path: root/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCUrneProba.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCUrneProba.tex')
1 files changed, 928 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCUrneProba.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCUrneProba.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..895f96136c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCUrneProba.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
+% Urne et probabilités
+ \ifluatex
+ \begin{Geometrie}[Cadre="aucun"]
+ u:=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Echelle}*1cm;
+ color colzero,colrouge,coltoura,coltourb,colbarre;
+ boolean Impression;
+ Impression=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Impression};
+ if Impression=false:
+ colzero=green;
+ colrouge=red;
+ coltoura=(179,103,0)/256;
+ coltourb=(179,111,48)/256;%(184,114,50)/256;
+ colbarre=0.7529white;
+ else:
+ colzero=white;
+ colrouge=white;
+ coltoura=black;
+ coltourb=black;
+ colbarre=black;
+ fi;
+ pair O,A[],B[],C[],D[];
+ path cc[];
+ O=(0,0);
+ cc1=cercles(O,2u);
+ cc2=cercles(O,2.75u);
+ cc3=cercles(O,3.5u);
+ cc4=cercles(O,3.7u);
+ cc5=cercles(O,4u);
+ cc6=cercles(O,3.125u);
+ cc7=cercles(O,2.375u);
+ if Impression=false:
+ fill cc5 withcolor coltoura;
+ fill cc4 withcolor coltourb;
+ fill cc1 withcolor coltoura;
+ trace cc1 withpen pencircle scaled 1.05;
+ trace cc5 withpen pencircle scaled 1.05;
+ trace cc4 withpen pencircle scaled 1.05;
+ trace cc3 withpen pencircle scaled 1.05;
+ else:
+ fill cc5;
+ fill cc4 withcolor white;
+ trace cc1;
+ trace cc3;
+ fi;
+ for k=0 upto 38:
+ A[k]=pointarc(cc3,90-k*(360/37));
+ B[k]=pointarc(cc1,90-k*(360/37));
+ endfor;
+ na:=1;
+ for p_=32,15,19,4,21,2,25,17,34,6,27,13,36,11,30,8,23,10,5,24,16,33,1,20,14,31,9,22,18,29,7,28,12,35,3,26,0:
+ if (na mod 2)=0:
+ fill arccercle(A[na],A[na-1],O)--B[na-1]--reverse(arccercle(B[na],B[na-1],O))--cycle;
+ drawoptions(withcolor white);
+ label(TEX("\textbf{"&decimal(p_)&"}") rotated (-na*(360/37)),pointarc(cc6,90+0.5*(360/37)-na*(360/37)));
+ drawoptions();
+ else:
+ if p_=0:
+ fill arccercle(A[na],A[na-1],O)--B[na-1]--reverse(arccercle(B[na],B[na-1],O))--cycle withcolor colzero;
+ else:
+ fill arccercle(A[na],A[na-1],O)--B[na-1]--reverse(arccercle(B[na],B[na-1],O))--cycle withcolor colrouge;
+ fi;
+ if Impression=false:
+ drawoptions(withcolor white);
+ fi;
+ label(TEX("\textbf{"&decimal(p_)&"}") rotated (-na*(360/37)),pointarc(cc6,90+0.5*(360/37)-na*(360/37)));
+ if Impression=false:
+ drawoptions();
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ trace arccercle(A[na],A[na-1],O)--B[na-1]--reverse(arccercle(B[na],B[na-1],O))--cycle;
+ na:=na+1;
+ endfor;
+ trace cc2;
+ fill cercles(pointarc(cc7,90+0.5*(360/37)),0.125u);%dotlabel("",);
+ % barre
+ cc8=cercles(O,1.5u);
+ cc9=cercles(O,0.25u);
+ fill cc9 withcolor colbarre;
+ pair E[];
+ anglebase=floor(uniformdeviate(360));
+ E1=pointarc(cc8,anglebase);
+ E4=pointarc(cc8,anglebase+6);
+ E3=symetrie(E1,O);
+ E2=symetrie(E4,O);
+ E5=pointarc(cc8,anglebase+90);
+ E8=pointarc(cc8,anglebase+6+90);
+ E7=symetrie(E5,O);
+ E6=symetrie(E8,O);
+ fill polygone(E1,E2,E3,E4) withcolor colbarre;
+ fill polygone(E5,E6,E7,E8) withcolor colbarre;
+ pair F[];
+ F1=(E1--iso(E1,E2)) intersectionpoint cc9;
+ F2=(E4--iso(E3,E4)) intersectionpoint cc9;
+ F3=(E5--iso(E6,E5)) intersectionpoint cc9;
+ F4=(E8--iso(E7,E8)) intersectionpoint cc9;
+ F5=(E3--iso(E4,E3)) intersectionpoint cc9;
+ F6=(E2--iso(E2,E1)) intersectionpoint cc9;
+ F7=(E7--iso(E8,E7)) intersectionpoint cc9;
+ F8=(E6--iso(E6,E5)) intersectionpoint cc9;
+ trace E1--E4--F2--arccercle(F2,F3,O)--E5--E8--F4--arccercle(F4,F5,O)--E3--E2--F6--arccercle(F6,F7,O)--E7--E6--F8--arccercle(F8,F1,O)--cycle;
+ \end{Geometrie}
+ \fi
+ % #1 : les labels en colonne
+ % #2 : les labels en ligne
+ % #3 : la répartition en colonne
+ % #4 : la répartition en ligne
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ u:=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Echelle}*1cm;
+ numeric RetiensNumC[],RetiensNumL[];
+ %
+ vardef RecupRepartition(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ RetiensNumL[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ totallignes=n;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef RecupRepartitionC(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ RetiensNumC[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ totalcolonnes=n;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ string Colonnes[];
+ vardef RecuperationColonnes(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Colonnes[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ string Lignes[];
+ vardef RecuperationLignes(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Lignes[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ boolean Solution, Codes;
+ Solution=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Solution};
+ Codes=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Codes};
+ %
+ color ColLigne,ColColonne;
+ ColLigne=\useKV[PfCUrne]{CouleurLigne};
+ ColColonne=\useKV[PfCUrne]{CouleurColonne};
+ %
+ RecupRepartitionC(#3);
+ RecupRepartition(#4);
+ RecuperationColonnes(#1);
+ RecuperationLignes(#2);
+ pair A[][],C[][];
+ for k=0 upto totallignes+1:
+ for l=0 upto totalcolonnes+1:
+ A[k][l]=(0,0) shifted(u*(l,-k));
+ C[k][l]=A[k][l] shifted(u*(0.5,-0.5));
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ fill polygone(A[0][1],A[0][totalcolonnes+1],A[1][totalcolonnes+1],A[1][1]) withcolor ColLigne;
+ fill polygone(A[1][0],A[totallignes+1][0],A[totallignes+1][1],A[1][1]) withcolor ColColonne;
+ for k=1 upto totalcolonnes:
+ label(TEX(Colonnes[RetiensNumC[k-1]]),iso(A[1][k],A[0][k+1]));
+ endfor;
+ for k=1 upto totallignes:
+ label(TEX(Lignes[RetiensNumL[k-1]]),iso(A[k][0],A[k+1][1]));
+ endfor;
+ %
+ for k=1 upto totallignes:
+ trace segment(A[k][0],A[k][totalcolonnes+1]);
+ endfor;
+ for k=1 upto totalcolonnes:
+ trace segment(A[0][k],A[totallignes+1][k]);
+ endfor;
+ trace A[1][0]--A[totallignes+1][0]--A[totallignes+1][totalcolonnes+1]--A[0][totalcolonnes+1]--A[0][1];
+ labeloffset:=labeloffset*4;
+"Tirage 1"),iso(A[0][1],A[0][totalcolonnes+1]));
+ label.lft(TEX("Tirage 2") rotated 90,iso(A[totallignes+1][0],A[1][0]));
+ labeloffset:=labeloffset/4;
+ path ccsol[][];
+ if Solution:
+ for k=1 upto totallignes:
+ for l=1 upto totalcolonnes:
+ label(TEX(Colonnes[RetiensNumC[l-1]]&"--"&Lignes[RetiensNumL[k-1]]),iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1]));
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ if Codes:
+ \useKV[PfCUrne]{Traces};
+ fi;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \fi
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ u:=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Echelle}*1cm;
+ numeric RetiensNum[];
+ %
+ vardef RecupRepartition(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ RetiensNum[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ totalboules=n;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ color Col[];
+ vardef RecuperationCouleurs(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Col[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ string Nombres[];
+ vardef RecuperationNombres(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Nombres[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ numeric Pas,Rayon;
+ Pas=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Pas};
+ Rayon=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Rayon};
+ %
+ boolean Couleurs, Nombres, Roue, Solution, SansRemise, Codes;
+ Couleurs=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Couleurs};
+ Nombres=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Nombres};
+ Roue=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Roue};
+ Solution=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Solution};
+ SansRemise=\useKV[PfCUrne]{SansRemise};
+ Codes=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Codes};
+ color ColLigne,ColColonne;
+ ColLigne=\useKV[PfCUrne]{CouleurLigne};
+ ColColonne=\useKV[PfCUrne]{CouleurColonne};
+ RecupRepartition(#3);
+ if Couleurs:
+ RecuperationCouleurs(#1);
+ fi;
+ if Nombres:
+ RecuperationNombres(#2);
+ fi;
+ pair O;
+ pair A[][],C[][];
+ for k=0 upto totalboules+1:
+ for l=0 upto totalboules+1:
+ A[k][l]:=(0,0) shifted(u*(l,-k));
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 upto totalboules:
+ for l=0 upto totalboules:
+ C[k][l]=A[k][l] shifted(u*(0.5,-0.5));
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ if Couleurs:
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 0.75);
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ fill cercles(iso(A[1][k],A[0][k+1]),0.35u) withcolor Col[RetiensNum[k-1]];
+ fill cercles(iso(A[k][0],A[k+1][1]),0.35u) withcolor Col[RetiensNum[k-1]];
+ trace cercles(iso(A[1][k],A[0][k+1]),0.35u);
+ trace cercles(iso(A[k][0],A[k+1][1]),0.35u);
+ endfor;
+ drawoptions();
+ else:
+ fill polygone(A[0][1],A[0][totalboules+1],A[1][totalboules+1],A[1][1]) withcolor ColLigne;
+ fill polygone(A[1][0],A[totalboules+1][0],A[totalboules+1][1],A[1][1]) withcolor ColColonne;
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[k-1]]),iso(A[1][k],A[0][k+1]));
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[k-1]]),iso(A[k][0],A[k+1][1]));
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ if SansRemise:
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ draw 1/8[A[k][k],A[k+1][k+1]]--7/8[A[k][k],A[k+1][k+1]];
+ draw 1/8[A[k+1][k],A[k][k+1]]--7/8[A[k+1][k],A[k][k+1]];
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ trace segment(A[k][0],A[k][totalboules+1]);
+ trace segment(A[0][k],A[totalboules+1][k]);
+ endfor;
+ trace A[1][0]--A[totalboules+1][0]--A[totalboules+1][totalboules+1]--A[0][totalboules+1]--A[0][1];
+ labeloffset:=labeloffset*4;
+"Tirage 1"),iso(A[0][1],A[0][totalboules+1]));
+ label.lft(TEX("Tirage 2") rotated 90,iso(A[totalboules+1][0],A[1][0]));
+ labeloffset:=labeloffset/4;
+ path ccsol[][];
+ if Solution:
+ if Couleurs:
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 0.75);
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ for l=1 upto totalboules:
+ ccsol[k][l]=cercles(iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1]),0.25u);
+ if SansRemise:
+ if k<>l:
+ fill arccercle(pointarc(ccsol[k][l],315),pointarc(ccsol[k][l],135),iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1]))--iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1])--cycle withcolor Col[RetiensNum[l-1]];
+ fill arccercle(pointarc(ccsol[k][l],135),pointarc(ccsol[k][l],315),iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1]))--iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1])--cycle withcolor Col[RetiensNum[k-1]];
+ trace segment(pointarc(ccsol[k][l],135),pointarc(ccsol[k][l],315));
+ trace ccsol[k][l];
+ fi;
+ else:
+ fill arccercle(pointarc(ccsol[k][l],315),pointarc(ccsol[k][l],135),iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1]))--iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1])--cycle withcolor Col[RetiensNum[l-1]];
+ fill arccercle(pointarc(ccsol[k][l],135),pointarc(ccsol[k][l],315),iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1]))--iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1])--cycle withcolor Col[RetiensNum[k-1]];
+ trace segment(pointarc(ccsol[k][l],135),pointarc(ccsol[k][l],315));
+ trace ccsol[k][l];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ drawoptions();
+ else:
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ for l=1 upto totalboules:
+ if SansRemise:
+ if k<>l:
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[l-1]]&"--"&Nombres[RetiensNum[k-1]]),iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1]));
+ fi;
+ else:
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[l-1]]&"--"&Nombres[RetiensNum[k-1]]),iso(A[k][l],A[k+1][l+1]));
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ if Codes:
+ \useKV[PfCUrne]{Traces};
+ fi;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \fi
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ u:=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Echelle}*1cm;
+ numeric RetiensNum[];
+ vardef RecupRepartition(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ RetiensNum[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ totalboules=n;
+ enddef;
+ color Col[];
+ vardef RecuperationCouleurs(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Col[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ string Nombres[];
+ vardef RecuperationNombres(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Nombres[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ numeric Pas,Rayon;
+ Pas=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Pas};
+ Rayon=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Rayon};
+ boolean Couleurs, Nombres, Roue;
+ Couleurs=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Couleurs};
+ Nombres=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Nombres};
+ Roue=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Roue};
+ RecupRepartition(#3);
+ if Couleurs:
+ RecuperationCouleurs(#1);
+ fi;
+ if Nombres:
+ RecuperationNombres(#2);
+ fi;
+ pair O;
+ pair A[],B[];
+ if Roue:
+ O=(0,0);
+ path cc;
+ cc=cercles(O,Rayon*u);
+ angd=180/totalboules;
+ angr=360/totalboules;
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ A[k]=17/20[O,pointarc(cc,angd+(k-1)*angr)];
+ endfor;
+ drawarrow rotation((O+u*(0,1.35*Rayon))--(O+u*(0,1.1*Rayon)),O,angd);
+ % trace cc;
+ B[0]=pointarc(cc,0);
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ B[k]=pointarc(cc,k*angr);
+ if Couleurs:
+ fill O--arccercle(B[k-1],B[k],O)--cycle withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensNum[k-1]]:white else: Col[RetiensNum[k-1]] fi;
+ else:
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[k-1]]),A[k]);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ trace cc;
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ trace O--B[k];
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules div Pas)-1:
+ for l=0 upto Pas-1:
+ rang:=k*Pas+l;
+ A[rang]=u*(0.5,0.5)+u*(l,k);
+ if Couleurs:
+ fill cercles(A[rang],0.5u) withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensNum[rang]]:white else: Col[RetiensNum[rang]] fi;
+ else:
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[rang]]),A[rang]);
+ fi;
+ %trace cercles(A[k*Pas+l],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules mod Pas)-1:
+ rang:=(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k;
+ A[rang]=u*(0.5,0.5)+u*(k+0.5,totalboules div Pas-1+cosd(30));
+ if Couleurs:
+ fill cercles(A[rang],0.5u) withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensNum[rang]]:white else: Col[RetiensNum[rang]] fi;
+ else:
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[rang]]),A[rang]);
+ fi;
+ %trace cercles(A[(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ %
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules div Pas)-1:
+ for l=0 upto Pas-1:
+ rang:=k*Pas+l;
+ trace cercles(A[rang],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules mod Pas)-1:
+ rang:=(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k;
+ trace cercles(A[rang],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ %
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1.2);
+ if totalboules<Pas:
+ trace u*(0,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15)--u*(0,0-(1-cosd(30)))--u*(Pas,0-(1-cosd(30)))--u*(Pas,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15);
+ else:
+ trace u*(0,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15)--u*(0,0)--u*(Pas,0)--u*(Pas,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \else
+ \begin{mpost}[mpsettings={u:=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Echelle}*1cm;numeric Pas;Pas=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Pas}; boolean Couleurs, Nombres; Couleurs=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Couleurs}; Nombres=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Nombres};}]
+ numeric RetiensNum[];
+ vardef RecupRepartition(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ RetiensNum[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ totalboules=n;
+ enddef;
+ color Col[];
+ vardef RecuperationCouleurs(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Col[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ string Nombres[];
+ vardef RecuperationNombres(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Nombres[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ RecupRepartition(#3);
+ if Couleurs:
+ RecuperationCouleurs(#1);
+ fi;
+ if Nombres:
+ RecuperationNombres(#2);
+ fi;
+ pair A[];
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules div Pas)-1:
+ for l=0 upto Pas-1:
+ rang:=k*Pas+l;
+ A[rang]=u*(0.5,0.5)+u*(l,k);
+ if Couleurs:
+ fill cercles(A[rang],0.5u) withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensNum[rang]]:white else: Col[RetiensNum[rang]] fi;
+ else:
+ label(LATEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[rang]]),A[rang]);
+ fi;
+ %trace cercles(A[k*Pas+l],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules mod Pas)-1:
+ rang:=(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k;
+ A[rang]=u*(0.5,0.5)+u*(k+0.5,totalboules div Pas-1+cosd(30));
+ if Couleurs:
+ fill cercles(A[rang],0.5u) withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensNum[rang]]:white else: Col[RetiensNum[rang]] fi;
+ else:
+ label(LATEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[rang]]),A[rang]);
+ fi;
+ %trace cercles(A[(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ %
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules div Pas)-1:
+ for l=0 upto Pas-1:
+ rang:=k*Pas+l;
+ trace cercles(A[rang],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules mod Pas)-1:
+ rang:=(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k;
+ trace cercles(A[rang],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ %
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1.2);
+ if totalboules<Pas:
+ trace u*(0,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15)--u*(0,0-(1-cosd(30)))--u*(Pas,0-(1-cosd(30)))--u*(Pas,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15);
+ else:
+ trace u*(0,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15)--u*(0,0)--u*(Pas,0)--u*(Pas,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15);
+ fi;
+ \end{mpost}
+ \fi
+ % #1 Liste Couleurs
+ % #2 Liste Nombres
+ % #3 Repartition des couleurs
+ % #4 Repartition des nombres
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ u:=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Echelle}*1cm;
+ numeric RetiensC[],RetiensNum[];
+ vardef RecupRepartitionC(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ RetiensC[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ totalboules=n;
+ enddef;
+ vardef RecupRepartition(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ RetiensNum[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ color Col[];
+ vardef RecuperationCouleurs(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Col[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ string Nombres[];
+ vardef RecuperationNombres(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Nombres[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ numeric Pas,Rayon;
+ Pas=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Pas};
+ Rayon=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Rayon};
+ boolean Roue;
+ Roue=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Roue};
+ RecupRepartitionC(#3);
+ RecupRepartition(#4);
+ RecuperationCouleurs(#1);
+ RecuperationNombres(#2);
+ pair O;
+ pair A[],B[];
+ if Roue:
+ O=(0,0);
+ path cc;
+ cc=cercles(O,Rayon*u);
+ angd=180/totalboules;
+ angr=360/totalboules;
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ A[k]=17/20[O,pointarc(cc,angd+(k-1)*angr)];
+ endfor;
+ B[0]=pointarc(cc,0);
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ B[k]=pointarc(cc,k*angr);
+ fill O--arccercle(B[k-1],B[k],O)--cycle withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensC[k-1]]:white else: Col[RetiensC[k-1]] fi;
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[k-1]]),A[k]);
+ endfor;
+ trace cc;
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ trace O--B[k];
+ endfor;
+ drawarrow rotation((O+u*(0,1.35*Rayon))--(O+u*(0,1.1*Rayon)),O,angd);
+ else:
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules div Pas)-1:
+ for l=0 upto Pas-1:
+ rang:=k*Pas+l;
+ A[rang]=u*(0.5,0.5)+u*(l,k);
+ fill cercles(A[rang],0.5u) withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensC[rang]]:white else: Col[RetiensC[rang]] fi;
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[rang]]),A[rang]);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules mod Pas)-1:
+ rang:=(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k;
+ A[rang]=u*(0.5,0.5)+u*(k+0.5,totalboules div Pas-1+cosd(30));
+ fill cercles(A[rang],0.5u) withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensC[rang]]:white else: Col[RetiensC[rang]] fi;
+ label(TEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[rang]]),A[rang]);
+ endfor;
+ %
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules div Pas)-1:
+ for l=0 upto Pas-1:
+ rang:=k*Pas+l;
+ trace cercles(A[rang],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules mod Pas)-1:
+ rang:=(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k;
+ trace cercles(A[rang],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ %
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1.2);
+ if totalboules<Pas:
+ trace u*(0,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15)--u*(0,0-(1-cosd(30)))--u*(Pas,0-(1-cosd(30)))--u*(Pas,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15);
+ else:
+ trace u*(0,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15)--u*(0,0)--u*(Pas,0)--u*(Pas,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \else
+ \begin{mpost}[mpsettings={u:=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Echelle}*1cm;numeric RetiensC[],RetiensNum[];numeric Pas,Rayon;Pas=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Pas};Rayon=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Rayon};boolean Roue;Roue=\useKV[PfCUrne]{Roue};}]
+ vardef RecupRepartitionC(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ RetiensC[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ totalboules=n;
+ enddef;
+ vardef RecupRepartition(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ RetiensNum[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ color Col[];
+ vardef RecuperationCouleurs(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Col[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ string Nombres[];
+ vardef RecuperationNombres(text t)=
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ n:=n+1;
+ Nombres[n]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ RecupRepartitionC(#3);
+ RecupRepartition(#4);
+ RecuperationCouleurs(#1);
+ RecuperationNombres(#2);
+ pair O;
+ pair A[],B[];
+ if Roue:
+ O=(0,0);
+ path cc;
+ cc=cercles(O,Rayon*1cm);
+ angd=180/totalboules;
+ angr=360/totalboules;
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ A[k]=17/20[O,pointarc(cc,angd+(k-1)*angr)];
+ endfor;
+ B[0]=pointarc(cc,0);
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ B[k]=pointarc(cc,k*angr);
+ fill O--arccercle(B[k-1],B[k],O)--cycle withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensC[k-1]]:white else: Col[RetiensC[k-1]] fi;
+ label(LATEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[k-1]]),A[k]);
+ endfor;
+ trace cc;
+ for k=1 upto totalboules:
+ trace O--B[k];
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules div Pas)-1:
+ for l=0 upto Pas-1:
+ rang:=k*Pas+l;
+ A[rang]=u*(0.5,0.5)+u*(l,k);
+ fill cercles(A[rang],0.5u) withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensC[rang]]:white else: Col[RetiensC[rang]] fi;
+ label(LATEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[rang]]),A[rang]);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules mod Pas)-1:
+ rang:=(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k;
+ A[rang]=u*(0.5,0.5)+u*(k+0.5,totalboules div Pas-1+cosd(30));
+ fill cercles(A[rang],0.5u) withcolor if unknown Col[RetiensC[rang]]:white else: Col[RetiensC[rang]] fi;
+ label(LATEX(Nombres[RetiensNum[rang]]),A[rang]);
+ endfor;
+ %
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules div Pas)-1:
+ for l=0 upto Pas-1:
+ rang:=k*Pas+l;
+ trace cercles(A[rang],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=0 upto (totalboules mod Pas)-1:
+ rang:=(totalboules div Pas)*Pas+k;
+ trace cercles(A[rang],0.5u);
+ endfor;
+ %
+ drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1.2);
+ if totalboules<Pas:
+ trace u*(0,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15)--u*(0,0-(1-cosd(30)))--u*(Pas,0-(1-cosd(30)))--u*(Pas,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15);
+ else:
+ trace u*(0,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15)--u*(0,0)--u*(Pas,0)--u*(Pas,(totalboules div Pas)+1.15);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ \end{mpost}
+ \fi
+ \useKVdefault[PfCUrne]%
+ \setKV[PfCUrne]{#1}%
+ \tokUrneListeCouleurs{}%
+ \tokUrneListeNombres{}%
+ \tokUrneListeColonnes{}%
+ \ifboolKV[PfCUrne]{Casino}{%
+ \BuildRoulette%
+ }{%
+ \ifboolKV[PfCUrne]{Tableau}{%
+ \ifboolKV[PfCUrne]{Different}{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooRepartitionC{\useKV[PfCUrne]{RepartitionColonne}}%
+ \xdef\PfCFooRepartitionL{\useKV[PfCUrne]{RepartitionLigne}}%
+ \setsepchar{,}\ignoreemptyitems%
+ \readlist*\ListeRepartitionCAv{\PfCFooRepartitionC}%
+ \readlist*\ListeRepartitionLAv{\PfCFooRepartitionL}%
+ % Repartition : \showitems\ListeRepartitionAv[]%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartitionC{}%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartitionL{}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotalC{0}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotalL{0}%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionCAvlen}}\do{%
+ \xintFor* ##2 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionCAv[##1]}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartitionC{\PfCFooListeRepartitionC,##1}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotalC{\fpeval{\PfCTotalC+1}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionLAvlen}}\do{%
+ \xintFor* ##2 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionLAv[##1]}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartitionL{\PfCFooListeRepartitionL,##1}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotalL{\fpeval{\PfCTotalL+1}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\ListeCouleursAv{\expandafter\UpdatetoksUrneColonnes\compteur\nil}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\ListeNombresAv{\expandafter\UpdatetoksUrneNombres\compteur\nil}%
+ \BuildTableauDoubleEntreeDifferent{\the\tokUrneListeColonnes}{\the\tokUrneListeNombres}{\PfCFooListeRepartitionC}{\PfCFooListeRepartitionL}%
+ }{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooRepartition{\useKV[PfCUrne]{Repartition}}%
+ \setsepchar{,}\ignoreemptyitems%
+ \readlist*\ListeRepartitionAv{\PfCFooRepartition}%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartition{}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotal{0}%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionAvlen}}\do{%
+ \xintFor* ##2 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionAv[##1]}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartition{\PfCFooListeRepartition,##1}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotal{\fpeval{\PfCTotal+1}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifboolKV[PfCUrne]{Couleurs}{%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\ListeCouleursAv{\expandafter\UpdatetoksUrneCouleurs\compteur\nil}%
+ \BuildTableauDoubleEntree{\the\tokUrneListeCouleurs}{}{\PfCFooListeRepartition}%
+ }{%
+ \ifboolKV[PfCUrne]{Nombres}{%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\ListeNombresAv{\expandafter\UpdatetoksUrneNombres\compteur\nil}%
+ \BuildTableauDoubleEntree{}{\the\tokUrneListeNombres}{\PfCFooListeRepartition}%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \ifboolKV[PfCUrne]{Double}{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooRepartitionC{\useKV[PfCUrne]{RepartitionC}}%
+ \xdef\PfCFooRepartitionN{\useKV[PfCUrne]{RepartitionN}}%
+ \setsepchar{,}\ignoreemptyitems%
+ \readlist*\ListeRepartitionCAv{\PfCFooRepartitionC}%
+ \readlist*\ListeRepartitionNAv{\PfCFooRepartitionN}%
+ % Repartition : \showitems\ListeRepartitionAv[]%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartitionC{}%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartitionN{}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotalC{0}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotalN{0}%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionCAvlen}}\do{%
+ \xintFor* ##2 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionCAv[##1]}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartitionC{\PfCFooListeRepartitionC,##1}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotalC{\fpeval{\PfCTotalC+1}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionNAvlen}}\do{%
+ \xintFor* ##2 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionNAv[##1]}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartitionN{\PfCFooListeRepartitionN,##1}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotalN{\fpeval{\PfCTotalN+1}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \MelangeListe{\PfCFooListeRepartitionC}{\PfCTotalC}%
+ \xdef\ListeRepartitionCouleurs{\faa}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\ListeCouleursAv{\expandafter\UpdatetoksUrneCouleurs\compteur\nil}%
+ \MelangeListe{\PfCFooListeRepartitionN}{\PfCTotalN}%
+ \xdef\ListeRepartitionNombres{\faa}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\ListeNombresAv{\expandafter\UpdatetoksUrneNombres\compteur\nil}%
+ \BuildUrneDouble{\the\tokUrneListeCouleurs}{\the\tokUrneListeNombres}{\ListeRepartitionCouleurs}{\ListeRepartitionNombres}%
+ }{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooRepartition{\useKV[PfCUrne]{Repartition}}%
+ \setsepchar{,}\ignoreemptyitems%
+ \readlist*\ListeRepartitionAv{\PfCFooRepartition}%
+ % Repartition : \showitems\ListeRepartitionAv[]%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartition{}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotal{0}%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionAvlen}}\do{%
+ \xintFor* ##2 in{\xintSeq{1}{\ListeRepartitionAv[##1]}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListeRepartition{\PfCFooListeRepartition,##1}%
+ \xdef\PfCTotal{\fpeval{\PfCTotal+1}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ifboolKV[PfCUrne]{Couleurs}{%
+ \MelangeListe{\PfCFooListeRepartition}{\PfCTotal}%
+ \xdef\ListeRepartitionCouleurs{\faa}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\ListeCouleursAv{\expandafter\UpdatetoksUrneCouleurs\compteur\nil}%
+ % Couleurs :\\
+ % La répartition est : \ListeRepartitionCouleurs\\
+ % Les couleurs sont : \the\tokUrneListeCouleurs.\\
+ \BuildUrne{\the\tokUrneListeCouleurs}{}{\ListeRepartitionCouleurs}%
+ }{%
+ \ifboolKV[PfCUrne]{Nombres}{%
+ \MelangeListe{\PfCFooListeRepartition}{\PfCTotal}%
+ \xdef\ListeRepartitionNombres{\faa}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\ListeNombresAv{\expandafter\UpdatetoksUrneNombres\compteur\nil}%
+ % Nombres :\\
+ % La répartition est : \ListeRepartitionNombres\\
+ % Les nombres sont : \the\tokUrneListeNombres.\\
+ \BuildUrne{}{\the\tokUrneListeNombres}{\ListeRepartitionNombres}%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ }%
+}% \ No newline at end of file