path: root/macros/latex/contrib/threeparttablex/threeparttablex.tex
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diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/threeparttablex/threeparttablex.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/threeparttablex/threeparttablex.tex
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/threeparttablex/threeparttablex.tex
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+ basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize,
+ columns=fixed,
+ backgroundcolor=\color{felinesrcbgcolor},
+ frame=single,
+ extendedchars=true,
+ framexleftmargin=3pt,
+ numbers=none,
+ numberstyle=\tiny\ttfamily,
+ escapeinside={X}{X},
+\title{A small extension to threeparttable \\ -- or bringing
+ threeparttable to longtable}
+\author{Lars Madsen\thanks{Email:}}
+\date{Corresponding to version 0.3, manual updated \today}
+Because of the measuring nature of the original \tpt
+environment, one cannot use it in combination with the longtable
+environment. This package makes up for this and brings \tpt
+to longtable, at the small cost of having to do things a little
+different when adding table notes to longtable.
+If asked for it, the pacakge will also enable the user to label and
+refer to table notes.
+The \pkg package requires the \tpt and environ packages to
+be available on your system.
+\section{Basic usage}
+The interface for the regular \tpt system has not changed. We add the
+\item[ThreePartTable] a very simple wrapper environment that should
+ wrap around the entire longtable. (It actually does nothing else but
+ enable the \cs{tnote} command).
+\item[TableNotes] an environment taking the same options as the normal
+ table\-notes environment, write the table notes in this environment.
+ It needs to be placed \emph{before} the longtable. It \emph{cannot}
+ be added inside longtable.
+\item[\cs{insertTableNotes}] use this macro to insert the table notes
+ inside the longtable. It is inserted via a special
+ \cs{multicolumn}. If you add stuff after the table notes, e.g.\ a
+ caption, you should remember to use \verb+\insertTableNotes\\+.
+\noindent A longtable example could look like this:
+ \begin{TableNotes}
+ \item[a] A note
+ \item[b] Another note
+ \end{TableNotes}
+ \begin{longtable}{l l}
+ \toprule
+ Column 1 & Column 2 \\
+ \midrule
+ \endhead
+ \cmidrule{2-2}
+ \multicolumn{2}{r}{\textit{continued}}
+ \endfoot
+ \bottomrule
+ \insertTableNotes
+ \endlastfoot
+ % the contents of the table
+ A & B\tnote{a} \\
+ C\tnote{b} & D \\
+ \end{longtable}
+\paragraph{Caveat:} As mentioned on
+\url{}, if you use \cs{fill}
+to spread out the columns in the table, the width \env{longtable}
+reports back (which we use to specify the width of the notes) will be
+wrong. It will be the natural width of the table not the actual
+width. The result is that the area for the notes will have the wrong
+width. A remedy is to tell it to use the full width, something similar
+ \renewcommand\TPTminimum{\textwidth} %%% we want full width
+ ...
+will do.
+\section{Extending \tpt}
+One thing missing in \tpt is the ability to refer to
+individual table notes. And even let \cs{tnote} pickup the note
+marker via a label (reducing the error-40 factor).
+By using the package option >>\texttt{referable}<< we will change a
+few \tpt internals such that
+\item The manually specified note markers issued by \verb+\item[...]+
+ is referable, and
+\item \cs{tnotex}\marg{label} will refer to the table note identified
+ by \meta{label}. (We do not want to change \cs{tnote}). In case you
+ are using hyperref, there is also a \cs{tnotex*} that does not make
+ the tnote into a hyperlink.
+\item \cs{setTableNoteFont}\marg{font commands} can be used to set the
+ font inside tables notes. (default is empty)
+\item inside the \emph{tablenotes} environment, the macros \cs{note}
+ and \cs{source} can be used to specify general notes and a source
+ reference for the table data. These are commonly used within the
+ examples in The Chicago Manual of Style.
+\item The macros \cs{TPTLnotename} \cs{TPTLsourcename} holds the title
+ names for \cs{note} and \cs{source} (default: >>Note<< and
+ >>Source<<). Both are typeset using \cs{TPTLnotesnamefontcommand}
+ which deaults to \cs{textit}.
+ \begin{TableNotes}
+ \item[a] \label{tn:a} test test test test test test test test
+ \item[b] \label{tn:b} test2
+ \source Made up by daleif
+ \end{TableNotes}
+\begin{longtable}{l l l}
+ \caption{A long table}\\
+ \toprule
+ Coloum 1 & & Column 2 \\
+ \midrule
+ \endhead
+ \cmidrule{3-3}
+ \multicolumn{3}{r}{\textit{continued}}
+ \endfoot
+ \bottomrule
+ \insertTableNotes\\
+ \endlastfoot
+ AAAA\tnotex{tn:a} & XXXXXXXX & BBBB \\
+% \newpage
+ CC & & DD\tnotex{tn:b} \\
+ \begin{threeparttable}
+ \caption{A regular tabular}
+ \begin{tabular}{l l l}
+ \toprule
+ Coloum 1 & & Column 2 \\
+ \midrule
+ AAAA\tnote{c} & XXXXXXXX & BBBB \\
+ CC & & DD\tnotex*{tn:c} \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \begin{tablenotes}
+ \footnotesize
+ \item[c] test test test test test test test test
+ \item[d] \label{tn:c} the reference to this is not a link
+ \note Some general note
+ \end{tablenotes}
+ \end{threeparttable}
+\noindent Resulting in:
+ \begin{TableNotes}
+ \item[a] \label{tn:a} test test test test test test test test
+ \item[b] \label{tn:b} test2
+ \source Made up by daleif
+ \end{TableNotes}
+\begin{longtable}{l l l}
+ \caption{A long table}\\
+ \toprule
+ Coloum 1 & & Column 2 \\
+ \midrule
+ \endhead
+ \cmidrule{3-3}
+ \multicolumn{3}{r}{\textit{continued}}
+ \endfoot
+ \bottomrule
+ \insertTableNotes\\
+ \endlastfoot
+ AAAA\tnotex{tn:a} & XXXXXXXX & BBBB \\
+% \newpage
+ CC & & DD\tnotex{tn:b} \\
+ \begin{threeparttable}
+ \caption{A regular tabular}
+ \begin{tabular}{l l l}
+ \toprule
+ Coloum 1 & & Column 2 \\
+ \midrule
+ AAAA\tnote{c} & XXXXXXXX & BBBB \\
+ CC & & DD\tnotex*{tn:c} \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \begin{tablenotes}
+ \footnotesize
+ \item[c] test test test test test test test test
+ \item[d] \label{tn:c} the reference to this is not a link
+ \note Some general note
+ \end{tablenotes}
+ \end{threeparttable}
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End: