path: root/macros/latex/contrib/randintlist/doc/randintlist-doc.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/randintlist/doc/randintlist-doc.tex')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/randintlist/doc/randintlist-doc.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/randintlist/doc/randintlist-doc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a874160bf1
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/randintlist/doc/randintlist-doc.tex
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+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ {\Huge \texttt{randintlist}}\\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE Creating random integer number lists,} \\
+ {\LARGE with multiple numbers or not,} \\
+ {\LARGE sorted or not.} \\
+ \\
+ {\small \texttt{Version \TPversion{} -- \TPdate}}
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \texttt{Cédric Pierquet}\\
+ {\ttfamily c pierquet -- at -- outlook . fr}\\
+ \texttt{\url{}} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+10 numbers, between 1 and 100, without repetition:
+The 5th value is:
+10 numbers, between 1 and 100, without multiples of 5:
+The 9th value is:
+15 numbers, between 1 and 20, with repetition:
+The last value is:
+6 sorted numbers, between 1 and 51, without repetition:
+\hfill\randintlist[min=1,max=51,nb=6,sort=asc]{\mylist}ascending : \textcolor{red}{\mylist}\hfill~
+\hfill\randintlist[min=1,max=51,nb=6,sort=des,sep=>]{\mylist}descending : \textcolor{red}{\mylist}\hfill~
+ 1. The \textsf{luarandom} package do the same things, but with the obligation to compile with \hologo{LuaLaTeX}.
+ 2. The \textsf{tuple} package is so much better\ldots\ but I keep \texttt{randintlist}, without new features\ldots
+\section{Loading, useful packages}
+In order to load \texttt{randintlist}, simply use:
+\begin{DemoCode}{listing only}
+Loaded packages are \texttt{ifthen}, \texttt{simplekv}, \texttt{listofitems}, \texttt{randomlist}, \texttt{xintexpr} and \texttt{xstring}.
+\section{The Macros}
+\subsection{Global usage}
+Package \texttt{randintlist} supports the creation of random integer number lists where a number will appear only once or multiple times. Generated lists can te used with \texttt{listofitems}.
+\hfill\textbf{All engines \TeX\ are compatible with this package.}\hfill~
+\subsection{Generate the list}
+\begin{DemoCode}{listing only}
+%generate list
+Available keys are:
+ \item \ShowCode{min}: minimum value (default \ShowCode{1});
+ \item \ShowCode{max}: maximum value (default \ShowCode{50});
+ \item \ShowCode{nb}: number of values (default \ShowCode{6});
+ \item \ShowCode{sep}: separator for the list (default \ShowCode{,});
+ \item \ShowCode{sort}: sorting options, within \ShowCode{no/asc/dec} (default \ShowCode{no});
+ \item \ShowCode{repeat}: boolean to authorize repeating values (default \ShowCode{false});
+ \item \ShowCode{exclude}: list of excluded values (default \ShowCode{empty});
+ \item \ShowCode{seed}: random seed value according to used packages (default \ShowCode{-}).
+%default values
+%10 between 1 and 50, with ascending
+%15 between 1 and 50, with ascending and repetitions allowed
+%15 between 1 and 50, without multiples of 5
+ sort=asc,min=1,max=50,nb=15,repeat,%
+ exclude={5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50}]%
+ {\mylistC}\mylistC
+%list used with listofitems
+\mylistused[1]; \mylistused[-1]
+\subsection{Accessing elements}
+\begin{DemoCode}{listing only}
+%accessing item
+%with default keys
+\randintlist{\mylistE}raw list: \mylistE\par
+items list:\par
+\xintFor* #1 in {\xintSeq{1}{6}}\do{\getitemfromrandintlist{\mylistE}{#1}\par}
+first element: \getitemfromrandintlist{\mylistE}{1}\par
+third element: \myres
+\subsection{Version française}
+Voilà les commandes en version française, la syntaxe et les clés ne seront pas explicitées.
+\begin{DemoCode}{listing only}
+%obtenir la liste
+%extraire un élément
+%troisième élément
+troisième élément : \montroisieme
+The following example uses \TikZ, and comes from \texttt{luarandom}'s documentation.
+ \randintlist[min=1,max=100,nb=100]{\mylistsquare}
+ \draw[thin,gray] (0,0) grid (10,10) ;
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,100}{%
+ \xdef\tmpnumber{\getitemfromrandintlist{\mylistsquare}{\i}}%
+ \xdef\tmpnumberrow{\xinteval{\xintiiRem{\i-1}{10}}}%
+ \xdef\tmpnumbercol{\xinteval{\xintiiQuo{\i-1}{10}}}%
+ \draw ({0.5+\tmpnumbercol},{0.5+\tmpnumberrow}) node {\tmpnumber} ;
+ }%
+\texttt{0.1.3: Bugfix}
+\texttt{0.1.2: Changing name of internal macro}
+\texttt{0.1.1: Possibility to exclude values}
+\texttt{0.1.0: Initial version}
+\section{The code}