path: root/macros/latex/contrib/ufrgscca/doc/ufrgscca.tex
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diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ufrgscca/doc/ufrgscca.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/ufrgscca/doc/ufrgscca.tex
index 32a72ccdf9..a29824a5f6 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/ufrgscca/doc/ufrgscca.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ufrgscca/doc/ufrgscca.tex
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Alceu Frigeri
-%% This is version 1.10 (2023/05/11)
+%% This is version 1.11 (2023/05/29)
%% The list of files that compose this work can be found in the file at
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-\maxdeadcycles=500 %% the many marginpar statements are actually a pain.
+%\maxdeadcycles=500 %% the many marginpar statements are actually a pain.
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ In case some customization is needed, one can change them as needed. The default
\section{\tightul{ufrgscca-forms} Package}
This package defines just two user commands to generate specific forms needed at UFRGS/EE.
\subsection{Forms Defined Commands}\label{forms.commands}
@@ -643,17 +643,24 @@ The command \tsmacro{\tcforms}{} will generate the many forms (\tsobj[meta]{form
\tsobj[meta]{formslist} is a csv list of any of:
- \describe {reqform} { Registration requirement form.}
- \describe {coadvisor} { Coadvisor justification form.}
- \describe {boardsapproval} { Boards approval form.}
- \describe {advisorsapproval} { Advisors approval form.}
- \describe {receipts} { Receipts forms (one per board member).}
- \describe {examinersforms} { Grades and correction forms (per board member).}
- \describe {rectifyapprovalform} { Corrections approval form.}
+ \describe {reqform-I} {}
+ \describe {reqform-II} { Registration requirement form.}
+ \describe {coadvisor-I} {}
+ \describe {coadvisor-II} { Coadvisor justification form.}
+ \describe {boardsapproval-I} {}
+ \describe {boardsapproval-II} { Boards approval form.}
+ \describe {advisorsapproval-I} {}
+ \describe {advisorsapproval-II} { Advisors approval form.}
+ \describe {receipts-II} { Receipts forms (one per board member).}
+ \describe {examinersforms-I} {}
+ \describe {examinersforms-II} { Grades and correction forms (per board member).}
+ \describe {rectifyapproval-I} {}
+ \describe {rectifyapproval-II} { Corrections approval form.}
\describe {internreqform} { Internship Registration requirement form.}
\describe {internsupervisorform} { Internship Supervisor evaluation form.}
\describe {interntutorform} { Internship tutor evaluation form.}
+Please note that those '-I' regards TCC-I, while '-II' regards TCC-II.
\section{\tightul{ufrgscca-lists} Package}
@@ -827,16 +834,25 @@ Be aware that, \tsmacro{\checkdef}{} can and should be only used at the preamble
\paragraph{Final Work Specific}
- \tsmacro{\tcccalendareventdate}{date}
-Use \tsmacro{\tcccalendareventdate}{} to set the date of a given 'event' (the list of 'calendar events' are (might have been) set in the \emph{ufrgscca-ptBR-coord.def} or \emph{ufrgscca-en-coord.def} file). \tsmacro{boardstitleB}{} sets a 2nd title line for the 'boards schedule report'. \tsmacro{\boardsOBS}{} allows to add an observation (\tsobj[meta]{obs}) for the 'boards schedule report', finally, \tsmacro{\TCCperiod} sets the current semester value.
+ \tsmacro{boardstitleB}{} sets a 2nd title line for the 'boards schedule report'. \tsmacro{\boardsOBS}{} allows to add an observation (\tsobj[meta]{obs}) for the 'boards schedule report', finally, \tsmacro{\TCCperiod} sets the current semester value.
+ \begin{codesyntax}%
+ \tsmacro{\tcccalendarreset}{}
+ \tsmacro{\tcccalendarevent}{week,description}
+ \tsmacro{\tcccalendareventdate}{date}
+ \end{codesyntax}
+With \tsobj{\tcccalendarevent} one defines the many calendar events. \tsobj[marg]{week} defines the event's week, and \tsobj[marg]{description} the associated text. Furthermore \tsobj{\tcccalendareventdate} defines the associated \tsobj[marg]{date}. \tsobj{\tcccalendarevent} is, normally, pre-set in the \emph{ufrgscca-ptBR-coord.def} file, but can be redefined using first \tsobj{\tcccalendarreset}.
\tsmacro{\tcceventAweek}{week num.}
@@ -1280,7 +1296,7 @@ Those are the main loop commands that go through the lists.
-\tsobj[meta]{cmd} can be any command accepting a single argument. It will, in fact, be the one defining the way the data will be, effectively, be presented.
+\tsobj[meta]{cmd} can be any command accepting a single argument. It will, in fact, be the one defining the way the data will, effectively, be presented.
\tsmacro{\LstClass}{} will process \tsobj[meta]{cmd} over all classes associated with \tsobj[meta]{semID}.
@@ -1290,7 +1306,7 @@ Those are the main loop commands that go through the lists.
-\section{\tightul{ufrgscca-curr-tab} Package (alpha) (ex\-tend\-ed documentation)}
+\section{\tightul{ufrgscca-curr-tab} Package (beta) (ex\-tend\-ed documentation)}
This is truly a work in progress (based on some old ideas), not really tested. It shall be revised and, mostly sure, it will be changed (no compatibility guaranties). It always pre-load \tsobj[pkg]{ufrgscca-curr} and \tsobj[pkg]{longtable}.
\subsection{Tabular Presentation Commands}
@@ -1305,7 +1321,7 @@ This is truly a work in progress (based on some old ideas), not really tested. I
-\section{\tightul{ufrgscca-curr-graph} Package (alpha) (extended documentation)}
+\section{\tightul{ufrgscca-curr-graph} Package (beta) (extended documentation)}
\subsection{Graph Presentation Command}
Ironically, this is the “oldest” of the \tsobj[pkg]{-curr-} packages, but it is the less tested one, and the one whose code is more prone to fail in unexpected ways, be advised: do not try to use it, unless you know the internal code well. It always pre-load \tsobj[pkg]{ufrgscca-curr} (N.B. it also depends on \tsobj[pkg]{tikz}).