path: root/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-berge/doc/latex/TKZdoc-berge-installation.tex
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diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-berge/doc/latex/TKZdoc-berge-installation.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/tkz/tkz-berge/doc/latex/TKZdoc-berge-installation.tex
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-%!TEX root = /Users/ego/Boulot/TKZ/tkz-berge/doc-us/TKZdoc-berge-main.tex
-\subsection{How to install the package \texttt{\textcolor{red}{berge.sty}}}
-It is possible that when you read this document, \tkzname{tkz-berge} is present on the \tkzname{CTAN}\footnote{\tkzname{tkz-berge} is not still a part of \tkzname{TeXLive} but it will be soon possible to install it with \tkzname{tlmgr}} servers. If \tkzname{tkz-berge} is not still a part of your distribution, this chapter shows you how to install it.
-\subsection{With TeXLive under OS X and Linux}\NameDist{TeXLive}
-You could simply create a folder (directory) \tikz[remember picture,baseline=(n1.base)]\node [fill=green!20,draw] (n1) {tkz}; which path is : \colorbox{blue!20}{ texmf/tex/latex/tkz}.
-\colorbox{blue!20}{texmf} is generally the personnal folder. For example the paths of this folder on my two computers are
-\item with OS X\NameSys{OS X} \colorbox{blue!20}{\textbf{/Users/ego/Library/texmf}};
-\item with Ubuntu\NameSys{Linux Ubuntu} \colorbox{blue!20}{\textbf{/home/ego/texmf}}.
-If you choose a custom location for your files, I suppose that you know why!
-The installation that I propose, is valid only for one user.
-\item Store the files \tikz[remember picture,baseline=(n2.base)]\node [fill=green!20,draw] (n2) {tkz-arith.sty, tkz-graph.sty et tkz-berge.sty}; in the folder \colorbox{green!50}{prof}. Be careful to have the file \tkzname{tkz-tool-arith.tex}. This file is provided by \tkzname{tkz-base}.
-\item Open a terminal, then type \colorbox{red!20}{|sudo texhash|}
-\item Check that \tkzname{xkeyval}\index{xkeyval} version 2.5 or more, and \tkzname{Ti\emph{k}Z 2.1}\index{TikZ@Ti\emph{k}Z} are installed because they are obligatory.\\
-My folder texmf is structured as in the diagram below because I use the \tkzname{CVS}\footnote{You can find the cvs version here : \url{} without CVS\\ or here with CVS \url{}} version of \TIKZ. You don't need all the \tkzname{pgf} folders.
-\begin{tikzpicture} [remember picture,rotate=90]
-% nodes
-\node (texmf) at (4,2) [draw,fill=blue!20 ] {texmf};
-\node (tex) at (6,0) [draw ] {tex};
-\node (doc) at (2,0) [draw ] {doc};
-\node (texgen) at (7,-2) [draw ] {generic};
-\node (docgen) at (0,-2) [draw ] {generic};
-\node (latex) at (4,-2) [draw ] {latex};
-\node (genpgf) at (7,-4) [draw] {pgf};
-\node (latpgf) at (5,-4) [draw] {pgf};
-\node (tkz) at (4,-4) [draw,fill=green!20 ] {tkz};
-\node (docpgf) at (0,-4) [draw] {pgf};
-\node (tkb) at (6,-6) [draw,fill=orange!20] {tkzbase};
-\node (tke) at (2,-6) [draw,fill=orange!20] {tkzeuclide};
-\node (tari) at (7,-11) [draw,fill=orange!20] {tkz-tools-arith.tex};
-\node (tary) at (5,-11) [draw,fill=green!20] {tkz-arith.sty};
-\node (tgra) at (4,-11) [draw,fill=green!20] {tkz-berge.sty};
-\node (tber) at (3,-11) [draw,fill=green!20] {tkz-graph.sty};
-% edges
-\draw[-open triangle 90](texmf.north east) -- (tex.south west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90](texmf.south east) -- (doc.north west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90](tex.north east) -- (texgen.south west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90](tex.south east) -- (latex.north west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90](texgen.east) -- (genpgf.west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90](doc.south east) -- (docgen.north west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90](docgen.east) -- (docpgf.west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90](latex.north east) -- (latpgf.south west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90](latex.east) -- (tkz.west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90,orange!80](tkz.east) to [out=-90,in=90](tkb.west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90,orange!80](tkz.east) to [out=-90,in=90](tke.west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90,orange!80](tkb.east) to [out=-90,in=90](tari.west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90,green!80](tkz.east) to [out=-90,in=90](tary.west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90,green!80](tkz.east) to [out=-90,in=90](tgra.west) ;
-\draw[-open triangle 90,green!80](tkz.east) to [out=-90,in=90](tber.west) ;
-\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
- \path[->,thin,green!80,>=latex] (n1) edge [bend left] (tkz);
- \path[->,thin,green!80,>=latex] (n2) edge [bend left] (tgra);
-\subsection{How to work with the tkz-\LaTeX-package under Windows?}
-\NameDist{MikTeX}\NameSys{Windows XP}
-Download and install the following files (if not yet done):
- \item the \LaTeX-system MiKTeX from
- \url{}.
- What file you need (e.g.
- \texttt{basic-miktex-2.7.2904.exe}) and how to install
- this program is explained there in the "Download"
- section of the respective version (current version is
- 2.7). In general and as usual in windows, you run the
- setup process by starting the setup file :\newline (e.g.\texttt{basic-miktex-2.7.2904.exe}).
- \item Till Tantau's \LaTeX-package \texttt{pgf-tikZ} from
- \url{}
- "For MiKTeX, use the update wizard [of MiKTeX] to
- install the (latest versions of the) packages called
- \texttt{pgf}, \texttt{xcolor}, and \texttt{xkeyval}."
- (cited from the pgf manual, contained in the files
- downloaded).
- \item the sty-files and the doc-files of Alain's tkz-package
- from the CTAN servers or
- \url{}.
- or
- \url{}.
- To add the files to MiKTeX:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item add a directory \texttt{prof} in the
- directory \colorbox{blue!30}{\texttt{[MiKTeX-dir]/tex/latex}},
- e.g. in windows explorer,
- \item copy the sty-files in this directory
- \texttt{tkz},
- \item update the MiKTeX system, ether by running
- in a DOS shell the command\newline "\colorbox{red!30}{|mktexlsr -u|}" \newline or by clicking\newline
- "\colorbox{red!30}{|Start/Programs/Miktex/Settings/General|}", then
- push the button \colorbox{red!30}{|Refresh FNDB|}.
- \end{itemize}
- \end{enumerate}
-\subsection{The next version}
-Actually, the package uses \tkzname{xkeyval}, in the next version I will use \tkzname{pgfkeys}. It's possible that the syntax should be modified. My first idea is to keep \tkzname{tkz-graph} and to create a new name for the next version like \tkzname{tkz-graph-x}.
-Some of the main macros used in the file \tkzname{tkz-tool-arith.tex} are now in the CVS version of PGF. With the next version of PGF, it would be possible to remove the file \tkzname{tkz-tool-arith.tex}.