path: root/macros/latex/contrib/skmath/skmath.tex
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+%% skmath improved math commands
+%% Copyright (C) 2012-2019 by Simon Sigurdhsson <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Simon Sigurdhsson.
+%% This work consists of the file skmath.tex
+%% and the derived file skmath.sty.
+% Declare the target files
+% Hack for LaTeX3 code
+\char_set_catcode_letter:n{ 58 }
+\char_set_catcode_letter:n{ 95 } }
+% This is where the documentation begins
+ % Change & version info
+ \version{0.5}
+ \changes{0.1}{Initial version}
+ \changes{0.1c}{Moved package from \pkg{docstrip} to \pkg{skdoc}}
+ \changes{0.1d}{Fixed fatal documentation and package errors}
+ \changes{0.1e}{Added statistics commands}
+ \changes{0.1g}{Documentation fixes}
+ \changes{0.2}{Use \pkg{expl3} functionality throughout the package}
+ \changes{0.3}{Added \cs{min}/\cs{max} and friends. Added \cs{pd}}
+ \changes{0.3a}{Added \cs{sinh}, \cs{cosh} and \cs{tanh}}
+ \changes{0.3b}{Detect empty arguments in trigonometric and logarithmic functions, fix \cs{ln}}
+ \changes{0.4}{Added \opt{notation} option, macros for complex numbers}
+ \changes{0.4a}{Replaced deprecated/removed \pkg{expl3} constructs}
+ \changes{0.4b}{Track \pkg{expl3} changes (thanks to Joseph Wright)}
+ \changes{0.5}{Added \cs{td} and \cs{ee}}
+ % Don't forget to update the version number and release date of
+ % the package declaration in the implementation!
+ % Metadata
+ \package[ctan=skmath,vcs=]{skmath}
+ \author{Simon Sigurdhsson}
+ \email{}
+ % First page
+ \maketitle
+ \begin{abstract}
+ The \thepackage\ package provides improved and new math commands
+ for superior typesetting with less effort.
+ \end{abstract}
+ \section{Introduction}
+ This package intends to provide helpful (re-)definitions of commands
+ related to typesetting mathematics, and specifically typesetting
+ them in a more intuitive, less verbose and more beautiful way.
+ It was originally not intended for use by the public, and as such
+ there may be incompatibilities with other packages of which I am
+ not aware, but I figured it could be useful to other people as well.
+ \section{Usage}
+ \subsection{Options}
+ As of version \theversion, the package provides two key-value options.
+ \Option{commonsets}\WithValues{true,false}\AndDefault{false}
+ Optionally define \cs{N}, \cs{Z}, \cs{Q}, \cs{R} and \cs{C} as blackboard
+ variants of the respective letters, to represent the common sets
+ of numbers.
+ \Option{notation}\WithValues{iso,english,german,legacy}\AndDefault{legacy}
+ This option controls the style of a few typographic elements that differ
+ between countries and standards (such as the style of integrals, derivatives
+ and greek letters).
+ \subsection{New commands}
+ The package defines a number of new commands that aid in typesetting
+ certain mathematical formulae.
+ \DescribeMacro\N
+ \DescribeMacro\Z
+ \DescribeMacro\Q
+ \DescribeMacro\R
+ \DescribeMacro\C
+ These commands are only available if the \opt{commonsets}
+ option is given. They typeset the set of natural, integer, rational,
+ real and complex numbers respectively.
+ \N, \Z, \Q, \R, \C.
+ \DescribeMacro\ii
+ \DescribeMacro\jj
+ These commands typeset the imaginary unit (either \(\ii\) as used in
+ mathematics or \(\jj\) as used in electrotechnology). While normal use
+ of the package simply results in italic characters, setting the \opt{notation}
+ option to \texttt{iso} will set these upright.
+ \DescribeMacro\ee
+ This command typesets Euler's number \(\ee = \sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{1}{n!}\).
+ The style is affected by the \opt{notation} option in the same way as \Macro\exp.
+ \DescribeMacro\norm{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\abs{<expression>}
+ The commands \Macro\norm and \Macro\abs, quite expectedly, typeset
+ the norm ans absolute value of an expression, respectively. They
+ have one mandatory argument (the expression), and different norms
+ can be achieved by appending a subscript after the argument of
+ \Macro\norm.
+ \norm{\vec{x}}_p =
+ \left(\sum_{i=1}^n \abs{x_i}^p\right)%
+ ^{\sfrac{1}{p}}
+ \DescribeMacro\d{<variable>}
+ There is also a command \Macro\d, with one mandatory argument, that
+ typesets the differential part of an integral.
+ \int_{\R}\! \frac{\sin{x}}{x} \d{x}
+ \DescribeMacro\pd*{<function>}{<var>,\meta{var},...}
+ This macro typesets a partial derivative. The starred variant typesets
+ derivatives as subscripts, i.e. \(\pd*{f}{x^2,y}\), while the unstarred
+ variant typesets full fractions:
+ \pd{f}{x^m,y^n}
+ As the example shows, the comma-separated list of variables also
+ supports superscripts to denote the number of derivatives, and the
+ sum of the variables is automatically calculated.
+ \DescribeMacro\td{<function>}{<var>}
+ This macro typesets a total derivative. Unlike \Macro\pd, this macro does
+ not have a starred variant, and only typesets full fractions:
+ \td{f}{x^m}
+ \DescribeMacro\E{<expression>}
+ The command \Macro\E typesets the expectation of a random variable.
+ \E{\hat{\mu}} = \mu
+ \DescribeMacro\P{<expression>\AlsoMacro\given <expression>}
+ The \Macro\P command typesets a probability. The \Macro\given command
+ can be used to typeset conditional probabilities, within \Macro\P.
+ \P{A\given B} =
+ \frac{\P{B\given A}\P{A}}{\P{B}}
+ \DescribeMacro\var{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\cov{<expression>}{<expression>}
+ The commands \Macro\var and \Macro\cov typeset the variance and
+ covariance of an expression.
+ \var{X} = \E{(X-\mu)^2}\\
+ \cov{X}{Y} = \E{XY}-\E{X}\E{Y}
+ \subsection{Improved commands}
+ In addition to adding new commands, this package also redefines
+ already existing commands in a mostly backwards-compatible way
+ to improve their usefulness.
+ \DescribeMacro\sin[<power>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\arcsin{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\cos[<power>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\arccos{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\tan[<power>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\arctan{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\cot[<power>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\sinh[<power>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\cosh[<power>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\tanh[<power>]{<expression>}
+ The trigonometric functions have been redefined
+ to typeset more easily. They typeset \meta{expression} as an
+ argument of the expression, and (if applicable) \meta{power} as
+ a superscript between the function and its argument,
+ \emph{e.g.} \(\sin[2]{\phi}\).
+ When the argument is empty, no parentheses are emitted: \(\cos{}\).
+ \DescribeMacro\ln{<expression>}
+ The natural logarithm macro \Macro\ln has also been redefined to
+ require an argument which is typeset as the argument of the logarithm.
+ \DescribeMacro\log[<base>]{<expression>}
+ The related macro \Macro\log is redefined in a similar way, but also
+ accepts an optional argument denoting the base of the logarithm:
+ \(\log[2]{x}\).
+ As with the trigonometric functions, no parentheses are emitted if
+ the mandatory argument is empty: \(\log{}\).
+ \DescribeMacro\exp*{<expression>}
+ The exponential, \Macro\exp, is redefined to typeset its argument as a
+ superscript of \(\ee\) in some display styles, and as an argument of
+ \(\mathrm{exp}\) otherwise:
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \exp{\sqrt{2}\exp{x}}
+ \end{equation*}
+ Additionally, it is possible to force the \(\mathrm{exp}\) mode by
+ using the starred variant.
+ \DescribeMacro\min*[<domain>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\argmin*[<domain>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\max*[<domain>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\argmax*[<domain>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\sup*[<domain>]{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\inf*[<domain>]{<expression>}
+ The maximum/minimum macros have been redefined in a manner similar to
+ the trigonometric functions. They typeset \meta{expression} inside
+ curly brackets (the starred version omits the brackets), with the
+ optional \meta{domain} typeset in a subscript after the operator
+ (\emph{e.g.} \(\min*[x\in\R_{+}]{f(x)}\)). Argument variants are also
+ provided, and the \meta{expression} is centered underneath the operator
+ if possible:
+ \begin{equation*}
+ \argmin*[x\in\R_{+}]{f(x)}
+ \end{equation*}
+ \subsection{Stylistic changes}
+ Some commands have been redefined in a completely backwards-compatible
+ way to improve the end result of their typesetting.
+ \DescribeMacro\frac{<numerator>}{<denominator>}
+ The \Macro\frac command has been changed to improve typesetting,
+ allowing displaystyle math in some settings.
+ \DescribeMacro\bar{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\vec{<expression>}
+ The \Macro\bar command has been changed to cover the entire
+ \meta{expression} (\emph{i.e.} \(\bar{uv}\)), and \Macro\vec has
+ been changed to match the \cs{vectorsym} command provided by
+ \pkg{isomath}.
+ \DescribeMacro\Re{<expression>}
+ \DescribeMacro\Im{<expression>}
+ These commands typeset the real and imaginary part of a number. Standard use
+ of the package takes definitions roughly from \pkg{amsmath}, while setting
+ the \opt{notation} option to \texttt{iso} changes the definitions to match
+ ISO~80000-2.
+ \section{Known issues}
+ A list of current issues is available in the Github repository of this
+ package\footnote{\url{}}, but as
+ of the release of \theversion, there is one known issue.
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\#15] The package is incompatible with (at least)
+ \pkg{blindtext}, when including math in the blind text. This
+ is due to the redifinition of \cs{sin} (and friends), which
+ is incompatible with the original \pkg{amsmath} definition.
+ This is a feature, not a bug.
+ \end{description}
+ If you discover any bugs in this package, please report them to the issue
+ tracker in the \thepackage\ Github repository.
+ \Implementation\ExplHack
+ \section{Implementation}
+ The package implementation is very simple. First, we do the standard
+ \LaTeXe\ preamble thing, then we require some dependencies.
+ \changes{0.1b}{Load \pkg{amsmath} with \texttt{intlimits} option}
+ \changes{0.2a}{Load \pkg{amsmath} with more \texttt{limits} options}
+ {2018/12/29}{0.5}{improved math commands}
+We start by declaring internal options related to the notation styles.
+First, some placeholders to detect failures.
+ {This~is~an~error~in~the~notation~option~handling.~Please~file~an~issue\\
+ on~Github~(\\
+ message~attached~as~well~as~a~list~of~the~options~passed~to~`skmath'.}
+ \msg_critical:nnn{skmath}{undefined-macro}{\__skmath_integral_d:}
+ \msg_critical:nnn{skmath}{undefined-macro}{\__skmath_natural_log_e:}
+ \msg_critical:nnn{skmath}{undefined-macro}{\__skmath_imaginary_unit:n}
+ \msg_critical:nnn{skmath}{undefined-macro}{\__skmath_total_derivative_d:n}
+Then, the key-value options.
+\keys_define:nn{skmath / internal}{
+ % More on this:
+ % *
+ % * ISO 80000-2
+ % *
+ % *
+ integral-d .choice:,
+ integral-d .value_required:n = true,
+ integral-d / upright .code:n = { \cs_gset_nopar:Npn\__skmath_integral_d:{{\operator@font d}} },
+ integral-d / slanted .code:n = { \cs_gset_nopar:Npn\__skmath_integral_d:{{d}} },
+ isomath .bool_set:N = \g__skmath_load_isomath_bool,
+ isomath .value_required:n = true,
+ natural-log .choice:,
+ natural-log .value_required:n = true,
+ natural-log / upright .code:n = { \cs_gset_nopar:Npn\__skmath_natural_log_e:{{\operator@font e}} },
+ natural-log / slanted .code:n = { \cs_gset_nopar:Npn\__skmath_natural_log_e:{{e}} },
+ imaginary-unit .choice:,
+ imaginary-unit .value_required:n = true,
+ imaginary-unit / upright .code:n = { \cs_gset_nopar:Npn\__skmath_imaginary_unit:n##1{{\operator@font ##1}} },
+ imaginary-unit / slanted .code:n = { \cs_gset_nopar:Npn\__skmath_imaginary_unit:n##1{{##1}} },
+ complex-part-symbols .bool_set_inverse:N = \g__skmath_iso_complex_parts_bool,
+ complex-part-symbols .value_required:n = true,
+ total-derivative-d .choice:,
+ total-derivative-d .value_required:n = true,
+ total-derivative-d / upright .code:n = { \cs_gset_nopar:Npn\__skmath_total_derivative_d:{{\operator@font d}} },
+ total-derivative-d / slanted .code:n = { \cs_gset_nopar:Npn\__skmath_total_derivative_d:{{d}} },
+We also declare the \enquote{public} options.
+ commonsets .bool_set:N = \g__skmath_define_common_sets_bool,
+ commonsets .default:n = true,
+ commonsets .initial:n = false,
+ % TODO: write tests for the notation option
+ notation .choice:,
+ notation / iso .meta:nn = {skmath / internal}{
+ integral-d = upright,
+ isomath = true,
+ natural-log = upright,
+ imaginary-unit = upright,
+ complex-part-symbols = false,
+ total-derivative-d = upright,
+ },
+ notation / german .meta:nn = {skmath / internal}{
+ integral-d = upright,
+ isomath = true,
+ natural-log = slanted, %???
+ imaginary-unit = slanted, %???
+ complex-part-symbols = true, %???
+ total-derivative-d = upright, %???
+ },
+ notation / english .meta:nn = {skmath / internal}{
+ integral-d = slanted,
+ isomath = true,
+ natural-log = slanted, %???
+ imaginary-unit = slanted, %???
+ complex-part-symbols = true, %???
+ total-derivative-d = slanted, %???
+ },
+ notation / legacy .meta:nn = {skmath / internal}{
+ integral-d = upright,
+ isomath = true,
+ natural-log = slanted,
+ imaginary-unit = slanted,
+ complex-part-symbols = true,
+ total-derivative-d = slanted,
+ },
+ % Possibly more style sets... ?
+ notation .initial:n = legacy, % Or is it? Perhaps a legacy option is required.
+ notation .value_required:n = true,
+ % Note also that the styles should probably affect isomath and/or other packages.
+We optionally load \pkg{isomath}, depending on notation style.
+ \RequirePackage{isomath}
+ % TODO: check if there is an alternative package we should load here.
+ Then, a utility conditional\ldots
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_if_novalue_or_empty:nF}[1]
+ {Token or string}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}{
+ \prg_return_true:
+ }{
+ \tl_if_empty:nTF{#1}{
+ \prg_return_true:
+ }{
+ \prg_return_false:
+ }
+ }
+ \end{macro*}
+ \ldots and a helper macro.
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_parens:n}[1]
+ {Argument to wrap in parentheses, unless empty}
+ \__skmath_if_novalue_or_empty:nF{#1}{\left(#1\right)}
+ \end{macro*}
+ We optionally provide commands to typeset common sets.
+ \begin{macro}{\N}
+ \changes{0.1b}{Moved to \textsf{xparse} command definition}
+ \NewDocumentCommand\N{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{N}}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\Z}
+ \changes{0.1b}{Moved to \textsf{xparse} command definition}
+ \NewDocumentCommand\Z{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{Z}}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\Q}
+ \changes{0.1b}{Moved to \textsf{xparse} command definition}
+ \NewDocumentCommand\Q{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{Q}}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\R}
+ \changes{0.1b}{Moved to \textsf{xparse} command definition}
+ \NewDocumentCommand\R{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{R}}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\C}
+ \changes{0.1b}{Moved to \textsf{xparse} command definition}
+ \NewDocumentCommand\C{}{\ensuremath{\mathbb{C}}}
+ \end{macro}
+ Then, macros related to complex numbers are defined.
+ \begin{macro}{\ii}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\jj}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\Re}
+ \cs_new_eq:NN\__skmath_Re:\Re
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand\Re{m}{\ensuremath{\__skmath_Re:\__skmath_parens:n{#1}}}
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand\Re{m}{\ensuremath{{\operator@font Re}{#1}}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\Im}
+ \cs_new_eq:NN\__skmath_Im:\Im
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand\Im{m}{\ensuremath{\__skmath_Im:\__skmath_parens:n{#1}}}
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand\Im{m}{\ensuremath{{\operator@font Im}{#1}}}
+ \end{macro}
+ This is followed by commands to typeset the norm and absolute value.
+ \begin{macro}{\abs}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\norm}
+ \end{macro}
+ Next come the statistical commands.
+ \begin{macro}{\E}
+ \changes{0.1e}{Added \cs{E} command}
+ \changes{0.1f}{Fixed \enquote{Command \cs{E} already defined!} error}
+ \changes{0.2}{Use \cs{operatorname}}
+ Here, we define \cs{E} after the preamble since it may break otherwise.
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand\E{m}{%
+ \ensuremath{\operatorname{E}\left[#1\right]}%
+ }
+ \end{macro}
+ The \Macro\P command saves any old \Macro\given command, replacing
+ it locally with the new \Macro\given command provided by the package.
+ \begin{macro}{\P}
+ \changes{0.1e}{Added \cs{P} command}
+ \changes{0.2}{Use \cs{operatorname}, use \cs{cs_new_eq:NN} instead of
+ \cs{let}}
+ \ensuremath{\operatorname{P}%
+ \mkern-1.5mu\left(%
+ \cs_set_eq:NN\__skmath_saved_given:\given%
+ \begin{macro}{\given}
+ \changes{0.1e}{Added \cs{given} command}
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand\given{}{\mid}%
+ \end{macro}
+ #1%
+ \cs_set_eq:NN\given\__skmath_saved_given:%
+ \right)%
+ }%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\var}
+ \changes{0.1e}{Added \cs{var} command}
+ \changes{0.2}{Use \cs{operatorname}}
+ \ensuremath{\operatorname{Var}\left(#1\right)}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\cov}
+ \changes{0.1e}{Added \cs{cov} command}
+ \changes{0.2}{Use \cs{operatorname}}
+ \ensuremath{\operatorname{Cov}\left(#1,#2\right)}%
+ \end{macro}
+ We replace all trigonometric functions and some other
+ common functions with alternatives that take an argument
+ (or optionally, several arguments).
+ \begin{macro}{\sin}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_sin:\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_sin:\c_math_superscript_token{#1}\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\cos}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_cos:\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_cos:\c_math_superscript_token{#1}\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\tan}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_tan:\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_tan:\c_math_superscript_token{#1}\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\cot}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_cot:\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_cot:\c_math_superscript_token{#1}\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\arcsin}
+ \ensuremath{\__skmath_arcsin:\__skmath_parens:n{#1}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\arccos}
+ \ensuremath{\__skmath_arccos:\__skmath_parens:n{#1}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\arctan}
+ \ensuremath{\__skmath_arctan:\__skmath_parens:n{#1}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\sinh}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_sinh:\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_sinh:\c_math_superscript_token{#1}\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\cosh}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_cosh:\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_cosh:\c_math_superscript_token{#1}\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\tanh}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_tanh:\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_tanh:\c_math_superscript_token{#1}\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\ln}
+ \ensuremath{\__skmath_ln:\__skmath_parens:n{#1}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\log}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#1}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_log:\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}
+ {\ensuremath{\__skmath_log:\c_math_subscript_token{#1}\__skmath_parens:n{#2}}}%
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\ee}
+ \begin{MacroCode}{package}
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand\ee{}{\ensuremath{\__skmath_natural_log_e:}}
+ \end{MacroCode}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\exp}
+ \changes{0.1b}{Moved to \textsf{xparse} command definition}
+ \changes{0.3a}{Added starred variant}
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}{
+ \__skmath_exp:\__skmath_parens:n{#2}
+ }{
+ \mathchoice
+ {\__skmath_natural_log_e:\c_math_superscript_token{#2}}
+ {\__skmath_exp:\left(#2\right)}
+ {\__skmath_exp:\left(#2\right)}
+ {\__skmath_exp:\left(#2\right)}
+ }
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_minmax_backend:nnn}
+ \use:c{__skmath_#1:}
+ \IfNoValueF{#3}{
+ \c_math_subscript_token{
+ \mathchoice{\mathclap{#3}}{#3}{#3}{#3}
+ }
+ }
+ \IfBooleanTF{#2}{#4}{\left\{#4\right\}}
+ \end{macro*}
+ \begin{macro}{\min}
+ \ensuremath{\__skmath_minmax_backend:nnnn{min}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\argmin}
+ \ensuremath{\arg\__skmath_minmax_backend:nnnn{min}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\max}
+ \ensuremath{\__skmath_minmax_backend:nnnn{max}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\argmax}
+ \ensuremath{\arg\__skmath_minmax_backend:nnnn{max}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\sup}
+ \ensuremath{\__skmath_minmax_backend:nnnn{sup}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \begin{macro}{\inf}
+ \ensuremath{\__skmath_minmax_backend:nnnn{inf}{#1}{#2}{#3}}
+ \end{macro}
+ The fraction command is modified to improve typesetting.
+ \begin{macro}{\frac}
+ \changes{0.1b}{Moved to \textsf{xparse} command definition}
+ {\displaystyle #1}{\displaystyle #2}}
+ \end{macro}
+ We introduce a couple of helper macros for \cs{pd} and \cs{td}.
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_if_numerical_p:n}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_if_numerical:nT}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_if_numerical:nF}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_if_numerical:nTF}[1]
+ {Token or string}
+ \str_case_x:nnTF{#1}{
+ {0}{}
+ {1}{}
+ {2}{}
+ {3}{}
+ {4}{}
+ {5}{}
+ {6}{}
+ {7}{}
+ {8}{}
+ {9}{}
+ }
+ {\prg_return_false:}
+ {\prg_return_false:}
+ \end{macro*}
+ \end{macro*}
+ \end{macro*}
+ \end{macro*}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_pd_vars_sum:n}[1]
+ {Comma-separated list of variables, possibly with superscripts}
+ \tl_clear:N\l_tmpa_tl
+ \int_zero:N\l_tmpa_int
+ \bool_set_true:N\l_tmpa_bool
+ \clist_set:Nn\l_tmpa_clist{#1}
+ \clist_map_inline:Nn\l_tmpa_clist{
+ \seq_set_split:Nnn\l_tmpa_seq{^}{##1}
+ \int_compare:nT{\seq_count:N\l_tmpa_seq<\c_two}{
+ \seq_put_right:Nn\l_tmpa_seq{1}
+ }
+ \seq_get_right:NN\l_tmpa_seq\l_tmpb_tl
+ \__skmath_if_numerical:nTF{\tl_use:N\l_tmpb_tl}{
+ \int_add:Nn\l_tmpa_int{\tl_use:N\l_tmpb_tl}
+ }{
+ \bool_set_false:N\l_tmpa_bool
+ \tl_if_empty:NF\l_tmpa_tl{\tl_put_right:Nn\l_tmpa_tl{+}}
+ \tl_put_right:Nx\l_tmpa_tl{\tl_use:N\l_tmpb_tl}
+ }
+ }
+ \int_compare:nT{\l_tmpa_int>\c_zero}{\int_use:N\l_tmpa_int}
+ \bool_if:NF\l_tmpa_bool{
+ \int_compare:nT{\l_tmpa_int>\c_zero}{+}
+ \tl_use:N\l_tmpa_tl
+ }
+ \end{macro*}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_pd_if_vars_sum_above_one_p:n}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_pd_if_vars_sum_above_one:nT}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_pd_if_vars_sum_above_one:nF}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_pd_if_vars_sum_above_one:nTF}[1]
+ {Comma-separated list of variables, possibly with superscripts}
+ \clist_set:Nn\l_tmpa_clist{#1}
+ \int_compare:nTF{\clist_count:N\l_tmpa_clist>\c_one}{
+ \prg_return_true:
+ }{
+ \clist_pop:NN\l_tmpa_clist\l_tmpa_tl
+ \seq_set_split:NnV\l_tmpa_seq{^}{\l_tmpa_tl}
+ \int_compare:nTF{\seq_count:N\l_tmpa_seq<\c_two}{
+ \prg_return_false:
+ }{
+ \prg_return_true:
+ }
+ }
+ \end{macro*}
+ \end{macro*}
+ \end{macro*}
+ \end{macro*}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_pd_superscript_vars:n}[1]
+ {Comma-separated list of variables, possibly with superscripts}
+ \clist_set:Nn\l_tmpa_clist{#1}
+ \clist_map_inline:Nn\l_tmpa_clist{
+ \partial
+ \seq_set_split:Nnn\l_tmpa_seq{^}{##1}
+ \seq_pop:NN\l_tmpa_seq\l_tmpb_tl
+ \tl_use:N\l_tmpb_tl
+ \int_compare:nT{\seq_count:N\l_tmpa_seq>0}{
+ \seq_pop:NN\l_tmpa_seq\l_tmpb_tl
+ \c_math_superscript_token
+ \tl_use:N\l_tmpb_tl
+ }
+ }
+ \end{macro*}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_pd_subscript_vars:n}[1]
+ {Comma-separated list of variables, possibly with superscripts}
+ \clist_set:Nn\l_tmpa_clist{#1}
+ \clist_map_inline:Nn\l_tmpa_clist{
+ \seq_set_split:Nnn\l_tmpa_seq{^}{##1}
+ \seq_pop:NN\l_tmpa_seq\l_tmpa_tl
+ \int_set:Nn\l_tmpa_int{\c_one}
+ \int_compare:nT{\seq_count:N\l_tmpa_seq>\c_zero}{
+ \seq_pop:NN\l_tmpa_seq\l_tmpb_tl
+ \int_set:Nn\l_tmpa_int{\tl_use:N\l_tmpb_tl}
+ }
+ \prg_replicate:nn{\l_tmpa_int}{\tl_use:N\l_tmpa_tl}
+ }
+ \end{macro*}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_pd_fraction:nn}[2]
+ {Tokens representing a mathematical function}
+ {Comma-separated list of variables, possibly with superscripts}
+ \frac{
+ \partial
+ \__skmath_pd_if_vars_sum_above_one:nT{#2}{
+ \c_math_superscript_token{\__skmath_pd_vars_sum:n{#2}}
+ }
+ {#1}
+ }{
+ \__skmath_pd_superscript_vars:n{#2}
+ }
+ \end{macro*}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_pd_subscript:nn}[2]
+ {Tokens representing a mathematical function}
+ {Comma-separated list of variables, possibly with superscripts}
+ {#1}\c_math_subscript_token{
+ \__skmath_pd_subscript_vars:n{#2}
+ }
+ \end{macro*}
+ \begin{macro*}{\__skmath_td_fraction:nn}[2]
+ {Tokens representing a mathematical function}
+ {A single variable, possibly with a superscript}
+ \frac{
+ \__skmath_total_derivative_d:
+ \__skmath_pd_if_vars_sum_above_one:nT{#2}{
+ \c_math_superscript_token{\__skmath_pd_vars_sum:n{#2}}
+ }
+ {#1}
+ }{
+ \__skmath_total_derivative_d:
+ #2
+ }
+ \end{macro*}
+ Definition of \cs{bar}, \cs{pd}, \cs{td} and \cs{d} is deferred until after all
+ packages are loaded to avoid collisions with other packages.
+ The \cs{bar} command is modified to impove typesetting.
+ \begin{macro}{\bar}
+ \changes{0.1b}{Added \cs{bar} replacement}
+ \changes{0.1h}{Wrap in \cs{AtBeginDocument}}
+ \ensuremath{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5mu{#1}\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}}
+ \end{macro}
+ This is the partial derivative macro, but most of the functionality
+ was defined as private macros earlier.
+ \begin{macro}{\pd}[3]
+ {Boolean distinguishing between starred and unstarred variant}
+ {Tokens representing a mathematical function}
+ {Comma-separated list of variables, possibly with superscripts}
+ \ensuremath{
+ \IfBooleanTF{#1}
+ {\__skmath_pd_subscript:nn{#2}{#3}}
+ {\__skmath_pd_fraction:nn{#2}{#3}}
+ }
+ \end{macro}
+ We also have the total derivative macro,
+ \begin{macro}{\td}[2]
+ {Tokens representing a mathematical function}
+ {A single variable, possibly with a superscript}
+ \ensuremath{
+ \__skmath_td_fraction:nn{#1}{#2}
+ }
+ \end{macro}
+ We introduce a command to typeset the differential part
+ of integrals, shamefully stolen from an answer on \TeX.SE.
+ \begin{macro}{\d}
+ \changes{0.1a}{Fixed obtuse errors}
+ \changes{0.1b}{Moved to \textsf{xparse} command definition}
+ \changes{0.2}{Use \cs{peek_meaning_ignore_spaces:NT} instead of \cs{@ifnextchar}}
+ \changes{0.3b}{Use \cs{operator@font} instead of \cs{mathrm}}
+\DeclareDocumentCommand\d{m}{\ensuremath{\,\__skmath_integral_d: #1%
+ \peek_meaning_ignore_spaces:NT\d{\!}}}
+ \end{macro}
+ Finally, we define a nicer way to denote vectors.
+ \begin{macro}{\vec}
+ \changes{0.2}{Use \cs{cs_new_eq:NN} instead of \cs{let}}
+ \end{macro}
+ \Finale
+ \section{Installation}
+ The easiest way to install this package is using the package
+ manager provided by your \LaTeX\ installation if such a program
+ is available. Failing that, provided you have obtained the package
+ source (\file{skmath.tex} and \file{Makefile}) from either CTAN
+ or Github, running \texttt{make install} inside the source directory
+ works well. This will extract the documentation and code from
+ \file{skmath.tex}, install all files into the TDS tree at
+ \texttt{TEXMFHOME} and run \texttt{mktexlsr}.
+ If you want to extract code and documentation without installing
+ the package, run \texttt{make all} instead. If you insist on not
+ using \texttt{make}, remember that packages distributed using
+ \pkg{skdoc} must be extracted using \texttt{pdflatex}, \emph{not}
+ \texttt{tex} or \texttt{latex}.
+ \PrintChanges
+ \PrintIndex