path: root/macros/latex/contrib/tabularray/tabularray.tex
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diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/tabularray/tabularray.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/tabularray/tabularray.tex
index db993f27d3..3c050a4537 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/tabularray/tabularray.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/tabularray/tabularray.tex
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
% !TEX program = lualatex
\newcommand*{\mylpad}[1]{\ifnum#1<10 0\the#1\else\the#1\fi}
@@ -729,7 +729,8 @@ Their values are the same as options \verb!hlines! and \verb!vlines!:
-You can use \verb!X!, \verb!Y!, \verb!Z! to denote the last three children, respectively.
+You can use \verb!U!, \verb!V!, \verb!W!, \verb!X!, \verb!Y!, \verb!Z! to
+denote the last six children, respectively.
It is especially useful when you are writing long tables:
@@ -1384,7 +1385,7 @@ there are several inner specifications which are described in Table~\ref{key:inn
\K{colsep} & set horizontal space to both sides of every column & \V{6pt} \\
\K{hspan} & horizontal span algorithm: \V{default}, \V{even}, or \V{minimal} & \V{default} \\
\K{vspan} & vertical span algorithm: \V{default} or \V{even} & \V{default} \\
- \K{verb} & you need this key to use verb commands & \None \\
+ %\K{verb} & you need this key to use verb commands & \None \\
\K{baseline} & set the baseline of the table & \V{m} \\
@@ -1504,14 +1505,17 @@ The following examples show the results from different \verb!vspan! values.
\subsection{Use Verbatim Commands}
-With \verb!verb! key, you can write \verb!\verb! commands in the cell text:
+%With \verb!verb! key, you can write \verb!\verb! commands in the cell text:
+% 20 & 30 & \verb!\hello{world}!40 \\
+% 50 & \verb!\hello!60 & 70 \\
- 20 & 30 & \verb!\hello{world}!40 \\
- 50 & \verb!\hello!60 & 70 \\
+The inner key \verb!verb! is obsolete from version 2023A, and will be removed in the future.
+Instead you can use more reliable \verb!\fakeverb! command (see Section \ref{sec:fakeverb}).
\subsection{Set Baseline for the Table}
@@ -1599,15 +1603,17 @@ Therefore the following two tables are the same:
\subsection{Expand Macros First}
-\verb!Tabularray! need to see every \verb!&! and \verb!\\! when splitting the table body
-with \verb!l3regex!. And you can not put cell text inside any table command defined with
-\verb!\NewTableCommand!. But you could use outer specification \verb!expand! to make \verb!tabularray!
-expand every occurrence of a specified macro \underline{once} before splitting the table body.
-The macro \underline{can not} be defined with \verb!\NewDocumentCommand! or
-\verb!\NewExpandableDocumentCommand!, and \underline{can not} have optional argument.
+In contrast to traditional \verb!tabular! environment, \verb!tabularray! environments
+need to see every \verb!&! and \verb!\\! when splitting the table body with \verb!l3regex!.
+And you can not put cell text inside any table command defined with \verb!\NewTableCommand!.
+But you could use outer key \verb!expand! to make \verb!tabularray! expand
+every occurrence of a specified macro \underline{once} before splitting the table body.
+Note that you \underline{can not} expand a command defined with \verb!\NewDocumentCommand!.
+To expand a command without optional argument, you can define it with \verb!\newcommand!.
20 & 30 & 40 \\
50 & 60 & 70 \\
@@ -1624,7 +1630,23 @@ The macro \underline{can not} be defined with \verb!\NewDocumentCommand! or
-\section{Default Specifications}
+To expand commands with optional arguments, you \underline{can not} define them
+with \verb!\newcommand!. But you can define them with \verb!\NewExpandableDocumentCommand!,
+and use option \verb!expand=\expanded! to do exhaustive expansions.
+ What I get & is below \\
+ \expanded{\yes{}} & \expanded{\no{}} \\
+ \expanded{\yes[Great]{}} & \expanded{\no[Bad]{}}
+Note that you need to protect fragile commands (if any) inside them with \verb!\unexpanded! command.
+\section{Default Specifications}%
\verb!Tabularray! package provides \verb!\SetTblrInner! and \verb!\SetTblrOuter! commands
@@ -2713,6 +2735,9 @@ You can even generate the whole table with some function.
+From version 2023A, you can evaluate all functions in the table body
+with option \texttt{evaluate=all}.
\subsection{Inner key \texttt{process} in action}
With inner key \verb!process!, you can modify the contents and styles before the table is built.
@@ -2987,6 +3012,55 @@ in \verb!tabularray! environments with \verb!rowsep=0pt!, such as
From version 2022D, you can load \verb!zref! library
to make \verb!\zref! and \verb!longtblr! work together.
+\chapter{Tips and Tricks}
+\section{Control Horizontal Alignment}
+You can control horizontal alignment of cells in \texttt{tabularray} with
+\href{}{\texttt{ragged2e}} package,
+by redefining some of the following commands:
+Please read the documentation of \texttt{ragged2e} package for more details of
+their alignment commands.
+\section{Use Safe Verbatim Commands}%
+Due to the limitation of TeX, even if you have passed \texttt{verb} option to a
+\texttt{tabularray} table, you still could not use some special characters in a
+\verb!\verb! command. As an replacement, you may use \verb|\fakeverb| command from \href{}{\texttt{codehigh}} package.
+The \verb|\fakeverb| command will remove the backslashes in the following control symbols before
+typesetting its content: \fakeverb{\\\\}, \fakeverb{\\\{}, \fakeverb{\\\}}, \fakeverb{\\\#}, \fakeverb{\\\^} and \texttt{\textbackslash\textvisiblespace}, \fakeverb{\\\%}.
+Also the argument of \verb|\fakeverb| command need to be enclosed with curly braces.
+Therefore it could be safely used inside \verb|tabularray| tables and other LaTeX commands.
+Here is an example of using \verb!\fakeverb! commands inside a \verb|tblr| environment
+(you don't need \texttt{verb} option to use \verb!\fakeverb!):
+ Special & \fakeverb{\abc{}$&^_^uvw 123} \\
+ Spacing & \fakeverb{\bfseries\ \#\%} \\
+ Nesting & \fbox{\fakeverb{$\left\\\{A\right.$\#}}
+In the above example, balanced curly braces and control words (such as \verb!\bfseries!)
+need not to be escaped---only several special characters need to be escaped.
+Please read the documentation of \texttt{codehigh} package for more details of
+\verb|\fakeverb| commands.%
+\footnote{By the way, \fakeverb{\EscVerb} command from
+\href{}{\texttt{fvextra}} package is similar to
+\fakeverb{\fakeverb} command, but with \fakeverb{\EscVerb} you need to escape every control word.}
\chapter{History and Future}
\section{The Future}
@@ -3007,6 +3081,10 @@ and put it into the folder of your TeX documents:\newline
The change log of \verb!tabularray! package will be updated on the wiki page:\newline
+In version 2023A, inner key \verb!verb! was marked as obsolete,
+and it will be removed in the future. But don't worry too much,
+because you can stick to old version by \verb!\usepackage{tabularray}[=2023-03-01]!.
In version 2022A, there were several breaking changes: