path: root/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.intro.tex
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+% !TeX root = tcolorbox.tex
+% include file of tcolorbox.tex (manual of the LaTeX package tcolorbox)
+The package originates from the first edition of my book
+in about 2006.
+For the \LaTeX\ examples and tutorials given there, I wanted to have
+accentuated and colored boxes to display source code and
+compiled text in combination.
+Since, in my opinion, this type of boxes is also quite useful to highlight definitions
+and theorems, I applied them for my lecture notes in
+mathematics \cite{sturm:2007b,sturm:2008b,sturm:2010a}
+as well.
+With this package, you are invited to apply these boxes for similar projects.
+Starting with version 2.00, for all internal calculations
+$\varepsilon$-\TeX\ \cite{breitenlohner:1998a} expressions are used
+in replacement of the package |calc|.
+The breaking news for version 2.00 is the support for breakable boxes.
+This new feature allows new applications of the package without
+affecting the core package too much if you do not need boxes to break automatically.
+With version 2.20, the often requested 'side by side' mode for listings has been added.
+With version 3.00, boxed titles are introduced together with improved
+customization options for overlays, underlays, finishes, and own code extensions.
+\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,boxrule=0mm,boxsep=0mm,frame hidden,interior hidden,
+ left=0mm,right=0mm,top=0mm,bottom=0mm,watermark opacity=0.25,watermark zoom=1.2,before=\par\smallskip,
+ clip watermark=false,
+ watermark tikz={%
+ \path[fill=yellow,draw=yellow!75!red] (0,0) circle (1cm);
+ \fill[red] (45:5mm) circle (1mm);
+ \fill[red] (135:5mm) circle (1mm);
+ \draw[line width=1mm,red] (215:5mm) arc (215:325:5mm);}]
+Since the first public release in 2011, I received a lot of feedback from all over the world.
+I want to thank all who wrote me for supporting this package by sending bug reports
+and ideas for new or better features.
+Typically, |tcolorbox| will be installed as part of a major \LaTeX\ distribution
+and there is nothing special to do for a user.
+If you intend to make a local
+installation \emph{by hand}, see the |README| file of the |tcolorbox| package
+for some hints. The short story is: you have to install not only
+|tcolorbox.sty|, but also all |*.code.tex| files in the local |texmf| tree.
+\subsection{Loading the Package}
+The base package |tcolorbox| loads the packages
+|pgf| \cite{tantau:tikz_and_pgf}, |verbatim| \cite{schoepf:2001a},
+|etoolbox| \cite{lehmann:2018a},
+and |environ| \cite{robertson:2014a}.
+|tcolorbox| itself is loaded in the usual manner in the preamble:
+The package takes option keys in the key-value syntax.
+Alternatively, you may use these keys later in the preamble with
+\refCom{tcbuselibrary} (see there).
+For example, the key to typeset listings is:
+The base package |tcolorbox| is extendable by program libraries.
+This is done by using option keys while loading the package or inside
+the preamble by applying the following macro with the same set of keys.
+\begin{docCommand}{tcbuselibrary}{\marg{key list}}
+ Loads the libraries given by the \meta{key list}.
+The following keys are used inside |\tcbuselibrary| respectively
+|\usepackage| without the key tree path |/tcb/library/|.
+ Loads the package |tikz| \cite{tantau:tikz_and_pgf} and provides additional
+ styles (skins) for the appearance of the colored boxes; see
+ Section~\ref{sec:skins} from page~\pageref{sec:skins}.
+ Provides code for more ornamental; see
+ Section~\ref{sec:vignette} from page~\pageref{sec:vignette}.
+ Provides additional macros and options for typesetting multiple
+ boxes arranged in a kind of raster;
+ see Section~\ref{sec:raster} from page~\pageref{sec:raster}.
+ Loads the package |listings| \cite{hoffmann:2018a} and provides additional
+ macros for typesetting listings which are described in Section~\ref{sec:listings}
+ from page~\pageref{sec:listings}.
+ Loads the packages |listings| \cite{hoffmann:2018a} and
+ |listingsutf8| \cite{oberdiek:2016b} for UTF-8 support.
+ This is a variant of the library \mylib{listings}
+ and is described in Section \ref{sec:listings}
+ from page~\pageref{sec:listings}.
+ Loads the package |minted| \cite{poore:minted} to
+ typeset listings with the |Pygments| \cite{pygments:web} tool,
+ also see \Vref{sec:listings}.
+ Provides additional
+ macros for typesetting theorems which are described in Section~\ref{sec:theorems}
+ from page~\pageref{sec:theorems}.
+ Provides support for automatic box breaking from one page to another;
+ see \Fullref{sec:breakable}.
+ Provides support for storing broken box parts to be used later or
+ in interchanged order, \Fullref{sec:magazine}.
+ Provides support for creating posters, \Fullref{sec:poster}.
+ Provides support for font size adaption of the box content to
+ the box dimensions;
+ see Section~\ref{sec:fitting} from page~\pageref{sec:fitting}.
+ Extends several option keys to 'hookable' keys;
+ see Section~\ref{sec:hooks} from page~\pageref{sec:hooks}.
+ Provides document command production with |xparse| for |tcolorbox|;
+ see Section~\ref{sec:xparse} from page~\pageref{sec:xparse}.
+ Provides externalization support for stand-alone document snippets,
+ see \Fullref{sec:external}.
+ Provides additional
+ macros for typesetting \LaTeX\ documentations
+ which are described in Section~\ref{sec:documentation}
+ from page~\pageref{sec:documentation}.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[library]{many}{}{style, no value}
+ Loads the libraries \mylib{skins}, \mylib{breakable}, \mylib{raster}, \mylib{hooks},
+ \mylib{theorems}, \mylib{fitting}, and \mylib{xparse}.
+ Use this shortcut, if you want to use all features of |tcolorbox|
+ with exception of typesetting listings and using
+ the specialized \mylib{documentation} library.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[library]{most}{}{style, no value}
+ Loads all libraries except \mylib{minted} and \mylib{documentation}.
+ Use this shortcut, if you want to use all features of |tcolorbox|
+ with exception of using the |minted| package and using
+ the specialized \mylib{documentation} library.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[library]{all}{}{style, no value}
+ Loads all libraries. Use this shortcut only, if you indend to use the
+ \mylib{documentation} library.
+ [title={Package \texttt{tcolorbox}},center title,fonttitle=\bfseries,arc=0pt,
+ colback=red!10!white,
+ interior style={fill tile image*={width=2cm}{pink_marble.png},fill image opacity=0.5},
+ colframe=red!50!black]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[beamer,adjusted title=Basic Features,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white]
+ Base package
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=3,raster before skip=2mm,raster after skip=0pt,
+ raster equal height,beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white]
+ \tcbitem[adjusted title=Advanced Features]
+ \mylib{breakable}\\
+ \mylib{external}\\
+ \mylib{fitting}\\
+ \mylib{hooks}\\
+ \mylib{magazine}\\
+ \mylib{poster}\\
+ \mylib{raster}\\
+ \mylib{skins}\\
+ \mylib{theorems}\\
+ \mylib{vignette}\\
+ \mylib{xparse}
+ \tcbitem[adjusted title=Advanced Listings]
+ \mylib{listings}\\
+ \mylib{listingsutf8}
+ \tcblower
+ \mylib{minted}
+ \tcbitem[adjusted title=Documentation]
+ \mylib{documentation}
+ \end{tcbitemize}