path: root/macros/latex/contrib/robotarm
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-# `robotarm` LaTeX package
-This LaTeX package uses Tikz to draw parameterized 2D robot arms, for example to be used in educational material. \ No newline at end of file
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-% \iffalse meta-comment
-% Copyright (C) 2021 by M.J.W. Snippe
-% -----------------------------------
-% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-% The latest version of this license is in
-% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
-% This work consists of the files found at
-% \fi
-% \iffalse
- \DocInput{robotarm.dtx}
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- \clearpage\section*{#1}\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1}}
- index german settings,
- index colorize,
- docexample/.append style={
- before lower={\begin{center}\begin{tikzpicture}},
- after lower={\end{tikzpicture}\end{center}},
- documentation minted options={autogobble},
- breakable,
- }
-\def\Tikz{{\normalfont Ti\textit{k}Z}\xspace}
-\title{The \robotarmpackage package}
-\author{Marcus J.W. Snippe \\
- \normalsize\href{}
- {\texttt{maxsnippe[at]}}}
- With the \robotarmpackage package, you can draw configurable planar robot arms with ease, using \Tikz. It defines the macro (\refCom{robotArm}) and a lot of ways to configure it. Additionally, you can use or redefine the macros used to draw the base link (\refCom{robotArmBaseLink}), a single link (\refCom{robotArmLink}), or the end effector (\refCom{robotArmEndEffector}).
- \tableofcontents
- \subsection{\texttt{robotArm}}
- \begin{docCommand}{robotArm}{\oarg{key-value list}\marg{num}}
- This is the main macro of the \robotarmpackage package. It is meant to be used in the \texttt{tikzpicture} environment\footnote{The first example still includes the \texttt{tikzpicture} environment, but for following examples,it will be omitted in the example code.}, from the \Tikz\cite{tantau:tikz_and_pgf} package,
- and installs some styles for additional drawing, e.g. \refKey{/tikz/in link}.
- \begin{dispExample*}{before lower={}, after lower={}}
- \begin{tikzpicture}
- \robotArm[config={q1=60,q2=-40,q3=-50}]{3}
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{dispExample*}
- \meta{num} defines the number of links that will be drawn. For an $N$ link robot arm, the $N$\textsuperscript{th} link will be the end effector link.
- The \meta{key-value list} values can consist of the keys listed below.
- \begin{docKey}{geometry}{=\meta{key-value list}}{}
- The \refKey{geometry} key can be used to set geometrical configuration options of the robot arm, e.g. link length and link width. The keys in \meta{key-value list} can be one or more of the following.
- ^^A \begin{docKey}[][doc label=/geometry/a0]{a0}{=\meta{value}}{initially \texttt{0.0}}
- ^^A Sets the height of the base link.
- ^^A \begin{dispExample}
- ^^A \robotArm[config={q1=60},geometry={a0=2}]{2}
- ^^A \end{dispExample}
- ^^A \end{docKey}
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc parameter={=\meta{value}},
- ]
- {
- {
- doc name=a,
- doc label=/geometry/a,
- doc description={initially \texttt{2}}
- },
- {
- doc name=a\meta{num},
- doc label=/geometry/anum,
- doc description={initially the value of \refKey{/geometry/a}}
- },
- }
- The \refKey{/geometry/a} key sets the default length for all links that are drawn in the \refCom{robotArm} command. For every link, this can be overruled by the dynamically created keys \refKey{/geometry/anum}, e.g. to set only the length of link 3 to 3, use \texttt{a3=3}.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArm[config={q1=20,q2=-20,q3=-20},
- geometry={a=3,a3=1}]{3}
- \end{dispExample}
- \end{docKeys}
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc parameter={=\meta{value}}
- ]
- {
- {
- doc name=r,
- doc label=/geometry/r,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.25}}
- },
- {
- doc name=r\meta{num},
- doc label=/geometry/rnum,
- doc description={initially the value of \refKey{/geometry/r}}
- },
- }
- The \refKey{/geometry/r} key sets the default joint radius for all links drawn in the \refCom{robotArm} command. For every link this can be overruled by the dynamically created keys \refKey{/geometry/rnum}.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArm[config={q1=20,q2=-20},
- geometry={r=0.5,r1=0.3}]{2}
- \end{dispExample}
- \end{docKeys}
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc parameter={=\meta{value}}
- ]
- {
- {
- doc name=w,
- doc label=/geometry/w,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.4}}
- },
- {
- doc name=w\meta{num},
- doc label=/geometry/wnum,
- doc description={initially the value of \refKey{/geometry/w}}
- },
- }
- The \refKey{/geometry/w} key sets the default link width for all links drawn in the \refCom{robotArm} command. For every link this can be overruled by the dynamically created keys \refKey{/geometry/wnum}.
- \end{docKeys}
- \end{docKey}
- \begin{dispExample}
- \tikzset{/robotarm/geometry={a=1}}
- \robotArm{1}
- \begin{scope}[xshift=3cm]
- \robotArm{6}
- \end{scope}
- \end{dispExample}
- \begin{docKey}[robotarm/styles]{link}{}{default \texttt{draw,fill=lightgray}}
- \end{docKey}
- \end{docCommand}
- \subsection{\texttt{robotArmBaseLink}}
- \begin{docCommand}{robotArmBaseLink}{\oarg{key-value list}}
- This command is used in \refCom{robotArm} to draw the base link. It can also be used to draw your own base link. The default base link looks as follows:
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArmBaseLink
- \end{dispExample}
- The \meta{key-value list} can consist of the keys listed below.
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc keypath={robotarm/base link},
- doc parameter={=\meta{value}},
- ]
- {
- {
- doc name=height,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.6}}
- },
- {
- doc name=width,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.3}}
- },
- }
- The width and height of the base link can be specified with these keys. The height is measured from the center of the half-circle at the top, to the base.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArmBaseLink[width=1, height=0.6]
- \end{dispExample}
- \end{docKeys}
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc keypath={robotarm/base link},
- doc parameter={=\meta{value}},
- ]
- {
- {
- doc name=world width,
- doc description={initially \texttt{1.0}},
- },
- {
- doc name=world height,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.3}},
- }
- }
- The width and height of the `world' drawn below the base link can be specified with these keys.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArmBaseLink[world width=5, world height=1]
- \end{dispExample}
- \end{docKeys}
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc keypath={robotarm/base link},
- doc description={code executing key},
- ]
- {
- {doc name=draw base link},
- {doc name=draw world},
- }
- These keys are used to draw the `world' and the base link. If the configuration options above are insufficient, you can redefine these keys, as shown in the not-so-creative example below.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArmBaseLink[
- draw world/.code={
- \filldraw[fill=brown] (-2,-1) rectangle (2, -0.3);
- },
- draw base link/.code={
- \filldraw[fill=black!60] (-0.5, -0.3) rectangle
- (0.5, 0.3);
- }]
- \end{dispExample}
- To access the values of the keys listed above you can use the following macros in your redefinition:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@baselink@width},
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@baselink@height},
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@baselink@worldwidth}, and
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@baselink@worldheight}.
- \end{itemize}
- \end{docKeys}
- \end{docCommand}
- \subsection{\texttt{robotArmLink}}
- \begin{docCommand}{robotArmLink}{\oarg{key-value list}}
- This command is used in \refCom{robotArm} to draw the links in a \texttt{foreach} loop. It can also be used to draw your own link(s). The default link looks as follows:
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArmLink
- \end{dispExample}
- The \meta{key-value list} can consist of the keys listed below.
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc keypath={robotarm/link},
- doc parameter={=\meta{value}},
- ]{
- {
- doc name=width,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.4}},
- },
- {
- doc name=length,
- doc description={initially \texttt{2.0}},
- },
- {
- doc name=joint radius,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.25}},
- },
- }
- The geometrical properties of the links can be configured with these keys.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArmLink[width=0.75,joint radius=0.4,length=5]
- \end{dispExample}
- \end{docKeys}
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc keypath={robotarm/link},
- doc description={code executing key},
- ]
- {
- {doc name=draw link},
- {doc name=draw joint},
- }
- Same as for the base link, the actual drawing is done by calling these keys. These can also be redefined to change the drawing.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArmLink[draw link/.code={
- \draw[line cap=round, double=lightgray,
- double distance=4mm]
- (0,0) to[bend left] (2,0);}]
- \end{dispExample}
- Of course you can also do this globally so it applies to all links\footnote{For the end effector to change too, you have to redefine \refKey{/robotarm/end effector/draw joint} too.}.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/link/draw joint/.code={
- \path[link style] (-0.3,-0.3) rectangle ++(0.6,0.6);
- \path[link style] (0,0) circle (0.2);}}
- \robotArm[geometry={a=1.5},
- config={q1=60,q2=-30,q3=-30}]{3}
- \end{dispExample}
- To access the values of the keys listed above you can use the following macros in your redefinition:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@link@width},
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@link@length}, and
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@link@jointradius}.
- \end{itemize}
- \end{docKeys}
- \end{docCommand}
- \subsection{\texttt{robotArmEndEffector}}
- \begin{docCommand}{robotArmEndEffector}{\oarg{key-value list}}
- This command is used in \refCom{robotArm} to draw the final link with the end effector attached. You can also use it outside that command to draw your own end effector.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArmEndEffector
- \end{dispExample}
- The \meta{key-value list} can consist of the keys listed below.
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc keypath={robotarm/end effector},
- doc parameter={=\meta{value}},
- ]
- {
- {
- doc name=width,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.4}},
- },
- {
- doc name=length,
- doc description={initially \texttt{2.0}},
- },
- {
- doc name=joint radius,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.25}},
- },
- {
- doc name=gripper radius,
- doc description={initially \texttt{0.3}},
- },
- {
- doc name=gripper opening angle,
- doc description={initially \texttt{60}},
- doc parameter={=\meta{angle}},
- },
- }
- The geometrical properties of the final link and the end effector, which defaults to a gripper, can be tuned with these keys. Due to some trigonometric functions in the drawing code of \refKey{/robotarm/end effector/draw end effector}, \refKey{/robotarm/end effector/gripper radius} should not be smaller than half of \refKey{/robotarm/end effector/width}.
- \end{docKeys}
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc keypath={robotarm/end effector},
- doc description={code executing key},
- ]
- {
- {doc name=draw link},
- {doc name=draw joint},
- {doc name=draw end effector},
- }
- Again the actual drawing is done by calling these keys. And these can also be redefined to change how the end effector will look, as shown in the example below.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \robotArm[
- config={q1=100,q2=-100},
- end effector/.cd,
- draw link/.code={
- \draw[line cap=round, double=lightgray,
- double distance=4mm]
- (0,0) to[bend left] (2, 0.8);},
- draw end effector/.code={
- \path[link style]
- (1.8, 0.8) arc (180:0:0.2) -- (2.1, 0.4)
- -- (1.9, 0.4) -- cycle;
- \path[link style]
- (2.05,0.4) rectangle (1.95,0.0);
- \fill (2,0) circle (0.05);}]{2}
- \end{dispExample}
- To access the values of the keys listed above you can use the following macros in your redefinition:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@endeff@width},
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@endeff@length},
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@endeff@jointradius},
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@endeff@gripperradius}, and
- \item \docAuxCommand{RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle}.
- \end{itemize}
- \end{docKeys}
- \end{docCommand}
-\section{\Tikz styles}
- \begin{docKeys}
- [
- doc keypath=tikz,
- doc description=style,
- ]
- {
- {
- doc name=in link,
- doc parameter={=\meta{number}},
- },
- {
- doc name=in base link,
- },
- {
- doc name=in world,
- },
- {
- doc name=in end effector,
- }
- }
- Only installed after calling \refCom{robotArm} at least once (last called macro defines these styles, but within scope can be made unique).
- \end{docKeys}
- \begin{docKey}[tikz]{link style}{}{default \texttt{/robotarm/styles/link}}
- Always installed, forwards to \refKey{/robotarm/styles/link}. Only works one way. To change link styles used in \refCom{robotArm}, change the appropriate \refKey{/robotarm/styles/link}.
- \begin{dispExample}
- \tikzset{link style/.style={draw=none, fill=red!50}}
- \robotArm[config={q1=40},styles={
- link 1/.style={fill=blue!50}}]{3}
- \end{dispExample}
- \end{docKey}
- %^^A \section{\robotarmpackage keys}
- %^^A \begin{docKeys}
- %^^A [
- %^^A doc keypath=robotarm/annotations/labels,
- %^^A ]{
- %^^A {
- %^^A doc name=a,
- %^^A doc description={no default, initially \texttt{a}},
- %^^A },
- %^^A {
- %^^A doc name=q,
- %^^A doc description={no default, initially \texttt{q}},
- %^^A }
- %^^A }
- %^^A \begin{dispExample}
- %^^A \robotArm[
- %^^A config={q1=60,q2=-40,q3=40},
- %^^A annotations/labels/a=l,
- %^^A annotations/labels/q=\theta,
- %^^A annotations/labels/q3=?]{3}
- %^^A \end{dispExample}
- %^^A \end{docKeys}
- %^^A \section{\Tikz keys}
- %^^A \begin{docKeys}
- %^^A [
- %^^A doc keypath=robotarm/frames,
- %^^A doc description={style},
- %^^A ]{
- %^^A {doc name=in link 0},
- %^^A {doc name=in link 1},
- %^^A {doc name=in link 2},
- %^^A {doc name=in link 3},
- %^^A {doc name=in link 4},
- %^^A {doc name=in link 5},
- %^^A {doc name=in link 6}
- %^^A }
- %^^A \end{docKeys}
- author = {Till Tantau},
- title = {The TikZ and PGF Packages},
- subtitle = {Manual for version 3.1.8b},
- url = {},
- date = {2021-03-19},
-% \fi
-% \CheckSum{286}
-% \CharacterTable
-% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
-% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
-% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
-% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
-% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
-% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
-% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
-% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
-% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
-% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
-% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
-% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
-% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
-% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
-% \DoNotIndex{\angleannotationcase,\link@angleannotspacing,\begin,\begingroup,\DeclareDocumentCommand,\draw,\end,\endgroup,\fi,\foreach,\ifcase,\ifnum,\ifRA@robotarm@drawannotations,\lenghtannotationspacing,\link@lenght,\link@radius,\link@startangle,\link@width,\lengthannotationspacing,\link@length,\link@case}
-% \changes{v0.1}{2022/03/08}{Initial version for publishing}
-% \GetFileInfo{robotarm.sty}
-% \input{robotarm.doc.main.tex}
-% \StopEventually{\printbibliography[heading=robotarmbibheading]\printindex\PrintChanges}
-% \section{Implementation}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- [2022/03/08 v0.1 Tikz commands to draw planar robot arms]
- /robotarm/base link/.cd,
- width/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@baselink@width{#1}},
- width=0.6,
- height/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@baselink@height{#1}},
- height=0.3,
- world width/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@baselink@worldwidth{#1}},
- world width=1.0,
- world height/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@baselink@worldheight{#1}},
- world height=0.3,
- draw base link/.code={%
- \path[link style]
- (-1/2*\RA@baselink@width,0)
- arc (180:0:1/2*\RA@baselink@width)
- -- ++ (0, -\RA@baselink@height)
- -- ++ (-\RA@baselink@width, 0)
- -- cycle;
- },
- draw world/.code={%
- \path[world style]
- (-1/2*\RA@baselink@worldwidth,-\RA@baselink@height)
- arc (180:360:{1/2*\RA@baselink@worldwidth}
- and {\RA@baselink@worldheight}) -- cycle;
- \path[draw, world style]
- (-1/2*\RA@baselink@worldwidth,-\RA@baselink@height)
- -- ++(\RA@baselink@worldwidth,0);
- },
- /robotarm/link/.cd,
- width/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@link@width{#1}},
- width=0.4,
- length/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@link@length{#1}},
- length=2.0,
- joint radius/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@link@jointradius{#1}},
- joint radius=0.25,
- draw link/.code={%
- \path[link style]
- (0,1/2*\RA@link@width)
- -- ++ ( \RA@link@length, 0)
- arc (90:-90:1/2*\RA@link@width)
- -- ++ (-\RA@link@length, 0)
- arc (270:90:1/2*\RA@link@width)
- -- cycle;
- },
- draw joint/.code={%
- \path[link style]
- (0,0) circle (\RA@link@jointradius);
- \path[link style]
- (0,0) circle (1/3*\RA@link@jointradius);
- },
- /robotarm/end effector/.cd,
- width/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@width{#1}},
- width=0.4,
- length/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@length{#1}},
- length=2,
- joint radius/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@jointradius{#1}},
- joint radius=0.25,
- gripper radius/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@gripperradius{#1}},
- gripper radius=0.3,
- gripper opening angle/.code={%
- \pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle{#1}},
- gripper opening angle=60,
- draw joint/.code={%
- \path[link style]
- (0,0) circle (\RA@endeff@jointradius);
- \path[link style]
- (0,0) circle (1/3*\RA@endeff@jointradius);
- },
- draw link/.code={%
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\link@startangle}{%
- 180-asin(1/2*\RA@endeff@width/\RA@endeff@gripperradius)}
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\link@endangle}{%
- 180+asin(1/2*\RA@endeff@width/\RA@endeff@gripperradius)}
- \path[link style]
- (\RA@endeff@length, 0)
- ++ (\link@startangle:\RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- arc (\link@startangle:\link@endangle:\RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- -- (0,0|-0,-1/2*\RA@endeff@width)
- arc (-90:90:1/2*\RA@endeff@width)
- -- cycle;
- },
- draw end effector/.code={
- \draw[link style]
- (\RA@endeff@length, 0)
- ++ (-1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle:%
- \RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- arc [start angle=-1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle,
- delta angle=-360+\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle,
- radius=\RA@endeff@gripperradius]
- -- ++(180+1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle:%
- 0.4*\RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- arc [start angle=1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle,
- delta angle=360-\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle,
- radius=0.6*\RA@endeff@gripperradius]
- -- ++(-1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle:%
- 0.4*\RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- -- cycle;
- },
- /robotarm/.cd,
- draw annotations/.is if=RA@robotarm@drawannotations,
- draw annotations=true,
- every annotation/.style={},
- every length annotation/.style={},
- every length annotation arrow/.style={draw,->},
- every length annotation node/.style={circle,inner sep=0.5pt},
- every length annotation help line/.style={draw,help lines},
- every angle annotation/.style={},
- every angle annotation arrow/.style={draw,->},
- every angle annotation node/.style={},
- every angle annotation help line/.style={draw,help lines},
- base link/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/base link/.cd,#1},
- link/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/link/.cd,#1},
- end effector/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/.cd,#1},
- geometry/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/geometry/.cd,#1},
- config/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/config/.cd,#1},
- spacing/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/.cd,#1},
- labels/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/annotations/labels/.cd,#1},
- styles/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/styles/.cd,#1},
- /robotarm/geometry/.cd,
- a0/.initial=0,
- a/.initial=2,
- r/.initial=0.25,
- w/.initial=0.4,
- /robotarm/config/q/.initial=0,
- /robotarm/frames/.cd,
- in link 0/.style={},
- in end effector/.style={
- /robotarm/frames/in link \RA@robotarm@numlinks,
- shift={%
- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a\RA@robotarm@numlinks},0)},
- },
- in world/.style={
- shift={(0,-\RA@baselink@height)}
- },
- /robotarm/styles/.cd,
- world/.style={pattern=north west lines},
- link/.style={
- draw,
- fill=lightgray,
- },
- link 0/.style={/robotarm/styles/link},
- /robotarm/annotations/.cd,
- spacing/.cd,
- a/.initial=3,
- q/.initial=1/2,
- /robotarm/annotations/.cd,
- labels/.cd,
- a/.initial=a,
- q/.initial=q,
- link style/.style={/robotarm/styles/link},
- world style/.style={/robotarm/styles/world},
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \begin{macro}{\robotarmset}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/.cd,#1}%
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\robotArmLink}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begingroup
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/link/.cd,#1}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/link/draw link}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/link/draw joint}
- \endgroup
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\robotArmEndEffector}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begingroup
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/.cd,#1}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/draw link}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/draw joint}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/draw end effector}
- \endgroup
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\robotArmBaseLink}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \begingroup
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/base link/.cd,#1}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/base link/draw world}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/base link/draw base link}
- \endgroup
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\robotArm}
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\RA@robotarm@numlinks{#2}
- \def\@tmpkeys{}
- \foreach \@link [remember=\@link as \@prevlink (initially 0)] in %
- {1,...,\RA@robotarm@numlinks}{
- \xdef\@tmpkeys{\@tmpkeys%
- /robotarm/geometry/a\@link/.initial=%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a},%
- /robotarm/geometry/r\@link/.initial=%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/r},%
- /robotarm/geometry/w\@link/.initial=%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/w},%
- /robotarm/config/q\@link/.initial=%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/config/q},%
- /robotarm/styles/link \@link/.style={/robotarm/styles/link},%
- /robotarm/annotations/labels/a\@link/.initial={%
- $\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/labels/a}_{\@link}$},%
- /robotarm/annotations/labels/q\@link/.initial={%
- $\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/labels/q}_{\@link}$},%
- /robotarm/annotations/spacing/a\@link/.initial={%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/a}},%
- /robotarm/annotations/spacing/q\@link/.initial={%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/q}},%
- }
- }
- \expandafter\pgfkeys\expandafter{\@tmpkeys}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/.cd,#1}
- \def\@tmpkeys{}
- \foreach \@link [remember=\@link as \@prevlink (initially 0)] in %
- {1,...,\RA@robotarm@numlinks}{
- \xdef\@tmpkeys{\@tmpkeys%
- /robotarm/frames/in link \@link/.style={%
- /robotarm/frames/in link \@prevlink,
- /tikz/shift={%
- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a\@prevlink},0)},
- /tikz/rotate={\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/config/q\@link}},
- },
- }
- }
- \expandafter\pgfkeys\expandafter{\@tmpkeys}
- \begin{scope}[/robotarm/frames/in link 0,
- link style/.style={/robotarm/styles/link 0}]
- \robotArmBaseLink
- \end{scope}
- \foreach\link@num in {1,...,\RA@robotarm@numlinks}{
- \begin{scope}[/robotarm/frames/in link \link@num,
- link style/.style={/robotarm/styles/link \link@num}]
- \ifnum\link@num<\RA@robotarm@numlinks
- \robotArmLink[
- joint radius=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/r\link@num},
- length=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a\link@num},
- width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/w\link@num},
- ]
- \else
- \robotArmEndEffector[
- joint radius=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/r\link@num},
- length=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a\link@num},
- width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/w\link@num},
- ]
- \fi
- \end{scope}
- }
- \foreach\link@num in {1,...,\RA@robotarm@numlinks}{
- \begin{scope}[/robotarm/frames/in link \link@num]
- \pgfmathsetmacro\link@length{\pgfkeysvalueof{%
- /robotarm/geometry/a\link@num}}
- \pgfmathsetmacro\link@angle{\pgfkeysvalueof{%
- /robotarm/config/q\link@num}}
- \ifRA@robotarm@drawannotations
- \pgfmathsetmacro\link@lengthannotspacing{%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/a\link@num}*
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/r\link@num}}
- \pgfmathsetmacro\link@angleannotspacing{%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/q\link@num}*
- \link@length}
- % Length annotation help lines
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation help line]
- (0,0) -- (\link@length,0);
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation help line]
- (0,0) -- ++ (0,{\link@lengthannotspacing +
- 0.1*sign(\link@lengthannotspacing)});
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation help line]
- (\link@length,0) -- ++ (0,{\link@lengthannotspacing +
- 0.1*sign(\link@lengthannotspacing)});
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Length annotation node
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \path (0,\link@lengthannotspacing)
- -- coordinate[pos=0.5] (coor) ++ (\link@length,0);
- \node[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation node]
- at (coor) (tag)
- {\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/labels/a\link@num}};
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Length annotation arrows
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation arrow]
- (tag) -- (0,\link@lengthannotspacing);
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation arrow]
- (tag) -- (\link@length,\link@lengthannotspacing);
- \pgfmathsetmacro\angleannotationcase{%
- ifthenelse(\link@angle==0.0, 0, 1)}
- \ifnum\angleannotationcase>0
- % Angle annotation help lines
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation help line]
- (0,0) -- ++(-\link@angle:{\link@angleannotspacing+0.1});
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation help line]
- (0,0) -- ++(0:{\link@angleannotspacing+0.1});
- % Angle annotation arrow
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation arrow]
- (0,0) ++ (-\link@angle:\link@angleannotspacing)
- arc (-\link@angle:0:\link@angleannotspacing);
- % Angle annotation node
- \node[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation node]
- at (-\link@angle/2:\link@angleannotspacing+0.3)
- {\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/labels/q\link@num}};
- \fi
- \fi
- \end{scope}
- }
-% \end{macrocode}
-% Install \Tikz styles for coordinate transformations.
-% \begin{macrocode}
- \tikzset{
- in link/.style={/robotarm/frames/in link #1},
- in base link/.style={/robotarm/frames/in link 0},
- in end effector/.style={/robotarm/frames/in end effector},
- in world/.style={/robotarm/frames/in world},
- }
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macrocode}
-% \end{macrocode}
-% \Finale
-\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/robotarm/robotarm.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/robotarm/robotarm.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index ab9689f9d9..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/robotarm/robotarm.pdf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/robotarm/robotarm.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/robotarm/robotarm.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fb7f730aa..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/robotarm/robotarm.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `robotarm.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% robotarm.dtx (with options: `robotarm-package')
-%% This is a generated file.
-%% Copyright (C) 2021 by M.J.W. Snippe
-%% -----------------------------------
-%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
-%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
-%% version. The latest version of this license is in:
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
-%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status
-%% `author-maintained'.
-%% This work consists of the files found at
- [2022/03/08 v0.1 Tikz commands to draw planar robot arms]
- /robotarm/base link/.cd,
- width/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@baselink@width{#1}},
- width=0.6,
- height/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@baselink@height{#1}},
- height=0.3,
- world width/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@baselink@worldwidth{#1}},
- world width=1.0,
- world height/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@baselink@worldheight{#1}},
- world height=0.3,
- draw base link/.code={%
- \path[link style]
- (-1/2*\RA@baselink@width,0)
- arc (180:0:1/2*\RA@baselink@width)
- -- ++ (0, -\RA@baselink@height)
- -- ++ (-\RA@baselink@width, 0)
- -- cycle;
- },
- draw world/.code={%
- \path[world style]
- (-1/2*\RA@baselink@worldwidth,-\RA@baselink@height)
- arc (180:360:{1/2*\RA@baselink@worldwidth}
- and {\RA@baselink@worldheight}) -- cycle;
- \path[draw, world style]
- (-1/2*\RA@baselink@worldwidth,-\RA@baselink@height)
- -- ++(\RA@baselink@worldwidth,0);
- },
- /robotarm/link/.cd,
- width/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@link@width{#1}},
- width=0.4,
- length/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@link@length{#1}},
- length=2.0,
- joint radius/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@link@jointradius{#1}},
- joint radius=0.25,
- draw link/.code={%
- \path[link style]
- (0,1/2*\RA@link@width)
- -- ++ ( \RA@link@length, 0)
- arc (90:-90:1/2*\RA@link@width)
- -- ++ (-\RA@link@length, 0)
- arc (270:90:1/2*\RA@link@width)
- -- cycle;
- },
- draw joint/.code={%
- \path[link style]
- (0,0) circle (\RA@link@jointradius);
- \path[link style]
- (0,0) circle (1/3*\RA@link@jointradius);
- },
- /robotarm/end effector/.cd,
- width/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@width{#1}},
- width=0.4,
- length/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@length{#1}},
- length=2,
- joint radius/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@jointradius{#1}},
- joint radius=0.25,
- gripper radius/.code={\pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@gripperradius{#1}},
- gripper radius=0.3,
- gripper opening angle/.code={%
- \pgfmathsetmacro\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle{#1}},
- gripper opening angle=60,
- draw joint/.code={%
- \path[link style]
- (0,0) circle (\RA@endeff@jointradius);
- \path[link style]
- (0,0) circle (1/3*\RA@endeff@jointradius);
- },
- draw link/.code={%
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\link@startangle}{%
- 180-asin(1/2*\RA@endeff@width/\RA@endeff@gripperradius)}
- \pgfmathsetmacro{\link@endangle}{%
- 180+asin(1/2*\RA@endeff@width/\RA@endeff@gripperradius)}
- \path[link style]
- (\RA@endeff@length, 0)
- ++ (\link@startangle:\RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- arc (\link@startangle:\link@endangle:\RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- -- (0,0|-0,-1/2*\RA@endeff@width)
- arc (-90:90:1/2*\RA@endeff@width)
- -- cycle;
- },
- draw end effector/.code={
- \draw[link style]
- (\RA@endeff@length, 0)
- ++ (-1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle:%
- \RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- arc [start angle=-1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle,
- delta angle=-360+\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle,
- radius=\RA@endeff@gripperradius]
- -- ++(180+1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle:%
- 0.4*\RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- arc [start angle=1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle,
- delta angle=360-\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle,
- radius=0.6*\RA@endeff@gripperradius]
- -- ++(-1/2*\RA@endeff@gripperopeningangle:%
- 0.4*\RA@endeff@gripperradius)
- -- cycle;
- },
- /robotarm/.cd,
- draw annotations/.is if=RA@robotarm@drawannotations,
- draw annotations=true,
- every annotation/.style={},
- every length annotation/.style={},
- every length annotation arrow/.style={draw,->},
- every length annotation node/.style={circle,inner sep=0.5pt},
- every length annotation help line/.style={draw,help lines},
- every angle annotation/.style={},
- every angle annotation arrow/.style={draw,->},
- every angle annotation node/.style={},
- every angle annotation help line/.style={draw,help lines},
- base link/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/base link/.cd,#1},
- link/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/link/.cd,#1},
- end effector/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/.cd,#1},
- geometry/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/geometry/.cd,#1},
- config/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/config/.cd,#1},
- spacing/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/.cd,#1},
- labels/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/annotations/labels/.cd,#1},
- styles/.code=\pgfkeys{/robotarm/styles/.cd,#1},
- /robotarm/geometry/.cd,
- a0/.initial=0,
- a/.initial=2,
- r/.initial=0.25,
- w/.initial=0.4,
- /robotarm/config/q/.initial=0,
- /robotarm/frames/.cd,
- in link 0/.style={},
- in end effector/.style={
- /robotarm/frames/in link \RA@robotarm@numlinks,
- shift={%
- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a\RA@robotarm@numlinks},0)},
- },
- in world/.style={
- shift={(0,-\RA@baselink@height)}
- },
- /robotarm/styles/.cd,
- world/.style={pattern=north west lines},
- link/.style={
- draw,
- fill=lightgray,
- },
- link 0/.style={/robotarm/styles/link},
- /robotarm/annotations/.cd,
- spacing/.cd,
- a/.initial=3,
- q/.initial=1/2,
- /robotarm/annotations/.cd,
- labels/.cd,
- a/.initial=a,
- q/.initial=q,
- link style/.style={/robotarm/styles/link},
- world style/.style={/robotarm/styles/world},
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/.cd,#1}%
- \begingroup
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/link/.cd,#1}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/link/draw link}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/link/draw joint}
- \endgroup
- \begingroup
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/.cd,#1}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/draw link}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/draw joint}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/end effector/draw end effector}
- \endgroup
- \begingroup
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/base link/.cd,#1}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/base link/draw world}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/base link/draw base link}
- \endgroup
- \pgfmathtruncatemacro\RA@robotarm@numlinks{#2}
- \def\@tmpkeys{}
- \foreach \@link [remember=\@link as \@prevlink (initially 0)] in %
- {1,...,\RA@robotarm@numlinks}{
- \xdef\@tmpkeys{\@tmpkeys%
- /robotarm/geometry/a\@link/.initial=%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a},%
- /robotarm/geometry/r\@link/.initial=%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/r},%
- /robotarm/geometry/w\@link/.initial=%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/w},%
- /robotarm/config/q\@link/.initial=%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/config/q},%
- /robotarm/styles/link \@link/.style={/robotarm/styles/link},%
- /robotarm/annotations/labels/a\@link/.initial={%
- $\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/labels/a}_{\@link}$},%
- /robotarm/annotations/labels/q\@link/.initial={%
- $\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/labels/q}_{\@link}$},%
- /robotarm/annotations/spacing/a\@link/.initial={%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/a}},%
- /robotarm/annotations/spacing/q\@link/.initial={%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/q}},%
- }
- }
- \expandafter\pgfkeys\expandafter{\@tmpkeys}
- \pgfkeys{/robotarm/.cd,#1}
- \def\@tmpkeys{}
- \foreach \@link [remember=\@link as \@prevlink (initially 0)] in %
- {1,...,\RA@robotarm@numlinks}{
- \xdef\@tmpkeys{\@tmpkeys%
- /robotarm/frames/in link \@link/.style={%
- /robotarm/frames/in link \@prevlink,
- /tikz/shift={%
- (\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a\@prevlink},0)},
- /tikz/rotate={\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/config/q\@link}},
- },
- }
- }
- \expandafter\pgfkeys\expandafter{\@tmpkeys}
- \begin{scope}[/robotarm/frames/in link 0,
- link style/.style={/robotarm/styles/link 0}]
- \robotArmBaseLink
- \end{scope}
- \foreach\link@num in {1,...,\RA@robotarm@numlinks}{
- \begin{scope}[/robotarm/frames/in link \link@num,
- link style/.style={/robotarm/styles/link \link@num}]
- \ifnum\link@num<\RA@robotarm@numlinks
- \robotArmLink[
- joint radius=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/r\link@num},
- length=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a\link@num},
- width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/w\link@num},
- ]
- \else
- \robotArmEndEffector[
- joint radius=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/r\link@num},
- length=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/a\link@num},
- width=\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/w\link@num},
- ]
- \fi
- \end{scope}
- }
- \foreach\link@num in {1,...,\RA@robotarm@numlinks}{
- \begin{scope}[/robotarm/frames/in link \link@num]
- \pgfmathsetmacro\link@length{\pgfkeysvalueof{%
- /robotarm/geometry/a\link@num}}
- \pgfmathsetmacro\link@angle{\pgfkeysvalueof{%
- /robotarm/config/q\link@num}}
- \ifRA@robotarm@drawannotations
- \pgfmathsetmacro\link@lengthannotspacing{%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/a\link@num}*
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/geometry/r\link@num}}
- \pgfmathsetmacro\link@angleannotspacing{%
- \pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/spacing/q\link@num}*
- \link@length}
- % Length annotation help lines
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation help line]
- (0,0) -- (\link@length,0);
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation help line]
- (0,0) -- ++ (0,{\link@lengthannotspacing +
- 0.1*sign(\link@lengthannotspacing)});
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation help line]
- (\link@length,0) -- ++ (0,{\link@lengthannotspacing +
- 0.1*sign(\link@lengthannotspacing)});
- \path (0,\link@lengthannotspacing)
- -- coordinate[pos=0.5] (coor) ++ (\link@length,0);
- \node[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation node]
- at (coor) (tag)
- {\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/labels/a\link@num}};
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation arrow]
- (tag) -- (0,\link@lengthannotspacing);
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation,
- /robotarm/every length annotation arrow]
- (tag) -- (\link@length,\link@lengthannotspacing);
- \pgfmathsetmacro\angleannotationcase{%
- ifthenelse(\link@angle==0.0, 0, 1)}
- \ifnum\angleannotationcase>0
- % Angle annotation help lines
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation help line]
- (0,0) -- ++(-\link@angle:{\link@angleannotspacing+0.1});
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation help line]
- (0,0) -- ++(0:{\link@angleannotspacing+0.1});
- % Angle annotation arrow
- \path[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation arrow]
- (0,0) ++ (-\link@angle:\link@angleannotspacing)
- arc (-\link@angle:0:\link@angleannotspacing);
- % Angle annotation node
- \node[/robotarm/every annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation,
- /robotarm/every angle annotation node]
- at (-\link@angle/2:\link@angleannotspacing+0.3)
- {\pgfkeysvalueof{/robotarm/annotations/labels/q\link@num}};
- \fi
- \fi
- \end{scope}
- }
- \tikzset{
- in link/.style={/robotarm/frames/in link #1},
- in base link/.style={/robotarm/frames/in link 0},
- in end effector/.style={/robotarm/frames/in end effector},
- in world/.style={/robotarm/frames/in world},
- }
-%% End of file `robotarm.sty'.