path: root/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-expose.cls
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-expose.cls')
1 files changed, 205 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-expose.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-expose.cls
index e353bdeca0..102a7e0bcc 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-expose.cls
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/univie-ling/tex/univie-ling-expose.cls
@@ -32,185 +32,145 @@
-\ProvidesPackage{univie-ling-expose}[2022/06/18 v1.19 Univie Linguistic Exposes (JSp)]
+\ProvidesPackage{univie-ling-expose}[2022/10/02 v.2.0 Univie Linguistic Exposes (JSp)]
%% ============================================================
%% ============================================================
-% all=<true|false>
-% Load all packages
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- \refsptrue
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-% Load biblatex
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- \ClassWarning{univie-ling-expose}{unknown biblatex value}%
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-% Load APA style
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- \ClassWarning{univie-ling-expose}{unknown apa value}%
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-% Load caption
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- \fi
- \ClassWarning{univie-ling-expose}{unknown caption value}%
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-% Load varioref and prettyref
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- \else
- \refspfalse
- \fi
- \ClassWarning{univie-ling-expose}{unknown ref value}%
-% covington=<true|false>
-% Load covington
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- \covingtontrue
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- \covingtonfalse
- \fi
- \ClassWarning{univie-ling-expose}{unknown covington value}%
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-% Print draftmark
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- \draftmarkfpfalse
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- \ClassWarning{univie-ling-expose}{unknown draft value}%
+% We use l3keys here since (1) LaTeX2e keys are rather
+% new and (2) do not provide for choice keys yet.
+\keys_define:nn { uve }
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+ % Load all (most) packages
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+ { \bool_if:nTF {#1} {
+ \@uve@biblatextrue
+ \@uve@captionptrue
+ \@uve@refsptrue
+ \@uve@covingtontrue
+ \@uve@microtypetrue
+ }{
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+ \@uve@refspfalse
+ \@uve@covingtonfalse
+ \@uve@microtypefalse
+ }
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+ % apa=<true|false>
+ % Load APA style
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+ apa.usage:n = preamble,
+ % biblatex=<true|false>
+ % Load biblatex
+ biblatex.legacy_if_set:n = @uve@biblatex,
+ biblatex.usage:n = preamble,
+ % caption=<true|false>
+ % Load caption
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+ caption.usage:n = preamble,
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+ { \bool_if:nT {#1} {
+ \@uve@psfontsfalse
+ \@uve@otffontstrue
+ }
+ },
+ polyglossia.usage:n = preamble,
+ % ref=<true|false>
+ % Load varioref and prettyref
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+ ref.usage:n = preamble,
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+ % true
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+ { \@uve@draftmarkfalse
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+ fonts .choice:,
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+ { \@uve@psfontstrue
+ \@uve@otffontsfalse
+ },
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+ fonts / otf .code:n =
+ { \@uve@psfontsfalse
+ \@uve@otffontstrue
+ },
+ % none: Use no font package
+ fonts / none .code:n =
+ { \@uve@psfontsfalse
+ \@uve@otffontsfalse
+ },
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-% Load microtype
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- \ClassWarning{univie-ling-expose}{unknown polyglossia value}%
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- \nofontsfalse
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- \psfontsfalse
- \otffontstrue
- \nofontsfalse
- \or% none: Use no font package
- \psfontsfalse
- \otffontsfalse
- \nofontstrue
- \fi
- \PackageWarning{univie-ling-expose}{unknown fonts value '#1'}%
+% Process
-% fontenc=<value|false>
-% customize font encoding
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- \univ@usefontencfalse
- \fi
- \def\univ@fontenc{#1}%
+ \ProcessKeyOptions[uve]
+ \RequirePackage{l3keys2e}
+ \ProcessKeysOptions{uve}
-% Process
%% ============================================================
@@ -232,43 +192,44 @@
%% ============================================================
-\DeclareTranslation{German}{stkz}{Studienkennzahl lt. Studienblatt}
-\DeclareTranslation{English}{stkz}{Degree programme code as it appears on the student record sheet}
-\DeclareTranslation{German}{strt}{Studienrichtung lt. Studienblatt}
-\DeclareTranslation{English}{strt}{Degree programme as it appears on the student record sheet}
-\DeclareTranslation{German}{expo}{Expos\'e zum Dissertationsprojekt}
-\DeclareTranslation{English}{expo}{Research Proposal}
-\DeclareTranslation{German}{tpcaption}{Titel des Dissertationsprojekts}
-\DeclareTranslation{English}{tpcaption}{Title of the Dissertation Project}
-\DeclareTranslation{German}{author}{Verfasst von}
-\DeclareTranslation{English}{author}{Submitted by}
-\DeclareTranslation{German}{supervisor}{Betreut von}
-\DeclareTranslation{German}{cosupervisor}{Mitbetreut von}
-\DeclareTranslation{English}{beirat}{Advisory board}
+\deftranslation[to=German]{stkz}{Studienkennzahl lt. Studienblatt}
+\deftranslation[to=English]{stkz}{Degree programme code as it appears on the student record sheet}
+\deftranslation[to=German]{strt}{Studienrichtung lt. Studienblatt}
+\deftranslation[to=English]{strt}{Degree programme as it appears on the student record sheet}
+\deftranslation[to=German]{expo}{Expos\'e zum Dissertationsprojekt}
+\deftranslation[to=English]{expo}{Research Proposal}
+\deftranslation[to=German]{tpcaption}{Titel des Dissertationsprojekts}
+\deftranslation[to=English]{tpcaption}{Title of the Dissertation Project}
+\deftranslation[to=German]{author}{Verfasst von}
+\deftranslation[to=English]{author}{Submitted by}
+\deftranslation[to=German]{supervisor}{Betreut von}
+\deftranslation[to=German]{cosupervisor}{Mitbetreut von}
+\deftranslation[to=English]{beirat}{Advisory board}
%% ============================================================
%% ============================================================
- \RequirePackage[\univ@fontenc]{fontenc}
+ \RequirePackage[\uve@fontenc]{fontenc}
% Times
@@ -286,7 +247,7 @@
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
@@ -380,7 +341,7 @@
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}}
@@ -398,8 +359,8 @@
% Micro-typographic polishment
+ \RequirePackage{microtype}
% Smart quotes
@@ -415,8 +376,8 @@
% Month name
-\DeclareTranslation{German}{monthyear}{\DTMgermanmonthname{\@dtm@month} \@dtm@year}
-\DeclareTranslation{English}{monthyear}{\DTMenglishmonthname{\@dtm@month} \@dtm@year}
+\deftranslation[to=German]{monthyear}{\DTMgermanmonthname{\@dtm@month} \@dtm@year}
+\deftranslation[to=English]{monthyear}{\DTMenglishmonthname{\@dtm@month} \@dtm@year}
@@ -474,11 +435,11 @@
- {\usekomafont{thesistype}\GetTranslation{expo}}
+ {\usekomafont{thesistype}\translate{expo}}
- {\usekomafont{tpcaption}\GetTranslation{tpcaption}\par}
+ {\usekomafont{tpcaption}\translate{tpcaption}\par}
@@ -486,7 +447,7 @@
\vskip 2em
- {\usekomafont{tpcaption}\GetTranslation{author}\par}
+ {\usekomafont{tpcaption}\translate{author}\par}
\lineskip 0.75em%
@@ -496,19 +457,19 @@
- {\usekomafont{date}{\GetTranslation{vienna}, \GetTranslation{monthyear}\par}}%
+ {\usekomafont{date}{\translate{vienna}, \translate{monthyear}\par}}%
\vskip 2em
- \GetTranslation{stkz}: & & \@studienkennzahl\tabularnewline
+ \translate{stkz}: & & \@studienkennzahl\tabularnewline
- \GetTranslation{strt}: & & \@studienrichtung\tabularnewline
+ \translate{strt}: & & \@studienrichtung\tabularnewline
- \GetTranslation{supervisor}: & & \@supervisor\tabularnewline%
+ \translate{supervisor}: & & \@supervisor\tabularnewline%
- \ifx\@cosupervisor\@empty\else\GetTranslation{cosupervisor}: & & \@cosupervisor\tabularnewline\fi
+ \ifx\@cosupervisor\@empty\else\translate{cosupervisor}: & & \@cosupervisor\tabularnewline\fi
- \ifx\@beirat\@empty\else\GetTranslation{beirat}: & & \@beirat\fi
+ \ifx\@beirat\@empty\else\translate{beirat}: & & \@beirat\fi
@@ -595,21 +556,19 @@
% Quote (smaller)
% Quotation (smaller)
% Description (normal italic)
+ \RequirePackage{covington}
+ \renewcommand{\p@equation}[1]{(#1)}
%% =============================================================
@@ -619,19 +578,19 @@
%% captionlabel bold
- justification=RaggedRight,
- singlelinecheck=false
- ]{caption}
+ \RequirePackage[format=plain,
+ justification=RaggedRight,
+ singlelinecheck=false
+ ]{caption}
%% =============================================================
%% =============================================================
- \ifcaptionp
+ \if@uve@captionp
@@ -642,9 +601,9 @@
%% =============================================================
% Biblatex
% Load biblatex with apa style
@@ -707,10 +666,10 @@
% Change cite command for integrated csquotes env.
-% End of apa condition
+% End of @uve@apa condition
-% End of biblatex condition
+% End of @uve@biblatex condition
%% =============================================================
@@ -719,9 +678,9 @@
+ \thispagestyle{plain}
+ \origtableofcontents
+ \clearpage
@@ -729,7 +688,7 @@
%% X-REFS:
%% =============================================================
% Varioref:
@@ -739,19 +698,19 @@
\def\reftextfaceafter{auf der gegen\"uberliegenden Seite}%
\def\reftextbefore{auf der \reftextvario{vorhergehenden}{vorangegangenen} Seite}%
\def\reftextfacebefore{auf der gegen\"uberliegenden Seite}%
- \def\reftextfaraway[1]{auf S.~\pageref{##1}}%
- \def\reftextpagerange[2]{auf S.~\pageref{##1}--\pageref{##2}}%
+ \def\reftextfaraway#1{auf S.~\pageref{#1}}%
+ \def\reftextpagerange#1#2{auf S.~\pageref{#1}--\pageref{#2}}%
% Prettyref:
% (varioref-Befehle mit eingebunden)
- \newrefformat{sec}{\GetTranslation{section}~\ref{#1}}
- \newrefformat{sub}{\GetTranslation{section}~\ref{#1}}
- \newrefformat{anm}{\GetTranslation{footnote}~\ref{#1}}
+ \newrefformat{sec}{\translate{section}~\ref{#1}}
+ \newrefformat{sub}{\translate{section}~\ref{#1}}
+ \newrefformat{anm}{\translate{footnote}~\ref{#1}}
- \newrefformat{exa}{\GetTranslation{example}~\vref{#1}}
+ \newrefformat{exa}{\translate{example}~\vref{#1}}
@@ -761,9 +720,9 @@
%% =============================================================
@@ -774,7 +733,7 @@
- text={\GetTranslation{draft} (\today)}
+ text={\translate{draft} (\today)}