path: root/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source')
6 files changed, 227 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx
index bdac30899d..7859126274 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-kv.dtx
@@ -210,25 +210,47 @@
+ \define@key{thmdef}{\tmp@keyname}{%
+ \thmt@trytwice{%
+ \thmt@setparent{#1}
+ \thmt@setsibling{}%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \def\thmt@parent
+ \define@key{thmdef}{\tmp@keyname}{%
+ \thmt@trytwice{%
+ \thmt@setsibling{#1}%
+ \thmt@setparent{}%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ \def\thmt@sibling
+ \define@key{thmdef}{\tmp@keyname}{\thmt@trytwice{\thmt@setthmname{#1}}{}}%
+ \def\thmt@thmname
+ \define@key{thmdef}{\tmp@keyname}[]{\thmt@trytwice{\thmt@isnumberedfalse}{}}%
\def\thmt@UNIQUE{unless unique}
@@ -237,27 +259,38 @@
- \ifuniq{\thmt@envname}{%
- \thmt@isnumberedfalse
- }{%
- \thmt@isnumberedtrue
- }%
+ \thmt@isunlessuniquetrue
\PackageError{thmtools}{Unknown value `#1' to key numbered}{}%
}{% trytwice: after definition
- \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{\setuniqmark{\thmt@envname}}%
- \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{\def\thmt@dummyctrautorefname{\thmt@thmname\@gobble}}
+ \ifx\thmt@parent\@empty
+ \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{\setuniqmark{\thmt@envname}}%
+ \else
+ \protected@edef\thmt@tmp{%
+ % expand \thmt@envname and \thmt@parent
+ \@nx\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname @unique]{\@nx\setuniqmark{\thmt@envname.\@nx\@nameuse{the\thmt@parent}}}%
+ \@nx\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname @numbered]{\@nx\setuniqmark{\thmt@envname.\@nx\@nameuse{the\thmt@parent}}}%
+ \@nx\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname @unique]{\def\@nx\thmt@dummyctrautorefname{\thmt@thmname\@nx\@gobble}}%
+ \@nx\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname @numbered]{\def\@nx\thmt@dummyctrautorefname{\thmt@thmname\@nx\@gobble}}%
+ }%
+ \thmt@tmp
+ \fi
+ % \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{\def\thmt@dummyctrautorefname{\thmt@thmname\@gobble}}%
+ \thmt@trytwice{}{\addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{#1}}}
+ \thmt@trytwice{}{\addtotheorempostheadhook[\thmt@envname]{#1}}}
+ \thmt@trytwice{}{\addtotheoremprefoothook[\thmt@envname]{#1}}}
+ \thmt@trytwice{}{\addtotheorempostfoothook[\thmt@envname]{#1}}}
@@ -296,52 +329,116 @@
- \def\thmt@parent{#1}%
- \def\thmt@sibling
- \def\thmt@thmname
\thmt@mkextendingkeyhandler{thmdef}{thmdef}{\string\declaretheorem\space key}
+% \declaretheorem[option list 1]{thmname list}[option list 1]
+% #1 = option list 1
+% #2 = thmname list
+ % TODO: use \NewDocumentCommand from xparse?
+ % xparse will be part of latex2e format from latex2e 2020 Oct.
+ \@ifnextchar[%
+ {\declaretheorem@i{#1}{#2}}
+ {\declaretheorem@i{#1}{#2}[]}%
+% #1 = option list 1
+% #2 = thmname list
+% #3 = option list 2
+ \@for\thmt@tmp:=#2\do{%
+ % strip spaces, \KV@@sp@def is defined in keyval.sty
+ \@xa\KV@@sp@def\@xa\thmt@tmp\@xa{\thmt@tmp}%
+ \@xa\declaretheorem@ii\@xa{\thmt@tmp}{#1,#3}%
+ }%
+% #1 = single thmname (#1 and #2 are exchanged)
+% #2 = option list
% why was that here?
- \def\thmt@envname{#2}%
- \thmt@setthmname{\thmt@modifycase #2}%
+ % init options
- \thmt@isnumberedtrue%
- \@thmt@firstkeysettrue%
- \kvsetkeys{thmdef0}{#1}%
- \kvsetkeys{thmdef}{#1}%
+ \thmt@isnumberedtrue
+ \thmt@isunlessuniquefalse
+ \def\thmt@envname{#1}%
+ \thmt@setthmname{\thmt@modifycase #1}%
+ % use true code in \thmt@trytwice{<true>}{<false>}
+ \@thmt@firstkeysettrue
+ % parse options
+ \kvsetkeys{thmdef0}{#2}% parse option "style" first
+ \kvsetkeys{thmdef}{#2}%
+ % call patched \newtheorem
+ \ifthmt@isunlessunique
+ \ifx\thmt@parent\@empty
+ % define normal "unless unique" thm env
+ \ifuniq{#1}{\thmt@isnumberedfalse}{\thmt@isnumberedtrue}%
+ \declaretheorem@iii{#1}%
+ \else
+ % define special "unless unique" thm env,
+ % when "numbered=unless unique" and "numberwithin=<counter>" are both used
+ \declaretheorem@iv{#1}%
+ \thmt@isnumberedtrue
+ \declaretheorem@iii{#1@numbered}%
+ \thmt@isnumberedfalse
+ \declaretheorem@iii{#1@unique}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ % define normal thm env
+ \declaretheorem@iii{#1}%
+ \fi
+ % use false code in \thmt@trytwice{<true>}{<false>}
+ \def\thmt@envname{#1}%
+ \@thmt@firstkeysetfalse
+ % uniquely ugly kludge: some keys make only sense afterwards.
+ % and it gets kludgier: again, the default-inherited
+ % keys need to have a go at it.
+ \kvsetkeys{thmdef0}{#2}%
+ \kvsetkeys{thmdef}{#2}%
+% define normal thm env, call \thmt@newtheorem
- \ifthmt@isnumbered\else *\fi
- {#2}%
- \ifx\thmt@sibling\@empty\else [\thmt@sibling]\fi
- {\thmt@thmname}%
- \ifx\thmt@parent\@empty\else [\thmt@parent]\fi
+ \ifthmt@isnumbered
+ {#1}%
+ \ifx\thmt@sibling\@empty\else [\thmt@sibling]\fi
+ {\thmt@thmname}%
+ \ifx\thmt@parent\@empty\else [\thmt@parent]\fi
+ \else
+ *{#1}{\thmt@thmname}%
+ \fi
\relax% added so we can delimited-read everything later
- % (recall newtheorem is patched)
- }%\show\thmt@tmp
+ }%
+ \thmt@debug{Define theorem `#1' by ^^J\meaning\thmt@tmp}%
+ \thmt@tmp
+% define special thm env
+ \protected@edef\thmt@tmp{%
+ % expand \thmt@envname and \thmt@parent
+ \@nx\newenvironment{#1}{%
+ \@nx\ifuniq{\thmt@envname.\@nx\@nameuse{the\thmt@parent}}{%
+ \def\@nx\thmt@rawenvname{#1@unique}%
+ }{%
+ \def\@nx\thmt@rawenvname{#1@numbered}%
+ }%
+ \begin{\@nx\thmt@rawenvname}%
+ }{%
+ \end{\@nx\thmt@rawenvname}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \thmt@debug{Define special theorem `#1' by ^^J\meaning\thmt@tmp}%
- % uniquely ugly kludge: some keys make only sense
- % afterwards.
- % and it gets kludgier: again, the default-inherited
- % keys need to have a go at it.
- \@thmt@firstkeysetfalse%
- \kvsetkeys{thmdef0}{#1}%
- \kvsetkeys{thmdef}{#1}%
@@ -379,13 +476,14 @@
- \def\thmt@tmpkey{#1}%
- \ifx\thmt@tmpkey\@empty
- \def\thmt@tmpkey{\thmt@quark}%
- \fi
- \@onelevel@sanitize\thmt@tmpkey
+% FIXME: not used?
+% \def\thmt@splitopt#1=#2\thmt@quark{%
+% \def\thmt@tmpkey{#1}%
+% \ifx\thmt@tmpkey\@empty
+% \def\thmt@tmpkey{\thmt@quark}%
+% \fi
+% \@onelevel@sanitize\thmt@tmpkey
+% }
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-listof.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-listof.dtx
index 39603b4341..cb5b7e380a 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-listof.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-listof.dtx
@@ -80,16 +80,15 @@
%% much hacking here to pick up the definition from the class
%% without oodles of conditionals.
- \bgroup
+ \begingroup
\csname thmt@contentsline@##1\endcsname{##1}%
- \@xa\protected@edef\csname l@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% CHECK: why p@edef?
- \@nx\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{\@nx\thmt@listnumwidth}%
- }%
+ % CHECK: is \cs{l@\thmt@envname} repeatedly defined?
+ \thmtlo@newentry
@@ -108,7 +107,7 @@
- \egroup
+ \endgroup
@@ -123,25 +122,60 @@
% FMi 2019-09-31 allow local title
% -- FMi
+ \def\thmt@tmp{#1}%
+ \ifx\thmt@tmp\thmt@TRUE
+ \thmt@listswaptrue
+ \else\ifx\thmt@tmp\thmt@FALSE
+ \thmt@listswapfalse
+ \else
+ \PackageError{thmtools}{Unknown value `#1' to key swapnumber}{}%
+ \fi\fi
+ % for ams classes (amsart.cls, amsproc.cls, amsbook.cls) which
+ % don't use \@dottedtocline and don't provide \@dotsep
+ \def\thmtlo@newentry{%
+ \@xa\def\csname l@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% CHECK: why p@edef?
+ % similar to \l@figure defined in ams classes
+ \@tocline{0}{3pt plus2pt}{0pt}{\thmt@listnumwidth}{}%
+ }%
+ }
+ \providecommand*\thmt@listnumwidth{1.5pc}
+ \def\thmtlo@newentry{%
+ \@xa\def\csname l@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% CHECK: why p@edef?
+ \@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{\thmt@listnumwidth}%
+ }%
+ }
+ \providecommand*\thmt@listnumwidth{2.3em}
\providecommand\thmtformatoptarg[1]{ (#1)}
- \@xa\protected@edef\csname l@\thmt@envname\endcsname{% CHECK: why p@edef?
- \@nx\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{\@nx\thmt@listnumwidth}%
- }%
+ \thmtlo@newentry
\@xa\def\csname ll@\thmt@envname\endcsname{%
- \protect\numberline{\protect\let\protect\autodot\protect\@empty}%
+ \protect\ifthmt@listswap
+ \protect\else
+ \protect\numberline{\protect\let\protect\autodot\protect\@empty}%
+ \protect\fi
\@xa\def\csname ll@\thmt@envname\endcsname{%
- \protect\numberline{\csname the\thmt@envname\endcsname}%
- \thmt@thmname
+ \protect\ifthmt@listswap
+ \thmt@thmname~\csname the\thmt@envname\endcsname
+ \protect\else
+ \protect\numberline{\csname the\thmt@envname\endcsname}%
+ \thmt@thmname
+ \protect\fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-llncs.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-llncs.dtx
index 134acb18b7..994067050e 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-llncs.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thm-llncs.dtx
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
\ifthmt@hasparent [\thmt@parent]\fi
- }
+ }%
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thmdef-mdframed.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thmdef-mdframed.dtx
index 85c5d9bd2d..cae264b04e 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thmdef-mdframed.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thmdef-mdframed.dtx
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@
- \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{%
- \begin{mdframed}[#1]}%
+ \addtotheorempreheadhook[\thmt@envname]{\begin{mdframed}[#1]}%
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thmtools.ins b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thmtools.ins
deleted file mode 100644
index 461856c73c..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/thmtools.ins
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-%% This is a bog-standard .ins file: thmtools.ins
-\input VERSION.tex
-\def\dropext #1.#2\relax{#1}
-\input docstrip.tex
-This is a generated file.
-This file is part of the `thmtools' package.
-The `thmtools' package has the LPPL maintenance status: maintained.
-Current Maintainer is Yukai Chou,
-Copyright (C) 2008-2014 by Ulrich M. Schwarz
-Copyright (C) 2019 by Frank Mittelbach
-Copyright (C) 2020- by Yukai Chou
-This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
-conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c.
-This version is obtainable at
- \file{thmtools.sty} {\from{thmtools.dtx}{thmtools}}
- \file{thm-restate.sty} {\from{thm-restate.dtx}{restate}}
- \file{thm-patch.sty} {\from{thm-patch.dtx}{patch}}
- \file{thm-autoref.sty} {\from{thm-autoref.dtx}{autoref}}
- \file{thm-listof.sty} {\from{thm-listof.dtx}{listof}}
- \file{thm-kv.sty} {\from{thm-kv.dtx}{kv}}
- \file{parseargs.sty} {\from{parseargs.dtx}{parseargs}}
- \file{aliasctr.sty} {\from{aliasctr.dtx}{code}}
- \file{unique.sty} {\from{unique.dtx}{code}}
- \file{thm-amsthm.sty} {\from{thm-amsthm.dtx}{amsthm}}
- \file{thm-ntheorem.sty} {\from{thm-ntheorem.dtx}{ntheorem}}
- \file{thm-beamer.sty} {\from{thm-beamer.dtx}{beamer}}
- \file{thm-llncs.sty} {\from{thm-llncs.dtx}{llncs}}
- \file{thmdef-shaded.sty} {\from{thmdef-shaded.dtx}{shaded}}
- \file{thmdef-thmbox.sty} {\from{thmdef-thmbox.dtx}{thmbox}}
- \file{thmdef-mdframed.sty}{\from{thmdef-mdframed.dtx}{mdframed}}
-\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the}
-\Msg{* following files into a directory searched by TeX:}
-\Msg{* \space\space thmtools.sty}
-\Msg{* \space\space thm-restate.sty}
-\Msg{* \space\space thm-patch.sty}
-\Msg{* \space\space thm-autoref.sty}
-\Msg{* \space\space thm-listof.sty}
-\Msg{* \space\space thm-kv.sty}
-\Msg{* \space\space aliasctr.sty}
-\Msg{* \space\space unique.sty}
-\Msg{* \space\space parseargs.sty}
-\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/unique.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/unique.dtx
index bf013ca6d4..f2fff48a07 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/unique.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/thmtools/source/unique.dtx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
% Two macros are provided: |\setuniqmark| takes a single parameter,
-% the name, which should be a string of letters. |\ifuniqmark| takes
+% the name, which should be a string of letters. |\ifuniq| takes
% three parameters: a name, a true-part and a false-part. The true
% part is executed if and only if there was exactly one call to
% |\setuniqmark| with the given name during the previous \LaTeX\ run.
@@ -58,17 +58,18 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
\expandafter\ifx\csname uniq@now@#1\endcsname\relax
- \global\@namedef{uniq@now@#1}{\uniq@ONE}%
+ \global\@namedef{uniq@now@#1}{\uniq@ONE}%
- \expandafter\ifx\csname uniq@now@#1\endcsname\uniq@MANY\else
- \immediate\write\uniq@channel{%
- \string\uniq@setmany{#1}%
- }%
- \ifuniq{#1}{%
- \uniq@warnnotunique{#1}%
- }{}%
- \fi
- \global\@namedef{uniq@now@#1}{\uniq@MANY}%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname uniq@now@#1\endcsname\uniq@MANY
+ \else
+ \immediate\write\uniq@channel{%
+ \string\uniq@setmany{#1}%
+ }%
+ \ifuniq{#1}{%
+ \uniq@warnnotunique{#1}%
+ }{}%
+ \fi
+ \global\@namedef{uniq@now@#1}{\uniq@MANY}%
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -77,19 +78,19 @@
% \begin{macro}{\ifuniq}
% Companion to |\setuniqmark|: if the uniqmark given in the first
% argument was called more than once, execute the second argument,
-% otherwise execute the first argument. Note than no call to
+% otherwise execute the third argument. Note that no call to
% |\setuniqmark| for a particular uniqmark at all means that this
% uniqmark is unique.
-% This is a lazy version: we could always say false if we already had two calls
-% to setuniqmark this run, but we have to rerun for any ifuniq prior
-% to the first setuniqmark anyway, so why bother?
+% This is a lazy version: we could always say false if we already had two
+% calls to |\setuniqmark| this run, but we have to rerun for any |\ifuniq|
+% prior to the first setuniqmark anyway, so why bother?
% \begin{macrocode}
\expandafter\ifx\csname uniq@last@#1\endcsname\uniq@MANY
- \expandafter \@secondoftwo
+ \expandafter\@secondoftwo
- \expandafter\@firstoftwo
+ \expandafter\@firstoftwo
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -124,11 +125,11 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
\expandafter\ifx\csname uniq@now@#1\endcsname\uniq@MANY\else
- \PackageWarningNoLine{uniq}{%
- `#1' is unique now.\MessageBreak
- Rerun LaTeX to pick up the change%
- }%
- \@uniq@reruntrue
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{uniq}{%
+ `#1' is unique now.\MessageBreak
+ Rerun LaTeX to pick up the change%
+ }%
+ \@uniq@reruntrue
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -153,10 +154,10 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
- \PackageWarningNoLine{uniq}{%
- Uniquenesses have changed. \MessageBreak
- Rerun LaTeX to pick up the change%
- }%
+ \PackageWarningNoLine{uniq}{%
+ Uniquenesses have changed. \MessageBreak
+ Rerun LaTeX to pick up the change%
+ }%
% \end{macrocode}