clipping.
+ \hex@dbg{5}{Terrain:
+ ^^J pic: \meaning\hex@t@pic
+ ^^J image: \meaning\hex@t@image
+ ^^J code: \meaning\hex@t@code
+ ^^J clip: \meaning\hex@t@clip}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We check to see if we have any clipping \spec{pic}tures. If so, we
+% process these in turn and append the soft path to a macro. Once
+% this is done, we use the soft path as a clipping path for the rest
+% of the (terrain) scope.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@t@clip}{\let\hex@t@clip\empty}{}
+ \ifx\hex@t@clip\empty\else%
+ \def\hex@t@c{}
+ \foreach \c in \hex@t@clip{%
+ \hex@dbg{5}{Clipping to `\c'}
+ \expandafter\wg@pic\c\@endwg@pic {}{\wg@tmpa,\wg@tmpb}{%
+ save path=\hex@t@tmp}%
+ \wg@addto@macro\hex@t@c\hex@t@tmp % Append to clippping
+ }%
+ \pgfsyssoftpath@setcurrentpath{\hex@t@c}% Set path
+ \clip;% Clip to the path
+ \fi % End of clipping terrain
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We're new ready to make the terrain. First, we check to see if the
+% relevant storage macros are undefined and if so, \cs{let} them to
+% \cs{empty} so that we can deal more easily with the various cases.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ %% Now switch between how to draw the terrain. If some of the
+ %% macros are undefined, define them to be empty
+ \@ifundefined{hex@t@pic}{\let\hex@t@pic\empty}{}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@t@image}{\let\hex@t@image\empty}{}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% First we check if we have not got terrain images, but terrain
+% pictures. If we have that, we process these in turn. Note, the
+% user can give options to each terrain picture by preceding the
+% \spec{pic}ture name with \oarg{options}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ % If we have no image, check if we have pictures.
+ \ifx\hex@t@image\empty%
+ \hex@dbg{8}{No terrain images}%
+ \ifx\hex@t@pic\empty\else%
+ % We have pictures
+ \hex@dbg{5}{Terrain pictures}%
+ \pgfpointorigin\wg@tmpa=\pgf@x\wg@tmpb=\pgf@y%
+ \wg@pic@all{\hex@t@pic}{}{\the\wg@tmpa,\the\wg@tmpb}{}%
+ \fi% We have pictures.
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If the user specified images rather than \spec{pic}tures, then we
+% process these in turn. Again, the user can specify options to each
+% terrain image by preceding the image file name with \oarg{options}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \else % We have images
+ \hex@dbg{5}{Terrain images}%
+ \pgfpointorigin\wg@tmpa=\pgf@x\wg@tmpb=\pgf@y%
+ \foreach \i in \hex@t@image{%
+ \hex@dbg{10}{Terrain image: `\meaning\i'}
+ \expandafter\wg@node{%
+ \includegraphics[width=2cm]{\i}}\@endwg@node %
+ {}{\wg@tmpa,\wg@tmpb}{%
+ shape=rectangle,%
+ anchor=center,%
+ transform shape,%
+ draw=none}%
+ }
+ \fi%
+ \endscope% End of terrain scope
+}% End of terrain
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% Next, we define some example clippings of the terrain images.
+% Specifcally, we make clippings to sextants. We do this by first
+% defining a macro.
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@make@sextants}
+% When executed this macro will generate some paths that will clip
+% to sextants. The first argument is the inner radius of the
+% sextant and the second argument is the (possible empty) prefix to
+% put in front of the \spec{sextant} name.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \tikzset{%
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/.is choice,
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/north east/.style={
+ code={
+ \path[pic actions]( 0:1)--( 60:1)--( 60:#1)--( 0:#1)--cycle;}},
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/north/.style={
+ code={
+ \path[pic actions]( 60:1)--(120:1)--(120:#1)--( 60:#1)--cycle;}},
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/north west/.style={
+ code={
+ \path[pic actions](120:1)--(180:1)--(180:#1)--(120:#1)--cycle;}},
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/south west/.style={
+ code={
+ \path[pic actions](180:1)--(240:1)--(240:#1)--(180:#1)--cycle;}},
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/south/.style={
+ code={
+ \path[pic actions](240:1)--(300:1)--(300:#1)--(240:#1)--cycle;}},
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/south east/.style={
+ code={
+ \path[pic actions](300:1)--(360:1)--(360:#1)--(300:#1)--cycle;}},
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/center/.style={
+ code={
+ \path[pic actions]
+ (0:#1)--
+ (60:#1)--
+ (120:#1)--
+ (180:#1)--
+ (240:#1)--
+ (300:#1)--cycle;}},
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/NE/.style=hex/#2sextant/north east,
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/NE/.style=hex/#2sextant/north east,
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/N/.style=hex/#2sextant/north,
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/NW/.style=hex/#2sextant/north west,
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/SW/.style=hex/#2sextant/south west,
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/S/.style=hex/#2sextant/south,
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/SE/.style=hex/#2sextant/south east,
+ pics/hex/#2sextant/C/.style=hex/#2sextant/center,
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\hex@make@sextants{.3}{large }
+\hex@make@sextants{0}{full }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/beach.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/beach.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98e990c15c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/beach.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% Next, we define some styles for styling the terrain pictures. Users
+% can change these styles (e.g., by appending to them) to change say
+% the colour of the terrain graphics.
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/beach}
+% The style for beach hexes. The pattern is filled with a yellowish
+% colour, and drawing of the outline is disabled.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/beach/.style={%
+ fill={rgb,100:red,93;green,73;blue,35},%
+ draw=none%
+ }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% Now for the actual patterns. We go in the same order as above ---
+% i.e, we start with the beach pattern. This is rather long.
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/beach}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/beach/.pic={
+ \path[hex/terrain/beach,pic actions,draw=none]
+ (-0.4931, 0.8848)
+ -- (-0.4998, 0.8734)
+ .. controls (-0.4908, 0.8731) and (-0.4813, 0.8762) .. (-0.4762, 0.8847)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4032, 0.8841)
+ .. controls (-0.4004, 0.8804) and (-0.3988, 0.8794) .. (-0.3956, 0.8745)
+ .. controls (-0.3760, 0.8443) and (-0.3811, 0.8330) .. (-0.3456, 0.8112)
+ .. controls (-0.3250, 0.7986) and (-0.2712, 0.7770) .. (-0.2531, 0.8032)
+ .. controls (-0.2294, 0.8375) and (-0.2984, 0.8503) .. (-0.3193, 0.8690)
+ .. controls (-0.3243, 0.8735) and (-0.3281, 0.8785) .. (-0.3321, 0.8835)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2462, 0.8828)
+ .. controls (-0.2425, 0.8681) and (-0.2383, 0.8546) .. (-0.2293, 0.8461)
+ .. controls (-0.2102, 0.8280) and (-0.1892, 0.8390) .. (-0.1859, 0.8669)
+ .. controls (-0.1854, 0.8711) and (-0.1871, 0.8772) .. (-0.1875, 0.8822)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0997, 0.8815)
+ .. controls (-0.0971, 0.8706) and (-0.0941, 0.8597) .. (-0.0907, 0.8493)
+ -- (-0.0570, 0.8578)
+ .. controls (-0.0570, 0.8629) and (-0.0560, 0.8730) .. (-0.0553, 0.8812)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0213, 0.8805)
+ .. controls ( 0.0222, 0.8725) and ( 0.0235, 0.8650) .. ( 0.0262, 0.8587)
+ .. controls ( 0.0391, 0.8281) and ( 0.0706, 0.8199) .. ( 0.0917, 0.7894)
+ .. controls ( 0.1112, 0.7609) and ( 0.1058, 0.7286) .. ( 0.1050, 0.6961)
+ -- ( 0.1731, 0.7216)
+ -- ( 0.1203, 0.8649)
+ -- ( 0.1097, 0.8797)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2978, 0.8781)
+ .. controls ( 0.2985, 0.8773) and ( 0.3002, 0.8756) .. ( 0.3008, 0.8749)
+ .. controls ( 0.2854, 0.8687) and ( 0.2549, 0.8572) .. ( 0.2421, 0.8487)
+ .. controls ( 0.2026, 0.8224) and ( 0.1905, 0.7567) .. ( 0.2046, 0.7132)
+ .. controls ( 0.2146, 0.6819) and ( 0.2330, 0.6680) .. ( 0.2394, 0.6280)
+ .. controls ( 0.2413, 0.6160) and ( 0.2468, 0.5527) .. ( 0.2446, 0.5437)
+ .. controls ( 0.2396, 0.5232) and ( 0.2211, 0.5122) .. ( 0.2231, 0.4913)
+ .. controls ( 0.2261, 0.4603) and ( 0.2686, 0.4388) .. ( 0.2891, 0.4194)
+ .. controls ( 0.3020, 0.4071) and ( 0.3136, 0.3895) .. ( 0.3281, 0.3799)
+ .. controls ( 0.3688, 0.3533) and ( 0.3905, 0.3863) .. ( 0.4199, 0.3902)
+ .. controls ( 0.4350, 0.3921) and ( 0.4560, 0.3849) .. ( 0.4710, 0.3812)
+ -- ( 0.4795, 0.4067)
+ -- ( 0.4965, 0.4067)
+ .. controls ( 0.5008, 0.3961) and ( 0.5009, 0.3893) .. ( 0.5112, 0.3811)
+ .. controls ( 0.5112, 0.3811) and ( 0.6172, 0.3385) .. ( 0.6481, 0.3037)
+ .. controls ( 0.6729, 0.2758) and ( 0.6641, 0.2532) .. ( 0.6667, 0.2206)
+ -- ( 0.7004, 0.2206)
+ .. controls ( 0.7839, 0.2118) and ( 0.7047, 0.0740) .. ( 0.7057, 0.0568)
+ .. controls ( 0.7067, 0.0396) and ( 0.7865,-0.0424) .. ( 0.8032,-0.0520)
+ .. controls ( 0.8251,-0.0644) and ( 0.8703,-0.0686) .. ( 0.8572,-0.0293)
+ .. controls ( 0.8518,-0.0131) and ( 0.7996, 0.0474) .. ( 0.7843, 0.0564)
+ .. controls ( 0.7724, 0.0633) and ( 0.7645, 0.0636) .. ( 0.7518, 0.0664)
+ .. controls ( 0.7688, 0.1093) and ( 0.7993, 0.1905) .. ( 0.7930, 0.2362)
+ .. controls ( 0.7869, 0.2804) and ( 0.7252, 0.2982) .. ( 0.6946, 0.3268)
+ .. controls ( 0.6664, 0.3531) and ( 0.6746, 0.3662) .. ( 0.6323, 0.3966)
+ .. controls ( 0.5760, 0.4371) and ( 0.5386, 0.4324) .. ( 0.5250, 0.4601)
+ .. controls ( 0.5090, 0.4927) and ( 0.5578, 0.6035) .. ( 0.5969, 0.5911)
+ .. controls ( 0.6199, 0.5839) and ( 0.6224, 0.5471) .. ( 0.6341, 0.5291)
+ .. controls ( 0.6488, 0.5064) and ( 0.7020, 0.4614) .. ( 0.7263, 0.4493)
+ -- ( 0.7373, 0.4768)
+ -- ( 0.6866, 0.5671)
+ -- ( 0.6756, 0.5720)
+ -- ( 0.6766, 0.5850)
+ -- ( 0.6331, 0.6627)
+ .. controls ( 0.6280, 0.6613) and ( 0.6239, 0.6599) .. ( 0.6157, 0.6589)
+ -- ( 0.5646, 0.6589)
+ .. controls ( 0.5375, 0.6557) and ( 0.5277, 0.6432) .. ( 0.4965, 0.6489)
+ .. controls ( 0.4716, 0.6520) and ( 0.4306, 0.6774) .. ( 0.4104, 0.6489)
+ .. controls ( 0.3809, 0.6093) and ( 0.4627, 0.6240) .. ( 0.4837, 0.5772)
+ .. controls ( 0.4958, 0.5502) and ( 0.4652, 0.4811) .. ( 0.4429, 0.4648)
+ -- ( 0.3523, 0.4350)
+ .. controls ( 0.3178, 0.4372) and ( 0.3207, 0.4766) .. ( 0.3153, 0.5004)
+ .. controls ( 0.3090, 0.5282) and ( 0.2968, 0.5398) .. ( 0.2922, 0.5684)
+ .. controls ( 0.2896, 0.6035) and ( 0.3061, 0.6276) .. ( 0.2922, 0.6621)
+ .. controls ( 0.2756, 0.6961) and ( 0.2422, 0.7190) .. ( 0.2525, 0.7640)
+ .. controls ( 0.2650, 0.8188) and ( 0.3165, 0.7932) .. ( 0.3324, 0.8417)
+ .. controls ( 0.3359, 0.8522) and ( 0.3385, 0.8648) .. ( 0.3399, 0.8778)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4261, 0.8770)
+ -- ( 0.4333, 0.8493)
+ -- ( 0.4845, 0.7440)
+ .. controls ( 0.4963, 0.7304) and ( 0.5450, 0.6930) .. ( 0.5630, 0.6989)
+ .. controls ( 0.5735, 0.7024) and ( 0.5838, 0.7169) .. ( 0.5932, 0.7337)
+ -- ( 0.5612, 0.7909)
+ .. controls ( 0.5537, 0.7875) and ( 0.5468, 0.7852) .. ( 0.5403, 0.7864)
+ .. controls ( 0.5078, 0.7926) and ( 0.5191, 0.8406) .. ( 0.5145, 0.8567)
+ .. controls ( 0.5121, 0.8651) and ( 0.5076, 0.8710) .. ( 0.5025, 0.8764)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3773, 0.8153)
+ .. controls ( 0.3625, 0.7892) and ( 0.2993, 0.7161) .. ( 0.3316, 0.6877)
+ .. controls ( 0.3432, 0.6774) and ( 0.3866, 0.6728) .. ( 0.4029, 0.6706)
+ -- ( 0.3973, 0.7472)
+ -- ( 0.4029, 0.8153)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4224, 0.8088)
+ .. controls (-0.4416, 0.8077) and (-0.4585, 0.7826) .. (-0.4275, 0.7562)
+ -- (-0.3971, 0.7387)
+ .. controls (-0.4780, 0.6942) and (-0.4752, 0.6640) .. (-0.4591, 0.5855)
+ .. controls (-0.4391, 0.4887) and (-0.4527, 0.5347) .. (-0.4103, 0.4493)
+ .. controls (-0.3870, 0.4026) and (-0.4070, 0.3747) .. (-0.3460, 0.3642)
+ -- (-0.3352, 0.4823)
+ .. controls (-0.3409, 0.5024) and (-0.3617, 0.5113) .. (-0.3739, 0.5281)
+ -- (-0.4164, 0.6287)
+ .. controls (-0.4188, 0.6375) and (-0.4186, 0.6444) .. (-0.4164, 0.6528)
+ .. controls (-0.4067, 0.6807) and (-0.3521, 0.7255) .. (-0.3274, 0.6931)
+ .. controls (-0.3070, 0.6694) and (-0.3336, 0.6432) .. (-0.3274, 0.6221)
+ .. controls (-0.3249, 0.6055) and (-0.3059, 0.6028) .. (-0.2950, 0.6162)
+ .. controls (-0.2867, 0.6265) and (-0.2838, 0.6558) .. (-0.2829, 0.6692)
+ .. controls (-0.2775, 0.7444) and (-0.3333, 0.7652) .. (-0.3955, 0.7472)
+ .. controls (-0.3950, 0.7586) and (-0.3916, 0.7684) .. (-0.3955, 0.7803)
+ .. controls (-0.3986, 0.8016) and (-0.4109, 0.8096) .. (-0.4224, 0.8088)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1391, 0.8077)
+ .. controls (-0.1634, 0.8024) and (-0.1582, 0.7647) .. (-0.1487, 0.7492)
+ .. controls (-0.1306, 0.7190) and (-0.1004, 0.7270) .. (-0.0652, 0.7073)
+ -- (-0.0226, 0.6801)
+ -- ( 0.0282, 0.6560)
+ .. controls ( 0.0622, 0.6331) and ( 0.0955, 0.5639) .. ( 0.1219, 0.5259)
+ .. controls ( 0.2125, 0.5714) and ( 0.1427, 0.6114) .. ( 0.1219, 0.6453)
+ -- ( 0.1054, 0.6768)
+ .. controls ( 0.0862, 0.7028) and ( 0.0448, 0.7080) .. ( 0.0115, 0.7299)
+ .. controls (-0.0377, 0.7622) and (-0.0173, 0.7726) .. (-0.0822, 0.7918)
+ .. controls (-0.0961, 0.7958) and (-0.1270, 0.8103) .. (-0.1391, 0.8077)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5460, 0.7940)
+ -- (-0.5911, 0.7166)
+ .. controls (-0.5649, 0.7015) and (-0.5397, 0.7188) .. (-0.5308, 0.7556)
+ .. controls (-0.5251, 0.7788) and (-0.5335, 0.7873) .. (-0.5460, 0.7940)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2382, 0.7423)
+ .. controls (-0.2453, 0.7424) and (-0.2512, 0.7383) .. (-0.2550, 0.7274)
+ .. controls (-0.2635, 0.7026) and (-0.2353, 0.6726) .. (-0.2229, 0.6536)
+ .. controls (-0.2031, 0.6234) and (-0.2020, 0.6105) .. (-0.1928, 0.5770)
+ .. controls (-0.1763, 0.5803) and (-0.1499, 0.5890) .. (-0.1342, 0.5831)
+ .. controls (-0.1112, 0.5745) and (-0.1047, 0.5481) .. (-0.0866, 0.5338)
+ -- (-0.0397, 0.5102)
+ -- ( 0.0664, 0.4219)
+ .. controls ( 0.0874, 0.3954) and ( 0.0785, 0.3655) .. ( 0.1070, 0.3502)
+ .. controls ( 0.1367, 0.3343) and ( 0.1690, 0.3592) .. ( 0.1732, 0.3899)
+ .. controls ( 0.1755, 0.4075) and ( 0.1545, 0.4554) .. ( 0.1475, 0.4748)
+ .. controls ( 0.0838, 0.4666) and ( 0.0509, 0.4836) .. ( 0.0454, 0.5515)
+ .. controls (-0.0576, 0.5778) and (-0.0955, 0.6323) .. (-0.1754, 0.6949)
+ .. controls (-0.1861, 0.7034) and (-0.2171, 0.7418) .. (-0.2382, 0.7423)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5068, 0.6706)
+ .. controls (-0.5119, 0.6724) and (-0.5194, 0.6726) .. (-0.5299, 0.6701)
+ .. controls (-0.5512, 0.6413) and (-0.5242, 0.6333) .. (-0.5102, 0.6400)
+ .. controls (-0.4981, 0.6457) and (-0.4916, 0.6653) .. (-0.5068, 0.6706)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6356, 0.6402)
+ -- (-0.6681, 0.5845)
+ -- (-0.6588, 0.5684)
+ .. controls (-0.6473, 0.5521) and (-0.6323, 0.5371) .. (-0.6265, 0.5174)
+ .. controls (-0.6174, 0.4865) and (-0.6614, 0.4161) .. (-0.6950, 0.4206)
+ .. controls (-0.7111, 0.4226) and (-0.7174, 0.4376) .. (-0.7460, 0.4507)
+ -- (-0.7632, 0.4212)
+ .. controls (-0.7629, 0.4042) and (-0.7611, 0.3875) .. (-0.7546, 0.3789)
+ .. controls (-0.7424, 0.3626) and (-0.7129, 0.3612) .. (-0.6966, 0.3297)
+ .. controls (-0.6823, 0.3022) and (-0.6963, 0.2741) .. (-0.6808, 0.2598)
+ .. controls (-0.6602, 0.2410) and (-0.6495, 0.2720) .. (-0.6484, 0.2878)
+ .. controls (-0.6461, 0.3229) and (-0.6488, 0.4046) .. (-0.6080, 0.4204)
+ .. controls (-0.5750, 0.4330) and (-0.4980, 0.3514) .. (-0.4929, 0.3217)
+ .. controls (-0.4895, 0.3019) and (-0.5044, 0.2671) .. (-0.4860, 0.2550)
+ .. controls (-0.4691, 0.2439) and (-0.4582, 0.2679) .. (-0.4535, 0.2796)
+ .. controls (-0.4450, 0.3015) and (-0.4273, 0.3562) .. (-0.4401, 0.3771)
+ .. controls (-0.4495, 0.3922) and (-0.5019, 0.4172) .. (-0.5296, 0.4507)
+ .. controls (-0.5656, 0.4941) and (-0.5734, 0.5631) .. (-0.5973, 0.6021)
+ .. controls (-0.6099, 0.6226) and (-0.6226, 0.6316) .. (-0.6356, 0.6402)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2242, 0.6110)
+ -- ( 0.1816, 0.6025)
+ -- ( 0.1816, 0.5855)
+ .. controls ( 0.2117, 0.5815) and ( 0.2140, 0.5821) .. ( 0.2242, 0.6110)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3924, 0.6049)
+ .. controls ( 0.3895, 0.6048) and ( 0.3860, 0.6036) .. ( 0.3820, 0.6011)
+ .. controls ( 0.3535, 0.5835) and ( 0.3670, 0.5238) .. ( 0.3773, 0.5004)
+ -- ( 0.3944, 0.5004)
+ -- ( 0.4061, 0.5429)
+ .. controls ( 0.4082, 0.5540) and ( 0.4130, 0.6056) .. ( 0.3924, 0.6049)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2864, 0.5940)
+ .. controls (-0.2904, 0.5793) and (-0.2950, 0.5676) .. (-0.2919, 0.5518)
+ .. controls (-0.2769, 0.4768) and (-0.1616, 0.5041) .. (-0.2162, 0.5623)
+ .. controls (-0.2236, 0.5702) and (-0.2346, 0.5747) .. (-0.2443, 0.5790)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7010, 0.5280)
+ -- (-0.7269, 0.4835)
+ .. controls (-0.7207, 0.4876) and (-0.7144, 0.4952) .. (-0.7081, 0.5094)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0992, 0.4748)
+ -- (-0.2099, 0.4556)
+ -- (-0.2888, 0.3790)
+ -- (-0.3460, 0.3557)
+ -- (-0.3389, 0.3218)
+ .. controls (-0.3310, 0.2959) and (-0.3026, 0.2636) .. (-0.2781, 0.2927)
+ .. controls (-0.2745, 0.2971) and (-0.2504, 0.3947) .. (-0.1948, 0.3764)
+ .. controls (-0.1607, 0.3651) and (-0.1697, 0.2984) .. (-0.1588, 0.2536)
+ -- (-0.1503, 0.2536)
+ -- (-0.1503, 0.2450)
+ -- (-0.1163, 0.2366)
+ .. controls (-0.0968, 0.3059) and (-0.1262, 0.3371) .. (-0.1239, 0.3982)
+ .. controls (-0.1229, 0.4261) and (-0.1067, 0.4484) .. (-0.0992, 0.4748)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1503, 0.2450)
+ -- (-0.1588, 0.2536)
+ .. controls (-0.2292, 0.2544) and (-0.2730, 0.2893) .. (-0.2677, 0.2195)
+ -- (-0.2609, 0.1855)
+ .. controls (-0.2393, 0.1890) and (-0.2005, 0.2039) .. (-0.1909, 0.1753)
+ .. controls (-0.1709, 0.1163) and (-0.2582, 0.0953) .. (-0.2387, 0.0533)
+ .. controls (-0.2275, 0.0292) and (-0.1430, 0.0537) .. (-0.1361, 0.0692)
+ .. controls (-0.1250, 0.0859) and (-0.1359, 0.1083) .. (-0.1361, 0.1259)
+ .. controls (-0.1437, 0.1788) and (-0.1186, 0.1766) .. (-0.1503, 0.2450)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7348, 0.4408)
+ .. controls ( 0.7113, 0.3774) and ( 0.7569, 0.3513) .. ( 0.7901, 0.3824)
+ -- ( 0.7585, 0.4390)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2071, 0.4153)
+ .. controls ( 0.1984, 0.3706) and ( 0.2118, 0.3204) .. ( 0.2582, 0.3046)
+ .. controls ( 0.2685, 0.3631) and ( 0.2706, 0.3931) .. ( 0.2071, 0.4153)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0567, 0.3982)
+ .. controls (-0.0558, 0.3230) and (-0.0460, 0.3456) .. (-0.0210, 0.2876)
+ -- ( 0.0067, 0.1940)
+ .. controls ( 0.0180, 0.1513) and ( 0.0026, 0.1332) .. ( 0.0454, 0.1089)
+ -- ( 0.0767, 0.1940)
+ -- ( 0.0546, 0.2621)
+ -- ( 0.0406, 0.3185)
+ -- (-0.0258, 0.3896)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7969, 0.3634)
+ -- (-0.8570, 0.2602)
+ .. controls (-0.8515, 0.2550) and (-0.8469, 0.2514) .. (-0.8414, 0.2450)
+ .. controls (-0.8020, 0.1990) and (-0.8201, 0.1971) .. (-0.7629, 0.1540)
+ .. controls (-0.7462, 0.1414) and (-0.7054, 0.1023) .. (-0.6834, 0.1181)
+ .. controls (-0.6662, 0.1304) and (-0.6813, 0.1625) .. (-0.6882, 0.1768)
+ .. controls (-0.7213, 0.2456) and (-0.7865, 0.2417) .. (-0.8004, 0.2965)
+ .. controls (-0.8052, 0.3154) and (-0.7990, 0.3413) .. (-0.7969, 0.3634)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8244, 0.3214)
+ .. controls ( 0.8136, 0.3128) and ( 0.8080, 0.2984) .. ( 0.8114, 0.2706)
+ .. controls ( 0.8314, 0.2739) and ( 0.8424, 0.2735) .. ( 0.8526, 0.2710)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5015, 0.3207)
+ .. controls ( 0.4943, 0.3196) and ( 0.4861, 0.3171) .. ( 0.4766, 0.3130)
+ .. controls ( 0.4611, 0.2827) and ( 0.4839, 0.2747) .. ( 0.5028, 0.2521)
+ -- ( 0.5376, 0.1972)
+ .. controls ( 0.5529, 0.1772) and ( 0.5728, 0.1698) .. ( 0.5845, 0.1426)
+ .. controls ( 0.5979, 0.1115) and ( 0.5837, 0.0732) .. ( 0.5987, 0.0532)
+ .. controls ( 0.6095, 0.0384) and ( 0.6236, 0.0428) .. ( 0.6350, 0.0532)
+ .. controls ( 0.6681, 0.0842) and ( 0.6456, 0.1087) .. ( 0.6482, 0.1429)
+ .. controls ( 0.6481, 0.1614) and ( 0.6596, 0.1802) .. ( 0.6482, 0.1967)
+ .. controls ( 0.6390, 0.2131) and ( 0.5992, 0.2239) .. ( 0.5768, 0.2483)
+ .. controls ( 0.5547, 0.2722) and ( 0.5524, 0.3288) .. ( 0.5015, 0.3207)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5678, 0.3115)
+ .. controls (-0.5832, 0.3118) and (-0.6140, 0.2810) .. (-0.6269, 0.2706)
+ .. controls (-0.6185, 0.2412) and (-0.5926, 0.1953) .. (-0.5973, 0.1685)
+ .. controls (-0.6029, 0.1373) and (-0.6320, 0.1239) .. (-0.6369, 0.0996)
+ .. controls (-0.6406, 0.0816) and (-0.6303, 0.0652) .. (-0.6237, 0.0493)
+ .. controls (-0.6147, 0.0275) and (-0.6000,-0.0443) .. (-0.5641,-0.0258)
+ .. controls (-0.5134,-0.0018) and (-0.5902, 0.0606) .. (-0.5641, 0.1074)
+ .. controls (-0.5332, 0.1697) and (-0.4913, 0.1444) .. (-0.4481, 0.1593)
+ .. controls (-0.3913, 0.1792) and (-0.3439, 0.2446) .. (-0.3545, 0.3046)
+ -- (-0.4568, 0.2201)
+ -- (-0.5588, 0.2201)
+ .. controls (-0.5549, 0.2390) and (-0.5305, 0.3109) .. (-0.5678, 0.3115)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2243, 0.2813)
+ -- ( 0.1631, 0.2450)
+ -- ( 0.0965, 0.2281)
+ -- ( 0.1689, 0.1131)
+ -- ( 0.2065, 0.0861)
+ .. controls ( 0.2453, 0.0564) and ( 0.2384, 0.0410) .. ( 0.2923, 0.0323)
+ -- ( 0.2988,-0.0188)
+ .. controls ( 0.2994,-0.0695) and ( 0.2657,-0.0796) .. ( 0.2249,-0.0579)
+ .. controls ( 0.1337,-0.0093) and ( 0.1545, 0.0219) .. ( 0.1102, 0.0744)
+ .. controls ( 0.0914, 0.0967) and ( 0.0807, 0.1010) .. ( 0.0539, 0.1089)
+ .. controls ( 0.0562, 0.0613) and ( 0.0756,-0.0434) .. ( 0.0403,-0.0825)
+ .. controls ( 0.0293,-0.0948) and (-0.0336,-0.1168) .. (-0.0567,-0.1294)
+ .. controls (-0.0615,-0.1087) and (-0.0777,-0.0729) .. (-0.0703,-0.0546)
+ .. controls (-0.0586,-0.0251) and ( 0.0562, 0.0040) .. (-0.0152, 0.0389)
+ -- (-0.0397, 0.0480)
+ -- (-0.0737, 0.0578)
+ .. controls (-0.0806, 0.0391) and (-0.0849, 0.0192) .. (-0.1018, 0.0068)
+ .. controls (-0.1154,-0.0032) and (-0.1352,-0.0018) .. (-0.1438,-0.0212)
+ .. controls (-0.1562,-0.0491) and (-0.1117,-0.1243) .. (-0.0874,-0.1373)
+ .. controls (-0.0745,-0.1434) and (-0.0687,-0.1394) .. (-0.0567,-0.1373)
+ .. controls (-0.0358,-0.2033) and (-0.0062,-0.1612) .. ( 0.0370,-0.1500)
+ -- ( 0.1050,-0.1379)
+ .. controls ( 0.0882,-0.0871) and ( 0.0808,-0.0999) .. ( 0.0965,-0.0443)
+ .. controls ( 0.1454,-0.0619) and ( 0.1336,-0.0743) .. ( 0.1664,-0.0940)
+ .. controls ( 0.1897,-0.1081) and ( 0.2226,-0.1052) .. ( 0.2361,-0.1388)
+ .. controls ( 0.2495,-0.1724) and ( 0.2245,-0.1963) .. ( 0.2412,-0.2584)
+ .. controls ( 0.2526,-0.2569) and ( 0.2622,-0.2548) .. ( 0.2735,-0.2584)
+ .. controls ( 0.2987,-0.2708) and ( 0.3225,-0.3241) .. ( 0.3212,-0.3506)
+ .. controls ( 0.3203,-0.3711) and ( 0.3053,-0.3950) .. ( 0.3008,-0.4443)
+ -- ( 0.2497,-0.4187)
+ .. controls ( 0.2599,-0.4479) and ( 0.2621,-0.4475) .. ( 0.2905,-0.4528)
+ .. controls ( 0.2877,-0.4715) and ( 0.2799,-0.4998) .. ( 0.2905,-0.5182)
+ .. controls ( 0.2991,-0.5392) and ( 0.3228,-0.5357) .. ( 0.3346,-0.5182)
+ .. controls ( 0.3506,-0.4943) and ( 0.3355,-0.4515) .. ( 0.3532,-0.4203)
+ .. controls ( 0.3716,-0.3881) and ( 0.4096,-0.3844) .. ( 0.4084,-0.3499)
+ .. controls ( 0.4074,-0.3241) and ( 0.3866,-0.3087) .. ( 0.3728,-0.2897)
+ -- ( 0.3426,-0.2337)
+ -- ( 0.2989,-0.1879)
+ .. controls ( 0.2810,-0.1587) and ( 0.2976,-0.1327) .. ( 0.3187,-0.1323)
+ .. controls ( 0.3342,-0.1319) and ( 0.3489,-0.1451) .. ( 0.3603,-0.1541)
+ .. controls ( 0.3817,-0.1712) and ( 0.4026,-0.1894) .. ( 0.4144,-0.2146)
+ .. controls ( 0.4299,-0.2477) and ( 0.4289,-0.2977) .. ( 0.4712,-0.3110)
+ .. controls ( 0.4957,-0.3188) and ( 0.5167,-0.3024) .. ( 0.5044,-0.2753)
+ .. controls ( 0.4967,-0.2585) and ( 0.4769,-0.2471) .. ( 0.4676,-0.2227)
+ .. controls ( 0.4582,-0.1981) and ( 0.4681,-0.1743) .. ( 0.4488,-0.1492)
+ .. controls ( 0.4286,-0.1227) and ( 0.3809,-0.1095) .. ( 0.3621,-0.0696)
+ .. controls ( 0.3402,-0.0230) and ( 0.3896, 0.0270) .. ( 0.3092, 0.0408)
+ -- ( 0.3532, 0.1933)
+ -- ( 0.3944, 0.2536)
+ -- ( 0.3433, 0.2765)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2497, 0.2450)
+ -- ( 0.2782, 0.2025)
+ .. controls ( 0.2843, 0.1911) and ( 0.2884, 0.1815) .. ( 0.2900, 0.1685)
+ .. controls ( 0.3021, 0.0654) and ( 0.1495, 0.1479) .. ( 0.2135, 0.2245)
+ .. controls ( 0.2246, 0.2378) and ( 0.2346, 0.2396) .. ( 0.2497, 0.2450)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8836, 0.2157)
+ .. controls ( 0.8688, 0.2061) and ( 0.8571, 0.1889) .. ( 0.8687, 0.1736)
+ .. controls ( 0.8785, 0.1608) and ( 0.8967, 0.1613) .. ( 0.9161, 0.1578)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3035, 0.1940)
+ .. controls (-0.3340, 0.1390) and (-0.3508, 0.1491) .. (-0.3624, 0.1300)
+ .. controls (-0.3738, 0.1112) and (-0.3588, 0.0896) .. (-0.3288, 0.0972)
+ .. controls (-0.2842, 0.1084) and (-0.2392, 0.1714) .. (-0.3035, 0.1940)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4710, 0.1940)
+ .. controls ( 0.4330, 0.1525) and ( 0.3961, 0.1447) .. ( 0.4114, 0.0833)
+ .. controls ( 0.4294, 0.0897) and ( 0.4596, 0.1056) .. ( 0.4776, 0.0984)
+ .. controls ( 0.5010, 0.0888) and ( 0.5182, 0.0420) .. ( 0.4925, 0.0231)
+ .. controls ( 0.4698, 0.0064) and ( 0.4500, 0.0299) .. ( 0.3944, 0.0153)
+ .. controls ( 0.4243,-0.0189) and ( 0.4618,-0.0333) .. ( 0.4765,-0.0621)
+ .. controls ( 0.4928,-0.0939) and ( 0.4729,-0.1183) .. ( 0.4881,-0.1406)
+ .. controls ( 0.4977,-0.1549) and ( 0.5241,-0.1630) .. ( 0.5425,-0.1894)
+ .. controls ( 0.5557,-0.2085) and ( 0.5562,-0.2282) .. ( 0.5657,-0.2485)
+ -- ( 0.6122,-0.3251)
+ .. controls ( 0.6335,-0.3720) and ( 0.6160,-0.3973) .. ( 0.6323,-0.4443)
+ .. controls ( 0.6532,-0.5042) and ( 0.6754,-0.5231) .. ( 0.6973,-0.5440)
+ -- ( 0.7289,-0.4899)
+ .. controls ( 0.7138,-0.4739) and ( 0.6992,-0.4579) .. ( 0.6886,-0.4358)
+ -- ( 0.6489,-0.2690)
+ .. controls ( 0.6485,-0.2445) and ( 0.6654,-0.2180) .. ( 0.6598,-0.2002)
+ .. controls ( 0.6522,-0.1752) and ( 0.6202,-0.1899) .. ( 0.5938,-0.1612)
+ .. controls ( 0.5619,-0.1263) and ( 0.5907,-0.0980) .. ( 0.5797,-0.0720)
+ .. controls ( 0.5714,-0.0525) and ( 0.5434,-0.0441) .. ( 0.5374,-0.0184)
+ .. controls ( 0.5319, 0.0056) and ( 0.5522, 0.0300) .. ( 0.5533, 0.0578)
+ .. controls ( 0.5548, 0.0943) and ( 0.4981, 0.1701) .. ( 0.4710, 0.1940)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9001, 0.1862)
+ -- (-0.9386, 0.1201)
+ .. controls (-0.9374, 0.1181) and (-0.9371, 0.1158) .. (-0.9356, 0.1139)
+ .. controls (-0.9242, 0.0996) and (-0.9046, 0.0893) .. (-0.8911, 0.0660)
+ .. controls (-0.8684, 0.0268) and (-0.8960, 0.0297) .. (-0.8592,-0.0296)
+ .. controls (-0.8262,-0.0830) and (-0.8655,-0.1092) .. (-0.7971,-0.1209)
+ -- (-0.7875, 0.0068)
+ -- (-0.8579, 0.1174)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4453, 0.0979)
+ .. controls (-0.4922, 0.0916) and (-0.4988, 0.0347) .. (-0.4759, 0.0116)
+ .. controls (-0.4491,-0.0149) and (-0.4165, 0.0208) .. (-0.3900, 0.0116)
+ .. controls (-0.3555,-0.0011) and (-0.3800,-0.0410) .. (-0.3751,-0.0698)
+ -- (-0.3537,-0.1294)
+ .. controls (-0.3428,-0.1879) and (-0.4042,-0.1777) .. (-0.3801,-0.2656)
+ .. controls (-0.3617,-0.2531) and (-0.3352,-0.2292) .. (-0.3122,-0.2330)
+ .. controls (-0.2845,-0.2375) and (-0.2669,-0.2694) .. (-0.2543,-0.2911)
+ .. controls (-0.2183,-0.3533) and (-0.2004,-0.3613) .. (-0.2184,-0.4358)
+ .. controls (-0.3300,-0.4097) and (-0.2723,-0.5065) .. (-0.2483,-0.5549)
+ -- (-0.2129,-0.6314)
+ .. controls (-0.2017,-0.6508) and (-0.1900,-0.6661) .. (-0.1670,-0.6712)
+ .. controls (-0.1211,-0.6813) and (-0.1100,-0.6527) .. (-0.1163,-0.6145)
+ .. controls (-0.1327,-0.6119) and (-0.1427,-0.6118) .. (-0.1568,-0.6009)
+ .. controls (-0.1780,-0.5845) and (-0.2123,-0.5041) .. (-0.2042,-0.4783)
+ .. controls (-0.1947,-0.4484) and (-0.1575,-0.4121) .. (-0.1333,-0.3932)
+ -- (-0.1527,-0.3251)
+ -- (-0.1588,-0.2656)
+ .. controls (-0.2187,-0.2715) and (-0.2083,-0.2536) .. (-0.2457,-0.2163)
+ .. controls (-0.2684,-0.1935) and (-0.2911,-0.1886) .. (-0.2996,-0.1546)
+ -- (-0.2996,-0.1209)
+ -- (-0.3232,-0.0698)
+ .. controls (-0.3283,-0.0435) and (-0.3124,-0.0260) .. (-0.3175,-0.0041)
+ .. controls (-0.3251, 0.0283) and (-0.3891, 0.0917) .. (-0.4227, 0.0973)
+ .. controls (-0.4311, 0.0987) and (-0.4386, 0.0989) .. (-0.4453, 0.0979)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1163,-0.6145)
+ -- (-0.0812,-0.6009)
+ -- (-0.0509,-0.4868)
+ -- (-0.0567,-0.4528)
+ .. controls (-0.1227,-0.4845) and (-0.1350,-0.5483) .. (-0.1163,-0.6145)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.9165, 0.0573)
+ .. controls ( 0.8982, 0.0512) and ( 0.8800, 0.0260) .. ( 0.8880,-0.0013)
+ .. controls ( 0.8973,-0.0334) and ( 0.9330,-0.0408) .. ( 0.9466,-0.0703)
+ .. controls ( 0.9528,-0.0838) and ( 0.9514,-0.0964) .. ( 0.9506,-0.1091)
+ -- ( 1.0000,-0.0243)
+ .. controls ( 0.9816,-0.0179) and ( 0.9678,-0.0119) .. ( 0.9563, 0.0077)
+ .. controls ( 0.9465, 0.0244) and ( 0.9476, 0.0488) .. ( 0.9340, 0.0564)
+ .. controls ( 0.9288, 0.0593) and ( 0.9227, 0.0593) .. ( 0.9165, 0.0573)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7064, 0.0069)
+ .. controls (-0.7128, 0.0077) and (-0.7187, 0.0075) .. (-0.7237, 0.0061)
+ .. controls (-0.7255, 0.0030) and (-0.7310, 0.0025) .. (-0.7316,-0.0115)
+ .. controls (-0.7321,-0.0230) and (-0.7071,-0.1058) .. (-0.6984,-0.1096)
+ .. controls (-0.6872,-0.1176) and (-0.6721,-0.1116) .. (-0.6609,-0.1096)
+ .. controls (-0.6502,-0.1046) and (-0.6316,-0.0986) .. (-0.6242,-0.0900)
+ .. controls (-0.5901,-0.0507) and (-0.6615, 0.0017) .. (-0.7064, 0.0069)
+ --cycle
+ (-1.0000, 0.0068)
+ -- (-1.0000, 0.0020)
+ -- (-0.9548,-0.0788)
+ .. controls (-0.9170,-0.0310) and (-0.9342,-0.0158) .. (-1.0000, 0.0068)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2643, 0.0054)
+ .. controls (-0.2853,-0.0295) and (-0.2523,-0.0713) .. (-0.2182,-0.0843)
+ .. controls (-0.2024,-0.0902) and (-0.1781,-0.0944) .. (-0.1687,-0.0757)
+ .. controls (-0.1530,-0.0441) and (-0.2378, 0.0095) .. (-0.2643, 0.0054)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6299,-0.0102)
+ .. controls ( 0.6155,-0.0145) and ( 0.6071,-0.0342) .. ( 0.6128,-0.0510)
+ .. controls ( 0.6198,-0.0721) and ( 0.6440,-0.0790) .. ( 0.6606,-0.0986)
+ .. controls ( 0.6738,-0.1143) and ( 0.6761,-0.1328) .. ( 0.6948,-0.1437)
+ .. controls ( 0.7092,-0.1520) and ( 0.7311,-0.1484) .. ( 0.7401,-0.1664)
+ .. controls ( 0.7461,-0.1784) and ( 0.7351,-0.2363) .. ( 0.7348,-0.2570)
+ .. controls ( 0.7336,-0.3524) and ( 0.7289,-0.3324) .. ( 0.7620,-0.4187)
+ .. controls ( 0.7631,-0.4216) and ( 0.7642,-0.4246) .. ( 0.7652,-0.4275)
+ -- ( 0.8003,-0.3672)
+ .. controls ( 0.7976,-0.3636) and ( 0.7942,-0.3606) .. ( 0.7918,-0.3568)
+ .. controls ( 0.7778,-0.3349) and ( 0.7645,-0.2537) .. ( 0.7970,-0.2417)
+ .. controls ( 0.8206,-0.2330) and ( 0.8347,-0.2671) .. ( 0.8432,-0.2822)
+ -- ( 0.8469,-0.2872)
+ -- ( 0.8787,-0.2326)
+ -- ( 0.8594,-0.1993)
+ .. controls ( 0.8496,-0.1847) and ( 0.7996,-0.1314) .. ( 0.7847,-0.1281)
+ .. controls ( 0.7712,-0.1229) and ( 0.7642,-0.1268) .. ( 0.7518,-0.1281)
+ .. controls ( 0.7451,-0.1148) and ( 0.7397,-0.1014) .. ( 0.7293,-0.0886)
+ -- ( 0.6461,-0.0117)
+ .. controls ( 0.6402,-0.0090) and ( 0.6347,-0.0087) .. ( 0.6299,-0.0102)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5178,-0.0844)
+ .. controls (-0.5451,-0.0820) and (-0.5852,-0.0947) .. (-0.5902,-0.1144)
+ .. controls (-0.6007,-0.1557) and (-0.5621,-0.1731) .. (-0.5414,-0.1997)
+ .. controls (-0.5274,-0.2177) and (-0.5229,-0.2355) .. (-0.5044,-0.2525)
+ .. controls (-0.4888,-0.2669) and (-0.4706,-0.2705) .. (-0.4543,-0.2923)
+ .. controls (-0.4420,-0.3087) and (-0.4220,-0.3707) .. (-0.4141,-0.3932)
+ .. controls (-0.3620,-0.3875) and (-0.3060,-0.4031) .. (-0.3060,-0.3592)
+ .. controls (-0.3060,-0.3272) and (-0.3358,-0.3272) .. (-0.3716,-0.3008)
+ .. controls (-0.4367,-0.2529) and (-0.4253,-0.2451) .. (-0.4621,-0.1914)
+ .. controls (-0.4700,-0.1800) and (-0.4814,-0.1685) .. (-0.4867,-0.1556)
+ .. controls (-0.4970,-0.1308) and (-0.4804,-0.1088) .. (-0.4966,-0.0923)
+ .. controls (-0.5011,-0.0877) and (-0.5087,-0.0853) .. (-0.5178,-0.0844)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4165,-0.0846)
+ .. controls (-0.4357,-0.0807) and (-0.4622,-0.1075) .. (-0.4395,-0.1440)
+ .. controls (-0.4316,-0.1566) and (-0.4254,-0.1571) .. (-0.4141,-0.1634)
+ .. controls (-0.4094,-0.1522) and (-0.4042,-0.1415) .. (-0.4019,-0.1294)
+ .. controls (-0.3960,-0.1004) and (-0.4049,-0.0870) .. (-0.4165,-0.0846)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9358,-0.1125)
+ -- (-0.8813,-0.2098)
+ .. controls (-0.8768,-0.1903) and (-0.8656,-0.1673) .. (-0.8723,-0.1485)
+ .. controls (-0.8801,-0.1269) and (-0.9022,-0.1274) .. (-0.9358,-0.1125)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1455,-0.1458)
+ .. controls ( 0.1402,-0.1449) and ( 0.1336,-0.1452) .. ( 0.1255,-0.1471)
+ .. controls ( 0.0901,-0.1850) and ( 0.1064,-0.2454) .. ( 0.1360,-0.2301)
+ .. controls ( 0.1569,-0.2194) and ( 0.1827,-0.1522) .. ( 0.1455,-0.1458)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1477,-0.1474)
+ .. controls (-0.1646,-0.1458) and (-0.1813,-0.1543) .. (-0.1847,-0.1659)
+ .. controls (-0.1889,-0.1806) and (-0.1612,-0.2953) .. (-0.1163,-0.2315)
+ -- (-0.0420,-0.4418)
+ .. controls (-0.0291,-0.4661) and (-0.0068,-0.4600) .. ( 0.0136,-0.4880)
+ .. controls ( 0.0294,-0.5097) and ( 0.0259,-0.5331) .. ( 0.0419,-0.5487)
+ .. controls ( 0.0694,-0.5755) and ( 0.1462,-0.5710) .. ( 0.1798,-0.6001)
+ -- ( 0.2188,-0.6436)
+ .. controls ( 0.2392,-0.6605) and ( 0.2566,-0.6577) .. ( 0.2804,-0.6838)
+ .. controls ( 0.3122,-0.7186) and ( 0.3037,-0.7586) .. ( 0.3603,-0.7592)
+ .. controls ( 0.3537,-0.7217) and ( 0.3358,-0.6781) .. ( 0.3603,-0.6427)
+ .. controls ( 0.3743,-0.6222) and ( 0.3978,-0.6232) .. ( 0.4032,-0.6039)
+ .. controls ( 0.4084,-0.5852) and ( 0.3901,-0.5654) .. ( 0.3712,-0.5741)
+ .. controls ( 0.3573,-0.5804) and ( 0.3558,-0.5936) .. ( 0.3518,-0.6044)
+ .. controls ( 0.3319,-0.6046) and ( 0.2996,-0.6092) .. ( 0.2842,-0.6044)
+ .. controls ( 0.2568,-0.5917) and ( 0.2515,-0.5648) .. ( 0.2231,-0.5501)
+ .. controls ( 0.1960,-0.5359) and ( 0.1632,-0.5421) .. ( 0.1413,-0.5292)
+ -- ( 0.0626,-0.4601)
+ .. controls ( 0.0525,-0.4430) and ( 0.0547,-0.4207) .. ( 0.0440,-0.4065)
+ .. controls ( 0.0320,-0.3906) and ( 0.0076,-0.3898) .. (-0.0104,-0.3714)
+ .. controls (-0.0515,-0.3289) and ( 0.0146,-0.2721) .. (-0.0737,-0.2358)
+ .. controls (-0.0903,-0.2290) and (-0.0917,-0.2313) .. (-0.1098,-0.2315)
+ -- (-0.1098,-0.1892)
+ .. controls (-0.1137,-0.1607) and (-0.1308,-0.1491) .. (-0.1477,-0.1474)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7679,-0.1481)
+ .. controls (-0.8119,-0.1523) and (-0.8157,-0.2051) .. (-0.8303,-0.2401)
+ -- (-0.8453,-0.2740)
+ -- (-0.8299,-0.3015)
+ .. controls (-0.7861,-0.2968) and (-0.8116,-0.2403) .. (-0.7732,-0.2278)
+ .. controls (-0.7561,-0.2223) and (-0.7349,-0.2415) .. (-0.7204,-0.2497)
+ .. controls (-0.6711,-0.2774) and (-0.6473,-0.2864) .. (-0.6524,-0.3506)
+ -- (-0.6787,-0.3422)
+ .. controls (-0.6786,-0.3475) and (-0.6826,-0.3544) .. (-0.6787,-0.3655)
+ .. controls (-0.6635,-0.4244) and (-0.5943,-0.3658) .. (-0.5763,-0.3760)
+ .. controls (-0.5586,-0.3861) and (-0.5497,-0.4251) .. (-0.5357,-0.4418)
+ .. controls (-0.5118,-0.4701) and (-0.4694,-0.4662) .. (-0.4504,-0.5047)
+ .. controls (-0.4231,-0.5599) and (-0.4535,-0.6772) .. (-0.4451,-0.7421)
+ .. controls (-0.4389,-0.7901) and (-0.4023,-0.8005) .. (-0.3912,-0.8443)
+ .. controls (-0.3883,-0.8558) and (-0.3874,-0.8667) .. (-0.3869,-0.8774)
+ -- (-0.3386,-0.8778)
+ .. controls (-0.3371,-0.8645) and (-0.3342,-0.8523) .. (-0.3394,-0.8358)
+ .. controls (-0.3448,-0.8167) and (-0.3914,-0.7567) .. (-0.3962,-0.6996)
+ .. controls (-0.4039,-0.6074) and (-0.3294,-0.5871) .. (-0.3545,-0.4954)
+ -- (-0.3886,-0.5039)
+ -- (-0.4196,-0.4442)
+ -- (-0.4864,-0.4090)
+ -- (-0.5345,-0.3241)
+ -- (-0.6106,-0.2802)
+ -- (-0.6106,-0.1975)
+ .. controls (-0.6301,-0.2027) and (-0.6486,-0.2101) .. (-0.6694,-0.2022)
+ .. controls (-0.7004,-0.1904) and (-0.7133,-0.1559) .. (-0.7464,-0.1495)
+ .. controls (-0.7544,-0.1479) and (-0.7616,-0.1475) .. (-0.7679,-0.1481)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0029,-0.2060)
+ .. controls (-0.0139,-0.2731) and ( 0.0196,-0.2608) .. ( 0.0476,-0.3014)
+ .. controls ( 0.0682,-0.3314) and ( 0.0511,-0.3569) .. ( 0.0750,-0.3784)
+ .. controls ( 0.0974,-0.3988) and ( 0.1304,-0.3876) .. ( 0.1549,-0.4019)
+ .. controls ( 0.1795,-0.4164) and ( 0.1878,-0.4529) .. ( 0.1987,-0.4783)
+ .. controls ( 0.2461,-0.4539) and ( 0.2519,-0.4021) .. ( 0.2180,-0.3618)
+ .. controls ( 0.1964,-0.3362) and ( 0.1652,-0.3426) .. ( 0.1414,-0.3257)
+ .. controls ( 0.1198,-0.3103) and ( 0.1183,-0.2881) .. ( 0.1007,-0.2689)
+ .. controls ( 0.0838,-0.2504) and ( 0.0265,-0.2166) .. ( 0.0029,-0.2060)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2327,-0.2826)
+ .. controls ( 0.1961,-0.2955) and ( 0.1961,-0.3123) .. ( 0.2327,-0.3251)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7548,-0.3137)
+ .. controls (-0.7774,-0.3164) and (-0.7890,-0.3323) .. (-0.7986,-0.3573)
+ -- (-0.7759,-0.3979)
+ .. controls (-0.7735,-0.3968) and (-0.7711,-0.3964) .. (-0.7688,-0.3946)
+ -- (-0.7205,-0.3166)
+ .. controls (-0.7341,-0.3135) and (-0.7454,-0.3126) .. (-0.7548,-0.3137)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4114,-0.3847)
+ .. controls ( 0.4216,-0.4136) and ( 0.4238,-0.4142) .. ( 0.4540,-0.4102)
+ -- ( 0.4540,-0.3932)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5395,-0.3997)
+ .. controls ( 0.5263,-0.3990) and ( 0.5044,-0.4032) .. ( 0.4625,-0.4018)
+ -- ( 0.4780,-0.4954)
+ .. controls ( 0.4757,-0.5287) and ( 0.4518,-0.5542) .. ( 0.4648,-0.5776)
+ .. controls ( 0.4852,-0.6142) and ( 0.5202,-0.5603) .. ( 0.5614,-0.5929)
+ .. controls ( 0.5752,-0.6038) and ( 0.6063,-0.6359) .. ( 0.6275,-0.6638)
+ -- ( 0.6570,-0.6132)
+ .. controls ( 0.6460,-0.6042) and ( 0.6347,-0.5954) .. ( 0.6268,-0.5865)
+ -- ( 0.5937,-0.5346)
+ .. controls ( 0.5648,-0.5023) and ( 0.5031,-0.4880) .. ( 0.5646,-0.4273)
+ .. controls ( 0.5574,-0.4062) and ( 0.5528,-0.4005) .. ( 0.5395,-0.3997)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6609,-0.4273)
+ .. controls (-0.7027,-0.4247) and (-0.7300,-0.4414) .. (-0.7397,-0.4624)
+ -- (-0.7047,-0.5249)
+ .. controls (-0.7013,-0.5263) and (-0.6989,-0.5282) .. (-0.6950,-0.5294)
+ .. controls (-0.6935,-0.4878) and (-0.6933,-0.4806) .. (-0.6609,-0.4528)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5689,-0.4528)
+ .. controls (-0.6368,-0.4677) and (-0.6352,-0.5020) .. (-0.6354,-0.5634)
+ -- (-0.5757,-0.6071)
+ -- (-0.5162,-0.6826)
+ .. controls (-0.5073,-0.6508) and (-0.5037,-0.6125) .. (-0.5241,-0.5838)
+ .. controls (-0.5384,-0.5639) and (-0.5622,-0.5584) .. (-0.5689,-0.5361)
+ .. controls (-0.5775,-0.5167) and (-0.5648,-0.4918) .. (-0.5689,-0.4528)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6354,-0.5634)
+ .. controls (-0.6583,-0.5576) and (-0.6713,-0.5579) .. (-0.6839,-0.5619)
+ -- (-0.6487,-0.6248)
+ .. controls (-0.6395,-0.6053) and (-0.6326,-0.5852) .. (-0.6354,-0.5634)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0056,-0.5890)
+ .. controls (-0.0554,-0.6155) and (-0.0426,-0.6370) .. (-0.0606,-0.6818)
+ -- (-0.1199,-0.7847)
+ .. controls (-0.1298,-0.8015) and (-0.1531,-0.8317) .. (-0.1499,-0.8510)
+ .. controls (-0.1482,-0.8615) and (-0.1397,-0.8702) .. (-0.1295,-0.8795)
+ -- (-0.0507,-0.8802)
+ .. controls (-0.0629,-0.8583) and (-0.0745,-0.8380) .. (-0.0742,-0.8358)
+ .. controls (-0.0792,-0.8239) and (-0.0776,-0.8135) .. (-0.0742,-0.8027)
+ .. controls (-0.0460,-0.7520) and ( 0.0016,-0.7834) .. ( 0.0277,-0.7780)
+ .. controls ( 0.0760,-0.7679) and ( 0.1284,-0.6914) .. ( 0.1207,-0.6405)
+ .. controls ( 0.1150,-0.6017) and ( 0.0841,-0.6082) .. ( 0.0711,-0.6267)
+ .. controls ( 0.0620,-0.6397) and ( 0.0556,-0.7141) .. ( 0.0539,-0.7336)
+ .. controls (-0.0413,-0.7085) and ( 0.0139,-0.6637) .. (-0.0056,-0.5890)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4284,-0.6571)
+ .. controls ( 0.4285,-0.7307) and ( 0.4284,-0.7652) .. ( 0.5135,-0.7336)
+ .. controls ( 0.5170,-0.7469) and ( 0.5220,-0.7585) .. ( 0.5179,-0.7726)
+ .. controls ( 0.5091,-0.8019) and ( 0.4473,-0.8546) .. ( 0.4851,-0.8847)
+ -- ( 0.4987,-0.8848)
+ -- ( 0.5768,-0.7509)
+ .. controls ( 0.5767,-0.7509) and ( 0.5767,-0.7507) .. ( 0.5767,-0.7507)
+ .. controls ( 0.5412,-0.6652) and ( 0.5083,-0.6726) .. ( 0.4284,-0.6571)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2914,-0.6672)
+ .. controls (-0.2998,-0.6666) and (-0.3106,-0.6686) .. (-0.3250,-0.6743)
+ .. controls (-0.3545,-0.7128) and (-0.3081,-0.7358) .. (-0.2850,-0.7678)
+ .. controls (-0.2710,-0.7873) and (-0.2601,-0.8137) .. (-0.2351,-0.8216)
+ .. controls (-0.2083,-0.8301) and (-0.1916,-0.8105) .. (-0.1960,-0.7845)
+ .. controls (-0.2008,-0.7566) and (-0.2232,-0.7418) .. (-0.2396,-0.7216)
+ .. controls (-0.2612,-0.6950) and (-0.2660,-0.6690) .. (-0.2914,-0.6672)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5641,-0.6998)
+ .. controls (-0.5850,-0.6984) and (-0.5808,-0.7367) .. (-0.5766,-0.7507)
+ .. controls (-0.5748,-0.7566) and (-0.5723,-0.7598) .. (-0.5702,-0.7648)
+ -- (-0.5492,-0.8022)
+ .. controls (-0.5310,-0.8247) and (-0.5120,-0.8367) .. (-0.5052,-0.8613)
+ .. controls (-0.5044,-0.8642) and (-0.5062,-0.8717) .. (-0.5063,-0.8763)
+ -- (-0.4585,-0.8767)
+ .. controls (-0.4596,-0.7984) and (-0.5013,-0.7963) .. (-0.5234,-0.7583)
+ .. controls (-0.5344,-0.7394) and (-0.5352,-0.7120) .. (-0.5535,-0.7030)
+ .. controls (-0.5576,-0.7010) and (-0.5611,-0.7000) .. (-0.5641,-0.6998)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1990,-0.7341)
+ .. controls ( 0.1094,-0.7768) and ( 0.2330,-0.8330) .. ( 0.2586,-0.8828)
+ -- ( 0.3183,-0.8833)
+ .. controls ( 0.3165,-0.8684) and ( 0.3066,-0.8565) .. ( 0.2991,-0.8428)
+ .. controls ( 0.2762,-0.8010) and ( 0.2508,-0.7418) .. ( 0.1990,-0.7341)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3603,-0.7592)
+ -- ( 0.3859,-0.8188)
+ .. controls ( 0.4178,-0.7853) and ( 0.4108,-0.7527) .. ( 0.3603,-0.7592)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4369,-0.8443)
+ .. controls ( 0.4147,-0.8480) and ( 0.3837,-0.8661) .. ( 0.3628,-0.8837)
+ -- ( 0.4240,-0.8842)
+ .. controls ( 0.4307,-0.8690) and ( 0.4358,-0.8541) .. ( 0.4369,-0.8443)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3205,-0.8528)
+ -- (-0.3266,-0.8779)
+ -- (-0.2773,-0.8783)
+ .. controls (-0.2800,-0.8719) and (-0.2850,-0.8655) .. (-0.2963,-0.8600)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1093,-0.8568)
+ .. controls ( 0.0964,-0.8568) and ( 0.0834,-0.8587) .. ( 0.0710,-0.8600)
+ .. controls ( 0.0605,-0.8611) and ( 0.0403,-0.8617) .. ( 0.0312,-0.8664)
+ .. controls ( 0.0240,-0.8701) and ( 0.0203,-0.8751) .. ( 0.0184,-0.8808)
+ -- ( 0.1002,-0.8815)
+ -- ( 0.1050,-0.8698)
+ -- ( 0.1085,-0.8815)
+ -- ( 0.1641,-0.8820)
+ .. controls ( 0.1606,-0.8757) and ( 0.1553,-0.8698) .. ( 0.1463,-0.8649)
+ .. controls ( 0.1347,-0.8586) and ( 0.1221,-0.8568) .. ( 0.1093,-0.8568)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/city.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/city.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d373ea19d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/city.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,5138 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/city}
+% And finally a city
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/city/.pic={
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.6475, 0.4068)
+ -- ( 0.7314,-0.0575)
+ -- ( 0.7314,-0.0575)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.3200,-0.0497)
+ -- ( 0.7360,-0.0572)
+ -- ( 0.9222,-0.0903)
+ -- ( 0.7082,-0.4210)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.3828, 0.1855)
+ -- ( 0.0279, 0.1945)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0433, 0.3473)
+ -- ( 0.0217, 0.1444)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.1413, 0.1884)
+ -- ( 0.3369,-0.0066)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.1278, 0.7257)
+ -- (-0.2203, 0.4496)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.1602, 0.6526)
+ -- ( 0.0382, 0.6110)
+ -- (-0.1527, 0.6534)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.1688, 0.6051)
+ -- (-0.4768, 0.7222)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.3602,-0.4159)
+ .. controls ( 0.4139,-0.2355) and ( 0.4139,-0.2352) .. ( 0.4139,-0.2352)
+ -- ( 0.4838,-0.2184)
+ -- ( 0.5251,-0.0570)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.5443,-0.6880)
+ -- ( 0.5887,-0.5618)
+ -- ( 0.4781,-0.4650)
+ -- ( 0.4781,-0.4650)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0671,-0.6564)
+ -- ( 0.2799,-0.7025)
+ -- ( 0.4360,-0.4711)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.2023,-0.8374)
+ -- ( 0.2231,-0.6909)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0433,-0.3639)
+ -- (-0.0931,-0.5036)
+ -- (-0.3798,-0.4049)
+ -- (-0.4436,-0.4630)
+ -- (-0.5468,-0.5027)
+ -- (-0.6442,-0.3540)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.3296,-0.7486)
+ -- (-0.3153,-0.6107)
+ -- (-0.4388,-0.4598)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.3247,-0.6883)
+ -- (-0.0201,-0.7169)
+ -- ( 0.0501,-0.7042)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0616,-0.6541)
+ -- (-0.0427,-0.6505)
+ -- (-0.0229,-0.5387)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0040,-0.2086)
+ -- (-0.1956,-0.1835)
+ -- (-0.2290,-0.2265)
+ -- (-0.5068,-0.1372)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.3396, 0.0437)
+ -- (-0.2201, 0.4506)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0066, 0.8705)
+ -- ( 0.3952, 0.3367)
+ -- ( 0.3885, 0.2021)
+ -- ( 0.3555, 0.1368)
+ -- ( 0.3751, 0.0869)
+ -- ( 0.2511,-0.2014)
+ -- ( 0.1393,-0.4528)
+ -- ( 0.0636,-0.6538)
+ -- ( 0.0063,-0.8731)
+ -- ( 0.0063,-0.8731)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.1775, 0.6355)
+ -- ( 0.4288, 0.7459)
+ -- ( 0.5543, 0.5148)
+ -- ( 0.5543, 0.5148)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.7584, 0.4363)
+ -- ( 0.3946, 0.3369)
+ -- ( 0.3946, 0.3369)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.1428,-0.4540)
+ -- (-0.0329,-0.2925)
+ -- ( 0.0739,-0.0364)
+ -- ( 0.1645,-0.0483)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0723,-0.0367)
+ -- (-0.5150, 0.0791)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.1911,-0.0821)
+ -- (-0.0760, 0.3934)
+ -- (-0.0774, 0.3920)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0439, 0.3452)
+ -- (-0.3449, 0.4978)
+ -- (-0.4614, 0.2954)
+ -- (-0.4614, 0.2954)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.4152, 0.2683)
+ -- (-0.7626, 0.4390)
+ -- (-0.7626, 0.4390)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.5846, 0.3486)
+ -- (-0.8106,-0.1286)
+ -- (-0.7727,-0.2079)
+ -- (-0.7053,-0.1745)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.7161,-0.1542)
+ -- (-0.6166,-0.3381)
+ -- (-0.7630,-0.4349)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.6697,-0.2422)
+ -- (-0.4615,-0.1081)
+ -- (-0.4615,-0.1081)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.2080,-0.3022)
+ -- ( 0.4581,-0.4878)
+ -- ( 0.5919,-0.3695)
+ -- ( 0.7615,-0.4441)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1146, 0.0405)
+ -- ( 0.1598, 0.0323)
+ -- ( 0.1489,-0.0277)
+ -- ( 0.1036,-0.0196)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1146, 0.0405)
+ -- ( 0.1598, 0.0323)
+ -- ( 0.1489,-0.0277)
+ -- ( 0.1036,-0.0196)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0844, 0.4998)
+ -- (-0.0599, 0.4835)
+ -- (-0.0898, 0.4389)
+ -- (-0.1141, 0.4551)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0844, 0.4998)
+ -- (-0.0599, 0.4835)
+ -- (-0.0898, 0.4389)
+ -- (-0.1141, 0.4551)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6143,-0.0454)
+ -- (-0.6005,-0.0196)
+ -- (-0.5531,-0.0447)
+ -- (-0.5668,-0.0707)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6143,-0.0454)
+ -- (-0.6005,-0.0196)
+ -- (-0.5531,-0.0447)
+ -- (-0.5668,-0.0707)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3809,-0.0792)
+ -- (-0.3371,-0.0929)
+ -- (-0.3553,-0.1511)
+ -- (-0.3991,-0.1375)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3809,-0.0792)
+ -- (-0.3371,-0.0929)
+ -- (-0.3553,-0.1511)
+ -- (-0.3991,-0.1375)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5133, 0.1838)
+ -- (-0.4733, 0.1613)
+ -- (-0.5032, 0.1081)
+ -- (-0.5433, 0.1307)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5133, 0.1838)
+ -- (-0.4733, 0.1613)
+ -- (-0.5032, 0.1081)
+ -- (-0.5433, 0.1307)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3878, 0.1398)
+ -- (-0.3421, 0.1442)
+ -- (-0.3362, 0.0834)
+ -- (-0.3819, 0.0790)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3878, 0.1398)
+ -- (-0.3421, 0.1442)
+ -- (-0.3362, 0.0834)
+ -- (-0.3819, 0.0790)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5622, 0.0806)
+ -- (-0.5234, 0.0560)
+ -- (-0.5559, 0.0044)
+ -- (-0.5948, 0.0290)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5622, 0.0806)
+ -- (-0.5234, 0.0560)
+ -- (-0.5559, 0.0044)
+ -- (-0.5948, 0.0290)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6218, 0.1903)
+ -- (-0.6097, 0.2346)
+ -- (-0.5508, 0.2185)
+ -- (-0.5629, 0.1742)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6218, 0.1903)
+ -- (-0.6097, 0.2346)
+ -- (-0.5508, 0.2185)
+ -- (-0.5629, 0.1742)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2884, 0.7423)
+ -- (-0.2596, 0.7372)
+ -- (-0.2691, 0.6843)
+ -- (-0.2980, 0.6895)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2884, 0.7423)
+ -- (-0.2596, 0.7372)
+ -- (-0.2691, 0.6843)
+ -- (-0.2980, 0.6895)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1219, 0.8731)
+ -- ( 0.1475, 0.8350)
+ -- ( 0.0970, 0.8008)
+ -- ( 0.0712, 0.8389)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1219, 0.8731)
+ -- ( 0.1475, 0.8350)
+ -- ( 0.0970, 0.8008)
+ -- ( 0.0712, 0.8389)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3659, 0.5557)
+ -- ( 0.3913, 0.5175)
+ -- ( 0.3405, 0.4837)
+ -- ( 0.3150, 0.5219)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3659, 0.5557)
+ -- ( 0.3913, 0.5175)
+ -- ( 0.3405, 0.4837)
+ -- ( 0.3150, 0.5219)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0626, 0.4298)
+ -- ( 0.0896, 0.4184)
+ -- ( 0.0686, 0.3690)
+ -- ( 0.0416, 0.3804)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0626, 0.4298)
+ -- ( 0.0896, 0.4184)
+ -- ( 0.0686, 0.3690)
+ -- ( 0.0416, 0.3804)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4510,-0.3094)
+ -- (-0.4058,-0.2887)
+ -- (-0.3725,-0.3614)
+ -- (-0.4176,-0.3821)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4510,-0.3094)
+ -- (-0.4058,-0.2887)
+ -- (-0.3725,-0.3614)
+ -- (-0.4176,-0.3821)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5282,-0.1080)
+ -- (-0.5533,-0.0695)
+ -- (-0.5021,-0.0363)
+ -- (-0.4770,-0.0749)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5282,-0.1080)
+ -- (-0.5533,-0.0695)
+ -- (-0.5021,-0.0363)
+ -- (-0.4770,-0.0749)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0108,-0.2602)
+ -- ( 0.0173,-0.2316)
+ -- ( 0.0696,-0.2435)
+ -- ( 0.0632,-0.2721)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0108,-0.2602)
+ -- ( 0.0173,-0.2316)
+ -- ( 0.0696,-0.2435)
+ -- ( 0.0632,-0.2721)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1989, 0.1654)
+ -- (-0.1544, 0.1540)
+ -- (-0.1696, 0.0948)
+ -- (-0.2141, 0.1063)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1989, 0.1654)
+ -- (-0.1544, 0.1540)
+ -- (-0.1696, 0.0948)
+ -- (-0.2141, 0.1063)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0216,-0.0407)
+ -- ( 0.0230,-0.0521)
+ -- ( 0.0078,-0.1112)
+ -- (-0.0368,-0.0997)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0216,-0.0407)
+ -- ( 0.0230,-0.0521)
+ -- ( 0.0078,-0.1112)
+ -- (-0.0368,-0.0997)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1936, 0.5180)
+ -- ( 0.2045, 0.4909)
+ -- ( 0.1547, 0.4709)
+ -- ( 0.1437, 0.4981)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1936, 0.5180)
+ -- ( 0.2045, 0.4909)
+ -- ( 0.1547, 0.4709)
+ -- ( 0.1437, 0.4981)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1903, 0.4858)
+ -- (-0.1678, 0.5258)
+ -- (-0.1146, 0.4960)
+ -- (-0.1371, 0.4559)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1903, 0.4858)
+ -- (-0.1678, 0.5258)
+ -- (-0.1146, 0.4960)
+ -- (-0.1371, 0.4559)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1470, 0.3493)
+ -- ( 0.1689, 0.3567)
+ -- ( 0.1775, 0.3315)
+ -- ( 0.1555, 0.3241)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1470, 0.3493)
+ -- ( 0.1689, 0.3567)
+ -- ( 0.1775, 0.3315)
+ -- ( 0.1555, 0.3241)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1892, 0.2562)
+ -- ( 0.2118, 0.2510)
+ -- ( 0.2058, 0.2251)
+ -- ( 0.1833, 0.2303)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1892, 0.2562)
+ -- ( 0.2118, 0.2510)
+ -- ( 0.2058, 0.2251)
+ -- ( 0.1833, 0.2303)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8016, 0.0292)
+ -- ( 0.8235, 0.0367)
+ -- ( 0.8321, 0.0116)
+ -- ( 0.8103, 0.0040)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8016, 0.0292)
+ -- ( 0.8235, 0.0367)
+ -- ( 0.8321, 0.0116)
+ -- ( 0.8103, 0.0040)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7392, 0.1737)
+ -- ( 0.7609, 0.1816)
+ -- ( 0.7702, 0.1568)
+ -- ( 0.7485, 0.1487)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7392, 0.1737)
+ -- ( 0.7609, 0.1816)
+ -- ( 0.7702, 0.1568)
+ -- ( 0.7485, 0.1487)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3736, 0.7805)
+ -- ( 0.3937, 0.7921)
+ -- ( 0.4071, 0.7691)
+ -- ( 0.3870, 0.7575)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3736, 0.7805)
+ -- ( 0.3937, 0.7921)
+ -- ( 0.4071, 0.7691)
+ -- ( 0.3870, 0.7575)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4808,-0.6251)
+ -- (-0.4706,-0.6459)
+ -- (-0.4946,-0.6576)
+ -- (-0.5047,-0.6368)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4808,-0.6251)
+ -- (-0.4706,-0.6459)
+ -- (-0.4946,-0.6576)
+ -- (-0.5047,-0.6368)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4514,-0.6075)
+ -- (-0.4393,-0.6272)
+ -- (-0.4620,-0.6412)
+ -- (-0.4740,-0.6215)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4514,-0.6075)
+ -- (-0.4393,-0.6272)
+ -- (-0.4620,-0.6412)
+ -- (-0.4740,-0.6215)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2390,-0.7174)
+ -- (-0.2175,-0.7260)
+ -- (-0.2273,-0.7508)
+ -- (-0.2489,-0.7421)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2390,-0.7174)
+ -- (-0.2175,-0.7260)
+ -- (-0.2273,-0.7508)
+ -- (-0.2489,-0.7421)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2386,-0.5506)
+ -- (-0.2108,-0.5598)
+ -- (-0.2277,-0.6108)
+ -- (-0.2555,-0.6015)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2386,-0.5506)
+ -- (-0.2108,-0.5598)
+ -- (-0.2277,-0.6108)
+ -- (-0.2555,-0.6015)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3574, 0.2226)
+ -- (-0.3530, 0.2515)
+ -- (-0.2999, 0.2435)
+ -- (-0.3043, 0.2145)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3574, 0.2226)
+ -- (-0.3530, 0.2515)
+ -- (-0.2999, 0.2435)
+ -- (-0.3043, 0.2145)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3315, 0.3242)
+ -- (-0.3271, 0.3532)
+ -- (-0.2740, 0.3451)
+ -- (-0.2783, 0.3162)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3315, 0.3242)
+ -- (-0.3271, 0.3532)
+ -- (-0.2740, 0.3451)
+ -- (-0.2783, 0.3162)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2256, 0.4895)
+ -- ( 0.2451, 0.4676)
+ -- ( 0.2049, 0.4320)
+ -- ( 0.1854, 0.4539)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2256, 0.4895)
+ -- ( 0.2451, 0.4676)
+ -- ( 0.2049, 0.4320)
+ -- ( 0.1854, 0.4539)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1717, 0.5777)
+ -- ( 0.1903, 0.5551)
+ -- ( 0.1488, 0.5210)
+ -- ( 0.1302, 0.5436)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1717, 0.5777)
+ -- ( 0.1903, 0.5551)
+ -- ( 0.1488, 0.5210)
+ -- ( 0.1302, 0.5436)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0995, 0.2545)
+ -- (-0.0891, 0.2819)
+ -- (-0.0389, 0.2629)
+ -- (-0.0492, 0.2355)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0995, 0.2545)
+ -- (-0.0891, 0.2819)
+ -- (-0.0389, 0.2629)
+ -- (-0.0492, 0.2355)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0828, 0.2371)
+ -- ( 0.0883, 0.2659)
+ -- ( 0.1411, 0.2559)
+ -- ( 0.1357, 0.2271)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0828, 0.2371)
+ -- ( 0.0883, 0.2659)
+ -- ( 0.1411, 0.2559)
+ -- ( 0.1357, 0.2271)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1049, 0.1819)
+ -- (-0.0945, 0.2094)
+ -- (-0.0443, 0.1904)
+ -- (-0.0546, 0.1629)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1049, 0.1819)
+ -- (-0.0945, 0.2094)
+ -- (-0.0443, 0.1904)
+ -- (-0.0546, 0.1629)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0889,-0.0631)
+ -- (-0.0785,-0.0357)
+ -- (-0.0283,-0.0549)
+ -- (-0.0388,-0.0823)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0889,-0.0631)
+ -- (-0.0785,-0.0357)
+ -- (-0.0283,-0.0549)
+ -- (-0.0388,-0.0823)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2282,-0.7907)
+ -- (-0.1823,-0.7907)
+ -- (-0.1823,-0.8518)
+ -- (-0.2282,-0.8518)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2282,-0.7907)
+ -- (-0.1823,-0.7907)
+ -- (-0.1823,-0.8518)
+ -- (-0.2282,-0.8518)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2275,-0.7989)
+ -- ( 0.2734,-0.7989)
+ -- ( 0.2734,-0.8599)
+ -- ( 0.2275,-0.8599)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2275,-0.7989)
+ -- ( 0.2734,-0.7989)
+ -- ( 0.2734,-0.8599)
+ -- ( 0.2275,-0.8599)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2516,-0.7126)
+ -- ( 0.2808,-0.7126)
+ -- ( 0.2808,-0.7663)
+ -- ( 0.2516,-0.7663)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2516,-0.7126)
+ -- ( 0.2808,-0.7126)
+ -- ( 0.2808,-0.7663)
+ -- ( 0.2516,-0.7663)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1669,-0.7129)
+ -- ( 0.1954,-0.7199)
+ -- ( 0.1826,-0.7721)
+ -- ( 0.1542,-0.7650)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1669,-0.7129)
+ -- ( 0.1954,-0.7199)
+ -- ( 0.1826,-0.7721)
+ -- ( 0.1542,-0.7650)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1222,-0.7854)
+ -- ( 0.1514,-0.7854)
+ -- ( 0.1514,-0.8390)
+ -- ( 0.1222,-0.8390)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1222,-0.7854)
+ -- ( 0.1514,-0.7854)
+ -- ( 0.1514,-0.8390)
+ -- ( 0.1222,-0.8390)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3031,-0.7156)
+ -- ( 0.3325,-0.7156)
+ -- ( 0.3325,-0.7693)
+ -- ( 0.3031,-0.7693)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3031,-0.7156)
+ -- ( 0.3325,-0.7156)
+ -- ( 0.3325,-0.7693)
+ -- ( 0.3031,-0.7693)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3574,-0.7174)
+ -- ( 0.3867,-0.7174)
+ -- ( 0.3867,-0.7712)
+ -- ( 0.3574,-0.7712)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3574,-0.7174)
+ -- ( 0.3867,-0.7174)
+ -- ( 0.3867,-0.7712)
+ -- ( 0.3574,-0.7712)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3742,-0.8016)
+ -- ( 0.4036,-0.8016)
+ -- ( 0.4036,-0.8554)
+ -- ( 0.3742,-0.8554)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3742,-0.8016)
+ -- ( 0.4036,-0.8016)
+ -- ( 0.4036,-0.8554)
+ -- ( 0.3742,-0.8554)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4107,-0.8072)
+ -- ( 0.4400,-0.8072)
+ -- ( 0.4400,-0.8610)
+ -- ( 0.4107,-0.8610)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4107,-0.8072)
+ -- ( 0.4400,-0.8072)
+ -- ( 0.4400,-0.8610)
+ -- ( 0.4107,-0.8610)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4612,-0.7886)
+ -- ( 0.4905,-0.7886)
+ -- ( 0.4905,-0.8423)
+ -- ( 0.4612,-0.8423)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4612,-0.7886)
+ -- ( 0.4905,-0.7886)
+ -- ( 0.4905,-0.8423)
+ -- ( 0.4612,-0.8423)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5733,-0.6570)
+ -- ( 0.6007,-0.6675)
+ -- ( 0.5814,-0.7176)
+ -- ( 0.5540,-0.7071)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5733,-0.6570)
+ -- ( 0.6007,-0.6675)
+ -- ( 0.5814,-0.7176)
+ -- ( 0.5540,-0.7071)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6698,-0.4454)
+ -- ( 0.6958,-0.4589)
+ -- ( 0.6710,-0.5065)
+ -- ( 0.6450,-0.4930)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6698,-0.4454)
+ -- ( 0.6958,-0.4589)
+ -- ( 0.6710,-0.5065)
+ -- ( 0.6450,-0.4930)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5789,-0.4658)
+ -- ( 0.6009,-0.4851)
+ -- ( 0.5654,-0.5254)
+ -- ( 0.5434,-0.5061)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5789,-0.4658)
+ -- ( 0.6009,-0.4851)
+ -- ( 0.5654,-0.5254)
+ -- ( 0.5434,-0.5061)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6025,-0.4876)
+ -- ( 0.6259,-0.5054)
+ -- ( 0.5934,-0.5481)
+ -- ( 0.5701,-0.5304)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6025,-0.4876)
+ -- ( 0.6259,-0.5054)
+ -- ( 0.5934,-0.5481)
+ -- ( 0.5701,-0.5304)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6466,-0.5044)
+ -- ( 0.6729,-0.5172)
+ -- ( 0.6493,-0.5654)
+ -- ( 0.6230,-0.5526)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6466,-0.5044)
+ -- ( 0.6729,-0.5172)
+ -- ( 0.6493,-0.5654)
+ -- ( 0.6230,-0.5526)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4854,-0.5939)
+ -- ( 0.5002,-0.5686)
+ -- ( 0.5466,-0.5955)
+ -- ( 0.5320,-0.6208)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4854,-0.5939)
+ -- ( 0.5002,-0.5686)
+ -- ( 0.5466,-0.5955)
+ -- ( 0.5320,-0.6208)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4577,-0.6299)
+ -- ( 0.4750,-0.6063)
+ -- ( 0.5183,-0.6380)
+ -- ( 0.5010,-0.6617)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4577,-0.6299)
+ -- ( 0.4750,-0.6063)
+ -- ( 0.5183,-0.6380)
+ -- ( 0.5010,-0.6617)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4354,-0.6506)
+ -- ( 0.4568,-0.6305)
+ -- ( 0.4935,-0.6697)
+ -- ( 0.4721,-0.6898)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4354,-0.6506)
+ -- ( 0.4568,-0.6305)
+ -- ( 0.4935,-0.6697)
+ -- ( 0.4721,-0.6898)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3580,-0.4631)
+ -- ( 0.3837,-0.4771)
+ -- ( 0.3581,-0.5243)
+ -- ( 0.3323,-0.5103)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3580,-0.4631)
+ -- ( 0.3837,-0.4771)
+ -- ( 0.3581,-0.5243)
+ -- ( 0.3323,-0.5103)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5131,-0.3580)
+ -- ( 0.5345,-0.3780)
+ -- ( 0.4978,-0.4172)
+ -- ( 0.4763,-0.3972)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5131,-0.3580)
+ -- ( 0.5345,-0.3780)
+ -- ( 0.4978,-0.4172)
+ -- ( 0.4763,-0.3972)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2116,-0.3904)
+ -- ( 0.2243,-0.3641)
+ -- ( 0.2726,-0.3875)
+ -- ( 0.2598,-0.4139)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2116,-0.3904)
+ -- ( 0.2243,-0.3641)
+ -- ( 0.2726,-0.3875)
+ -- ( 0.2598,-0.4139)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1786,-0.4343)
+ -- ( 0.1889,-0.4069)
+ -- ( 0.2391,-0.4259)
+ -- ( 0.2289,-0.4532)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1786,-0.4343)
+ -- ( 0.1889,-0.4069)
+ -- ( 0.2391,-0.4259)
+ -- ( 0.2289,-0.4532)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1647,-0.4763)
+ -- ( 0.1772,-0.4497)
+ -- ( 0.2258,-0.4725)
+ -- ( 0.2134,-0.4990)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1647,-0.4763)
+ -- ( 0.1772,-0.4497)
+ -- ( 0.2258,-0.4725)
+ -- ( 0.2134,-0.4990)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2335,-0.5197)
+ -- ( 0.2460,-0.4932)
+ -- ( 0.2946,-0.5160)
+ -- ( 0.2821,-0.5425)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2335,-0.5197)
+ -- ( 0.2460,-0.4932)
+ -- ( 0.2946,-0.5160)
+ -- ( 0.2821,-0.5425)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2832,-0.4218)
+ -- ( 0.2956,-0.3952)
+ -- ( 0.3443,-0.4180)
+ -- ( 0.3318,-0.4445)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2832,-0.4218)
+ -- ( 0.2956,-0.3952)
+ -- ( 0.3443,-0.4180)
+ -- ( 0.3318,-0.4445)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2064,-0.6136)
+ -- ( 0.2189,-0.5871)
+ -- ( 0.2675,-0.6099)
+ -- ( 0.2551,-0.6364)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2064,-0.6136)
+ -- ( 0.2189,-0.5871)
+ -- ( 0.2675,-0.6099)
+ -- ( 0.2551,-0.6364)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1443,-0.5195)
+ -- ( 0.1550,-0.4922)
+ -- ( 0.2050,-0.5120)
+ -- ( 0.1942,-0.5392)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1443,-0.5195)
+ -- ( 0.1550,-0.4922)
+ -- ( 0.2050,-0.5120)
+ -- ( 0.1942,-0.5392)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3128,-0.5333)
+ -- ( 0.3394,-0.5455)
+ -- ( 0.3173,-0.5943)
+ -- ( 0.2906,-0.5823)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3128,-0.5333)
+ -- ( 0.3394,-0.5455)
+ -- ( 0.3173,-0.5943)
+ -- ( 0.2906,-0.5823)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1781,-0.6526)
+ -- ( 0.1883,-0.6250)
+ -- ( 0.2386,-0.6435)
+ -- ( 0.2286,-0.6710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1781,-0.6526)
+ -- ( 0.1883,-0.6250)
+ -- ( 0.2386,-0.6435)
+ -- ( 0.2286,-0.6710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0147,-0.5695)
+ -- ( 0.0238,-0.5417)
+ -- ( 0.0749,-0.5582)
+ -- ( 0.0658,-0.5861)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0147,-0.5695)
+ -- ( 0.0238,-0.5417)
+ -- ( 0.0749,-0.5582)
+ -- ( 0.0658,-0.5861)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0205,-0.5124)
+ -- ( 0.0287,-0.4843)
+ -- ( 0.0803,-0.4994)
+ -- ( 0.0720,-0.5275)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0205,-0.5124)
+ -- ( 0.0287,-0.4843)
+ -- ( 0.0803,-0.4994)
+ -- ( 0.0720,-0.5275)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0719,-0.6560)
+ -- (-0.0678,-0.6849)
+ -- (-0.1209,-0.6925)
+ -- (-0.1250,-0.6635)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0719,-0.6560)
+ -- (-0.0678,-0.6849)
+ -- (-0.1209,-0.6925)
+ -- (-0.1250,-0.6635)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1330,-0.6411)
+ -- (-0.1375,-0.6700)
+ -- (-0.1906,-0.6618)
+ -- (-0.1861,-0.6329)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1330,-0.6411)
+ -- (-0.1375,-0.6700)
+ -- (-0.1906,-0.6618)
+ -- (-0.1861,-0.6329)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0334,-0.7381)
+ -- (-0.0042,-0.7381)
+ -- (-0.0042,-0.7917)
+ -- (-0.0334,-0.7917)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0334,-0.7381)
+ -- (-0.0042,-0.7381)
+ -- (-0.0042,-0.7917)
+ -- (-0.0334,-0.7917)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0998,-0.7315)
+ -- (-0.0706,-0.7315)
+ -- (-0.0706,-0.7852)
+ -- (-0.0998,-0.7852)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0998,-0.7315)
+ -- (-0.0706,-0.7315)
+ -- (-0.0706,-0.7852)
+ -- (-0.0998,-0.7852)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2018,-0.7234)
+ -- (-0.1730,-0.7180)
+ -- (-0.1631,-0.7708)
+ -- (-0.1919,-0.7762)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2018,-0.7234)
+ -- (-0.1730,-0.7180)
+ -- (-0.1631,-0.7708)
+ -- (-0.1919,-0.7762)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2956,-0.7184)
+ -- (-0.2667,-0.7229)
+ -- (-0.2750,-0.7760)
+ -- (-0.3039,-0.7714)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2956,-0.7184)
+ -- (-0.2667,-0.7229)
+ -- (-0.2750,-0.7760)
+ -- (-0.3039,-0.7714)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1661,-0.8014)
+ -- (-0.1372,-0.8060)
+ -- (-0.1454,-0.8590)
+ -- (-0.1744,-0.8545)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1661,-0.8014)
+ -- (-0.1372,-0.8060)
+ -- (-0.1454,-0.8590)
+ -- (-0.1744,-0.8545)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1269,-0.8074)
+ -- (-0.0977,-0.8054)
+ -- (-0.0940,-0.8590)
+ -- (-0.1232,-0.8610)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1269,-0.8074)
+ -- (-0.0977,-0.8054)
+ -- (-0.0940,-0.8590)
+ -- (-0.1232,-0.8610)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2787,-0.7975)
+ -- (-0.2495,-0.7956)
+ -- (-0.2459,-0.8492)
+ -- (-0.2751,-0.8511)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2787,-0.7975)
+ -- (-0.2495,-0.7956)
+ -- (-0.2459,-0.8492)
+ -- (-0.2751,-0.8511)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3966,-0.5592)
+ -- (-0.3802,-0.5834)
+ -- (-0.4246,-0.6135)
+ -- (-0.4411,-0.5892)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3966,-0.5592)
+ -- (-0.3802,-0.5834)
+ -- (-0.4246,-0.6135)
+ -- (-0.4411,-0.5892)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4189,-0.5000)
+ -- (-0.4033,-0.5248)
+ -- (-0.4488,-0.5534)
+ -- (-0.4644,-0.5286)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4189,-0.5000)
+ -- (-0.4033,-0.5248)
+ -- (-0.4488,-0.5534)
+ -- (-0.4644,-0.5286)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3561,-0.4332)
+ -- (-0.3310,-0.4483)
+ -- (-0.3586,-0.4944)
+ -- (-0.3837,-0.4793)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3561,-0.4332)
+ -- (-0.3310,-0.4483)
+ -- (-0.3586,-0.4944)
+ -- (-0.3837,-0.4793)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3120,-0.4787)
+ -- (-0.2896,-0.4976)
+ -- (-0.3241,-0.5386)
+ -- (-0.3466,-0.5198)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3120,-0.4787)
+ -- (-0.2896,-0.4976)
+ -- (-0.3241,-0.5386)
+ -- (-0.3466,-0.5198)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2660,-0.5113)
+ -- (-0.2456,-0.5323)
+ -- (-0.2840,-0.5697)
+ -- (-0.3045,-0.5487)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2660,-0.5113)
+ -- (-0.2456,-0.5323)
+ -- (-0.2840,-0.5697)
+ -- (-0.3045,-0.5487)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3939,-0.2212)
+ -- (-0.3666,-0.2319)
+ -- (-0.3863,-0.2819)
+ -- (-0.4135,-0.2712)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3939,-0.2212)
+ -- (-0.3666,-0.2319)
+ -- (-0.3863,-0.2819)
+ -- (-0.4135,-0.2712)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3038,-0.2403)
+ -- (-0.2765,-0.2509)
+ -- (-0.2961,-0.3010)
+ -- (-0.3234,-0.2902)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3038,-0.2403)
+ -- (-0.2765,-0.2509)
+ -- (-0.2961,-0.3010)
+ -- (-0.3234,-0.2902)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3532,-0.2251)
+ -- (-0.3255,-0.2346)
+ -- (-0.3428,-0.2854)
+ -- (-0.3705,-0.2760)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3532,-0.2251)
+ -- (-0.3255,-0.2346)
+ -- (-0.3428,-0.2854)
+ -- (-0.3705,-0.2760)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3482,-0.3198)
+ -- (-0.3204,-0.3293)
+ -- (-0.3377,-0.3801)
+ -- (-0.3655,-0.3706)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3482,-0.3198)
+ -- (-0.3204,-0.3293)
+ -- (-0.3377,-0.3801)
+ -- (-0.3655,-0.3706)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5006,-0.1767)
+ -- (-0.4737,-0.1885)
+ -- (-0.4953,-0.2376)
+ -- (-0.5221,-0.2258)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5006,-0.1767)
+ -- (-0.4737,-0.1885)
+ -- (-0.4953,-0.2376)
+ -- (-0.5221,-0.2258)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5739,-0.2312)
+ -- (-0.5595,-0.2568)
+ -- (-0.6065,-0.2830)
+ -- (-0.6207,-0.2575)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5739,-0.2312)
+ -- (-0.5595,-0.2568)
+ -- (-0.6065,-0.2830)
+ -- (-0.6207,-0.2575)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5929,-0.3943)
+ -- (-0.5696,-0.3765)
+ -- (-0.5369,-0.4192)
+ -- (-0.5602,-0.4370)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5929,-0.3943)
+ -- (-0.5696,-0.3765)
+ -- (-0.5369,-0.4192)
+ -- (-0.5602,-0.4370)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5005,-0.3312)
+ -- (-0.4775,-0.3129)
+ -- (-0.4441,-0.3550)
+ -- (-0.4670,-0.3733)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5005,-0.3312)
+ -- (-0.4775,-0.3129)
+ -- (-0.4441,-0.3550)
+ -- (-0.4670,-0.3733)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5523,-0.3618)
+ -- (-0.5293,-0.3436)
+ -- (-0.4960,-0.3857)
+ -- (-0.5189,-0.4038)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5523,-0.3618)
+ -- (-0.5293,-0.3436)
+ -- (-0.4960,-0.3857)
+ -- (-0.5189,-0.4038)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4383,-0.3880)
+ -- (-0.4249,-0.4140)
+ -- (-0.4726,-0.4386)
+ -- (-0.4861,-0.4126)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4383,-0.3880)
+ -- (-0.4249,-0.4140)
+ -- (-0.4726,-0.4386)
+ -- (-0.4861,-0.4126)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6626,-0.4293)
+ -- (-0.6510,-0.4562)
+ -- (-0.7003,-0.4775)
+ -- (-0.7119,-0.4506)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6626,-0.4293)
+ -- (-0.6510,-0.4562)
+ -- (-0.7003,-0.4775)
+ -- (-0.7119,-0.4506)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6449,-0.4759)
+ -- (-0.6280,-0.4998)
+ -- (-0.6717,-0.5309)
+ -- (-0.6887,-0.5069)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6449,-0.4759)
+ -- (-0.6280,-0.4998)
+ -- (-0.6717,-0.5309)
+ -- (-0.6887,-0.5069)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5766,-0.5683)
+ -- (-0.5643,-0.5948)
+ -- (-0.6130,-0.6174)
+ -- (-0.6254,-0.5909)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5766,-0.5683)
+ -- (-0.5643,-0.5948)
+ -- (-0.6130,-0.6174)
+ -- (-0.6254,-0.5909)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4733,-0.5728)
+ -- (-0.4590,-0.5983)
+ -- (-0.5061,-0.6244)
+ -- (-0.5202,-0.5988)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4733,-0.5728)
+ -- (-0.4590,-0.5983)
+ -- (-0.5061,-0.6244)
+ -- (-0.5202,-0.5988)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4272,-0.6520)
+ -- (-0.4128,-0.6774)
+ -- (-0.4595,-0.7039)
+ -- (-0.4740,-0.6785)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4272,-0.6520)
+ -- (-0.4128,-0.6774)
+ -- (-0.4595,-0.7039)
+ -- (-0.4740,-0.6785)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5374,-0.6782)
+ -- (-0.5236,-0.7040)
+ -- (-0.5710,-0.7292)
+ -- (-0.5848,-0.7034)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5374,-0.6782)
+ -- (-0.5236,-0.7040)
+ -- (-0.5710,-0.7292)
+ -- (-0.5848,-0.7034)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5214,-0.7131)
+ -- (-0.5038,-0.7365)
+ -- (-0.5468,-0.7687)
+ -- (-0.5644,-0.7453)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5214,-0.7131)
+ -- (-0.5038,-0.7365)
+ -- (-0.5468,-0.7687)
+ -- (-0.5644,-0.7453)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2847,-0.1917)
+ -- ( 0.2954,-0.1644)
+ -- ( 0.3454,-0.1841)
+ -- ( 0.3347,-0.2114)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2847,-0.1917)
+ -- ( 0.2954,-0.1644)
+ -- ( 0.3454,-0.1841)
+ -- ( 0.3347,-0.2114)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2692,-0.2397)
+ -- ( 0.2775,-0.2116)
+ -- ( 0.3291,-0.2268)
+ -- ( 0.3208,-0.2548)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2692,-0.2397)
+ -- ( 0.2775,-0.2116)
+ -- ( 0.3291,-0.2268)
+ -- ( 0.3208,-0.2548)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2587,-0.2944)
+ -- ( 0.2585,-0.2651)
+ -- ( 0.3123,-0.2648)
+ -- ( 0.3125,-0.2941)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2587,-0.2944)
+ -- ( 0.2585,-0.2651)
+ -- ( 0.3123,-0.2648)
+ -- ( 0.3125,-0.2941)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1269,-0.2581)
+ -- ( 0.1359,-0.2303)
+ -- ( 0.1871,-0.2468)
+ -- ( 0.1780,-0.2746)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1269,-0.2581)
+ -- ( 0.1359,-0.2303)
+ -- ( 0.1871,-0.2468)
+ -- ( 0.1780,-0.2746)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1127,-0.3153)
+ -- ( 0.1232,-0.2880)
+ -- ( 0.1733,-0.3074)
+ -- ( 0.1626,-0.3348)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1127,-0.3153)
+ -- ( 0.1232,-0.2880)
+ -- ( 0.1733,-0.3074)
+ -- ( 0.1626,-0.3348)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1928,-0.0951)
+ -- ( 0.2055,-0.0687)
+ -- ( 0.2539,-0.0920)
+ -- ( 0.2412,-0.1184)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1928,-0.0951)
+ -- ( 0.2055,-0.0687)
+ -- ( 0.2539,-0.0920)
+ -- ( 0.2412,-0.1184)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2202,-0.0375)
+ -- ( 0.2335,-0.0113)
+ -- ( 0.2814,-0.0356)
+ -- ( 0.2682,-0.0617)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2202,-0.0375)
+ -- ( 0.2335,-0.0113)
+ -- ( 0.2814,-0.0356)
+ -- ( 0.2682,-0.0617)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2582, 0.0509)
+ -- ( 0.2736, 0.0259)
+ -- ( 0.2278,-0.0022)
+ -- ( 0.2125, 0.0227)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2582, 0.0509)
+ -- ( 0.2736, 0.0259)
+ -- ( 0.2278,-0.0022)
+ -- ( 0.2125, 0.0227)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2111, 0.0849)
+ -- ( 0.2307, 0.0632)
+ -- ( 0.1908, 0.0273)
+ -- ( 0.1712, 0.0490)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2111, 0.0849)
+ -- ( 0.2307, 0.0632)
+ -- ( 0.1908, 0.0273)
+ -- ( 0.1712, 0.0490)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1776, 0.1187)
+ -- ( 0.1982, 0.0978)
+ -- ( 0.1599, 0.0601)
+ -- ( 0.1394, 0.0810)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1776, 0.1187)
+ -- ( 0.1982, 0.0978)
+ -- ( 0.1599, 0.0601)
+ -- ( 0.1394, 0.0810)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2760, 0.3987)
+ -- ( 0.2946, 0.3760)
+ -- ( 0.2531, 0.3420)
+ -- ( 0.2345, 0.3646)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2760, 0.3987)
+ -- ( 0.2946, 0.3760)
+ -- ( 0.2531, 0.3420)
+ -- ( 0.2345, 0.3646)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3226, 0.3543)
+ -- ( 0.3420, 0.3323)
+ -- ( 0.3018, 0.2967)
+ -- ( 0.2824, 0.3185)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3226, 0.3543)
+ -- ( 0.3420, 0.3323)
+ -- ( 0.3018, 0.2967)
+ -- ( 0.2824, 0.3185)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2277, 0.3599)
+ -- (-0.2171, 0.3872)
+ -- (-0.1671, 0.3676)
+ -- (-0.1777, 0.3404)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2277, 0.3599)
+ -- (-0.2171, 0.3872)
+ -- (-0.1671, 0.3676)
+ -- (-0.1777, 0.3404)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1722, 0.5368)
+ -- (-0.1616, 0.5642)
+ -- (-0.1116, 0.5446)
+ -- (-0.1223, 0.5174)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1722, 0.5368)
+ -- (-0.1616, 0.5642)
+ -- (-0.1116, 0.5446)
+ -- (-0.1223, 0.5174)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2400, 0.3081)
+ -- (-0.2307, 0.3359)
+ -- (-0.1797, 0.3189)
+ -- (-0.1890, 0.2912)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2400, 0.3081)
+ -- (-0.2307, 0.3359)
+ -- (-0.1797, 0.3189)
+ -- (-0.1890, 0.2912)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2735, 0.1997)
+ -- (-0.2631, 0.2270)
+ -- (-0.2129, 0.2080)
+ -- (-0.2233, 0.1807)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2735, 0.1997)
+ -- (-0.2631, 0.2270)
+ -- (-0.2129, 0.2080)
+ -- (-0.2233, 0.1807)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3047, 0.1045)
+ -- (-0.2975, 0.1329)
+ -- (-0.2455, 0.1200)
+ -- (-0.2525, 0.0915)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3047, 0.1045)
+ -- (-0.2975, 0.1329)
+ -- (-0.2455, 0.1200)
+ -- (-0.2525, 0.0915)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1406, 0.3596)
+ -- (-0.1136, 0.3482)
+ -- (-0.1345, 0.2988)
+ -- (-0.1615, 0.3102)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1406, 0.3596)
+ -- (-0.1136, 0.3482)
+ -- (-0.1345, 0.2988)
+ -- (-0.1615, 0.3102)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0597, 0.5878)
+ -- (-0.0327, 0.5763)
+ -- (-0.0536, 0.5269)
+ -- (-0.0806, 0.5383)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0597, 0.5878)
+ -- (-0.0327, 0.5763)
+ -- (-0.0536, 0.5269)
+ -- (-0.0806, 0.5383)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0206, 0.5864)
+ -- ( 0.0064, 0.5749)
+ -- (-0.0146, 0.5255)
+ -- (-0.0416, 0.5369)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0206, 0.5864)
+ -- ( 0.0064, 0.5749)
+ -- (-0.0146, 0.5255)
+ -- (-0.0416, 0.5369)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1653, 0.2738)
+ -- (-0.1360, 0.2738)
+ -- (-0.1360, 0.2200)
+ -- (-0.1653, 0.2200)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1653, 0.2738)
+ -- (-0.1360, 0.2738)
+ -- (-0.1360, 0.2200)
+ -- (-0.1653, 0.2200)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1782, 0.2207)
+ -- (-0.1501, 0.2122)
+ -- (-0.1657, 0.1608)
+ -- (-0.1937, 0.1693)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1782, 0.2207)
+ -- (-0.1501, 0.2122)
+ -- (-0.1657, 0.1608)
+ -- (-0.1937, 0.1693)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2343, 0.0622)
+ -- (-0.2239, 0.0896)
+ -- (-0.1737, 0.0706)
+ -- (-0.1840, 0.0432)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2343, 0.0622)
+ -- (-0.2239, 0.0896)
+ -- (-0.1737, 0.0706)
+ -- (-0.1840, 0.0432)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1289, 0.0933)
+ -- (-0.1186, 0.1207)
+ -- (-0.0683, 0.1017)
+ -- (-0.0787, 0.0743)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1289, 0.0933)
+ -- (-0.1186, 0.1207)
+ -- (-0.0683, 0.1017)
+ -- (-0.0787, 0.0743)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2223, 0.7399)
+ -- ( 0.2483, 0.7532)
+ -- ( 0.2727, 0.7054)
+ -- ( 0.2467, 0.6920)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2223, 0.7399)
+ -- ( 0.2483, 0.7532)
+ -- ( 0.2727, 0.7054)
+ -- ( 0.2467, 0.6920)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5440, 0.7476)
+ -- ( 0.5576, 0.7217)
+ -- ( 0.5102, 0.6965)
+ -- ( 0.4965, 0.7224)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5440, 0.7476)
+ -- ( 0.5576, 0.7217)
+ -- ( 0.5102, 0.6965)
+ -- ( 0.4965, 0.7224)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5919, 0.6377)
+ -- ( 0.6068, 0.6125)
+ -- ( 0.5604, 0.5853)
+ -- ( 0.5456, 0.6106)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5919, 0.6377)
+ -- ( 0.6068, 0.6125)
+ -- ( 0.5604, 0.5853)
+ -- ( 0.5456, 0.6106)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6224, 0.5979)
+ -- ( 0.6382, 0.5732)
+ -- ( 0.5930, 0.5443)
+ -- ( 0.5772, 0.5690)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6224, 0.5979)
+ -- ( 0.6382, 0.5732)
+ -- ( 0.5930, 0.5443)
+ -- ( 0.5772, 0.5690)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4104, 0.6743)
+ -- ( 0.4255, 0.6491)
+ -- ( 0.3795, 0.6215)
+ -- ( 0.3644, 0.6466)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4104, 0.6743)
+ -- ( 0.4255, 0.6491)
+ -- ( 0.3795, 0.6215)
+ -- ( 0.3644, 0.6466)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4437, 0.6203)
+ -- ( 0.4592, 0.5954)
+ -- ( 0.4136, 0.5671)
+ -- ( 0.3981, 0.5918)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4437, 0.6203)
+ -- ( 0.4592, 0.5954)
+ -- ( 0.4136, 0.5671)
+ -- ( 0.3981, 0.5918)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5275, 0.4892)
+ -- ( 0.5449, 0.4656)
+ -- ( 0.5018, 0.4337)
+ -- ( 0.4844, 0.4571)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5275, 0.4892)
+ -- ( 0.5449, 0.4656)
+ -- ( 0.5018, 0.4337)
+ -- ( 0.4844, 0.4571)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2900, 0.6234)
+ -- ( 0.3087, 0.6008)
+ -- ( 0.2671, 0.5666)
+ -- ( 0.2485, 0.5892)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2900, 0.6234)
+ -- ( 0.3087, 0.6008)
+ -- ( 0.2671, 0.5666)
+ -- ( 0.2485, 0.5892)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3295, 0.5855)
+ -- ( 0.3477, 0.5626)
+ -- ( 0.3058, 0.5291)
+ -- ( 0.2875, 0.5519)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3295, 0.5855)
+ -- ( 0.3477, 0.5626)
+ -- ( 0.3058, 0.5291)
+ -- ( 0.2875, 0.5519)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3915, 0.5035)
+ -- ( 0.4098, 0.4807)
+ -- ( 0.3680, 0.4471)
+ -- ( 0.3497, 0.4699)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3915, 0.5035)
+ -- ( 0.4098, 0.4807)
+ -- ( 0.3680, 0.4471)
+ -- ( 0.3497, 0.4699)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4274, 0.4691)
+ -- ( 0.4472, 0.4474)
+ -- ( 0.4075, 0.4112)
+ -- ( 0.3878, 0.4327)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4274, 0.4691)
+ -- ( 0.4472, 0.4474)
+ -- ( 0.4075, 0.4112)
+ -- ( 0.3878, 0.4327)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0465, 0.7243)
+ -- ( 0.0751, 0.7305)
+ -- ( 0.0864, 0.6779)
+ -- ( 0.0578, 0.6717)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0465, 0.7243)
+ -- ( 0.0751, 0.7305)
+ -- ( 0.0864, 0.6779)
+ -- ( 0.0578, 0.6717)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0312, 0.7116)
+ -- (-0.0338, 0.7407)
+ -- ( 0.0197, 0.7456)
+ -- ( 0.0223, 0.7164)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0312, 0.7116)
+ -- (-0.0338, 0.7407)
+ -- ( 0.0197, 0.7456)
+ -- ( 0.0223, 0.7164)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1044, 0.7143)
+ -- (-0.1084, 0.7434)
+ -- (-0.0552, 0.7507)
+ -- (-0.0512, 0.7216)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1044, 0.7143)
+ -- (-0.1084, 0.7434)
+ -- (-0.0552, 0.7507)
+ -- (-0.0512, 0.7216)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1250, 0.6753)
+ -- (-0.1169, 0.7034)
+ -- (-0.0653, 0.6887)
+ -- (-0.0733, 0.6605)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1250, 0.6753)
+ -- (-0.1169, 0.7034)
+ -- (-0.0653, 0.6887)
+ -- (-0.0733, 0.6605)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2293, 0.7263)
+ -- (-0.2016, 0.7170)
+ -- (-0.2185, 0.6660)
+ -- (-0.2463, 0.6753)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2293, 0.7263)
+ -- (-0.2016, 0.7170)
+ -- (-0.2185, 0.6660)
+ -- (-0.2463, 0.6753)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4164, 0.8019)
+ -- (-0.3886, 0.7926)
+ -- (-0.4056, 0.7417)
+ -- (-0.4335, 0.7510)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4164, 0.8019)
+ -- (-0.3886, 0.7926)
+ -- (-0.4056, 0.7417)
+ -- (-0.4335, 0.7510)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3769, 0.7827)
+ -- (-0.3486, 0.7746)
+ -- (-0.3636, 0.7230)
+ -- (-0.3918, 0.7311)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3769, 0.7827)
+ -- (-0.3486, 0.7746)
+ -- (-0.3636, 0.7230)
+ -- (-0.3918, 0.7311)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2690, 0.8085)
+ -- (-0.2696, 0.8379)
+ -- (-0.2159, 0.8389)
+ -- (-0.2153, 0.8097)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2690, 0.8085)
+ -- (-0.2696, 0.8379)
+ -- (-0.2159, 0.8389)
+ -- (-0.2153, 0.8097)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0864, 0.8532)
+ -- (-0.0767, 0.8256)
+ -- (-0.1273, 0.8076)
+ -- (-0.1371, 0.8352)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0864, 0.8532)
+ -- (-0.0767, 0.8256)
+ -- (-0.1273, 0.8076)
+ -- (-0.1371, 0.8352)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3699, 0.6041)
+ -- (-0.3425, 0.5939)
+ -- (-0.3609, 0.5436)
+ -- (-0.3885, 0.5537)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3699, 0.6041)
+ -- (-0.3425, 0.5939)
+ -- (-0.3609, 0.5436)
+ -- (-0.3885, 0.5537)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4770, 0.6412)
+ -- (-0.4500, 0.6299)
+ -- (-0.4707, 0.5804)
+ -- (-0.4978, 0.5918)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4770, 0.6412)
+ -- (-0.4500, 0.6299)
+ -- (-0.4707, 0.5804)
+ -- (-0.4978, 0.5918)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4348, 0.4860)
+ -- (-0.4060, 0.4806)
+ -- (-0.4159, 0.4278)
+ -- (-0.4447, 0.4332)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4348, 0.4860)
+ -- (-0.4060, 0.4806)
+ -- (-0.4159, 0.4278)
+ -- (-0.4447, 0.4332)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4771, 0.4952)
+ -- (-0.4520, 0.4800)
+ -- (-0.4799, 0.4341)
+ -- (-0.5050, 0.4493)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4771, 0.4952)
+ -- (-0.4520, 0.4800)
+ -- (-0.4799, 0.4341)
+ -- (-0.5050, 0.4493)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5175, 0.4232)
+ -- (-0.4917, 0.4092)
+ -- (-0.5176, 0.3620)
+ -- (-0.5433, 0.3761)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5175, 0.4232)
+ -- (-0.4917, 0.4092)
+ -- (-0.5176, 0.3620)
+ -- (-0.5433, 0.3761)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5739, 0.5614)
+ -- (-0.5487, 0.5464)
+ -- (-0.5762, 0.5003)
+ -- (-0.6013, 0.5152)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5739, 0.5614)
+ -- (-0.5487, 0.5464)
+ -- (-0.5762, 0.5003)
+ -- (-0.6013, 0.5152)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6244, 0.4780)
+ -- (-0.5977, 0.4661)
+ -- (-0.6195, 0.4170)
+ -- (-0.6463, 0.4289)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6244, 0.4780)
+ -- (-0.5977, 0.4661)
+ -- (-0.6195, 0.4170)
+ -- (-0.6463, 0.4289)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6236, 0.1401)
+ -- (-0.6192, 0.1691)
+ -- (-0.5661, 0.1611)
+ -- (-0.5705, 0.1321)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6236, 0.1401)
+ -- (-0.6192, 0.1691)
+ -- (-0.5661, 0.1611)
+ -- (-0.5705, 0.1321)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3872, 0.3590)
+ -- (-0.3829, 0.3880)
+ -- (-0.3297, 0.3800)
+ -- (-0.3341, 0.3510)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3872, 0.3590)
+ -- (-0.3829, 0.3880)
+ -- (-0.3297, 0.3800)
+ -- (-0.3341, 0.3510)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6525, 0.1021)
+ -- (-0.6404, 0.1288)
+ -- (-0.5915, 0.1066)
+ -- (-0.6036, 0.0799)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6525, 0.1021)
+ -- (-0.6404, 0.1288)
+ -- (-0.5915, 0.1066)
+ -- (-0.6036, 0.0799)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4323, 0.3237)
+ -- (-0.4202, 0.3503)
+ -- (-0.3713, 0.3280)
+ -- (-0.3834, 0.3014)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4323, 0.3237)
+ -- (-0.4202, 0.3503)
+ -- (-0.3713, 0.3280)
+ -- (-0.3834, 0.3014)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3470, 0.2846)
+ -- (-0.3349, 0.3113)
+ -- (-0.2859, 0.2891)
+ -- (-0.2981, 0.2624)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3470, 0.2846)
+ -- (-0.3349, 0.3113)
+ -- (-0.2859, 0.2891)
+ -- (-0.2981, 0.2624)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3053, 0.3741)
+ -- (-0.2932, 0.4008)
+ -- (-0.2443, 0.3786)
+ -- (-0.2564, 0.3519)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3053, 0.3741)
+ -- (-0.2932, 0.4008)
+ -- (-0.2443, 0.3786)
+ -- (-0.2564, 0.3519)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6751, 0.0465)
+ -- (-0.6666, 0.0746)
+ -- (-0.6152, 0.0590)
+ -- (-0.6237, 0.0310)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6751, 0.0465)
+ -- (-0.6666, 0.0746)
+ -- (-0.6152, 0.0590)
+ -- (-0.6237, 0.0310)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7316,-0.0595)
+ -- (-0.7215,-0.0320)
+ -- (-0.6711,-0.0505)
+ -- (-0.6812,-0.0780)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7316,-0.0595)
+ -- (-0.7215,-0.0320)
+ -- (-0.6711,-0.0505)
+ -- (-0.6812,-0.0780)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7748,-0.1355)
+ -- (-0.7629,-0.1088)
+ -- (-0.7138,-0.1305)
+ -- (-0.7257,-0.1573)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7748,-0.1355)
+ -- (-0.7629,-0.1088)
+ -- (-0.7138,-0.1305)
+ -- (-0.7257,-0.1573)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6698,-0.1385)
+ -- (-0.6512,-0.1159)
+ -- (-0.6098,-0.1501)
+ -- (-0.6284,-0.1727)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6698,-0.1385)
+ -- (-0.6512,-0.1159)
+ -- (-0.6098,-0.1501)
+ -- (-0.6284,-0.1727)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3325,-0.1175)
+ -- (-0.3067,-0.1313)
+ -- (-0.3320,-0.1787)
+ -- (-0.3579,-0.1649)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3325,-0.1175)
+ -- (-0.3067,-0.1313)
+ -- (-0.3320,-0.1787)
+ -- (-0.3579,-0.1649)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4097,-0.0630)
+ -- (-0.3827,-0.0741)
+ -- (-0.4031,-0.1238)
+ -- (-0.4302,-0.1127)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4097,-0.0630)
+ -- (-0.3827,-0.0741)
+ -- (-0.4031,-0.1238)
+ -- (-0.4302,-0.1127)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3028, 0.0016)
+ -- (-0.2734, 0.0016)
+ -- (-0.2734,-0.0522)
+ -- (-0.3028,-0.0522)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3028, 0.0016)
+ -- (-0.2734, 0.0016)
+ -- (-0.2734,-0.0522)
+ -- (-0.3028,-0.0522)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2492,-0.0037)
+ -- (-0.2198,-0.0037)
+ -- (-0.2198,-0.0574)
+ -- (-0.2492,-0.0574)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2492,-0.0037)
+ -- (-0.2198,-0.0037)
+ -- (-0.2198,-0.0574)
+ -- (-0.2492,-0.0574)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4151, 0.0294)
+ -- (-0.3858, 0.0294)
+ -- (-0.3858,-0.0243)
+ -- (-0.4151,-0.0243)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4151, 0.0294)
+ -- (-0.3858, 0.0294)
+ -- (-0.3858,-0.0243)
+ -- (-0.4151,-0.0243)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4687, 0.0340)
+ -- (-0.4394, 0.0340)
+ -- (-0.4394,-0.0197)
+ -- (-0.4687,-0.0197)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4687, 0.0340)
+ -- (-0.4394, 0.0340)
+ -- (-0.4394,-0.0197)
+ -- (-0.4687,-0.0197)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5170, 0.0545)
+ -- (-0.4876, 0.0545)
+ -- (-0.4876, 0.0008)
+ -- (-0.5170, 0.0008)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5170, 0.0545)
+ -- (-0.4876, 0.0545)
+ -- (-0.4876, 0.0008)
+ -- (-0.5170, 0.0008)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4695, 0.1540)
+ -- (-0.4413, 0.1461)
+ -- (-0.4557, 0.0943)
+ -- (-0.4839, 0.1022)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4695, 0.1540)
+ -- (-0.4413, 0.1461)
+ -- (-0.4557, 0.0943)
+ -- (-0.4839, 0.1022)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4511, 0.2320)
+ -- (-0.4227, 0.2241)
+ -- (-0.4372, 0.1724)
+ -- (-0.4654, 0.1803)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4511, 0.2320)
+ -- (-0.4227, 0.2241)
+ -- (-0.4372, 0.1724)
+ -- (-0.4654, 0.1803)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4191, 0.1396)
+ -- (-0.3904, 0.1335)
+ -- (-0.4017, 0.0809)
+ -- (-0.4304, 0.0871)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4191, 0.1396)
+ -- (-0.3904, 0.1335)
+ -- (-0.4017, 0.0809)
+ -- (-0.4304, 0.0871)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0048,-0.2963)
+ -- ( 0.0056,-0.2689)
+ -- ( 0.0558,-0.2881)
+ -- ( 0.0453,-0.3155)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0048,-0.2963)
+ -- ( 0.0056,-0.2689)
+ -- ( 0.0558,-0.2881)
+ -- ( 0.0453,-0.3155)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0804,-0.1001)
+ -- ( 0.0908,-0.0728)
+ -- ( 0.1410,-0.0919)
+ -- ( 0.1305,-0.1192)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0804,-0.1001)
+ -- ( 0.0908,-0.0728)
+ -- ( 0.1410,-0.0919)
+ -- ( 0.1305,-0.1192)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1027,-0.2588)
+ -- (-0.0979,-0.2299)
+ -- (-0.0449,-0.2387)
+ -- (-0.0498,-0.2676)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1027,-0.2588)
+ -- (-0.0979,-0.2299)
+ -- (-0.0449,-0.2387)
+ -- (-0.0498,-0.2676)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1889,-0.2314)
+ -- (-0.1776,-0.2043)
+ -- (-0.1281,-0.2251)
+ -- (-0.1394,-0.2521)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1889,-0.2314)
+ -- (-0.1776,-0.2043)
+ -- (-0.1281,-0.2251)
+ -- (-0.1394,-0.2521)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1180,-0.3033)
+ -- (-0.1077,-0.2759)
+ -- (-0.0575,-0.2947)
+ -- (-0.0677,-0.3221)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1180,-0.3033)
+ -- (-0.1077,-0.2759)
+ -- (-0.0575,-0.2947)
+ -- (-0.0677,-0.3221)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2120,-0.2801)
+ -- (-0.2010,-0.2529)
+ -- (-0.1512,-0.2729)
+ -- (-0.1622,-0.3002)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2120,-0.2801)
+ -- (-0.2010,-0.2529)
+ -- (-0.1512,-0.2729)
+ -- (-0.1622,-0.3002)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2265,-0.3343)
+ -- (-0.2161,-0.3069)
+ -- (-0.1659,-0.3259)
+ -- (-0.1762,-0.3533)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2265,-0.3343)
+ -- (-0.2161,-0.3069)
+ -- (-0.1659,-0.3259)
+ -- (-0.1762,-0.3533)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0728,-0.3520)
+ -- (-0.0436,-0.3488)
+ -- (-0.0379,-0.4022)
+ -- (-0.0670,-0.4054)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0728,-0.3520)
+ -- (-0.0436,-0.3488)
+ -- (-0.0379,-0.4022)
+ -- (-0.0670,-0.4054)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3598,-0.6299)
+ -- ( 0.3752,-0.6051)
+ -- ( 0.4209,-0.6334)
+ -- ( 0.4054,-0.6583)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3598,-0.6299)
+ -- ( 0.3752,-0.6051)
+ -- ( 0.4209,-0.6334)
+ -- ( 0.4054,-0.6583)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3284,-0.6582)
+ -- ( 0.3482,-0.6365)
+ -- ( 0.3879,-0.6727)
+ -- ( 0.3681,-0.6944)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3284,-0.6582)
+ -- ( 0.3482,-0.6365)
+ -- ( 0.3879,-0.6727)
+ -- ( 0.3681,-0.6944)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8159,-0.3188)
+ -- (-0.7892,-0.3067)
+ -- (-0.7670,-0.3556)
+ -- (-0.7937,-0.3677)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8159,-0.3188)
+ -- (-0.7892,-0.3067)
+ -- (-0.7670,-0.3556)
+ -- (-0.7937,-0.3677)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8755, 0.1805)
+ -- (-0.8623, 0.2066)
+ -- (-0.8144, 0.1824)
+ -- (-0.8276, 0.1562)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8755, 0.1805)
+ -- (-0.8623, 0.2066)
+ -- (-0.8144, 0.1824)
+ -- (-0.8276, 0.1562)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.9400, 0.0507)
+ -- (-0.9275, 0.0771)
+ -- (-0.8789, 0.0541)
+ -- (-0.8916, 0.0276)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.9400, 0.0507)
+ -- (-0.9275, 0.0771)
+ -- (-0.8789, 0.0541)
+ -- (-0.8916, 0.0276)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.9500,-0.0171)
+ -- (-0.9467, 0.0120)
+ -- (-0.8934, 0.0060)
+ -- (-0.8966,-0.0232)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.9500,-0.0171)
+ -- (-0.9467, 0.0120)
+ -- (-0.8934, 0.0060)
+ -- (-0.8966,-0.0232)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0374, 0.6594)
+ -- (-0.0376, 0.6887)
+ -- ( 0.0161, 0.6890)
+ -- ( 0.0162, 0.6598)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0374, 0.6594)
+ -- (-0.0376, 0.6887)
+ -- ( 0.0161, 0.6890)
+ -- ( 0.0162, 0.6598)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1600, 0.8267)
+ -- ( 0.1793, 0.8046)
+ -- ( 0.1388, 0.7692)
+ -- ( 0.1195, 0.7913)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1600, 0.8267)
+ -- ( 0.1793, 0.8046)
+ -- ( 0.1388, 0.7692)
+ -- ( 0.1195, 0.7913)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4284, 0.3107)
+ -- ( 0.4572, 0.3163)
+ -- ( 0.4672, 0.2634)
+ -- ( 0.4384, 0.2580)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4284, 0.3107)
+ -- ( 0.4572, 0.3163)
+ -- ( 0.4672, 0.2634)
+ -- ( 0.4384, 0.2580)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4721, 0.3149)
+ -- ( 0.5003, 0.3230)
+ -- ( 0.5151, 0.2714)
+ -- ( 0.4870, 0.2633)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4721, 0.3149)
+ -- ( 0.5003, 0.3230)
+ -- ( 0.5151, 0.2714)
+ -- ( 0.4870, 0.2633)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5761, 0.3388)
+ -- ( 0.6049, 0.3443)
+ -- ( 0.6150, 0.2916)
+ -- ( 0.5862, 0.2860)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5761, 0.3388)
+ -- ( 0.6049, 0.3443)
+ -- ( 0.6150, 0.2916)
+ -- ( 0.5862, 0.2860)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6283, 0.3369)
+ -- ( 0.6567, 0.3296)
+ -- ( 0.6432, 0.2775)
+ -- ( 0.6148, 0.2849)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6283, 0.3369)
+ -- ( 0.6567, 0.3296)
+ -- ( 0.6432, 0.2775)
+ -- ( 0.6148, 0.2849)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5378, 0.2581)
+ -- ( 0.5670, 0.2616)
+ -- ( 0.5734, 0.2083)
+ -- ( 0.5443, 0.2047)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5378, 0.2581)
+ -- ( 0.5670, 0.2616)
+ -- ( 0.5734, 0.2083)
+ -- ( 0.5443, 0.2047)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4853, 0.2500)
+ -- ( 0.5140, 0.2555)
+ -- ( 0.5241, 0.2028)
+ -- ( 0.4953, 0.1973)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4853, 0.2500)
+ -- ( 0.5140, 0.2555)
+ -- ( 0.5241, 0.2028)
+ -- ( 0.4953, 0.1973)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4028, 0.0895)
+ -- ( 0.4321, 0.0895)
+ -- ( 0.4321, 0.0358)
+ -- ( 0.4028, 0.0358)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4028, 0.0895)
+ -- ( 0.4321, 0.0895)
+ -- ( 0.4321, 0.0358)
+ -- ( 0.4028, 0.0358)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4612, 0.0957)
+ -- ( 0.4899, 0.0898)
+ -- ( 0.4793, 0.0371)
+ -- ( 0.4506, 0.0430)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4612, 0.0957)
+ -- ( 0.4899, 0.0898)
+ -- ( 0.4793, 0.0371)
+ -- ( 0.4506, 0.0430)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5422,-0.0041)
+ -- ( 0.5437,-0.0333)
+ -- ( 0.4900,-0.0361)
+ -- ( 0.4885,-0.0068)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5422,-0.0041)
+ -- ( 0.5437,-0.0333)
+ -- ( 0.4900,-0.0361)
+ -- ( 0.4885,-0.0068)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6654,-0.0050)
+ -- ( 0.6664,-0.0343)
+ -- ( 0.6128,-0.0361)
+ -- ( 0.6117,-0.0068)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6654,-0.0050)
+ -- ( 0.6664,-0.0343)
+ -- ( 0.6128,-0.0361)
+ -- ( 0.6117,-0.0068)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7573, 0.2817)
+ -- ( 0.7646, 0.2533)
+ -- ( 0.7124, 0.2402)
+ -- ( 0.7053, 0.2686)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7573, 0.2817)
+ -- ( 0.7646, 0.2533)
+ -- ( 0.7124, 0.2402)
+ -- ( 0.7053, 0.2686)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7393, 0.3502)
+ -- ( 0.7456, 0.3216)
+ -- ( 0.6931, 0.3101)
+ -- ( 0.6868, 0.3387)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7393, 0.3502)
+ -- ( 0.7456, 0.3216)
+ -- ( 0.6931, 0.3101)
+ -- ( 0.6868, 0.3387)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8114, 0.0963)
+ -- ( 0.8188, 0.0679)
+ -- ( 0.7668, 0.0543)
+ -- ( 0.7594, 0.0826)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8114, 0.0963)
+ -- ( 0.8188, 0.0679)
+ -- ( 0.7668, 0.0543)
+ -- ( 0.7594, 0.0826)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8247,-0.0115)
+ -- ( 0.8312,-0.0401)
+ -- ( 0.7788,-0.0521)
+ -- ( 0.7723,-0.0235)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8247,-0.0115)
+ -- ( 0.8312,-0.0401)
+ -- ( 0.7788,-0.0521)
+ -- ( 0.7723,-0.0235)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.9279, 0.0392)
+ -- ( 0.9358, 0.0110)
+ -- ( 0.8842,-0.0036)
+ -- ( 0.8762, 0.0245)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.9279, 0.0392)
+ -- ( 0.9358, 0.0110)
+ -- ( 0.8842,-0.0036)
+ -- ( 0.8762, 0.0245)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.9473,-0.0199)
+ -- ( 0.9500,-0.0490)
+ -- ( 0.8965,-0.0540)
+ -- ( 0.8939,-0.0248)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.9473,-0.0199)
+ -- ( 0.9500,-0.0490)
+ -- ( 0.8965,-0.0540)
+ -- ( 0.8939,-0.0248)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8832, 0.1513)
+ -- ( 0.8949, 0.1245)
+ -- ( 0.8456, 0.1031)
+ -- ( 0.8339, 0.1300)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8832, 0.1513)
+ -- ( 0.8949, 0.1245)
+ -- ( 0.8456, 0.1031)
+ -- ( 0.8339, 0.1300)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8604, 0.2135)
+ -- ( 0.8734, 0.1872)
+ -- ( 0.8254, 0.1634)
+ -- ( 0.8123, 0.1896)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8604, 0.2135)
+ -- ( 0.8734, 0.1872)
+ -- ( 0.8254, 0.1634)
+ -- ( 0.8123, 0.1896)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7675, 0.2368)
+ -- ( 0.7736, 0.2082)
+ -- ( 0.7210, 0.1970)
+ -- ( 0.7150, 0.2257)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7675, 0.2368)
+ -- ( 0.7736, 0.2082)
+ -- ( 0.7210, 0.1970)
+ -- ( 0.7150, 0.2257)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7696,-0.1796)
+ -- ( 0.7978,-0.1875)
+ -- ( 0.7835,-0.2392)
+ -- ( 0.7552,-0.2314)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7696,-0.1796)
+ -- ( 0.7978,-0.1875)
+ -- ( 0.7835,-0.2392)
+ -- ( 0.7552,-0.2314)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7546,-0.0830)
+ -- ( 0.7838,-0.0830)
+ -- ( 0.7838,-0.1367)
+ -- ( 0.7546,-0.1367)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7546,-0.0830)
+ -- ( 0.7838,-0.0830)
+ -- ( 0.7838,-0.1367)
+ -- ( 0.7546,-0.1367)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7114,-0.1735)
+ -- ( 0.7402,-0.1784)
+ -- ( 0.7313,-0.2313)
+ -- ( 0.7024,-0.2265)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7114,-0.1735)
+ -- ( 0.7402,-0.1784)
+ -- ( 0.7313,-0.2313)
+ -- ( 0.7024,-0.2265)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6398,-0.0896)
+ -- ( 0.6691,-0.0896)
+ -- ( 0.6691,-0.1433)
+ -- ( 0.6398,-0.1433)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6398,-0.0896)
+ -- ( 0.6691,-0.0896)
+ -- ( 0.6691,-0.1433)
+ -- ( 0.6398,-0.1433)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5390,-0.1093)
+ -- ( 0.5377,-0.0801)
+ -- ( 0.5913,-0.0776)
+ -- ( 0.5927,-0.1069)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5390,-0.1093)
+ -- ( 0.5377,-0.0801)
+ -- ( 0.5913,-0.0776)
+ -- ( 0.5927,-0.1069)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5171,-0.2250)
+ -- ( 0.5252,-0.1968)
+ -- ( 0.5767,-0.2117)
+ -- ( 0.5687,-0.2399)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5171,-0.2250)
+ -- ( 0.5252,-0.1968)
+ -- ( 0.5767,-0.2117)
+ -- ( 0.5687,-0.2399)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5024,-0.2807)
+ -- ( 0.5066,-0.2517)
+ -- ( 0.5597,-0.2597)
+ -- ( 0.5555,-0.2887)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5024,-0.2807)
+ -- ( 0.5066,-0.2517)
+ -- ( 0.5597,-0.2597)
+ -- ( 0.5555,-0.2887)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6783,-0.2717)
+ -- ( 0.7056,-0.2824)
+ -- ( 0.6858,-0.3324)
+ -- ( 0.6585,-0.3216)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6783,-0.2717)
+ -- ( 0.7056,-0.2824)
+ -- ( 0.6858,-0.3324)
+ -- ( 0.6585,-0.3216)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4010,-0.3903)
+ -- ( 0.4019,-0.3609)
+ -- ( 0.4556,-0.3627)
+ -- ( 0.4547,-0.3921)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4010,-0.3903)
+ -- ( 0.4019,-0.3609)
+ -- ( 0.4556,-0.3627)
+ -- ( 0.4547,-0.3921)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6576,-0.1610)
+ -- ( 0.6852,-0.1708)
+ -- ( 0.6672,-0.2214)
+ -- ( 0.6396,-0.2116)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6576,-0.1610)
+ -- ( 0.6852,-0.1708)
+ -- ( 0.6672,-0.2214)
+ -- ( 0.6396,-0.2116)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4024,-0.7175)
+ -- ( 0.4484,-0.7175)
+ -- ( 0.4484,-0.7785)
+ -- ( 0.4024,-0.7785)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4024,-0.7175)
+ -- ( 0.4484,-0.7175)
+ -- ( 0.4484,-0.7785)
+ -- ( 0.4024,-0.7785)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3999,-0.7917)
+ -- (-0.3540,-0.7917)
+ -- (-0.3540,-0.8527)
+ -- (-0.3999,-0.8527)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3999,-0.7917)
+ -- (-0.3540,-0.7917)
+ -- (-0.3540,-0.8527)
+ -- (-0.3999,-0.8527)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7770,-0.2886)
+ -- (-0.7319,-0.2679)
+ -- (-0.6985,-0.3406)
+ -- (-0.7437,-0.3613)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7770,-0.2886)
+ -- (-0.7319,-0.2679)
+ -- (-0.6985,-0.3406)
+ -- (-0.7437,-0.3613)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1783,-0.5367)
+ -- (-0.1339,-0.5483)
+ -- (-0.1492,-0.6074)
+ -- (-0.1937,-0.5958)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1783,-0.5367)
+ -- (-0.1339,-0.5483)
+ -- (-0.1492,-0.6074)
+ -- (-0.1937,-0.5958)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3106,-0.7770)
+ -- ( 0.3564,-0.7770)
+ -- ( 0.3564,-0.8380)
+ -- ( 0.3106,-0.8380)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3106,-0.7770)
+ -- ( 0.3564,-0.7770)
+ -- ( 0.3564,-0.8380)
+ -- ( 0.3106,-0.8380)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0626,-0.7954)
+ -- (-0.0196,-0.8113)
+ -- (-0.0406,-0.8686)
+ -- (-0.0837,-0.8527)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0626,-0.7954)
+ -- (-0.0196,-0.8113)
+ -- (-0.0406,-0.8686)
+ -- (-0.0837,-0.8527)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0570,-0.7843)
+ -- ( 0.1025,-0.7910)
+ -- ( 0.0936,-0.8514)
+ -- ( 0.0481,-0.8446)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0570,-0.7843)
+ -- ( 0.1025,-0.7910)
+ -- ( 0.0936,-0.8514)
+ -- ( 0.0481,-0.8446)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0906,-0.6908)
+ -- ( 0.1345,-0.7046)
+ -- ( 0.1161,-0.7629)
+ -- ( 0.0723,-0.7490)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0906,-0.6908)
+ -- ( 0.1345,-0.7046)
+ -- ( 0.1161,-0.7629)
+ -- ( 0.0723,-0.7490)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4731,-0.7998)
+ -- (-0.4283,-0.7899)
+ -- (-0.4151,-0.8496)
+ -- (-0.4600,-0.8595)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4731,-0.7998)
+ -- (-0.4283,-0.7899)
+ -- (-0.4151,-0.8496)
+ -- (-0.4600,-0.8595)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4125,-0.0879)
+ -- ( 0.4578,-0.0951)
+ -- ( 0.4483,-0.1553)
+ -- ( 0.4029,-0.1481)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4125,-0.0879)
+ -- ( 0.4578,-0.0951)
+ -- ( 0.4483,-0.1553)
+ -- ( 0.4029,-0.1481)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2078, 0.8568)
+ -- ( 0.2536, 0.8583)
+ -- ( 0.2555, 0.7973)
+ -- ( 0.2097, 0.7958)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2078, 0.8568)
+ -- ( 0.2536, 0.8583)
+ -- ( 0.2555, 0.7973)
+ -- ( 0.2097, 0.7958)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5829,-0.2493)
+ -- ( 0.6289,-0.2493)
+ -- ( 0.6289,-0.3104)
+ -- ( 0.5829,-0.3104)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5829,-0.2493)
+ -- ( 0.6289,-0.2493)
+ -- ( 0.6289,-0.3104)
+ -- ( 0.5829,-0.3104)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2923,-0.1390)
+ -- ( 0.3109,-0.0970)
+ -- ( 0.3667,-0.1218)
+ -- ( 0.3481,-0.1638)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2923,-0.1390)
+ -- ( 0.3109,-0.0970)
+ -- ( 0.3667,-0.1218)
+ -- ( 0.3481,-0.1638)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6866,-0.0789)
+ -- ( 0.7324,-0.0789)
+ -- ( 0.7324,-0.1400)
+ -- ( 0.6866,-0.1400)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6866,-0.0789)
+ -- ( 0.7324,-0.0789)
+ -- ( 0.7324,-0.1400)
+ -- ( 0.6866,-0.1400)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8206,-0.0922)
+ -- ( 0.8649,-0.1044)
+ -- ( 0.8487,-0.1632)
+ -- ( 0.8045,-0.1511)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8206,-0.0922)
+ -- ( 0.8649,-0.1044)
+ -- ( 0.8487,-0.1632)
+ -- ( 0.8045,-0.1511)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3075, 0.5809)
+ -- (-0.2648, 0.5640)
+ -- (-0.2872, 0.5072)
+ -- (-0.3299, 0.5241)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3075, 0.5809)
+ -- (-0.2648, 0.5640)
+ -- (-0.2872, 0.5072)
+ -- (-0.3299, 0.5241)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7746, 0.3900)
+ -- (-0.7312, 0.3750)
+ -- (-0.7511, 0.3173)
+ -- (-0.7945, 0.3322)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7746, 0.3900)
+ -- (-0.7312, 0.3750)
+ -- (-0.7511, 0.3173)
+ -- (-0.7945, 0.3322)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8224, 0.3024)
+ -- (-0.7807, 0.2831)
+ -- (-0.8064, 0.2277)
+ -- (-0.8481, 0.2470)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8224, 0.3024)
+ -- (-0.7807, 0.2831)
+ -- (-0.8064, 0.2277)
+ -- (-0.8481, 0.2470)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7172, 0.2999)
+ -- (-0.6959, 0.3406)
+ -- (-0.6418, 0.3122)
+ -- (-0.6632, 0.2715)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7172, 0.2999)
+ -- (-0.6959, 0.3406)
+ -- (-0.6418, 0.3122)
+ -- (-0.6632, 0.2715)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7505, 0.2368)
+ -- (-0.7273, 0.2764)
+ -- (-0.6746, 0.2456)
+ -- (-0.6979, 0.2060)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7505, 0.2368)
+ -- (-0.7273, 0.2764)
+ -- (-0.6746, 0.2456)
+ -- (-0.6979, 0.2060)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7726, 0.1668)
+ -- (-0.7521, 0.2080)
+ -- (-0.6975, 0.1808)
+ -- (-0.7180, 0.1396)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7726, 0.1668)
+ -- (-0.7521, 0.2080)
+ -- (-0.6975, 0.1808)
+ -- (-0.7180, 0.1396)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8067, 0.1033)
+ -- (-0.7877, 0.1452)
+ -- (-0.7322, 0.1199)
+ -- (-0.7512, 0.0781)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8067, 0.1033)
+ -- (-0.7877, 0.1452)
+ -- (-0.7322, 0.1199)
+ -- (-0.7512, 0.0781)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8292, 0.0434)
+ -- (-0.8106, 0.0854)
+ -- (-0.7548, 0.0608)
+ -- (-0.7733, 0.0188)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8292, 0.0434)
+ -- (-0.8106, 0.0854)
+ -- (-0.7548, 0.0608)
+ -- (-0.7733, 0.0188)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8479,-0.0238)
+ -- (-0.8336, 0.0199)
+ -- (-0.7757, 0.0009)
+ -- (-0.7899,-0.0427)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8479,-0.0238)
+ -- (-0.8336, 0.0199)
+ -- (-0.7757, 0.0009)
+ -- (-0.7899,-0.0427)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.9015,-0.0795)
+ -- (-0.8746,-0.0423)
+ -- (-0.8252,-0.0782)
+ -- (-0.8521,-0.1153)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.9015,-0.0795)
+ -- (-0.8746,-0.0423)
+ -- (-0.8252,-0.0782)
+ -- (-0.8521,-0.1153)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5616,-0.6142)
+ -- (-0.5431,-0.6563)
+ -- (-0.5990,-0.6808)
+ -- (-0.6175,-0.6387)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5616,-0.6142)
+ -- (-0.5431,-0.6563)
+ -- (-0.5990,-0.6808)
+ -- (-0.6175,-0.6387)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0094,-0.6230)
+ -- ( 0.0047,-0.5793)
+ -- ( 0.0627,-0.5978)
+ -- ( 0.0487,-0.6416)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0094,-0.6230)
+ -- ( 0.0047,-0.5793)
+ -- ( 0.0627,-0.5978)
+ -- ( 0.0487,-0.6416)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0303,-0.4683)
+ -- ( 0.0443,-0.4246)
+ -- ( 0.1024,-0.4432)
+ -- ( 0.0884,-0.4869)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0303,-0.4683)
+ -- ( 0.0443,-0.4246)
+ -- ( 0.1024,-0.4432)
+ -- ( 0.0884,-0.4869)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2507,-0.3956)
+ -- (-0.2367,-0.3518)
+ -- (-0.1786,-0.3704)
+ -- (-0.1926,-0.4142)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2507,-0.3956)
+ -- (-0.2367,-0.3518)
+ -- (-0.1786,-0.3704)
+ -- (-0.1926,-0.4142)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3208,-0.3936)
+ -- (-0.3069,-0.3498)
+ -- (-0.2487,-0.3684)
+ -- (-0.2627,-0.4122)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3208,-0.3936)
+ -- (-0.3069,-0.3498)
+ -- (-0.2487,-0.3684)
+ -- (-0.2627,-0.4122)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1634,-0.1430)
+ -- ( 0.1790,-0.0997)
+ -- ( 0.2365,-0.1205)
+ -- ( 0.2209,-0.1637)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1634,-0.1430)
+ -- ( 0.1790,-0.0997)
+ -- ( 0.2365,-0.1205)
+ -- ( 0.2209,-0.1637)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1520,-0.2030)
+ -- ( 0.1715,-0.1614)
+ -- ( 0.2268,-0.1873)
+ -- ( 0.2072,-0.2289)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1520,-0.2030)
+ -- ( 0.1715,-0.1614)
+ -- ( 0.2268,-0.1873)
+ -- ( 0.2072,-0.2289)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0852,-0.3696)
+ -- ( 0.1047,-0.3280)
+ -- ( 0.1600,-0.3540)
+ -- ( 0.1404,-0.3956)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0852,-0.3696)
+ -- ( 0.1047,-0.3280)
+ -- ( 0.1600,-0.3540)
+ -- ( 0.1404,-0.3956)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0197,-0.2063)
+ -- ( 0.0392,-0.1647)
+ -- ( 0.0944,-0.1907)
+ -- ( 0.0750,-0.2323)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0197,-0.2063)
+ -- ( 0.0392,-0.1647)
+ -- ( 0.0944,-0.1907)
+ -- ( 0.0750,-0.2323)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3100, 0.7769)
+ -- ( 0.3513, 0.7971)
+ -- ( 0.3781, 0.7423)
+ -- ( 0.3369, 0.7221)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3100, 0.7769)
+ -- ( 0.3513, 0.7971)
+ -- ( 0.3781, 0.7423)
+ -- ( 0.3369, 0.7221)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5097, 0.3286)
+ -- ( 0.5510, 0.3488)
+ -- ( 0.5778, 0.2940)
+ -- ( 0.5366, 0.2738)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5097, 0.3286)
+ -- ( 0.5510, 0.3488)
+ -- ( 0.5778, 0.2940)
+ -- ( 0.5366, 0.2738)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4014, 0.8173)
+ -- ( 0.4429, 0.8369)
+ -- ( 0.4689, 0.7817)
+ -- ( 0.4274, 0.7621)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4014, 0.8173)
+ -- ( 0.4429, 0.8369)
+ -- ( 0.4689, 0.7817)
+ -- ( 0.4274, 0.7621)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2627, 0.7599)
+ -- ( 0.3055, 0.7765)
+ -- ( 0.3276, 0.7196)
+ -- ( 0.2848, 0.7030)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2627, 0.7599)
+ -- ( 0.3055, 0.7765)
+ -- ( 0.3276, 0.7196)
+ -- ( 0.2848, 0.7030)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1763, 0.7193)
+ -- ( 0.2174, 0.7400)
+ -- ( 0.2448, 0.6855)
+ -- ( 0.2038, 0.6648)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1763, 0.7193)
+ -- ( 0.2174, 0.7400)
+ -- ( 0.2448, 0.6855)
+ -- ( 0.2038, 0.6648)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0655, 0.4707)
+ -- (-0.0222, 0.4555)
+ -- (-0.0424, 0.3979)
+ -- (-0.0858, 0.4131)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0655, 0.4707)
+ -- (-0.0222, 0.4555)
+ -- (-0.0424, 0.3979)
+ -- (-0.0858, 0.4131)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0019, 0.5606)
+ -- ( 0.0452, 0.5454)
+ -- ( 0.0251, 0.4878)
+ -- (-0.0183, 0.5030)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0019, 0.5606)
+ -- ( 0.0452, 0.5454)
+ -- ( 0.0251, 0.4878)
+ -- (-0.0183, 0.5030)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0634, 0.0555)
+ -- ( 0.1067, 0.0403)
+ -- ( 0.0865,-0.0174)
+ -- ( 0.0432,-0.0022)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0634, 0.0555)
+ -- ( 0.1067, 0.0403)
+ -- ( 0.0865,-0.0174)
+ -- ( 0.0432,-0.0022)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0445, 0.0687)
+ -- (-0.0010, 0.0535)
+ -- (-0.0213,-0.0041)
+ -- (-0.0646, 0.0110)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0445, 0.0687)
+ -- (-0.0010, 0.0535)
+ -- (-0.0213,-0.0041)
+ -- (-0.0646, 0.0110)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0541, 0.5519)
+ -- ( 0.0966, 0.5344)
+ -- ( 0.0732, 0.4779)
+ -- ( 0.0308, 0.4956)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0541, 0.5519)
+ -- ( 0.0966, 0.5344)
+ -- ( 0.0732, 0.4779)
+ -- ( 0.0308, 0.4956)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0096, 0.8274)
+ -- ( 0.0163, 0.7820)
+ -- (-0.0441, 0.7731)
+ -- (-0.0508, 0.8185)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0096, 0.8274)
+ -- ( 0.0163, 0.7820)
+ -- (-0.0441, 0.7731)
+ -- (-0.0508, 0.8185)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0878, 0.6237)
+ -- (-0.0810, 0.5783)
+ -- (-0.1415, 0.5693)
+ -- (-0.1482, 0.6147)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0878, 0.6237)
+ -- (-0.0810, 0.5783)
+ -- (-0.1415, 0.5693)
+ -- (-0.1482, 0.6147)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0678, 0.8193)
+ -- (-0.0575, 0.7745)
+ -- (-0.1168, 0.7608)
+ -- (-0.1273, 0.8055)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0678, 0.8193)
+ -- (-0.0575, 0.7745)
+ -- (-0.1168, 0.7608)
+ -- (-0.1273, 0.8055)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1958, 0.8007)
+ -- (-0.1517, 0.7877)
+ -- (-0.1688, 0.7292)
+ -- (-0.2129, 0.7420)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1958, 0.8007)
+ -- (-0.1517, 0.7877)
+ -- (-0.1688, 0.7292)
+ -- (-0.2129, 0.7420)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6001, 0.0672)
+ -- ( 0.6452, 0.0758)
+ -- ( 0.6566, 0.0159)
+ -- ( 0.6115, 0.0072)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6001, 0.0672)
+ -- ( 0.6452, 0.0758)
+ -- ( 0.6566, 0.0159)
+ -- ( 0.6115, 0.0072)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8357, 0.2798)
+ -- ( 0.8514, 0.2365)
+ -- ( 0.7940, 0.2158)
+ -- ( 0.7783, 0.2591)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.8357, 0.2798)
+ -- ( 0.8514, 0.2365)
+ -- ( 0.7940, 0.2158)
+ -- ( 0.7783, 0.2591)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4450, 0.0292)
+ -- ( 0.4606,-0.0141)
+ -- ( 0.4032,-0.0348)
+ -- ( 0.3876, 0.0085)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4450, 0.0292)
+ -- ( 0.4606,-0.0141)
+ -- ( 0.4032,-0.0348)
+ -- ( 0.3876, 0.0085)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.9043, 0.1125)
+ -- ( 0.9184, 0.0687)
+ -- ( 0.8603, 0.0500)
+ -- ( 0.8462, 0.0937)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.9043, 0.1125)
+ -- ( 0.9184, 0.0687)
+ -- ( 0.8603, 0.0500)
+ -- ( 0.8462, 0.0937)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7148,-0.2814)
+ -- ( 0.7591,-0.2935)
+ -- ( 0.7430,-0.3524)
+ -- ( 0.6987,-0.3402)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7148,-0.2814)
+ -- ( 0.7591,-0.2935)
+ -- ( 0.7430,-0.3524)
+ -- ( 0.6987,-0.3402)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5891,-0.1425)
+ -- ( 0.5806,-0.1876)
+ -- ( 0.5207,-0.1764)
+ -- ( 0.5291,-0.1313)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5891,-0.1425)
+ -- ( 0.5806,-0.1876)
+ -- ( 0.5207,-0.1764)
+ -- ( 0.5291,-0.1313)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5865, 0.0684)
+ -- ( 0.5782, 0.0233)
+ -- ( 0.5181, 0.0345)
+ -- ( 0.5266, 0.0796)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5865, 0.0684)
+ -- ( 0.5782, 0.0233)
+ -- ( 0.5181, 0.0345)
+ -- ( 0.5266, 0.0796)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4044,-0.3422)
+ -- ( 0.4189,-0.2987)
+ -- ( 0.4768,-0.3180)
+ -- ( 0.4623,-0.3616)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4044,-0.3422)
+ -- ( 0.4189,-0.2987)
+ -- ( 0.4768,-0.3180)
+ -- ( 0.4623,-0.3616)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4665,-0.7188)
+ -- ( 0.5125,-0.7188)
+ -- ( 0.5125,-0.7799)
+ -- ( 0.4665,-0.7799)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4665,-0.7188)
+ -- ( 0.5125,-0.7188)
+ -- ( 0.5125,-0.7799)
+ -- ( 0.4665,-0.7799)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1285,-0.5747)
+ -- (-0.0826,-0.5747)
+ -- (-0.0826,-0.6356)
+ -- (-0.1285,-0.6356)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1285,-0.5747)
+ -- (-0.0826,-0.5747)
+ -- (-0.0826,-0.6356)
+ -- (-0.1285,-0.6356)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2861,-0.6694)
+ -- (-0.2789,-0.6240)
+ -- (-0.2186,-0.6336)
+ -- (-0.2258,-0.6789)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2861,-0.6694)
+ -- (-0.2789,-0.6240)
+ -- (-0.2186,-0.6336)
+ -- (-0.2258,-0.6789)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1486,-0.3725)
+ -- (-0.1414,-0.3271)
+ -- (-0.0811,-0.3367)
+ -- (-0.0883,-0.3820)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1486,-0.3725)
+ -- (-0.1414,-0.3271)
+ -- (-0.0811,-0.3367)
+ -- (-0.0883,-0.3820)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3576,-0.5916)
+ -- (-0.3319,-0.6297)
+ -- (-0.3826,-0.6638)
+ -- (-0.4082,-0.6256)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3576,-0.5916)
+ -- (-0.3319,-0.6297)
+ -- (-0.3826,-0.6638)
+ -- (-0.4082,-0.6256)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5468,-0.2716)
+ -- (-0.5213,-0.3098)
+ -- (-0.5719,-0.3438)
+ -- (-0.5976,-0.3056)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5468,-0.2716)
+ -- (-0.5213,-0.3098)
+ -- (-0.5719,-0.3438)
+ -- (-0.5976,-0.3056)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4969,-0.5222)
+ -- (-0.4767,-0.5634)
+ -- (-0.5315,-0.5902)
+ -- (-0.5518,-0.5490)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4969,-0.5222)
+ -- (-0.4767,-0.5634)
+ -- (-0.5315,-0.5902)
+ -- (-0.5518,-0.5490)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3963,-0.6922)
+ -- (-0.3778,-0.7343)
+ -- (-0.4338,-0.7588)
+ -- (-0.4522,-0.7168)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3963,-0.6922)
+ -- (-0.3778,-0.7343)
+ -- (-0.4338,-0.7588)
+ -- (-0.4522,-0.7168)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6145,-0.5157)
+ -- (-0.5944,-0.5570)
+ -- (-0.6493,-0.5836)
+ -- (-0.6694,-0.5423)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6145,-0.5157)
+ -- (-0.5944,-0.5570)
+ -- (-0.6493,-0.5836)
+ -- (-0.6694,-0.5423)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8791,-0.2053)
+ -- (-0.8402,-0.1810)
+ -- (-0.8079,-0.2327)
+ -- (-0.8468,-0.2571)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.8791,-0.2053)
+ -- (-0.8402,-0.1810)
+ -- (-0.8079,-0.2327)
+ -- (-0.8468,-0.2571)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.9144, 0.1039)
+ -- (-0.8919, 0.1439)
+ -- (-0.8388, 0.1140)
+ -- (-0.8613, 0.0740)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.9144, 0.1039)
+ -- (-0.8919, 0.1439)
+ -- (-0.8388, 0.1140)
+ -- (-0.8613, 0.0740)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4095, 0.2277)
+ -- (-0.3639, 0.2229)
+ -- (-0.3703, 0.1622)
+ -- (-0.4159, 0.1670)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4095, 0.2277)
+ -- (-0.3639, 0.2229)
+ -- (-0.3703, 0.1622)
+ -- (-0.4159, 0.1670)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3590, 0.4200)
+ -- (-0.3365, 0.4600)
+ -- (-0.2833, 0.4302)
+ -- (-0.3058, 0.3901)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3590, 0.4200)
+ -- (-0.3365, 0.4600)
+ -- (-0.2833, 0.4302)
+ -- (-0.3058, 0.3901)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0764, 0.3204)
+ -- (-0.0539, 0.3604)
+ -- (-0.0007, 0.3306)
+ -- (-0.0232, 0.2905)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0764, 0.3204)
+ -- (-0.0539, 0.3604)
+ -- (-0.0007, 0.3306)
+ -- (-0.0232, 0.2905)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1364, 0.0430)
+ -- (-0.1139, 0.0831)
+ -- (-0.0607, 0.0532)
+ -- (-0.0832, 0.0131)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1364, 0.0430)
+ -- (-0.1139, 0.0831)
+ -- (-0.0607, 0.0532)
+ -- (-0.0832, 0.0131)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1269, 0.1239)
+ -- (-0.1149, 0.1681)
+ -- (-0.0560, 0.1521)
+ -- (-0.0681, 0.1078)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1269, 0.1239)
+ -- (-0.1149, 0.1681)
+ -- (-0.0560, 0.1521)
+ -- (-0.0681, 0.1078)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6443,-0.1022)
+ -- (-0.6321,-0.0579)
+ -- (-0.5733,-0.0740)
+ -- (-0.5854,-0.1183)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6443,-0.1022)
+ -- (-0.6321,-0.0579)
+ -- (-0.5733,-0.0740)
+ -- (-0.5854,-0.1183)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6032, 0.2357)
+ -- (-0.5912, 0.2800)
+ -- (-0.5323, 0.2639)
+ -- (-0.5443, 0.2196)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6032, 0.2357)
+ -- (-0.5912, 0.2800)
+ -- (-0.5323, 0.2639)
+ -- (-0.5443, 0.2196)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7230, 0.0020)
+ -- (-0.7026, 0.0432)
+ -- (-0.6479, 0.0162)
+ -- (-0.6682,-0.0250)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7230, 0.0020)
+ -- (-0.7026, 0.0432)
+ -- (-0.6479, 0.0162)
+ -- (-0.6682,-0.0250)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5055, 0.2596)
+ -- (-0.4629, 0.2423)
+ -- (-0.4859, 0.1858)
+ -- (-0.5285, 0.2031)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5055, 0.2596)
+ -- (-0.4629, 0.2423)
+ -- (-0.4859, 0.1858)
+ -- (-0.5285, 0.2031)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1337, 0.3296)
+ -- ( 0.1283, 0.2840)
+ -- ( 0.0677, 0.2911)
+ -- ( 0.0731, 0.3367)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1337, 0.3296)
+ -- ( 0.1283, 0.2840)
+ -- ( 0.0677, 0.2911)
+ -- ( 0.0731, 0.3367)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1476, 0.4414)
+ -- ( 0.1506, 0.3955)
+ -- ( 0.0897, 0.3916)
+ -- ( 0.0867, 0.4375)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1476, 0.4414)
+ -- ( 0.1506, 0.3955)
+ -- ( 0.0897, 0.3916)
+ -- ( 0.0867, 0.4375)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0539,-0.1542)
+ -- ( 0.0687,-0.1107)
+ -- ( 0.1264,-0.1304)
+ -- ( 0.1116,-0.1738)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0539,-0.1542)
+ -- ( 0.0687,-0.1107)
+ -- ( 0.1264,-0.1304)
+ -- ( 0.1116,-0.1738)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0962,-0.1436)
+ -- (-0.0814,-0.1001)
+ -- (-0.0237,-0.1198)
+ -- (-0.0385,-0.1633)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0962,-0.1436)
+ -- (-0.0814,-0.1001)
+ -- (-0.0237,-0.1198)
+ -- (-0.0385,-0.1633)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1683,-0.0622)
+ -- (-0.1535,-0.0188)
+ -- (-0.0958,-0.0385)
+ -- (-0.1106,-0.0820)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1683,-0.0622)
+ -- (-0.1535,-0.0188)
+ -- (-0.0958,-0.0385)
+ -- (-0.1106,-0.0820)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1842,-0.1310)
+ -- (-0.1694,-0.0876)
+ -- (-0.1116,-0.1073)
+ -- (-0.1264,-0.1508)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1842,-0.1310)
+ -- (-0.1694,-0.0876)
+ -- (-0.1116,-0.1073)
+ -- (-0.1264,-0.1508)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1167,-0.5813)
+ -- ( 0.1315,-0.5379)
+ -- ( 0.1892,-0.5576)
+ -- ( 0.1744,-0.6011)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1167,-0.5813)
+ -- ( 0.1315,-0.5379)
+ -- ( 0.1892,-0.5576)
+ -- ( 0.1744,-0.6011)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0916,-0.6322)
+ -- ( 0.1064,-0.5888)
+ -- ( 0.1642,-0.6085)
+ -- ( 0.1493,-0.6520)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0916,-0.6322)
+ -- ( 0.1064,-0.5888)
+ -- ( 0.1642,-0.6085)
+ -- ( 0.1493,-0.6520)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3791,-0.5978)
+ -- ( 0.3941,-0.5544)
+ -- ( 0.4518,-0.5741)
+ -- ( 0.4369,-0.6176)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3791,-0.5978)
+ -- ( 0.3941,-0.5544)
+ -- ( 0.4518,-0.5741)
+ -- ( 0.4369,-0.6176)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4116,-0.5397)
+ -- ( 0.4392,-0.5029)
+ -- ( 0.4880,-0.5396)
+ -- ( 0.4604,-0.5764)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4116,-0.5397)
+ -- ( 0.4392,-0.5029)
+ -- ( 0.4880,-0.5396)
+ -- ( 0.4604,-0.5764)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2218,-0.5853)
+ -- ( 0.2366,-0.5418)
+ -- ( 0.2944,-0.5615)
+ -- ( 0.2796,-0.6051)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2218,-0.5853)
+ -- ( 0.2366,-0.5418)
+ -- ( 0.2944,-0.5615)
+ -- ( 0.2796,-0.6051)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3094, 0.1262)
+ -- ( 0.3519, 0.1085)
+ -- ( 0.3284, 0.0522)
+ -- ( 0.2860, 0.0698)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3094, 0.1262)
+ -- ( 0.3519, 0.1085)
+ -- ( 0.3284, 0.0522)
+ -- ( 0.2860, 0.0698)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2797, 0.1784)
+ -- ( 0.3041, 0.1395)
+ -- ( 0.2524, 0.1070)
+ -- ( 0.2280, 0.1459)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2797, 0.1784)
+ -- ( 0.3041, 0.1395)
+ -- ( 0.2524, 0.1070)
+ -- ( 0.2280, 0.1459)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7950, 0.1548)
+ -- ( 0.8065, 0.1103)
+ -- ( 0.7475, 0.0949)
+ -- ( 0.7359, 0.1394)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7950, 0.1548)
+ -- ( 0.8065, 0.1103)
+ -- ( 0.7475, 0.0949)
+ -- ( 0.7359, 0.1394)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5739, 0.6926)
+ -- ( 0.5961, 0.6525)
+ -- ( 0.5427, 0.6229)
+ -- ( 0.5205, 0.6632)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5739, 0.6926)
+ -- ( 0.5961, 0.6525)
+ -- ( 0.5427, 0.6229)
+ -- ( 0.5205, 0.6632)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6499, 0.5535)
+ -- ( 0.6714, 0.5129)
+ -- ( 0.6174, 0.4844)
+ -- ( 0.5959, 0.5250)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6499, 0.5535)
+ -- ( 0.6714, 0.5129)
+ -- ( 0.6174, 0.4844)
+ -- ( 0.5959, 0.5250)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4994, 0.7998)
+ -- (-0.4558, 0.8143)
+ -- (-0.4364, 0.7565)
+ -- (-0.4800, 0.7419)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4994, 0.7998)
+ -- (-0.4558, 0.8143)
+ -- (-0.4364, 0.7565)
+ -- (-0.4800, 0.7419)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3350, 0.7630)
+ -- (-0.2917, 0.7475)
+ -- (-0.3125, 0.6901)
+ -- (-0.3558, 0.7057)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3350, 0.7630)
+ -- (-0.2917, 0.7475)
+ -- (-0.3125, 0.6901)
+ -- (-0.3558, 0.7057)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4472, 0.6282)
+ -- (-0.4040, 0.6124)
+ -- (-0.4252, 0.5551)
+ -- (-0.4683, 0.5710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4472, 0.6282)
+ -- (-0.4040, 0.6124)
+ -- (-0.4252, 0.5551)
+ -- (-0.4683, 0.5710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5200, 0.6603)
+ -- (-0.4792, 0.6394)
+ -- (-0.5070, 0.5851)
+ -- (-0.5480, 0.6061)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5200, 0.6603)
+ -- (-0.4792, 0.6394)
+ -- (-0.5070, 0.5851)
+ -- (-0.5480, 0.6061)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5301, 0.5359)
+ -- (-0.4915, 0.5109)
+ -- (-0.5247, 0.4597)
+ -- (-0.5633, 0.4846)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5301, 0.5359)
+ -- (-0.4915, 0.5109)
+ -- (-0.5247, 0.4597)
+ -- (-0.5633, 0.4846)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6860, 0.5063)
+ -- (-0.6426, 0.4914)
+ -- (-0.6624, 0.4337)
+ -- (-0.7058, 0.4486)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6860, 0.5063)
+ -- (-0.6426, 0.4914)
+ -- (-0.6624, 0.4337)
+ -- (-0.7058, 0.4486)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5849, 0.4574)
+ -- (-0.5414, 0.4425)
+ -- (-0.5613, 0.3847)
+ -- (-0.6047, 0.3997)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5849, 0.4574)
+ -- (-0.5414, 0.4425)
+ -- (-0.5613, 0.3847)
+ -- (-0.6047, 0.3997)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4531,-0.1794)
+ -- (-0.4094,-0.1941)
+ -- (-0.4289,-0.2518)
+ -- (-0.4725,-0.2372)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4531,-0.1794)
+ -- (-0.4094,-0.1941)
+ -- (-0.4289,-0.2518)
+ -- (-0.4725,-0.2372)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3573, 0.0277)
+ -- (-0.3138, 0.0131)
+ -- (-0.3333,-0.0447)
+ -- (-0.3768,-0.0300)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3573, 0.0277)
+ -- (-0.3138, 0.0131)
+ -- (-0.3333,-0.0447)
+ -- (-0.3768,-0.0300)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3354,-0.4695)
+ -- ( 0.3141,-0.5101)
+ -- ( 0.2601,-0.4816)
+ -- ( 0.2815,-0.4410)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3354,-0.4695)
+ -- ( 0.3141,-0.5101)
+ -- ( 0.2601,-0.4816)
+ -- ( 0.2815,-0.4410)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6206,-0.4111)
+ -- ( 0.6599,-0.4350)
+ -- ( 0.6281,-0.4872)
+ -- ( 0.5889,-0.4632)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6206,-0.4111)
+ -- ( 0.6599,-0.4350)
+ -- ( 0.6281,-0.4872)
+ -- ( 0.5889,-0.4632)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6061,-0.5834)
+ -- ( 0.6495,-0.5984)
+ -- ( 0.6296,-0.6561)
+ -- ( 0.5861,-0.6411)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.6061,-0.5834)
+ -- ( 0.6495,-0.5984)
+ -- ( 0.6296,-0.6561)
+ -- ( 0.5861,-0.6411)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2902, 0.2707)
+ -- ( 0.3361, 0.2673)
+ -- ( 0.3317, 0.2065)
+ -- ( 0.2859, 0.2098)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2902, 0.2707)
+ -- ( 0.3361, 0.2673)
+ -- ( 0.3317, 0.2065)
+ -- ( 0.2859, 0.2098)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2215, 0.2766)
+ -- ( 0.2673, 0.2733)
+ -- ( 0.2630, 0.2124)
+ -- ( 0.2172, 0.2157)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2215, 0.2766)
+ -- ( 0.2673, 0.2733)
+ -- ( 0.2630, 0.2124)
+ -- ( 0.2172, 0.2157)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0159, 0.4498)
+ -- ( 0.0299, 0.4466)
+ -- ( 0.0256, 0.3857)
+ -- (-0.0202, 0.3889)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0159, 0.4498)
+ -- ( 0.0299, 0.4466)
+ -- ( 0.0256, 0.3857)
+ -- (-0.0202, 0.3889)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0377, 0.1701)
+ -- ( 0.0835, 0.1668)
+ -- ( 0.0791, 0.1060)
+ -- ( 0.0333, 0.1092)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0377, 0.1701)
+ -- ( 0.0835, 0.1668)
+ -- ( 0.0791, 0.1060)
+ -- ( 0.0333, 0.1092)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0944, 0.1648)
+ -- ( 0.1403, 0.1657)
+ -- ( 0.1415, 0.1047)
+ -- ( 0.0955, 0.1038)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0944, 0.1648)
+ -- ( 0.1403, 0.1657)
+ -- ( 0.1415, 0.1047)
+ -- ( 0.0955, 0.1038)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2434, 0.4429)
+ -- ( 0.2698, 0.4054)
+ -- ( 0.2199, 0.3702)
+ -- ( 0.1935, 0.4077)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2434, 0.4429)
+ -- ( 0.2698, 0.4054)
+ -- ( 0.2199, 0.3702)
+ -- ( 0.1935, 0.4077)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4777, 0.5914)
+ -- ( 0.4980, 0.5501)
+ -- ( 0.4432, 0.5232)
+ -- ( 0.4229, 0.5644)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4777, 0.5914)
+ -- ( 0.4980, 0.5501)
+ -- ( 0.4432, 0.5232)
+ -- ( 0.4229, 0.5644)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4936, 0.5331)
+ -- ( 0.5191, 0.4949)
+ -- ( 0.4683, 0.4611)
+ -- ( 0.4428, 0.4993)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4936, 0.5331)
+ -- ( 0.5191, 0.4949)
+ -- ( 0.4683, 0.4611)
+ -- ( 0.4428, 0.4993)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4667, 0.4393)
+ -- ( 0.4871, 0.3980)
+ -- ( 0.4323, 0.3711)
+ -- ( 0.4120, 0.4123)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4667, 0.4393)
+ -- ( 0.4871, 0.3980)
+ -- ( 0.4323, 0.3711)
+ -- ( 0.4120, 0.4123)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2446,-0.1495)
+ -- (-0.2153,-0.1488)
+ -- (-0.2138,-0.2024)
+ -- (-0.2431,-0.2032)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2446,-0.1495)
+ -- (-0.2153,-0.1488)
+ -- (-0.2138,-0.2024)
+ -- (-0.2431,-0.2032)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1018, 0.2179)
+ -- (-0.0915, 0.2454)
+ -- (-0.0412, 0.2264)
+ -- (-0.0516, 0.1989)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1018, 0.2179)
+ -- (-0.0915, 0.2454)
+ -- (-0.0412, 0.2264)
+ -- (-0.0516, 0.1989)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4189, 0.2515)
+ -- ( 0.4645, 0.2567)
+ -- ( 0.4714, 0.1960)
+ -- ( 0.4257, 0.1909)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4189, 0.2515)
+ -- ( 0.4645, 0.2567)
+ -- ( 0.4714, 0.1960)
+ -- ( 0.4257, 0.1909)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5784, 0.2650)
+ -- ( 0.6240, 0.2702)
+ -- ( 0.6308, 0.2095)
+ -- ( 0.5852, 0.2043)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5784, 0.2650)
+ -- ( 0.6240, 0.2702)
+ -- ( 0.6308, 0.2095)
+ -- ( 0.5852, 0.2043)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5509, 0.4874)
+ -- ( 0.5966, 0.4925)
+ -- ( 0.6034, 0.4319)
+ -- ( 0.5577, 0.4267)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5509, 0.4874)
+ -- ( 0.5966, 0.4925)
+ -- ( 0.6034, 0.4319)
+ -- ( 0.5577, 0.4267)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1390, 0.6195)
+ -- ( 0.1654, 0.5820)
+ -- ( 0.1155, 0.5468)
+ -- ( 0.0890, 0.5843)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1390, 0.6195)
+ -- ( 0.1654, 0.5820)
+ -- ( 0.1155, 0.5468)
+ -- ( 0.0890, 0.5843)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1780,-0.4082)
+ -- (-0.1533,-0.3695)
+ -- (-0.1018,-0.4023)
+ -- (-0.1265,-0.4410)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1780,-0.4082)
+ -- (-0.1533,-0.3695)
+ -- (-0.1018,-0.4023)
+ -- (-0.1265,-0.4410)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2611,-0.2396)
+ -- (-0.2175,-0.2543)
+ -- (-0.2370,-0.3121)
+ -- (-0.2805,-0.2974)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2611,-0.2396)
+ -- (-0.2175,-0.2543)
+ -- (-0.2370,-0.3121)
+ -- (-0.2805,-0.2974)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1640,-0.8299)
+ -- ( 0.1872,-0.8299)
+ -- ( 0.1872,-0.8565)
+ -- ( 0.1640,-0.8565)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1640,-0.8299)
+ -- ( 0.1872,-0.8299)
+ -- ( 0.1872,-0.8565)
+ -- ( 0.1640,-0.8565)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1330,-0.7413)
+ -- (-0.1099,-0.7413)
+ -- (-0.1099,-0.7679)
+ -- (-0.1330,-0.7679)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1330,-0.7413)
+ -- (-0.1099,-0.7413)
+ -- (-0.1099,-0.7679)
+ -- (-0.1330,-0.7679)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3280,-0.8061)
+ -- (-0.3049,-0.8061)
+ -- (-0.3049,-0.8327)
+ -- (-0.3280,-0.8327)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3280,-0.8061)
+ -- (-0.3049,-0.8061)
+ -- (-0.3049,-0.8327)
+ -- (-0.3280,-0.8327)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7302,-0.0754)
+ -- (-0.7099,-0.0866)
+ -- (-0.7228,-0.1099)
+ -- (-0.7430,-0.0988)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7302,-0.0754)
+ -- (-0.7099,-0.0866)
+ -- (-0.7228,-0.1099)
+ -- (-0.7430,-0.0988)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0147, 0.1985)
+ -- ( 0.0078, 0.1934)
+ -- ( 0.0020, 0.1675)
+ -- (-0.0206, 0.1726)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0147, 0.1985)
+ -- ( 0.0078, 0.1934)
+ -- ( 0.0020, 0.1675)
+ -- (-0.0206, 0.1726)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7613, 0.0272)
+ -- ( 0.7841, 0.0313)
+ -- ( 0.7889, 0.0050)
+ -- ( 0.7661, 0.0009)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.7613, 0.0272)
+ -- ( 0.7841, 0.0313)
+ -- ( 0.7889, 0.0050)
+ -- ( 0.7661, 0.0009)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0160, 0.0427)
+ -- ( 0.0379, 0.0352)
+ -- ( 0.0294, 0.0100)
+ -- ( 0.0075, 0.0174)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0160, 0.0427)
+ -- ( 0.0379, 0.0352)
+ -- ( 0.0294, 0.0100)
+ -- ( 0.0075, 0.0174)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3515,-0.2403)
+ -- ( 0.3743,-0.2442)
+ -- ( 0.3697,-0.2705)
+ -- ( 0.3469,-0.2665)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3515,-0.2403)
+ -- ( 0.3743,-0.2442)
+ -- ( 0.3697,-0.2705)
+ -- ( 0.3469,-0.2665)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0718, 0.3637)
+ -- ( 0.0933, 0.3723)
+ -- ( 0.1032, 0.3476)
+ -- ( 0.0817, 0.3390)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0718, 0.3637)
+ -- ( 0.0933, 0.3723)
+ -- ( 0.1032, 0.3476)
+ -- ( 0.0817, 0.3390)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2555, 0.2647)
+ -- (-0.2413, 0.2902)
+ -- (-0.1944, 0.2641)
+ -- (-0.2086, 0.2385)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2555, 0.2647)
+ -- (-0.2413, 0.2902)
+ -- (-0.1944, 0.2641)
+ -- (-0.2086, 0.2385)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2832, 0.1509)
+ -- (-0.2826, 0.1802)
+ -- (-0.2289, 0.1792)
+ -- (-0.2295, 0.1498)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2832, 0.1509)
+ -- (-0.2826, 0.1802)
+ -- (-0.2289, 0.1792)
+ -- (-0.2295, 0.1498)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5694, 0.6977)
+ -- (-0.5248, 0.6870)
+ -- (-0.5390, 0.6277)
+ -- (-0.5837, 0.6384)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5694, 0.6977)
+ -- (-0.5248, 0.6870)
+ -- (-0.5390, 0.6277)
+ -- (-0.5837, 0.6384)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6046, 0.6071)
+ -- (-0.5747, 0.5723)
+ -- (-0.6210, 0.5326)
+ -- (-0.6509, 0.5674)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6046, 0.6071)
+ -- (-0.5747, 0.5723)
+ -- (-0.6210, 0.5326)
+ -- (-0.6509, 0.5674)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2915,-0.1208)
+ -- (-0.2462,-0.1288)
+ -- (-0.2569,-0.1889)
+ -- (-0.3021,-0.1809)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2915,-0.1208)
+ -- (-0.2462,-0.1288)
+ -- (-0.2569,-0.1889)
+ -- (-0.3021,-0.1809)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1636, 0.0236)
+ -- ( 0.2095, 0.0215)
+ -- ( 0.2067,-0.0394)
+ -- ( 0.1608,-0.0374)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1636, 0.0236)
+ -- ( 0.2095, 0.0215)
+ -- ( 0.2067,-0.0394)
+ -- ( 0.1608,-0.0374)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0653,-0.5296)
+ -- (-0.0423,-0.5269)
+ -- (-0.0391,-0.5533)
+ -- (-0.0621,-0.5560)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0653,-0.5296)
+ -- (-0.0423,-0.5269)
+ -- (-0.0391,-0.5533)
+ -- (-0.0621,-0.5560)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3393, 0.1912)
+ -- (-0.3173, 0.1843)
+ -- (-0.3254, 0.1589)
+ -- (-0.3474, 0.1659)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3393, 0.1912)
+ -- (-0.3173, 0.1843)
+ -- (-0.3254, 0.1589)
+ -- (-0.3474, 0.1659)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2247, 0.5875)
+ -- (-0.2027, 0.5801)
+ -- (-0.2113, 0.5549)
+ -- (-0.2332, 0.5623)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2247, 0.5875)
+ -- (-0.2027, 0.5801)
+ -- (-0.2113, 0.5549)
+ -- (-0.2332, 0.5623)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3747, 0.1590)
+ -- ( 0.4022, 0.1690)
+ -- ( 0.4206, 0.1185)
+ -- ( 0.3930, 0.1085)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3747, 0.1590)
+ -- ( 0.4022, 0.1690)
+ -- ( 0.4206, 0.1185)
+ -- ( 0.3930, 0.1085)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/light_woods.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/light_woods.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee15f5ce78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/light_woods.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/light woods}
+% The draw style for light woods. The pattern is filled with light
+% green, and outline is not drawn.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/light woods/.style={
+ draw=none,
+ fill={rgb,100:red,69;green,98;blue,69}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/light woods}
+% Next, we have light woods.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/light woods/.pic={
+ \path[hex/terrain/light woods,pic actions,draw=none]
+ (-0.4795, 0.8736)
+ -- (-0.5104, 0.8207)
+ .. controls (-0.5041, 0.8191) and (-0.4967, 0.8182) .. (-0.4854, 0.8192)
+ -- (-0.4770, 0.8108)
+ -- (-0.4854, 0.7856)
+ -- (-0.5190, 0.8023)
+ .. controls (-0.5219, 0.7975) and (-0.5245, 0.7958) .. (-0.5272, 0.7916)
+ -- (-0.5881, 0.6872)
+ .. controls (-0.5849, 0.6876) and (-0.5819, 0.6876) .. (-0.5782, 0.6885)
+ .. controls (-0.5524, 0.6946) and (-0.5387, 0.7153) .. (-0.5182, 0.7298)
+ .. controls (-0.4841, 0.7540) and (-0.4420, 0.7539) .. (-0.4346, 0.7864)
+ .. controls (-0.4295, 0.8088) and (-0.4470, 0.8265) .. (-0.4572, 0.8444)
+ .. controls (-0.4631, 0.8549) and (-0.4670, 0.8646) .. (-0.4707, 0.8736)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3185, 0.8722)
+ .. controls (-0.3478, 0.8487) and (-0.3526, 0.8080) .. (-0.3290, 0.7808)
+ .. controls (-0.3140, 0.7633) and (-0.2394, 0.7433) .. (-0.2165, 0.7459)
+ .. controls (-0.1895, 0.7488) and (-0.1787, 0.7643) .. (-0.1561, 0.7725)
+ .. controls (-0.1380, 0.7791) and (-0.1179, 0.7766) .. (-0.1025, 0.7906)
+ .. controls (-0.0719, 0.8182) and (-0.0936, 0.8427) .. (-0.1240, 0.8528)
+ -- (-0.1323, 0.8192)
+ -- (-0.1912, 0.8359)
+ .. controls (-0.1985, 0.8023) and (-0.1999, 0.7965) .. (-0.2332, 0.7856)
+ .. controls (-0.2512, 0.8363) and (-0.2775, 0.8009) .. (-0.2909, 0.8240)
+ .. controls (-0.2975, 0.8355) and (-0.2884, 0.8535) .. (-0.2756, 0.8719)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1660, 0.8709)
+ .. controls (-0.1609, 0.8538) and (-0.1460, 0.8596) .. (-0.1371, 0.8707)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0768, 0.8689)
+ .. controls ( 0.0767, 0.8688) and ( 0.0765, 0.8686) .. ( 0.0764, 0.8685)
+ .. controls ( 0.0704, 0.8503) and ( 0.0779, 0.7592) .. ( 0.1533, 0.7700)
+ .. controls ( 0.1955, 0.7761) and ( 0.1956, 0.8018) .. ( 0.1871, 0.8359)
+ -- ( 0.1366, 0.8108)
+ -- ( 0.1510, 0.8683)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1840, 0.8680)
+ .. controls ( 0.1910, 0.8650) and ( 0.1993, 0.8662) .. ( 0.2081, 0.8678)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2214, 0.8677)
+ -- ( 0.2459, 0.7939)
+ .. controls ( 0.1903, 0.7716) and ( 0.2267, 0.7399) .. ( 0.2534, 0.7490)
+ .. controls ( 0.2925, 0.7624) and ( 0.2842, 0.8066) .. ( 0.2735, 0.8359)
+ .. controls ( 0.2690, 0.8483) and ( 0.2655, 0.8586) .. ( 0.2619, 0.8674)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4057, 0.8661)
+ .. controls ( 0.4149, 0.8349) and ( 0.4483, 0.8068) .. ( 0.4873, 0.8349)
+ .. controls ( 0.4993, 0.8436) and ( 0.5001, 0.8496) .. ( 0.5065, 0.8612)
+ .. controls ( 0.5170, 0.8447) and ( 0.5269, 0.8297) .. ( 0.5405, 0.8189)
+ -- ( 0.5145, 0.8652)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0288, 0.8391)
+ .. controls (-0.0335, 0.8388) and (-0.0390, 0.8377) .. (-0.0453, 0.8356)
+ .. controls (-0.0698, 0.8019) and (-0.0347, 0.7882) .. (-0.0173, 0.7966)
+ .. controls ( 0.0001, 0.8052) and ( 0.0042, 0.8413) .. (-0.0288, 0.8391)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3888, 0.7856)
+ -- ( 0.3719, 0.7687)
+ -- ( 0.3719, 0.7604)
+ -- ( 0.3888, 0.7435)
+ -- ( 0.3972, 0.7435)
+ -- ( 0.4140, 0.7604)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0821, 0.7138)
+ .. controls (-0.0999, 0.7158) and (-0.1171, 0.7050) .. (-0.1211, 0.6922)
+ .. controls (-0.1297, 0.6650) and (-0.0695, 0.6250) .. (-0.0468, 0.6186)
+ .. controls (-0.0352, 0.6169) and (-0.0107, 0.6175) .. ( 0.0022, 0.6186)
+ .. controls (-0.0326, 0.5765) and (-0.0411, 0.5767) .. (-0.0909, 0.5922)
+ .. controls (-0.0924, 0.5799) and (-0.0959, 0.5731) .. (-0.0909, 0.5597)
+ .. controls (-0.0591, 0.4605) and ( 0.1221, 0.6255) .. ( 0.0020, 0.6581)
+ .. controls (-0.0090, 0.6597) and (-0.0281, 0.6592) .. (-0.0399, 0.6581)
+ .. controls (-0.0462, 0.6969) and (-0.0645, 0.7118) .. (-0.0821, 0.7138)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3704, 0.7106)
+ .. controls ( 0.3510, 0.7072) and ( 0.3332, 0.6943) .. ( 0.3224, 0.6679)
+ .. controls ( 0.3172, 0.6530) and ( 0.3220, 0.6121) .. ( 0.3224, 0.5922)
+ -- ( 0.3056, 0.6154)
+ .. controls ( 0.2531, 0.6742) and ( 0.2322, 0.5554) .. ( 0.2966, 0.5454)
+ .. controls ( 0.3239, 0.5412) and ( 0.3417, 0.5630) .. ( 0.3972, 0.5670)
+ .. controls ( 0.4005, 0.5473) and ( 0.4019, 0.5314) .. ( 0.4237, 0.5231)
+ .. controls ( 0.4541, 0.5116) and ( 0.4961, 0.5392) .. ( 0.4841, 0.5736)
+ .. controls ( 0.4794, 0.5870) and ( 0.4556, 0.5991) .. ( 0.4331, 0.6106)
+ .. controls ( 0.4972, 0.6497) and ( 0.4277, 0.7210) .. ( 0.3704, 0.7106)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4679, 0.7004)
+ .. controls (-0.5116, 0.6983) and (-0.4629, 0.6153) .. (-0.4266, 0.6632)
+ .. controls (-0.4200, 0.6718) and (-0.4201, 0.6786) .. (-0.4182, 0.6846)
+ -- (-0.4434, 0.6958)
+ .. controls (-0.4536, 0.6993) and (-0.4618, 0.7007) .. (-0.4679, 0.7004)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5653, 0.7002)
+ .. controls ( 0.5661, 0.6911) and ( 0.5658, 0.6799) .. ( 0.5704, 0.6702)
+ .. controls ( 0.5856, 0.6381) and ( 0.6183, 0.6504) .. ( 0.6246, 0.6688)
+ -- ( 0.6102, 0.6944)
+ .. controls ( 0.6066, 0.6965) and ( 0.6036, 0.6986) .. ( 0.5984, 0.7002)
+ .. controls ( 0.5884, 0.7016) and ( 0.5757, 0.7012) .. ( 0.5653, 0.7002)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1310, 0.6925)
+ .. controls ( 0.1003, 0.6568) and ( 0.1392, 0.6414) .. ( 0.1582, 0.6530)
+ .. controls ( 0.1772, 0.6646) and ( 0.1778, 0.7030) .. ( 0.1310, 0.6925)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3425, 0.6846)
+ .. controls (-0.3485, 0.6703) and (-0.3540, 0.6584) .. (-0.3564, 0.6427)
+ .. controls (-0.3714, 0.5438) and (-0.2673, 0.5839) .. (-0.3103, 0.6583)
+ .. controls (-0.3198, 0.6747) and (-0.3272, 0.6765) .. (-0.3425, 0.6846)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1828, 0.6763)
+ .. controls (-0.2468, 0.6411) and (-0.2396, 0.5532) .. (-0.1659, 0.5602)
+ .. controls (-0.1273, 0.5639) and (-0.0946, 0.6066) .. (-0.1492, 0.6258)
+ -- (-0.1828, 0.6006)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3972, 0.6763)
+ -- ( 0.4287, 0.6131)
+ .. controls ( 0.4206, 0.6173) and ( 0.4113, 0.6217) .. ( 0.4056, 0.6258)
+ -- ( 0.3719, 0.6006)
+ .. controls ( 0.3635, 0.6415) and ( 0.3652, 0.6489) .. ( 0.3972, 0.6763)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5737, 0.6319)
+ -- ( 0.5485, 0.6258)
+ .. controls ( 0.5516, 0.6201) and ( 0.5520, 0.6138) .. ( 0.5614, 0.6043)
+ .. controls ( 0.6074, 0.5569) and ( 0.6453, 0.6371) .. ( 0.5737, 0.6319)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6211, 0.6305)
+ -- (-0.6755, 0.5370)
+ -- (-0.6787, 0.5166)
+ .. controls (-0.6809, 0.5180) and (-0.6832, 0.5188) .. (-0.6854, 0.5203)
+ -- (-0.7191, 0.4623)
+ -- (-0.7291, 0.4073)
+ .. controls (-0.7367, 0.4126) and (-0.7403, 0.4136) .. (-0.7456, 0.4169)
+ -- (-0.7651, 0.3834)
+ .. controls (-0.7455, 0.3798) and (-0.7239, 0.3727) .. (-0.7052, 0.3845)
+ .. controls (-0.6739, 0.3993) and (-0.6763, 0.4662) .. (-0.6703, 0.4998)
+ .. controls (-0.6178, 0.4665) and (-0.6044, 0.4826) .. (-0.5611, 0.5204)
+ .. controls (-0.5440, 0.5353) and (-0.5267, 0.5491) .. (-0.5345, 0.5748)
+ .. controls (-0.5466, 0.6149) and (-0.5841, 0.6243) .. (-0.6211, 0.6305)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6450, 0.5670)
+ -- (-0.5862, 0.5670)
+ .. controls (-0.6029, 0.5328) and (-0.6086, 0.5274) .. (-0.6450, 0.5166)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5940, 0.5141)
+ .. controls ( 0.5876, 0.5135) and ( 0.5814, 0.5119) .. ( 0.5737, 0.5105)
+ .. controls ( 0.5529, 0.5005) and ( 0.5203, 0.4878) .. ( 0.5123, 0.4644)
+ .. controls ( 0.5022, 0.4349) and ( 0.5312, 0.3332) .. ( 0.5982, 0.3551)
+ .. controls ( 0.6173, 0.3612) and ( 0.6614, 0.3963) .. ( 0.6651, 0.4168)
+ .. controls ( 0.6700, 0.4432) and ( 0.6406, 0.5019) .. ( 0.6149, 0.5105)
+ .. controls ( 0.6066, 0.5139) and ( 0.6003, 0.5146) .. ( 0.5940, 0.5141)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0525, 0.5036)
+ .. controls ( 0.0223, 0.5016) and ( 0.0014, 0.4715) .. (-0.0147, 0.4493)
+ .. controls (-0.0480, 0.4823) and (-0.1271, 0.5502) .. (-0.1240, 0.4493)
+ -- (-0.0819, 0.4661)
+ .. controls (-0.0631, 0.4289) and ( 0.0054, 0.3259) .. ( 0.0443, 0.3176)
+ .. controls ( 0.1031, 0.3051) and ( 0.1431, 0.3862) .. ( 0.0694, 0.3989)
+ .. controls ( 0.0551, 0.3118) and ( 0.0044, 0.4056) .. ( 0.0316, 0.4326)
+ .. controls ( 0.0741, 0.4748) and ( 0.1233, 0.3699) .. ( 0.1388, 0.4261)
+ .. controls ( 0.1477, 0.4584) and ( 0.0813, 0.5057) .. ( 0.0525, 0.5036)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6073, 0.4745)
+ -- ( 0.6242, 0.4241)
+ -- ( 0.5569, 0.3989)
+ -- ( 0.5569, 0.4493)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3498, 0.4626)
+ .. controls (-0.3744, 0.4586) and (-0.3998, 0.4069) .. (-0.3941, 0.3847)
+ .. controls (-0.3893, 0.3661) and (-0.3650, 0.3651) .. (-0.3503, 0.3798)
+ -- (-0.3257, 0.4157)
+ .. controls (-0.3295, 0.3698) and (-0.2940, 0.3485) .. (-0.2697, 0.3592)
+ .. controls (-0.2492, 0.3684) and (-0.2611, 0.3898) .. (-0.2697, 0.4024)
+ .. controls (-0.2865, 0.4277) and (-0.3149, 0.4682) .. (-0.3498, 0.4626)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7488, 0.4472)
+ .. controls ( 0.7446, 0.4429) and ( 0.7413, 0.4378) .. ( 0.7395, 0.4315)
+ .. controls ( 0.7338, 0.4111) and ( 0.7612, 0.3277) .. ( 0.8087, 0.3352)
+ .. controls ( 0.8094, 0.3354) and ( 0.8102, 0.3361) .. ( 0.8109, 0.3364)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1492, 0.4409)
+ .. controls (-0.1577, 0.3701) and (-0.1298, 0.3577) .. (-0.0651, 0.3568)
+ .. controls (-0.0461, 0.3027) and (-0.0025, 0.3462) .. (-0.0567, 0.3652)
+ -- (-0.0567, 0.3568)
+ -- (-0.0651, 0.3652)
+ -- (-0.0567, 0.3652)
+ -- (-0.0567, 0.3989)
+ -- (-0.0988, 0.3905)
+ .. controls (-0.1116, 0.4252) and (-0.1112, 0.4344) .. (-0.1492, 0.4409)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2869, 0.4351)
+ .. controls ( 0.2475, 0.4293) and ( 0.2234, 0.3681) .. ( 0.2795, 0.3485)
+ -- ( 0.3048, 0.3905)
+ .. controls ( 0.3028, 0.3760) and ( 0.3013, 0.3442) .. ( 0.3278, 0.3583)
+ .. controls ( 0.3557, 0.3731) and ( 0.3437, 0.4227) .. ( 0.3046, 0.4338)
+ .. controls ( 0.2985, 0.4356) and ( 0.2925, 0.4359) .. ( 0.2869, 0.4351)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5352, 0.4038)
+ .. controls (-0.5519, 0.4042) and (-0.5689, 0.3932) .. (-0.5778, 0.3652)
+ -- (-0.5358, 0.3652)
+ -- (-0.5442, 0.3149)
+ -- (-0.6030, 0.3401)
+ .. controls (-0.6099, 0.3078) and (-0.5933, 0.2580) .. (-0.5523, 0.2636)
+ .. controls (-0.5251, 0.2673) and (-0.4980, 0.3070) .. (-0.4910, 0.3316)
+ .. controls (-0.4799, 0.3705) and (-0.5072, 0.4030) .. (-0.5352, 0.4038)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4056, 0.3989)
+ .. controls ( 0.4011, 0.3650) and ( 0.4064, 0.3627) .. ( 0.4392, 0.3568)
+ .. controls ( 0.4340, 0.3865) and ( 0.4336, 0.3876) .. ( 0.4056, 0.3989)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2248, 0.3737)
+ -- (-0.2164, 0.3401)
+ -- (-0.1828, 0.3568)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4558, 0.3414)
+ .. controls ( 0.4424, 0.3419) and ( 0.4339, 0.3363) .. ( 0.4224, 0.3316)
+ -- ( 0.4340, 0.2885)
+ .. controls ( 0.4635, 0.2154) and ( 0.5405, 0.3381) .. ( 0.4558, 0.3414)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3179, 0.3382)
+ .. controls (-0.3270, 0.3401) and (-0.3357, 0.3403) .. (-0.3425, 0.3381)
+ .. controls (-0.3762, 0.3275) and (-0.3957, 0.2970) .. (-0.4013, 0.2644)
+ -- (-0.3341, 0.2892)
+ .. controls (-0.3207, 0.2121) and (-0.2456, 0.2402) .. (-0.2545, 0.2892)
+ .. controls (-0.2586, 0.3110) and (-0.2906, 0.3324) .. (-0.3179, 0.3382)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3611, 0.3359)
+ .. controls ( 0.3110, 0.3372) and ( 0.2179, 0.3015) .. ( 0.2626, 0.2392)
+ -- ( 0.2207, 0.2056)
+ -- ( 0.2123, 0.2308)
+ -- ( 0.1955, 0.2308)
+ .. controls ( 0.1691, 0.1342) and ( 0.2461, 0.1660) .. ( 0.2711, 0.1678)
+ .. controls ( 0.3105, 0.1704) and ( 0.3525, 0.1635) .. ( 0.3836, 0.2013)
+ .. controls ( 0.4000, 0.2213) and ( 0.3935, 0.2469) .. ( 0.3552, 0.2434)
+ .. controls ( 0.3256, 0.2408) and ( 0.3193, 0.2282) .. ( 0.3048, 0.2056)
+ .. controls ( 0.2927, 0.2510) and ( 0.2970, 0.2476) .. ( 0.3131, 0.2897)
+ -- ( 0.3552, 0.2728)
+ -- ( 0.3636, 0.2980)
+ -- ( 0.3719, 0.2644)
+ .. controls ( 0.4287, 0.2825) and ( 0.4092, 0.3226) .. ( 0.3795, 0.3331)
+ .. controls ( 0.3746, 0.3349) and ( 0.3683, 0.3357) .. ( 0.3611, 0.3359)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7326, 0.3304)
+ .. controls (-0.7558, 0.2996) and (-0.7303, 0.2839) .. (-0.7147, 0.2917)
+ .. controls (-0.6982, 0.3000) and (-0.6941, 0.3349) .. (-0.7326, 0.3304)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5316, 0.3064)
+ .. controls ( 0.5417, 0.2779) and ( 0.5439, 0.2772) .. ( 0.5737, 0.2813)
+ .. controls ( 0.5591, 0.3056) and ( 0.5600, 0.3049) .. ( 0.5316, 0.3064)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7063, 0.2870)
+ .. controls ( 0.6995, 0.2880) and ( 0.6923, 0.2874) .. ( 0.6840, 0.2844)
+ .. controls ( 0.6531, 0.2731) and ( 0.6307, 0.2270) .. ( 0.6242, 0.1972)
+ -- ( 0.6914, 0.2056)
+ -- ( 0.6914, 0.2475)
+ -- ( 0.7166, 0.2139)
+ -- ( 0.7670, 0.2224)
+ -- ( 0.7670, 0.1887)
+ -- ( 0.8091, 0.1804)
+ -- ( 0.7755, 0.1047)
+ -- ( 0.8343, 0.1131)
+ .. controls ( 0.8409, 0.1435) and ( 0.8409, 0.1473) .. ( 0.8679, 0.1636)
+ .. controls ( 0.8652, 0.1490) and ( 0.8470, 0.0581) .. ( 0.8896, 0.0809)
+ .. controls ( 0.9211, 0.0965) and ( 0.9103, 0.1720) .. ( 0.8896, 0.1909)
+ .. controls ( 0.8668, 0.2094) and ( 0.8421, 0.2029) .. ( 0.8174, 0.1972)
+ .. controls ( 0.8135, 0.2098) and ( 0.8137, 0.2162) .. ( 0.8041, 0.2272)
+ .. controls ( 0.7922, 0.2408) and ( 0.7748, 0.2458) .. ( 0.7601, 0.2552)
+ .. controls ( 0.7419, 0.2667) and ( 0.7266, 0.2841) .. ( 0.7063, 0.2870)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6242, 0.1972)
+ .. controls ( 0.6061, 0.1985) and ( 0.5845, 0.2023) .. ( 0.5690, 0.1902)
+ .. controls ( 0.5426, 0.1695) and ( 0.5550, 0.1248) .. ( 0.5909, 0.1110)
+ .. controls ( 0.6168, 0.1011) and ( 0.6421, 0.1125) .. ( 0.6679, 0.1215)
+ .. controls ( 0.6663, 0.1076) and ( 0.6658, 0.0850) .. ( 0.6679, 0.0720)
+ .. controls ( 0.6961,-0.0135) and ( 0.8163, 0.0895) .. ( 0.7250, 0.1215)
+ -- ( 0.6998, 0.0795)
+ -- ( 0.7166, 0.1299)
+ -- ( 0.6830, 0.1804)
+ -- ( 0.6578, 0.1636)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0950, 0.2671)
+ .. controls ( 0.0367, 0.2427) and ( 0.0851, 0.1985) .. ( 0.1112, 0.2040)
+ .. controls ( 0.1427, 0.2110) and ( 0.1597, 0.2672) .. ( 0.0950, 0.2671)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0988, 0.2609)
+ .. controls (-0.1426, 0.2672) and (-0.2761, 0.1879) .. (-0.1828, 0.1551)
+ -- (-0.1743, 0.1972)
+ -- (-0.1240, 0.1804)
+ -- (-0.0904, 0.2308)
+ -- (-0.1071, 0.1720)
+ .. controls (-0.0221, 0.1543) and (-0.0435, 0.2528) .. (-0.0988, 0.2609)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8142, 0.2071)
+ .. controls (-0.8258, 0.2070) and (-0.8375, 0.2012) .. (-0.8466, 0.1869)
+ .. controls (-0.8534, 0.1760) and (-0.8533, 0.1669) .. (-0.8551, 0.1551)
+ -- (-0.7963, 0.1636)
+ -- (-0.8132, 0.1215)
+ .. controls (-0.8020, 0.1234) and (-0.7923, 0.1232) .. (-0.7821, 0.1301)
+ .. controls (-0.7447, 0.1557) and (-0.7793, 0.2072) .. (-0.8142, 0.2071)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2584, 0.2056)
+ -- (-0.2584, 0.1636)
+ .. controls (-0.2445, 0.1848) and (-0.2445, 0.1843) .. (-0.2584, 0.2056)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7132, 0.1953)
+ .. controls (-0.7373, 0.1910) and (-0.7568, 0.1647) .. (-0.7459, 0.1215)
+ -- (-0.6955, 0.1551)
+ .. controls (-0.7015, 0.1043) and (-0.7057, 0.0835) .. (-0.6450, 0.0963)
+ -- (-0.6535, 0.0711)
+ .. controls (-0.5898, 0.0580) and (-0.5907, 0.1071) .. (-0.6081, 0.1249)
+ .. controls (-0.6203, 0.1374) and (-0.6375, 0.1370) .. (-0.6535, 0.1383)
+ .. controls (-0.6607, 0.1823) and (-0.6892, 0.1997) .. (-0.7132, 0.1953)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4097, 0.1720)
+ -- (-0.3845, 0.1215)
+ -- (-0.4097, 0.0963)
+ -- (-0.4349, 0.1047)
+ .. controls (-0.4598,-0.0134) and (-0.2772, 0.1076) .. (-0.3690, 0.1621)
+ .. controls (-0.3821, 0.1699) and (-0.3951, 0.1703) .. (-0.4097, 0.1720)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4374, 0.1711)
+ .. controls ( 0.4200, 0.1682) and ( 0.4016, 0.1543) .. ( 0.3888, 0.1299)
+ -- ( 0.4477, 0.1299)
+ .. controls ( 0.4703, 0.1056) and ( 0.4891, 0.1252) .. ( 0.4798, 0.1463)
+ .. controls ( 0.4711, 0.1661) and ( 0.4548, 0.1741) .. ( 0.4374, 0.1711)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4594, 0.1707)
+ .. controls (-0.4648, 0.1719) and (-0.4705, 0.1718) .. (-0.4752, 0.1698)
+ .. controls (-0.4878, 0.1646) and (-0.4954, 0.1508) .. (-0.4982, 0.1382)
+ .. controls (-0.5096, 0.0875) and (-0.4448, 0.0609) .. (-0.4602, 0.1299)
+ .. controls (-0.4304, 0.1504) and (-0.4433, 0.1669) .. (-0.4594, 0.1707)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0230, 0.1592)
+ .. controls (-0.0727, 0.1609) and (-0.0799, 0.1002) .. (-0.1492, 0.0795)
+ -- (-0.1576, 0.0374)
+ .. controls (-0.1940, 0.0779) and (-0.1965, 0.0894) .. (-0.2500, 0.0711)
+ -- (-0.2584, 0.0795)
+ -- (-0.2332, 0.1383)
+ .. controls (-0.2779, 0.1347) and (-0.3158, 0.0997) .. (-0.2855, 0.0563)
+ .. controls (-0.2695, 0.0332) and (-0.2481, 0.0337) .. (-0.2256, 0.0248)
+ .. controls (-0.1803, 0.0069) and (-0.1541,-0.0311) .. (-0.1155, 0.0290)
+ .. controls (-0.0607, 0.0067) and (-0.0553,-0.0150) .. (-0.0307,-0.0232)
+ .. controls ( 0.0157,-0.0389) and ( 0.0524, 0.0035) .. ( 0.0442, 0.0543)
+ .. controls ( 0.0843, 0.0613) and ( 0.1010, 0.0937) .. ( 0.0727, 0.1263)
+ .. controls ( 0.0598, 0.1414) and (-0.0030, 0.1586) .. (-0.0230, 0.1592)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0230, 0.1215)
+ -- ( 0.0442, 0.1131)
+ .. controls ( 0.0289, 0.0705) and ( 0.0228, 0.0356) .. (-0.0230, 0.0207)
+ .. controls (-0.0339, 0.0543) and (-0.0383, 0.0572) .. (-0.0735, 0.0543)
+ -- (-0.0819, 0.0627)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8973, 0.1131)
+ .. controls (-0.9051, 0.0492) and (-0.8679, 0.0676) .. (-0.8321, 0.0457)
+ .. controls (-0.7996, 0.0258) and (-0.7906,-0.0272) .. (-0.7039,-0.0046)
+ .. controls (-0.6977,-0.0167) and (-0.6964,-0.0237) .. (-0.6846,-0.0331)
+ .. controls (-0.6146,-0.0891) and (-0.5741, 0.0485) .. (-0.6619, 0.0396)
+ .. controls (-0.6723, 0.0384) and (-0.6856, 0.0326) .. (-0.6955, 0.0290)
+ .. controls (-0.7145, 0.0487) and (-0.7442, 0.0435) .. (-0.7712, 0.0459)
+ -- (-0.7771, 0.0746)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7839, 0.0627)
+ .. controls ( 0.7798, 0.0513) and ( 0.7748, 0.0421) .. ( 0.7752, 0.0292)
+ .. controls ( 0.7776,-0.0409) and ( 0.8888, 0.0073) .. ( 0.8169, 0.0493)
+ .. controls ( 0.8064, 0.0555) and ( 0.7952, 0.0587) .. ( 0.7839, 0.0627)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6399, 0.0543)
+ .. controls ( 0.6341, 0.0555) and ( 0.6275, 0.0553) .. ( 0.6207, 0.0536)
+ .. controls ( 0.5899, 0.0092) and ( 0.6489,-0.0145) .. ( 0.6606, 0.0149)
+ .. controls ( 0.6690, 0.0359) and ( 0.6576, 0.0510) .. ( 0.6399, 0.0543)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2228, 0.0528)
+ .. controls ( 0.1887, 0.0319) and ( 0.2131,-0.0076) .. ( 0.2361,-0.0078)
+ .. controls ( 0.2619,-0.0080) and ( 0.2726, 0.0432) .. ( 0.2228, 0.0528)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4509, 0.0479)
+ .. controls ( 0.4394, 0.0460) and ( 0.4290, 0.0332) .. ( 0.4224, 0.0038)
+ .. controls ( 0.3826, 0.0304) and ( 0.3797, 0.0371) .. ( 0.3300, 0.0301)
+ .. controls ( 0.3175, 0.0283) and ( 0.3021, 0.0266) .. ( 0.2915, 0.0192)
+ .. controls ( 0.2691, 0.0036) and ( 0.2444,-0.0690) .. ( 0.3552,-0.0718)
+ -- ( 0.3131,-0.0046)
+ .. controls ( 0.3436,-0.0165) and ( 0.3418,-0.0171) .. ( 0.3719,-0.0046)
+ .. controls ( 0.3961,-0.0513) and ( 0.4113,-0.0431) .. ( 0.4560,-0.0298)
+ -- ( 0.4560, 0.0038)
+ -- ( 0.4812,-0.0466)
+ .. controls ( 0.4281,-0.0863) and ( 0.4953,-0.1091) .. ( 0.5137,-0.0706)
+ .. controls ( 0.5296,-0.0376) and ( 0.4853, 0.0538) .. ( 0.4509, 0.0479)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9381, 0.0440)
+ .. controls (-0.9573, 0.0465) and (-0.9752, 0.0361) .. (-0.9800, 0.0016)
+ -- (-0.9774,-0.0032)
+ -- (-0.9308, 0.0123)
+ .. controls (-0.9260, 0.0012) and (-0.9218,-0.0135) .. (-0.9103,-0.0200)
+ .. controls (-0.8939,-0.0290) and (-0.8783,-0.0112) .. (-0.8895, 0.0115)
+ .. controls (-0.8962, 0.0252) and (-0.9176, 0.0414) .. (-0.9381, 0.0440)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.9435, 0.0207)
+ -- ( 0.9184, 0.0123)
+ -- ( 0.9435,-0.0046)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8999,-0.0129)
+ .. controls ( 0.9000,-0.0216) and ( 0.8974,-0.0282) .. ( 0.8999,-0.0376)
+ .. controls ( 0.9043,-0.0955) and ( 0.9800,-0.0453) .. ( 0.9254,-0.0191)
+ .. controls ( 0.9173,-0.0151) and ( 0.9098,-0.0148) .. ( 0.8999,-0.0129)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5187,-0.0249)
+ .. controls (-0.5448,-0.0284) and (-0.5586,-0.0592) .. (-0.5611,-0.0886)
+ -- (-0.5022,-0.0718)
+ .. controls (-0.5038,-0.1199) and (-0.4832,-0.1244) .. (-0.4434,-0.1054)
+ -- (-0.4349,-0.1139)
+ -- (-0.5106,-0.1811)
+ -- (-0.5442,-0.1475)
+ -- (-0.5274,-0.1139)
+ .. controls (-0.5482,-0.1103) and (-0.5717,-0.1068) .. (-0.5806,-0.1326)
+ .. controls (-0.5943,-0.1714) and (-0.5235,-0.2179) .. (-0.5014,-0.2194)
+ .. controls (-0.4612,-0.2223) and (-0.4187,-0.1658) .. (-0.4108,-0.1306)
+ .. controls (-0.4075,-0.1185) and (-0.4054,-0.1026) .. (-0.4108,-0.0911)
+ .. controls (-0.4193,-0.0753) and (-0.4422,-0.0688) .. (-0.4571,-0.0576)
+ -- (-0.4884,-0.0315)
+ .. controls (-0.4999,-0.0256) and (-0.5100,-0.0237) .. (-0.5187,-0.0249)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2098,-0.0382)
+ .. controls ( 0.1959,-0.0434) and ( 0.1851,-0.0663) .. ( 0.1925,-0.0882)
+ .. controls ( 0.2035,-0.1206) and ( 0.2830,-0.1639) .. ( 0.2964,-0.0882)
+ .. controls ( 0.2773,-0.0896) and ( 0.2586,-0.0934) .. ( 0.2447,-0.0768)
+ .. controls ( 0.2363,-0.0666) and ( 0.2352,-0.0463) .. ( 0.2242,-0.0396)
+ .. controls ( 0.2194,-0.0367) and ( 0.2145,-0.0365) .. ( 0.2098,-0.0382)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2960,-0.0452)
+ .. controls (-0.3231,-0.0465) and (-0.3530,-0.0602) .. (-0.3592,-0.0683)
+ .. controls (-0.3758,-0.0903) and (-0.3560,-0.1221) .. (-0.3845,-0.1979)
+ -- (-0.4013,-0.1727)
+ -- (-0.4182,-0.1727)
+ .. controls (-0.4336,-0.2291) and (-0.4124,-0.2782) .. (-0.3803,-0.2577)
+ .. controls (-0.3601,-0.2446) and (-0.3538,-0.2099) .. (-0.3392,-0.1970)
+ .. controls (-0.3137,-0.1743) and (-0.2596,-0.2064) .. (-0.2752,-0.1306)
+ -- (-0.3257,-0.1558)
+ -- (-0.3341,-0.1475)
+ -- (-0.3341,-0.0970)
+ -- (-0.2500,-0.0970)
+ .. controls (-0.2447,-0.0551) and (-0.2689,-0.0439) .. (-0.2960,-0.0452)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6563,-0.0662)
+ .. controls ( 0.6458,-0.0662) and ( 0.6374,-0.0668) .. ( 0.6332,-0.0685)
+ .. controls ( 0.5970,-0.0835) and ( 0.6057,-0.1189) .. ( 0.6332,-0.1391)
+ -- ( 0.6493,-0.0970)
+ -- ( 0.6662,-0.0970)
+ .. controls ( 0.6850,-0.1248) and ( 0.6940,-0.1204) .. ( 0.7250,-0.1139)
+ -- ( 0.7081,-0.1475)
+ .. controls ( 0.7837,-0.1829) and ( 0.7876,-0.1033) .. ( 0.7490,-0.0804)
+ .. controls ( 0.7374,-0.0735) and ( 0.6877,-0.0664) .. ( 0.6563,-0.0662)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7081,-0.1475)
+ .. controls ( 0.6742,-0.1429) and ( 0.6720,-0.1483) .. ( 0.6662,-0.1811)
+ .. controls ( 0.6162,-0.1289) and ( 0.6115,-0.1833) .. ( 0.6244,-0.2044)
+ .. controls ( 0.6426,-0.2346) and ( 0.6823,-0.2320) .. ( 0.7016,-0.2044)
+ .. controls ( 0.7147,-0.1858) and ( 0.7107,-0.1681) .. ( 0.7081,-0.1475)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0544,-0.0769)
+ .. controls ( 0.0466,-0.0773) and ( 0.0382,-0.0797) .. ( 0.0297,-0.0845)
+ -- (-0.0147,-0.1139)
+ .. controls (-0.0057,-0.1396) and (-0.0069,-0.1385) .. ( 0.0189,-0.1475)
+ .. controls (-0.0074,-0.2147) and ( 0.0346,-0.2081) .. ( 0.0553,-0.1870)
+ .. controls ( 0.0667,-0.1752) and ( 0.0961,-0.1299) .. ( 0.0958,-0.1139)
+ .. controls ( 0.0955,-0.0925) and ( 0.0776,-0.0759) .. ( 0.0544,-0.0769)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3572,-0.0881)
+ .. controls ( 0.3447,-0.0867) and ( 0.3392,-0.1053) .. ( 0.3450,-0.1208)
+ .. controls ( 0.3587,-0.1579) and ( 0.4169,-0.1493) .. ( 0.4239,-0.1208)
+ .. controls ( 0.4287,-0.1010) and ( 0.4113,-0.0745) .. ( 0.3888,-0.0970)
+ -- ( 0.3719,-0.0970)
+ .. controls ( 0.3663,-0.0912) and ( 0.3613,-0.0886) .. ( 0.3572,-0.0881)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7250,-0.1054)
+ -- ( 0.7333,-0.1054)
+ -- ( 0.7333,-0.1139)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7357,-0.1221)
+ .. controls (-0.7405,-0.1203) and (-0.7472,-0.1201) .. (-0.7562,-0.1227)
+ .. controls (-0.7721,-0.1527) and (-0.7463,-0.1606) .. (-0.7339,-0.1532)
+ .. controls (-0.7244,-0.1475) and (-0.7214,-0.1275) .. (-0.7357,-0.1221)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8606,-0.1378)
+ .. controls (-0.8718,-0.1386) and (-0.8832,-0.1446) .. (-0.8941,-0.1518)
+ -- (-0.8728,-0.1897)
+ -- (-0.8468,-0.1811)
+ -- (-0.8613,-0.2102)
+ -- (-0.8317,-0.2631)
+ .. controls (-0.7953,-0.2270) and (-0.7967,-0.1536) .. (-0.8471,-0.1391)
+ .. controls (-0.8514,-0.1378) and (-0.8560,-0.1374) .. (-0.8606,-0.1378)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.9187,-0.1555)
+ .. controls ( 0.9083,-0.1585) and ( 0.8971,-0.1627) .. ( 0.8847,-0.1675)
+ .. controls ( 0.8669,-0.1743) and ( 0.8469,-0.1785) .. ( 0.8399,-0.1989)
+ .. controls ( 0.8307,-0.2247) and ( 0.8481,-0.2329) .. ( 0.8679,-0.2399)
+ -- ( 0.8847,-0.2063)
+ .. controls ( 0.8863,-0.2068) and ( 0.8871,-0.2069) .. ( 0.8886,-0.2074)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8679,-0.2399)
+ .. controls ( 0.8663,-0.2432) and ( 0.8651,-0.2468) .. ( 0.8637,-0.2502)
+ -- ( 0.8693,-0.2405)
+ .. controls ( 0.8687,-0.2402) and ( 0.8685,-0.2401) .. ( 0.8679,-0.2399)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4392,-0.1558)
+ -- ( 0.4332,-0.1807)
+ .. controls ( 0.4281,-0.2431) and ( 0.5089,-0.2120) .. ( 0.4618,-0.1688)
+ .. controls ( 0.4519,-0.1597) and ( 0.4457,-0.1593) .. ( 0.4392,-0.1558)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6846,-0.1952)
+ .. controls (-0.6966,-0.1951) and (-0.7082,-0.2013) .. (-0.7157,-0.2171)
+ .. controls (-0.7203,-0.2268) and (-0.7199,-0.2378) .. (-0.7207,-0.2483)
+ -- (-0.6787,-0.2399)
+ -- (-0.6703,-0.2735)
+ .. controls (-0.6096,-0.2523) and (-0.6488,-0.1955) .. (-0.6846,-0.1952)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1120,-0.2035)
+ .. controls (-0.1188,-0.2048) and (-0.1255,-0.2071) .. (-0.1323,-0.2089)
+ .. controls (-0.1785,-0.2217) and (-0.2021,-0.2285) .. (-0.1912,-0.2819)
+ -- (-0.0988,-0.2483)
+ -- (-0.0651,-0.2740)
+ .. controls (-0.0333,-0.3228) and (-0.0165,-0.2917) .. (-0.0209,-0.2740)
+ .. controls (-0.0243,-0.2616) and (-0.0384,-0.2481) .. (-0.0474,-0.2386)
+ .. controls (-0.0590,-0.2264) and (-0.0744,-0.2085) .. (-0.0911,-0.2040)
+ .. controls (-0.0982,-0.2021) and (-0.1052,-0.2023) .. (-0.1120,-0.2035)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1647,-0.2053)
+ .. controls ( 0.1471,-0.2058) and ( 0.1297,-0.2092) .. ( 0.1164,-0.2148)
+ .. controls ( 0.0833,-0.2632) and ( 0.1207,-0.3872) .. ( 0.1933,-0.3346)
+ .. controls ( 0.2031,-0.3275) and ( 0.2109,-0.3165) .. ( 0.2178,-0.3068)
+ .. controls ( 0.2722,-0.2297) and ( 0.2177,-0.2039) .. ( 0.1647,-0.2053)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3262,-0.2328)
+ .. controls ( 0.3073,-0.2617) and ( 0.3314,-0.2707) .. ( 0.3420,-0.2638)
+ .. controls ( 0.3522,-0.2572) and ( 0.3585,-0.2285) .. ( 0.3262,-0.2328)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1534,-0.2399)
+ -- ( 0.2039,-0.2483)
+ -- ( 0.1534,-0.2987)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5217,-0.2636)
+ .. controls ( 0.5071,-0.2632) and ( 0.4918,-0.2708) .. ( 0.4798,-0.2909)
+ .. controls ( 0.4713,-0.3051) and ( 0.4736,-0.3094) .. ( 0.4728,-0.3240)
+ -- ( 0.4812,-0.3240)
+ -- ( 0.4812,-0.3324)
+ -- ( 0.5232,-0.2987)
+ -- ( 0.5232,-0.3492)
+ .. controls ( 0.6028,-0.3358) and ( 0.5655,-0.2645) .. ( 0.5217,-0.2636)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4812,-0.3324)
+ -- ( 0.4728,-0.3240)
+ .. controls ( 0.4525,-0.3209) and ( 0.4056,-0.3074) .. ( 0.3892,-0.3106)
+ .. controls ( 0.3596,-0.3163) and ( 0.3503,-0.3437) .. ( 0.3892,-0.3660)
+ -- ( 0.3972,-0.3407)
+ .. controls ( 0.4281,-0.3611) and ( 0.4279,-0.3612) .. ( 0.4644,-0.3576)
+ -- ( 0.4560,-0.4080)
+ .. controls ( 0.5104,-0.3986) and ( 0.5053,-0.3736) .. ( 0.4812,-0.3324)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7282,-0.2775)
+ .. controls ( 0.7176,-0.2768) and ( 0.7066,-0.2782) .. ( 0.6965,-0.2822)
+ .. controls ( 0.6458,-0.3532) and ( 0.7574,-0.3899) .. ( 0.7782,-0.3306)
+ .. controls ( 0.7887,-0.3013) and ( 0.7602,-0.2797) .. ( 0.7282,-0.2775)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2465,-0.2903)
+ .. controls (-0.2987,-0.3042) and (-0.2344,-0.4071) .. (-0.2306,-0.4102)
+ .. controls (-0.1938,-0.4396) and (-0.1663,-0.4010) .. (-0.1299,-0.4027)
+ .. controls (-0.1140,-0.4034) and (-0.0666,-0.4182) .. (-0.0557,-0.3820)
+ .. controls (-0.0504,-0.3644) and (-0.0676,-0.3334) .. (-0.0988,-0.3744)
+ -- (-0.1181,-0.3407)
+ -- (-0.1308,-0.3168)
+ .. controls (-0.1675,-0.2582) and (-0.1759,-0.3435) .. (-0.1781,-0.3492)
+ .. controls (-0.1841,-0.3653) and (-0.1898,-0.3700) .. (-0.1996,-0.3828)
+ -- (-0.2164,-0.2903)
+ .. controls (-0.2291,-0.2881) and (-0.2389,-0.2883) .. (-0.2465,-0.2903)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5947,-0.3156)
+ -- (-0.6030,-0.3407)
+ -- (-0.5778,-0.3240)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0014,-0.3194)
+ .. controls (-0.0278,-0.3131) and (-0.0544,-0.3497) .. (-0.0058,-0.3694)
+ .. controls ( 0.0049,-0.3738) and ( 0.0162,-0.3735) .. ( 0.0273,-0.3744)
+ .. controls ( 0.0265,-0.3636) and ( 0.0269,-0.3522) .. ( 0.0223,-0.3420)
+ .. controls ( 0.0163,-0.3283) and ( 0.0074,-0.3214) .. (-0.0014,-0.3194)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6508,-0.3284)
+ .. controls (-0.6656,-0.3290) and (-0.6816,-0.3373) .. (-0.6955,-0.3576)
+ .. controls (-0.7159,-0.3441) and (-0.7363,-0.3292) .. (-0.7624,-0.3378)
+ .. controls (-0.7705,-0.3405) and (-0.7771,-0.3450) .. (-0.7829,-0.3501)
+ -- (-0.7599,-0.3912)
+ -- (-0.7543,-0.3744)
+ -- (-0.6619,-0.4164)
+ -- (-0.6619,-0.3660)
+ -- (-0.6367,-0.4164)
+ .. controls (-0.5723,-0.3945) and (-0.6064,-0.3266) .. (-0.6508,-0.3284)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5287,-0.3512)
+ .. controls (-0.5489,-0.3498) and (-0.5690,-0.3591) .. (-0.5764,-0.3751)
+ .. controls (-0.5966,-0.4192) and (-0.5398,-0.3912) .. (-0.5274,-0.3828)
+ -- (-0.5190,-0.4500)
+ -- (-0.5358,-0.4333)
+ -- (-0.5358,-0.4248)
+ -- (-0.5611,-0.4248)
+ .. controls (-0.5664,-0.4641) and (-0.5605,-0.4735) .. (-0.5442,-0.5088)
+ -- (-0.5274,-0.5088)
+ .. controls (-0.4972,-0.4701) and (-0.4647,-0.4466) .. (-0.4806,-0.3915)
+ .. controls (-0.4882,-0.3649) and (-0.5085,-0.3527) .. (-0.5287,-0.3512)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5485,-0.3594)
+ .. controls ( 0.5504,-0.3686) and ( 0.5513,-0.3797) .. ( 0.5560,-0.3899)
+ .. controls ( 0.5831,-0.4490) and ( 0.6446,-0.3809) .. ( 0.5811,-0.3594)
+ .. controls ( 0.5706,-0.3579) and ( 0.5594,-0.3583) .. ( 0.5485,-0.3594)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3311,-0.3646)
+ .. controls ( 0.3201,-0.3659) and ( 0.3103,-0.3791) .. ( 0.3084,-0.3917)
+ .. controls ( 0.3035,-0.4255) and ( 0.3481,-0.5315) .. ( 0.4140,-0.4669)
+ .. controls ( 0.4439,-0.4932) and ( 0.4962,-0.5278) .. ( 0.5388,-0.5107)
+ .. controls ( 0.5684,-0.4989) and ( 0.5806,-0.4516) .. ( 0.5232,-0.4333)
+ -- ( 0.5232,-0.4669)
+ .. controls ( 0.4932,-0.4550) and ( 0.4949,-0.4563) .. ( 0.4644,-0.4669)
+ -- ( 0.4560,-0.4248)
+ -- ( 0.4224,-0.4417)
+ -- ( 0.3888,-0.4080)
+ -- ( 0.3617,-0.4500)
+ -- ( 0.3617,-0.4080)
+ .. controls ( 0.3546,-0.3735) and ( 0.3422,-0.3632) .. ( 0.3311,-0.3646)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0862,-0.3828)
+ .. controls ( 0.0086,-0.4104) and ( 0.1258,-0.4856) .. ( 0.1453,-0.4236)
+ .. controls ( 0.1495,-0.4116) and ( 0.1465,-0.4028) .. ( 0.1453,-0.3912)
+ -- ( 0.0946,-0.4080)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3761,-0.4056)
+ .. controls (-0.4460,-0.4310) and (-0.4022,-0.4833) .. (-0.3686,-0.4756)
+ .. controls (-0.3385,-0.4686) and (-0.3150,-0.4102) .. (-0.3761,-0.4056)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1407,-0.4164)
+ .. controls (-0.1510,-0.4360) and (-0.1606,-0.4518) .. (-0.1524,-0.4748)
+ .. controls (-0.1401,-0.5093) and (-0.0958,-0.5218) .. (-0.0687,-0.4961)
+ .. controls (-0.0363,-0.4652) and (-0.0685,-0.4086) .. (-0.0988,-0.4753)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7345,-0.4223)
+ .. controls (-0.7375,-0.4223) and (-0.7393,-0.4233) .. (-0.7417,-0.4237)
+ -- (-0.7259,-0.4519)
+ -- (-0.7123,-0.4248)
+ .. controls (-0.7212,-0.4230) and (-0.7284,-0.4222) .. (-0.7345,-0.4223)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6450,-0.4333)
+ -- (-0.6283,-0.4753)
+ -- (-0.6959,-0.5053)
+ -- (-0.6728,-0.5467)
+ .. controls (-0.6597,-0.5415) and (-0.6464,-0.5310) .. (-0.6353,-0.5238)
+ .. controls (-0.6229,-0.5161) and (-0.6029,-0.5082) .. (-0.5949,-0.4962)
+ .. controls (-0.5673,-0.4552) and (-0.6118,-0.4359) .. (-0.6450,-0.4333)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7515,-0.4421)
+ .. controls ( 0.7404,-0.4518) and ( 0.7330,-0.4660) .. ( 0.7289,-0.4814)
+ -- ( 0.7518,-0.4421)
+ .. controls ( 0.7518,-0.4422) and ( 0.7516,-0.4421) .. ( 0.7515,-0.4421)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7203,-0.4618)
+ -- (-0.7004,-0.4973)
+ .. controls (-0.6944,-0.4774) and (-0.6993,-0.4695) .. (-0.7203,-0.4618)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1694,-0.4873)
+ .. controls ( 0.1182,-0.4851) and ( 0.0606,-0.5165) .. ( 0.1114,-0.5509)
+ .. controls ( 0.1043,-0.5681) and ( 0.0968,-0.5809) .. ( 0.1030,-0.6004)
+ .. controls ( 0.1160,-0.6424) and ( 0.2092,-0.6560) .. ( 0.1955,-0.5761)
+ -- ( 0.1450,-0.6013)
+ -- ( 0.1199,-0.5425)
+ -- ( 0.1282,-0.5341)
+ .. controls ( 0.1602,-0.5459) and ( 0.1584,-0.5438) .. ( 0.1871,-0.5257)
+ .. controls ( 0.1977,-0.5856) and ( 0.2311,-0.5564) .. ( 0.2301,-0.5337)
+ .. controls ( 0.2287,-0.5019) and ( 0.2002,-0.4885) .. ( 0.1694,-0.4873)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3143,-0.5168)
+ .. controls ( 0.2653,-0.5233) and ( 0.3123,-0.5809) .. ( 0.3334,-0.5398)
+ .. controls ( 0.3375,-0.5319) and ( 0.3370,-0.5251) .. ( 0.3384,-0.5168)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5821,-0.5172)
+ -- ( 0.5905,-0.5425)
+ .. controls ( 0.5223,-0.5546) and ( 0.5461,-0.6299) .. ( 0.5965,-0.6187)
+ .. controls ( 0.6116,-0.6153) and ( 0.6642,-0.5952) .. ( 0.6693,-0.5808)
+ .. controls ( 0.6859,-0.5354) and ( 0.6147,-0.5138) .. ( 0.5821,-0.5172)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2667,-0.5315)
+ .. controls (-0.3091,-0.5364) and (-0.3818,-0.5868) .. (-0.3173,-0.6098)
+ .. controls (-0.3409,-0.7049) and (-0.2257,-0.7182) .. (-0.2332,-0.6265)
+ -- (-0.2752,-0.6434)
+ -- (-0.3173,-0.6013)
+ .. controls (-0.2964,-0.5962) and (-0.2716,-0.5851) .. (-0.2511,-0.5945)
+ .. controls (-0.2356,-0.6015) and (-0.2239,-0.6203) .. (-0.2131,-0.6252)
+ .. controls (-0.1929,-0.6345) and (-0.1822,-0.6134) .. (-0.1883,-0.5942)
+ .. controls (-0.1944,-0.5749) and (-0.2315,-0.5384) .. (-0.2508,-0.5323)
+ .. controls (-0.2552,-0.5310) and (-0.2606,-0.5308) .. (-0.2667,-0.5315)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5989,-0.5509)
+ -- ( 0.6073,-0.5509)
+ -- ( 0.6073,-0.5593)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0485,-0.5624)
+ .. controls (-0.0662,-0.5623) and (-0.0842,-0.5741) .. (-0.0904,-0.6098)
+ -- (-0.0483,-0.6013)
+ .. controls (-0.0229,-0.6296) and ( 0.0007,-0.6067) .. (-0.0083,-0.5860)
+ .. controls (-0.0134,-0.5744) and (-0.0308,-0.5625) .. (-0.0485,-0.5624)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4918,-0.5707)
+ .. controls (-0.5107,-0.5708) and (-0.5309,-0.5802) .. (-0.5442,-0.6013)
+ -- (-0.5778,-0.5846)
+ -- (-0.5862,-0.6181)
+ .. controls (-0.5249,-0.6353) and (-0.5439,-0.6523) .. (-0.4854,-0.6098)
+ -- (-0.4937,-0.6770)
+ -- (-0.5442,-0.6854)
+ -- (-0.5442,-0.7022)
+ .. controls (-0.4313,-0.7520) and (-0.4409,-0.6069) .. (-0.4465,-0.5962)
+ .. controls (-0.4550,-0.5800) and (-0.4728,-0.5707) .. (-0.4918,-0.5707)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3300,-0.5846)
+ -- ( 0.3300,-0.6098)
+ -- ( 0.3552,-0.6098)
+ -- ( 0.3552,-0.5846)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3726,-0.6221)
+ .. controls ( 0.2948,-0.6226) and ( 0.2995,-0.7351) .. ( 0.3726,-0.7632)
+ .. controls ( 0.4265,-0.7841) and ( 0.4818,-0.7181) .. ( 0.4056,-0.6938)
+ -- ( 0.3719,-0.7275)
+ -- ( 0.3719,-0.7027)
+ .. controls ( 0.3796,-0.6524) and ( 0.4200,-0.6879) .. ( 0.4450,-0.6792)
+ .. controls ( 0.4638,-0.6728) and ( 0.4659,-0.6470) .. ( 0.4510,-0.6352)
+ .. controls ( 0.4434,-0.6293) and ( 0.3843,-0.6220) .. ( 0.3726,-0.6221)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0022,-0.6349)
+ -- ( 0.0189,-0.6686)
+ -- ( 0.0189,-0.6349)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1244,-0.6794)
+ .. controls (-0.1314,-0.6810) and (-0.1382,-0.6846) .. (-0.1441,-0.6904)
+ .. controls (-0.1605,-0.7066) and (-0.1526,-0.7279) .. (-0.1607,-0.7464)
+ -- (-0.1786,-0.7721)
+ .. controls (-0.1852,-0.7840) and (-0.1929,-0.8079) .. (-0.1728,-0.8122)
+ .. controls (-0.1636,-0.8142) and (-0.1224,-0.7844) .. (-0.1071,-0.7778)
+ -- (-0.1155,-0.7106)
+ -- (-0.0735,-0.7275)
+ .. controls (-0.0800,-0.6898) and (-0.1033,-0.6748) .. (-0.1244,-0.6794)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1863,-0.6829)
+ .. controls ( 0.1792,-0.6828) and ( 0.1712,-0.6837) .. ( 0.1618,-0.6854)
+ -- ( 0.1618,-0.7022)
+ -- ( 0.2123,-0.7442)
+ -- ( 0.1282,-0.7190)
+ .. controls ( 0.1336,-0.7372) and ( 0.1344,-0.7442) .. ( 0.1476,-0.7594)
+ .. controls ( 0.1538,-0.7664) and ( 0.1626,-0.7738) .. ( 0.1704,-0.7788)
+ .. controls ( 0.2127,-0.8054) and ( 0.2462,-0.7806) .. ( 0.2481,-0.7530)
+ .. controls ( 0.2492,-0.7403) and ( 0.2417,-0.7279) .. ( 0.2353,-0.7175)
+ .. controls ( 0.2199,-0.6926) and ( 0.2075,-0.6832) .. ( 0.1863,-0.6829)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5905,-0.6889)
+ .. controls ( 0.5769,-0.6869) and ( 0.5692,-0.6908) .. ( 0.5569,-0.6938)
+ -- ( 0.5569,-0.7106)
+ -- ( 0.5821,-0.7190)
+ .. controls ( 0.5823,-0.7234) and ( 0.5836,-0.7260) .. ( 0.5844,-0.7296)
+ -- ( 0.6046,-0.6948)
+ .. controls ( 0.6001,-0.6927) and ( 0.5958,-0.6898) .. ( 0.5905,-0.6889)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0391,-0.7245)
+ .. controls (-0.0667,-0.7229) and (-0.0839,-0.7453) .. (-0.0753,-0.7947)
+ .. controls (-0.0651,-0.8529) and (-0.0367,-0.8483) .. (-0.0106,-0.8698)
+ -- ( 0.0547,-0.8704)
+ .. controls ( 0.0548,-0.8616) and ( 0.0567,-0.8516) .. ( 0.0610,-0.8367)
+ -- ( 0.0189,-0.8367)
+ .. controls ( 0.0024,-0.8190) and ( 0.0000,-0.8231) .. (-0.0230,-0.8283)
+ .. controls (-0.0380,-0.7923) and (-0.0454,-0.7840) .. (-0.0399,-0.7442)
+ -- (-0.0230,-0.7442)
+ -- (-0.0147,-0.7778)
+ -- ( 0.0694,-0.7778)
+ -- ( 0.0525,-0.8199)
+ -- ( 0.1424,-0.8295)
+ .. controls ( 0.1612,-0.8227) and ( 0.1619,-0.8006) .. ( 0.1424,-0.7877)
+ .. controls ( 0.1265,-0.7801) and ( 0.1112,-0.7837) .. ( 0.0946,-0.7877)
+ .. controls ( 0.0866,-0.7388) and ( 0.0598,-0.7228) .. ( 0.0189,-0.7526)
+ .. controls (-0.0021,-0.7351) and (-0.0224,-0.7255) .. (-0.0391,-0.7245)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5605,-0.7471)
+ -- (-0.5242,-0.8116)
+ .. controls (-0.5223,-0.8116) and (-0.5211,-0.8114) .. (-0.5190,-0.8115)
+ -- (-0.5201,-0.8191)
+ -- (-0.4998,-0.8552)
+ .. controls (-0.4770,-0.8370) and (-0.4696,-0.8098) .. (-0.4974,-0.7815)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3761,-0.7611)
+ -- (-0.3845,-0.7694)
+ -- (-0.3845,-0.7863)
+ -- (-0.3761,-0.7947)
+ -- (-0.3593,-0.7947)
+ -- (-0.3508,-0.7863)
+ -- (-0.3508,-0.7694)
+ -- (-0.3593,-0.7611)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3384,-0.8347)
+ .. controls ( 0.3106,-0.8395) and ( 0.2888,-0.8533) .. ( 0.2775,-0.8723)
+ -- ( 0.3442,-0.8729)
+ -- ( 0.3467,-0.8702)
+ -- ( 0.3561,-0.8730)
+ -- ( 0.4348,-0.8736)
+ .. controls ( 0.4345,-0.8731) and ( 0.4345,-0.8727) .. ( 0.4341,-0.8721)
+ .. controls ( 0.4186,-0.8512) and ( 0.3640,-0.8304) .. ( 0.3384,-0.8347)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0904,-0.8535)
+ .. controls (-0.1018,-0.8579) and (-0.1087,-0.8586) .. (-0.1185,-0.8680)
+ .. controls (-0.1188,-0.8683) and (-0.1189,-0.8687) .. (-0.1192,-0.8690)
+ -- (-0.0904,-0.8692)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3081,-0.8645)
+ .. controls (-0.3140,-0.8641) and (-0.3192,-0.8651) .. (-0.3238,-0.8672)
+ -- (-0.2954,-0.8675)
+ .. controls (-0.2996,-0.8660) and (-0.3039,-0.8648) .. (-0.3081,-0.8645)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/mountain.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/mountain.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ea308c2f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/mountain.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/mountain}
+% This is an example of a terrain \spec{pic}ture.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/mountain/.pic={%
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) -- (.3,.9)--(.45,0) -- cycle;
+ \path[draw=black,fill=lightgray,pic actions]
+ (-.6 ,- .9) --
+ (-.3 , .3) --
+ ( 0, 0) --
+ ( .45, 0) --
+ ( .6 , -.9) -- cycle;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/mountains.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/mountains.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04f935bd92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/mountains.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/mountains}
+% The style for mountains. The pattern is filled with a darker
+% brown, and outlines are not drawn. Note that the mountain pattern
+% is the same as the beach pattern, just with a different colour.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/mountains/.style={
+ draw=none,
+ fill={rgb,100:red,49;green,35;blue,1}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/mountains}
+% And the mountains pattern. This is the same as the beach pattern,
+% only filled with a darker brown colour.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/mountains/.pic={
+ \path[hex/terrain/mountains,pic actions,draw=none]
+ (-0.4931, 0.8848)
+ -- (-0.4998, 0.8734)
+ .. controls (-0.4908, 0.8731) and (-0.4813, 0.8762) .. (-0.4762, 0.8847)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4032, 0.8841)
+ .. controls (-0.4004, 0.8804) and (-0.3988, 0.8794) .. (-0.3956, 0.8745)
+ .. controls (-0.3760, 0.8443) and (-0.3811, 0.8330) .. (-0.3456, 0.8112)
+ .. controls (-0.3250, 0.7986) and (-0.2712, 0.7770) .. (-0.2531, 0.8032)
+ .. controls (-0.2294, 0.8375) and (-0.2984, 0.8503) .. (-0.3193, 0.8690)
+ .. controls (-0.3243, 0.8735) and (-0.3281, 0.8785) .. (-0.3321, 0.8835)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2462, 0.8828)
+ .. controls (-0.2425, 0.8681) and (-0.2383, 0.8546) .. (-0.2293, 0.8461)
+ .. controls (-0.2102, 0.8280) and (-0.1892, 0.8390) .. (-0.1859, 0.8669)
+ .. controls (-0.1854, 0.8711) and (-0.1871, 0.8772) .. (-0.1875, 0.8822)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0997, 0.8815)
+ .. controls (-0.0971, 0.8706) and (-0.0941, 0.8597) .. (-0.0907, 0.8493)
+ -- (-0.0570, 0.8578)
+ .. controls (-0.0570, 0.8629) and (-0.0560, 0.8730) .. (-0.0553, 0.8812)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0213, 0.8805)
+ .. controls ( 0.0222, 0.8725) and ( 0.0235, 0.8650) .. ( 0.0262, 0.8587)
+ .. controls ( 0.0391, 0.8281) and ( 0.0706, 0.8199) .. ( 0.0917, 0.7894)
+ .. controls ( 0.1112, 0.7609) and ( 0.1058, 0.7286) .. ( 0.1050, 0.6961)
+ -- ( 0.1731, 0.7216)
+ -- ( 0.1203, 0.8649)
+ -- ( 0.1097, 0.8797)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2978, 0.8781)
+ .. controls ( 0.2985, 0.8773) and ( 0.3002, 0.8756) .. ( 0.3008, 0.8749)
+ .. controls ( 0.2854, 0.8687) and ( 0.2549, 0.8572) .. ( 0.2421, 0.8487)
+ .. controls ( 0.2026, 0.8224) and ( 0.1905, 0.7567) .. ( 0.2046, 0.7132)
+ .. controls ( 0.2146, 0.6819) and ( 0.2330, 0.6680) .. ( 0.2394, 0.6280)
+ .. controls ( 0.2413, 0.6160) and ( 0.2468, 0.5527) .. ( 0.2446, 0.5437)
+ .. controls ( 0.2396, 0.5232) and ( 0.2211, 0.5122) .. ( 0.2231, 0.4913)
+ .. controls ( 0.2261, 0.4603) and ( 0.2686, 0.4388) .. ( 0.2891, 0.4194)
+ .. controls ( 0.3020, 0.4071) and ( 0.3136, 0.3895) .. ( 0.3281, 0.3799)
+ .. controls ( 0.3688, 0.3533) and ( 0.3905, 0.3863) .. ( 0.4199, 0.3902)
+ .. controls ( 0.4350, 0.3921) and ( 0.4560, 0.3849) .. ( 0.4710, 0.3812)
+ -- ( 0.4795, 0.4067)
+ -- ( 0.4965, 0.4067)
+ .. controls ( 0.5008, 0.3961) and ( 0.5009, 0.3893) .. ( 0.5112, 0.3811)
+ .. controls ( 0.5112, 0.3811) and ( 0.6172, 0.3385) .. ( 0.6481, 0.3037)
+ .. controls ( 0.6729, 0.2758) and ( 0.6641, 0.2532) .. ( 0.6667, 0.2206)
+ -- ( 0.7004, 0.2206)
+ .. controls ( 0.7839, 0.2118) and ( 0.7047, 0.0740) .. ( 0.7057, 0.0568)
+ .. controls ( 0.7067, 0.0396) and ( 0.7865,-0.0424) .. ( 0.8032,-0.0520)
+ .. controls ( 0.8251,-0.0644) and ( 0.8703,-0.0686) .. ( 0.8572,-0.0293)
+ .. controls ( 0.8518,-0.0131) and ( 0.7996, 0.0474) .. ( 0.7843, 0.0564)
+ .. controls ( 0.7724, 0.0633) and ( 0.7645, 0.0636) .. ( 0.7518, 0.0664)
+ .. controls ( 0.7688, 0.1093) and ( 0.7993, 0.1905) .. ( 0.7930, 0.2362)
+ .. controls ( 0.7869, 0.2804) and ( 0.7252, 0.2982) .. ( 0.6946, 0.3268)
+ .. controls ( 0.6664, 0.3531) and ( 0.6746, 0.3662) .. ( 0.6323, 0.3966)
+ .. controls ( 0.5760, 0.4371) and ( 0.5386, 0.4324) .. ( 0.5250, 0.4601)
+ .. controls ( 0.5090, 0.4927) and ( 0.5578, 0.6035) .. ( 0.5969, 0.5911)
+ .. controls ( 0.6199, 0.5839) and ( 0.6224, 0.5471) .. ( 0.6341, 0.5291)
+ .. controls ( 0.6488, 0.5064) and ( 0.7020, 0.4614) .. ( 0.7263, 0.4493)
+ -- ( 0.7373, 0.4768)
+ -- ( 0.6866, 0.5671)
+ -- ( 0.6756, 0.5720)
+ -- ( 0.6766, 0.5850)
+ -- ( 0.6331, 0.6627)
+ .. controls ( 0.6280, 0.6613) and ( 0.6239, 0.6599) .. ( 0.6157, 0.6589)
+ -- ( 0.5646, 0.6589)
+ .. controls ( 0.5375, 0.6557) and ( 0.5277, 0.6432) .. ( 0.4965, 0.6489)
+ .. controls ( 0.4716, 0.6520) and ( 0.4306, 0.6774) .. ( 0.4104, 0.6489)
+ .. controls ( 0.3809, 0.6093) and ( 0.4627, 0.6240) .. ( 0.4837, 0.5772)
+ .. controls ( 0.4958, 0.5502) and ( 0.4652, 0.4811) .. ( 0.4429, 0.4648)
+ -- ( 0.3523, 0.4350)
+ .. controls ( 0.3178, 0.4372) and ( 0.3207, 0.4766) .. ( 0.3153, 0.5004)
+ .. controls ( 0.3090, 0.5282) and ( 0.2968, 0.5398) .. ( 0.2922, 0.5684)
+ .. controls ( 0.2896, 0.6035) and ( 0.3061, 0.6276) .. ( 0.2922, 0.6621)
+ .. controls ( 0.2756, 0.6961) and ( 0.2422, 0.7190) .. ( 0.2525, 0.7640)
+ .. controls ( 0.2650, 0.8188) and ( 0.3165, 0.7932) .. ( 0.3324, 0.8417)
+ .. controls ( 0.3359, 0.8522) and ( 0.3385, 0.8648) .. ( 0.3399, 0.8778)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4261, 0.8770)
+ -- ( 0.4333, 0.8493)
+ -- ( 0.4845, 0.7440)
+ .. controls ( 0.4963, 0.7304) and ( 0.5450, 0.6930) .. ( 0.5630, 0.6989)
+ .. controls ( 0.5735, 0.7024) and ( 0.5838, 0.7169) .. ( 0.5932, 0.7337)
+ -- ( 0.5612, 0.7909)
+ .. controls ( 0.5537, 0.7875) and ( 0.5468, 0.7852) .. ( 0.5403, 0.7864)
+ .. controls ( 0.5078, 0.7926) and ( 0.5191, 0.8406) .. ( 0.5145, 0.8567)
+ .. controls ( 0.5121, 0.8651) and ( 0.5076, 0.8710) .. ( 0.5025, 0.8764)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3773, 0.8153)
+ .. controls ( 0.3625, 0.7892) and ( 0.2993, 0.7161) .. ( 0.3316, 0.6877)
+ .. controls ( 0.3432, 0.6774) and ( 0.3866, 0.6728) .. ( 0.4029, 0.6706)
+ -- ( 0.3973, 0.7472)
+ -- ( 0.4029, 0.8153)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4224, 0.8088)
+ .. controls (-0.4416, 0.8077) and (-0.4585, 0.7826) .. (-0.4275, 0.7562)
+ -- (-0.3971, 0.7387)
+ .. controls (-0.4780, 0.6942) and (-0.4752, 0.6640) .. (-0.4591, 0.5855)
+ .. controls (-0.4391, 0.4887) and (-0.4527, 0.5347) .. (-0.4103, 0.4493)
+ .. controls (-0.3870, 0.4026) and (-0.4070, 0.3747) .. (-0.3460, 0.3642)
+ -- (-0.3352, 0.4823)
+ .. controls (-0.3409, 0.5024) and (-0.3617, 0.5113) .. (-0.3739, 0.5281)
+ -- (-0.4164, 0.6287)
+ .. controls (-0.4188, 0.6375) and (-0.4186, 0.6444) .. (-0.4164, 0.6528)
+ .. controls (-0.4067, 0.6807) and (-0.3521, 0.7255) .. (-0.3274, 0.6931)
+ .. controls (-0.3070, 0.6694) and (-0.3336, 0.6432) .. (-0.3274, 0.6221)
+ .. controls (-0.3249, 0.6055) and (-0.3059, 0.6028) .. (-0.2950, 0.6162)
+ .. controls (-0.2867, 0.6265) and (-0.2838, 0.6558) .. (-0.2829, 0.6692)
+ .. controls (-0.2775, 0.7444) and (-0.3333, 0.7652) .. (-0.3955, 0.7472)
+ .. controls (-0.3950, 0.7586) and (-0.3916, 0.7684) .. (-0.3955, 0.7803)
+ .. controls (-0.3986, 0.8016) and (-0.4109, 0.8096) .. (-0.4224, 0.8088)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1391, 0.8077)
+ .. controls (-0.1634, 0.8024) and (-0.1582, 0.7647) .. (-0.1487, 0.7492)
+ .. controls (-0.1306, 0.7190) and (-0.1004, 0.7270) .. (-0.0652, 0.7073)
+ -- (-0.0226, 0.6801)
+ -- ( 0.0282, 0.6560)
+ .. controls ( 0.0622, 0.6331) and ( 0.0955, 0.5639) .. ( 0.1219, 0.5259)
+ .. controls ( 0.2125, 0.5714) and ( 0.1427, 0.6114) .. ( 0.1219, 0.6453)
+ -- ( 0.1054, 0.6768)
+ .. controls ( 0.0862, 0.7028) and ( 0.0448, 0.7080) .. ( 0.0115, 0.7299)
+ .. controls (-0.0377, 0.7622) and (-0.0173, 0.7726) .. (-0.0822, 0.7918)
+ .. controls (-0.0961, 0.7958) and (-0.1270, 0.8103) .. (-0.1391, 0.8077)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5460, 0.7940)
+ -- (-0.5911, 0.7166)
+ .. controls (-0.5649, 0.7015) and (-0.5397, 0.7188) .. (-0.5308, 0.7556)
+ .. controls (-0.5251, 0.7788) and (-0.5335, 0.7873) .. (-0.5460, 0.7940)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2382, 0.7423)
+ .. controls (-0.2453, 0.7424) and (-0.2512, 0.7383) .. (-0.2550, 0.7274)
+ .. controls (-0.2635, 0.7026) and (-0.2353, 0.6726) .. (-0.2229, 0.6536)
+ .. controls (-0.2031, 0.6234) and (-0.2020, 0.6105) .. (-0.1928, 0.5770)
+ .. controls (-0.1763, 0.5803) and (-0.1499, 0.5890) .. (-0.1342, 0.5831)
+ .. controls (-0.1112, 0.5745) and (-0.1047, 0.5481) .. (-0.0866, 0.5338)
+ -- (-0.0397, 0.5102)
+ -- ( 0.0664, 0.4219)
+ .. controls ( 0.0874, 0.3954) and ( 0.0785, 0.3655) .. ( 0.1070, 0.3502)
+ .. controls ( 0.1367, 0.3343) and ( 0.1690, 0.3592) .. ( 0.1732, 0.3899)
+ .. controls ( 0.1755, 0.4075) and ( 0.1545, 0.4554) .. ( 0.1475, 0.4748)
+ .. controls ( 0.0838, 0.4666) and ( 0.0509, 0.4836) .. ( 0.0454, 0.5515)
+ .. controls (-0.0576, 0.5778) and (-0.0955, 0.6323) .. (-0.1754, 0.6949)
+ .. controls (-0.1861, 0.7034) and (-0.2171, 0.7418) .. (-0.2382, 0.7423)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5068, 0.6706)
+ .. controls (-0.5119, 0.6724) and (-0.5194, 0.6726) .. (-0.5299, 0.6701)
+ .. controls (-0.5512, 0.6413) and (-0.5242, 0.6333) .. (-0.5102, 0.6400)
+ .. controls (-0.4981, 0.6457) and (-0.4916, 0.6653) .. (-0.5068, 0.6706)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6356, 0.6402)
+ -- (-0.6681, 0.5845)
+ -- (-0.6588, 0.5684)
+ .. controls (-0.6473, 0.5521) and (-0.6323, 0.5371) .. (-0.6265, 0.5174)
+ .. controls (-0.6174, 0.4865) and (-0.6614, 0.4161) .. (-0.6950, 0.4206)
+ .. controls (-0.7111, 0.4226) and (-0.7174, 0.4376) .. (-0.7460, 0.4507)
+ -- (-0.7632, 0.4212)
+ .. controls (-0.7629, 0.4042) and (-0.7611, 0.3875) .. (-0.7546, 0.3789)
+ .. controls (-0.7424, 0.3626) and (-0.7129, 0.3612) .. (-0.6966, 0.3297)
+ .. controls (-0.6823, 0.3022) and (-0.6963, 0.2741) .. (-0.6808, 0.2598)
+ .. controls (-0.6602, 0.2410) and (-0.6495, 0.2720) .. (-0.6484, 0.2878)
+ .. controls (-0.6461, 0.3229) and (-0.6488, 0.4046) .. (-0.6080, 0.4204)
+ .. controls (-0.5750, 0.4330) and (-0.4980, 0.3514) .. (-0.4929, 0.3217)
+ .. controls (-0.4895, 0.3019) and (-0.5044, 0.2671) .. (-0.4860, 0.2550)
+ .. controls (-0.4691, 0.2439) and (-0.4582, 0.2679) .. (-0.4535, 0.2796)
+ .. controls (-0.4450, 0.3015) and (-0.4273, 0.3562) .. (-0.4401, 0.3771)
+ .. controls (-0.4495, 0.3922) and (-0.5019, 0.4172) .. (-0.5296, 0.4507)
+ .. controls (-0.5656, 0.4941) and (-0.5734, 0.5631) .. (-0.5973, 0.6021)
+ .. controls (-0.6099, 0.6226) and (-0.6226, 0.6316) .. (-0.6356, 0.6402)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2242, 0.6110)
+ -- ( 0.1816, 0.6025)
+ -- ( 0.1816, 0.5855)
+ .. controls ( 0.2117, 0.5815) and ( 0.2140, 0.5821) .. ( 0.2242, 0.6110)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3924, 0.6049)
+ .. controls ( 0.3895, 0.6048) and ( 0.3860, 0.6036) .. ( 0.3820, 0.6011)
+ .. controls ( 0.3535, 0.5835) and ( 0.3670, 0.5238) .. ( 0.3773, 0.5004)
+ -- ( 0.3944, 0.5004)
+ -- ( 0.4061, 0.5429)
+ .. controls ( 0.4082, 0.5540) and ( 0.4130, 0.6056) .. ( 0.3924, 0.6049)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2864, 0.5940)
+ .. controls (-0.2904, 0.5793) and (-0.2950, 0.5676) .. (-0.2919, 0.5518)
+ .. controls (-0.2769, 0.4768) and (-0.1616, 0.5041) .. (-0.2162, 0.5623)
+ .. controls (-0.2236, 0.5702) and (-0.2346, 0.5747) .. (-0.2443, 0.5790)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7010, 0.5280)
+ -- (-0.7269, 0.4835)
+ .. controls (-0.7207, 0.4876) and (-0.7144, 0.4952) .. (-0.7081, 0.5094)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0992, 0.4748)
+ -- (-0.2099, 0.4556)
+ -- (-0.2888, 0.3790)
+ -- (-0.3460, 0.3557)
+ -- (-0.3389, 0.3218)
+ .. controls (-0.3310, 0.2959) and (-0.3026, 0.2636) .. (-0.2781, 0.2927)
+ .. controls (-0.2745, 0.2971) and (-0.2504, 0.3947) .. (-0.1948, 0.3764)
+ .. controls (-0.1607, 0.3651) and (-0.1697, 0.2984) .. (-0.1588, 0.2536)
+ -- (-0.1503, 0.2536)
+ -- (-0.1503, 0.2450)
+ -- (-0.1163, 0.2366)
+ .. controls (-0.0968, 0.3059) and (-0.1262, 0.3371) .. (-0.1239, 0.3982)
+ .. controls (-0.1229, 0.4261) and (-0.1067, 0.4484) .. (-0.0992, 0.4748)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1503, 0.2450)
+ -- (-0.1588, 0.2536)
+ .. controls (-0.2292, 0.2544) and (-0.2730, 0.2893) .. (-0.2677, 0.2195)
+ -- (-0.2609, 0.1855)
+ .. controls (-0.2393, 0.1890) and (-0.2005, 0.2039) .. (-0.1909, 0.1753)
+ .. controls (-0.1709, 0.1163) and (-0.2582, 0.0953) .. (-0.2387, 0.0533)
+ .. controls (-0.2275, 0.0292) and (-0.1430, 0.0537) .. (-0.1361, 0.0692)
+ .. controls (-0.1250, 0.0859) and (-0.1359, 0.1083) .. (-0.1361, 0.1259)
+ .. controls (-0.1437, 0.1788) and (-0.1186, 0.1766) .. (-0.1503, 0.2450)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7348, 0.4408)
+ .. controls ( 0.7113, 0.3774) and ( 0.7569, 0.3513) .. ( 0.7901, 0.3824)
+ -- ( 0.7585, 0.4390)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2071, 0.4153)
+ .. controls ( 0.1984, 0.3706) and ( 0.2118, 0.3204) .. ( 0.2582, 0.3046)
+ .. controls ( 0.2685, 0.3631) and ( 0.2706, 0.3931) .. ( 0.2071, 0.4153)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0567, 0.3982)
+ .. controls (-0.0558, 0.3230) and (-0.0460, 0.3456) .. (-0.0210, 0.2876)
+ -- ( 0.0067, 0.1940)
+ .. controls ( 0.0180, 0.1513) and ( 0.0026, 0.1332) .. ( 0.0454, 0.1089)
+ -- ( 0.0767, 0.1940)
+ -- ( 0.0546, 0.2621)
+ -- ( 0.0406, 0.3185)
+ -- (-0.0258, 0.3896)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7969, 0.3634)
+ -- (-0.8570, 0.2602)
+ .. controls (-0.8515, 0.2550) and (-0.8469, 0.2514) .. (-0.8414, 0.2450)
+ .. controls (-0.8020, 0.1990) and (-0.8201, 0.1971) .. (-0.7629, 0.1540)
+ .. controls (-0.7462, 0.1414) and (-0.7054, 0.1023) .. (-0.6834, 0.1181)
+ .. controls (-0.6662, 0.1304) and (-0.6813, 0.1625) .. (-0.6882, 0.1768)
+ .. controls (-0.7213, 0.2456) and (-0.7865, 0.2417) .. (-0.8004, 0.2965)
+ .. controls (-0.8052, 0.3154) and (-0.7990, 0.3413) .. (-0.7969, 0.3634)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8244, 0.3214)
+ .. controls ( 0.8136, 0.3128) and ( 0.8080, 0.2984) .. ( 0.8114, 0.2706)
+ .. controls ( 0.8314, 0.2739) and ( 0.8424, 0.2735) .. ( 0.8526, 0.2710)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5015, 0.3207)
+ .. controls ( 0.4943, 0.3196) and ( 0.4861, 0.3171) .. ( 0.4766, 0.3130)
+ .. controls ( 0.4611, 0.2827) and ( 0.4839, 0.2747) .. ( 0.5028, 0.2521)
+ -- ( 0.5376, 0.1972)
+ .. controls ( 0.5529, 0.1772) and ( 0.5728, 0.1698) .. ( 0.5845, 0.1426)
+ .. controls ( 0.5979, 0.1115) and ( 0.5837, 0.0732) .. ( 0.5987, 0.0532)
+ .. controls ( 0.6095, 0.0384) and ( 0.6236, 0.0428) .. ( 0.6350, 0.0532)
+ .. controls ( 0.6681, 0.0842) and ( 0.6456, 0.1087) .. ( 0.6482, 0.1429)
+ .. controls ( 0.6481, 0.1614) and ( 0.6596, 0.1802) .. ( 0.6482, 0.1967)
+ .. controls ( 0.6390, 0.2131) and ( 0.5992, 0.2239) .. ( 0.5768, 0.2483)
+ .. controls ( 0.5547, 0.2722) and ( 0.5524, 0.3288) .. ( 0.5015, 0.3207)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5678, 0.3115)
+ .. controls (-0.5832, 0.3118) and (-0.6140, 0.2810) .. (-0.6269, 0.2706)
+ .. controls (-0.6185, 0.2412) and (-0.5926, 0.1953) .. (-0.5973, 0.1685)
+ .. controls (-0.6029, 0.1373) and (-0.6320, 0.1239) .. (-0.6369, 0.0996)
+ .. controls (-0.6406, 0.0816) and (-0.6303, 0.0652) .. (-0.6237, 0.0493)
+ .. controls (-0.6147, 0.0275) and (-0.6000,-0.0443) .. (-0.5641,-0.0258)
+ .. controls (-0.5134,-0.0018) and (-0.5902, 0.0606) .. (-0.5641, 0.1074)
+ .. controls (-0.5332, 0.1697) and (-0.4913, 0.1444) .. (-0.4481, 0.1593)
+ .. controls (-0.3913, 0.1792) and (-0.3439, 0.2446) .. (-0.3545, 0.3046)
+ -- (-0.4568, 0.2201)
+ -- (-0.5588, 0.2201)
+ .. controls (-0.5549, 0.2390) and (-0.5305, 0.3109) .. (-0.5678, 0.3115)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2243, 0.2813)
+ -- ( 0.1631, 0.2450)
+ -- ( 0.0965, 0.2281)
+ -- ( 0.1689, 0.1131)
+ -- ( 0.2065, 0.0861)
+ .. controls ( 0.2453, 0.0564) and ( 0.2384, 0.0410) .. ( 0.2923, 0.0323)
+ -- ( 0.2988,-0.0188)
+ .. controls ( 0.2994,-0.0695) and ( 0.2657,-0.0796) .. ( 0.2249,-0.0579)
+ .. controls ( 0.1337,-0.0093) and ( 0.1545, 0.0219) .. ( 0.1102, 0.0744)
+ .. controls ( 0.0914, 0.0967) and ( 0.0807, 0.1010) .. ( 0.0539, 0.1089)
+ .. controls ( 0.0562, 0.0613) and ( 0.0756,-0.0434) .. ( 0.0403,-0.0825)
+ .. controls ( 0.0293,-0.0948) and (-0.0336,-0.1168) .. (-0.0567,-0.1294)
+ .. controls (-0.0615,-0.1087) and (-0.0777,-0.0729) .. (-0.0703,-0.0546)
+ .. controls (-0.0586,-0.0251) and ( 0.0562, 0.0040) .. (-0.0152, 0.0389)
+ -- (-0.0397, 0.0480)
+ -- (-0.0737, 0.0578)
+ .. controls (-0.0806, 0.0391) and (-0.0849, 0.0192) .. (-0.1018, 0.0068)
+ .. controls (-0.1154,-0.0032) and (-0.1352,-0.0018) .. (-0.1438,-0.0212)
+ .. controls (-0.1562,-0.0491) and (-0.1117,-0.1243) .. (-0.0874,-0.1373)
+ .. controls (-0.0745,-0.1434) and (-0.0687,-0.1394) .. (-0.0567,-0.1373)
+ .. controls (-0.0358,-0.2033) and (-0.0062,-0.1612) .. ( 0.0370,-0.1500)
+ -- ( 0.1050,-0.1379)
+ .. controls ( 0.0882,-0.0871) and ( 0.0808,-0.0999) .. ( 0.0965,-0.0443)
+ .. controls ( 0.1454,-0.0619) and ( 0.1336,-0.0743) .. ( 0.1664,-0.0940)
+ .. controls ( 0.1897,-0.1081) and ( 0.2226,-0.1052) .. ( 0.2361,-0.1388)
+ .. controls ( 0.2495,-0.1724) and ( 0.2245,-0.1963) .. ( 0.2412,-0.2584)
+ .. controls ( 0.2526,-0.2569) and ( 0.2622,-0.2548) .. ( 0.2735,-0.2584)
+ .. controls ( 0.2987,-0.2708) and ( 0.3225,-0.3241) .. ( 0.3212,-0.3506)
+ .. controls ( 0.3203,-0.3711) and ( 0.3053,-0.3950) .. ( 0.3008,-0.4443)
+ -- ( 0.2497,-0.4187)
+ .. controls ( 0.2599,-0.4479) and ( 0.2621,-0.4475) .. ( 0.2905,-0.4528)
+ .. controls ( 0.2877,-0.4715) and ( 0.2799,-0.4998) .. ( 0.2905,-0.5182)
+ .. controls ( 0.2991,-0.5392) and ( 0.3228,-0.5357) .. ( 0.3346,-0.5182)
+ .. controls ( 0.3506,-0.4943) and ( 0.3355,-0.4515) .. ( 0.3532,-0.4203)
+ .. controls ( 0.3716,-0.3881) and ( 0.4096,-0.3844) .. ( 0.4084,-0.3499)
+ .. controls ( 0.4074,-0.3241) and ( 0.3866,-0.3087) .. ( 0.3728,-0.2897)
+ -- ( 0.3426,-0.2337)
+ -- ( 0.2989,-0.1879)
+ .. controls ( 0.2810,-0.1587) and ( 0.2976,-0.1327) .. ( 0.3187,-0.1323)
+ .. controls ( 0.3342,-0.1319) and ( 0.3489,-0.1451) .. ( 0.3603,-0.1541)
+ .. controls ( 0.3817,-0.1712) and ( 0.4026,-0.1894) .. ( 0.4144,-0.2146)
+ .. controls ( 0.4299,-0.2477) and ( 0.4289,-0.2977) .. ( 0.4712,-0.3110)
+ .. controls ( 0.4957,-0.3188) and ( 0.5167,-0.3024) .. ( 0.5044,-0.2753)
+ .. controls ( 0.4967,-0.2585) and ( 0.4769,-0.2471) .. ( 0.4676,-0.2227)
+ .. controls ( 0.4582,-0.1981) and ( 0.4681,-0.1743) .. ( 0.4488,-0.1492)
+ .. controls ( 0.4286,-0.1227) and ( 0.3809,-0.1095) .. ( 0.3621,-0.0696)
+ .. controls ( 0.3402,-0.0230) and ( 0.3896, 0.0270) .. ( 0.3092, 0.0408)
+ -- ( 0.3532, 0.1933)
+ -- ( 0.3944, 0.2536)
+ -- ( 0.3433, 0.2765)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2497, 0.2450)
+ -- ( 0.2782, 0.2025)
+ .. controls ( 0.2843, 0.1911) and ( 0.2884, 0.1815) .. ( 0.2900, 0.1685)
+ .. controls ( 0.3021, 0.0654) and ( 0.1495, 0.1479) .. ( 0.2135, 0.2245)
+ .. controls ( 0.2246, 0.2378) and ( 0.2346, 0.2396) .. ( 0.2497, 0.2450)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8836, 0.2157)
+ .. controls ( 0.8688, 0.2061) and ( 0.8571, 0.1889) .. ( 0.8687, 0.1736)
+ .. controls ( 0.8785, 0.1608) and ( 0.8967, 0.1613) .. ( 0.9161, 0.1578)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3035, 0.1940)
+ .. controls (-0.3340, 0.1390) and (-0.3508, 0.1491) .. (-0.3624, 0.1300)
+ .. controls (-0.3738, 0.1112) and (-0.3588, 0.0896) .. (-0.3288, 0.0972)
+ .. controls (-0.2842, 0.1084) and (-0.2392, 0.1714) .. (-0.3035, 0.1940)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4710, 0.1940)
+ .. controls ( 0.4330, 0.1525) and ( 0.3961, 0.1447) .. ( 0.4114, 0.0833)
+ .. controls ( 0.4294, 0.0897) and ( 0.4596, 0.1056) .. ( 0.4776, 0.0984)
+ .. controls ( 0.5010, 0.0888) and ( 0.5182, 0.0420) .. ( 0.4925, 0.0231)
+ .. controls ( 0.4698, 0.0064) and ( 0.4500, 0.0299) .. ( 0.3944, 0.0153)
+ .. controls ( 0.4243,-0.0189) and ( 0.4618,-0.0333) .. ( 0.4765,-0.0621)
+ .. controls ( 0.4928,-0.0939) and ( 0.4729,-0.1183) .. ( 0.4881,-0.1406)
+ .. controls ( 0.4977,-0.1549) and ( 0.5241,-0.1630) .. ( 0.5425,-0.1894)
+ .. controls ( 0.5557,-0.2085) and ( 0.5562,-0.2282) .. ( 0.5657,-0.2485)
+ -- ( 0.6122,-0.3251)
+ .. controls ( 0.6335,-0.3720) and ( 0.6160,-0.3973) .. ( 0.6323,-0.4443)
+ .. controls ( 0.6532,-0.5042) and ( 0.6754,-0.5231) .. ( 0.6973,-0.5440)
+ -- ( 0.7289,-0.4899)
+ .. controls ( 0.7138,-0.4739) and ( 0.6992,-0.4579) .. ( 0.6886,-0.4358)
+ -- ( 0.6489,-0.2690)
+ .. controls ( 0.6485,-0.2445) and ( 0.6654,-0.2180) .. ( 0.6598,-0.2002)
+ .. controls ( 0.6522,-0.1752) and ( 0.6202,-0.1899) .. ( 0.5938,-0.1612)
+ .. controls ( 0.5619,-0.1263) and ( 0.5907,-0.0980) .. ( 0.5797,-0.0720)
+ .. controls ( 0.5714,-0.0525) and ( 0.5434,-0.0441) .. ( 0.5374,-0.0184)
+ .. controls ( 0.5319, 0.0056) and ( 0.5522, 0.0300) .. ( 0.5533, 0.0578)
+ .. controls ( 0.5548, 0.0943) and ( 0.4981, 0.1701) .. ( 0.4710, 0.1940)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9001, 0.1862)
+ -- (-0.9386, 0.1201)
+ .. controls (-0.9374, 0.1181) and (-0.9371, 0.1158) .. (-0.9356, 0.1139)
+ .. controls (-0.9242, 0.0996) and (-0.9046, 0.0893) .. (-0.8911, 0.0660)
+ .. controls (-0.8684, 0.0268) and (-0.8960, 0.0297) .. (-0.8592,-0.0296)
+ .. controls (-0.8262,-0.0830) and (-0.8655,-0.1092) .. (-0.7971,-0.1209)
+ -- (-0.7875, 0.0068)
+ -- (-0.8579, 0.1174)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4453, 0.0979)
+ .. controls (-0.4922, 0.0916) and (-0.4988, 0.0347) .. (-0.4759, 0.0116)
+ .. controls (-0.4491,-0.0149) and (-0.4165, 0.0208) .. (-0.3900, 0.0116)
+ .. controls (-0.3555,-0.0011) and (-0.3800,-0.0410) .. (-0.3751,-0.0698)
+ -- (-0.3537,-0.1294)
+ .. controls (-0.3428,-0.1879) and (-0.4042,-0.1777) .. (-0.3801,-0.2656)
+ .. controls (-0.3617,-0.2531) and (-0.3352,-0.2292) .. (-0.3122,-0.2330)
+ .. controls (-0.2845,-0.2375) and (-0.2669,-0.2694) .. (-0.2543,-0.2911)
+ .. controls (-0.2183,-0.3533) and (-0.2004,-0.3613) .. (-0.2184,-0.4358)
+ .. controls (-0.3300,-0.4097) and (-0.2723,-0.5065) .. (-0.2483,-0.5549)
+ -- (-0.2129,-0.6314)
+ .. controls (-0.2017,-0.6508) and (-0.1900,-0.6661) .. (-0.1670,-0.6712)
+ .. controls (-0.1211,-0.6813) and (-0.1100,-0.6527) .. (-0.1163,-0.6145)
+ .. controls (-0.1327,-0.6119) and (-0.1427,-0.6118) .. (-0.1568,-0.6009)
+ .. controls (-0.1780,-0.5845) and (-0.2123,-0.5041) .. (-0.2042,-0.4783)
+ .. controls (-0.1947,-0.4484) and (-0.1575,-0.4121) .. (-0.1333,-0.3932)
+ -- (-0.1527,-0.3251)
+ -- (-0.1588,-0.2656)
+ .. controls (-0.2187,-0.2715) and (-0.2083,-0.2536) .. (-0.2457,-0.2163)
+ .. controls (-0.2684,-0.1935) and (-0.2911,-0.1886) .. (-0.2996,-0.1546)
+ -- (-0.2996,-0.1209)
+ -- (-0.3232,-0.0698)
+ .. controls (-0.3283,-0.0435) and (-0.3124,-0.0260) .. (-0.3175,-0.0041)
+ .. controls (-0.3251, 0.0283) and (-0.3891, 0.0917) .. (-0.4227, 0.0973)
+ .. controls (-0.4311, 0.0987) and (-0.4386, 0.0989) .. (-0.4453, 0.0979)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1163,-0.6145)
+ -- (-0.0812,-0.6009)
+ -- (-0.0509,-0.4868)
+ -- (-0.0567,-0.4528)
+ .. controls (-0.1227,-0.4845) and (-0.1350,-0.5483) .. (-0.1163,-0.6145)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.9165, 0.0573)
+ .. controls ( 0.8982, 0.0512) and ( 0.8800, 0.0260) .. ( 0.8880,-0.0013)
+ .. controls ( 0.8973,-0.0334) and ( 0.9330,-0.0408) .. ( 0.9466,-0.0703)
+ .. controls ( 0.9528,-0.0838) and ( 0.9514,-0.0964) .. ( 0.9506,-0.1091)
+ -- ( 1.0000,-0.0243)
+ .. controls ( 0.9816,-0.0179) and ( 0.9678,-0.0119) .. ( 0.9563, 0.0077)
+ .. controls ( 0.9465, 0.0244) and ( 0.9476, 0.0488) .. ( 0.9340, 0.0564)
+ .. controls ( 0.9288, 0.0593) and ( 0.9227, 0.0593) .. ( 0.9165, 0.0573)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7064, 0.0069)
+ .. controls (-0.7128, 0.0077) and (-0.7187, 0.0075) .. (-0.7237, 0.0061)
+ .. controls (-0.7255, 0.0030) and (-0.7310, 0.0025) .. (-0.7316,-0.0115)
+ .. controls (-0.7321,-0.0230) and (-0.7071,-0.1058) .. (-0.6984,-0.1096)
+ .. controls (-0.6872,-0.1176) and (-0.6721,-0.1116) .. (-0.6609,-0.1096)
+ .. controls (-0.6502,-0.1046) and (-0.6316,-0.0986) .. (-0.6242,-0.0900)
+ .. controls (-0.5901,-0.0507) and (-0.6615, 0.0017) .. (-0.7064, 0.0069)
+ --cycle
+ (-1.0000, 0.0068)
+ -- (-1.0000, 0.0020)
+ -- (-0.9548,-0.0788)
+ .. controls (-0.9170,-0.0310) and (-0.9342,-0.0158) .. (-1.0000, 0.0068)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2643, 0.0054)
+ .. controls (-0.2853,-0.0295) and (-0.2523,-0.0713) .. (-0.2182,-0.0843)
+ .. controls (-0.2024,-0.0902) and (-0.1781,-0.0944) .. (-0.1687,-0.0757)
+ .. controls (-0.1530,-0.0441) and (-0.2378, 0.0095) .. (-0.2643, 0.0054)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6299,-0.0102)
+ .. controls ( 0.6155,-0.0145) and ( 0.6071,-0.0342) .. ( 0.6128,-0.0510)
+ .. controls ( 0.6198,-0.0721) and ( 0.6440,-0.0790) .. ( 0.6606,-0.0986)
+ .. controls ( 0.6738,-0.1143) and ( 0.6761,-0.1328) .. ( 0.6948,-0.1437)
+ .. controls ( 0.7092,-0.1520) and ( 0.7311,-0.1484) .. ( 0.7401,-0.1664)
+ .. controls ( 0.7461,-0.1784) and ( 0.7351,-0.2363) .. ( 0.7348,-0.2570)
+ .. controls ( 0.7336,-0.3524) and ( 0.7289,-0.3324) .. ( 0.7620,-0.4187)
+ .. controls ( 0.7631,-0.4216) and ( 0.7642,-0.4246) .. ( 0.7652,-0.4275)
+ -- ( 0.8003,-0.3672)
+ .. controls ( 0.7976,-0.3636) and ( 0.7942,-0.3606) .. ( 0.7918,-0.3568)
+ .. controls ( 0.7778,-0.3349) and ( 0.7645,-0.2537) .. ( 0.7970,-0.2417)
+ .. controls ( 0.8206,-0.2330) and ( 0.8347,-0.2671) .. ( 0.8432,-0.2822)
+ -- ( 0.8469,-0.2872)
+ -- ( 0.8787,-0.2326)
+ -- ( 0.8594,-0.1993)
+ .. controls ( 0.8496,-0.1847) and ( 0.7996,-0.1314) .. ( 0.7847,-0.1281)
+ .. controls ( 0.7712,-0.1229) and ( 0.7642,-0.1268) .. ( 0.7518,-0.1281)
+ .. controls ( 0.7451,-0.1148) and ( 0.7397,-0.1014) .. ( 0.7293,-0.0886)
+ -- ( 0.6461,-0.0117)
+ .. controls ( 0.6402,-0.0090) and ( 0.6347,-0.0087) .. ( 0.6299,-0.0102)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5178,-0.0844)
+ .. controls (-0.5451,-0.0820) and (-0.5852,-0.0947) .. (-0.5902,-0.1144)
+ .. controls (-0.6007,-0.1557) and (-0.5621,-0.1731) .. (-0.5414,-0.1997)
+ .. controls (-0.5274,-0.2177) and (-0.5229,-0.2355) .. (-0.5044,-0.2525)
+ .. controls (-0.4888,-0.2669) and (-0.4706,-0.2705) .. (-0.4543,-0.2923)
+ .. controls (-0.4420,-0.3087) and (-0.4220,-0.3707) .. (-0.4141,-0.3932)
+ .. controls (-0.3620,-0.3875) and (-0.3060,-0.4031) .. (-0.3060,-0.3592)
+ .. controls (-0.3060,-0.3272) and (-0.3358,-0.3272) .. (-0.3716,-0.3008)
+ .. controls (-0.4367,-0.2529) and (-0.4253,-0.2451) .. (-0.4621,-0.1914)
+ .. controls (-0.4700,-0.1800) and (-0.4814,-0.1685) .. (-0.4867,-0.1556)
+ .. controls (-0.4970,-0.1308) and (-0.4804,-0.1088) .. (-0.4966,-0.0923)
+ .. controls (-0.5011,-0.0877) and (-0.5087,-0.0853) .. (-0.5178,-0.0844)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4165,-0.0846)
+ .. controls (-0.4357,-0.0807) and (-0.4622,-0.1075) .. (-0.4395,-0.1440)
+ .. controls (-0.4316,-0.1566) and (-0.4254,-0.1571) .. (-0.4141,-0.1634)
+ .. controls (-0.4094,-0.1522) and (-0.4042,-0.1415) .. (-0.4019,-0.1294)
+ .. controls (-0.3960,-0.1004) and (-0.4049,-0.0870) .. (-0.4165,-0.0846)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9358,-0.1125)
+ -- (-0.8813,-0.2098)
+ .. controls (-0.8768,-0.1903) and (-0.8656,-0.1673) .. (-0.8723,-0.1485)
+ .. controls (-0.8801,-0.1269) and (-0.9022,-0.1274) .. (-0.9358,-0.1125)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1455,-0.1458)
+ .. controls ( 0.1402,-0.1449) and ( 0.1336,-0.1452) .. ( 0.1255,-0.1471)
+ .. controls ( 0.0901,-0.1850) and ( 0.1064,-0.2454) .. ( 0.1360,-0.2301)
+ .. controls ( 0.1569,-0.2194) and ( 0.1827,-0.1522) .. ( 0.1455,-0.1458)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1477,-0.1474)
+ .. controls (-0.1646,-0.1458) and (-0.1813,-0.1543) .. (-0.1847,-0.1659)
+ .. controls (-0.1889,-0.1806) and (-0.1612,-0.2953) .. (-0.1163,-0.2315)
+ -- (-0.0420,-0.4418)
+ .. controls (-0.0291,-0.4661) and (-0.0068,-0.4600) .. ( 0.0136,-0.4880)
+ .. controls ( 0.0294,-0.5097) and ( 0.0259,-0.5331) .. ( 0.0419,-0.5487)
+ .. controls ( 0.0694,-0.5755) and ( 0.1462,-0.5710) .. ( 0.1798,-0.6001)
+ -- ( 0.2188,-0.6436)
+ .. controls ( 0.2392,-0.6605) and ( 0.2566,-0.6577) .. ( 0.2804,-0.6838)
+ .. controls ( 0.3122,-0.7186) and ( 0.3037,-0.7586) .. ( 0.3603,-0.7592)
+ .. controls ( 0.3537,-0.7217) and ( 0.3358,-0.6781) .. ( 0.3603,-0.6427)
+ .. controls ( 0.3743,-0.6222) and ( 0.3978,-0.6232) .. ( 0.4032,-0.6039)
+ .. controls ( 0.4084,-0.5852) and ( 0.3901,-0.5654) .. ( 0.3712,-0.5741)
+ .. controls ( 0.3573,-0.5804) and ( 0.3558,-0.5936) .. ( 0.3518,-0.6044)
+ .. controls ( 0.3319,-0.6046) and ( 0.2996,-0.6092) .. ( 0.2842,-0.6044)
+ .. controls ( 0.2568,-0.5917) and ( 0.2515,-0.5648) .. ( 0.2231,-0.5501)
+ .. controls ( 0.1960,-0.5359) and ( 0.1632,-0.5421) .. ( 0.1413,-0.5292)
+ -- ( 0.0626,-0.4601)
+ .. controls ( 0.0525,-0.4430) and ( 0.0547,-0.4207) .. ( 0.0440,-0.4065)
+ .. controls ( 0.0320,-0.3906) and ( 0.0076,-0.3898) .. (-0.0104,-0.3714)
+ .. controls (-0.0515,-0.3289) and ( 0.0146,-0.2721) .. (-0.0737,-0.2358)
+ .. controls (-0.0903,-0.2290) and (-0.0917,-0.2313) .. (-0.1098,-0.2315)
+ -- (-0.1098,-0.1892)
+ .. controls (-0.1137,-0.1607) and (-0.1308,-0.1491) .. (-0.1477,-0.1474)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7679,-0.1481)
+ .. controls (-0.8119,-0.1523) and (-0.8157,-0.2051) .. (-0.8303,-0.2401)
+ -- (-0.8453,-0.2740)
+ -- (-0.8299,-0.3015)
+ .. controls (-0.7861,-0.2968) and (-0.8116,-0.2403) .. (-0.7732,-0.2278)
+ .. controls (-0.7561,-0.2223) and (-0.7349,-0.2415) .. (-0.7204,-0.2497)
+ .. controls (-0.6711,-0.2774) and (-0.6473,-0.2864) .. (-0.6524,-0.3506)
+ -- (-0.6787,-0.3422)
+ .. controls (-0.6786,-0.3475) and (-0.6826,-0.3544) .. (-0.6787,-0.3655)
+ .. controls (-0.6635,-0.4244) and (-0.5943,-0.3658) .. (-0.5763,-0.3760)
+ .. controls (-0.5586,-0.3861) and (-0.5497,-0.4251) .. (-0.5357,-0.4418)
+ .. controls (-0.5118,-0.4701) and (-0.4694,-0.4662) .. (-0.4504,-0.5047)
+ .. controls (-0.4231,-0.5599) and (-0.4535,-0.6772) .. (-0.4451,-0.7421)
+ .. controls (-0.4389,-0.7901) and (-0.4023,-0.8005) .. (-0.3912,-0.8443)
+ .. controls (-0.3883,-0.8558) and (-0.3874,-0.8667) .. (-0.3869,-0.8774)
+ -- (-0.3386,-0.8778)
+ .. controls (-0.3371,-0.8645) and (-0.3342,-0.8523) .. (-0.3394,-0.8358)
+ .. controls (-0.3448,-0.8167) and (-0.3914,-0.7567) .. (-0.3962,-0.6996)
+ .. controls (-0.4039,-0.6074) and (-0.3294,-0.5871) .. (-0.3545,-0.4954)
+ -- (-0.3886,-0.5039)
+ -- (-0.4196,-0.4442)
+ -- (-0.4864,-0.4090)
+ -- (-0.5345,-0.3241)
+ -- (-0.6106,-0.2802)
+ -- (-0.6106,-0.1975)
+ .. controls (-0.6301,-0.2027) and (-0.6486,-0.2101) .. (-0.6694,-0.2022)
+ .. controls (-0.7004,-0.1904) and (-0.7133,-0.1559) .. (-0.7464,-0.1495)
+ .. controls (-0.7544,-0.1479) and (-0.7616,-0.1475) .. (-0.7679,-0.1481)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0029,-0.2060)
+ .. controls (-0.0139,-0.2731) and ( 0.0196,-0.2608) .. ( 0.0476,-0.3014)
+ .. controls ( 0.0682,-0.3314) and ( 0.0511,-0.3569) .. ( 0.0750,-0.3784)
+ .. controls ( 0.0974,-0.3988) and ( 0.1304,-0.3876) .. ( 0.1549,-0.4019)
+ .. controls ( 0.1795,-0.4164) and ( 0.1878,-0.4529) .. ( 0.1987,-0.4783)
+ .. controls ( 0.2461,-0.4539) and ( 0.2519,-0.4021) .. ( 0.2180,-0.3618)
+ .. controls ( 0.1964,-0.3362) and ( 0.1652,-0.3426) .. ( 0.1414,-0.3257)
+ .. controls ( 0.1198,-0.3103) and ( 0.1183,-0.2881) .. ( 0.1007,-0.2689)
+ .. controls ( 0.0838,-0.2504) and ( 0.0265,-0.2166) .. ( 0.0029,-0.2060)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2327,-0.2826)
+ .. controls ( 0.1961,-0.2955) and ( 0.1961,-0.3123) .. ( 0.2327,-0.3251)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7548,-0.3137)
+ .. controls (-0.7774,-0.3164) and (-0.7890,-0.3323) .. (-0.7986,-0.3573)
+ -- (-0.7759,-0.3979)
+ .. controls (-0.7735,-0.3968) and (-0.7711,-0.3964) .. (-0.7688,-0.3946)
+ -- (-0.7205,-0.3166)
+ .. controls (-0.7341,-0.3135) and (-0.7454,-0.3126) .. (-0.7548,-0.3137)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4114,-0.3847)
+ .. controls ( 0.4216,-0.4136) and ( 0.4238,-0.4142) .. ( 0.4540,-0.4102)
+ -- ( 0.4540,-0.3932)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5395,-0.3997)
+ .. controls ( 0.5263,-0.3990) and ( 0.5044,-0.4032) .. ( 0.4625,-0.4018)
+ -- ( 0.4780,-0.4954)
+ .. controls ( 0.4757,-0.5287) and ( 0.4518,-0.5542) .. ( 0.4648,-0.5776)
+ .. controls ( 0.4852,-0.6142) and ( 0.5202,-0.5603) .. ( 0.5614,-0.5929)
+ .. controls ( 0.5752,-0.6038) and ( 0.6063,-0.6359) .. ( 0.6275,-0.6638)
+ -- ( 0.6570,-0.6132)
+ .. controls ( 0.6460,-0.6042) and ( 0.6347,-0.5954) .. ( 0.6268,-0.5865)
+ -- ( 0.5937,-0.5346)
+ .. controls ( 0.5648,-0.5023) and ( 0.5031,-0.4880) .. ( 0.5646,-0.4273)
+ .. controls ( 0.5574,-0.4062) and ( 0.5528,-0.4005) .. ( 0.5395,-0.3997)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6609,-0.4273)
+ .. controls (-0.7027,-0.4247) and (-0.7300,-0.4414) .. (-0.7397,-0.4624)
+ -- (-0.7047,-0.5249)
+ .. controls (-0.7013,-0.5263) and (-0.6989,-0.5282) .. (-0.6950,-0.5294)
+ .. controls (-0.6935,-0.4878) and (-0.6933,-0.4806) .. (-0.6609,-0.4528)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5689,-0.4528)
+ .. controls (-0.6368,-0.4677) and (-0.6352,-0.5020) .. (-0.6354,-0.5634)
+ -- (-0.5757,-0.6071)
+ -- (-0.5162,-0.6826)
+ .. controls (-0.5073,-0.6508) and (-0.5037,-0.6125) .. (-0.5241,-0.5838)
+ .. controls (-0.5384,-0.5639) and (-0.5622,-0.5584) .. (-0.5689,-0.5361)
+ .. controls (-0.5775,-0.5167) and (-0.5648,-0.4918) .. (-0.5689,-0.4528)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6354,-0.5634)
+ .. controls (-0.6583,-0.5576) and (-0.6713,-0.5579) .. (-0.6839,-0.5619)
+ -- (-0.6487,-0.6248)
+ .. controls (-0.6395,-0.6053) and (-0.6326,-0.5852) .. (-0.6354,-0.5634)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0056,-0.5890)
+ .. controls (-0.0554,-0.6155) and (-0.0426,-0.6370) .. (-0.0606,-0.6818)
+ -- (-0.1199,-0.7847)
+ .. controls (-0.1298,-0.8015) and (-0.1531,-0.8317) .. (-0.1499,-0.8510)
+ .. controls (-0.1482,-0.8615) and (-0.1397,-0.8702) .. (-0.1295,-0.8795)
+ -- (-0.0507,-0.8802)
+ .. controls (-0.0629,-0.8583) and (-0.0745,-0.8380) .. (-0.0742,-0.8358)
+ .. controls (-0.0792,-0.8239) and (-0.0776,-0.8135) .. (-0.0742,-0.8027)
+ .. controls (-0.0460,-0.7520) and ( 0.0016,-0.7834) .. ( 0.0277,-0.7780)
+ .. controls ( 0.0760,-0.7679) and ( 0.1284,-0.6914) .. ( 0.1207,-0.6405)
+ .. controls ( 0.1150,-0.6017) and ( 0.0841,-0.6082) .. ( 0.0711,-0.6267)
+ .. controls ( 0.0620,-0.6397) and ( 0.0556,-0.7141) .. ( 0.0539,-0.7336)
+ .. controls (-0.0413,-0.7085) and ( 0.0139,-0.6637) .. (-0.0056,-0.5890)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4284,-0.6571)
+ .. controls ( 0.4285,-0.7307) and ( 0.4284,-0.7652) .. ( 0.5135,-0.7336)
+ .. controls ( 0.5170,-0.7469) and ( 0.5220,-0.7585) .. ( 0.5179,-0.7726)
+ .. controls ( 0.5091,-0.8019) and ( 0.4473,-0.8546) .. ( 0.4851,-0.8847)
+ -- ( 0.4987,-0.8848)
+ -- ( 0.5768,-0.7509)
+ .. controls ( 0.5767,-0.7509) and ( 0.5767,-0.7507) .. ( 0.5767,-0.7507)
+ .. controls ( 0.5412,-0.6652) and ( 0.5083,-0.6726) .. ( 0.4284,-0.6571)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2914,-0.6672)
+ .. controls (-0.2998,-0.6666) and (-0.3106,-0.6686) .. (-0.3250,-0.6743)
+ .. controls (-0.3545,-0.7128) and (-0.3081,-0.7358) .. (-0.2850,-0.7678)
+ .. controls (-0.2710,-0.7873) and (-0.2601,-0.8137) .. (-0.2351,-0.8216)
+ .. controls (-0.2083,-0.8301) and (-0.1916,-0.8105) .. (-0.1960,-0.7845)
+ .. controls (-0.2008,-0.7566) and (-0.2232,-0.7418) .. (-0.2396,-0.7216)
+ .. controls (-0.2612,-0.6950) and (-0.2660,-0.6690) .. (-0.2914,-0.6672)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5641,-0.6998)
+ .. controls (-0.5850,-0.6984) and (-0.5808,-0.7367) .. (-0.5766,-0.7507)
+ .. controls (-0.5748,-0.7566) and (-0.5723,-0.7598) .. (-0.5702,-0.7648)
+ -- (-0.5492,-0.8022)
+ .. controls (-0.5310,-0.8247) and (-0.5120,-0.8367) .. (-0.5052,-0.8613)
+ .. controls (-0.5044,-0.8642) and (-0.5062,-0.8717) .. (-0.5063,-0.8763)
+ -- (-0.4585,-0.8767)
+ .. controls (-0.4596,-0.7984) and (-0.5013,-0.7963) .. (-0.5234,-0.7583)
+ .. controls (-0.5344,-0.7394) and (-0.5352,-0.7120) .. (-0.5535,-0.7030)
+ .. controls (-0.5576,-0.7010) and (-0.5611,-0.7000) .. (-0.5641,-0.6998)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1990,-0.7341)
+ .. controls ( 0.1094,-0.7768) and ( 0.2330,-0.8330) .. ( 0.2586,-0.8828)
+ -- ( 0.3183,-0.8833)
+ .. controls ( 0.3165,-0.8684) and ( 0.3066,-0.8565) .. ( 0.2991,-0.8428)
+ .. controls ( 0.2762,-0.8010) and ( 0.2508,-0.7418) .. ( 0.1990,-0.7341)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3603,-0.7592)
+ -- ( 0.3859,-0.8188)
+ .. controls ( 0.4178,-0.7853) and ( 0.4108,-0.7527) .. ( 0.3603,-0.7592)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4369,-0.8443)
+ .. controls ( 0.4147,-0.8480) and ( 0.3837,-0.8661) .. ( 0.3628,-0.8837)
+ -- ( 0.4240,-0.8842)
+ .. controls ( 0.4307,-0.8690) and ( 0.4358,-0.8541) .. ( 0.4369,-0.8443)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3205,-0.8528)
+ -- (-0.3266,-0.8779)
+ -- (-0.2773,-0.8783)
+ .. controls (-0.2800,-0.8719) and (-0.2850,-0.8655) .. (-0.2963,-0.8600)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1093,-0.8568)
+ .. controls ( 0.0964,-0.8568) and ( 0.0834,-0.8587) .. ( 0.0710,-0.8600)
+ .. controls ( 0.0605,-0.8611) and ( 0.0403,-0.8617) .. ( 0.0312,-0.8664)
+ .. controls ( 0.0240,-0.8701) and ( 0.0203,-0.8751) .. ( 0.0184,-0.8808)
+ -- ( 0.1002,-0.8815)
+ -- ( 0.1050,-0.8698)
+ -- ( 0.1085,-0.8815)
+ -- ( 0.1641,-0.8820)
+ .. controls ( 0.1606,-0.8757) and ( 0.1553,-0.8698) .. ( 0.1463,-0.8649)
+ .. controls ( 0.1347,-0.8586) and ( 0.1221,-0.8568) .. ( 0.1093,-0.8568)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/rough.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/rough.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe716add2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/rough.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,1570 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/rough}
+% The style for rough hexes. The pattern is filled with a light
+% brown, and outlines are not drawn.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/rough/.style={
+ draw=none,
+ fill={rgb,100:red,79;green,68;blue,41}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/rough}
+% Roughs. Again, a bit long.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/rough/.pic={
+ \path[hex/terrain/rough,pic actions,draw=none]
+ (-0.2701, 0.8873)
+ .. controls (-0.2982, 0.8927) and (-0.3250, 0.8675) .. (-0.3296, 0.8537)
+ .. controls (-0.3363, 0.8337) and (-0.3058, 0.8263) .. (-0.2820, 0.8610)
+ .. controls (-0.2717, 0.8450) and (-0.2591, 0.8228) .. (-0.2441, 0.8112)
+ .. controls (-0.2057, 0.7817) and (-0.1394, 0.7709) .. (-0.1208, 0.8270)
+ -- (-0.2226, 0.8355)
+ .. controls (-0.2359, 0.8698) and (-0.2532, 0.8840) .. (-0.2701, 0.8873)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1081, 0.8792)
+ .. controls (-0.1371, 0.8680) and (-0.1265, 0.8900) .. (-0.1377, 0.8610)
+ .. controls (-0.1121, 0.8691) and (-0.1163, 0.8536) .. (-0.1081, 0.8792)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1762, 0.8752)
+ -- ( 0.1761, 0.8710)
+ .. controls ( 0.1746, 0.8556) and ( 0.1707, 0.8704) .. ( 0.1822, 0.8575)
+ .. controls ( 0.1958, 0.8423) and ( 0.2514, 0.8065) .. ( 0.2435, 0.8694)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3216, 0.8740)
+ .. controls ( 0.3061, 0.8744) and ( 0.2932, 0.8668) .. ( 0.2896, 0.8414)
+ .. controls ( 0.2869, 0.8222) and ( 0.3049, 0.8110) .. ( 0.3122, 0.7930)
+ -- ( 0.3292, 0.7930)
+ -- ( 0.3377, 0.8440)
+ -- ( 0.3874, 0.8438)
+ -- ( 0.3702, 0.8584)
+ .. controls ( 0.3556, 0.8652) and ( 0.3372, 0.8736) .. ( 0.3216, 0.8740)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4696, 0.8697)
+ .. controls ( 0.4362, 0.8687) and ( 0.4116, 0.8113) .. ( 0.4594, 0.7865)
+ -- ( 0.4565, 0.8238)
+ -- ( 0.5034, 0.8485)
+ .. controls ( 0.4927, 0.8641) and ( 0.4807, 0.8700) .. ( 0.4696, 0.8697)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0783, 0.8695)
+ -- (-0.0698, 0.8185)
+ -- (-0.0528, 0.8185)
+ .. controls (-0.0488, 0.8507) and (-0.0499, 0.8533) .. (-0.0783, 0.8695)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0321, 0.8695)
+ .. controls (-0.0074, 0.8534) and (-0.0195, 0.8453) .. (-0.0104, 0.8015)
+ .. controls ( 0.0252, 0.8183) and ( 0.0356, 0.8295) .. ( 0.0321, 0.8695)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4155, 0.8596)
+ .. controls (-0.4417, 0.8307) and (-0.4165, 0.8213) .. (-0.4032, 0.8284)
+ .. controls (-0.3903, 0.8353) and (-0.3789, 0.8639) .. (-0.4155, 0.8596)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4857, 0.8525)
+ .. controls (-0.4972, 0.8321) and (-0.5172, 0.8207) .. (-0.5389, 0.8116)
+ -- (-0.5595, 0.7763)
+ .. controls (-0.5377, 0.7748) and (-0.5144, 0.7944) .. (-0.4942, 0.8100)
+ -- (-0.4857, 0.7845)
+ .. controls (-0.4503, 0.8051) and (-0.4552, 0.8169) .. (-0.4688, 0.8525)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1002, 0.8511)
+ .. controls ( 0.0869, 0.8528) and ( 0.0769, 0.8478) .. ( 0.0696, 0.8260)
+ -- ( 0.1509, 0.8185)
+ -- ( 0.1509, 0.8355)
+ .. controls ( 0.1302, 0.8408) and ( 0.1135, 0.8493) .. ( 0.1002, 0.8511)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2485, 0.8268)
+ .. controls ( 0.2378, 0.8296) and ( 0.2250, 0.8213) .. ( 0.2103, 0.7930)
+ .. controls ( 0.2410, 0.7676) and ( 0.2451, 0.7555) .. ( 0.2867, 0.7591)
+ .. controls ( 0.2791, 0.7861) and ( 0.2665, 0.8220) .. ( 0.2485, 0.8268)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3754, 0.8100)
+ -- (-0.3754, 0.7930)
+ -- (-0.3330, 0.7930)
+ -- (-0.3330, 0.8100)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5066, 0.8010)
+ -- ( 0.5131, 0.7667)
+ -- ( 0.5443, 0.7538)
+ -- ( 0.5566, 0.7611)
+ -- ( 0.5392, 0.7958)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4008, 0.7930)
+ -- (-0.4348, 0.7591)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1509, 0.7930)
+ -- ( 0.1254, 0.7676)
+ .. controls ( 0.1432, 0.7361) and ( 0.1497, 0.7365) .. ( 0.1849, 0.7336)
+ .. controls ( 0.1820, 0.7688) and ( 0.1824, 0.7753) .. ( 0.1509, 0.7930)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0301, 0.7854)
+ .. controls ( 0.0240, 0.7861) and ( 0.0162, 0.7858) .. ( 0.0066, 0.7845)
+ -- ( 0.0490, 0.7421)
+ .. controls ( 0.0527, 0.7709) and ( 0.0486, 0.7831) .. ( 0.0301, 0.7854)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2757, 0.7847)
+ .. controls (-0.2819, 0.7857) and (-0.2896, 0.7857) .. (-0.2990, 0.7845)
+ -- (-0.2820, 0.7411)
+ .. controls (-0.3010, 0.7423) and (-0.3576, 0.7485) .. (-0.3704, 0.7411)
+ .. controls (-0.3832, 0.7314) and (-0.3819, 0.7137) .. (-0.3644, 0.7089)
+ .. controls (-0.3522, 0.7029) and (-0.3199, 0.7069) .. (-0.3075, 0.7089)
+ .. controls (-0.2647, 0.7227) and (-0.2326, 0.7776) .. (-0.2757, 0.7847)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3631, 0.7676)
+ -- ( 0.3122, 0.7479)
+ .. controls ( 0.3064, 0.6995) and ( 0.3021, 0.7030) .. ( 0.3546, 0.7166)
+ .. controls ( 0.3550, 0.6777) and ( 0.3499, 0.6644) .. ( 0.3886, 0.6488)
+ .. controls ( 0.3854, 0.7398) and ( 0.3467, 0.6989) .. ( 0.3631, 0.7676)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5753, 0.7676)
+ .. controls ( 0.5837, 0.7354) and ( 0.5927, 0.7219) .. ( 0.6097, 0.7131)
+ -- ( 0.5796, 0.7669)
+ .. controls ( 0.5781, 0.7670) and ( 0.5768, 0.7674) .. ( 0.5753, 0.7676)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5536, 0.7591)
+ -- (-0.5706, 0.7082)
+ -- (-0.5621, 0.6997)
+ -- (-0.5027, 0.6997)
+ .. controls (-0.5136, 0.7365) and (-0.5192, 0.7422) .. (-0.5536, 0.7591)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1361, 0.7534)
+ .. controls (-0.1512, 0.7509) and (-0.1612, 0.7304) .. (-0.1462, 0.6912)
+ -- (-0.0953, 0.7082)
+ .. controls (-0.1007, 0.7406) and (-0.1210, 0.7560) .. (-0.1361, 0.7534)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4655, 0.7519)
+ .. controls (-0.4811, 0.7476) and (-0.4887, 0.7146) .. (-0.4551, 0.6911)
+ .. controls (-0.4447, 0.6838) and (-0.4376, 0.6846) .. (-0.4263, 0.6827)
+ -- (-0.4362, 0.7201)
+ .. controls (-0.4440, 0.7466) and (-0.4562, 0.7544) .. (-0.4655, 0.7519)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2311, 0.7421)
+ -- (-0.2480, 0.7082)
+ -- (-0.1971, 0.6827)
+ -- (-0.2141, 0.7421)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4819, 0.7421)
+ -- ( 0.5244, 0.7082)
+ -- ( 0.5329, 0.7166)
+ -- ( 0.5329, 0.7336)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4140, 0.7336)
+ .. controls ( 0.4091, 0.6951) and ( 0.4180, 0.6863) .. ( 0.4565, 0.6912)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1000, 0.7166)
+ .. controls ( 0.0969, 0.7064) and ( 0.0893, 0.6845) .. ( 0.0896, 0.6747)
+ .. controls ( 0.0911, 0.6142) and ( 0.1603, 0.6571) .. ( 0.1849, 0.6658)
+ -- ( 0.2260, 0.6725)
+ .. controls ( 0.2381, 0.6766) and ( 0.2515, 0.6891) .. ( 0.2429, 0.7019)
+ .. controls ( 0.2330, 0.7185) and ( 0.1897, 0.7058) .. ( 0.1756, 0.7019)
+ -- ( 0.1339, 0.6827)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0321, 0.7082)
+ -- (-0.0019, 0.6318)
+ .. controls ( 0.0528, 0.6362) and ( 0.0992, 0.6731) .. ( 0.0321, 0.7082)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5074, 0.6997)
+ .. controls ( 0.5090, 0.6563) and ( 0.5107, 0.6351) .. ( 0.5584, 0.6572)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6116, 0.6867)
+ -- (-0.6413, 0.6359)
+ .. controls (-0.6321, 0.6229) and (-0.6158, 0.6171) .. (-0.6009, 0.6289)
+ .. controls (-0.5820, 0.6437) and (-0.5846, 0.6623) .. (-0.5876, 0.6827)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3414, 0.6742)
+ .. controls (-0.3515, 0.6371) and (-0.3559, 0.6083) .. (-0.3075, 0.6148)
+ -- (-0.3245, 0.6742)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5112, 0.6657)
+ -- (-0.5112, 0.6318)
+ -- (-0.4772, 0.6233)
+ -- (-0.5027, 0.5893)
+ -- (-0.5027, 0.5808)
+ -- (-0.4857, 0.5638)
+ .. controls (-0.4400, 0.6074) and (-0.4373, 0.6597) .. (-0.5112, 0.6657)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2905, 0.6657)
+ .. controls (-0.2682, 0.6064) and (-0.2058, 0.5997) .. (-0.2141, 0.6657)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0953, 0.6488)
+ -- (-0.1547, 0.6403)
+ -- (-0.1377, 0.5553)
+ -- (-0.1208, 0.5553)
+ .. controls (-0.0926, 0.5982) and (-0.0954, 0.5977) .. (-0.0953, 0.6488)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0915, 0.6403)
+ .. controls ( 0.0497, 0.6269) and ( 0.0505, 0.6133) .. ( 0.0490, 0.5723)
+ .. controls ( 0.0796, 0.5913) and ( 0.0822, 0.6066) .. ( 0.0915, 0.6403)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4310, 0.6403)
+ .. controls ( 0.4211, 0.6043) and ( 0.4125, 0.5931) .. ( 0.4480, 0.5723)
+ -- ( 0.4819, 0.6148)
+ -- ( 0.4819, 0.6318)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5838, 0.6403)
+ .. controls ( 0.5923, 0.5846) and ( 0.5925, 0.5918) .. ( 0.6362, 0.5668)
+ -- ( 0.6521, 0.5663)
+ -- ( 0.6615, 0.5890)
+ .. controls ( 0.6340, 0.6304) and ( 0.6328, 0.6347) .. ( 0.5838, 0.6403)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2018, 0.6233)
+ -- ( 0.2018, 0.5808)
+ -- ( 0.2358, 0.5808)
+ .. controls ( 0.2306, 0.6108) and ( 0.2301, 0.6119) .. ( 0.2018, 0.6233)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3200, 0.6175)
+ .. controls ( 0.3147, 0.6171) and ( 0.3095, 0.6162) .. ( 0.3037, 0.6159)
+ -- ( 0.3144, 0.5906)
+ .. controls ( 0.3494, 0.5385) and ( 0.3913, 0.6066) .. ( 0.3367, 0.6159)
+ .. controls ( 0.3306, 0.6176) and ( 0.3252, 0.6178) .. ( 0.3200, 0.6175)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1254, 0.6148)
+ -- ( 0.1169, 0.5553)
+ -- ( 0.1339, 0.5553)
+ -- ( 0.1594, 0.5808)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0188, 0.6063)
+ .. controls (-0.0629, 0.5361) and (-0.0925, 0.5785) .. (-0.1038, 0.5044)
+ -- (-0.0528, 0.4875)
+ .. controls (-0.0307, 0.5232) and (-0.0275, 0.5285) .. ( 0.0151, 0.5299)
+ .. controls ( 0.0257, 0.5724) and ( 0.0206, 0.5860) .. (-0.0188, 0.6063)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2820, 0.5893)
+ .. controls (-0.2753, 0.5073) and (-0.2107, 0.5185) .. (-0.1801, 0.5808)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5244, 0.5893)
+ .. controls ( 0.5408, 0.5621) and ( 0.5447, 0.5620) .. ( 0.5753, 0.5553)
+ .. controls ( 0.5625, 0.5873) and ( 0.5579, 0.5867) .. ( 0.5244, 0.5893)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4023, 0.5839)
+ .. controls (-0.4095, 0.5826) and (-0.4161, 0.5794) .. (-0.4210, 0.5751)
+ .. controls (-0.4340, 0.5638) and (-0.4334, 0.5376) .. (-0.4348, 0.5214)
+ .. controls (-0.3835, 0.5433) and (-0.4044, 0.5361) .. (-0.3499, 0.5299)
+ .. controls (-0.3537, 0.5756) and (-0.3808, 0.5879) .. (-0.4023, 0.5839)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6717, 0.5836)
+ -- (-0.7007, 0.5338)
+ .. controls (-0.6810, 0.5286) and (-0.6639, 0.5441) .. (-0.6717, 0.5836)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5683, 0.5760)
+ .. controls (-0.5775, 0.5769) and (-0.5875, 0.5722) .. (-0.6045, 0.5638)
+ -- (-0.5876, 0.5214)
+ -- (-0.5367, 0.5553)
+ .. controls (-0.5506, 0.5688) and (-0.5590, 0.5752) .. (-0.5683, 0.5760)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2527, 0.5638)
+ -- ( 0.2782, 0.5129)
+ -- ( 0.2867, 0.5129)
+ -- ( 0.3037, 0.5299)
+ .. controls ( 0.2852, 0.5566) and ( 0.2848, 0.5585) .. ( 0.2527, 0.5638)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6946, 0.5616)
+ .. controls ( 0.6944, 0.5600) and ( 0.6921, 0.5548) .. ( 0.6787, 0.5413)
+ -- ( 0.6878, 0.5061)
+ .. controls ( 0.6794, 0.4976) and ( 0.6747, 0.5161) .. ( 0.6694, 0.5045)
+ -- ( 0.6262, 0.5469)
+ .. controls ( 0.6001, 0.4510) and ( 0.6708, 0.4762) .. ( 0.6776, 0.4804)
+ .. controls ( 0.6913, 0.4889) and ( 0.7003, 0.4848) .. ( 0.7078, 0.4982)
+ -- ( 0.7283, 0.4862)
+ -- ( 0.7151, 0.5087)
+ -- ( 0.6995, 0.5381)
+ .. controls ( 0.6915, 0.5505) and ( 0.6933, 0.5583) .. ( 0.6948, 0.5614)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1764, 0.5469)
+ .. controls ( 0.1765, 0.5023) and ( 0.1718, 0.4964) .. ( 0.2018, 0.4620)
+ -- ( 0.2443, 0.4790)
+ .. controls ( 0.2287, 0.5015) and ( 0.2286, 0.4995) .. ( 0.2018, 0.4960)
+ -- ( 0.1934, 0.5044)
+ -- ( 0.1934, 0.5469)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3971, 0.5384)
+ -- ( 0.4056, 0.5044)
+ -- ( 0.4649, 0.4875)
+ -- ( 0.4904, 0.5384)
+ -- ( 0.4395, 0.5214)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5668, 0.5384)
+ .. controls ( 0.5368, 0.5332) and ( 0.5357, 0.5327) .. ( 0.5244, 0.5044)
+ -- ( 0.5329, 0.4960)
+ -- ( 0.5668, 0.5044)
+ -- ( 0.5499, 0.4620)
+ .. controls ( 0.5250, 0.4718) and ( 0.5240, 0.4756) .. ( 0.5074, 0.4535)
+ -- ( 0.5584, 0.4280)
+ .. controls ( 0.6164, 0.4608) and ( 0.5800, 0.4918) .. ( 0.5668, 0.5384)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0770, 0.5310)
+ .. controls ( 0.0682, 0.5304) and ( 0.0588, 0.5222) .. ( 0.0538, 0.5053)
+ .. controls ( 0.0343, 0.4401) and ( 0.0794, 0.3794) .. ( 0.1169, 0.4450)
+ -- ( 0.0830, 0.4535)
+ .. controls ( 0.0904, 0.4711) and ( 0.1010, 0.4920) .. ( 0.0968, 0.5117)
+ .. controls ( 0.0941, 0.5249) and ( 0.0858, 0.5317) .. ( 0.0770, 0.5310)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3075, 0.5299)
+ -- (-0.3414, 0.4790)
+ -- (-0.3330, 0.4705)
+ .. controls (-0.2926, 0.4813) and (-0.2724, 0.4931) .. (-0.3075, 0.5299)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6105, 0.5210)
+ .. controls (-0.6292, 0.5286) and (-0.6359, 0.5102) .. (-0.6385, 0.4790)
+ -- (-0.5876, 0.5044)
+ .. controls (-0.5967, 0.5132) and (-0.6043, 0.5185) .. (-0.6105, 0.5210)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6810, 0.5129)
+ .. controls (-0.6924, 0.5121) and (-0.7036, 0.5121) .. (-0.7147, 0.5086)
+ .. controls (-0.7151, 0.5085) and (-0.7153, 0.5083) .. (-0.7157, 0.5081)
+ -- (-0.7430, 0.4612)
+ .. controls (-0.7297, 0.4478) and (-0.7007, 0.4457) .. (-0.6860, 0.4801)
+ .. controls (-0.6815, 0.4906) and (-0.6819, 0.5019) .. (-0.6810, 0.5129)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1462, 0.5129)
+ .. controls (-0.1949, 0.5129) and (-0.2098, 0.5207) .. (-0.2480, 0.4875)
+ -- (-0.2480, 0.4790)
+ -- (-0.2311, 0.4620)
+ -- (-0.1801, 0.4790)
+ -- (-0.1801, 0.4535)
+ -- (-0.1462, 0.4535)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0066, 0.5044)
+ -- (-0.0019, 0.4620)
+ .. controls (-0.0908, 0.4424) and (-0.0252, 0.3738) .. ( 0.0185, 0.4370)
+ .. controls ( 0.0238, 0.4448) and ( 0.0272, 0.4527) .. ( 0.0290, 0.4620)
+ .. controls ( 0.0322, 0.4784) and ( 0.0277, 0.4893) .. ( 0.0236, 0.5044)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5118, 0.4944)
+ .. controls (-0.5315, 0.4962) and (-0.5506, 0.4944) .. (-0.5676, 0.4798)
+ .. controls (-0.5973, 0.4546) and (-0.5662, 0.4306) .. (-0.5676, 0.4033)
+ .. controls (-0.5682, 0.3806) and (-0.5896, 0.3679) .. (-0.5934, 0.3509)
+ .. controls (-0.6001, 0.3209) and (-0.5656, 0.2986) .. (-0.5452, 0.2838)
+ -- (-0.5621, 0.2498)
+ -- (-0.5282, 0.2498)
+ .. controls (-0.5165, 0.2920) and (-0.5111, 0.3040) .. (-0.5536, 0.3262)
+ .. controls (-0.5263, 0.3959) and (-0.5223, 0.3799) .. (-0.5452, 0.4535)
+ -- (-0.4857, 0.4705)
+ -- (-0.4518, 0.4535)
+ -- (-0.4518, 0.4875)
+ .. controls (-0.4715, 0.4873) and (-0.4920, 0.4926) .. (-0.5118, 0.4944)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3588, 0.4802)
+ .. controls ( 0.3533, 0.4806) and ( 0.3465, 0.4801) .. ( 0.3377, 0.4790)
+ -- ( 0.3801, 0.4365)
+ -- ( 0.3886, 0.4450)
+ .. controls ( 0.3795, 0.4694) and ( 0.3752, 0.4789) .. ( 0.3588, 0.4802)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3923, 0.4620)
+ .. controls (-0.3995, 0.4156) and (-0.3752, 0.3562) .. (-0.3330, 0.3347)
+ -- (-0.3245, 0.3431)
+ -- (-0.3172, 0.4229)
+ -- (-0.3754, 0.4620)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1254, 0.4620)
+ .. controls ( 0.1311, 0.4303) and ( 0.1371, 0.3466) .. ( 0.1909, 0.3657)
+ .. controls ( 0.2082, 0.3718) and ( 0.2132, 0.3929) .. ( 0.2274, 0.4041)
+ .. controls ( 0.2376, 0.4123) and ( 0.2569, 0.4158) .. ( 0.2697, 0.4196)
+ .. controls ( 0.2404, 0.4707) and ( 0.2211, 0.4375) .. ( 0.1594, 0.4196)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6347, 0.4620)
+ .. controls ( 0.5865, 0.3970) and ( 0.5594, 0.4145) .. ( 0.5753, 0.3516)
+ .. controls ( 0.6248, 0.3639) and ( 0.6190, 0.3659) .. ( 0.6687, 0.3516)
+ .. controls ( 0.6624, 0.3942) and ( 0.6392, 0.4050) .. ( 0.6772, 0.4280)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2735, 0.4535)
+ .. controls (-0.2776, 0.4212) and (-0.2764, 0.4187) .. (-0.2480, 0.4026)
+ -- (-0.2565, 0.4535)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4565, 0.4535)
+ -- ( 0.4395, 0.4365)
+ -- ( 0.4395, 0.4280)
+ -- ( 0.4565, 0.4111)
+ -- ( 0.4649, 0.4111)
+ -- ( 0.4819, 0.4280)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7558, 0.4524)
+ .. controls ( 0.7494, 0.4473) and ( 0.7430, 0.4394) .. ( 0.7366, 0.4280)
+ .. controls ( 0.7552, 0.4225) and ( 0.7653, 0.4183) .. ( 0.7753, 0.4176)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4518, 0.4450)
+ -- (-0.4772, 0.4365)
+ -- (-0.4518, 0.4196)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6423, 0.4300)
+ .. controls (-0.6532, 0.4307) and (-0.6637, 0.4304) .. (-0.6690, 0.4274)
+ .. controls (-0.6866, 0.4158) and (-0.6850, 0.3910) .. (-0.6630, 0.3848)
+ -- (-0.6130, 0.3848)
+ -- (-0.6130, 0.4274)
+ .. controls (-0.6201, 0.4279) and (-0.6314, 0.4294) .. (-0.6423, 0.4300)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7111, 0.4196)
+ -- ( 0.7451, 0.3771)
+ .. controls ( 0.7399, 0.4071) and ( 0.7394, 0.4082) .. ( 0.7111, 0.4196)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7404, 0.4111)
+ -- (-0.7574, 0.3347)
+ -- (-0.7065, 0.3262)
+ -- (-0.7234, 0.4111)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1547, 0.4111)
+ -- (-0.1462, 0.3601)
+ -- (-0.1038, 0.3856)
+ .. controls (-0.0885, 0.3562) and (-0.0864, 0.3520) .. (-0.0528, 0.3516)
+ -- (-0.0783, 0.4026)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3886, 0.4111)
+ .. controls ( 0.3213, 0.4055) and ( 0.3289, 0.3610) .. ( 0.3801, 0.3347)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3801, 0.3347)
+ -- ( 0.3801, 0.3262)
+ -- ( 0.3631, 0.3092)
+ -- ( 0.3801, 0.2753)
+ -- ( 0.3971, 0.2753)
+ .. controls ( 0.4050, 0.3067) and ( 0.4083, 0.3157) .. ( 0.3801, 0.3347)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5074, 0.4026)
+ -- ( 0.4565, 0.3516)
+ .. controls ( 0.4935, 0.3518) and ( 0.5571, 0.3505) .. ( 0.5074, 0.4026)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4348, 0.3941)
+ -- (-0.4433, 0.3856)
+ -- (-0.4348, 0.3516)
+ -- (-0.4008, 0.3856)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5112, 0.3856)
+ -- (-0.5027, 0.3347)
+ -- (-0.4518, 0.3856)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0405, 0.3856)
+ .. controls ( 0.0481, 0.3444) and ( 0.0444, 0.3224) .. ( 0.0830, 0.3007)
+ -- ( 0.1169, 0.3686)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2586, 0.3821)
+ .. controls ( 0.2327, 0.3759) and ( 0.2165, 0.3319) .. ( 0.2699, 0.3440)
+ -- ( 0.2952, 0.3516)
+ .. controls ( 0.2928, 0.3578) and ( 0.2924, 0.3646) .. ( 0.2856, 0.3722)
+ .. controls ( 0.2770, 0.3820) and ( 0.2672, 0.3842) .. ( 0.2586, 0.3821)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2650, 0.3686)
+ .. controls (-0.2695, 0.3349) and (-0.2648, 0.3302) .. (-0.2311, 0.3347)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8037, 0.3670)
+ .. controls ( 0.7958, 0.3549) and ( 0.8002, 0.3405) .. ( 0.8215, 0.3262)
+ -- ( 0.8225, 0.3334)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0104, 0.3601)
+ -- (-0.0273, 0.3007)
+ -- (-0.0698, 0.3007)
+ .. controls (-0.0385, 0.2465) and ( 0.0057, 0.2824) .. ( 0.0066, 0.3601)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4348, 0.3431)
+ -- (-0.4348, 0.3007)
+ .. controls (-0.4123, 0.3163) and (-0.4143, 0.3163) .. (-0.4178, 0.3431)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8185, 0.3317)
+ -- (-0.8365, 0.3007)
+ -- (-0.7998, 0.3007)
+ -- (-0.7998, 0.3177)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4649, 0.3315)
+ .. controls ( 0.4219, 0.3238) and ( 0.4094, 0.2904) .. ( 0.4395, 0.2583)
+ -- ( 0.4565, 0.2922)
+ -- ( 0.5414, 0.2922)
+ -- ( 0.5414, 0.3092)
+ .. controls ( 0.5190, 0.3194) and ( 0.4902, 0.3361) .. ( 0.4649, 0.3315)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6388, 0.3309)
+ .. controls (-0.6527, 0.3328) and (-0.6597, 0.3256) .. (-0.6674, 0.3156)
+ -- (-0.6895, 0.2838)
+ .. controls (-0.6839, 0.2742) and (-0.6820, 0.2649) .. (-0.6700, 0.2597)
+ .. controls (-0.6290, 0.2418) and (-0.5917, 0.3244) .. (-0.6388, 0.3309)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1462, 0.3262)
+ .. controls (-0.1623, 0.2693) and (-0.1610, 0.2418) .. (-0.0953, 0.2498)
+ -- (-0.1292, 0.3262)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2103, 0.3262)
+ -- ( 0.1849, 0.2753)
+ .. controls ( 0.2243, 0.2757) and ( 0.2321, 0.2881) .. ( 0.2273, 0.3262)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3292, 0.3262)
+ -- ( 0.2782, 0.2668)
+ -- ( 0.2782, 0.2498)
+ -- ( 0.3390, 0.2109)
+ .. controls ( 0.3506, 0.1937) and ( 0.3360, 0.1683) .. ( 0.3513, 0.1579)
+ .. controls ( 0.3686, 0.1461) and ( 0.4096, 0.1877) .. ( 0.3631, 0.2073)
+ -- ( 0.3801, 0.2243)
+ -- ( 0.3377, 0.2583)
+ -- ( 0.3546, 0.3007)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6941, 0.3262)
+ -- ( 0.6941, 0.2838)
+ -- ( 0.7111, 0.2838)
+ -- ( 0.7111, 0.3262)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7706, 0.3177)
+ -- ( 0.7366, 0.3092)
+ -- ( 0.7366, 0.2922)
+ -- ( 0.7451, 0.2838)
+ -- ( 0.7621, 0.2838)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7913, 0.3092)
+ -- (-0.7828, 0.2583)
+ -- (-0.7658, 0.2583)
+ -- (-0.7574, 0.2668)
+ -- (-0.7743, 0.3092)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6093, 0.3092)
+ -- ( 0.5838, 0.2413)
+ -- ( 0.6093, 0.2668)
+ -- ( 0.6347, 0.2583)
+ -- ( 0.6432, 0.3092)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3494, 0.3079)
+ .. controls (-0.4142, 0.2885) and (-0.3452, 0.2195) .. (-0.3258, 0.2842)
+ -- (-0.3258, 0.3079)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1084, 0.3007)
+ .. controls ( 0.1005, 0.2885) and ( 0.0956, 0.2764) .. ( 0.0807, 0.2708)
+ .. controls ( 0.0663, 0.2653) and ( 0.0431, 0.2752) .. ( 0.0335, 0.2617)
+ .. controls ( 0.0200, 0.2427) and ( 0.0540, 0.2322) .. ( 0.0660, 0.2298)
+ .. controls ( 0.1034, 0.2226) and ( 0.1204, 0.2407) .. ( 0.1509, 0.2583)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2201, 0.2946)
+ .. controls (-0.2487, 0.2922) and (-0.2701, 0.2767) .. (-0.2990, 0.2583)
+ -- (-0.2565, 0.2073)
+ -- (-0.1886, 0.2922)
+ .. controls (-0.2003, 0.2947) and (-0.2106, 0.2954) .. (-0.2201, 0.2946)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4772, 0.2583)
+ .. controls (-0.5022, 0.2481) and (-0.5267, 0.2367) .. (-0.5427, 0.2138)
+ .. controls (-0.5681, 0.1773) and (-0.5547, 0.1549) .. (-0.5112, 0.1575)
+ .. controls (-0.4976, 0.1584) and (-0.4899, 0.1613) .. (-0.4772, 0.1649)
+ -- (-0.4688, 0.1564)
+ -- (-0.4688, 0.1225)
+ -- (-0.4518, 0.1225)
+ .. controls (-0.4302, 0.1774) and (-0.4489, 0.1866) .. (-0.5027, 0.1988)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4433, 0.2583)
+ -- (-0.4348, 0.2073)
+ -- (-0.4263, 0.2073)
+ -- (-0.4093, 0.2243)
+ -- (-0.4263, 0.2583)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8446, 0.2512)
+ .. controls (-0.8626, 0.2459) and (-0.8672, 0.2066) .. (-0.8677, 0.1903)
+ .. controls (-0.8362, 0.1909) and (-0.8333, 0.1924) .. (-0.8168, 0.1649)
+ -- (-0.7913, 0.1734)
+ .. controls (-0.7979, 0.1888) and (-0.8118, 0.2347) .. (-0.8218, 0.2431)
+ .. controls (-0.8311, 0.2510) and (-0.8386, 0.2530) .. (-0.8446, 0.2512)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6130, 0.2498)
+ -- (-0.6385, 0.1988)
+ .. controls (-0.5969, 0.2023) and (-0.5781, 0.2132) .. (-0.6130, 0.2498)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7209, 0.2469)
+ .. controls ( 0.7057, 0.2498) and ( 0.6918, 0.2452) .. ( 0.6875, 0.2241)
+ .. controls ( 0.6832, 0.1844) and ( 0.7333, 0.1800) .. ( 0.6875, 0.1309)
+ .. controls ( 0.6935, 0.1147) and ( 0.6966, 0.1050) .. ( 0.7123, 0.0936)
+ .. controls ( 0.7287, 0.0815) and ( 0.7996, 0.0650) .. ( 0.8166, 0.0782)
+ .. controls ( 0.8441, 0.0997) and ( 0.8443, 0.1468) .. ( 0.7875, 0.1564)
+ -- ( 0.8130, 0.1055)
+ -- ( 0.7706, 0.0970)
+ .. controls ( 0.7537, 0.1222) and ( 0.7493, 0.1200) .. ( 0.7196, 0.1225)
+ -- ( 0.7621, 0.2241)
+ .. controls ( 0.7526, 0.2335) and ( 0.7361, 0.2440) .. ( 0.7209, 0.2469)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5029, 0.2452)
+ .. controls ( 0.4837, 0.2409) and ( 0.4663, 0.2223) .. ( 0.4749, 0.2012)
+ .. controls ( 0.4861, 0.1737) and ( 0.5371, 0.1377) .. ( 0.5668, 0.1819)
+ .. controls ( 0.5276, 0.2081) and ( 0.5495, 0.2337) .. ( 0.5218, 0.2442)
+ .. controls ( 0.5159, 0.2464) and ( 0.5093, 0.2466) .. ( 0.5029, 0.2452)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7065, 0.2328)
+ .. controls (-0.7174, 0.2318) and (-0.7287, 0.2323) .. (-0.7391, 0.2277)
+ .. controls (-0.7803, 0.2096) and (-0.7474, 0.1632) .. (-0.7171, 0.2086)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0188, 0.2328)
+ .. controls (-0.0280, 0.2283) and (-0.0341, 0.2273) .. (-0.0430, 0.2197)
+ .. controls (-0.1097, 0.1629) and ( 0.0304, 0.1216) .. (-0.0010, 0.2037)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2612, 0.2328)
+ -- ( 0.1849, 0.2073)
+ .. controls ( 0.2210, 0.1548) and ( 0.2532, 0.1800) .. ( 0.2612, 0.2328)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3330, 0.2243)
+ -- (-0.3958, 0.1938)
+ .. controls (-0.4203, 0.1689) and (-0.3928, 0.1505) .. (-0.4518, 0.0970)
+ -- (-0.4518, 0.0800)
+ .. controls (-0.4010, 0.0738) and (-0.3851, 0.1024) .. (-0.3754, 0.1479)
+ .. controls (-0.3297, 0.1544) and (-0.3165, 0.1646) .. (-0.2990, 0.2073)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1971, 0.2243)
+ -- (-0.2056, 0.1479)
+ -- (-0.1462, 0.1394)
+ -- (-0.1462, 0.1564)
+ -- (-0.1801, 0.2243)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8384, 0.2243)
+ .. controls ( 0.8324, 0.1770) and ( 0.8519, 0.1318) .. ( 0.8979, 0.1140)
+ -- ( 0.9064, 0.1225)
+ .. controls ( 0.8952, 0.1805) and ( 0.8898, 0.1922) .. ( 0.8384, 0.2243)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0151, 0.2073)
+ -- ( 0.0151, 0.1903)
+ -- ( 0.0405, 0.1819)
+ -- ( 0.0405, 0.1479)
+ -- ( 0.0575, 0.1479)
+ -- ( 0.0575, 0.1564)
+ -- ( 0.0745, 0.1734)
+ .. controls ( 0.0548, 0.2031) and ( 0.0517, 0.2101) .. ( 0.0151, 0.2073)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6262, 0.2073)
+ -- ( 0.6347, 0.1734)
+ -- ( 0.6517, 0.1734)
+ -- ( 0.6602, 0.1819)
+ -- ( 0.6602, 0.1988)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7621, 0.2073)
+ -- ( 0.7621, 0.1649)
+ .. controls ( 0.7903, 0.1763) and ( 0.7908, 0.1774) .. ( 0.7960, 0.2073)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8988, 0.1938)
+ -- (-0.9014, 0.1893)
+ .. controls (-0.9006, 0.1906) and (-0.8994, 0.1914) .. (-0.8988, 0.1930)
+ .. controls (-0.8987, 0.1933) and (-0.8989, 0.1936) .. (-0.8988, 0.1938)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1292, 0.1903)
+ -- (-0.1292, 0.1479)
+ -- (-0.0953, 0.1819)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2952, 0.1903)
+ .. controls ( 0.2890, 0.1611) and ( 0.2867, 0.1567) .. ( 0.3122, 0.1394)
+ -- ( 0.3122, 0.1903)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6895, 0.1819)
+ -- (-0.6895, 0.1479)
+ -- (-0.6640, 0.1564)
+ -- (-0.6640, 0.1734)
+ -- (-0.6725, 0.1819)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1480, 0.1735)
+ .. controls ( 0.1310, 0.1697) and ( 0.1252, 0.1423) .. ( 0.1594, 0.1225)
+ -- ( 0.1849, 0.1479)
+ .. controls ( 0.1726, 0.1694) and ( 0.1583, 0.1757) .. ( 0.1480, 0.1735)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6300, 0.1734)
+ .. controls (-0.6429, 0.1238) and (-0.6284, 0.1142) .. (-0.5876, 0.0885)
+ -- (-0.6215, 0.0461)
+ -- (-0.6640, 0.0800)
+ .. controls (-0.6670, 0.0697) and (-0.6746, 0.0478) .. (-0.6743, 0.0381)
+ .. controls (-0.6736, 0.0066) and (-0.6456, 0.0044) .. (-0.6219, 0.0135)
+ .. controls (-0.5925, 0.0247) and (-0.5281, 0.0777) .. (-0.5319, 0.1120)
+ .. controls (-0.5350, 0.1399) and (-0.5677, 0.1315) .. (-0.5853, 0.1410)
+ .. controls (-0.5998, 0.1487) and (-0.6048, 0.1603) .. (-0.6130, 0.1734)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6640, 0.0800)
+ .. controls (-0.6595, 0.1137) and (-0.6643, 0.1185) .. (-0.6980, 0.1140)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2565, 0.1734)
+ -- (-0.3584, 0.1309)
+ -- (-0.3330, 0.0800)
+ -- (-0.2990, 0.1140)
+ .. controls (-0.2519, 0.1142) and (-0.2453, 0.1302) .. (-0.2565, 0.1734)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2271, 0.1407)
+ .. controls ( 0.1925, 0.1328) and ( 0.1533, 0.0767) .. ( 0.2190, 0.0890)
+ -- ( 0.2612, 0.0970)
+ .. controls ( 0.2604, 0.1073) and ( 0.2611, 0.1186) .. ( 0.2562, 0.1281)
+ .. controls ( 0.2497, 0.1405) and ( 0.2386, 0.1433) .. ( 0.2271, 0.1407)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0698, 0.1394)
+ .. controls (-0.0981, 0.1280) and (-0.0986, 0.1270) .. (-0.1038, 0.0970)
+ -- (-0.0698, 0.0970)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3971, 0.1394)
+ -- ( 0.3971, 0.1225)
+ -- ( 0.4056, 0.1140)
+ -- ( 0.4395, 0.1225)
+ -- ( 0.4395, 0.1394)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6090, 0.1316)
+ .. controls ( 0.5968, 0.1320) and ( 0.5847, 0.1313) .. ( 0.5753, 0.1309)
+ .. controls ( 0.5937, 0.1034) and ( 0.6031, 0.1066) .. ( 0.6347, 0.1055)
+ .. controls ( 0.5863, 0.0654) and ( 0.5849, 0.0269) .. ( 0.6432,-0.0049)
+ -- ( 0.6262, 0.0461)
+ -- ( 0.6488, 0.0715)
+ .. controls ( 0.6828, 0.1212) and ( 0.6456, 0.1307) .. ( 0.6090, 0.1316)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9354, 0.1309)
+ -- (-0.9422, 0.1193)
+ -- (-0.9356, 0.0800)
+ -- (-0.8847, 0.0970)
+ -- (-0.8847, 0.1309)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8507, 0.1309)
+ .. controls (-0.8417, 0.0965) and (-0.8401, 0.0890) .. (-0.8083, 0.0715)
+ .. controls (-0.8126, 0.1087) and (-0.8139, 0.1187) .. (-0.8507, 0.1309)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1084, 0.1309)
+ -- ( 0.0575, 0.1225)
+ .. controls ( 0.0537, 0.0923) and ( 0.0510, 0.0922) .. ( 0.0236, 0.0800)
+ .. controls ( 0.0578, 0.0292) and ( 0.1015, 0.0713) .. ( 0.1084, 0.1309)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4819, 0.1309)
+ -- ( 0.5028, 0.0739)
+ -- ( 0.4819,-0.0049)
+ .. controls ( 0.4993,-0.0102) and ( 0.5299,-0.0233) .. ( 0.5472,-0.0163)
+ .. controls ( 0.5677,-0.0081) and ( 0.5663, 0.0195) .. ( 0.5644, 0.0376)
+ .. controls ( 0.5592, 0.0860) and ( 0.5308, 0.1235) .. ( 0.4819, 0.1309)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3461, 0.1140)
+ .. controls ( 0.3108, 0.0951) and ( 0.3082, 0.0849) .. ( 0.3037, 0.0461)
+ .. controls ( 0.3481, 0.0535) and ( 0.3552, 0.0713) .. ( 0.3461, 0.1140)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4857, 0.0970)
+ .. controls (-0.5241, 0.0326) and (-0.4983, 0.0214) .. (-0.4348, 0.0206)
+ .. controls (-0.4420,-0.0343) and (-0.4036,-0.0413) .. (-0.3728,-0.0186)
+ .. controls (-0.3557,-0.0061) and (-0.3442, 0.0265) .. (-0.3330, 0.0461)
+ .. controls (-0.3807, 0.0916) and (-0.3834, 0.0423) .. (-0.3839, 0.0036)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2480, 0.0970)
+ -- (-0.2480, 0.0800)
+ -- (-0.2056, 0.0800)
+ -- (-0.2056, 0.0970)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1292, 0.0970)
+ -- (-0.1462, 0.0800)
+ -- (-0.1462, 0.0715)
+ -- (-0.1292, 0.0546)
+ -- (-0.1208, 0.0546)
+ -- (-0.1038, 0.0715)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3801, 0.0800)
+ -- ( 0.3801, 0.0206)
+ -- ( 0.3971, 0.0206)
+ -- ( 0.4056, 0.0291)
+ -- ( 0.4140, 0.0800)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4225, 0.0800)
+ .. controls ( 0.4316, 0.0456) and ( 0.4332, 0.0381) .. ( 0.4649, 0.0206)
+ .. controls ( 0.4618, 0.0591) and ( 0.4606, 0.0679) .. ( 0.4225, 0.0800)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8809, 0.0759)
+ .. controls ( 0.8722, 0.0759) and ( 0.8634, 0.0659) .. ( 0.8554, 0.0461)
+ -- ( 0.9064, 0.0461)
+ .. controls ( 0.8984, 0.0659) and ( 0.8897, 0.0759) .. ( 0.8809, 0.0759)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1413, 0.0752)
+ .. controls ( 0.1324, 0.0761) and ( 0.1215, 0.0749) .. ( 0.1084, 0.0715)
+ .. controls ( 0.1253, 0.0362) and ( 0.1326, 0.0290) .. ( 0.1679, 0.0121)
+ .. controls ( 0.1762, 0.0511) and ( 0.1679, 0.0726) .. ( 0.1413, 0.0752)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7409, 0.0649)
+ .. controls (-0.7448, 0.0648) and (-0.7485, 0.0639) .. (-0.7518, 0.0618)
+ .. controls (-0.7690, 0.0508) and (-0.7544,-0.0147) .. (-0.7438,-0.0279)
+ .. controls (-0.7341,-0.0398) and (-0.7273,-0.0409) .. (-0.7149,-0.0473)
+ -- (-0.7065, 0.0546)
+ .. controls (-0.7159, 0.0583) and (-0.7292, 0.0653) .. (-0.7409, 0.0649)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.9762, 0.0591)
+ -- ( 0.9564, 0.0203)
+ .. controls ( 0.9517,-0.0013) and ( 0.9637,-0.0270) .. ( 0.9761,-0.0510)
+ -- ( 0.9997,-0.0105)
+ .. controls ( 1.0000,-0.0010) and ( 1.0000, 0.0075) .. ( 0.9998, 0.0171)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1717, 0.0546)
+ .. controls (-0.2038, 0.0492) and (-0.2042, 0.0472) .. (-0.2226, 0.0206)
+ -- (-0.1717, 0.0206)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7281, 0.0546)
+ -- ( 0.6687, 0.0461)
+ -- ( 0.6687, 0.0291)
+ .. controls ( 0.7027, 0.0233) and ( 0.7100, 0.0245) .. ( 0.7281, 0.0546)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9726, 0.0477)
+ .. controls (-0.9758, 0.0477) and (-0.9806, 0.0473) .. (-0.9843, 0.0471)
+ -- (-1.0000, 0.0201)
+ -- (-0.9912, 0.0044)
+ -- (-0.9696, 0.0206)
+ -- (-0.9448,-0.0784)
+ -- (-0.9432,-0.0812)
+ -- (-0.8422,-0.0728)
+ -- (-0.8677,-0.0982)
+ -- (-0.8677,-0.1322)
+ .. controls (-0.8159,-0.1280) and (-0.7904,-0.1016) .. (-0.8308,-0.0569)
+ .. controls (-0.8618,-0.0226) and (-0.8917,-0.0142) .. (-0.9356,-0.0049)
+ .. controls (-0.9393, 0.0402) and (-0.9477, 0.0479) .. (-0.9726, 0.0477)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0273, 0.0430)
+ .. controls (-0.1037, 0.0283) and (-0.0659,-0.0617) .. (-0.0043, 0.0049)
+ .. controls ( 0.0066, 0.0167) and ( 0.0086, 0.0240) .. ( 0.0151, 0.0376)
+ .. controls ( 0.0001, 0.0416) and (-0.0110, 0.0461) .. (-0.0273, 0.0430)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2361, 0.0409)
+ .. controls ( 0.2189, 0.0454) and ( 0.2022, 0.0366) .. ( 0.2018, 0.0036)
+ .. controls ( 0.2379, 0.0017) and ( 0.2409,-0.0057) .. ( 0.2527,-0.0388)
+ .. controls ( 0.2946,-0.0103) and ( 0.2647, 0.0336) .. ( 0.2361, 0.0409)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2852, 0.0389)
+ .. controls (-0.3005, 0.0379) and (-0.3023, 0.0289) .. (-0.2990, 0.0036)
+ -- (-0.2650, 0.0376)
+ .. controls (-0.2735, 0.0387) and (-0.2801, 0.0393) .. (-0.2852, 0.0389)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3037, 0.0291)
+ .. controls ( 0.3231,-0.0055) and ( 0.3338,-0.0035) .. ( 0.3716,-0.0049)
+ .. controls ( 0.3519, 0.0279) and ( 0.3402, 0.0269) .. ( 0.3037, 0.0291)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8206, 0.0192)
+ .. controls (-0.8430,-0.0126) and (-0.8179,-0.0291) .. (-0.8045,-0.0204)
+ .. controls (-0.7923,-0.0127) and (-0.7854, 0.0239) .. (-0.8206, 0.0192)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1371, 0.0134)
+ .. controls (-0.1438, 0.0114) and (-0.1493, 0.0019) .. (-0.1547,-0.0134)
+ -- (-0.1123,-0.0049)
+ .. controls (-0.1224, 0.0099) and (-0.1303, 0.0154) .. (-0.1371, 0.0134)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7536, 0.0121)
+ -- ( 0.7111, 0.0036)
+ -- ( 0.7111,-0.0304)
+ .. controls ( 0.7469,-0.0274) and ( 0.7588,-0.0268) .. ( 0.7536, 0.0121)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0750, 0.0106)
+ .. controls ( 0.0661, 0.0093) and ( 0.0570, 0.0067) .. ( 0.0490, 0.0036)
+ .. controls ( 0.0651,-0.0248) and ( 0.0680,-0.0250) .. ( 0.1000,-0.0304)
+ .. controls ( 0.0590,-0.0732) and ( 0.0241,-0.0913) .. ( 0.0745,-0.1492)
+ .. controls ( 0.1110,-0.1331) and ( 0.1272,-0.1362) .. ( 0.1424,-0.0982)
+ -- ( 0.1339,-0.0897)
+ -- ( 0.1000,-0.0982)
+ .. controls ( 0.1057,-0.0835) and ( 0.1261,-0.0416) .. ( 0.1266,-0.0304)
+ .. controls ( 0.1284, 0.0069) and ( 0.1019, 0.0144) .. ( 0.0750, 0.0106)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2311, 0.0036)
+ -- (-0.2311,-0.0049)
+ -- (-0.2480,-0.0219)
+ .. controls (-0.2373,-0.0386) and (-0.2259,-0.0581) .. (-0.2054,-0.0643)
+ .. controls (-0.1781,-0.0725) and (-0.1665,-0.0457) .. (-0.1984,-0.0158)
+ .. controls (-0.2100,-0.0050) and (-0.2177,-0.0027) .. (-0.2311, 0.0036)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8469, 0.0036)
+ .. controls ( 0.8030,-0.0174) and ( 0.7970,-0.0343) .. ( 0.7706,-0.0728)
+ .. controls ( 0.7934,-0.1060) and ( 0.7994,-0.1083) .. ( 0.8384,-0.0982)
+ -- ( 0.8384,-0.0813)
+ -- ( 0.8130,-0.0728)
+ -- ( 0.8130,-0.0558)
+ .. controls ( 0.8448,-0.0370) and ( 0.8501,-0.0340) .. ( 0.8469, 0.0036)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4603,-0.0049)
+ .. controls (-0.4831,-0.0157) and (-0.5088,-0.0301) .. (-0.5182,-0.0557)
+ .. controls (-0.5278,-0.0816) and (-0.5057,-0.0969) .. (-0.4907,-0.0883)
+ .. controls (-0.4763,-0.0802) and (-0.4829,-0.0617) .. (-0.4518,-0.0304)
+ -- (-0.4518,-0.0134)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4264,-0.0112)
+ .. controls ( 0.3999,-0.0108) and ( 0.3834,-0.0280) .. ( 0.4056,-0.0728)
+ -- ( 0.4565,-0.0558)
+ -- ( 0.4649,-0.1237)
+ -- ( 0.4819,-0.1237)
+ -- ( 0.5074,-0.0558)
+ .. controls ( 0.4895,-0.0297) and ( 0.4529,-0.0116) .. ( 0.4264,-0.0112)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5706,-0.0134)
+ -- (-0.6045,-0.0388)
+ .. controls (-0.6509,-0.0147) and (-0.6809,-0.0236) .. (-0.6725,-0.0813)
+ -- (-0.6980,-0.0897)
+ .. controls (-0.6821,-0.1195) and (-0.6788,-0.1210) .. (-0.6470,-0.1322)
+ .. controls (-0.6222,-0.0713) and (-0.6544,-0.0848) .. (-0.6130,-0.0473)
+ .. controls (-0.5953,-0.0788) and (-0.5888,-0.0784) .. (-0.5536,-0.0813)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1679,-0.0219)
+ .. controls ( 0.1573,-0.0941) and ( 0.2349,-0.1063) .. ( 0.2526,-0.0847)
+ .. controls ( 0.2609,-0.0744) and ( 0.2602,-0.0596) .. ( 0.2612,-0.0473)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3112,-0.0274)
+ .. controls (-0.3586,-0.0281) and (-0.4163,-0.0558) .. (-0.4212,-0.0609)
+ .. controls (-0.4295,-0.0692) and (-0.4319,-0.0787) .. (-0.4327,-0.0899)
+ -- (-0.4327,-0.1492)
+ -- (-0.4327,-0.2086)
+ .. controls (-0.3777,-0.1999) and (-0.3244,-0.1312) .. (-0.4008,-0.1067)
+ -- (-0.3823,-0.0879)
+ .. controls (-0.3347,-0.0526) and (-0.3277,-0.1099) .. (-0.2903,-0.1163)
+ .. controls (-0.2612,-0.1213) and (-0.2444,-0.0914) .. (-0.2507,-0.0659)
+ .. controls (-0.2581,-0.0362) and (-0.2828,-0.0269) .. (-0.3112,-0.0274)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.9234,-0.0304)
+ -- ( 0.9149,-0.0643)
+ -- ( 0.9488,-0.0558)
+ -- ( 0.9488,-0.0388)
+ -- ( 0.9403,-0.0304)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6406,-0.0369)
+ .. controls ( 0.6333,-0.0375) and ( 0.6251,-0.0419) .. ( 0.6177,-0.0522)
+ .. controls ( 0.6105,-0.0620) and ( 0.6112,-0.0704) .. ( 0.6093,-0.0799)
+ -- ( 0.6342,-0.0799)
+ .. controls ( 0.6760,-0.0673) and ( 0.6625,-0.0350) .. ( 0.6406,-0.0369)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0016,-0.0449)
+ .. controls (-0.0461,-0.0548) and (-0.0410,-0.0663) .. (-0.0297,-0.1043)
+ .. controls (-0.0250,-0.1199) and (-0.0232,-0.1440) .. (-0.0016,-0.1422)
+ .. controls ( 0.0349,-0.1392) and ( 0.0554,-0.0537) .. (-0.0016,-0.0449)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1123,-0.0473)
+ -- (-0.1208,-0.1067)
+ .. controls (-0.0719,-0.1062) and (-0.0661,-0.0635) .. (-0.1123,-0.0473)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3037,-0.0473)
+ .. controls ( 0.3198,-0.0756) and ( 0.3223,-0.0769) .. ( 0.3546,-0.0728)
+ .. controls ( 0.3383,-0.0447) and ( 0.3358,-0.0446) .. ( 0.3037,-0.0473)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5329,-0.0473)
+ .. controls ( 0.5004,-0.0966) and ( 0.4981,-0.1266) .. ( 0.5668,-0.1322)
+ -- ( 0.5499,-0.0473)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1632,-0.0728)
+ -- (-0.1462,-0.1067)
+ -- (-0.1462,-0.0728)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7090,-0.0817)
+ .. controls ( 0.6987,-0.0843) and ( 0.6911,-0.0952) .. ( 0.6894,-0.1068)
+ .. controls ( 0.6863,-0.1276) and ( 0.7043,-0.1387) .. ( 0.7111,-0.1831)
+ .. controls ( 0.7499,-0.1786) and ( 0.7602,-0.1760) .. ( 0.7791,-0.1407)
+ -- ( 0.7196,-0.1322)
+ -- ( 0.7451,-0.1068)
+ .. controls ( 0.7324,-0.0850) and ( 0.7193,-0.0791) .. ( 0.7090,-0.0817)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.9485,-0.0984)
+ .. controls ( 0.9284,-0.1094) and ( 0.8781,-0.1542) .. ( 0.8706,-0.1754)
+ .. controls ( 0.8655,-0.1897) and ( 0.8704,-0.2051) .. ( 0.8817,-0.2131)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9323,-0.1007)
+ -- (-0.9101,-0.1405)
+ .. controls (-0.9101,-0.1287) and (-0.9146,-0.1173) .. (-0.9187,-0.1067)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0528,-0.1067)
+ .. controls (-0.0616,-0.1167) and (-0.0681,-0.1217) .. (-0.0735,-0.1348)
+ .. controls (-0.0802,-0.1513) and (-0.0835,-0.2032) .. (-0.0603,-0.2082)
+ .. controls (-0.0462,-0.2108) and (-0.0167,-0.1971) .. (-0.0603,-0.1577)
+ .. controls (-0.0459,-0.1339) and (-0.0396,-0.1326) .. (-0.0528,-0.1067)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4876,-0.1114)
+ .. controls (-0.4992,-0.1127) and (-0.5150,-0.1170) .. (-0.5367,-0.1237)
+ -- (-0.5367,-0.1577)
+ -- (-0.4433,-0.1916)
+ .. controls (-0.4544,-0.1299) and (-0.4526,-0.1074) .. (-0.4876,-0.1114)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7635,-0.1120)
+ .. controls (-0.7788,-0.1114) and (-0.7890,-0.1295) .. (-0.7913,-0.1577)
+ -- (-0.7574,-0.1577)
+ .. controls (-0.7442,-0.2093) and (-0.7301,-0.2080) .. (-0.6810,-0.2086)
+ -- (-0.6810,-0.1746)
+ -- (-0.7149,-0.1916)
+ .. controls (-0.7175,-0.1714) and (-0.7177,-0.1520) .. (-0.7311,-0.1350)
+ .. controls (-0.7433,-0.1194) and (-0.7544,-0.1124) .. (-0.7635,-0.1120)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2082,-0.1145)
+ .. controls (-0.2215,-0.1126) and (-0.2378,-0.1199) .. (-0.2495,-0.1410)
+ .. controls (-0.2530,-0.1510) and (-0.2546,-0.1612) .. (-0.2495,-0.1721)
+ .. controls (-0.2475,-0.1840) and (-0.2388,-0.1913) .. (-0.2311,-0.2001)
+ .. controls (-0.2202,-0.1931) and (-0.2111,-0.1884) .. (-0.2020,-0.1785)
+ .. controls (-0.1722,-0.1464) and (-0.1860,-0.1177) .. (-0.2082,-0.1145)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4225,-0.1152)
+ -- ( 0.3631,-0.1492)
+ -- ( 0.3801,-0.1831)
+ .. controls ( 0.4160,-0.1656) and ( 0.4276,-0.1565) .. ( 0.4225,-0.1152)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5925,-0.1174)
+ .. controls (-0.6021,-0.1151) and (-0.6144,-0.1208) .. (-0.6203,-0.1336)
+ .. controls (-0.6283,-0.1508) and (-0.6192,-0.1674) .. (-0.6130,-0.1831)
+ -- (-0.5961,-0.1831)
+ .. controls (-0.5903,-0.1723) and (-0.5831,-0.1615) .. (-0.5803,-0.1494)
+ .. controls (-0.5758,-0.1301) and (-0.5828,-0.1197) .. (-0.5925,-0.1174)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2952,-0.1237)
+ -- ( 0.3292,-0.1746)
+ -- ( 0.3377,-0.1746)
+ -- ( 0.3546,-0.1577)
+ .. controls ( 0.3339,-0.1275) and ( 0.3315,-0.1266) .. ( 0.2952,-0.1237)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1832,-0.1240)
+ .. controls ( 0.1608,-0.1263) and ( 0.1298,-0.1544) .. ( 0.1254,-0.2086)
+ .. controls ( 0.1747,-0.2011) and ( 0.2191,-0.1503) .. ( 0.2015,-0.1301)
+ .. controls ( 0.1972,-0.1252) and ( 0.1907,-0.1232) .. ( 0.1832,-0.1240)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3330,-0.1407)
+ .. controls (-0.3325,-0.1552) and (-0.3330,-0.1683) .. (-0.3280,-0.1824)
+ .. controls (-0.3221,-0.1993) and (-0.2907,-0.2626) .. (-0.2674,-0.2496)
+ .. controls (-0.2290,-0.2283) and (-0.2939,-0.1556) .. (-0.3330,-0.1407)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8677,-0.1492)
+ .. controls (-0.8906,-0.2074) and (-0.8704,-0.2079) .. (-0.8168,-0.2086)
+ -- (-0.8168,-0.2341)
+ -- (-0.7828,-0.2341)
+ .. controls (-0.7876,-0.1754) and (-0.8159,-0.1679) .. (-0.8677,-0.1492)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6507,-0.1523)
+ .. controls ( 0.6150,-0.1514) and ( 0.5790,-0.1648) .. ( 0.5634,-0.2019)
+ .. controls ( 0.5467,-0.2418) and ( 0.5701,-0.2915) .. ( 0.6347,-0.2595)
+ -- ( 0.5923,-0.2426)
+ .. controls ( 0.6167,-0.1901) and ( 0.6349,-0.1909) .. ( 0.6857,-0.1746)
+ -- ( 0.6857,-0.1577)
+ .. controls ( 0.6745,-0.1545) and ( 0.6627,-0.1526) .. ( 0.6507,-0.1523)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4992,-0.1530)
+ .. controls ( 0.4893,-0.1544) and ( 0.4788,-0.1613) .. ( 0.4723,-0.1757)
+ .. controls ( 0.4601,-0.2024) and ( 0.4716,-0.2265) .. ( 0.4819,-0.2510)
+ -- ( 0.4310,-0.2510)
+ .. controls ( 0.4659,-0.3129) and ( 0.5002,-0.2692) .. ( 0.5329,-0.2341)
+ .. controls ( 0.5195,-0.1890) and ( 0.5320,-0.1766) .. ( 0.5232,-0.1628)
+ .. controls ( 0.5186,-0.1555) and ( 0.5091,-0.1515) .. ( 0.4992,-0.1530)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1462,-0.1577)
+ -- (-0.1462,-0.2001)
+ -- (-0.1292,-0.2001)
+ -- (-0.1292,-0.1577)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0490,-0.1577)
+ -- ( 0.0066,-0.1831)
+ -- ( 0.0066,-0.2001)
+ .. controls ( 0.0224,-0.2077) and ( 0.0639,-0.2307) .. ( 0.0802,-0.2267)
+ .. controls ( 0.1236,-0.2159) and ( 0.0615,-0.1657) .. ( 0.0490,-0.1577)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2527,-0.1577)
+ -- ( 0.2358,-0.1746)
+ -- ( 0.2273,-0.1746)
+ -- ( 0.2273,-0.1916)
+ .. controls ( 0.2817,-0.2389) and ( 0.2612,-0.2548) .. ( 0.3207,-0.2595)
+ -- ( 0.2952,-0.2341)
+ .. controls ( 0.2952,-0.1946) and ( 0.2813,-0.1829) .. ( 0.2527,-0.1577)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4124,-0.1906)
+ .. controls ( 0.3901,-0.1934) and ( 0.3801,-0.2077) .. ( 0.3631,-0.2341)
+ .. controls ( 0.4031,-0.2391) and ( 0.4075,-0.2303) .. ( 0.4395,-0.2086)
+ -- ( 0.4395,-0.1916)
+ .. controls ( 0.4286,-0.1900) and ( 0.4198,-0.1897) .. ( 0.4124,-0.1906)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5282,-0.1916)
+ -- (-0.5536,-0.2001)
+ -- (-0.5282,-0.2171)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6045,-0.2001)
+ .. controls (-0.6700,-0.2056) and (-0.6485,-0.2287) .. (-0.6330,-0.2741)
+ .. controls (-0.6243,-0.2991) and (-0.6268,-0.3013) .. (-0.6130,-0.3274)
+ .. controls (-0.5769,-0.3048) and (-0.5602,-0.2946) .. (-0.5536,-0.2510)
+ -- (-0.6045,-0.2510)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3584,-0.2086)
+ .. controls (-0.3921,-0.2259) and (-0.3939,-0.2318) .. (-0.4008,-0.2680)
+ .. controls (-0.4235,-0.2397) and (-0.4237,-0.2318) .. (-0.4603,-0.2256)
+ -- (-0.4603,-0.2850)
+ .. controls (-0.4267,-0.2892) and (-0.3194,-0.3199) .. (-0.3429,-0.2424)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7960,-0.2086)
+ -- ( 0.8384,-0.2510)
+ .. controls ( 0.8428,-0.2169) and ( 0.8301,-0.2042) .. ( 0.7960,-0.2086)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1928,-0.2162)
+ .. controls ( 0.1816,-0.2174) and ( 0.1689,-0.2258) .. ( 0.1598,-0.2322)
+ .. controls ( 0.1191,-0.2606) and ( 0.1214,-0.2831) .. ( 0.1339,-0.3274)
+ -- ( 0.1509,-0.3274)
+ .. controls ( 0.1561,-0.3114) and ( 0.1614,-0.2848) .. ( 0.1729,-0.2730)
+ .. controls ( 0.1867,-0.2591) and ( 0.2098,-0.2594) .. ( 0.2174,-0.2461)
+ .. controls ( 0.2253,-0.2321) and ( 0.2130,-0.2142) .. ( 0.1928,-0.2162)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1905,-0.2188)
+ .. controls (-0.1970,-0.2195) and (-0.2037,-0.2233) .. (-0.2087,-0.2284)
+ .. controls (-0.2248,-0.2451) and (-0.2297,-0.2881) .. (-0.2311,-0.3104)
+ -- (-0.1801,-0.3104)
+ .. controls (-0.1960,-0.2531) and (-0.1611,-0.2530) .. (-0.1738,-0.2284)
+ .. controls (-0.1778,-0.2206) and (-0.1840,-0.2181) .. (-0.1905,-0.2188)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5112,-0.2256)
+ -- (-0.5112,-0.2595)
+ -- (-0.4772,-0.2595)
+ -- (-0.4772,-0.2256)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7451,-0.2256)
+ -- ( 0.6687,-0.2341)
+ -- ( 0.6602,-0.2426)
+ .. controls ( 0.6862,-0.3159) and ( 0.7361,-0.2848) .. ( 0.7451,-0.2256)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8578,-0.2336)
+ -- (-0.8203,-0.3006)
+ .. controls (-0.7747,-0.3108) and (-0.8112,-0.2349) .. (-0.8578,-0.2336)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0280,-0.2369)
+ .. controls (-0.0529,-0.2386) and (-0.0646,-0.2625) .. (-0.0273,-0.3019)
+ -- ( 0.0236,-0.2595)
+ .. controls ( 0.0068,-0.2430) and (-0.0130,-0.2359) .. (-0.0280,-0.2369)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7234,-0.2510)
+ .. controls (-0.7141,-0.2750) and (-0.7050,-0.2842) .. (-0.6810,-0.2935)
+ -- (-0.6725,-0.2850)
+ .. controls (-0.6853,-0.2530) and (-0.6899,-0.2536) .. (-0.7234,-0.2510)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0504,-0.2510)
+ -- ( 0.0504,-0.2760)
+ .. controls ( 0.0689,-0.3381) and ( 0.1243,-0.2780) .. ( 0.0804,-0.2561)
+ .. controls ( 0.0707,-0.2513) and ( 0.0594,-0.2519) .. ( 0.0504,-0.2510)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1292,-0.2595)
+ -- (-0.1462,-0.2765)
+ -- (-0.1038,-0.3274)
+ -- (-0.0953,-0.3274)
+ -- (-0.0783,-0.3104)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7877,-0.2632)
+ .. controls ( 0.7523,-0.2682) and ( 0.7335,-0.3052) .. ( 0.7960,-0.3359)
+ .. controls ( 0.8015,-0.3335) and ( 0.8068,-0.3333) .. ( 0.8122,-0.3324)
+ -- ( 0.8442,-0.2774)
+ .. controls ( 0.8248,-0.2696) and ( 0.8026,-0.2612) .. ( 0.7877,-0.2632)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5329,-0.2765)
+ .. controls ( 0.5358,-0.3116) and ( 0.5353,-0.3182) .. ( 0.5668,-0.3359)
+ .. controls ( 0.5639,-0.3008) and ( 0.5644,-0.2942) .. ( 0.5329,-0.2765)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3385,-0.2820)
+ .. controls ( 0.3148,-0.2878) and ( 0.2673,-0.3492) .. ( 0.3385,-0.3614)
+ -- ( 0.3122,-0.4038)
+ .. controls ( 0.3574,-0.4463) and ( 0.3787,-0.4004) .. ( 0.3701,-0.3806)
+ .. controls ( 0.3644,-0.3672) and ( 0.3492,-0.3602) .. ( 0.3377,-0.3529)
+ -- ( 0.3886,-0.3019)
+ .. controls ( 0.3746,-0.2928) and ( 0.3572,-0.2777) .. ( 0.3385,-0.2820)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3075,-0.2850)
+ -- (-0.3669,-0.3359)
+ .. controls (-0.3237,-0.3346) and (-0.3194,-0.3327) .. (-0.2820,-0.3104)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6347,-0.2850)
+ -- ( 0.6093,-0.3359)
+ -- ( 0.6687,-0.3359)
+ .. controls ( 0.6634,-0.3038) and ( 0.6614,-0.3034) .. ( 0.6347,-0.2850)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2482,-0.2927)
+ .. controls ( 0.2430,-0.2922) and ( 0.2370,-0.2926) .. ( 0.2301,-0.2942)
+ .. controls ( 0.1967,-0.3336) and ( 0.2478,-0.3609) .. ( 0.2647,-0.3515)
+ .. controls ( 0.2796,-0.3431) and ( 0.2843,-0.2960) .. ( 0.2482,-0.2927)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5371,-0.2933)
+ .. controls (-0.5481,-0.2970) and (-0.5577,-0.3098) .. (-0.5621,-0.3359)
+ -- (-0.5112,-0.3869)
+ .. controls (-0.4600,-0.3526) and (-0.5043,-0.2822) .. (-0.5371,-0.2933)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4433,-0.3019)
+ .. controls (-0.4430,-0.3328) and (-0.4401,-0.3356) .. (-0.4093,-0.3359)
+ -- (-0.4263,-0.3019)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0236,-0.3104)
+ -- ( 0.0066,-0.3274)
+ -- ( 0.0066,-0.3359)
+ -- ( 0.0236,-0.3529)
+ -- ( 0.0321,-0.3529)
+ -- ( 0.0490,-0.3359)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4140,-0.3104)
+ -- ( 0.4140,-0.3274)
+ -- ( 0.4565,-0.3274)
+ -- ( 0.4565,-0.3104)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6555,-0.3189)
+ .. controls (-0.7282,-0.3463) and (-0.7047,-0.4238) .. (-0.6385,-0.3614)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7635,-0.3203)
+ .. controls (-0.7897,-0.3491) and (-0.7645,-0.3586) .. (-0.7512,-0.3515)
+ .. controls (-0.7383,-0.3446) and (-0.7269,-0.3159) .. (-0.7635,-0.3203)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1547,-0.3359)
+ .. controls (-0.2375,-0.3951) and (-0.1886,-0.3975) .. (-0.2106,-0.4536)
+ .. controls (-0.2221,-0.4826) and (-0.2548,-0.4886) .. (-0.2435,-0.5309)
+ .. controls (-0.2373,-0.5540) and (-0.1692,-0.6520) .. (-0.1548,-0.5893)
+ .. controls (-0.1503,-0.5696) and (-0.1713,-0.5323) .. (-0.1801,-0.5141)
+ -- (-0.2141,-0.5141)
+ -- (-0.1801,-0.4836)
+ -- (-0.1632,-0.3784)
+ -- (-0.1292,-0.3614)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5838,-0.3444)
+ -- ( 0.6178,-0.3869)
+ .. controls ( 0.6126,-0.3569) and ( 0.6121,-0.3558) .. ( 0.5838,-0.3444)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5876,-0.3529)
+ -- (-0.5876,-0.3869)
+ -- (-0.5536,-0.3869)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3075,-0.3529)
+ .. controls (-0.3075,-0.4259) and (-0.3150,-0.4459) .. (-0.2480,-0.4378)
+ .. controls (-0.2520,-0.3893) and (-0.2634,-0.3741) .. (-0.3075,-0.3529)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0745,-0.3529)
+ .. controls ( 0.0603,-0.3977) and ( 0.0512,-0.3786) .. ( 0.0066,-0.3869)
+ .. controls ( 0.0321,-0.4377) and ( 0.0562,-0.4373) .. ( 0.1084,-0.4378)
+ -- ( 0.1254,-0.3614)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1868,-0.3534)
+ .. controls ( 0.1605,-0.3550) and ( 0.1563,-0.3921) .. ( 0.1681,-0.4095)
+ .. controls ( 0.1887,-0.4397) and ( 0.2596,-0.3970) .. ( 0.2782,-0.3784)
+ .. controls ( 0.2016,-0.3640) and ( 0.2352,-0.3656) .. ( 0.1995,-0.3551)
+ .. controls ( 0.1948,-0.3537) and ( 0.1906,-0.3532) .. ( 0.1868,-0.3534)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0650,-0.3585)
+ .. controls (-0.0712,-0.3584) and (-0.0783,-0.3594) .. (-0.0865,-0.3617)
+ .. controls (-0.1407,-0.4045) and (-0.1029,-0.4414) .. (-0.0731,-0.4301)
+ .. controls (-0.0250,-0.4118) and (-0.0217,-0.3591) .. (-0.0650,-0.3585)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4008,-0.3614)
+ -- (-0.3584,-0.4293)
+ .. controls (-0.3814,-0.4389) and (-0.3792,-0.4389) .. (-0.3839,-0.4632)
+ .. controls (-0.3078,-0.4504) and (-0.3334,-0.3529) .. (-0.4008,-0.3614)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7706,-0.3784)
+ -- ( 0.6689,-0.4004)
+ -- ( 0.6602,-0.4378)
+ .. controls ( 0.6990,-0.4346) and ( 0.7019,-0.4328) .. ( 0.7281,-0.4038)
+ .. controls ( 0.7344,-0.4232) and ( 0.7382,-0.4373) .. ( 0.7461,-0.4460)
+ -- ( 0.7747,-0.3969)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7404,-0.3869)
+ -- (-0.7574,-0.4038)
+ .. controls (-0.7352,-0.4249) and (-0.7368,-0.4246) .. (-0.7065,-0.4208)
+ -- (-0.7065,-0.4038)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3971,-0.3953)
+ -- ( 0.3801,-0.4378)
+ -- ( 0.4140,-0.4378)
+ -- ( 0.4140,-0.3953)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6640,-0.4038)
+ .. controls (-0.6429,-0.4478) and (-0.6261,-0.4537) .. (-0.5876,-0.4802)
+ -- (-0.5367,-0.4378)
+ .. controls (-0.5592,-0.4163) and (-0.5680,-0.4098) .. (-0.5876,-0.4378)
+ .. controls (-0.6195,-0.4110) and (-0.6224,-0.4072) .. (-0.6640,-0.4038)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4603,-0.4038)
+ -- (-0.4603,-0.4378)
+ -- (-0.4263,-0.4378)
+ -- (-0.4263,-0.4038)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5584,-0.4038)
+ .. controls ( 0.5189,-0.4043) and ( 0.5111,-0.4167) .. ( 0.5159,-0.4548)
+ -- ( 0.5329,-0.4548)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6093,-0.4123)
+ -- ( 0.6008,-0.4378)
+ -- ( 0.6262,-0.4378)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2273,-0.4293)
+ -- ( 0.2273,-0.4632)
+ -- ( 0.2612,-0.4632)
+ -- ( 0.2612,-0.4293)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1339,-0.4378)
+ .. controls ( 0.1294,-0.4715) and ( 0.1342,-0.4762) .. ( 0.1679,-0.4717)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1337,-0.4435)
+ .. controls (-0.1394,-0.4438) and (-0.1452,-0.4454) .. (-0.1547,-0.4474)
+ -- (-0.1547,-0.4632)
+ -- (-0.1038,-0.4972)
+ -- (-0.1547,-0.5057)
+ .. controls (-0.1508,-0.5315) and (-0.1180,-0.5928) .. (-0.0833,-0.5723)
+ .. controls (-0.0768,-0.5684) and (-0.0244,-0.4827) .. (-0.1123,-0.4474)
+ .. controls (-0.1220,-0.4442) and (-0.1279,-0.4432) .. (-0.1337,-0.4435)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0033,-0.4457)
+ .. controls (-0.0284,-0.4445) and (-0.0459,-0.4662) .. (-0.0273,-0.5141)
+ -- ( 0.0660,-0.5141)
+ .. controls ( 0.0545,-0.4708) and ( 0.0219,-0.4468) .. (-0.0033,-0.4457)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7383,-0.4470)
+ -- (-0.7101,-0.4972)
+ .. controls (-0.7099,-0.4756) and (-0.7233,-0.4577) .. (-0.7383,-0.4470)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4942,-0.4548)
+ -- (-0.4857,-0.5065)
+ .. controls (-0.4998,-0.5043) and (-0.5212,-0.5004) .. (-0.5329,-0.5065)
+ .. controls (-0.5629,-0.5229) and (-0.5515,-0.5662) .. (-0.5329,-0.5843)
+ .. controls (-0.5068,-0.6075) and (-0.4879,-0.6033) .. (-0.4603,-0.5906)
+ .. controls (-0.4787,-0.5639) and (-0.4791,-0.5620) .. (-0.5112,-0.5566)
+ -- (-0.5112,-0.5396)
+ .. controls (-0.4518,-0.5306) and (-0.4206,-0.4773) .. (-0.4942,-0.4548)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3377,-0.4548)
+ .. controls ( 0.3023,-0.4717) and ( 0.2951,-0.4788) .. ( 0.2782,-0.5141)
+ .. controls ( 0.3342,-0.5180) and ( 0.3822,-0.5526) .. ( 0.3886,-0.4717)
+ -- ( 0.3631,-0.4972)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5663,-0.4671)
+ .. controls ( 0.5583,-0.4668) and ( 0.5478,-0.4680) .. ( 0.5329,-0.4717)
+ -- ( 0.5329,-0.4887)
+ .. controls ( 0.5814,-0.5209) and ( 0.6607,-0.5778) .. ( 0.6687,-0.4802)
+ -- ( 0.6201,-0.4852)
+ .. controls ( 0.5908,-0.4828) and ( 0.5901,-0.4680) .. ( 0.5663,-0.4671)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6640,-0.4802)
+ .. controls (-0.6763,-0.5067) and (-0.6845,-0.5204) .. (-0.6886,-0.5355)
+ -- (-0.6647,-0.5782)
+ -- (-0.5876,-0.5396)
+ .. controls (-0.6003,-0.5515) and (-0.6232,-0.5710) .. (-0.6310,-0.5860)
+ .. controls (-0.6373,-0.5982) and (-0.6388,-0.6155) .. (-0.6360,-0.6294)
+ -- (-0.6224,-0.6537)
+ .. controls (-0.5951,-0.6768) and (-0.5385,-0.6561) .. (-0.5112,-0.6415)
+ .. controls (-0.5400,-0.5996) and (-0.5579,-0.6048) .. (-0.6045,-0.6161)
+ -- (-0.5621,-0.5651)
+ -- (-0.5621,-0.5566)
+ -- (-0.5791,-0.5481)
+ -- (-0.5621,-0.5141)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1000,-0.4802)
+ -- ( 0.0745,-0.5396)
+ .. controls ( 0.1186,-0.5345) and ( 0.1548,-0.5114) .. ( 0.1000,-0.4802)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2188,-0.4802)
+ -- ( 0.2358,-0.5141)
+ -- ( 0.2358,-0.4802)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4310,-0.4802)
+ -- ( 0.4140,-0.5311)
+ -- ( 0.4140,-0.5396)
+ -- ( 0.4310,-0.5566)
+ .. controls ( 0.4679,-0.5313) and ( 0.4644,-0.5230) .. ( 0.4649,-0.4802)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7111,-0.4802)
+ -- ( 0.7111,-0.5059)
+ -- ( 0.7261,-0.4802)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3414,-0.4972)
+ .. controls (-0.3911,-0.5256) and (-0.3704,-0.5729) .. (-0.3075,-0.5566)
+ -- (-0.3075,-0.5396)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4348,-0.5057)
+ -- (-0.4348,-0.5736)
+ .. controls (-0.4068,-0.5549) and (-0.4098,-0.5369) .. (-0.4008,-0.5057)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1509,-0.5311)
+ -- ( 0.1254,-0.5736)
+ -- ( 0.1849,-0.5651)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2273,-0.5311)
+ -- ( 0.2103,-0.5975)
+ .. controls ( 0.1971,-0.5957) and ( 0.1843,-0.5904) .. ( 0.1705,-0.5975)
+ .. controls ( 0.1304,-0.6124) and ( 0.1679,-0.7346) .. ( 0.2142,-0.6893)
+ .. controls ( 0.2226,-0.6812) and ( 0.2236,-0.6741) .. ( 0.2273,-0.6670)
+ -- ( 0.1849,-0.6330)
+ .. controls ( 0.2427,-0.6183) and ( 0.2598,-0.5884) .. ( 0.2443,-0.5311)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5074,-0.5311)
+ .. controls ( 0.5252,-0.5626) and ( 0.5317,-0.5622) .. ( 0.5668,-0.5651)
+ .. controls ( 0.5491,-0.5336) and ( 0.5426,-0.5340) .. ( 0.5074,-0.5311)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0269,-0.5388)
+ .. controls ( 0.0166,-0.5396) and ( 0.0072,-0.5496) .. ( 0.0090,-0.5738)
+ -- ( 0.0151,-0.5991)
+ .. controls ( 0.0222,-0.5954) and ( 0.0287,-0.5947) .. ( 0.0377,-0.5860)
+ .. controls ( 0.0637,-0.5611) and ( 0.0441,-0.5373) .. ( 0.0269,-0.5388)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2782,-0.5481)
+ -- ( 0.2612,-0.5821)
+ -- ( 0.3122,-0.6245)
+ .. controls ( 0.3120,-0.5837) and ( 0.3197,-0.5648) .. ( 0.2782,-0.5481)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2820,-0.5566)
+ .. controls (-0.2791,-0.5918) and (-0.2795,-0.5983) .. (-0.2480,-0.6161)
+ .. controls (-0.2450,-0.5789) and (-0.2492,-0.5737) .. (-0.2820,-0.5566)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3631,-0.5651)
+ .. controls ( 0.3595,-0.5776) and ( 0.3566,-0.5855) .. ( 0.3557,-0.5990)
+ .. controls ( 0.3500,-0.6875) and ( 0.4541,-0.6501) .. ( 0.3934,-0.5846)
+ .. controls ( 0.3826,-0.5729) and ( 0.3761,-0.5717) .. ( 0.3631,-0.5651)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4330,-0.5736)
+ -- ( 0.4330,-0.6379)
+ .. controls ( 0.4274,-0.6731) and ( 0.3959,-0.6885) .. ( 0.4395,-0.7179)
+ .. controls ( 0.4751,-0.6405) and ( 0.4954,-0.6629) .. ( 0.4480,-0.5736)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5329,-0.5821)
+ .. controls ( 0.5362,-0.6232) and ( 0.5740,-0.6869) .. ( 0.6222,-0.6585)
+ -- ( 0.6513,-0.6086)
+ .. controls ( 0.6095,-0.6116) and ( 0.5939,-0.6354) .. ( 0.5668,-0.5821)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1000,-0.5906)
+ -- ( 0.0830,-0.6245)
+ -- ( 0.0575,-0.6161)
+ .. controls ( 0.0477,-0.6898) and ( 0.1617,-0.6541) .. ( 0.1000,-0.5906)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3245,-0.5991)
+ .. controls (-0.3790,-0.5920) and (-0.3824,-0.6312) .. (-0.3839,-0.6754)
+ -- (-0.3245,-0.6161)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4348,-0.6076)
+ -- (-0.4603,-0.6670)
+ -- (-0.4942,-0.6585)
+ -- (-0.5027,-0.6670)
+ .. controls (-0.4589,-0.7510) and (-0.3531,-0.6544) .. (-0.4348,-0.6076)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1377,-0.6076)
+ .. controls (-0.1554,-0.6464) and (-0.1574,-0.6512) .. (-0.1292,-0.6839)
+ -- (-0.1208,-0.6839)
+ -- (-0.1038,-0.6670)
+ -- (-0.1208,-0.6076)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0698,-0.6161)
+ -- (-0.0698,-0.6330)
+ -- (-0.0019,-0.6330)
+ -- (-0.0019,-0.6161)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2735,-0.6330)
+ .. controls (-0.3246,-0.6408) and (-0.3550,-0.6906) .. (-0.3754,-0.7356)
+ -- (-0.3510,-0.7356)
+ -- (-0.2786,-0.6658)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1971,-0.6330)
+ .. controls (-0.2393,-0.6535) and (-0.2774,-0.6931) .. (-0.2226,-0.7264)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2782,-0.6415)
+ -- ( 0.2612,-0.6585)
+ .. controls ( 0.2834,-0.6795) and ( 0.2819,-0.6792) .. ( 0.3122,-0.6754)
+ -- ( 0.3122,-0.6585)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5244,-0.6630)
+ .. controls ( 0.5103,-0.6630) and ( 0.4934,-0.6765) .. ( 0.4819,-0.6839)
+ .. controls ( 0.4916,-0.7019) and ( 0.4915,-0.7036) .. ( 0.5078,-0.7175)
+ -- ( 0.5293,-0.7332)
+ .. controls ( 0.6028,-0.7786) and ( 0.5789,-0.6636) .. ( 0.5244,-0.6630)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0698,-0.6839)
+ -- (-0.0613,-0.7433)
+ -- (-0.0528,-0.7518)
+ .. controls (-0.0005,-0.7307) and (-0.0190,-0.6844) .. (-0.0698,-0.6839)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1339,-0.6839)
+ .. controls ( 0.0648,-0.6945) and ( 0.0512,-0.7734) .. ( 0.1169,-0.7943)
+ .. controls ( 0.1059,-0.7314) and ( 0.1116,-0.7410) .. ( 0.1339,-0.6839)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3546,-0.6839)
+ .. controls ( 0.3575,-0.7191) and ( 0.3571,-0.7256) .. ( 0.3886,-0.7433)
+ -- ( 0.3716,-0.6839)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3886,-0.7433)
+ -- ( 0.3886,-0.7603)
+ -- ( 0.3546,-0.7943)
+ -- ( 0.3631,-0.7943)
+ -- ( 0.3801,-0.8113)
+ .. controls ( 0.4252,-0.7878) and ( 0.4333,-0.7840) .. ( 0.4140,-0.7349)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5653,-0.6922)
+ .. controls (-0.5767,-0.6913) and (-0.5873,-0.6939) .. (-0.5981,-0.6969)
+ -- (-0.5741,-0.7399)
+ .. controls (-0.5528,-0.7446) and (-0.5350,-0.7433) .. (-0.5027,-0.7433)
+ .. controls (-0.5172,-0.7077) and (-0.5409,-0.6942) .. (-0.5653,-0.6922)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1547,-0.7099)
+ .. controls (-0.1719,-0.7103) and (-0.1811,-0.7133) .. (-0.1971,-0.7179)
+ .. controls (-0.1923,-0.7317) and (-0.1881,-0.7454) .. (-0.1792,-0.7574)
+ .. controls (-0.1162,-0.8422) and (-0.0444,-0.7079) .. (-0.1547,-0.7099)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4348,-0.7179)
+ .. controls (-0.4394,-0.7549) and (-0.4359,-0.7636) .. (-0.4008,-0.7773)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2358,-0.7179)
+ -- ( 0.2358,-0.7349)
+ -- ( 0.3037,-0.7349)
+ -- ( 0.3037,-0.7179)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4649,-0.7179)
+ -- ( 0.4734,-0.7858)
+ .. controls ( 0.4612,-0.7900) and ( 0.4516,-0.7918) .. ( 0.4409,-0.8004)
+ .. controls ( 0.3964,-0.8360) and ( 0.4585,-0.8927) .. ( 0.4819,-0.8198)
+ -- ( 0.5159,-0.8283)
+ .. controls ( 0.5142,-0.8359) and ( 0.5131,-0.8417) .. ( 0.5125,-0.8468)
+ -- ( 0.5398,-0.8000)
+ .. controls ( 0.5329,-0.7638) and ( 0.5138,-0.7350) .. ( 0.4649,-0.7179)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2103,-0.7264)
+ -- ( 0.1509,-0.7349)
+ -- ( 0.1509,-0.7688)
+ .. controls ( 0.1894,-0.7657) and ( 0.1982,-0.7645) .. ( 0.2103,-0.7264)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2905,-0.7349)
+ .. controls (-0.3009,-0.7717) and (-0.3009,-0.7829) .. (-0.2905,-0.8198)
+ -- (-0.2480,-0.8028)
+ -- (-0.2311,-0.8367)
+ .. controls (-0.1820,-0.7845) and (-0.2454,-0.7805) .. (-0.2735,-0.7349)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0019,-0.7349)
+ .. controls (-0.0202,-0.7845) and (-0.0471,-0.8007) .. (-0.0358,-0.8537)
+ -- ( 0.0066,-0.8113)
+ -- ( 0.0236,-0.8113)
+ .. controls ( 0.0412,-0.8384) and ( 0.0421,-0.8410) .. ( 0.0745,-0.8367)
+ .. controls ( 0.0599,-0.7914) and ( 0.0500,-0.7437) .. (-0.0019,-0.7349)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5282,-0.7688)
+ .. controls (-0.5349,-0.8205) and (-0.5012,-0.8219) .. (-0.4603,-0.8113)
+ -- (-0.4603,-0.7943)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3122,-0.7688)
+ -- ( 0.3037,-0.7773)
+ .. controls ( 0.3122,-0.8236) and ( 0.3093,-0.8598) .. ( 0.3608,-0.8698)
+ -- ( 0.3628,-0.8698)
+ -- ( 0.3292,-0.7688)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3584,-0.7858)
+ -- (-0.3770,-0.8622)
+ .. controls (-0.3770,-0.8627) and (-0.3768,-0.8631) .. (-0.3768,-0.8636)
+ -- (-0.3401,-0.8639)
+ -- (-0.3245,-0.7858)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2612,-0.7858)
+ .. controls ( 0.2125,-0.7858) and ( 0.1976,-0.7780) .. ( 0.1594,-0.8113)
+ .. controls ( 0.2029,-0.8570) and ( 0.2552,-0.8596) .. ( 0.2612,-0.7858)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1292,-0.7943)
+ -- (-0.1886,-0.8537)
+ .. controls (-0.1453,-0.8604) and (-0.1341,-0.8487) .. (-0.1038,-0.8198)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4348,-0.8367)
+ -- (-0.4479,-0.8630)
+ -- (-0.4228,-0.8632)
+ .. controls (-0.4191,-0.8583) and (-0.4180,-0.8505) .. (-0.4178,-0.8367)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0783,-0.8452)
+ .. controls (-0.0928,-0.8536) and (-0.0996,-0.8588) .. (-0.1026,-0.8659)
+ -- (-0.0748,-0.8661)
+ -- (-0.0698,-0.8537)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1503,-0.8501)
+ .. controls ( 0.1440,-0.8514) and ( 0.1387,-0.8545) .. ( 0.1353,-0.8602)
+ .. controls ( 0.1334,-0.8621) and ( 0.1330,-0.8649) .. ( 0.1333,-0.8679)
+ -- ( 0.2103,-0.8685)
+ -- ( 0.2103,-0.8602)
+ .. controls ( 0.1968,-0.8575) and ( 0.1690,-0.8460) .. ( 0.1503,-0.8501)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2396,-0.8622)
+ -- (-0.2421,-0.8647)
+ -- (-0.2217,-0.8649)
+ .. controls (-0.2221,-0.8638) and (-0.2222,-0.8633) .. (-0.2226,-0.8622)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2867,-0.8622)
+ .. controls ( 0.2782,-0.8636) and ( 0.2734,-0.8665) .. ( 0.2676,-0.8690)
+ -- ( 0.2859,-0.8691)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3942,-0.8639)
+ .. controls ( 0.3909,-0.8650) and ( 0.3884,-0.8678) .. ( 0.3855,-0.8700)
+ -- ( 0.4192,-0.8703)
+ .. controls ( 0.4168,-0.8684) and ( 0.4154,-0.8656) .. ( 0.4124,-0.8643)
+ .. controls ( 0.4062,-0.8618) and ( 0.4000,-0.8619) .. ( 0.3942,-0.8639)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/swamp.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/swamp.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b361789fa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/swamp.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/swamp}
+% The pattern for swamps. The pattern is filled with a light blue.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/swamp/.style={
+ draw=none,
+ fill={rgb,100:red,26;green,55;blue,70}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/swamp}
+% Swamps. This is probably the shortest of the terrain patterns.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/swamp/.pic={
+ \path[hex/terrain/swamp,pic actions,draw=none]
+ (-0.5026, 0.8699)
+ -- (-0.5041, 0.8672)
+ .. controls (-0.3586, 0.8441) and (-0.1148, 0.8722) .. ( 0.0006, 0.8697)
+ -- ( 0.2386, 0.8529)
+ -- ( 0.2386, 0.8699)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4257, 0.8699)
+ -- ( 0.4257, 0.8529)
+ -- ( 0.5112, 0.8558)
+ -- ( 0.5033, 0.8699)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3067, 0.8359)
+ -- ( 0.2897, 0.7848)
+ -- ( 0.2726, 0.8188)
+ -- ( 0.2556, 0.8188)
+ -- ( 0.2217, 0.7509)
+ -- ( 0.5719, 0.7509)
+ -- ( 0.5621, 0.7679)
+ -- ( 0.5617, 0.7679)
+ -- ( 0.3746, 0.7848)
+ -- ( 0.3746, 0.8359)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3225, 0.7848)
+ -- (-0.3225, 0.7509)
+ -- ( 0.0856, 0.7509)
+ -- ( 0.0856, 0.7848)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5555, 0.7782)
+ -- (-0.5713, 0.7509)
+ -- (-0.5097, 0.7509)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2789, 0.6696)
+ .. controls ( 0.2234, 0.6713) and ( 0.1659, 0.6658) .. ( 0.1195, 0.6658)
+ -- (-0.6117, 0.6658)
+ -- (-0.6117, 0.6318)
+ -- ( 0.4257, 0.6318)
+ .. controls ( 0.3878, 0.6597) and ( 0.3344, 0.6681) .. ( 0.2789, 0.6696)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6297, 0.6318)
+ -- ( 0.6297, 0.5468)
+ -- ( 0.5617, 0.5807)
+ .. controls ( 0.5449, 0.5387) and ( 0.5194, 0.5474) .. ( 0.4764, 0.5468)
+ -- ( 0.2047, 0.5468)
+ .. controls ( 0.2857, 0.5146) and ( 0.5508, 0.5135) .. ( 0.7089, 0.5136)
+ -- ( 0.6740, 0.5740)
+ -- ( 0.6638, 0.5637)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6684, 0.5591)
+ .. controls (-0.6731, 0.5588) and (-0.6784, 0.5577) .. (-0.6832, 0.5571)
+ -- (-0.6990, 0.5298)
+ -- (-0.5777, 0.5298)
+ .. controls (-0.6139, 0.5561) and (-0.6407, 0.5608) .. (-0.6684, 0.5591)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3396, 0.5468)
+ .. controls (-0.2194, 0.4991) and (-0.1285, 0.5826) .. (-0.0845, 0.4447)
+ -- (-0.1525, 0.4957)
+ -- (-0.1525, 0.4277)
+ .. controls (-0.0482, 0.4023) and ( 0.2732, 0.3989) .. ( 0.3746, 0.4277)
+ .. controls ( 0.2597, 0.4733) and ( 0.2397, 0.4045) .. ( 0.1026, 0.4957)
+ -- ( 0.0686, 0.4617)
+ -- ( 0.0516, 0.4617)
+ -- ( 0.0686, 0.5298)
+ -- ( 0.0006, 0.4447)
+ -- ( 0.0006, 0.5468)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0675, 0.5127)
+ -- (-0.0164, 0.5127)
+ -- (-0.0505, 0.4447)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7435, 0.4527)
+ -- (-0.7580, 0.4277)
+ -- (-0.6797, 0.4277)
+ .. controls (-0.6982, 0.4394) and (-0.7200, 0.4471) .. (-0.7435, 0.4527)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5266, 0.4447)
+ .. controls (-0.4681, 0.4018) and (-0.4413, 0.4086) .. (-0.3736, 0.4277)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5787, 0.4277)
+ -- ( 0.5447, 0.3257)
+ -- ( 0.5108, 0.3257)
+ -- ( 0.4597, 0.4107)
+ -- ( 0.4597, 0.3257)
+ -- ( 0.4257, 0.3937)
+ -- ( 0.4087, 0.3257)
+ -- ( 0.2897, 0.3257)
+ .. controls ( 0.3725, 0.2928) and ( 0.6913, 0.3087) .. ( 0.7998, 0.3087)
+ .. controls ( 0.7426, 0.3376) and ( 0.7264, 0.3382) .. ( 0.6638, 0.3257)
+ -- ( 0.6638, 0.3767)
+ -- ( 0.5787, 0.3257)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7817, 0.3257)
+ -- (-0.7137, 0.2407)
+ -- (-0.7988, 0.2746)
+ .. controls (-0.8162, 0.2534) and (-0.8404, 0.2432) .. (-0.8672, 0.2385)
+ -- (-0.8857, 0.2066)
+ -- (-0.6627, 0.2066)
+ .. controls (-0.5059, 0.2059) and (-0.2690, 0.1655) .. (-0.1185, 0.2066)
+ .. controls (-0.2358, 0.2532) and (-0.4834, 0.1773) .. (-0.5607, 0.2746)
+ -- (-0.6287, 0.2237)
+ -- (-0.6457, 0.2407)
+ .. controls (-0.5823, 0.3108) and (-0.5667, 0.3074) .. (-0.4756, 0.3087)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8338, 0.2576)
+ -- ( 0.7998, 0.2066)
+ -- ( 0.8906, 0.1990)
+ -- ( 0.8567, 0.2576)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0164, 0.2237)
+ .. controls ( 0.0715, 0.1799) and ( 0.3189, 0.1896) .. ( 0.4257, 0.1896)
+ -- ( 0.4257, 0.2237)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2716, 0.1216)
+ -- (-0.2716, 0.0876)
+ -- ( 0.1501, 0.0876)
+ -- ( 0.1434, 0.1042)
+ -- ( 0.0345, 0.1216)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1501, 0.0876)
+ -- ( 0.1536, 0.0789)
+ -- ( 0.1536, 0.0876)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1536, 0.0789)
+ -- ( 0.1536, 0.0196)
+ -- ( 0.0856, 0.0534)
+ -- ( 0.0686,-0.0145)
+ -- ( 0.7658,-0.0145)
+ .. controls ( 0.6332, 0.0380) and ( 0.4479,-0.0524) .. ( 0.3406, 0.0534)
+ -- ( 0.3236, 0.0534)
+ -- ( 0.2897, 0.0196)
+ -- ( 0.2897, 0.0876)
+ -- ( 0.2556, 0.0196)
+ -- ( 0.2386, 0.0876)
+ -- ( 0.1705, 0.0365)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3917, 0.1216)
+ -- ( 0.3917, 0.0876)
+ -- ( 0.8678, 0.0876)
+ .. controls ( 0.7768, 0.1266) and ( 0.5022, 0.1216) .. ( 0.3917, 0.1216)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9351, 0.1208)
+ -- (-0.9518, 0.0921)
+ -- (-0.9518, 0.0876)
+ -- (-0.6117, 0.1045)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9144, 0.0213)
+ .. controls (-0.9468, 0.0204) and (-0.9775, 0.0109) .. (-0.9996,-0.0116)
+ -- (-0.9982,-0.0141)
+ -- (-0.8158, 0.0026)
+ .. controls (-0.8449, 0.0142) and (-0.8804, 0.0222) .. (-0.9144, 0.0213)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6287, 0.0196)
+ .. controls (-0.5470,-0.0404) and (-0.2796,-0.0145) .. (-0.1695,-0.0145)
+ -- (-0.1695, 0.0196)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9488,-0.0996)
+ -- (-0.9292,-0.1335)
+ -- (-0.4756,-0.1335)
+ -- (-0.4756,-0.0996)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2886,-0.0996)
+ -- (-0.2886,-0.1335)
+ -- ( 0.2726,-0.1335)
+ .. controls ( 0.2164,-0.0920) and ( 0.1871,-0.0997) .. ( 0.1195,-0.0996)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5478,-0.1025)
+ .. controls ( 0.5070,-0.1018) and ( 0.4651,-0.1086) .. ( 0.4257,-0.1165)
+ -- ( 0.6638,-0.1335)
+ .. controls ( 0.6286,-0.1113) and ( 0.5887,-0.1031) .. ( 0.5478,-0.1025)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8928,-0.1132)
+ .. controls ( 0.8481,-0.1114) and ( 0.8007,-0.1165) .. ( 0.7658,-0.1165)
+ -- ( 0.9264,-0.1394)
+ -- ( 0.9384,-0.1186)
+ .. controls ( 0.9238,-0.1157) and ( 0.9087,-0.1137) .. ( 0.8928,-0.1132)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2982,-0.2002)
+ .. controls (-0.3469,-0.2010) and (-0.3950,-0.2053) .. (-0.4416,-0.2185)
+ -- (-0.0505,-0.2355)
+ -- ( 0.7827,-0.2355)
+ .. controls ( 0.6739,-0.1909) and ( 0.4335,-0.2017) .. ( 0.3067,-0.2016)
+ -- (-0.1525,-0.2016)
+ .. controls (-0.2005,-0.2016) and (-0.2496,-0.1992) .. (-0.2982,-0.2002)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8328,-0.2016)
+ .. controls (-0.7894,-0.2498) and (-0.7244,-0.2355) .. (-0.6627,-0.2355)
+ -- (-0.6627,-0.3034)
+ -- (-0.6967,-0.2696)
+ -- (-0.7137,-0.2696)
+ .. controls (-0.7385,-0.3064) and (-0.7772,-0.3191) .. (-0.8200,-0.3227)
+ -- (-0.8113,-0.3377)
+ .. controls (-0.6682,-0.3440) and (-0.4684,-0.3376) .. (-0.3906,-0.3376)
+ -- (-0.4586,-0.2696)
+ -- (-0.5266,-0.3034)
+ -- (-0.5097,-0.2355)
+ -- (-0.5607,-0.3206)
+ -- (-0.5777,-0.2355)
+ -- (-0.6457,-0.3034)
+ -- (-0.6287,-0.2185)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8169,-0.2866)
+ -- ( 0.7489,-0.3206)
+ .. controls ( 0.7652,-0.3284) and ( 0.7871,-0.3345) .. ( 0.8114,-0.3386)
+ -- ( 0.8324,-0.3020)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2076,-0.3170)
+ .. controls ( 0.0913,-0.3168) and (-0.0288,-0.3206) .. (-0.0845,-0.3206)
+ -- ( 0.2509,-0.3621)
+ -- ( 0.2897,-0.4056)
+ -- ( 0.2556,-0.3716)
+ -- ( 0.2386,-0.3716)
+ -- ( 0.2386,-0.4566)
+ -- ( 0.4257,-0.4566)
+ -- ( 0.3746,-0.3716)
+ -- ( 0.3067,-0.4226)
+ -- ( 0.3067,-0.3547)
+ -- ( 0.4766,-0.3376)
+ .. controls ( 0.4363,-0.3215) and ( 0.3237,-0.3172) .. ( 0.2076,-0.3170)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7622,-0.4226)
+ -- (-0.7427,-0.4566)
+ -- (-0.5607,-0.4566)
+ -- (-0.5607,-0.4226)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3396,-0.4226)
+ -- (-0.3396,-0.4566)
+ -- (-0.0164,-0.4566)
+ -- (-0.0164,-0.4226)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5787,-0.4226)
+ .. controls ( 0.6179,-0.4661) and ( 0.6835,-0.4595) .. ( 0.7407,-0.4607)
+ -- ( 0.7528,-0.4400)
+ .. controls ( 0.6947,-0.4396) and ( 0.6370,-0.4368) .. ( 0.5787,-0.4226)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2496,-0.5239)
+ .. controls (-0.2827,-0.5212) and (-0.3176,-0.5246) .. (-0.3566,-0.5246)
+ -- (-0.7034,-0.5246)
+ -- (-0.6873,-0.5524)
+ .. controls (-0.6429,-0.5639) and (-0.5972,-0.5587) .. (-0.5436,-0.5587)
+ -- (-0.1525,-0.5587)
+ .. controls (-0.1848,-0.5349) and (-0.2163,-0.5263) .. (-0.2496,-0.5239)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0164,-0.5417)
+ .. controls ( 0.0514,-0.5917) and ( 0.1065,-0.5717) .. ( 0.1876,-0.5736)
+ .. controls ( 0.2932,-0.5761) and ( 0.5300,-0.5848) .. ( 0.6766,-0.5720)
+ -- ( 0.6872,-0.5538)
+ -- ( 0.4937,-0.5417)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6255,-0.6593)
+ -- (-0.6248,-0.6607)
+ -- (-0.6117,-0.6607)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5777,-0.6607)
+ -- (-0.5777,-0.7287)
+ -- (-0.5856,-0.7287)
+ -- (-0.5659,-0.7627)
+ -- (-0.3906,-0.7627)
+ -- (-0.1695,-0.7627)
+ -- (-0.4246,-0.7287)
+ -- (-0.4076,-0.6607)
+ -- (-0.4416,-0.7287)
+ -- (-0.4756,-0.7287)
+ -- (-0.4756,-0.6607)
+ -- (-0.5097,-0.6607)
+ -- (-0.5097,-0.7287)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0686,-0.7457)
+ .. controls ( 0.1464,-0.8028) and ( 0.3428,-0.7798) .. ( 0.4427,-0.7798)
+ -- ( 0.4427,-0.7457)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3736,-0.8478)
+ -- (-0.3736,-0.8722)
+ -- (-0.2203,-0.8722)
+ .. controls (-0.2708,-0.8419) and (-0.3097,-0.8478) .. (-0.3736,-0.8478)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0172,-0.8544)
+ .. controls (-0.0398,-0.8556) and (-0.0623,-0.8586) .. (-0.0845,-0.8648)
+ .. controls (-0.0753,-0.8684) and (-0.0664,-0.8700) .. (-0.0573,-0.8722)
+ -- ( 0.5033,-0.8722)
+ -- ( 0.5088,-0.8626)
+ .. controls ( 0.3892,-0.8602) and ( 0.2527,-0.8649) .. ( 0.1876,-0.8648)
+ .. controls ( 0.1186,-0.8647) and ( 0.0502,-0.8509) .. (-0.0172,-0.8544)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/town.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/town.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1186b54c81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/town.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,1061 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/town}
+% A town.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/town/.pic={
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.1432,-0.4518)
+ -- (-0.0320,-0.2906)
+ -- ( 0.0745,-0.0351)
+ -- ( 0.1130,-0.0387)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0729,-0.0352)
+ -- (-0.1716, 0.0254)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.2493, 0.5648)
+ -- (-0.2192, 0.4501)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0677,-0.6538)
+ -- ( 0.1754,-0.7052)
+ -- ( 0.4358,-0.4688)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0439,-0.3617)
+ -- (-0.0921,-0.5012)
+ -- (-0.2865,-0.3243)
+ -- (-0.4420,-0.4608)
+ -- (-0.5795,-0.4446)
+ -- (-0.6421,-0.3520)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0622,-0.6515)
+ -- (-0.0316,-0.6176)
+ -- (-0.0221,-0.5364)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0048,-0.2069)
+ -- (-0.1945,-0.1818)
+ -- (-0.2278,-0.2247)
+ -- (-0.5051,-0.1356)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/small road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.3383, 0.0449)
+ -- (-0.2189, 0.4510)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0073, 0.8700)
+ -- ( 0.3952, 0.3373)
+ -- ( 0.3884, 0.2029)
+ -- ( 0.3555, 0.1378)
+ -- ( 0.3751, 0.0880)
+ -- ( 0.2513,-0.1997)
+ -- ( 0.1396,-0.4505)
+ -- ( 0.0641,-0.6512)
+ -- ( 0.0070,-0.8700)
+ -- ( 0.0070,-0.8700)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.7575, 0.4367)
+ -- ( 0.3945, 0.3375)
+ -- ( 0.3945, 0.3375)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.1900,-0.0806)
+ -- (-0.0751, 0.3938)
+ -- (-0.0765, 0.3925)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.1308, 0.1580)
+ -- (-0.7603, 0.4394)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.7139,-0.1526)
+ -- (-0.6147,-0.3362)
+ -- (-0.7607,-0.4327)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.6676,-0.2405)
+ -- (-0.4599,-0.1067)
+ -- (-0.1877,-0.0679)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.2082,-0.3003)
+ -- ( 0.4578,-0.4855)
+ -- ( 0.5914,-0.3675)
+ -- ( 0.7607,-0.4420)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.3827, 0.1864)
+ -- (-0.1290, 0.1576)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4493,-0.3075)
+ -- (-0.4043,-0.2868)
+ -- (-0.3710,-0.3593)
+ -- (-0.4160,-0.3799)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4493,-0.3075)
+ -- (-0.4043,-0.2868)
+ -- (-0.3710,-0.3593)
+ -- (-0.4160,-0.3799)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5264,-0.1066)
+ -- (-0.5514,-0.0681)
+ -- (-0.5002,-0.0349)
+ -- (-0.4753,-0.0733)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5264,-0.1066)
+ -- (-0.5514,-0.0681)
+ -- (-0.5002,-0.0349)
+ -- (-0.4753,-0.0733)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1978, 0.1663)
+ -- (-0.1534, 0.1549)
+ -- (-0.1685, 0.0960)
+ -- (-0.2130, 0.1074)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1978, 0.1663)
+ -- (-0.1534, 0.1549)
+ -- (-0.1685, 0.0960)
+ -- (-0.2130, 0.1074)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2259, 0.4898)
+ -- ( 0.2453, 0.4680)
+ -- ( 0.2052, 0.4324)
+ -- ( 0.1858, 0.4542)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2259, 0.4898)
+ -- ( 0.2453, 0.4680)
+ -- ( 0.2052, 0.4324)
+ -- ( 0.1858, 0.4542)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0986, 0.2553)
+ -- (-0.0882, 0.2827)
+ -- (-0.0380, 0.2637)
+ -- (-0.0484, 0.2363)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0986, 0.2553)
+ -- (-0.0882, 0.2827)
+ -- (-0.0380, 0.2637)
+ -- (-0.0484, 0.2363)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0834, 0.2379)
+ -- ( 0.0888, 0.2667)
+ -- ( 0.1415, 0.2566)
+ -- ( 0.1361, 0.2279)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0834, 0.2379)
+ -- ( 0.0888, 0.2667)
+ -- ( 0.1415, 0.2566)
+ -- ( 0.1361, 0.2279)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0207,-0.0604)
+ -- (-0.0103,-0.0331)
+ -- ( 0.0398,-0.0521)
+ -- ( 0.0294,-0.0794)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0207,-0.0604)
+ -- (-0.0103,-0.0331)
+ -- ( 0.0398,-0.0521)
+ -- ( 0.0294,-0.0794)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3580,-0.4608)
+ -- ( 0.3837,-0.4748)
+ -- ( 0.3581,-0.5219)
+ -- ( 0.3324,-0.5080)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3580,-0.4608)
+ -- ( 0.3837,-0.4748)
+ -- ( 0.3581,-0.5219)
+ -- ( 0.3324,-0.5080)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5127,-0.3559)
+ -- ( 0.5341,-0.3759)
+ -- ( 0.4975,-0.4151)
+ -- ( 0.4761,-0.3951)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5127,-0.3559)
+ -- ( 0.5341,-0.3759)
+ -- ( 0.4975,-0.4151)
+ -- ( 0.4761,-0.3951)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2118,-0.3884)
+ -- ( 0.2245,-0.3620)
+ -- ( 0.2728,-0.3854)
+ -- ( 0.2600,-0.4118)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2118,-0.3884)
+ -- ( 0.2245,-0.3620)
+ -- ( 0.2728,-0.3854)
+ -- ( 0.2600,-0.4118)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1651,-0.4740)
+ -- ( 0.1775,-0.4475)
+ -- ( 0.2260,-0.4702)
+ -- ( 0.2137,-0.4968)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1651,-0.4740)
+ -- ( 0.1775,-0.4475)
+ -- ( 0.2260,-0.4702)
+ -- ( 0.2137,-0.4968)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2834,-0.4196)
+ -- ( 0.2957,-0.3932)
+ -- ( 0.3443,-0.4159)
+ -- ( 0.3319,-0.4423)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2834,-0.4196)
+ -- ( 0.2957,-0.3932)
+ -- ( 0.3443,-0.4159)
+ -- ( 0.3319,-0.4423)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1447,-0.5170)
+ -- ( 0.1555,-0.4899)
+ -- ( 0.2053,-0.5096)
+ -- ( 0.1945,-0.5368)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1447,-0.5170)
+ -- ( 0.1555,-0.4899)
+ -- ( 0.2053,-0.5096)
+ -- ( 0.1945,-0.5368)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0154,-0.5671)
+ -- ( 0.0244,-0.5392)
+ -- ( 0.0754,-0.5558)
+ -- ( 0.0664,-0.5836)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0154,-0.5671)
+ -- ( 0.0244,-0.5392)
+ -- ( 0.0754,-0.5558)
+ -- ( 0.0664,-0.5836)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2958,-0.3614)
+ -- (-0.2707,-0.3764)
+ -- (-0.2983,-0.4224)
+ -- (-0.3234,-0.4073)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2958,-0.3614)
+ -- (-0.2707,-0.3764)
+ -- (-0.2983,-0.4224)
+ -- (-0.3234,-0.4073)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3024,-0.2385)
+ -- (-0.2753,-0.2491)
+ -- (-0.2948,-0.2990)
+ -- (-0.3220,-0.2883)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3024,-0.2385)
+ -- (-0.2753,-0.2491)
+ -- (-0.2948,-0.2990)
+ -- (-0.3220,-0.2883)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5719,-0.2295)
+ -- (-0.5577,-0.2550)
+ -- (-0.6045,-0.2811)
+ -- (-0.6187,-0.2556)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5719,-0.2295)
+ -- (-0.5577,-0.2550)
+ -- (-0.6045,-0.2811)
+ -- (-0.6187,-0.2556)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5909,-0.3922)
+ -- (-0.5677,-0.3744)
+ -- (-0.5351,-0.4170)
+ -- (-0.5584,-0.4348)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.5909,-0.3922)
+ -- (-0.5677,-0.3744)
+ -- (-0.5351,-0.4170)
+ -- (-0.5584,-0.4348)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4367,-0.3858)
+ -- (-0.4233,-0.4119)
+ -- (-0.4709,-0.4364)
+ -- (-0.4843,-0.4105)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.4367,-0.3858)
+ -- (-0.4233,-0.4119)
+ -- (-0.4709,-0.4364)
+ -- (-0.4843,-0.4105)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6605,-0.4272)
+ -- (-0.6489,-0.4540)
+ -- (-0.6982,-0.4752)
+ -- (-0.7097,-0.4483)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6605,-0.4272)
+ -- (-0.6489,-0.4540)
+ -- (-0.6982,-0.4752)
+ -- (-0.7097,-0.4483)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2694,-0.2379)
+ -- ( 0.2777,-0.2098)
+ -- ( 0.3291,-0.2250)
+ -- ( 0.3209,-0.2530)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2694,-0.2379)
+ -- ( 0.2777,-0.2098)
+ -- ( 0.3291,-0.2250)
+ -- ( 0.3209,-0.2530)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1131,-0.3134)
+ -- ( 0.1237,-0.2861)
+ -- ( 0.1737,-0.3055)
+ -- ( 0.1630,-0.3328)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1131,-0.3134)
+ -- ( 0.1237,-0.2861)
+ -- ( 0.1737,-0.3055)
+ -- ( 0.1630,-0.3328)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1931,-0.0936)
+ -- ( 0.2058,-0.0673)
+ -- ( 0.2541,-0.0904)
+ -- ( 0.2415,-0.1168)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1931,-0.0936)
+ -- ( 0.2058,-0.0673)
+ -- ( 0.2541,-0.0904)
+ -- ( 0.2415,-0.1168)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1779, 0.1198)
+ -- ( 0.1984, 0.0990)
+ -- ( 0.1603, 0.0613)
+ -- ( 0.1398, 0.0821)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1779, 0.1198)
+ -- ( 0.1984, 0.0990)
+ -- ( 0.1603, 0.0613)
+ -- ( 0.1398, 0.0821)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2761, 0.3992)
+ -- ( 0.2947, 0.3765)
+ -- ( 0.2533, 0.3425)
+ -- ( 0.2347, 0.3651)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2761, 0.3992)
+ -- ( 0.2947, 0.3765)
+ -- ( 0.2533, 0.3425)
+ -- ( 0.2347, 0.3651)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3227, 0.3548)
+ -- ( 0.3421, 0.3329)
+ -- ( 0.3020, 0.2974)
+ -- ( 0.2826, 0.3192)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3227, 0.3548)
+ -- ( 0.3421, 0.3329)
+ -- ( 0.3020, 0.2974)
+ -- ( 0.2826, 0.3192)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2473, 0.2770)
+ -- (-0.2380, 0.3048)
+ -- (-0.1871, 0.2879)
+ -- (-0.1964, 0.2601)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2473, 0.2770)
+ -- (-0.2380, 0.3048)
+ -- (-0.1871, 0.2879)
+ -- (-0.1964, 0.2601)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1395, 0.3602)
+ -- (-0.1127, 0.3488)
+ -- (-0.1335, 0.2995)
+ -- (-0.1604, 0.3109)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1395, 0.3602)
+ -- (-0.1127, 0.3488)
+ -- (-0.1335, 0.2995)
+ -- (-0.1604, 0.3109)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2901, 0.6234)
+ -- ( 0.3088, 0.6008)
+ -- ( 0.2674, 0.5667)
+ -- ( 0.2487, 0.5893)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2901, 0.6234)
+ -- ( 0.3088, 0.6008)
+ -- ( 0.2674, 0.5667)
+ -- ( 0.2487, 0.5893)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3456, 0.2854)
+ -- (-0.3335, 0.3120)
+ -- (-0.2847, 0.2898)
+ -- (-0.2968, 0.2632)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3456, 0.2854)
+ -- (-0.3335, 0.3120)
+ -- (-0.2847, 0.2898)
+ -- (-0.2968, 0.2632)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3040, 0.3746)
+ -- (-0.2919, 0.4012)
+ -- (-0.2431, 0.3791)
+ -- (-0.2552, 0.3524)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3040, 0.3746)
+ -- (-0.2919, 0.4012)
+ -- (-0.2431, 0.3791)
+ -- (-0.2552, 0.3524)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7420,-0.2456)
+ -- (-0.7302,-0.2189)
+ -- (-0.6812,-0.2407)
+ -- (-0.6930,-0.2674)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.7420,-0.2456)
+ -- (-0.7302,-0.2189)
+ -- (-0.6812,-0.2407)
+ -- (-0.6930,-0.2674)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6678,-0.1369)
+ -- (-0.6492,-0.1143)
+ -- (-0.6078,-0.1484)
+ -- (-0.6264,-0.1710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6678,-0.1369)
+ -- (-0.6492,-0.1143)
+ -- (-0.6078,-0.1484)
+ -- (-0.6264,-0.1710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2252,-0.0023)
+ -- (-0.1960,-0.0023)
+ -- (-0.1960,-0.0559)
+ -- (-0.2252,-0.0559)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2252,-0.0023)
+ -- (-0.1960,-0.0023)
+ -- (-0.1960,-0.0559)
+ -- (-0.2252,-0.0559)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0041,-0.2944)
+ -- ( 0.0064,-0.2671)
+ -- ( 0.0564,-0.2862)
+ -- ( 0.0460,-0.3135)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0041,-0.2944)
+ -- ( 0.0064,-0.2671)
+ -- ( 0.0564,-0.2862)
+ -- ( 0.0460,-0.3135)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1877,-0.2296)
+ -- (-0.1764,-0.2026)
+ -- (-0.1270,-0.2233)
+ -- (-0.1383,-0.2503)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1877,-0.2296)
+ -- (-0.1764,-0.2026)
+ -- (-0.1270,-0.2233)
+ -- (-0.1383,-0.2503)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1170,-0.3014)
+ -- (-0.1067,-0.2740)
+ -- (-0.0566,-0.2928)
+ -- (-0.0668,-0.3202)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1170,-0.3014)
+ -- (-0.1067,-0.2740)
+ -- (-0.0566,-0.2928)
+ -- (-0.0668,-0.3202)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0719,-0.3499)
+ -- (-0.0428,-0.3468)
+ -- (-0.0371,-0.4001)
+ -- (-0.0661,-0.4032)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0719,-0.3499)
+ -- (-0.0428,-0.3468)
+ -- (-0.0371,-0.4001)
+ -- (-0.0661,-0.4032)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4610, 0.0967)
+ -- ( 0.4896, 0.0909)
+ -- ( 0.4790, 0.0384)
+ -- ( 0.4503, 0.0442)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4610, 0.0967)
+ -- ( 0.4896, 0.0909)
+ -- ( 0.4790, 0.0384)
+ -- ( 0.4503, 0.0442)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1944,-0.4810)
+ -- (-0.1500,-0.4925)
+ -- (-0.1653,-0.5515)
+ -- (-0.2097,-0.5399)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1944,-0.4810)
+ -- (-0.1500,-0.4925)
+ -- (-0.1653,-0.5515)
+ -- (-0.2097,-0.5399)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2924,-0.1375)
+ -- ( 0.3110,-0.0955)
+ -- ( 0.3667,-0.1202)
+ -- ( 0.3481,-0.1621)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2924,-0.1375)
+ -- ( 0.3110,-0.0955)
+ -- ( 0.3667,-0.1202)
+ -- ( 0.3481,-0.1621)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3062, 0.5810)
+ -- (-0.2635, 0.5641)
+ -- (-0.2859, 0.5075)
+ -- (-0.3285, 0.5243)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3062, 0.5810)
+ -- (-0.2635, 0.5641)
+ -- (-0.2859, 0.5075)
+ -- (-0.3285, 0.5243)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0310,-0.4661)
+ -- ( 0.0449,-0.4224)
+ -- ( 0.1029,-0.4409)
+ -- ( 0.0889,-0.4846)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0310,-0.4661)
+ -- ( 0.0449,-0.4224)
+ -- ( 0.1029,-0.4409)
+ -- ( 0.0889,-0.4846)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1523,-0.2013)
+ -- ( 0.1718,-0.1598)
+ -- ( 0.2270,-0.1857)
+ -- ( 0.2075,-0.2272)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1523,-0.2013)
+ -- ( 0.1718,-0.1598)
+ -- ( 0.2270,-0.1857)
+ -- ( 0.2075,-0.2272)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0857,-0.3676)
+ -- ( 0.1052,-0.3261)
+ -- ( 0.1603,-0.3520)
+ -- ( 0.1409,-0.3935)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0857,-0.3676)
+ -- ( 0.1052,-0.3261)
+ -- ( 0.1603,-0.3520)
+ -- ( 0.1409,-0.3935)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0204,-0.2046)
+ -- ( 0.0398,-0.1631)
+ -- ( 0.0950,-0.1890)
+ -- ( 0.0755,-0.2305)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0204,-0.2046)
+ -- ( 0.0398,-0.1631)
+ -- ( 0.0950,-0.1890)
+ -- ( 0.0755,-0.2305)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5094, 0.3292)
+ -- ( 0.5505, 0.3494)
+ -- ( 0.5773, 0.2947)
+ -- ( 0.5362, 0.2746)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5094, 0.3292)
+ -- ( 0.5505, 0.3494)
+ -- ( 0.5773, 0.2947)
+ -- ( 0.5362, 0.2746)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0647, 0.4710)
+ -- (-0.0215, 0.4559)
+ -- (-0.0416, 0.3984)
+ -- (-0.0848, 0.4135)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0647, 0.4710)
+ -- (-0.0215, 0.4559)
+ -- (-0.0416, 0.3984)
+ -- (-0.0848, 0.4135)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1476,-0.3704)
+ -- (-0.1403,-0.3251)
+ -- (-0.0802,-0.3347)
+ -- (-0.0873,-0.3799)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1476,-0.3704)
+ -- (-0.1403,-0.3251)
+ -- (-0.0802,-0.3347)
+ -- (-0.0873,-0.3799)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0755, 0.3210)
+ -- (-0.0531, 0.3610)
+ -- ( 0.0001, 0.3312)
+ -- (-0.0224, 0.2912)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0755, 0.3210)
+ -- (-0.0531, 0.3610)
+ -- ( 0.0001, 0.3312)
+ -- (-0.0224, 0.2912)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1354, 0.0442)
+ -- (-0.1129, 0.0842)
+ -- (-0.0599, 0.0544)
+ -- (-0.0823, 0.0144)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1354, 0.0442)
+ -- (-0.1129, 0.0842)
+ -- (-0.0599, 0.0544)
+ -- (-0.0823, 0.0144)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1672,-0.0608)
+ -- (-0.1524,-0.0175)
+ -- (-0.0948,-0.0371)
+ -- (-0.1096,-0.0805)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1672,-0.0608)
+ -- (-0.1524,-0.0175)
+ -- (-0.0948,-0.0371)
+ -- (-0.1096,-0.0805)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0920,-0.6296)
+ -- ( 0.1069,-0.5863)
+ -- ( 0.1645,-0.6060)
+ -- ( 0.1497,-0.6493)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0920,-0.6296)
+ -- ( 0.1069,-0.5863)
+ -- ( 0.1645,-0.6060)
+ -- ( 0.1497,-0.6493)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4115,-0.5373)
+ -- ( 0.4390,-0.5006)
+ -- ( 0.4877,-0.5372)
+ -- ( 0.4601,-0.5739)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4115,-0.5373)
+ -- ( 0.4390,-0.5006)
+ -- ( 0.4877,-0.5372)
+ -- ( 0.4601,-0.5739)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3095, 0.1272)
+ -- ( 0.3519, 0.1095)
+ -- ( 0.3284, 0.0533)
+ -- ( 0.2861, 0.0710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3095, 0.1272)
+ -- ( 0.3519, 0.1095)
+ -- ( 0.3284, 0.0533)
+ -- ( 0.2861, 0.0710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3558, 0.0291)
+ -- (-0.3124, 0.0144)
+ -- (-0.3318,-0.0433)
+ -- (-0.3753,-0.0287)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3558, 0.0291)
+ -- (-0.3124, 0.0144)
+ -- (-0.3318,-0.0433)
+ -- (-0.3753,-0.0287)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2904, 0.2714)
+ -- ( 0.3361, 0.2681)
+ -- ( 0.3318, 0.2074)
+ -- ( 0.2861, 0.2106)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2904, 0.2714)
+ -- ( 0.3361, 0.2681)
+ -- ( 0.3318, 0.2074)
+ -- ( 0.2861, 0.2106)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0124, 0.1558)
+ -- ( 0.0333, 0.1525)
+ -- ( 0.0290, 0.0918)
+ -- (-0.0167, 0.0950)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0124, 0.1558)
+ -- ( 0.0333, 0.1525)
+ -- ( 0.0290, 0.0918)
+ -- (-0.0167, 0.0950)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4665, 0.4396)
+ -- ( 0.4868, 0.3985)
+ -- ( 0.4321, 0.3716)
+ -- ( 0.4119, 0.4127)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4665, 0.4396)
+ -- ( 0.4868, 0.3985)
+ -- ( 0.4321, 0.3716)
+ -- ( 0.4119, 0.4127)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2433,-0.1480)
+ -- (-0.2141,-0.1472)
+ -- (-0.2127,-0.2008)
+ -- (-0.2419,-0.2015)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2433,-0.1480)
+ -- (-0.2141,-0.1472)
+ -- (-0.2127,-0.2008)
+ -- (-0.2419,-0.2015)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4187, 0.2523)
+ -- ( 0.4643, 0.2574)
+ -- ( 0.4711, 0.1969)
+ -- ( 0.4256, 0.1917)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4187, 0.2523)
+ -- ( 0.4643, 0.2574)
+ -- ( 0.4711, 0.1969)
+ -- ( 0.4256, 0.1917)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2599,-0.2379)
+ -- (-0.2164,-0.2525)
+ -- (-0.2358,-0.3102)
+ -- (-0.2793,-0.2955)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2599,-0.2379)
+ -- (-0.2164,-0.2525)
+ -- (-0.2358,-0.3102)
+ -- (-0.2793,-0.2955)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0167, 0.0438)
+ -- ( 0.0385, 0.0365)
+ -- ( 0.0301, 0.0113)
+ -- ( 0.0082, 0.0187)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.0167, 0.0438)
+ -- ( 0.0385, 0.0365)
+ -- ( 0.0301, 0.0113)
+ -- ( 0.0082, 0.0187)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2901,-0.1193)
+ -- (-0.2450,-0.1273)
+ -- (-0.2556,-0.1872)
+ -- (-0.3008,-0.1792)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.2901,-0.1193)
+ -- (-0.2450,-0.1273)
+ -- (-0.2556,-0.1872)
+ -- (-0.3008,-0.1792)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1275,-0.0001)
+ -- ( 0.1734,-0.0022)
+ -- ( 0.1707,-0.0630)
+ -- ( 0.1248,-0.0610)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.1275,-0.0001)
+ -- ( 0.1734,-0.0022)
+ -- ( 0.1707,-0.0630)
+ -- ( 0.1248,-0.0610)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0645,-0.5272)
+ -- (-0.0415,-0.5245)
+ -- (-0.0383,-0.5509)
+ -- (-0.0612,-0.5536)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.0645,-0.5272)
+ -- (-0.0415,-0.5245)
+ -- (-0.0383,-0.5509)
+ -- (-0.0612,-0.5536)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3209, 0.2176)
+ -- (-0.2989, 0.2105)
+ -- (-0.3069, 0.1853)
+ -- (-0.3289, 0.1923)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3209, 0.2176)
+ -- (-0.2989, 0.2105)
+ -- (-0.3069, 0.1853)
+ -- (-0.3289, 0.1923)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3746, 0.1600)
+ -- ( 0.4021, 0.1699)
+ -- ( 0.4204, 0.1195)
+ -- ( 0.3929, 0.1095)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3746, 0.1600)
+ -- ( 0.4021, 0.1699)
+ -- ( 0.4204, 0.1195)
+ -- ( 0.3929, 0.1095)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/tree.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/tree.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93c2987227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/tree.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/tree}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/tree/.pic={
+ \path[draw,very thick,pic actions]
+ (-.15,.0)
+ arc (269:135:.1)
+ arc (215: 90:.1)
+ arc (180: 45:.1)
+ arc (135: 0:.1)
+ arc ( 90:-45:.1)
+ arc ( 45:-90:.1)
+ (-.15,.025)
+ arc (60:-60:.25)
+ arc (150:30:.075)
+ arc (150:30:.075)
+ arc (150:30:.075)
+ arc (-120:-240:.25);
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/village.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/village.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..837b92642c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/village.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/town/road,
+% hex/terrain/town/small road,
+% hex/terrain/town/house}
+% For villages, towns, and cities, we need three styles: one for
+% houses, and separate styles for regular and small roads. Note
+% that we draw using the stroke colour for roads and houses.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/town/road/.style={
+ fill=none,
+ draw=gray!50!black,
+ scale line widths,
+ line width=.3mm
+ },
+ hex/terrain/town/small road/.style={
+ fill=none,
+ draw=gray!75!black,
+ scale line widths,
+ line width=.15mm
+ },
+ hex/terrain/town/post road/.style={
+ fill=none
+ },
+ hex/terrain/town/house/.style={
+ draw=none,
+ fill=gray!75!black,
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/village}
+% Now for village, town, and city patterns.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/village/.pic={
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.0073, 0.8700)
+ -- ( 0.3952, 0.3373)
+ -- ( 0.3884, 0.2029)
+ -- ( 0.3555, 0.1378)
+ -- ( 0.3751, 0.0880)
+ -- ( 0.2513,-0.1997)
+ -- ( 0.1396,-0.4505)
+ -- ( 0.0641,-0.6512)
+ -- ( 0.0070,-0.8700)
+ -- ( 0.0070,-0.8700)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.7575, 0.4367)
+ -- ( 0.3945, 0.3375)
+ -- ( 0.3945, 0.3375)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.1900,-0.0806)
+ -- (-0.1155, 0.1588)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.1308, 0.1580)
+ -- (-0.7603, 0.4394)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.6615,-0.2309)
+ -- (-0.6777,-0.3255)
+ -- (-0.7607,-0.4327)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ (-0.6676,-0.2405)
+ -- (-0.4599,-0.1067)
+ -- (-0.1877,-0.0679)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.2082,-0.3003)
+ -- ( 0.4578,-0.4855)
+ -- ( 0.5914,-0.3675)
+ -- ( 0.7607,-0.4420)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/road,pic actions,hex/terrain/town/post road]
+ ( 0.3827, 0.1864)
+ -- (-0.1290, 0.1576)
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2259, 0.4898)
+ -- ( 0.2453, 0.4680)
+ -- ( 0.2052, 0.4324)
+ -- ( 0.1858, 0.4542)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2259, 0.4898)
+ -- ( 0.2453, 0.4680)
+ -- ( 0.2052, 0.4324)
+ -- ( 0.1858, 0.4542)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1978, 0.1663)
+ -- (-0.1534, 0.1549)
+ -- (-0.1685, 0.0960)
+ -- (-0.2130, 0.1074)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1978, 0.1663)
+ -- (-0.1534, 0.1549)
+ -- (-0.1685, 0.0960)
+ -- (-0.2130, 0.1074)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5127,-0.3559)
+ -- ( 0.5341,-0.3759)
+ -- ( 0.4975,-0.4151)
+ -- ( 0.4761,-0.3951)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5127,-0.3559)
+ -- ( 0.5341,-0.3759)
+ -- ( 0.4975,-0.4151)
+ -- ( 0.4761,-0.3951)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2761, 0.3992)
+ -- ( 0.2947, 0.3765)
+ -- ( 0.2533, 0.3425)
+ -- ( 0.2347, 0.3651)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2761, 0.3992)
+ -- ( 0.2947, 0.3765)
+ -- ( 0.2533, 0.3425)
+ -- ( 0.2347, 0.3651)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3227, 0.3548)
+ -- ( 0.3421, 0.3329)
+ -- ( 0.3020, 0.2974)
+ -- ( 0.2826, 0.3192)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3227, 0.3548)
+ -- ( 0.3421, 0.3329)
+ -- ( 0.3020, 0.2974)
+ -- ( 0.2826, 0.3192)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2901, 0.6234)
+ -- ( 0.3088, 0.6008)
+ -- ( 0.2674, 0.5667)
+ -- ( 0.2487, 0.5893)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2901, 0.6234)
+ -- ( 0.3088, 0.6008)
+ -- ( 0.2674, 0.5667)
+ -- ( 0.2487, 0.5893)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3456, 0.2854)
+ -- (-0.3335, 0.3120)
+ -- (-0.2847, 0.2898)
+ -- (-0.2968, 0.2632)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.3456, 0.2854)
+ -- (-0.3335, 0.3120)
+ -- (-0.2847, 0.2898)
+ -- (-0.2968, 0.2632)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6678,-0.1369)
+ -- (-0.6492,-0.1143)
+ -- (-0.6078,-0.1484)
+ -- (-0.6264,-0.1710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.6678,-0.1369)
+ -- (-0.6492,-0.1143)
+ -- (-0.6078,-0.1484)
+ -- (-0.6264,-0.1710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4610, 0.0967)
+ -- ( 0.4896, 0.0909)
+ -- ( 0.4790, 0.0384)
+ -- ( 0.4503, 0.0442)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4610, 0.0967)
+ -- ( 0.4896, 0.0909)
+ -- ( 0.4790, 0.0384)
+ -- ( 0.4503, 0.0442)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2924,-0.1375)
+ -- ( 0.3110,-0.0955)
+ -- ( 0.3667,-0.1202)
+ -- ( 0.3481,-0.1621)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2924,-0.1375)
+ -- ( 0.3110,-0.0955)
+ -- ( 0.3667,-0.1202)
+ -- ( 0.3481,-0.1621)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5094, 0.3292)
+ -- ( 0.5505, 0.3494)
+ -- ( 0.5773, 0.2947)
+ -- ( 0.5362, 0.2746)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.5094, 0.3292)
+ -- ( 0.5505, 0.3494)
+ -- ( 0.5773, 0.2947)
+ -- ( 0.5362, 0.2746)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1323, 0.2640)
+ -- (-0.0890, 0.2489)
+ -- (-0.1092, 0.1914)
+ -- (-0.1524, 0.2065)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ (-0.1323, 0.2640)
+ -- (-0.0890, 0.2489)
+ -- (-0.1092, 0.1914)
+ -- (-0.1524, 0.2065)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4115,-0.5373)
+ -- ( 0.4390,-0.5006)
+ -- ( 0.4877,-0.5372)
+ -- ( 0.4601,-0.5739)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4115,-0.5373)
+ -- ( 0.4390,-0.5006)
+ -- ( 0.4877,-0.5372)
+ -- ( 0.4601,-0.5739)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3095, 0.1272)
+ -- ( 0.3519, 0.1095)
+ -- ( 0.3284, 0.0533)
+ -- ( 0.2861, 0.0710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3095, 0.1272)
+ -- ( 0.3519, 0.1095)
+ -- ( 0.3284, 0.0533)
+ -- ( 0.2861, 0.0710)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2904, 0.2714)
+ -- ( 0.3361, 0.2681)
+ -- ( 0.3318, 0.2074)
+ -- ( 0.2861, 0.2106)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.2904, 0.2714)
+ -- ( 0.3361, 0.2681)
+ -- ( 0.3318, 0.2074)
+ -- ( 0.2861, 0.2106)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4665, 0.4396)
+ -- ( 0.4868, 0.3985)
+ -- ( 0.4321, 0.3716)
+ -- ( 0.4119, 0.4127)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4665, 0.4396)
+ -- ( 0.4868, 0.3985)
+ -- ( 0.4321, 0.3716)
+ -- ( 0.4119, 0.4127)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4187, 0.2523)
+ -- ( 0.4643, 0.2574)
+ -- ( 0.4711, 0.1969)
+ -- ( 0.4256, 0.1917)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.4187, 0.2523)
+ -- ( 0.4643, 0.2574)
+ -- ( 0.4711, 0.1969)
+ -- ( 0.4256, 0.1917)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3746, 0.1600)
+ -- ( 0.4021, 0.1699)
+ -- ( 0.4204, 0.1195)
+ -- ( 0.3929, 0.1095)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ \path[hex/terrain/town/house,pic actions]
+ ( 0.3746, 0.1600)
+ -- ( 0.4021, 0.1699)
+ -- ( 0.4204, 0.1195)
+ -- ( 0.3929, 0.1095)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/woods.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/woods.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b0d08499b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/terrain/woods.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,1011 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/woods}
+% The style for woods. The pattern is filled with a darker green,
+% and outlines are not drawn.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/woods/.style={
+ draw=none,
+ fill={rgb,100:red,27;green,67;blue,27}
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \begin{TikzKey}{hex/terrain/woods}
+% Regular woods.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/terrain/woods/.pic={
+ \path[hex/terrain/woods,pic actions,draw=none]
+ (-0.2656, 0.8694)
+ .. controls (-0.3133, 0.8640) and (-0.3608, 0.8400) .. (-0.3541, 0.8219)
+ .. controls (-0.3417, 0.7629) and (-0.2512, 0.7779) .. (-0.2082, 0.7875)
+ -- (-0.2424, 0.6937)
+ .. controls (-0.2916, 0.7000) and (-0.3535, 0.6915) .. (-0.3950, 0.6606)
+ .. controls (-0.4299, 0.6330) and (-0.4373, 0.5909) .. (-0.3950, 0.5657)
+ .. controls (-0.4092, 0.5022) and (-0.3694, 0.4908) .. (-0.3191, 0.4633)
+ .. controls (-0.3291, 0.3852) and (-0.2535, 0.3866) .. (-0.2935, 0.4633)
+ .. controls (-0.2488, 0.4801) and (-0.2488, 0.5071) .. (-0.2778, 0.5156)
+ .. controls (-0.2888, 0.5201) and (-0.3300, 0.5153) .. (-0.3447, 0.5156)
+ -- (-0.3191, 0.6255)
+ -- (-0.2680, 0.6425)
+ -- (-0.2253, 0.5657)
+ .. controls (-0.2136, 0.5780) and (-0.2023, 0.5853) .. (-0.2092, 0.6046)
+ .. controls (-0.2132, 0.6161) and (-0.2403, 0.6366) .. (-0.2260, 0.6502)
+ .. controls (-0.2044, 0.6711) and (-0.1779, 0.6203) .. (-0.1564, 0.6147)
+ .. controls (-0.1363, 0.6094) and (-0.1262, 0.6240) .. (-0.1328, 0.6430)
+ .. controls (-0.1449, 0.6778) and (-0.1661, 0.6737) .. (-0.1741, 0.7278)
+ .. controls (-0.1213, 0.6943) and (-0.1063, 0.7287) .. (-0.1485, 0.7534)
+ -- (-0.1058, 0.7875)
+ -- (-0.0718, 0.7789)
+ -- (-0.0633, 0.8046)
+ .. controls (-0.0937, 0.8085) and (-0.0917, 0.8079) .. (-0.1143, 0.7875)
+ -- (-0.1311, 0.8194)
+ .. controls (-0.0764, 0.8223) and (-0.0450, 0.8485) .. (-0.0671, 0.8554)
+ .. controls (-0.1156, 0.8701) and (-0.1015, 0.8233) .. (-0.1806, 0.8398)
+ .. controls (-0.1900, 0.8580) and (-0.2089, 0.8664) .. (-0.2307, 0.8694)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3814, 0.8694)
+ .. controls ( 0.3767, 0.8683) and ( 0.3712, 0.8666) .. ( 0.3632, 0.8643)
+ -- ( 0.3974, 0.8387)
+ .. controls ( 0.3974, 0.8591) and ( 0.3972, 0.8674) .. ( 0.3911, 0.8694)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2452, 0.8541)
+ .. controls (-0.2324, 0.8571) and (-0.2266, 0.8501) .. (-0.2079, 0.8422)
+ -- (-0.2167, 0.8284)
+ .. controls (-0.2397, 0.8309) and (-0.2848, 0.8202) .. (-0.2983, 0.8284)
+ .. controls (-0.3215, 0.8378) and (-0.2860, 0.8342) .. (-0.2614, 0.8473)
+ .. controls (-0.2547, 0.8509) and (-0.2496, 0.8531) .. (-0.2452, 0.8541)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4331, 0.8427)
+ .. controls (-0.4534, 0.8538) and (-0.5066, 0.7937) .. (-0.5170, 0.7773)
+ .. controls (-0.5802, 0.6871) and (-0.6279, 0.5503) .. (-0.6704, 0.5650)
+ .. controls (-0.6703, 0.5117) and (-0.7322, 0.4917) .. (-0.7340, 0.4547)
+ .. controls (-0.7365, 0.4053) and (-0.6948, 0.3832) .. (-0.6621, 0.3593)
+ .. controls (-0.6271, 0.3335) and (-0.6254, 0.2860) .. (-0.5409, 0.3014)
+ -- (-0.5409, 0.3184)
+ -- (-0.5750, 0.3099)
+ -- (-0.5836, 0.3524)
+ -- (-0.4898, 0.3184)
+ -- (-0.5068, 0.3696)
+ .. controls (-0.4593, 0.3586) and (-0.4552, 0.3659) .. (-0.4214, 0.3269)
+ .. controls (-0.3754, 0.3528) and (-0.3794, 0.4022) .. (-0.4295, 0.4177)
+ .. controls (-0.4450, 0.4224) and (-0.4931, 0.4354) .. (-0.5068, 0.4333)
+ .. controls (-0.5383, 0.4284) and (-0.6200, 0.3557) .. (-0.6774, 0.4548)
+ -- (-0.6432, 0.4548)
+ -- (-0.6603, 0.4975)
+ .. controls (-0.6019, 0.4851) and (-0.6021, 0.5053) .. (-0.5921, 0.5572)
+ .. controls (-0.4969, 0.5307) and (-0.5431, 0.5224) .. (-0.4812, 0.4890)
+ .. controls (-0.4749, 0.5293) and (-0.4896, 0.5637) .. (-0.5068, 0.5998)
+ .. controls (-0.4948, 0.6064) and (-0.4850, 0.6107) .. (-0.4746, 0.6204)
+ .. controls (-0.4177, 0.6740) and (-0.4877, 0.7151) .. (-0.5154, 0.6423)
+ .. controls (-0.5225, 0.6240) and (-0.5189, 0.6174) .. (-0.5154, 0.5998)
+ -- (-0.5889, 0.6190)
+ .. controls (-0.5889, 0.6190) and (-0.5470, 0.6607) .. (-0.5396, 0.6879)
+ .. controls (-0.5254, 0.7392) and (-0.4740, 0.7624) .. (-0.4378, 0.7960)
+ .. controls (-0.4256, 0.8071) and (-0.3322, 0.7872) .. (-0.4331, 0.8427)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1374, 0.8418)
+ .. controls ( 0.1320, 0.8428) and ( 0.1261, 0.8424) .. ( 0.1202, 0.8403)
+ .. controls ( 0.1031, 0.8066) and ( 0.1641, 0.7460) .. ( 0.1812, 0.7545)
+ .. controls ( 0.1999, 0.7639) and ( 0.1758, 0.8354) .. ( 0.1374, 0.8418)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0462, 0.8217)
+ -- (-0.0462, 0.7789)
+ -- (-0.0121, 0.7961)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3717, 0.8217)
+ -- ( 0.3717, 0.8046)
+ -- ( 0.4059, 0.7961)
+ -- ( 0.4144, 0.8217)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4898, 0.8122)
+ .. controls ( 0.4741, 0.8124) and ( 0.4748, 0.7893) .. ( 0.4981, 0.7754)
+ .. controls ( 0.5017, 0.7550) and ( 0.5313, 0.6452) .. ( 0.5686, 0.6689)
+ .. controls ( 0.5928, 0.6844) and ( 0.5339, 0.7103) .. ( 0.5653, 0.7412)
+ .. controls ( 0.5710, 0.7471) and ( 0.5728, 0.7507) .. ( 0.5731, 0.7536)
+ -- ( 0.5703, 0.7583)
+ .. controls ( 0.5582, 0.7647) and ( 0.5121, 0.7531) .. ( 0.5343, 0.7796)
+ .. controls ( 0.5145, 0.8036) and ( 0.4992, 0.8122) .. ( 0.4898, 0.8122)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3291, 0.7997)
+ .. controls ( 0.3112, 0.7975) and ( 0.2934, 0.7843) .. ( 0.2780, 0.7757)
+ .. controls ( 0.2235, 0.7455) and ( 0.1913, 0.7199) .. ( 0.2438, 0.6595)
+ .. controls ( 0.2287, 0.6542) and ( 0.2176, 0.6521) .. ( 0.2063, 0.6389)
+ .. controls ( 0.1704, 0.5968) and ( 0.2192, 0.5413) .. ( 0.2430, 0.5712)
+ .. controls ( 0.2494, 0.5791) and ( 0.2509, 0.6061) .. ( 0.2523, 0.6170)
+ .. controls ( 0.2545, 0.6376) and ( 0.2547, 0.6388) .. ( 0.2523, 0.6595)
+ -- ( 0.2865, 0.6681)
+ .. controls ( 0.3094, 0.6426) and ( 0.3194, 0.6608) .. ( 0.3291, 0.6852)
+ -- ( 0.2865, 0.6937)
+ .. controls ( 0.3061, 0.7101) and ( 0.3276, 0.7308) .. ( 0.3547, 0.7322)
+ .. controls ( 0.3792, 0.7335) and ( 0.4787, 0.6707) .. ( 0.4596, 0.7446)
+ .. controls ( 0.4487, 0.7866) and ( 0.4132, 0.7751) .. ( 0.3912, 0.7800)
+ .. controls ( 0.3681, 0.7853) and ( 0.3549, 0.8026) .. ( 0.3291, 0.7997)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0971, 0.7996)
+ .. controls ( 0.0971, 0.7996) and (-0.0371, 0.7713) .. (-0.0393, 0.7247)
+ .. controls (-0.0408, 0.6927) and ( 0.0217, 0.7175) .. ( 0.0521, 0.7277)
+ .. controls ( 0.0789, 0.7366) and ( 0.0971, 0.7996) .. ( 0.0971, 0.7996)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1571, 0.7961)
+ -- (-0.1485, 0.7961)
+ -- (-0.1485, 0.7875)
+ -- (-0.1400, 0.7875)
+ -- (-0.1400, 0.7789)
+ -- (-0.1485, 0.7875)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3689, 0.7733)
+ .. controls (-0.3791, 0.7835) and (-0.4247, 0.7612) .. (-0.4247, 0.7612)
+ .. controls (-0.4247, 0.7612) and (-0.4258, 0.7138) .. (-0.4104, 0.7184)
+ .. controls (-0.3965, 0.7227) and (-0.3586, 0.7631) .. (-0.3689, 0.7733)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3462, 0.7278)
+ -- ( 0.3462, 0.6766)
+ -- ( 0.3804, 0.7107)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1142, 0.7077)
+ .. controls ( 0.1016, 0.7065) and ( 0.0878, 0.7029) .. ( 0.0733, 0.6974)
+ .. controls ( 0.0595, 0.6920) and ( 0.0449, 0.6883) .. ( 0.0332, 0.6789)
+ .. controls ( 0.0192, 0.6678) and ( 0.0113, 0.6500) .. ( 0.0014, 0.6354)
+ .. controls (-0.0079, 0.6219) and (-0.0221, 0.6074) .. (-0.0243, 0.5905)
+ .. controls (-0.0267, 0.5713) and ( 0.0128, 0.4923) .. ( 0.0326, 0.4877)
+ .. controls ( 0.0455, 0.4824) and ( 0.0530, 0.4866) .. ( 0.0647, 0.4877)
+ .. controls ( 0.0870, 0.4591) and ( 0.0975, 0.4638) .. ( 0.1331, 0.4633)
+ .. controls ( 0.1499, 0.4110) and ( 0.1908, 0.4198) .. ( 0.1671, 0.4890)
+ .. controls ( 0.1267, 0.5142) and ( 0.1094, 0.5105) .. ( 0.0647, 0.4975)
+ .. controls ( 0.0889, 0.5509) and ( 0.0981, 0.5486) .. ( 0.0733, 0.6084)
+ .. controls ( 0.1221, 0.6144) and ( 0.1333, 0.6047) .. ( 0.1415, 0.6510)
+ -- ( 0.1927, 0.6425)
+ .. controls ( 0.1814, 0.6932) and ( 0.1526, 0.7111) .. ( 0.1142, 0.7077)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1671, 0.4890)
+ -- ( 0.2182, 0.4890)
+ .. controls ( 0.2474, 0.4580) and ( 0.2982, 0.5061) .. ( 0.2981, 0.5238)
+ .. controls ( 0.2981, 0.5425) and ( 0.2721, 0.5720) .. ( 0.2418, 0.5318)
+ -- ( 0.2182, 0.4975)
+ .. controls ( 0.1923, 0.5152) and ( 0.1850, 0.5158) .. ( 0.1671, 0.4890)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1058, 0.6937)
+ -- (-0.0973, 0.6595)
+ -- (-0.0802, 0.6595)
+ -- (-0.0718, 0.6937)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3889, 0.6852)
+ .. controls ( 0.3954, 0.6469) and ( 0.4108, 0.6416) .. ( 0.4314, 0.6766)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4826, 0.6852)
+ -- ( 0.4562, 0.6475)
+ .. controls ( 0.4460, 0.6335) and ( 0.4249, 0.5852) .. ( 0.4639, 0.5976)
+ .. controls ( 0.4953, 0.6076) and ( 0.5058, 0.6583) .. ( 0.4998, 0.6852)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0879, 0.6326)
+ .. controls (-0.1189, 0.6139) and (-0.0956, 0.5976) .. (-0.0822, 0.6003)
+ .. controls (-0.0699, 0.6027) and (-0.0544, 0.6253) .. (-0.0879, 0.6326)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3034, 0.6255)
+ -- ( 0.2694, 0.6170)
+ -- ( 0.2694, 0.5998)
+ -- ( 0.3034, 0.5913)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6085, 0.6015)
+ .. controls ( 0.5969, 0.6043) and ( 0.5796, 0.6004) .. ( 0.5688, 0.5964)
+ .. controls ( 0.5189, 0.5780) and ( 0.5216, 0.5317) .. ( 0.5338, 0.4890)
+ .. controls ( 0.5892, 0.5200) and ( 0.5513, 0.5451) .. ( 0.6191, 0.5657)
+ .. controls ( 0.6318, 0.5296) and ( 0.6176, 0.4979) .. ( 0.6703, 0.5572)
+ .. controls ( 0.6580, 0.5662) and ( 0.6196, 0.5989) .. ( 0.6085, 0.6015)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6703, 0.5572)
+ .. controls ( 0.6650, 0.4639) and ( 0.7377, 0.4434) .. ( 0.6703, 0.5572)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2950, 0.5828)
+ -- ( 0.3034, 0.5487)
+ -- ( 0.3206, 0.5487)
+ -- ( 0.3291, 0.5572)
+ -- ( 0.3291, 0.5743)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2167, 0.5572)
+ .. controls (-0.2524, 0.4984) and (-0.2378, 0.4949) .. (-0.1997, 0.4463)
+ -- (-0.1656, 0.4548)
+ -- (-0.1656, 0.4719)
+ -- (-0.1997, 0.4804)
+ -- (-0.1997, 0.4719)
+ -- (-0.2082, 0.4804)
+ -- (-0.1997, 0.4804)
+ .. controls (-0.1944, 0.5170) and (-0.1913, 0.5288) .. (-0.2167, 0.5572)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4528, 0.5567)
+ .. controls ( 0.4208, 0.5591) and ( 0.3875, 0.5291) .. ( 0.3974, 0.4804)
+ -- ( 0.4998, 0.5146)
+ .. controls ( 0.4909, 0.5422) and ( 0.4721, 0.5552) .. ( 0.4528, 0.5567)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5836, 0.5401)
+ .. controls (-0.5724, 0.5036) and (-0.5428, 0.4697) .. (-0.5238, 0.5231)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0890, 0.5163)
+ .. controls (-0.1486, 0.4959) and (-0.1212, 0.4523) .. (-0.0806, 0.4615)
+ .. controls (-0.0429, 0.4702) and (-0.0388, 0.5108) .. (-0.0890, 0.5163)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3494, 0.5160)
+ .. controls ( 0.3442, 0.5162) and ( 0.3376, 0.5157) .. ( 0.3291, 0.5146)
+ -- ( 0.3632, 0.4804)
+ .. controls ( 0.3666, 0.5059) and ( 0.3648, 0.5149) .. ( 0.3494, 0.5160)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6832, 0.4635)
+ .. controls ( 0.6577, 0.4592) and ( 0.6354, 0.4224) .. ( 0.6277, 0.3866)
+ -- ( 0.6618, 0.3781)
+ .. controls ( 0.6758, 0.4215) and ( 0.6897, 0.4164) .. ( 0.7299, 0.4293)
+ .. controls ( 0.7150, 0.4573) and ( 0.6984, 0.4662) .. ( 0.6832, 0.4635)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3846, 0.4569)
+ .. controls ( 0.3643, 0.4547) and ( 0.3427, 0.4484) .. ( 0.3206, 0.4379)
+ .. controls ( 0.2993, 0.4278) and ( 0.2743, 0.4198) .. ( 0.2665, 0.3948)
+ .. controls ( 0.2602, 0.3747) and ( 0.2710, 0.3497) .. ( 0.2940, 0.3491)
+ .. controls ( 0.3208, 0.3484) and ( 0.3628, 0.4037) .. ( 0.4059, 0.3999)
+ .. controls ( 0.4648, 0.3948) and ( 0.4817, 0.3238) .. ( 0.5508, 0.3184)
+ -- ( 0.5594, 0.2842)
+ .. controls ( 0.6325, 0.3301) and ( 0.6184, 0.4000) .. ( 0.5253, 0.3610)
+ .. controls ( 0.4966, 0.4310) and ( 0.4457, 0.4630) .. ( 0.3846, 0.4569)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0020, 0.4093)
+ .. controls (-0.0096, 0.4099) and (-0.0218, 0.4039) .. (-0.0547, 0.3920)
+ .. controls (-0.0742, 0.3851) and (-0.1009, 0.3815) .. (-0.1085, 0.3591)
+ .. controls (-0.1143, 0.3413) and (-0.1036, 0.3179) .. (-0.0973, 0.3014)
+ .. controls (-0.1114, 0.2946) and (-0.1334, 0.2825) .. (-0.1485, 0.2820)
+ .. controls (-0.1767, 0.2809) and (-0.1949, 0.3055) .. (-0.2182, 0.3110)
+ .. controls (-0.2417, 0.3165) and (-0.3307, 0.2833) .. (-0.3437, 0.2635)
+ .. controls (-0.3530, 0.2471) and (-0.3474, 0.2253) .. (-0.3437, 0.2075)
+ .. controls (-0.4324, 0.1756) and (-0.3706, 0.0831) .. (-0.2765, 0.0710)
+ .. controls (-0.2795, 0.0550) and (-0.2801, 0.0364) .. (-0.2860, 0.0213)
+ .. controls (-0.2997,-0.0142) and (-0.3382,-0.0416) .. (-0.2680,-0.0825)
+ -- (-0.2424, 0.0027)
+ -- (-0.1997,-0.0143)
+ .. controls (-0.1918, 0.0295) and (-0.2082, 0.0371) .. (-0.1741, 0.0710)
+ .. controls (-0.1600, 0.0270) and (-0.1316, 0.0212) .. (-0.1230, 0.0710)
+ -- (-0.0547, 0.0710)
+ -- (-0.0547, 0.0198)
+ .. controls (-0.0089, 0.0346) and (-0.0127, 0.0528) .. (-0.0121, 0.0966)
+ .. controls ( 0.0434, 0.0981) and ( 0.0809, 0.1179) .. ( 0.0988, 0.1733)
+ -- ( 0.0561, 0.1477)
+ -- ( 0.0647, 0.1477)
+ -- ( 0.0647, 0.1392)
+ -- ( 0.0561, 0.1477)
+ -- (-0.0333, 0.1681)
+ -- (-0.0973, 0.1990)
+ .. controls (-0.1035, 0.1519) and (-0.0915, 0.1406) .. (-0.0462, 0.1307)
+ -- (-0.0547, 0.1051)
+ .. controls (-0.0809, 0.1134) and (-0.1575, 0.1376) .. (-0.1816, 0.1275)
+ .. controls (-0.1979, 0.1207) and (-0.2008, 0.1105) .. (-0.2082, 0.0966)
+ -- (-0.2765, 0.0796)
+ .. controls (-0.2913, 0.1042) and (-0.2904, 0.1037) .. (-0.3191, 0.1051)
+ -- (-0.3277, 0.1307)
+ -- (-0.3020, 0.1392)
+ -- (-0.3191, 0.1733)
+ -- (-0.2680, 0.2416)
+ .. controls (-0.2555, 0.2025) and (-0.2434, 0.1999) .. (-0.2082, 0.1819)
+ .. controls (-0.2103, 0.2198) and (-0.2204, 0.2217) .. (-0.2509, 0.2416)
+ -- (-0.1571, 0.2416)
+ -- (-0.0973, 0.1990)
+ .. controls (-0.0622, 0.2159) and (-0.0506, 0.2107) .. (-0.0376, 0.2501)
+ -- (-0.0718, 0.2672)
+ -- (-0.0121, 0.2842)
+ -- (-0.0121, 0.3014)
+ -- (-0.0462, 0.3184)
+ -- ( 0.0221, 0.3439)
+ .. controls ( 0.0070, 0.2950) and ( 0.0355, 0.2771) .. ( 0.0818, 0.2757)
+ -- ( 0.0561, 0.3354)
+ .. controls ( 0.1139, 0.3092) and ( 0.1160, 0.3517) .. ( 0.0949, 0.3683)
+ -- ( 0.0561, 0.3859)
+ .. controls ( 0.0248, 0.4010) and ( 0.0136, 0.4085) .. ( 0.0020, 0.4093)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2680,-0.0825)
+ .. controls (-0.2752,-0.1245) and (-0.2656,-0.1332) .. (-0.2253,-0.1423)
+ .. controls (-0.2780,-0.1694) and (-0.3487,-0.1517) .. (-0.3277,-0.2360)
+ -- (-0.3958,-0.2275)
+ .. controls (-0.3850,-0.1662) and (-0.4133,-0.1372) .. (-0.4727,-0.1337)
+ -- (-0.4727,-0.0910)
+ .. controls (-0.5590,-0.0763) and (-0.5042,-0.0134) .. (-0.5750,-0.0228)
+ .. controls (-0.5589,-0.0849) and (-0.5477,-0.0819) .. (-0.5750,-0.1423)
+ .. controls (-0.6476,-0.1314) and (-0.6815,-0.1792) .. (-0.6262,-0.2360)
+ .. controls (-0.6614,-0.2507) and (-0.6863,-0.2704) .. (-0.6674,-0.3120)
+ .. controls (-0.6596,-0.3292) and (-0.6399,-0.3442) .. (-0.6461,-0.3629)
+ .. controls (-0.6528,-0.3836) and (-0.7224,-0.4151) .. (-0.6960,-0.4711)
+ .. controls (-0.6692,-0.5273) and (-0.5938,-0.5008) .. (-0.6603,-0.4579)
+ -- (-0.6262,-0.4237)
+ -- (-0.5921,-0.4579)
+ .. controls (-0.5645,-0.3552) and (-0.5902,-0.3724) .. (-0.6177,-0.2872)
+ -- (-0.5750,-0.2531)
+ -- (-0.6177,-0.2446)
+ -- (-0.6006,-0.2190)
+ .. controls (-0.5707,-0.2398) and (-0.5626,-0.2347) .. (-0.5494,-0.2019)
+ -- (-0.5836,-0.1848)
+ -- (-0.5153,-0.1592)
+ .. controls (-0.5297,-0.1903) and (-0.5326,-0.1983) .. (-0.4983,-0.2105)
+ -- (-0.4983,-0.1763)
+ .. controls (-0.4268,-0.1951) and (-0.4189,-0.2337) .. (-0.3789,-0.2872)
+ .. controls (-0.4036,-0.3020) and (-0.4028,-0.3012) .. (-0.4044,-0.3299)
+ -- (-0.3362,-0.3299)
+ .. controls (-0.3465,-0.3786) and (-0.3284,-0.3796) .. (-0.2850,-0.3811)
+ -- (-0.2850,-0.4151)
+ .. controls (-0.2401,-0.4035) and (-0.1731,-0.3767) .. (-0.1571,-0.3299)
+ .. controls (-0.1233,-0.3324) and (-0.1022,-0.3221) .. (-0.1230,-0.2872)
+ -- (-0.1143,-0.2360)
+ -- (-0.1741,-0.2531)
+ -- (-0.1741,-0.2701)
+ -- (-0.1485,-0.2787)
+ -- (-0.1571,-0.3214)
+ -- (-0.2765,-0.3640)
+ .. controls (-0.2785,-0.3286) and (-0.2853,-0.3271) .. (-0.3191,-0.3214)
+ -- (-0.3191,-0.3299)
+ -- (-0.3277,-0.3214)
+ -- (-0.3191,-0.3214)
+ .. controls (-0.3191,-0.3214) and (-0.2922,-0.3221) .. (-0.2850,-0.3128)
+ .. controls (-0.2781,-0.3038) and (-0.2850,-0.2787) .. (-0.2850,-0.2787)
+ .. controls (-0.2850,-0.2462) and (-0.2522,-0.2669) .. (-0.2424,-0.2360)
+ -- (-0.2935,-0.2360)
+ -- (-0.2509,-0.2019)
+ -- (-0.2424,-0.2360)
+ .. controls (-0.1852,-0.2624) and (-0.2046,-0.2259) .. (-0.1740,-0.2170)
+ .. controls (-0.1599,-0.2119) and (-0.1427,-0.2266) .. (-0.1281,-0.2170)
+ .. controls (-0.1166,-0.2109) and (-0.1070,-0.1747) .. (-0.1656,-0.1848)
+ -- (-0.2082,-0.0228)
+ -- (-0.2253,-0.0228)
+ .. controls (-0.2307,-0.0463) and (-0.2347,-0.0485) .. (-0.2167,-0.0654)
+ -- (-0.2253,-0.0910)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7385, 0.3781)
+ .. controls ( 0.7464, 0.3334) and ( 0.7712, 0.3235) .. ( 0.7897, 0.3696)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3825, 0.3684)
+ .. controls ( 0.3722, 0.3709) and ( 0.3598, 0.3638) .. ( 0.3547, 0.3341)
+ -- ( 0.3712, 0.3341)
+ .. controls ( 0.4107, 0.3328) and ( 0.3998, 0.3641) .. ( 0.3825, 0.3684)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3547, 0.3341)
+ -- ( 0.3034, 0.3280)
+ .. controls ( 0.2587, 0.3223) and ( 0.2449, 0.3331) .. ( 0.2267, 0.2842)
+ -- ( 0.1515, 0.2970)
+ .. controls ( 0.1395, 0.3001) and ( 0.1217, 0.3113) .. ( 0.1096, 0.3062)
+ .. controls ( 0.0947, 0.3000) and ( 0.0955, 0.2804) .. ( 0.0944, 0.2671)
+ .. controls ( 0.0897, 0.2118) and ( 0.0889, 0.2059) .. ( 0.1158, 0.1563)
+ -- ( 0.1331, 0.1563)
+ -- ( 0.1415, 0.1648)
+ -- ( 0.1415, 0.2501)
+ -- ( 0.2449, 0.2446)
+ .. controls ( 0.2870, 0.2248) and ( 0.2549, 0.1801) .. ( 0.3376, 0.1733)
+ -- ( 0.3376, 0.2245)
+ -- ( 0.3889, 0.2075)
+ .. controls ( 0.3692, 0.2680) and ( 0.3319, 0.2493) .. ( 0.3034, 0.2928)
+ .. controls ( 0.3440, 0.2858) and ( 0.3561, 0.2934) .. ( 0.3547, 0.3341)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4285, 0.3341)
+ .. controls ( 0.4111, 0.3048) and ( 0.4418, 0.2997) .. ( 0.4508, 0.3082)
+ .. controls ( 0.4603, 0.3170) and ( 0.4582, 0.3376) .. ( 0.4285, 0.3341)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.7199, 0.3309)
+ .. controls ( 0.7120, 0.3311) and ( 0.7041, 0.3301) .. ( 0.6963, 0.3276)
+ .. controls ( 0.6516, 0.3141) and ( 0.5998, 0.2127) .. ( 0.6788, 0.2075)
+ -- ( 0.6874, 0.1819)
+ .. controls ( 0.6908, 0.1882) and ( 0.6948, 0.1871) .. ( 0.6958, 0.2009)
+ .. controls ( 0.6967, 0.2152) and ( 0.6850, 0.2341) .. ( 0.6875, 0.2482)
+ .. controls ( 0.6912, 0.2697) and ( 0.7185, 0.2790) .. ( 0.7404, 0.2558)
+ -- ( 0.7556, 0.2330)
+ .. controls ( 0.8209, 0.2699) and ( 0.7743, 0.3292) .. ( 0.7199, 0.3309)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4641, 0.3269)
+ -- (-0.4556, 0.2928)
+ -- (-0.4386, 0.2928)
+ -- (-0.4300, 0.3269)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3532, 0.3269)
+ .. controls (-0.3838, 0.3252) and (-0.3857, 0.3233) .. (-0.3874, 0.2928)
+ .. controls (-0.3613, 0.3019) and (-0.3623, 0.3007) .. (-0.3532, 0.3269)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7723, 0.3114)
+ .. controls (-0.9303, 0.2491) and (-0.8236, 0.1766) .. (-0.9066, 0.1318)
+ .. controls (-0.9222, 0.1231) and (-0.9315, 0.1156) .. (-0.9385, 0.1084)
+ -- (-0.9505, 0.0875)
+ .. controls (-0.9537, 0.0757) and (-0.9542, 0.0621) .. (-0.9542, 0.0410)
+ -- (-0.9333, 0.0454)
+ .. controls (-0.9116, 0.1020) and (-0.8383, 0.0970) .. (-0.8943, 0.1349)
+ .. controls (-0.8577, 0.1472) and (-0.8473, 0.1249) .. (-0.8748, 0.1652)
+ -- (-0.8414, 0.1559)
+ .. controls (-0.8055, 0.1614) and (-0.8119, 0.2075) .. (-0.8279, 0.2170)
+ .. controls (-0.8020, 0.2197) and (-0.8300, 0.2698) .. (-0.8062, 0.2572)
+ .. controls (-0.7862, 0.2467) and (-0.7713, 0.2258) .. (-0.7547, 0.2261)
+ .. controls (-0.7211, 0.2267) and (-0.7384, 0.2895) .. (-0.7723, 0.3114)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5167, 0.2928)
+ -- ( 0.5083, 0.2842)
+ -- ( 0.5083, 0.2672)
+ -- ( 0.5167, 0.2587)
+ -- ( 0.5338, 0.2587)
+ -- ( 0.5423, 0.2672)
+ -- ( 0.5423, 0.2842)
+ -- ( 0.5338, 0.2928)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8233, 0.2914)
+ .. controls ( 0.8159, 0.2897) and ( 0.8101, 0.2823) .. ( 0.8101, 0.2664)
+ .. controls ( 0.8101, 0.2592) and ( 0.7901, 0.2245) .. ( 0.7943, 0.2184)
+ .. controls ( 0.8010, 0.2085) and ( 0.8177, 0.1916) .. ( 0.8341, 0.1843)
+ -- ( 0.7897, 0.1051)
+ .. controls ( 0.7638, 0.1109) and ( 0.6977, 0.1143) .. ( 0.6790, 0.0913)
+ .. controls ( 0.6678, 0.0772) and ( 0.6727, 0.0528) .. ( 0.6644, 0.0283)
+ .. controls ( 0.6511,-0.0104) and ( 0.6263,-0.0275) .. ( 0.5936,-0.0484)
+ .. controls ( 0.5977,-0.0521) and ( 0.6009,-0.0593) .. ( 0.6125,-0.0633)
+ .. controls ( 0.6432,-0.0738) and ( 0.6954,-0.0310) .. ( 0.7067,-0.0043)
+ .. controls ( 0.7123, 0.0088) and ( 0.7121, 0.0229) .. ( 0.7130, 0.0368)
+ .. controls ( 0.7585, 0.0333) and ( 0.7707, 0.0484) .. ( 0.7897, 0.0881)
+ -- ( 0.8409, 0.0027)
+ .. controls ( 0.7828,-0.0157) and ( 0.7583,-0.0941) .. ( 0.8409,-0.1337)
+ .. controls ( 0.8561,-0.0647) and ( 0.8176,-0.0742) .. ( 0.8836,-0.0143)
+ -- ( 0.9348,-0.0654)
+ .. controls ( 0.9443,-0.0311) and ( 0.9398,-0.0319) .. ( 0.9430,-0.0008)
+ .. controls ( 0.9475, 0.0433) and ( 0.9603, 0.0556) .. ( 0.8921, 0.0796)
+ -- ( 0.8836, 0.0710)
+ -- ( 0.8836, 0.0540)
+ -- ( 0.9006, 0.0198)
+ .. controls ( 0.8705, 0.0555) and ( 0.8589, 0.0671) .. ( 0.8494, 0.1137)
+ -- ( 0.8921, 0.0881)
+ .. controls ( 0.9100, 0.1275) and ( 0.9093, 0.1211) .. ( 0.9077, 0.1641)
+ .. controls ( 0.8502, 0.2199) and ( 0.8502, 0.2055) .. ( 0.8245, 0.2294)
+ .. controls ( 0.8511, 0.2387) and ( 0.8571, 0.2533) .. ( 0.8546, 0.2660)
+ -- ( 0.8445, 0.2834)
+ .. controls ( 0.8380, 0.2892) and ( 0.8301, 0.2928) .. ( 0.8233, 0.2914)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6221, 0.2851)
+ .. controls (-0.6403, 0.2814) and (-0.6578, 0.2533) .. (-0.6578, 0.2330)
+ .. controls (-0.6578, 0.2083) and (-0.6228, 0.1685) .. (-0.6090, 0.1392)
+ .. controls (-0.6712, 0.1174) and (-0.6013, 0.0486) .. (-0.5914, 0.0454)
+ .. controls (-0.5625, 0.0361) and (-0.5594, 0.0690) .. (-0.5384, 0.0751)
+ .. controls (-0.5161, 0.0820) and (-0.5142, 0.0619) .. (-0.4641, 0.0796)
+ .. controls (-0.4838, 0.1372) and (-0.5135, 0.1504) .. (-0.5665, 0.1733)
+ -- (-0.5323, 0.2075)
+ -- (-0.5665, 0.2160)
+ -- (-0.5665, 0.1819)
+ -- (-0.5921, 0.2245)
+ -- (-0.6006, 0.2330)
+ -- (-0.6090, 0.2416)
+ -- (-0.6006, 0.2416)
+ -- (-0.6006, 0.2330)
+ -- (-0.5921, 0.2330)
+ -- (-0.5921, 0.2245)
+ .. controls (-0.5591, 0.2361) and (-0.5513, 0.2585) .. (-0.5921, 0.2587)
+ .. controls (-0.5999, 0.2809) and (-0.6112, 0.2874) .. (-0.6221, 0.2851)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4001, 0.2659)
+ -- (-0.4398, 0.2231)
+ -- (-0.4713, 0.1989)
+ .. controls (-0.5030, 0.1708) and (-0.4873, 0.1496) .. (-0.4486, 0.1607)
+ .. controls (-0.4215, 0.1683) and (-0.3832, 0.1951) .. (-0.3704, 0.2199)
+ .. controls (-0.3565, 0.2464) and (-0.3702, 0.2690) .. (-0.4001, 0.2659)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5167, 0.2501)
+ .. controls ( 0.4726, 0.2275) and ( 0.4751, 0.2109) .. ( 0.4771, 0.1648)
+ .. controls ( 0.4776, 0.1495) and ( 0.4771, 0.1247) .. ( 0.4946, 0.1178)
+ .. controls ( 0.5149, 0.1096) and ( 0.5288, 0.1359) .. ( 0.5681, 0.1435)
+ .. controls ( 0.6164, 0.1530) and ( 0.6391, 0.1274) .. ( 0.6568, 0.1214)
+ .. controls ( 0.6669, 0.1180) and ( 0.6795, 0.1163) .. ( 0.6862, 0.1272)
+ .. controls ( 0.7003, 0.1512) and ( 0.6673, 0.1556) .. ( 0.6532, 0.1563)
+ .. controls ( 0.6261, 0.2314) and ( 0.5966, 0.1859) .. ( 0.5605, 0.1960)
+ .. controls ( 0.5390, 0.2022) and ( 0.5268, 0.2319) .. ( 0.5167, 0.2501)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0462, 0.2075)
+ -- (-0.0462, 0.1819)
+ -- (-0.0206, 0.1819)
+ -- (-0.0206, 0.2075)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7371, 0.1990)
+ -- (-0.7371, 0.1563)
+ -- (-0.7115, 0.1905)
+ -- (-0.7200, 0.1990)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1656, 0.1905)
+ -- (-0.1400, 0.1648)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7797, 0.1819)
+ -- (-0.7883, 0.1733)
+ -- (-0.7883, 0.1563)
+ -- (-0.7542, 0.1477)
+ -- (-0.7627, 0.1819)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1671, 0.1819)
+ -- ( 0.1841, 0.1477)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6447, 0.1477)
+ -- ( 0.6532, 0.1477)
+ -- ( 0.6532, 0.1392)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7081, 0.1437)
+ .. controls (-0.7387, 0.1429) and (-0.7462, 0.1254) .. (-0.7593, 0.0844)
+ .. controls (-0.7628, 0.0670) and (-0.7720, 0.0499) .. (-0.7593, 0.0321)
+ .. controls (-0.7496, 0.0145) and (-0.7241, 0.0137) .. (-0.7173, 0.0321)
+ .. controls (-0.7114, 0.0479) and (-0.7222, 0.0657) .. (-0.7285, 0.0796)
+ .. controls (-0.6938, 0.0968) and (-0.6811, 0.1011) .. (-0.6688, 0.1392)
+ .. controls (-0.6852, 0.1425) and (-0.6979, 0.1439) .. (-0.7081, 0.1437)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8921, 0.1392)
+ -- ( 0.9006, 0.1392)
+ -- ( 0.9006, 0.1307)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5765, 0.1222)
+ -- ( 0.5850, 0.0881)
+ -- ( 0.6021, 0.0881)
+ -- ( 0.6106, 0.1222)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2872, 0.1175)
+ .. controls ( 0.2767, 0.1166) and ( 0.2651, 0.1135) .. ( 0.2533, 0.1071)
+ .. controls ( 0.2151, 0.0867) and ( 0.2220, 0.0479) .. ( 0.2267, 0.0113)
+ .. controls ( 0.2625, 0.0237) and ( 0.2504, 0.0254) .. ( 0.2701, 0.0519)
+ .. controls ( 0.2958, 0.0863) and ( 0.3249, 0.0559) .. ( 0.3338, 0.0822)
+ .. controls ( 0.3402, 0.1009) and ( 0.3185, 0.1198) .. ( 0.2872, 0.1175)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4845, 0.1051)
+ .. controls ( 0.4706, 0.1009) and ( 0.4616, 0.0995) .. ( 0.4512, 0.0905)
+ .. controls ( 0.4040, 0.0493) and ( 0.4796,-0.0172) .. ( 0.4845, 0.0710)
+ .. controls ( 0.4877, 0.0867) and ( 0.4856, 0.0907) .. ( 0.4845, 0.1051)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6362, 0.1051)
+ -- ( 0.6277, 0.0966)
+ -- ( 0.6277, 0.0796)
+ -- ( 0.6618, 0.0710)
+ -- ( 0.6532, 0.1051)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0988, 0.0966)
+ -- ( 0.0647, 0.0881)
+ -- ( 0.0647, 0.0710)
+ -- ( 0.0902, 0.0625)
+ .. controls ( 0.0813, 0.0194) and ( 0.0842, 0.0065) .. ( 0.1244,-0.0143)
+ -- ( 0.1331, 0.0283)
+ -- ( 0.1671, 0.0368)
+ -- ( 0.1671, 0.0540)
+ .. controls ( 0.1326, 0.0659) and ( 0.1186, 0.0637) .. ( 0.0988, 0.0966)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8125, 0.0621)
+ .. controls (-0.8490, 0.0401) and (-0.8237, 0.0162) .. (-0.8062, 0.0190)
+ .. controls (-0.7883, 0.0219) and (-0.7704, 0.0544) .. (-0.8125, 0.0621)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5167, 0.0540)
+ -- ( 0.5083, 0.0198)
+ -- ( 0.5423, 0.0283)
+ -- ( 0.5423, 0.0454)
+ -- ( 0.5338, 0.0540)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0973, 0.0454)
+ -- (-0.1058, 0.0368)
+ -- (-0.1058, 0.0198)
+ -- (-0.0718, 0.0113)
+ -- (-0.0802, 0.0454)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0035, 0.0368)
+ -- (-0.0210, 0.0109)
+ .. controls (-0.0655,-0.0708) and ( 0.0385,-0.0566) .. ( 0.0166, 0.0109)
+ .. controls ( 0.0120, 0.0245) and ( 0.0056, 0.0275) .. (-0.0035, 0.0368)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4977, 0.0207)
+ .. controls (-0.5147, 0.0204) and (-0.5312, 0.0080) .. (-0.5211,-0.0096)
+ .. controls (-0.5118,-0.0261) and (-0.4926,-0.0166) .. (-0.4645,-0.0487)
+ .. controls (-0.4440,-0.0720) and (-0.4524,-0.0706) .. (-0.4214,-0.0825)
+ .. controls (-0.4050,-0.0235) and (-0.4308, 0.0217) .. (-0.4977, 0.0207)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3756, 0.0075)
+ .. controls ( 0.3646, 0.0069) and ( 0.3522, 0.0045) .. ( 0.3376, 0.0002)
+ .. controls ( 0.3227,-0.0042) and ( 0.3054,-0.0075) .. ( 0.2946,-0.0193)
+ -- ( 0.2742,-0.0568)
+ .. controls ( 0.2649,-0.0745) and ( 0.2554,-0.0861) .. ( 0.2571,-0.1073)
+ .. controls ( 0.2601,-0.1471) and ( 0.2967,-0.2295) .. ( 0.3408,-0.1666)
+ .. controls ( 0.3653,-0.1317) and ( 0.3284,-0.1299) .. ( 0.3717,-0.0654)
+ .. controls ( 0.4033,-0.0789) and ( 0.4049,-0.0788) .. ( 0.4314,-0.0568)
+ .. controls ( 0.4664,-0.1165) and ( 0.5153,-0.0409) .. ( 0.5152,-0.0308)
+ .. controls ( 0.5148,-0.0111) and ( 0.4690, 0.0277) .. ( 0.4571,-0.0399)
+ .. controls ( 0.4280,-0.0054) and ( 0.4082, 0.0095) .. ( 0.3756, 0.0075)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.9801, 0.0047)
+ -- (-0.9427,-0.0792)
+ -- (-0.8931,-0.0669)
+ -- (-0.8538,-0.0818)
+ .. controls (-0.8464,-0.0219) and (-0.9339,-0.0180) .. (-0.9801, 0.0047)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5423,-0.0484)
+ -- ( 0.5594,-0.0997)
+ .. controls ( 0.5416,-0.1040) and ( 0.4986,-0.1096) .. ( 0.4864,-0.1181)
+ .. controls ( 0.4658,-0.1324) and ( 0.4601,-0.1677) .. ( 0.4793,-0.1854)
+ .. controls ( 0.4883,-0.1938) and ( 0.5053,-0.1981) .. ( 0.5167,-0.2019)
+ .. controls ( 0.4933,-0.2045) and ( 0.4609,-0.2005) .. ( 0.4427,-0.2156)
+ .. controls ( 0.4166,-0.2372) and ( 0.4089,-0.2872) .. ( 0.4826,-0.2957)
+ -- ( 0.4826,-0.2446)
+ .. controls ( 0.5217,-0.2597) and ( 0.5287,-0.2486) .. ( 0.5167,-0.2105)
+ .. controls ( 0.5424,-0.2023) and ( 0.5512,-0.1934) .. ( 0.5594,-0.1677)
+ -- ( 0.6191,-0.1848)
+ -- ( 0.6788,-0.3042)
+ -- ( 0.6532,-0.3128)
+ -- ( 0.6532,-0.3299)
+ -- ( 0.7385,-0.3214)
+ -- ( 0.7130,-0.2617)
+ .. controls ( 0.7337,-0.2558) and ( 0.7608,-0.2439) .. ( 0.7812,-0.2454)
+ .. controls ( 0.7973,-0.2453) and ( 0.8226,-0.2581) .. ( 0.8346,-0.2454)
+ .. controls ( 0.8523,-0.2285) and ( 0.8216,-0.2043) .. ( 0.8067,-0.1989)
+ .. controls ( 0.7691,-0.1854) and ( 0.7439,-0.2093) .. ( 0.6805,-0.1933)
+ -- ( 0.6805,-0.1448)
+ -- ( 0.6017,-0.0907)
+ -- ( 0.5680,-0.0907)
+ -- ( 0.5765,-0.0484)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.7372,-0.0610)
+ .. controls (-0.7812,-0.0612) and (-0.8222,-0.0885) .. (-0.7969,-0.1508)
+ -- (-0.8546,-0.1518)
+ .. controls (-0.8578,-0.0809) and (-0.9199,-0.0961) .. (-0.9322,-0.1220)
+ -- (-0.9145,-0.1528)
+ .. controls (-0.9119,-0.1539) and (-0.9110,-0.1554) .. (-0.9080,-0.1566)
+ .. controls (-0.8746,-0.1628) and (-0.8911,-0.2081) .. (-0.8709,-0.2184)
+ .. controls (-0.8479,-0.2301) and (-0.8289,-0.2160) .. (-0.8075,-0.2238)
+ .. controls (-0.7880,-0.2309) and (-0.7418,-0.2959) .. (-0.7285,-0.2190)
+ -- (-0.7712,-0.2105)
+ .. controls (-0.7608,-0.1935) and (-0.7474,-0.1633) .. (-0.7309,-0.1535)
+ .. controls (-0.7132,-0.1433) and (-0.6647,-0.1458) .. (-0.6532,-0.1225)
+ .. controls (-0.6410,-0.0974) and (-0.6763,-0.0776) .. (-0.6945,-0.0697)
+ .. controls (-0.7075,-0.0641) and (-0.7225,-0.0610) .. (-0.7372,-0.0610)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0790,-0.0703)
+ .. controls ( 0.0586,-0.0724) and ( 0.0391,-0.0799) .. ( 0.0314,-0.0938)
+ .. controls ( 0.0258,-0.1059) and ( 0.0293,-0.1207) .. ( 0.0314,-0.1337)
+ .. controls (-0.0051,-0.1451) and (-0.0235,-0.1672) .. ( 0.0136,-0.1933)
+ -- ( 0.0050,-0.2190)
+ -- ( 0.0647,-0.2360)
+ -- ( 0.0561,-0.2019)
+ -- ( 0.0391,-0.2105)
+ -- ( 0.0307,-0.2019)
+ -- ( 0.0818,-0.1251)
+ -- ( 0.0988,-0.1251)
+ .. controls ( 0.1190,-0.1566) and ( 0.1311,-0.1660) .. ( 0.1671,-0.1763)
+ .. controls ( 0.1712,-0.1381) and ( 0.1680,-0.1029) .. ( 0.1325,-0.0792)
+ .. controls ( 0.1208,-0.0715) and ( 0.0994,-0.0682) .. ( 0.0790,-0.0703)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0347,-0.0729)
+ .. controls (-0.0400,-0.0723) and (-0.0465,-0.0725) .. (-0.0547,-0.0739)
+ .. controls (-0.1154,-0.1097) and (-0.0914,-0.1419) .. (-0.0629,-0.1331)
+ .. controls (-0.0318,-0.1235) and ( 0.0014,-0.0769) .. (-0.0347,-0.0729)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1485,-0.0997)
+ -- (-0.1656,-0.1166)
+ -- (-0.1656,-0.1251)
+ .. controls (-0.1656,-0.1251) and (-0.1284,-0.1383) .. (-0.1230,-0.1251)
+ .. controls (-0.1184,-0.1140) and (-0.1485,-0.0997) .. (-0.1485,-0.0997)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.8579,-0.1251)
+ -- ( 0.8579,-0.1508)
+ -- ( 0.8921,-0.1508)
+ -- ( 0.8921,-0.1251)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.3462,-0.1848)
+ .. controls ( 0.3553,-0.2111) and ( 0.3541,-0.2099) .. ( 0.3804,-0.2190)
+ .. controls ( 0.3789,-0.1929) and ( 0.3722,-0.1863) .. ( 0.3462,-0.1848)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5680,-0.2105)
+ -- ( 0.5680,-0.2360)
+ -- ( 0.5936,-0.2360)
+ -- ( 0.5936,-0.2105)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2429,-0.2175)
+ .. controls ( 0.2301,-0.2183) and ( 0.2146,-0.2250) .. ( 0.2042,-0.2351)
+ .. controls ( 0.1851,-0.2515) and ( 0.1867,-0.2802) .. ( 0.1841,-0.3042)
+ -- ( 0.2267,-0.3128)
+ .. controls ( 0.2366,-0.2535) and ( 0.2673,-0.2625) .. ( 0.2665,-0.2351)
+ .. controls ( 0.2661,-0.2218) and ( 0.2558,-0.2167) .. ( 0.2429,-0.2175)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.8394,-0.2360)
+ .. controls (-0.8657,-0.2452) and (-0.8037,-0.2814) .. (-0.8128,-0.3076)
+ .. controls (-0.7841,-0.3060) and (-0.8155,-0.2595) .. (-0.8394,-0.2360)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3106,-0.2446)
+ .. controls (-0.3061,-0.2411) and (-0.2935,-0.2446) .. (-0.2935,-0.2446)
+ .. controls (-0.2935,-0.2446) and (-0.3063,-0.2847) .. (-0.3191,-0.2787)
+ .. controls (-0.3297,-0.2736) and (-0.3199,-0.2518) .. (-0.3106,-0.2446)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0809,-0.2495)
+ .. controls ( 0.0629,-0.2468) and ( 0.0475,-0.2563) .. ( 0.0307,-0.2602)
+ .. controls ( 0.0102,-0.2651) and (-0.0913,-0.2616) .. (-0.0376,-0.3640)
+ .. controls (-0.1141,-0.3685) and (-0.1262,-0.4016) .. (-0.0926,-0.4664)
+ .. controls (-0.0856,-0.4795) and (-0.0758,-0.5040) .. (-0.0668,-0.5138)
+ .. controls (-0.0449,-0.5377) and ( 0.0001,-0.5440) .. ( 0.0307,-0.5431)
+ -- ( 0.0221,-0.4579)
+ -- (-0.0206,-0.4833)
+ .. controls (-0.0180,-0.4388) and (-0.0055,-0.4140) .. (-0.0633,-0.4237)
+ .. controls (-0.0215,-0.3935) and (-0.0083,-0.4022) .. ( 0.0050,-0.3640)
+ -- ( 0.0476,-0.3555)
+ -- ( 0.0476,-0.3384)
+ .. controls ( 0.0149,-0.3341) and ( 0.0150,-0.3375) .. (-0.0035,-0.3640)
+ .. controls (-0.0031,-0.3175) and ( 0.0507,-0.3021) .. ( 0.0895,-0.3132)
+ .. controls ( 0.0967,-0.3153) and ( 0.1020,-0.3182) .. ( 0.1069,-0.3214)
+ -- ( 0.0733,-0.3214)
+ -- ( 0.0733,-0.3555)
+ -- ( 0.1073,-0.3555)
+ -- ( 0.1073,-0.3217)
+ .. controls ( 0.1209,-0.3306) and ( 0.1314,-0.3431) .. ( 0.1671,-0.3555)
+ .. controls ( 0.1861,-0.3011) and ( 0.1658,-0.3044) .. ( 0.1276,-0.2793)
+ .. controls ( 0.1121,-0.2692) and ( 0.1003,-0.2524) .. ( 0.0809,-0.2495)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.5253,-0.2617)
+ .. controls ( 0.5159,-0.2894) and ( 0.5137,-0.2935) .. ( 0.5423,-0.3042)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.5836,-0.2872)
+ -- (-0.5921,-0.3299)
+ .. controls (-0.5632,-0.3196) and (-0.5624,-0.3175) .. (-0.5665,-0.2872)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4825,-0.3113)
+ .. controls ( 0.4709,-0.3098) and ( 0.4621,-0.3187) .. ( 0.4571,-0.3470)
+ .. controls ( 0.4065,-0.2945) and ( 0.3565,-0.3080) .. ( 0.3141,-0.3613)
+ .. controls ( 0.3029,-0.3754) and ( 0.2880,-0.3874) .. ( 0.2903,-0.4075)
+ .. controls ( 0.2921,-0.4247) and ( 0.3027,-0.4361) .. ( 0.3120,-0.4493)
+ .. controls ( 0.2945,-0.4516) and ( 0.2350,-0.4574) .. ( 0.2234,-0.4665)
+ .. controls ( 0.2011,-0.4843) and ( 0.2099,-0.5378) .. ( 0.2182,-0.5602)
+ -- ( 0.2352,-0.5602)
+ .. controls ( 0.2421,-0.5417) and ( 0.2492,-0.5116) .. ( 0.2706,-0.5071)
+ .. controls ( 0.3048,-0.4961) and ( 0.3439,-0.5674) .. ( 0.3618,-0.5071)
+ -- ( 0.3618,-0.4833)
+ -- ( 0.3974,-0.4919)
+ -- ( 0.4059,-0.4579)
+ -- ( 0.3376,-0.4493)
+ -- ( 0.3717,-0.3896)
+ .. controls ( 0.4306,-0.3991) and ( 0.4623,-0.4570) .. ( 0.4656,-0.3640)
+ .. controls ( 0.4971,-0.3707) and ( 0.5062,-0.3751) .. ( 0.5253,-0.3470)
+ -- ( 0.5451,-0.3694)
+ .. controls ( 0.6171,-0.4271) and ( 0.5795,-0.2610) .. ( 0.5253,-0.3384)
+ .. controls ( 0.5089,-0.3248) and ( 0.4943,-0.3128) .. ( 0.4825,-0.3113)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6371,-0.3426)
+ .. controls ( 0.6165,-0.3414) and ( 0.6075,-0.3499) .. ( 0.6021,-0.3811)
+ .. controls ( 0.6375,-0.3781) and ( 0.6440,-0.3786) .. ( 0.6618,-0.3470)
+ .. controls ( 0.6521,-0.3447) and ( 0.6439,-0.3431) .. ( 0.6371,-0.3426)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1158,-0.3640)
+ -- ( 0.1073,-0.3981)
+ -- ( 0.1415,-0.3981)
+ -- ( 0.1331,-0.3640)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4660,-0.3701)
+ .. controls (-0.4757,-0.3670) and (-0.4894,-0.3727) .. (-0.4983,-0.3981)
+ -- (-0.5580,-0.3811)
+ .. controls (-0.5508,-0.4276) and (-0.5277,-0.4685) .. (-0.4812,-0.4833)
+ -- (-0.4898,-0.4066)
+ .. controls (-0.4444,-0.4042) and (-0.4498,-0.3750) .. (-0.4660,-0.3701)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1671,-0.3724)
+ -- ( 0.1585,-0.3811)
+ -- ( 0.1671,-0.4407)
+ -- ( 0.1927,-0.4322)
+ -- ( 0.1927,-0.3811)
+ -- ( 0.1841,-0.3724)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4061,-0.3746)
+ .. controls (-0.4337,-0.3682) and (-0.4432,-0.4275) .. (-0.3933,-0.4421)
+ .. controls (-0.3807,-0.4474) and (-0.3733,-0.4433) .. (-0.3617,-0.4421)
+ .. controls (-0.3654,-0.4287) and (-0.3677,-0.4184) .. (-0.3740,-0.4070)
+ .. controls (-0.3858,-0.3861) and (-0.3969,-0.3767) .. (-0.4061,-0.3746)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2091,-0.4066)
+ -- (-0.2091,-0.4298)
+ -- (-0.1315,-0.5004)
+ .. controls (-0.1221,-0.4446) and (-0.1606,-0.4228) .. (-0.2091,-0.4066)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6634,-0.4202)
+ .. controls ( 0.6063,-0.4164) and ( 0.5403,-0.4628) .. ( 0.5936,-0.5175)
+ .. controls ( 0.5533,-0.5676) and ( 0.6039,-0.5913) .. ( 0.6362,-0.5261)
+ -- ( 0.6021,-0.5175)
+ -- ( 0.6618,-0.5004)
+ -- ( 0.6874,-0.5261)
+ -- ( 0.6532,-0.4749)
+ -- ( 0.6618,-0.4664)
+ .. controls ( 0.6767,-0.4763) and ( 0.6924,-0.4939) .. ( 0.7031,-0.4938)
+ .. controls ( 0.7482,-0.4516) and ( 0.7588,-0.4217) .. ( 0.6869,-0.4249)
+ .. controls ( 0.6795,-0.4222) and ( 0.6716,-0.4207) .. ( 0.6634,-0.4202)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2595,-0.4322)
+ -- (-0.2680,-0.4407)
+ -- (-0.2680,-0.4579)
+ -- (-0.2595,-0.4664)
+ -- (-0.2424,-0.4664)
+ -- (-0.2338,-0.4579)
+ -- (-0.2338,-0.4407)
+ -- (-0.2424,-0.4322)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.3947,-0.4820)
+ .. controls (-0.4064,-0.4819) and (-0.4202,-0.4884) .. (-0.4300,-0.4906)
+ .. controls (-0.4705,-0.5000) and (-0.4926,-0.4888) .. (-0.4812,-0.5431)
+ .. controls (-0.4962,-0.5405) and (-0.5172,-0.5356) .. (-0.5319,-0.5380)
+ .. controls (-0.5497,-0.5409) and (-0.6218,-0.5786) .. (-0.6276,-0.5954)
+ .. controls (-0.6443,-0.6458) and (-0.5896,-0.6294) .. (-0.5665,-0.6198)
+ -- (-0.5750,-0.6455)
+ -- (-0.5409,-0.6540)
+ -- (-0.5409,-0.6198)
+ -- (-0.4727,-0.5943)
+ -- (-0.4812,-0.6370)
+ -- (-0.4641,-0.6028)
+ -- (-0.4214,-0.6796)
+ -- (-0.4044,-0.6796)
+ .. controls (-0.3922,-0.6110) and (-0.4199,-0.5974) .. (-0.4386,-0.5431)
+ -- (-0.4053,-0.5384)
+ .. controls (-0.3682,-0.5271) and (-0.3698,-0.4934) .. (-0.3840,-0.4848)
+ .. controls (-0.3872,-0.4829) and (-0.3908,-0.4821) .. (-0.3947,-0.4820)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2509,-0.4833)
+ .. controls (-0.2897,-0.5056) and (-0.2886,-0.5289) .. (-0.2509,-0.5516)
+ -- (-0.2509,-0.5688)
+ .. controls (-0.3046,-0.5780) and (-0.3807,-0.5721) .. (-0.3362,-0.6796)
+ .. controls (-0.3905,-0.7060) and (-0.4127,-0.7567) .. (-0.3447,-0.7820)
+ -- (-0.3305,-0.8084)
+ .. controls (-0.3952,-0.8150) and (-0.4330,-0.7851) .. (-0.3796,-0.8551)
+ .. controls (-0.3707,-0.8560) and (-0.2665,-0.8846) .. (-0.3191,-0.8587)
+ .. controls (-0.2670,-0.8376) and (-0.2955,-0.8083) .. (-0.3191,-0.7735)
+ .. controls (-0.2852,-0.7626) and (-0.2805,-0.7579) .. (-0.2850,-0.7222)
+ -- (-0.3277,-0.7393)
+ -- (-0.3277,-0.6796)
+ .. controls (-0.2965,-0.6680) and (-0.3000,-0.6597) .. (-0.3020,-0.6285)
+ .. controls (-0.2349,-0.6402) and (-0.2059,-0.6119) .. (-0.1513,-0.6666)
+ .. controls (-0.1144,-0.7033) and (-0.1214,-0.7764) .. (-0.0716,-0.7828)
+ .. controls (-0.0398,-0.7870) and (-0.0581,-0.7438) .. (-0.0633,-0.7307)
+ .. controls (-0.0105,-0.7419) and (-0.0101,-0.7107) .. (-0.0259,-0.6944)
+ .. controls (-0.0416,-0.6781) and (-0.0638,-0.6847) .. (-0.0920,-0.6613)
+ .. controls (-0.1363,-0.6245) and (-0.1312,-0.5893) .. (-0.2253,-0.5516)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0893,-0.4928)
+ .. controls ( 0.0854,-0.4941) and ( 0.0816,-0.4977) .. ( 0.0781,-0.5045)
+ .. controls ( 0.0717,-0.5167) and ( 0.0733,-0.5538) .. ( 0.0733,-0.5688)
+ .. controls (-0.0068,-0.5661) and ( 0.0229,-0.6522) .. ( 0.0360,-0.6661)
+ .. controls ( 0.0456,-0.6761) and ( 0.0531,-0.6759) .. ( 0.0647,-0.6796)
+ -- ( 0.0647,-0.6198)
+ -- ( 0.1244,-0.6113)
+ -- ( 0.1073,-0.5773)
+ -- ( 0.1331,-0.5688)
+ .. controls ( 0.1502,-0.5983) and ( 0.1514,-0.6011) .. ( 0.1841,-0.6113)
+ .. controls ( 0.1815,-0.5647) and ( 0.1767,-0.5414) .. ( 0.1244,-0.5431)
+ -- ( 0.1174,-0.5185)
+ .. controls ( 0.1127,-0.5047) and ( 0.1008,-0.4886) .. ( 0.0893,-0.4928)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0647,-0.6796)
+ .. controls ( 0.0651,-0.7162) and ( 0.0755,-0.7152) .. ( 0.1073,-0.7052)
+ .. controls ( 0.0927,-0.6800) and ( 0.0939,-0.6798) .. ( 0.0647,-0.6796)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.4429,-0.5307)
+ .. controls ( 0.4305,-0.5311) and ( 0.4171,-0.5380) .. ( 0.4059,-0.5558)
+ .. controls ( 0.3999,-0.5655) and ( 0.3989,-0.5750) .. ( 0.3994,-0.5861)
+ .. controls ( 0.3998,-0.5978) and ( 0.4033,-0.6088) .. ( 0.4059,-0.6198)
+ .. controls ( 0.4351,-0.6096) and ( 0.4347,-0.6075) .. ( 0.4400,-0.5773)
+ .. controls ( 0.5088,-0.5860) and ( 0.4802,-0.5296) .. ( 0.4429,-0.5307)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.6296,-0.5636)
+ .. controls ( 0.6201,-0.5648) and ( 0.6129,-0.5872) .. ( 0.5850,-0.6007)
+ .. controls ( 0.5662,-0.6071) and ( 0.5466,-0.6101) .. ( 0.5358,-0.6303)
+ .. controls ( 0.5238,-0.6524) and ( 0.5014,-0.6717) .. ( 0.5092,-0.6929)
+ .. controls ( 0.4879,-0.7051) and ( 0.4594,-0.7105) .. ( 0.4574,-0.7383)
+ .. controls ( 0.4557,-0.7622) and ( 0.5198,-0.8058) .. ( 0.5459,-0.7885)
+ .. controls ( 0.5602,-0.7791) and ( 0.4924,-0.7612) .. ( 0.5176,-0.7262)
+ -- ( 0.5713,-0.7309)
+ .. controls ( 0.6461,-0.7123) and ( 0.5265,-0.6556) .. ( 0.6262,-0.6344)
+ .. controls ( 0.6303,-0.6340) and ( 0.6389,-0.6314) .. ( 0.6474,-0.6278)
+ -- ( 0.6629,-0.6006)
+ .. controls ( 0.6611,-0.5976) and ( 0.6583,-0.5944) .. ( 0.6541,-0.5908)
+ .. controls ( 0.6418,-0.5698) and ( 0.6353,-0.5628) .. ( 0.6296,-0.5636)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2723,-0.5991)
+ .. controls ( 0.2592,-0.6003) and ( 0.2468,-0.6028) .. ( 0.2363,-0.6064)
+ .. controls ( 0.1997,-0.6189) and ( 0.1915,-0.6622) .. ( 0.2438,-0.6796)
+ -- ( 0.2524,-0.6540)
+ -- ( 0.2694,-0.6540)
+ -- ( 0.2438,-0.6796)
+ -- ( 0.2352,-0.7052)
+ .. controls ( 0.1815,-0.6689) and ( 0.1445,-0.7418) .. ( 0.2182,-0.7649)
+ .. controls ( 0.2103,-0.7956) and ( 0.2084,-0.7983) .. ( 0.2267,-0.8246)
+ .. controls ( 0.1155,-0.7748) and ( 0.1095,-0.9097) .. ( 0.1942,-0.8505)
+ -- ( 0.2141,-0.8675)
+ .. controls ( 0.2535,-0.8323) and ( 0.2056,-0.8655) .. ( 0.2756,-0.8643)
+ -- ( 0.2903,-0.8720)
+ -- ( 0.3279,-0.8720)
+ -- ( 0.3427,-0.8612)
+ .. controls ( 0.3869,-0.8663) and ( 0.4661,-0.8748) .. ( 0.4741,-0.8502)
+ .. controls ( 0.5431,-0.8855) and ( 0.5233,-0.7888) .. ( 0.5039,-0.8143)
+ .. controls ( 0.4752,-0.7958) and ( 0.5046,-0.8131) .. ( 0.4741,-0.8331)
+ .. controls ( 0.3949,-0.7997) and ( 0.4522,-0.8406) .. ( 0.3683,-0.8327)
+ .. controls ( 0.3744,-0.7942) and ( 0.4288,-0.7829) .. ( 0.4051,-0.7307)
+ .. controls ( 0.4260,-0.7007) and ( 0.4185,-0.6946) .. ( 0.4051,-0.6626)
+ .. controls ( 0.3990,-0.6503) and ( 0.3940,-0.6359) .. ( 0.3839,-0.6265)
+ .. controls ( 0.3585,-0.6027) and ( 0.3119,-0.5953) .. ( 0.2723,-0.5991)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2424,-0.6455)
+ -- (-0.2424,-0.6796)
+ -- (-0.1997,-0.6711)
+ -- (-0.1997,-0.6540)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2950,-0.6455)
+ .. controls ( 0.3615,-0.6477) and ( 0.3567,-0.6705) .. ( 0.3974,-0.7222)
+ .. controls ( 0.3592,-0.8249) and ( 0.3353,-0.7947) .. ( 0.2609,-0.7990)
+ -- ( 0.2438,-0.7649)
+ .. controls ( 0.2681,-0.7474) and ( 0.2638,-0.7424) .. ( 0.2609,-0.7137)
+ -- ( 0.2950,-0.6881)
+ .. controls ( 0.3035,-0.6916) and ( 0.3102,-0.6959) .. ( 0.3198,-0.6974)
+ .. controls ( 0.3496,-0.7020) and ( 0.3487,-0.6665) .. ( 0.3120,-0.6881)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.6122,-0.6460)
+ .. controls (-0.6202,-0.6484) and (-0.6222,-0.6534) .. (-0.6220,-0.6591)
+ -- (-0.6084,-0.6829)
+ .. controls (-0.6039,-0.6880) and (-0.6001,-0.6940) .. (-0.5958,-0.6974)
+ .. controls (-0.5822,-0.7078) and (-0.5979,-0.7175) .. (-0.5836,-0.7137)
+ -- (-0.5557,-0.7397)
+ .. controls (-0.5863,-0.7181) and (-0.4852,-0.7770) .. (-0.5233,-0.7812)
+ .. controls (-0.4643,-0.7650) and (-0.4542,-0.8172) .. (-0.4400,-0.7940)
+ .. controls (-0.4310,-0.7794) and (-0.4454,-0.7672) .. (-0.4569,-0.7609)
+ .. controls (-0.5042,-0.7356) and (-0.5468,-0.7364) .. (-0.5580,-0.6711)
+ .. controls (-0.5740,-0.6662) and (-0.5960,-0.6410) .. (-0.6122,-0.6460)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2799,-0.6723)
+ .. controls (-0.2946,-0.6977) and (-0.2726,-0.7009) .. (-0.2645,-0.6954)
+ .. controls (-0.2563,-0.6899) and (-0.2508,-0.6683) .. (-0.2799,-0.6723)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1741,-0.6796)
+ -- (-0.1826,-0.6881)
+ -- (-0.1826,-0.7052)
+ -- (-0.1571,-0.6796)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.0647,-0.7393)
+ -- ( 0.0733,-0.7735)
+ -- ( 0.0902,-0.7735)
+ -- ( 0.0988,-0.7649)
+ -- ( 0.0988,-0.7478)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.2267,-0.7564)
+ -- ( 0.2352,-0.7564)
+ -- ( 0.2352,-0.7649)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.2765,-0.7649)
+ -- (-0.2850,-0.7990)
+ -- (-0.2509,-0.7905)
+ -- (-0.2595,-0.7649)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.1620,-0.7999)
+ .. controls (-0.1665,-0.7994) and (-0.1723,-0.7994) .. (-0.1792,-0.8003)
+ .. controls (-0.2378,-0.8436) and (-0.2549,-0.8217) .. (-0.2658,-0.8441)
+ .. controls (-0.2799,-0.8733) and (-0.2098,-0.8685) .. (-0.1746,-0.8466)
+ .. controls (-0.1557,-0.8347) and (-0.1302,-0.8033) .. (-0.1620,-0.7999)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.0021,-0.8033)
+ .. controls (-0.0289,-0.7979) and (-0.0697,-0.8240) .. (-0.0817,-0.8284)
+ .. controls (-0.1018,-0.8361) and (-0.1245,-0.8333) .. (-0.1384,-0.8539)
+ .. controls (-0.1534,-0.8760) and (-0.1093,-0.8641) .. (-0.0866,-0.8639)
+ .. controls (-0.0704,-0.8637) and (-0.0573,-0.8695) .. (-0.0331,-0.8549)
+ .. controls ( 0.0004,-0.8348) and (-0.0157,-0.8559) .. ( 0.0221,-0.8587)
+ .. controls ( 0.0252,-0.8212) and ( 0.0141,-0.8066) .. (-0.0021,-0.8033)
+ --cycle
+ ( 0.1096,-0.8160)
+ .. controls ( 0.1044,-0.8138) and ( 0.0965,-0.8137) .. ( 0.0850,-0.8167)
+ .. controls ( 0.0624,-0.8514) and ( 0.0794,-0.8648) .. ( 0.0988,-0.8546)
+ .. controls ( 0.1148,-0.8462) and ( 0.1249,-0.8224) .. ( 0.1096,-0.8160)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4386,-0.8161)
+ -- (-0.4386,-0.8587)
+ .. controls (-0.3929,-0.8508) and (-0.3929,-0.8240) .. (-0.4386,-0.8161)
+ --cycle
+ (-0.4898,-0.8246)
+ -- (-0.5227,-0.8312)
+ -- (-0.5082,-0.8563)
+ .. controls (-0.5034,-0.8573) and (-0.4999,-0.8586) .. (-0.4898,-0.8587)
+ -- (-0.4878,-0.8720)
+ -- (-0.4837,-0.8720)
+ -- (-0.4565,-0.8673)
+ --cycle
+ ;
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{TikzKey}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/tile.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/tile.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76eceb27c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/tile.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+% \iffalse
+% ====================================================================
+% This is simply to create tile images.
+ \pic{hex/terrain/%
+%<lightwoods>light woods
+% \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/towns.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/towns.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a73c5eed5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/wargame/source/hex/towns.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi
+% \subsubsection{Towns}
+% \label{sec:impl:hex:town}
+% Similar to above, we define a namespace and family for towns. First
+% thing is the graphics style for towns.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/town/.style={
+ scale line widths,
+ thin,
+ fill=pgfstrokecolor,
+ color=pgfstrokecolor},
+ hex/town name/.style={
+ transform shape,
+ shape=rectangle,
+ above right=.1,
+ color=pgfstrokecolor,
+ font=\sffamily\normalsize}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Next is the namespace for dealing with towns.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ /hex/town/.search also={/tikz},%
+ /hex/town/.cd,
+ pic/.store in=\hex@c@pic,
+ type/.store in=\hex@c@pic,
+ place/.store in=\hex@c@pos,
+ location/.store in=\hex@c@pos,
+ name/.store in=\hex@c@name,
+ village/.style={pic=hex/town/village},
+ town/.style={pic=hex/town/town},
+ city/.style={pic=hex/town/city}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% And some \spec{pic}tures for making the towns.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ hex/town/village/.pic={\path[fill,pic actions] circle(.1);},
+ hex/town/town/.pic={\path[fill,pic actions] circle(.2);},
+ hex/town/city/.pic={%
+ \path[fill,pic actions] circle(.25);
+ \path[draw,pic actions] circle(.35);}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{Macro}{\hex@do@town}
+% The macro to make the towns. This uses same tricks as above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\hex@c@namep@rse}{\hex@c@namep@rse[]}%]
+ \def\hex@c@node{node[shape=rectangle,hex/town name,#1]{#2}}}
+ \edef\hex@c@tmp{[
+ /hex/town/.cd,%
+ town,%
+ /tikz/hex/town,%
+ /tikz/every hex town/.try,
+ \hex@town]}
+ \expandafter\scope\hex@c@tmp%
+ \ifx\hex@c@pic\empty\else%
+ \@ifundefined{hex@c@pos}{\let\hex@c@pos\empty}{}
+ \@ifundefined{hex@c@name}{\let\hex@c@name\empty}{}
+ \expandafter\hex@c@nameparse\hex@c@name\endhex@c@nameparse%
+ \ifx\hex@c@pos\empty\def\hex@c@pos{(0,0)}\fi
+ \hex@dbg{2}{Town:
+ ^^J text=\hex@c@name
+ ^^J pic=\hex@c@pic
+ ^^J place=\hex@c@pos
+ ^^J node=\hex@c@node
+ }
+ \filldraw \hex@c@pos pic{\hex@c@pic} \hex@c@node;
+ \fi%
+ \endscope%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{Macro}
+% \iffalse
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \fi