path: root/macros/latex/contrib/stex/doc/packages/stex-mathhub.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/stex/doc/packages/stex-mathhub.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/stex/doc/packages/stex-mathhub.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/stex/doc/packages/stex-mathhub.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index eb09414ac7..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/stex/doc/packages/stex-mathhub.tex
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@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-\begin{sfragment}[id=sec:localmh]{The Local MathHub-Directory}
- \stexcode"\usemodule", \stexcode"\importmodule",
- \stexcode"\inputref" etc. allow for
- including content modularly without having to specify absolute
- paths, which would differ between users and machines. Instead,
- \sTeX uses \emph{archives} that determine the global
- namespaces for symbols and statements and make it possible
- for \sTeX to find content referenced via such URIs.
- All \sTeX archives need to exist in the local |MathHub|-directory.
- \sTeX knows where this folder is via one of four means:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item If the \sTeX package is loaded with the option |mathhub=/path/to/mathhub|, then
- \sTeX will consider |/path/to/mathhub| as the local |MathHub|-directory.
- \item If the |mathhub| package option is \emph{not} set, but the macro |\mathhub|
- exists when the \sTeX-package is loaded, then this macro is assumed to point to the
- local |MathHub|-directory; i.e.
- \stexcode"\def\mathhub{/path/to/mathhub}\usepackage{stex}" will set the
- |MathHub|-directory as |path/to/mathhub|.
- \item Otherwise, \sTeX will attempt to retrieve the system variable |MATHHUB|,
- assuming it will point to the local |MathHub|-directory. Since this variant needs
- setting up only \emph{once} and is machine-specific (rather than defined in tex
- code), it is compatible with collaborating and sharing tex content, and hence
- recommended.
- \item Finally, if all else fails, \sTeX will look for a file
- |~/.stex/mathhub.path|. If this file exists, \sTeX will assume that it contains the
- path to the local |MathHub|-directory. This method is recommended on systems where
- it is difficult to set environment variables.
- \end{enumerate}
-\begin{sfragment}{The Structure of \sTeX Archives}
- An \sTeX archive |group/name| is stored in the
- directory |/path/to/mathhub/group/name|; e.g. assuming your
- local |MathHub|-directory is set as |/user/foo/MathHub|, then
- in order for the |smglom/calculus|-archive to be found by the
- \sTeX system, it needs to be in |/user/foo/MathHub/smglom/calculus|.
- Each such archive needs two subdirectories:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item |/source| -- this is where all your tex files go.
- \item |/META-INF| -- a directory containing a single file
- |MANIFEST.MF|, the content of which we will consider shortly
- \end{itemize}
- An additional |lib|-directory is optional, and is where \sTeX will
- look for files included via \stexcode"\libinput".
- Additionally a \emph{group} of archives |group/name| may have
- an additional archive |group/meta-inf|. If this |meta-inf|-archive
- has a |/lib|-subdirectory, it too will be searched by \stexcode"\libinput"
- from all tex files in any archive in the |group/*|-group.
- \paragraph{} We recommend the following additional directory structure in the
- |source|-folder of an \sTeX archive:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item |/source/mod/| -- individual \sTeX modules, containing
- symbol declarations, notations, and
- \stexcode"\begin{sparagraph}[type=symdoc,for=...]"
- environments for ``encyclopaedic'' symbol documentations
- \iffalse\end{sparagraph}\fi
- \item |/source/def/| -- definitions
- \item |/source/ex/| -- examples
- \item |/source/thm/| -- theorems, lemmata and proofs; preferably
- proofs in separate files to allow for multiple proofs for the
- same statement
- \item |/source/snip/| -- individual text snippets such as remarks,
- explanations etc.
- \item |/source/frag/| -- individual document fragments,
- ideally only \stexcode"\inputref"ing snippets, definitions,
- examples etc. in some desirable order
- \item |/source/tikz/| -- tikz images, as individual |.tex|-files
- \item |/source/PIC/| -- image files.
- \end{itemize}
- The |MANIFEST.MF| in the |META-INF|-directory consists of key-value-pairs, informing
- \sTeX (and associated software) of various properties of an archive. For example, the
- |MANIFEST.MF| of the |smglom/calculus|-archive looks like this:
- \begin{framed}
- \begin{verbatim}
- id: smglom/calculus
- source-base:
- narration-base:
- dependencies: smglom/arithmetics,smglom/sets,smglom/topology,
- smglom/mv,smglom/linear-algebra,smglom/algebra
- responsible:
- title: Elementary Calculus
- teaser: Terminology for the mathematical study of change.
- description: desc.html
- \end{verbatim}
- \end{framed}
- Many of these are in fact ignored by \sTeX, but some are important:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item[|id|:] The name of the archive, including its group (e.g. |smglom/calculus|),
- \item[|source-base|] or
- \item[|ns|:] The namespace from which all symbol and module URIs
- in this repository are formed, see (\textcolor{red}{TODO}),
- \item[|narration-base:|] The namespace from which all document
- URIs in this repository are formed, see (\textcolor{red}{TODO}),
- \item[|url-base|:] The URL that is formed as a basis for \emph{external references},
- see (\textcolor{red}{TODO}),
- \item[|dependencies|:] All archives that this archive depends on. \sTeX ignores
- this field, but \mmt can pick up on them to resolve dependencies,
- e.g. for |lmh install|.
- \end{itemize}
-\begin{sfragment}{Using Files in \sTeX Archives Directly}
- Several macros provided by \sTeX allow for directly including
- files in repositories. These are:
- \begin{function}{\mhinput}
- \stexcode"\mhinput[Some/Archive]{some/file}" directly
- inputs the file |some/file| in the |source|-folder of
- |Some/Archive|.
- \end{function}
- \begin{function}{\inputref}
- \stexcode"\inputref[Some/Archive]{some/file}" behaves like \stexcode"\mhinput", but
- wraps the input in a |\begingroup ... \endgroup|. When converting to |xhtml|, the
- file is not input at all, and instead an |html|-annotation is inserted that
- references the file, e.g. for lazy loading.
- In the majority of practical cases \stexcode"\inputref" is likely to be preferred
- over \stexcode"\mhinput" because it leads to less duplication in the generated
- |xhtml|.
- \end{function}
- \begin{function}{\ifinput}
- Both \stexcode"\mhinput" and \stexcode"\inputref"
- set \stexcode"\ifinput" to ``true'' during input. This allows
- for selectively including e.g. bibliographies only if the
- current file is not being currently included in a larger document.
- \end{function}
- \begin{function}{\addmhbibresource}
- \stexcode"\addmhbibresource[Some/Archive]{some/file}" searches for a file like
- \stexcode"\mhinput" does, but calls |\addbibresource| to the result and looks for
- the file in the archive root directory directly, rather than the |source|
- directory. Typical invocations are
- \begin{itemize}
- \item |\addmhbibresource{lib/refs.bib}|, which specifies a bibliography in the |lib|
- folder in the local archive or
- \item |\addmhbibresource[HW/meta-inf]{lib/refs.bib}| in another.
- \end{itemize}
- \end{function}
- \begin{function}{\libinput}
- \stexcode"\libinput{some/file}"
- searches for a file |some/file| in
- \begin{itemize}
- \item the |lib|-directory of the current archive, and
- \item the |lib|-directory of a |meta-inf|-archive in
- (any of) the archive groups containing the current archive
- \end{itemize}
- and include all found files in reverse order;
- e.g. \stexcode"\libinput{preamble}" in a |.tex|-file in
- |smglom/calculus| will \emph{first} input |.../smglom/meta-inf/lib/preamble.tex|
- and then |../smglom/calculus/lib/preamble.tex|.
- \stexcode|\libinput| will throw an error if \emph{no} candidate for |some/file|
- is found.
- \end{function}
- \begin{function}{\libusepackage}
- \stexcode"\libusepackage[package-options]{some/file}" searches for a file
- |some/file.sty| in the same way that \stexcode"\libinput" does, but will
- call\\
- |\usepackage[package-options]{path/to/some/file}| instead of |\input|.
- \stexcode|\libusepackage| throws an error if not \emph{exactly one} candidate for
- |some/file| is found.
- \end{function}
- \begin{remark}
- A good practice is to have individual \sTeX fragments
- follow basically this document frame:
- \begin{latexcode}[gobble=12]
- \documentclass{stex}
- \libinput{preamble}
- \begin{document}
- ...
- \ifinputref \else \libinput{postamble} \fi
- \end{document}
- \end{latexcode}
- Then the |preamble.tex| files can take care of loading the generally required
- packages, setting presentation customizations etc. (per archive or archive group
- or both), and |postamble.tex| can e.g. print the bibliography, index etc.
- \stexcode|\libusepackage| is particularly useful in |preamble.tex| when we want to
- use custom packages that are not part of {\TeX}Live. In this case we commit the
- respective packages in one of the |lib| folders and use \stexcode|\libusepackage|
- to load them.
- \end{remark}
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: "../stex-manual"
-%%% End:
-%%% LocalWords: mathhub symdoc,for lmh subdirs arithmetics,smglom sets,smglom mv,smglom
-%%% LocalWords: linear-algebra,smglom