path: root/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/doc/latex/TKZdoc-euclide-angles.tex
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diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/doc/latex/TKZdoc-euclide-angles.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/doc/latex/TKZdoc-euclide-angles.tex
index d67ea4cc8d..7a65cf6a51 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/doc/latex/TKZdoc-euclide-angles.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-euclide/doc/latex/TKZdoc-euclide-angles.tex
@@ -1,431 +1,7 @@
\section{The angles}
-\subsection{Colour an angle: fill}
-The simplest operation
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzFillAngle}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}}%
-$O$ is the vertex of the angle. $OA$ and $OB$ are the sides. Attention the angle is determined by the order of the points.
-options & default & definition \\
-\TOline{size}{1 cm}{this option determines the radius of the coloured angular sector.}
-Of course, you have to add all the styles of \TIKZ, like the use of fill and shade...
-\subsubsection{Example with \tkzname{size}}
- \tkzInit
- \tkzDefPoints{0/0/O,2.5/0/A,1.5/2/B}
- \tkzFillAngle[size=2cm, fill=gray!10](A,O,B)
- \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)
- \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B)
-\subsubsection{Changing the order of items}
- \tkzInit
- \tkzDefPoints{0/0/O,2.5/0/A,1.5/2/B}
- \tkzFillAngle[size=2cm,fill=gray!10](B,O,A)
- \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)
- \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B)
- \tkzInit
- \tkzDefPoints{0/0/O,5/0/A,3/4/B}
- % Don't forget {} to get, () to use
- \tkzFillAngle[size=4cm,left color=white,
- right color=red!50](A,O,B)
- \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)
- \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B)
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzFillAngles}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}\parg{A',O',B'}etc.}%
-With common options, there is a macro for multiple angles.
- \end{NewMacroBox}
-\subsubsection{Multiples angles}
- \tkzDefPoint(0,0){B}
- \tkzDefPoint(8,0){C}
- \tkzDefPoint(0,8){A}
- \tkzDefPoint(8,8){D}
- \tkzDrawPolygon(B,C,D,A)
- \tkzDefTriangle[equilateral](B,C)
- \tkzGetPoint{M}
- \tkzInterLL(D,M)(A,B) \tkzGetPoint{N}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation=center N angle -60](D)
- \tkzGetPoint{L}
- \tkzInterLL(N,L)(M,B) \tkzGetPoint{P}
- \tkzInterLL(M,C)(D,L) \tkzGetPoint{Q}
- \tkzDrawSegments(D,N N,L L,D B,M M,C)
- \tkzDrawPoints(L,N,P,Q,M,A,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints[left](N,P,Q)
- \tkzLabelPoints[above](M,A,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints(L,B,C)
- \tkzMarkAngles(C,B,M B,M,C M,C,B%
- D,L,N L,N,D N,D,L)
- \tkzFillAngles[fill=red!20,opacity=.2](C,B,M%
- B,M,C M,C,B D,L,N L,N,D N,D,L)
-\subsection{Mark an angle mark}
-More delicate operation because there are many options. The symbols used for marking in addition to those of \TIKZ\ are defined in the file |tkz-lib-marks.tex| and designated by the following characters:\begin{tkzltxexample}[]
-|, ||,|||, z, s, x, o, oo
-Their definitions are as follows
- %double bar
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-2\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-2\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfusepathqstroke
- %triple bar
- \pgfdeclareplotmark{|||}
- {%
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{0 pt}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-3\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-3\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{3\pgflinewidth}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{3\pgflinewidth}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfusepathqstroke
- }
- % An bar slant
- \pgfdeclareplotmark{s|}
- {%
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-.70710678\pgfplotmarksize}%
- {-.70710678\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{.70710678\pgfplotmarksize}%
- {.70710678\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfusepathqstroke
- }
- % An double bar slant
- \pgfdeclareplotmark{s||}
- {%
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{-0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{0.25\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{1\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfusepathqstroke
- }
- % z
- \pgfdeclareplotmark{z}
- {%
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{-0.75\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfusepathqstroke
- }
- % s
- \pgfdeclareplotmark{s}
- {%
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- \pgfpathcurveto
- {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- {\pgfpoint{-\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- {\pgfpoint{\pgfplotmarksize}{\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- \pgfpathcurveto
- {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- {\pgfpoint{\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- {\pgfpoint{-\pgfplotmarksize}{-\pgfplotmarksize}}
- \pgfusepathqstroke
- }
- % infinity
- \pgfdeclareplotmark{oo}
- {%
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- \pgfpathcurveto
- {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- {\pgfpoint{.5\pgfplotmarksize}{1\pgfplotmarksize}}
- {\pgfpoint{\pgfplotmarksize}{0pt}}
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- \pgfpathcurveto
- {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- {\pgfpoint{-.5\pgfplotmarksize}{1\pgfplotmarksize}}
- {\pgfpoint{-\pgfplotmarksize}{0pt}}
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- \pgfpathcurveto
- {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- {\pgfpoint{.5\pgfplotmarksize}{-1\pgfplotmarksize}}
- {\pgfpoint{\pgfplotmarksize}{0pt}}
- \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- \pgfpathcurveto
- {\pgfpoint{0pt}{0pt}}
- {\pgfpoint{-.5\pgfplotmarksize}{-1\pgfplotmarksize}}
- {\pgfpoint{-\pgfplotmarksize}{0pt}}
- \pgfusepathqstroke
- }
-% \tkzMarkAngle(B, A, C)
-% Marque d'angle
-% arc de cercle (simple/double/triple) et marque d'églité.
-% Par défaut:
-% arc = simple
-% mksize = 1cm (rayon de l'arc)
-% style traits pleins
-% mkpos ? position: 0.5 (position de la marque)
-% mark rien du tout (ignoré si type est utilisé)
-% Paramètres (optionnels)
-% arc : l, ll, lll
-% mksize : 1cm
-% gap : 3pt
-% dist : 1?
-% style : type de traits
-% mkpos : 0.5
-% mark : none , |, ||,|||, z, s, x, o, oo mais tous les
-% % symboles de tikz sont permis
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkAngle}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}}%
-$O$ is the vertex. Attention the arguments vary according to the options. Several markings are possible. You can simply draw an arc or add a mark on this arc. The style of the arc is chosen with the option \tkzname{arc}, the radius of the arc is given by \tkzname{mksize}, the arc can, of course, be colored.
-options & default & definition \\
-\TOline{arc}{l}{choice of l, ll and lll (single, double or triple).}
-\TOline{size}{1 cm}{arc radius.}
-\TOline{mark}{none}{choice of mark.}
-\TOline{mksize}{4pt}{symbol size (mark).}
-\TOline{mkcolor}{black}{symbol color (mark).}
-\TOline{mkpos}{0.5}{position of the symbol on the arc.}
-\subsubsection{Example with \tkzname{mark = x}}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.75]
- \tkzDefPoints{0/0/O,5/0/A,3/4/B}
- \tkzMarkAngle[size = 4cm,mark = x,
- arc=ll,mkcolor = red](A,O,B)
- \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)
- \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B)
- \end{tikzpicture}
-\subsubsection{Example with \tkzname{mark =||}}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.75]
- \tkzDefPoints{0/0/O,5/0/A,3/4/B}
- \tkzMarkAngle[size = 4cm,mark = ||,
- arc=ll,mkcolor = red](A,O,B)
- \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)
- \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B)
- \end{tikzpicture}
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkAngles}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}\parg{A',O',B'}etc.}%
-With common options, there is a macro for multiple angles.
- \end{NewMacroBox}
-\subsection{Label at an angle}
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzLabelAngle}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}}%
-There is only one option, dist (with or without unit), which can be replaced by the TikZ's pos option (without unit for the latter). By default, the value is in centimeters.
- \toprule
-options & default & definition \\
-\TOline{pos}{1}{ or dist, controls the distance from the top to the label.}
-It is possible to move the label with all TikZ options : rotate, shift, below, etc.
-\subsubsection{Example with \tkzname{pos}}
- \tkzDefPoints{0/0/O,5/0/A,3/4/B}
- \tkzMarkAngle[size = 4cm,mark = ||,
- arc=ll,color = red](A,O,B)%
- \tkzDrawLines(O,A O,B)
- \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B)
- \tkzLabelAngle[pos=2,draw,circle,
- fill=blue!10](A,O,B){$\alpha$}
- \tkzDefPoint(2,1){S}
- \tkzDefPoint(7,3){T}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation=center S angle 60](T)
- \tkzGetPoint{P}
- \tkzDefLine[bisector,normed](T,S,P)
- \tkzGetPoint{s}
- \tkzDrawPoints(S,T,P)
- \tkzDrawPolygon[color=blue](S,T,P)
- \tkzDrawLine[dashed,color=blue,add=0 and 3](S,s)
- \tkzLabelPoint[above right](P){$P$}
- \tkzLabelPoints(S,T)
- \tkzMarkAngle[size = 1.8cm,mark = |,arc=ll,
- color = blue](T,S,P)
- \tkzMarkAngle[size = 2.1cm,mark = |,arc=l,
- color = blue](T,S,s)
- \tkzMarkAngle[size = 2.3cm,mark = |,arc=l,
- color = blue](s,S,P)
- \tkzLabelAngle[pos = 1.5](T,S,P){$60^{\circ}$}%
- \tkzLabelAngles[pos = 2.7](T,S,s s,S,P){$30^{\circ}$}%
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzLabelAngles}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}\parg{A',O',B'}etc.}%
-With common options, there is a macro for multiple angles.
-\subsection{Marking a right angle}
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkRightAngle}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}}%
-The \tkzname{german} option allows you to change the style of the drawing. The option \tkzname{size} allows to change the size of the drawing.
-options & default & definition \\
-\TOline{german}{normal}{ german arc with inner point.}
-\TOline{size}{0.2}{ side size.}
-\subsubsection{Example of marking a right angle}
- \tkzDefPoints{0/0/A,3/1/B,0.9/-1.2/P}
- \tkzDefPointBy[projection = onto B--A](P) \tkzGetPoint{H}
- \tkzDrawLines[add=.5 and .5](P,H)
- \tkzMarkRightAngle[fill=blue!20,size=.5,draw](A,H,P)
- \tkzDrawLines[add=.5 and .5](A,B)
- \tkzMarkRightAngle[fill=red!20,size=.8](B,H,P)
- \tkzDrawPoints[](A,B,P,H)
-\subsubsection{Example of marking a right angle, german style}
- \tkzDefPoints{0/0/A,3/1/B,0.9/-1.2/P}
- \tkzDefPointBy[projection = onto B--A](P) \tkzGetPoint{H}
- \tkzDrawLines[add=.5 and .5](P,H)
- \tkzMarkRightAngle[german,size=.5,draw](A,H,P)
- \tkzDrawPoints[](A,B,P,H)
- \tkzDrawLines[add=.5 and .5,fill=blue!20](A,B)
- \tkzMarkRightAngle[german,size=.8](P,H,B)
-\subsubsection{Mix of styles}
- \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A}
- \tkzDefPoint(4,1){B}
- \tkzDefPoint(2,5){C}
- \tkzDefPointBy[projection=onto B--A](C)
- \tkzGetPoint{H}
- \tkzDrawLine(A,B)
- \tkzDrawLine[add = .5 and .2,color=red](C,H)
- \tkzMarkRightAngle[,size=1,color=red](C,H,A)
- \tkzMarkRightAngle[german,size=.8,color=blue](B,H,C)
- \tkzFillAngle[opacity=.2,fill=blue!20,size=.8](B,H,C)
- \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,H)
- \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,C)
-\subsubsection{Full example}
-\tkzDefPointWith[orthogonal normed,K=7](C,A)
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzMarkRightAngles}{\oarg{local options}\parg{A,O,B}\parg{A',O',B'}etc.}%
-With common options, there is a macro for multiple angles.
-\section{Angles tools}
+%\section{Angles tools}
\subsection{Recovering an angle \tkzcname{tkzGetAngle}}
\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzGetAngle}{\parg{name of macro}}%
@@ -446,9 +22,8 @@ arguments & example & explication \\
The point here is that $(AB)$ is the bisector of $\widehat{CAD}$, such that the $AD$ slope is zero. We recover the slope of $(AB)$ and then rotate twice.
- \tkzInit
\tkzDefPoint(1,5){A} \tkzDefPoint(5,2){B}
@@ -456,7 +31,7 @@ arguments & example & explication \\
\tkzDefPointBy[rotation= center A angle -\tkzang ](B)
- \tkzCompass[length=1,dashed,color=red](A,C)
+ \tkzCompass[length=1](A,C)
@@ -483,7 +58,7 @@ arguments & example & explication \\
-The result is between -180 degrees and +180 degrees. pt2 is the vertex and \tkzcname{tkzGetAngle} can retrieve the angle.
+The result is between -180 degrees and +180 degrees. $pt2$ is the vertex and \tkzcname{tkzGetAngle} can retrieve the angle.
\subsubsection{Verification of angle measurement}
@@ -502,104 +77,61 @@ The result is between -180 degrees and +180 degrees. pt2 is the vertex and \tkzc
- \tkzMarkAngle[size=1.5cm](B,A,C)
-\subsection{Example of the use of \tkzcname{tkzFindAngle} }
- \tkzInit[xmin=-1,ymin=-1,xmax=7,ymax=7]
- \tkzClip
- \tkzDefPoint (0,0){O} \tkzDefPoint (6,0){A}
- \tkzDefPoint (5,5){B} \tkzDefPoint (3,4){M}
- \tkzFindAngle (A,O,M) \tkzGetAngle{an}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation=center O angle \an](A)
- \tkzGetPoint{C}
- \tkzDrawSector[fill = blue!50,opacity=.5](O,A)(C)
- \tkzFindAngle(M,B,A) \tkzGetAngle{am}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation = center O angle \am](A)
- \tkzGetPoint{D}
- \tkzDrawSector[fill = red!50,opacity = .5](O,A)(D)
- \tkzDrawPoints(O,A,B,M,C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints(O,A,B,M,C,D)
- \edef\an{\fpeval{round(\an,2)}}\edef\am{\fpeval{round(\am,2)}}
- \tkzDrawSegments(M,B B,A)
- \tkzText(4,2){$\widehat{AOC}=\widehat{AOM}=\an^{\circ}$}
- \tkzText(1,4){$\widehat{AOD}=\widehat{MBA}=\am^{\circ}$}
+ \tkzMarkAngle[size=1.5](B,A,C)
\subsubsection{Determination of the three angles of a triangle}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.25,rotate=30]
- \tkzDefPoints{0.5/1.5/A, 3.5/4/B, 6/2.5/C}
- \tkzDrawPolygon(A,B,C)
- \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,C)
- \tkzLabelPoints[below](A,C)
- \tkzLabelPoints[above](B)
- \tkzMarkAngle[size=1cm](B,C,A)
- \tkzFindAngle(B,C,A)
- \tkzGetAngle{angleBCA}
- \edef\angleBCA{\fpeval{round(\angleBCA,2)}}
- \tkzLabelAngle[pos = 1](B,C,A){$\angleBCA^{\circ}$}
- \tkzMarkAngle[size=1cm](C,A,B)
- \tkzFindAngle(C,A,B)
- \tkzGetAngle{angleBAC}
- \edef\angleBAC{\fpeval{round(\angleBAC,2)}}
- \tkzLabelAngle[pos = 1.8](C,A,B){%
- $\angleBAC^{\circ}$}
- \tkzMarkAngle[size=1cm](A,B,C)
- \tkzFindAngle(A,B,C)
- \tkzGetAngle{angleABC}
- \edef\angleABC{\fpeval{round(\angleABC,2)}}
- \tkzLabelAngle[pos = 1](A,B,C){$\angleABC^{\circ}$}
- \end{tikzpicture}
+ {\tiny $\angleCBA^\circ$}
+ {\tiny $\angleACB^\circ$}
+ {\tiny $\angleBAC^\circ$}
- \subsection{Determining a slope}
-It is a question of determining whether it exists, the slope of a straight line defined by two points. No verification of the existence is made.
-\begin{NewMacroBox}{tkzFindSlope}{\parg{pt1,pt2}\marg{name of macro}}%
-The result is stored in a macro.
-arguments & example & explication \\
-\TAline{(pt1,pt2){pt3}} {\tkzcname{tkzFindSlope}(A,B)\{slope\}}{\tkzcname{slope} will give the result of $\frac{y_B-y_A}{x_B-x_A}$} \\
-\tkzHandBomb\ Careful not to have $x_B=x_A$.
+\subsubsection{Angle between two circles}
- \tkzInit[xmax=4,ymax=5]\tkzGrid[sub]
- \tkzDefPoint(1,2){A} \tkzDefPoint(3,4){B}
- \tkzDefPoint(3,2){C} \tkzDefPoint(3,1){D}
- \tkzDrawSegments(A,B A,C A,D)
- \tkzDrawPoints[color=red](A,B,C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,D)
- \tkzFindSlope(A,B){SAB} \tkzFindSlope(A,C){SAC}
- \tkzFindSlope(A,D){SAD}
- \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2}
- \tkzText[fill=Gold!50,draw=brown](1,4)%
- {The slope of (AB) is : $\pgfmathprintnumber{\SAB}$}
- \tkzText[fill=Gold!50,draw=brown](1,3.5)%
- {The slope of (AC) is : $\pgfmathprintnumber{\SAC}$}
- \tkzText[fill=Gold!50,draw=brown](1,3)%
- {The slope of (AD) is : $\pgfmathprintnumber{\SAD}$}
+\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=1}
+\tkzDrawCircles(A,C B,C)
+\tkzDefTangent[at=C](A) \tkzGetPoint{a}
+\tkzDefPointsBy[symmetry = center C](a){d}
+\tkzDefTangent[at=C](B) \tkzGetPoint{b}
+\tkzDrawLines[add=1 and 4](a,C C,b)
+\tkzDrawSegments(A,C B,C)
+ \tiny $\pgfmathprintnumber{\bcd}^\circ$}
\subsection{Angle formed by a straight line with the horizontal axis \tkzcname{tkzFindSlopeAngle}}
Much more interesting than the last one. The result is between -180 degrees and +180 degrees.
@@ -618,55 +150,49 @@ arguments & example & explication \\
\tkzcname{tkzGetAngle} can retrieve the result. If retrieval is not necessary, you can use \tkzcname{tkzAngleResult}.
- \subsubsection{Folding}
- \tkzDefPoint(1,5){A}
- \tkzDefPoint(5,2){B}
- \tkzDrawSegment(A,B)
- \tkzFindSlopeAngle(A,B)
- \tkzGetAngle{tkzang}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation= center A angle \tkzang ](B)
- \tkzGetPoint{C}
- \tkzDefPointBy[rotation= center A angle -\tkzang ](B)
- \tkzGetPoint{D}
- \tkzCompass[orange,length=1](A,C)
- \tkzCompass[orange,delta=10](B,C)
- \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints(B,C,D)
- \tkzLabelPoints[above left](A)
- \tkzDrawSegments[style=dashed,color=orange](A,C A,D)
-\subsubsection{Example of the use of \tkzcname{tkzFindSlopeAngle}}
+\subsubsection{Use of \tkzcname{tkzFindSlopeAngle} and \tkzcname{tkzGetAngle}}
Here is another version of the construction of a mediator
- \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A}
- \tkzDefPoint(3,2){B}
- \tkzDefLine[mediator](A,B)
- \tkzGetPoints{I}{J}
- \tkzCalcLength[cm](A,B)
- \tkzGetLength{dAB}
- \tkzFindSlopeAngle(A,B)
- \tkzGetAngle{tkzangle}
+ \tkzDefPoint(0,0){A} \tkzDefPoint(3,2){B}
+ \tkzDefLine[mediator](A,B) \tkzGetPoints{I}{J}
+ \tkzCalcLength(A,B) \tkzGetLength{dAB}
+ \tkzFindSlopeAngle(A,B) \tkzGetAngle{tkzangle}
- \tikzset{arc/.style={color=gray,delta=10}}
- \tkzDrawArc[orange,R,arc](B,3/4*\dAB)(120,240)
- \tkzDrawArc[orange,R,arc](A,3/4*\dAB)(-45,60)
- \tkzDrawLine(I,J)
- \tkzDrawSegment(A,B)
+ \tkzSetUpArc[color=gray,line width=0.2pt,/tkzcompass/delta=10]
+ \tkzDrawArc[R,arc](B,3/4*\dAB)(120,240)
+ \tkzDrawArc[R,arc](A,3/4*\dAB)(-45,60)
+ \tkzDrawLine(I,J) \tkzDrawSegment(A,B)
- \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,I,J)
- \tkzLabelPoints(A,B)
+ \tkzDrawPoints(A,B,I,J) \tkzLabelPoints(A,B)
+\subsubsection{Another use of \tkzcname{tkzFindSlopeAngle}}
+ \tkzDefPoint(1,2){A} \tkzDefPoint(3,4){B}
+ \tkzDefPoint(3,2){C} \tkzDefPoint(3,1){D}
+ \tkzDrawSegments(A,B A,C A,D)
+ \tkzDrawPoints[color=red](A,B,C,D)
+ \tkzLabelPoints(A,B,C,D)
+ \tkzFindSlopeAngle(A,B)\tkzGetAngle{SAB}
+ \tkzFindSlopeAngle(A,C)\tkzGetAngle{SAC}
+ \tkzFindSlopeAngle(A,D)\tkzGetAngle{SAD}
+ \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2}
+ \tkzText(1,5){The slope of (AB) is :
+ $\pgfmathprintnumber{\SAB}$}
+ \tkzText(1,4.5){The slope of (AC) is :
+ $\pgfmathprintnumber{\SAC}$}
+ \tkzText(1,4){The slope of (AD) is :
+ $\pgfmathprintnumber{\SAD}$}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file