path: root/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-thesis.cls
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-thesis.cls')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-thesis.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-thesis.cls
index bfe9204471..4fee7f10c8 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-thesis.cls
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-thesis.cls
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-\ProvidesPackage{univie-ling-thesis}[2024/05/09 v.2.5 Univie Linguistic Theses (JSp)]
+\ProvidesPackage{univie-ling-thesis}[2024/09/20 v.2.8 Univie Linguistic Theses (JSp)]
%% ============================================================
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
% Define keys and values
@@ -155,6 +156,10 @@
{ \@uvt@draftmarktrue
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@@ -234,38 +239,43 @@ This includes all drawings, sketches, graphics and internet sources.}
\deftranslation[to=English]{selbst3p}{Furthermore, we declare that this paper has not been submitted as an examination already, neither as a whole nor in parts.}
+\deftranslation[to=German]{urlaccess}{Abruf am:}
+\deftranslation[to=English]{urlaccess}{last accessed:}
%% ============================================================
%% ============================================================
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% Hyperlinks
@@ -275,18 +285,36 @@ This includes all drawings, sketches, graphics and internet sources.}
+% Format URL dates
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% Fix for \slash-Makro, by Donald Arsenau
% Font settings
%% ============================================================
@@ -364,35 +392,35 @@ This includes all drawings, sketches, graphics and internet sources.}
\def\thesistype@bachelor@en{Bachelor's Thesis}
-\def\dirtype@bachelor@en{degree programme}
+\def\dirtype@bachelor@en{Degree programme}
\def\degree@bachelor{Bachelor of Arts (BA)}
% master
\def\thesistype@master@en{Master's Thesis}
-\def\dirtype@master@en{degree programme}
+\def\dirtype@master@en{Degree programme}
\def\degree@master{Master of Arts (MA)}
% magister
\def\thesistype@magister@en{Magister Thesis}
-\def\dirtype@magister@en{degree programme}
+\def\dirtype@magister@en{Degree programme}
\def\degree@magister{Magister der Philosophie (Mag.\,Phil.)}
\def\degree@magister@f{Magistra der Philosophie (Mag.\,Phil.)}
% diplom
\def\thesistype@diplom@en{Diploma Thesis}
-\def\dirtype@diplom@en{degree programme}
+\def\dirtype@diplom@en{Degree programme}
\def\degree@diplom{Magister der Philosophie (Mag.\,Phil.)}
\def\degree@diplom@f{Magistra der Philosophie (Mag.\,Phil.)}
% diss
\def\thesistype@diss@en{Doctoral Thesis}
-\def\dirtype@diss@en{field of study}
+\def\dirtype@diss@en{Field of study}
\def\degree@diss{Doktor der Philosophie (Dr.\,phil.)}
\def\degree@diss@f{Doktorin der Philosophie (Dr.\,phil.)}
@@ -424,7 +452,7 @@ This includes all drawings, sketches, graphics and internet sources.}
@@ -454,7 +482,10 @@ This includes all drawings, sketches, graphics and internet sources.}
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@@ -507,27 +538,27 @@ This includes all drawings, sketches, graphics and internet sources.}
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+ \vskip 1em\usekomafont{baende}{Band \@volume\ von \@volumes\ B\"anden\uvt@titlesep volume \@volume\ of \@volumes\ volumes}%
\vskip 2em
- {\usekomafont{tpcaption}verfasst von\,/\,submitted by\par}
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\lineskip 0.75em%
@@ -536,21 +567,21 @@ This includes all drawings, sketches, graphics and internet sources.}
\vskip 2em
- {\usekomafont{tpcaption}angestrebter akademischer Grad\,/\,in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of\par}
+ {\usekomafont{tpcaption}angestrebter akademischer Grad\uvt@titlesep in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of\par}
- {\usekomafont{date}{Wien, \the\year\,/\,Vienna, \the\year\par}}%
+ {\usekomafont{date}{Wien, \the\year\uvt@titlesep Vienna, \the\year\par}}%
\vskip 2em
- Studienkennzahl lt. Studienblatt/\newline degree programme code as it appears on the student record sheet: & & \@studienkennzahl\tabularnewline
+ Studienkennzahl lt. Studienblatt\uvt@titlesep Degree programme code as it appears on the student record sheet: & & \@studienkennzahl\tabularnewline
- \@dirtype\ lt. Studienblatt\slash\newline \@dirtype@en\ as it appears on the student record sheet: & & \@studienrichtung\tabularnewline
+ \@dirtype\ lt. Studienblatt\uvt@titlesep\@dirtype@en\ as it appears on the student record sheet: & & \@studienrichtung\tabularnewline
- Betreut von\,/\,Supervisor: & & \@supervisor\tabularnewline%
+ Betreut von\uvt@titlesep Supervisor: & & \@supervisor\tabularnewline%
- \ifx\@cosupervisor\@empty\else Mitbetreut von\,/\,Co-Supervisor: & & \@cosupervisor\fi
+ \ifx\@cosupervisor\@empty\else Mitbetreut von\uvt@titlesep Co-Supervisor: & & \@cosupervisor\fi
@@ -571,7 +602,10 @@ This includes all drawings, sketches, graphics and internet sources.}
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