path: root/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/presentation
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--- a/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/presentation/README
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@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-presentation.sty: An Infrastructure for Presenting Semantic Macros
-This package supplies an infrastructure that allows to specify the presentation of
-semantic macros, including preference-based bracket elision. This allows to markup the
-functional structure of mathematical formulae without having to lose high-quality
-human-oriented presentation in {\LaTeX}. Moreover, the notation definitions can be used by
-MKM systems for added-value services, either directly from the {\sTeX} sources, or after
-Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Kohlhase
-The package is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
-Project home:
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/presentation/presentation.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/presentation/presentation.dtx
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--- a/macros/latex/contrib/stex/sty/presentation/presentation.dtx
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@@ -1,1055 +0,0 @@
-% \iffalse meta-comment
-% An Infrastructure for Presenting Semantic Macros in sTeX
-% Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Michael Kohlhase, all rights reserved
-% This file is released under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
-% The original of this file is in the public repository at
-% \fi
-% \iffalse
-%<package>\ProvidesPackage{presentation}[2019/03/20 v1.0 presentation for semantic macros]
-\def\githubissue#1{\cite{sTeX:github:on}, \hyperlink{}{issue #1}}
-% \fi
-% \CheckSum{551}
-% \changes{v0.9}{2005/06/14}{First Version with Documentation}
-% \changes{v0.9a}{2005/07/01}{Completed Documentation}
-% \changes{v0.9b}{2005/08/06}{Complete functionality and Updated Documentation}
-% \changes{v0.9c}{2006/01/13}{more packaging}
-% \changes{v0.9d}{2006/10/13}{adding mixfix declarations}
-% \changes{v0.9d}{2006/10/13}{dealing with precedences in keyword arguments}
-% \changes{v0.9e}{2007/09/03}{fixing argument precedences, adding LaTeXML bindings}
-% \changes{v0.9f}{2007/12/09}{adding general elision}
-% \changes{v0.9g}{2008/06/17}{getting the LaTeXML right}
-% \changes{v0.9h}{2009/02/27}{turning the precedence order around to make this compatible
-% with the latest OMDoc, change all precedences $n$ to $1000-n$}
-% \changes{v0.9h}{2009/07/30}{adding brackets to the generated notation elements}
-% \changes{v0.9h}{2010/06/18}{considering done now}
-% \changes{v1.0}{2010/12/27}{adding \texttt{\textbackslash funapp}}
-% \changes{v1.0}{2011/01/28}{moving \texttt{\textbackslash funapp} and
-% \texttt{\textbackslash vname} (and friends) to new package {\texttt{cmath}}}
-% \changes{v1.0}{2012/11/09}{Moving LaTeXML bindings into \texttt{presentation.sty.ltxml} and
-% disabling generation}
-% \GetFileInfo{presentation.sty}
-% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
-%\def\scsys#1{{{\sc #1}}\index{#1@{\sc #1}}}
-% \def\xml{\scsys{Xml}}
-% \def\mathml{\scsys{MathML}}
-% \def\omdoc{\scsys{OMDoc}}
-% \def\openmath{\scsys{OpenMath}}
-% \def\latexml{\scsys{LaTeXML}}
-% \def\perl{\scsys{Perl}}
-% \def\cmathml{Content-{\sc MathML}\index{Content {\sc MathML}}\index{MathML@{\sc MathML}!content}}
-% \def\activemath{\scsys{ActiveMath}}
-% \def\twin#1#2{\index{#1!#2}\index{#2!#1}}
-% \def\twintoo#1#2{{#1 #2}\twin{#1}{#2}}
-% \def\atwin#1#2#3{\index{#1!#2!#3}\index{#3!#2 (#1)}}
-% \def\atwintoo#1#2#3{{#1 #2 #3}\atwin{#1}{#2}{#3}}
-% \title{{\texttt{presentation.sty}}: An Infrastructure for Presenting Semantic
-% Macros in {\stex}\thanks{Version {\fileversion} (last revised {\filedate})}}
-% \author{Michael Kohlhase
-% FAU Erlangen-N\"urnberg\\
-% \url{}\and
-% \& Deyan Ginev\\Authorea}
-% \date{\today}
-% \maketitle
-% \begin{abstract}
-% The |presentation| package is a central part of the {\stex} collection, a version of
-% {\TeX/\LaTeX} that allows to markup {\TeX/\LaTeX} documents semantically without
-% leaving the document format, essentially turning {\TeX/\LaTeX} into a document format
-% for mathematical knowledge management (MKM).
-% This package supplies an infrastructure that allows to specify the presentation of
-% semantic macros, including preference-based bracket elision. This allows to markup the
-% functional structure of mathematical formulae without having to lose high-quality
-% human-oriented presentation in {\LaTeX}. Moreover, the notation definitions can be
-% used by MKM systems for added-value services, either directly from the {\sTeX}
-% sources, or after translation.
-% \end{abstract}
-% \newpage\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}\tableofcontents\newpage
-% The |presentation| package supplies an infrastructure that allows to specify the
-% presentation of semantic macros, including preference-based bracket elision. This allows
-% to markup the functional structure of mathematical formulae without having to lose
-% high-quality human-oriented presentation in {\LaTeX}. Moreover, the notation definitions
-% can be used by MKM systems for added-value services, either directly from the {\sTeX}
-% sources, or after translation.
-% {\stex} is a version of {\TeX/\LaTeX} that allows to markup {\TeX/\LaTeX} documents
-% semantically without leaving the document format, essentially turning {\TeX/\LaTeX} into
-% a document format for mathematical knowledge management (MKM).
-% The setup for semantic macros described in the {\stex} |modules| package works well for
-% simple mathematical functions: we make use of the macro application syntax in {\TeX} to
-% express function application. For a simple function called ``foo'', we would just
-% declare |\symdef{foo}[1]{foo(#1)}| and have the concise and intuitive syntax |\foo{x}|
-% for $foo(x)$. But mathematical notation is much more varied and interesting than just
-% this.
-% \section{The User Interface}\label{sec:user}
-% In this package we will follow the {\sTeX} approach and assume that there are four basic
-% types of mathematical expressions: symbols, variables, applications and
-% binders. Presentation of the variables is relatively straightforward, so we will not
-% concern ourselves with that. The application of functions in mathematics is mostly
-% presented in the form $f(a_1,\ldots,a_n)$, where $f$ is the function and the $a_i$ are
-% the arguments. However, many commonly-used functions from this presentational scheme:
-% for instance binomial coefficients: $\bigl({n\atop k}\bigr)$, pairs: $\langle
-% a,b\rangle$, sets: $\{x\in S\,\vert\, x^2\ne0\}$, or even simple addition: $3+5+7$. Note
-% that in all these cases, the presentation is determined by the (functional) head of the
-% expression, so we will bind the presentational infrastructure to the operator.
-% \subsection{Prefix \& Postfix Notations}\label{sec:prepostfix}
-% The default notation for an object that is obtained by applying a function $f$ to
-% arguments $a_1$ to $a_n$ is $f(a_1,\ldots,a_n)$. The \DescribeMacro{\prefix}|\prefix|
-% macro allows to specify a prefix presentation for a function (the usual presentation in
-% mathematics). Note that it is better to specify |\symdef{uminus}[1]{\prefix{-}{#1}}|
-% than just |\symdef{uminus}[1]{-#1}|, since we can specify the bracketing behavior in the
-% former (see Section~\ref{sec:elision}).
-% The \DescribeMacro{\postfix}|\postfix| macro is similar, only that the function is
-% presented after the argument as for e.g. the factorial function: $5!$ stands for the
-% result of applying the factorial function to the number 5. Note that the function is
-% still the first argument to the |\postfix| macro: we would specify the presentation for
-% the factorial function with |\symdef{factorial}[1]{\postfix{!}{#1}}|.
-% |\prefix| and |\postfix| have $n$-ary variants \DescribeMacro{\prefixa}|\prefixa| and
-% \DescribeMacro{\postfixa}|\postfixa| that take an arbitrary number of arguments
-% (mathematically; syntactically grouped into one {\TeX} argument). These take an extra
-% separator argument.\ednote{think of a good example!}
-% Note that in \stex the |\prefix| and |\postfix| macros should primarily be used in
-% |\symdef| declarations. For marking up applications of symbolic functions in text we
-% should use the |\symdef|-defined semantic macros direct. For applications of function
-% variables we have two options:
-% \begin{enumerate}
-% \item direct prefix markup of the form |f(x)|, where we have declared the symbol |f| to
-% be a function via the |function| key of the enclosing environment --- e.g. |omtext|
-% (see~\cite{Kohlhase:smmtf*:svn}).
-% \item using the \DescribeMacro{\funapp}|\funapp| macro as in |\funapp{f}{x}|, which
-% leads to the same effect and is more general (e.g. for complex function variables,
-% such as $f_1^\prime$). Note that the default prefix rendering of the function is
-% sufficient here, since we can otherwise make use of a user-defined application
-% operator.
-% \end{enumerate}
-% \subsection{Mixfix Notations}\label{sec:mixfix}
-% For the presentation of more complex operators, we will follow the approach used by the
-% Isabelle theorem prover. There, the presentation of an $n$-ary function (i.e. one that
-% takes $n$ arguments) is specified as
-% \meta{pre}\meta{arg$_0$}\meta{mid$_1$}$\cdots$\meta{mid$_n$}\meta{arg$_n$}\meta{post},
-% where the \meta{arg$_i$} are the arguments and \meta{pre}, \meta{post}, and the
-% \meta{mid$_i$} are presentational material. For instance, in infix operators like the
-% binary subset operator, \meta{pre} and $\meta{post}$ are empty, and \meta{mid$_1$} is
-% $\subseteq$. For the ternary conditional operator in a programming language, we might
-% have the presentation pattern
-% |if|\meta{arg$_1$}|then|\meta{arg$_2$}|else|\meta{arg$_3$}|fi| that utilizes all
-% presentation positions.
-% \DescribeMacro{\mixfix*}The |presentation| package provides mixfix declaration macros
-% |\mixfixi|, |\mixfixii|, and |\mixfixiii| for unary, binary, and ternary functions. This
-% covers most of the cases, larger arities would need a different argument
-% pattern.\footnote{If you really need larger arities, contact the author!} The call
-% pattern of these macros is just the presentation pattern above. In general, the mixfix
-% declaration of arity $i$ has $2n+1$ arguments, where the even-numbered ones are for the
-% arguments of the functions and the odd-numbered ones are for presentation material. For
-% instance, to define a semantic macro for the subset relation and the conditional, we
-% would use the markup in Figure~\ref{fig:mixfix}.
-% \begin{exfig}
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \symdef{sseteq}[2]{\mixfixii{}{#1}{\subseteq}{#2}{}}
-% \symdef{sseteq}[2]{\infix\subseteq{#1}{#2}}
-% \symdef{ite}[2]{\mixfixiii{{\tt{if}}\;}{#1}
-% {\;{\tt{then}}\;}{#2}
-% {\;{\tt{else}}\;}{#3}{\;{\tt{fi}}}}
-% \end{verbatim}
-% \vspace*{-1.5em}
-% \begin{center}
-% \begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline
-% source & presentation \\\hline
-% |\sseteq{S}T| & $(S\subseteq T)$\\\hline
-% |\ite{x<0}{-x}x| & ${\tt{if}}\,x<0\,{\tt{then}}\,-x\,{\tt{else}}\,x\,{\tt{fi}}$\\\hline
-% \end{tabular}
-% \end{center}
-% \caption{Declaration of mixfix operators}\label{fig:mixfix}
-% \end{exfig}
-% For certain common cases, the |presentation| package provides shortcuts for the mixfix
-% declarations. For instance, we provide the \DescribeMacro{\infix}|\infix| macro for
-% binary operators that are written between their arguments (see
-% Figure~\ref{fig:mixfix}).\ednote{really?}
-% \subsection{\texorpdfstring{$n$}{n}-ary Associative Operators}\label{sec:assoc}
-% Take for instance the operator for set union: formally, it is a binary function on
-% sets that is associative (i.e. $(S_1\cup S_2)\cup S_3=S_1\cup (S_2\cup S_3)$), therefore
-% the brackets are often elided, and we write $S_1\cup S_2\cup S_3$ instead (once we have
-% proven associativity). Some authors even go so far to introduce set union as a $n$-ary
-% operator, i.e. a function that takes an arbitrary (positive) number of arguments. We will
-% call such operators {\bf{$n$-ary
-% associative}\atwin{n-ary}{associative}{operator}}.
-% Specifying the presentation\ednote{introduce the notion of presentation above} of
-% $n$-ary associative operators in |\symdef| forms is not straightforward, so we provide
-% some infrastructure for that. As we cannot predict the number of arguments for $n$-ary
-% operators, we have to give them all at once, if we want to maintain our use of {\TeX}
-% macro application to specify function application. So a semantic macro for an $n$-ary
-% operator will be applied as |\nunion{|\meta{$a_1$}|,|\ldots|,|\meta{$a_n$}|}|, where the
-% sequence of $n$ logical arguments \meta{$a_i$} are supplied as one {\TeX} argument which
-% contains a comma-separated list. We provide variants of the mixfix declarations
-% presented in section~\ref{sec:mixfix} which deal with associative arguments. For
-% instance, the variant \DescribeMacro{\mixfixa}|\mixfixa| allows to specify $n$-ary
-% associative operators.
-% |\mixfixa{|\meta{pre}|}{|\meta{arg}|}{|\meta{post}|}{|\meta{op}|}| specifies a
-% presentation, where \meta{arg} is the associative argument and \meta{op} is the
-% corresponding operator that is mapped over the argument list; as above, {\meta{pre}},
-% \meta{post}, are prefix and postfix presentational material. For instance, the finite
-% set constructor could be constructed as
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \newcommand\fset[1]{\mixfixa{\{}{#1}{\}},}
-% \end{verbatim}
-% The \DescribeMacro{\assoc}|\assoc| macro is a convenient abbreviation of a |\mixfixa|
-% that can be used in cases, where \meta{pre} and \meta{post} are empty (i.e. in the
-% majority of cases). It takes two arguments: the presentation of a binary operator, and a
-% comma-separated list of arguments, it replaces the commas in the second argument with
-% the operator in the first one. For instance |\assoc\cup{S_1,S_2,S_3}| will be formatted
-% to $S_1\cup S_2\cup S_3$. Thus we can use |\def\nunion#1{\assoc\cup{#1}}| or even
-% |\def\nunion{\assoc\cup}|, to define the $n$-ary operator for set union in {\TeX}. For
-% the definition of a semantic macro in {\stex}, we use the second form, since we are more
-% conscious of the right number of arguments and would declare
-% |\symdef{nunion}[1]{\assoc\cup{#1}}|.\ednote{think about big operators for ACI
-% functions}
-% The |\mixfixii| macro has variants \DescribeMacro{\mixfixia}|\mixfixia| and
-% \DescribeMacro{\mixfixai}|\mixfixai| which allow to make one or two arguments in a
-% binary function associative. A use case for the second macro is an nary function type
-% operator |\fntype|, which can be defined via
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \def\fntype#1#2{\mixfixai{}{#1}\rightarrow{#2}{}\times}
-% \end{verbatim}
-% \def\fntype#1#2{\mixfixai{}{#1}\rightarrow{#2}{}\times}
-% and which will format |\fntype{\alpha,\beta,\gamma}\delta| as
-% $\fntype{\alpha,\beta,\gamma}\delta$
-% Finally, the |\mixfixiii| macro has the variants |\mixfixaii|, |\mixfixiai|, and
-% |\mixfixiia| as above\footnote{If you really need larger arities with associative
-% arguments, contact the package author!}. For instance we can use the first variant for
-% a typing judgment using
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \def\typej#1#2#3{\mixfixaii{}{#1}{\vdash_{\Sigma}}{#2}\colon{#3}{}{,}}
-% \end{verbatim}
-% \def\typej#1#2#3{\mixfixaii{}{#1}{\vdash_{\Sigma}}{#2}\colon{#3}{}{,}}
-% which formats |\typej{\Gamma,[x:\alpha],[y:\beta]}{f(x,y)}{\beta}| as
-% \[\typej{\Gamma,[x:\alpha],[y:\beta]}{f(x,y)}{\beta}.\]
-% \subsection{Precedence-Based Bracket Elision}\label{sec:elision}
-% In the infrastructure discussed above, we have completely ignored the fact that we use
-% brackets to disambiguate the formula structure. The general baseline rule here is that
-% we enclose any presented subformula with (round) brackets to mark it as a logical unit.
-% If we applied this to the following formula that combines set union and set intersection
-% \begin{equation}\label{cupcap}
-% |\nunion{\ninters{a,b},\ninters{c,d}}|
-% \end{equation}
-% this would yield $((a\cap b)\cup (c\cap d))$, and not $a\cap b\cup c\cap d$ as we are
-% used to. In mathematics, brackets are elided, whenever the author anticipates that the
-% reader can understand the formula without them, and would be overwhelmed with them. To
-% achieve this, there are set of common conventions that govern bracket elision ---
-% ``$\cap$ binds stronger than $\cup$'' in (\ref{cupcap}). The most common is to assign
-% precedences to all operators, and elide brackets, if the {\index*{precedence}} of the
-% operator is larger than that of the context it is presented in (or equivalently: we only
-% write brackets, if the operator precedence is smaller or equal to the context
-% precedence). Note that this is more selective that simply dropping outer brackets which
-% would yield $a\cap b\cup c\cap d$ for (\ref{capcup}), where we would have liked $(a\cup
-% b)\cap(c\cup d)$
-% \begin{equation}\label{capcup}
-% |\ninters{\nunion{a,b},\nunion{c,d}}|
-% \end{equation}
-% In our example above, we would assign $\cap$ a larger precedence than $\cup$ (and both a
-% larger precedence than the initial precedence to avoid outer brackets). To compute the
-% presentation of (\ref{capcup}) we start out with the |\ninters|, elide its brackets
-% (since the precedence $n$ of $\cup$ is larger than the initial precedence $i$), and set
-% the context precedence for the arguments to $n$. When we present the arguments, we
-% present the brackets, since the precedence of |nunion| is larger than the context
-% precedence $n$.
-% This algorithm --- which we call {\textbf{precedence-based bracket elision}} --- goes a
-% long way towards approximating mathematical practice. Note that full bracket elision in
-% mathematical practice is a reader-oriented process, it cannot be fully mechanical,
-% e.g. in $(a\cap b\cap c\cap d\cap e\cap f\cap g)\cup h$ we better put the brackets
-% around the septary intersection to help the reader even though they could have been
-% elided by our algorithm. Therefore, the author has to retain full control\ednote{think
-% about how to implement that. We need a way to override precedences locally} over
-% bracketing in a bracket elision architecture. Otherwise it would become impossible to
-% explain the concept of associativity in $(a\circ b)\circ c =a\circ(b\circ c)$, where we
-% need the brackets for this one time on an otherwise associative operation $\circ$.
-% \begin{figure}[htb]
-% \begin{center}
-% \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}\hline
-% Precedence & Operators & Comment\\\hline\hline
-% 800 & +,- & unary \\\hline
-% 800 & $\hat{}$ & exponentiation \\\hline
-% 600 & $*,\land,\cap$ & multiplicative \\\hline
-% 500 & $+,-,\lor,\cup$ & additive\\\hline
-% 400 & / & fraction \\\hline
-% 300 & $=, \ne, \leq, <, >, \geq$ & relation\\\hline
-% \end{tabular}
-% \end{center}\vspace*{-1em}
-% \caption{Common Operator Precedences}\label{fig:precedence}
-% \end{figure}
-% Furthermore, we supply an optional keyval arguments to the mixfix declarations and their
-% abbreviations that allow to specify precedences: The key \DescribeMacro{p}|p| key is
-% used to specify the {\bf{operator precedence}}, and the keys
-% \DescribeMacro{pi}\DescribeMacro{pii}\DescribeMacro{piii}|p|\meta{i} can be used to
-% specify the {\bf{argument precedence}s}. The latter will set the precedence level while
-% processing the arguments, while the operator precedence invokes brackets, if it is
-% smaller than the current precedence level --- which is set by the appropriate argument
-% precedence by the dominating operators or the outer precedence. The values of the
-% precedence keys can be integers or \DescribeMacro{\iprec}|\iprec| for the infinitely
-% large precedence or \DescribeMacro{\niprec}|\niprec| for the infinitely small
-% precedence.
-% If none of the precedences is specified, then the defaults are assumed. The operator
-% precedence is set to the default operator precedence, which defaults to 0. The argument
-% precedences default to the operator precedence.
-% Figure~\ref{fig:precedence} gives an overview over commonly used precedences. Note that
-% most operators have precedences higher than the default precedence of 0, otherwise the
-% brackets would not be elided. For our examples above, we would define
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \newcommand\nunion[1]{\assoc[p=500]{\cup}{#1}}
-% \newcommand\ninters[1]{\assoc[p=600]{\cap}{#1}}
-% \end{verbatim}
-% to get the desired behavior.
-% Note that the presentation macros uses round brackets for grouping by default. We can
-% specify other brackets via two more keywords: \DescribeMacro{lbrack}|lbrack| and
-% \DescribeMacro{rbrack}|rbrack|.
-% Note that formula parts that look like brackets usually are not. For instance, we should
-% not define the finite set constructor via
-% \begin{equation}\label{wrongset}
-% |\newcommand\fset[1]{\assoc[lbrack=\{,rbrack=\}]{,}{#1}}|
-% \end{equation}
-% where the curly braces are used as brackets, but as presented in section~\ref{sec:assoc}
-% even though both would format |\fset{a,b,c}| as $\{a,b,c\}$. In the encoding here, an
-% operator with suitably high operator precedence (it is the best practice u)would be able
-% to make the brackets disappear. Thus the correct version of (\ref{wrongset}) is
-% \begin{equation}\label{goodset}
-% |\newcommand\fset[1]{\mixfixa[p=\iprec,pi=0]{\{}{#1}{\}}{,}}|
-% \end{equation}
-% Note that |\prefix| and |\postfix| and their variants declared in
-% section~\ref{sec:prepostfix} have brackets that do not participate (actively) in the
-% precedence-based elision: function application brackets are not subject to elision. But
-% the operator precedence |p| is still taken into account for outer brackets. The argument
-% precedence |pi| has negative infinity as a default to avoid spurious brackets for
-% arguments.
-% There is another use case for the |\mixfixi| macro that is not apparent at first
-% glance. In some cases, we would naively construct presentations without a mixfix
-% declaration, e.g.
-% \begin{equation}\label{wrongfrac}
-% |\newcommand\half[1]{\frac{#1}2}|
-% \end{equation}
-% The the problem here is that the fraction does not participate in the precedence-based
-% bracketing system, and in particular, the numerator will often have too many brackets
-% (the incoming precedence is just passe through the |\half| macro). A better way is to
-% wrap the intended presentation in a (somewhat spurious) |\mixfixi|, which we give the
-% precedence |nobrackets|, which suppresses all (outer and argument) brackets for one
-% level:
-% \begin{equation}\label{wrongfrac}
-% |\newcommand\half[1]{\mixfixi[nobrackets]{}{\frac{#1}2}{}}|
-% \end{equation}
-% \subsection{Flexible Elision}\label{sec:flexible-elision}
-% There are several situations in which it is desirable to display only some parts of the
-% presentation:
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item We have already seen the case of redundant brackets above
-% \item Arguments that are strictly necessary are omitted to simplify the notation, and the
-% reader is trusted to fill them in from the context.
-% \item Arguments are omitted because they have default values. For example $\log_{10}x$
-% is often written as $\log x$.
-% \item Arguments whose values can be inferred from the other arguments are usually
-% omitted. For example, matrix multiplication formally takes five arguments, namely the
-% dimensions of the multiplied matrices and the matrices themselves, but only the latter
-% two are displayed.
-% \end{itemize}
-% Typically, these elisions are confusing for readers who are getting acquainted with a
-% topic, but become more and more helpful as the reader advances. For experienced readers
-% more is elided to focus on relevant material, for beginners representations are more
-% explicit. In the process of writing a mathematical document for traditional (print)
-% media, an author has to decide on the intended audience and design the level of elision
-% (which need not be constant over the document though). With electronic media we have new
-% possibilities: we can make elisions flexible. The author still chooses the elision level
-% for the initial presentation, but the reader can adapt it to her level of competence and
-% comfort, making details more or less explicit.
-% To provide this functionality, the |presentation| package provides the
-% \DescribeMacro{\elide}|\elide| macro allows to associate a text with an integer
-% {\textbf{visibility level}} and group them into {\textbf{elision groups}}. High levels
-% mean high elidability.
-% Elision can take various forms in print and digital media. In static media like
-% traditional print on paper or the PostScript format, we have to fix the elision level,
-% and can decide at presentation time which elidable tokens will be printed and which will
-% not. In this case, the presentation algorithm will take visibility thresholds $T_g$ for
-% every elidability group $g$ as a user parameter and then elide (i.e. not print) all
-% tokens in visibility group $g$ with level $l>T_g$. We specify this threshold for via the
-% \DescribeMacro{\setegroup}|\setegroup| macro. For instance in the example below, we have
-% a two type annotations |par| for type parameters and |typ| for type annotations
-% themselves.
-% \begin{exfig}[ht]
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% $\mathbf{I}\elide{par}{500}{^\alpha}\elide{typ}{100}{_{\alpha\to\alpha}}
-% :=\lambda{X\elide{typ}{500}{_\alpha}}.X$
-% \end{verbatim}\vspace*{-2em}
-% \caption{Elision with Elision Groups}\label{ex:elision}
-% \end{exfig}
-% The visibility levels in the example encode how redundant the author thinks the elided
-% parts of the formula are: low values show high redundancy. In our example the intuition
-% is that the type parameter on the $\mathbf{I}$ combinator and the type annotation on the
-% bound variable $X$ in the $\lambda$ expression are of the same obviousness to the
-% reader. So in a document that contains |\setegroup{typ}{0}| and |\setegroup{par}{0}|
-% Figure~\ref{ex:elision} will show $\mathbf{I}:=\lambda{X}.X$ eliding all redundant
-% information. If we have both values at 600, then we will see
-% $\mathbf{I}^\alpha:=\lambda{X_\alpha}.X$ and only if the threshold for |typ| rises above
-% 900, then we see the full information:
-% $\mathbf{I}^\alpha_{\alpha\to\alpha}:=\lambda{X_\alpha}.X$.
-% In an output format that is capable of interactively changing its appearance, e.g.
-% dynamic XHTML+MathML (i.e. XHTML with embedded Presentation {\mathml} formulas, which
-% can be manipulated via JavaScript in browsers), an application can export the
-% information about elision groups and levels to the target format, and can then
-% dynamically change the visibility thresholds by user interaction. Here the visibility
-% threshold would also be used, but here it only determines the default rendering; a user
-% can then fine-tune the document dynamically to reveal elided material to support
-% understanding or to elide more to increase conciseness.
-% The price the author has to pay for this enhanced user experience is that she has to
-% specify elided parts of a formula that would have been left out in conventional
-% {\LaTeX}. Some of this can be alleviated by good coding practices. Let us consider the
-% log base case. This is elided in mathematics, since the reader is expected to pick it up
-% from context. Using semantic macros, we can mimic this behavior: defining two semantic
-% macros: |\logC| which picks up the log base from the context via the |\logbase| macro
-% and |\logB| which takes it as a (first) argument.
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \provideEdefault{logbase}{10}
-% \symdef{logB}[2]{\prefix{\mathrm{log}\elide{base}{100}{_{#1}}}{#2}}
-% \abbrdef{logC}[1]{\logB{\fromEcontext{logbase}}{#1}}
-% \end{verbatim}
-% \DescribeMacro{\provideEdefault} Here we use the |\provideEdefault| macro to initialize
-% a {\LaTeX} token register for the |logbase| default, which we can pick up from the
-% elision context using \DescribeMacro{\fromEcontext}|\fromEcontext| in the definition of
-% |\logC|. Thus |\logC{x}| would render as $\mathrm{log}_{10}(x)$ with a threshold of 50
-% for |base| and as $\mathrm{log}_2$, if the local {\TeX} group e.g. given by the
-% |assertion| environment contains a
-% \DescribeMacro{setEdefault}|\setEdefault{logbase}{2}|.
-% \subsection{Other Layout Primitives}\label{sec:inter:primitives}
-% Not all mathematical layouts are producible with mixfix notations. A prime example are
-% grid layouts which are marked up using the |array| element in {\TeX/\LaTeX}, e.g. for
-% definition by cases as the (somewhat contrived) definition of the absolute value
-% function in the upper part of Figure~\ref{fig:piece}. We will now motivate the need of
-% special layout primitives with this example.
-% \begin{exfig}
-% \begin{module}[id=foo]
-% \symdef{piece}[2]{\parrayline{\parraycell{#1}}{\text{if}\;#2}}
-% \symdef{otherwise}[1]{\parrayline{\parraycell{#1}}{\text{else}}}
-% \symdef{piecewise}[1]{\left\{\parray{rl}{#1}\right.}
-% \qquad\begin{minipage}[c]{5cm}
-% $\vert x\vert\colon=\piecewise{\piece{x}{x>0}\piece{-x}{x<0}\otherwise{0}}$
-% \end{minipage}
-% \qquad
-% \begin{minipage}[c]{7cm}
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% |x|\colon=\left\{
-% \begin{array}{rl}
-% x & x>0\\
-% -x & x<0\\
-% 0 & \text{else}
-% \end{array}
-% \right.
-% \end{verbatim}
-% \end{minipage}
-% \end{module}
-% \hrule
-% \begin{verbatim}
-% \symdef{piece}[2]{\parrayline{\parraycell{#1}}{\text{if}\;#2}}
-% \symdef{otherwise}[1]{\parrayline{\parraycell{#1}}{\text{else}}}
-% \symdef{piecewise}[1]{\left\{\begin{array}{rl}#1\end{array}\right.}
-% $|x|\colon=\piecewise{\piece{x}{x>0}\piece{-x}{x<0}\otherwise{0}}$
-% \end{verbatim}
-% \vspace*{-1.5em}
-% \caption{A piecewise definition of the absolute value function}\label{fig:piece}
-% \end{exfig}
-% But this does not work for content markup via semantic macros~\cite{KohAmb:smmssl:ctan},
-% which wants to group formula parts by function. For definition by cases, we may want to
-% follow the OpenMath |piece1| content dictionary~\cite{CD:piece1:on}, which groups
-% ``piecewise'' definitions into a constructor |piecewise|, whose children are a list of
-% |piece| constructors optionally followed by an |otherwise|. If we want to mimic this by
-% semantic macros in \stex (these are defined via |\symdef|; see~\cite{KohAmb:smmssl:ctan}
-% for details), we would naturally define |\piecewise| by wrapping an |array| environment
-% (see the last line in Figure~\ref{fig:piece}). Then we would naturally be tempted to
-% define |\piece| via |\symdef{piece}[2]{#1&\text{if}\;{#2}\\}| and |\otherwise| via
-% |\symdef{otherwise}[1]{#1&\text{else}}|. But this does not support the generation of
-% separate notation definitions for |\piece| and |\otherwise|: here \latexml has to
-% generate presentational information outside of the |array| context that provides the |&|
-% and |\\| command sequences\footnote{Note that this is not a problem when we only run
-% |latex| if we assume that \texttt{\textbackslash piece} and \texttt{\textbackslash
-% otherwise} are only used in arguments of \texttt{\textbackslash piecewise}.}. Therefore
-% the |presentation| package provides the macros |\parrayline| and |\parraycell| that
-% refactor this functionality.
-% \DescribeMacro{\parrayline}|\parrayline{|\meta{cells}|}{|\meta{cell}|}| is
-% {\LaTeX}-equivalent to \meta{cells}|&|\meta{cell}|\\| and can thus be used to create
-% array lines with one or more array cells: \meta{cell} is the last array cell, and the
-% previous ones are each marked up as
-% \DescribeMacro{\parraycell}|\parraycell{|\meta{cell}|}|, where \meta{cell} is the cell
-% content. In last lines of Figure~\ref{fig:piece} we have used them to create the array
-% lines for |\piece| and |\otherwise|. Note that the array cell specifications in
-% |\parrayline| must coincide with the array specification in the main constructor (here
-% |rl| in |\piecewise|).
-% \section{Limitations}\label{sec:limitations}
-% In this section we document known limitations. If you want to help alleviate them,
-% please feel free to contact the package author. Some of them are currently discussed in
-% the \sTeX GitHub repository~\cite{sTeX:github:on}.
-% \begin{enumerate}
-% \item none reported yet
-% \end{enumerate}
-% \StopEventually{\newpage\PrintIndex\newpage\PrintChanges\printbibliography}
-% \section{The Implementation}\label{sec:implementation}
-% \subsection{Package Options}\label{sec:impl:options}
-% The |presentation| package does not take options (at the moment), but we accept any and
-% ignore them.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% We first make sure that the KeyVal package is loaded (in the right
-% version). For {\latexml}, we also initialize the package inclusions.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% We will first specify the default precedences and brackets, together with the macros
-% that allow to set them.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{The System Commands}\label{sec:impl:syscommands}
-% \begin{macro}{\withprec*}
-% |\withprec| will set the current precedence.\ednote{need to implement this in
-% {\latexml}! it is used in |power| in |smglom/smglom/source/arithmetcis.tex|. We also
-% need to document it above!}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\PrecSet}
-% |\PrecSet| will set the default precedence.\ednote{need to implement this in
-% {\latexml}! Also document it above! On the other hand it is never used.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\PrecWrite}
-% |\PrecWrite| will write a bracket, if the precedence mandates it, i.e. if |\pres@p| is
-% greater than the current precedence specified by |\pres@current@precedence|
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Prefix \& Postfix Notations}\label{sec:impl:prepostfix}
-% We first define the keys for the keyval arguments for |\prefix| and |\postfix|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\prefix}
-% In prefix we always write the brackets.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\prefix[3][]%key, fn, arg
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\postfix}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\postfix[3][]%key, fn, arg
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Mixfix Operators}\label{sec:impl:mixfix}
-% We need to enable notation definitions of the operators that have
-% argument- and precedence-aware renderings. To this end, we
-% circumvent {\latexml}'s limitations induced by its internal
-% processing stages, by pulling most of the argument rendering
-% functionality to the XSLT which produces the final {\omdoc} result.
-% In the {\latexml} bindings, the internal structure of the mixfix
-% operators is generically preserved, via the |symdef_presentation_pmml| subroutine
-% in the Modules package. Nevertheless, in the current module we add the promised syntactic
-% enhancements to each element of the mixfix family. Also, we use the
-% |argument_precedence| subroutine to store the precedences given by
-% the 'pi', 'pii', etc. keys as a temporary |argprec|
-% attribute of the rendering, to be abolished during the final {\omdoc} generation.
-% This setup is finally utilized by the XSLT stylesheet which combines
-% the operator structure with the preserved precedences to produce the
-% proper form of the argument render elements.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixi}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixi[4][]%key, pre, arg, post
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\@assoc}
-% We are using functionality from the {\LaTeX} core packages here to iterate over the
-% arguments.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\@assoc#1#2#3{% precedence, function, argv
-\let\@tmpop=\relax% do not print the function the first time round
-\@for\@I:=#3\do{\@tmpop% print the function
-% write the i-th argument with locally updated precedence
-\def\@tmpop{#2}}}%update the function
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixa}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixa[5][]%key, pre, arg, post, assocop
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixA}
-% A variant of |\mixfixa| that puts the arguments into an array.\ednote{MK: this is very
-% experimental now, if this works, we need to document this above and extend this to the
-% other mixfix declarations. Also we could use a key for the array format argument.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixA[5][]%key, pre, arg, post, assocop
-\PrecWrite\pres@lbrack% write bracket if necessary
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixii}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixii[6][]%key, pre, arg1, mid, arg2, post
-\PrecWrite\pres@lbrack% write bracket if necessary
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixia}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixia[7][]%key, pre, arg1, mid, arg2, post, assocop
-\PrecWrite\pres@lbrack% write bracket if necessary
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixiA}
-% A variant of |\mixfixia| that puts the arguments into an array.\ednote{MK: this is very
-% experimental now, if this works, we need to document this above and extend this to the
-% other mixfix declarations. Also we could use a key for the array format argument.}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixiA[7][]%key, pre, arg1, mid, arg2, post, assocop
-\PrecWrite\pres@lbrack% write bracket if necessary
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixai}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixai[7][]%key, pre, arg1, mid, arg2, post, assocop
-\PrecWrite\pres@lbrack% write bracket if necessary
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixiii}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixiii[8][]%key, pre, arg1, mid1, arg2, mid2, arg3, post
-\PrecWrite\pres@lbrack% write bracket if necessary
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixaii}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixaii[9][]%key, pre, arg1, mid1, arg2, mid2, arg3, post, sep
-\PrecWrite\pres@lbrack% write bracket if necessary
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixiai}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixiai[9][]%key, pre, arg1, mid1, arg2, mid2, arg3, post, assocop
-\PrecWrite\pres@lbrack% write bracket if necessary
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\mixfixiia}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\mixfixiia[9][]%key, pre, arg1, mid1, arg2, mid2, arg3, post,assocop
-\PrecWrite\pres@lbrack% write bracket if necessary
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\prefixa}
-% In prefix we always write the brackets.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\prefixa[4][]%keys, fn, arg, sep
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\postfixa}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand\postfixa[4][]%keys, fn, arg, sep
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\infix}
-% |\infix|\ednote{need infixl as well, use counters for precedences here.} is a simple
-% special case of |\mixfixii|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\assoc}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{General Elision}\label{sec:impl:elision}
-% \ednote{all of these still need to be tested and implemented in LaTeXML.}
-% \begin{macro}{\setegroup}
-% The elision macros are quite simple, a group |foo| is internally represented by a
-% macro |foo@egroup|, which we set by a |\gdef|.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\setegroup#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname #1@egroup\endcsname{#2}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\elide}
-% Then the elision command is picks up on this (flags an error) if the internal macro
-% does not exist and prints the third argument, if the elision value threshold is above
-% the elision group threshold in the paper.\ednote{do we need to turn this around as
-% well?} We test the implementation with Figure~\ref{ex:elision-test}.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\PackageError{presentation}{undefined egroup #1, assuming value 0}%
-{When calling \protect\elide{#1}... the elision group #1 has be have\MessageBreak
-been set by \protect\setegroup before, e.g. by \protect\setegroup{an}{0}.}}%
-{\edef\@elevel{\csname #1@egroup\endcsname}}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{figure}[ht]\centering
-% \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline
-% {\texttt{par}} & {\texttt{typ}} & result & expected \\\hline\hline
-% 0 & 0 & \setegroup{par}{0}\setegroup{typ}{0}
-% $\mathbf{I}\elide{par}{500}{^\alpha}\elide{typ}{100}{_{\alpha\to\alpha}}
-% :=\lambda{X\elide{typ}{500}{_\alpha}}.X$
-% & $\mathbf{I}:=\lambda{X}.X$\\\hline
-% 600 & 600 & \setegroup{par}{600}\setegroup{typ}{600}
-% $\mathbf{I}\elide{par}{500}{^\alpha}\elide{typ}{100}{_{\alpha\to\alpha}}
-% :=\lambda{X\elide{typ}{500}{_\alpha}}.X$
-% & $\mathbf{I}^\alpha:=\lambda{X_\alpha}.X$\\\hline
-% 600 & 1000 & \setegroup{par}{600}\setegroup{typ}{1000}
-% $\mathbf{I}\elide{par}{500}{^\alpha}\elide{typ}{100}{_{\alpha\to\alpha}}
-% :=\lambda{X\elide{typ}{500}{_\alpha}}.X$
-% & $\mathbf{I}^\alpha_{\alpha\to\alpha}:=\lambda{X_\alpha}.X$\\\hline
-% \end{tabular}
-% \caption{Testing Elision with the example in Figure~\protect\ref{ex:elision}}\label{ex:elision-test}
-% \end{figure}
-% \begin{macro}{\provideEdefault}
-% The |\provideEdefault| macro sets up the context for an elision default by locally
-% defining the internal macro \meta{default}|@edefault| and (if necessary) exporting it
-% from the module.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\setEdefault}
-% The |\setEdefault| macro just redefines the internal \meta{default}|@edefault| in the
-% local group
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\setEdefault#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname #1@edfault\endcsname{#2}}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\fromEcontext}
-% The |\fromEcontext| macro just calls internal \meta{default}|@edefault| macro.
-% \begin{macrocode}
-\def\fromEcontext#1{\csname #1@edefault\endcsname}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Other Layout Primitives}\label{sec:impl:primitives}
-% The |\parray|, |\parrayline| and |\parraycell| macros are simple refactorings of the
-% |array| functionality on the {\LaTeX} side.
-% \begin{macro}{\parray}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\parrayline}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\prmatrix}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\pmrow}
-% \ednote{this does not work together with the robustification (using |newrobustcmd|)
-% in |symdef|}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \subsection{Deprecated Functionality}
-% These macros may go away at any time.
-% \begin{macro}{\parraylineh}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\parraycell}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \Finale
-% LocalWords: dtx CPERL RequirePackage keyval lbrack rbrack DefKeyVal omdoc cd
-% LocalWords: Semiverbatim DefConstructor OptionalKeyVals pmml ltx XMath mii
-% LocalWords: pii miii piii KeyVal egroup namedef attr precs foreach ToString
-% LocalWords: DefMacro stex srcref argprec mrow getSymmdefProperties funapp
-% LocalWords: args arg LaTeX cvar iffalse scsys sc sc mathml openmath latexml
-% LocalWords: cmathml activemath twintoo atwin atwintoo texttt fileversion foo
-% LocalWords: Deyan Ginev maketitle setcounter tocdepth tableofcontents symdef
-% LocalWords: newpage ldots bigl bigr langle ary cdots subseteq mixfixi exfig
-% LocalWords: mixfixii mixfixiii vspace hline sseteq ite tt tt tt tt uminus rb
-% LocalWords: texorpdfstring assoc ednote nunion mixfixa mixfixa postfixa leq
-% LocalWords: postfixa mixfixia mixfixia mixfixai mixfixai fntype rightarrow
-% LocalWords: mixfixaii mixfixiai mixfixiia typej vdash cupcap ninters ninters
-% LocalWords: capcup geq prec fset textbf textbf setegroup setegroup mathbf fn
-% LocalWords: provideEdefault provideEdefault fromEcontext fromEcontext mathrm
-% LocalWords: setEdefault setEdefault widetilde cdot vname vname vnref vnname
-% LocalWords: ulivar ulivar primvar primvar pprimvar pprimvar textsf textsf rl
-% LocalWords: printbibliography ltxml infty ifnum clearkeys nobrackets whatsit
-% LocalWords: ifundefined keyvals kvhash newcommand setkeys crossrefOp argv
-% LocalWords: tmpop i-th assocop textbackslash infixl gdef expandafter csname
-% LocalWords: endcsname edefault edfault ifx prepostfix circ circ circ circ
-% LocalWords: iprec iprec niprec niprec wrongset goodset prepost prepkeys
-% LocalWords: arrayline arraycell qquad hrule cmath compactenum omtext smmtf
-% LocalWords: wrongfrac elidability elidable renewcommand tabularnewline
-% LocalWords: docsvlist refactorings
-% \endinput
-% Local Variables:
-% mode: doctex
-% TeX-master: t
-% End:
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-%% This file generates files required to use the ed package.
-%% At your command prompt write
-%% latex presentation.ins
-%% Copyright(c) 2005 Michael Kohlhase
-%% This file is distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
-%% License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
-%% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
-\input docstrip
-% generate base package
-\Msg{* You probably need to move the generated style files into a directory searched by TeX.}
-\Msg{* And don't forget to refresh your filename database}
-\Msg{* if your TeX distribution uses such a database.}
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