path: root/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulArt.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulArt.tex')
1 files changed, 472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulArt.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulArt.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..601d6e52f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCMulArt.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+% Mulart
+ \useKVdefault[TabMul]%
+ \setKV[TabMul]{#1}%
+ \setsepchar{,}\ignoreemptyitems%
+ \readlist*\PfCListeTabMul{#2}%
+ \reademptyitems%
+ \StrLen{\PfCListeTabMul[1]}[\TailleTabMul]%
+ \tokstabmul{}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\PfCListeTabMul{\expandafter\UpdatetoksTabMul\compteur\nil}%
+ \savecomparemode%
+ \comparestrict%
+ \ifboolKV[TabMul]{Cibles}{%
+ \tokstabmulpdtscible{}%
+ \xdef\PfCCompteurX{0}%
+ \xdef\PfCCompteurO{0}%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in {\xintSeq{1}{\PfCListeTabMullen}}\do{%
+ \xintFor* ##2 in {\xintSeq{1}{\TailleTabMul}}\do{%
+ \StrChar{\PfCListeTabMul[##1]}{##2}[\PfCLettre]%
+ \IfStrEq{\PfCLettre}{x}{%
+ \xdef\PfCCompteurX{\fpeval{\PfCCompteurX+1}}%
+ }{\IfStrEq{\PfCLettre}{o}{%
+ \xdef\PfCCompteurO{\fpeval{\PfCCompteurO+1}}%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \xdef\PfCFooRetiensCible{\useKV[TabMul]{Cible}}%
+ \readlist*\PfCListeDesNombresCibles{\PfCFooRetiensCible}%
+ \xintFor* ##2 in{\xintSeq{1}{\PfCListeDesNombresCibleslen}}\do{%
+ \PfCListeDiviseurs{\PfCListeDesNombresCibles[##2]}%
+ \setsepchar{,}\ignoreemptyitems%
+ \readlist*\PfCTabMulDiviseursCible{\PfCListeDiviseursRetour}%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListePdtCible{$1\times\num{\PfCListeDesNombresCibles[##2]}$,$\num{\PfCListeDesNombresCibles[##2]}\times1$}%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in {\xintSeq{1}{\PfCNbDiviseurs}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCFooListePdtCible{\PfCFooListePdtCible,$\num{\PfCTabMulDiviseursCible[##1]}\times\num{\fpeval{\PfCListeDesNombresCibles[##2]/\PfCTabMulDiviseursCible[##1]}}$,$\num{\fpeval{\PfCListeDesNombresCibles[##2]/\PfCTabMulDiviseursCible[##1]}}\times\num{\PfCTabMulDiviseursCible[##1]}$}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \ignoreemptyitems%
+ \readlist*\PfCListeProduitsCible{\PfCFooListePdtCible}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\PfCListeProduitsCible{\expandafter\UpdatetoksTabMulPdtsCible\compteur\nil}%
+ \BuildTabMulCible{\the\tokstabmul}{\the\tokstabmulpdtscible}{\PfCFooRetiensCible}%
+ }{%
+ \ifboolKV[TabMul]{Operations}{%
+ \xdef\PfCTabMulListePdts{4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18,20,21,24,25,27,28,30,32,35,36,40,42,45,48,49,50,54,56,60,63,64,70,72,80,81,90,100}%37
+ \xdef\PfCTabMulListeNonPdts{2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,22,23,26,29,31,33,34,37,38,39,41,43,44,46,47,51,52,53,55,57,58,59,61,62,65,66,67,68,69,71,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99}%62
+ \xdef\PfCCompteurX{0}
+ \xdef\PfCCompteurO{0}
+ \xintFor* ##1 in {\xintSeq{1}{\PfCListeTabMullen}}\do{%
+ \xintFor* ##2 in {\xintSeq{1}{\TailleTabMul}}\do{%
+ \StrChar{\PfCListeTabMul[##1]}{##2}[\PfCLettre]%
+ \IfStrEq{\PfCLettre}{x}{%
+ \xdef\PfCCompteurX{\fpeval{\PfCCompteurX+1}}%
+ }{\IfStrEq{\PfCLettre}{o}{%
+ \xdef\PfCCompteurO{\fpeval{\PfCCompteurO+1}}%
+ }{}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \xdef\NombreRepetX{\fpeval{ceil(\PfCCompteurX/37)}}%
+ \xdef\NombreRepetO{\fpeval{ceil(\PfCCompteurO/62)}}%
+ \xdef\PfCTabMulListeFinalePdts{}
+ \xdef\PfCTabMulListeFinaleNonPdts{}
+ \xintFor* ##1 in {\xintSeq{1}{\NombreRepetX}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCTabMulListeFinalePdts{\PfCTabMulListeFinalePdts,\PfCTabMulListePdts}
+ }%
+ \xintFor* ##1 in {\xintSeq{1}{\NombreRepetO}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCTabMulListeFinaleNonPdts{\PfCTabMulListeFinaleNonPdts,\PfCTabMulListeNonPdts}
+ }%
+ \MelangeListe{\PfCTabMulListeFinalePdts}{\PfCCompteurX}
+ \ignoreemptyitems
+ \readlist*\PfCListeProduits{\faa}
+ \MelangeListe{\PfCTabMulListeFinaleNonPdts}{\PfCCompteurO}
+ \ignoreemptyitems
+ \readlist*\PfCListeNonProduits{\faa}
+ \ifboolKV[TabMul]{Enonce}{%
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \xintFor* ##1 in {\xintSeq{1}{\PfCCompteurX}}\do{%
+ \PfCListeDiviseurs{\PfCListeProduits[##1]}%
+ \ifnum\PfCNbDiviseurs>1\relax
+ \MelangeListe{\PfCListeDiviseursRetour}{1}%
+ \else
+ \xdef\faa{\PfCListeDiviseursRetour}
+ \fi
+ \ignoreemptyitems
+ \readlist*\PfCListeDiviseurChoisi{\faa}%
+ \item $\PfCListeDiviseurChoisi[1]\times\fpeval{\PfCListeProduits[##1]/\PfCListeDiviseurChoisi[1]}=$
+ }
+ \end{enumerate}
+ }{}
+ \ifboolKV[TabMul]{SchemaEnonce}{%
+ \tokstabmulpdts{}
+ \tokstabmulnonpdts{}
+ \xdef\PfCFoo{\PfCListeProduits[1]}
+ \xintFor* ##3 in {\xintSeq{2}{\PfCCompteurX}}\do{%
+ \xdef\PfCFoo{\PfCFoo,\PfCListeProduits[##3]}%
+ }%
+ \MelangeListe{\PfCFoo}{\PfCCompteurX}%
+ \ignoreemptyitems
+ \readlist*\PfCListeProduits{\faa}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\PfCListeProduits{\expandafter\UpdatetoksTabMulPdts\compteur\nil}%
+ \foreachitem\compteur\in\PfCListeNonProduits{\expandafter\UpdatetoksTabMulNonPdts\compteur\nil}%
+ \BuildTabMulEnonce{\the\tokstabmul}{\the\tokstabmulpdts}{\the\tokstabmulnonpdts}
+ }{}%%
+ }{%
+ \BuildTabMul{\the\tokstabmul}%
+ }
+ }
+ \restorecomparemode%
+ \reademptyitems%
+ \ifnum#1<10\relax
+ \xdef\PfCLimiteDiv{#1}
+ \else
+ \xdef\PfCLimiteDiv{10}
+ \fi
+ \xdef\PfCListeDiviseursRetour{}
+ \xdef\PfCNbDiviseurs{}
+ \xintFor* ##2 in {\xintSeq{2}{\PfCLimiteDiv}}\do{%
+ \modulo{#1}{##2}\relax
+ \ifnum\remainder=0\relax
+ \xdef\PfCListeDiviseursRetour{\PfCListeDiviseursRetour ##2,}%
+ \xdef\PfCNbDiviseurs{\fpeval{\PfCNbDiviseurs+1}}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ NbCasesLarg=\TailleTabMul;
+ Largeur=\useKV[TabMul]{Largeur};
+ color CoulFond;
+ boolean Colore,Stop,Graines;
+ Colore=\useKV[TabMul]{Couleurs};
+ if Colore:
+ CoulFond=\useKV[TabMul]{Couleur};
+ fi;
+ Graines=\useKV[TabMul]{Graines};
+ if Graines:
+ randomseed:=\useKV[TabMul]{Graine};
+ fi;
+ vardef NombresCibles(text t)=
+ nbc=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ nbc:=nbc+1;
+ Cible[nbc]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef LectureDesProduits(text t)=
+ string Sproduits[];
+ nbp=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ nbp:=nbp+1;
+ Sproduits[nbp]=p_;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef Remplissage(text t)=
+ pair M[][];
+ n=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ for k=0 upto NbCasesLarg-1:
+ l:=n mod NbCasesLarg;
+ h:=n div NbCasesLarg;
+ M[l][h]=Largeur*(l,-h);
+ if (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="x":
+ if Colore:
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]) withcolor CoulFond;
+ fi;
+ label(TEX(Sproduits[ceiling(uniformdeviate(nbp))]),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ elseif (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="X":
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]);
+ else:
+ Stop:=false;
+ forever:
+ basea:=ceiling(1+uniformdeviate(9));
+ baseb:=ceiling(1+uniformdeviate(9));
+ basec:=0;
+ for r=1 upto nbc:
+ if (basea*baseb)<>Cible[r]:
+ basec:=basec+1;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ if basec=nbc:
+ Stop:=true;
+ fi;
+ exitif Stop;
+ endfor;
+ label(TEX("$\num{"&decimal(basea)&"}\times\num{"&decimal(baseb)&"}$"),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ fi;
+ trace (unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h];
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef RemplissagePDF(text t)=
+ pair M[][];
+ n=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ for k=0 upto NbCasesLarg-1:
+ l:=n mod NbCasesLarg;
+ h:=n div NbCasesLarg;
+ M[l][h]=Largeur*(l,-h);
+ if (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="x":
+ if Colore:
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]) withcolor CoulFond;
+ fi;
+ label(LATEX(Sproduits[ceiling(uniformdeviate(nbp))]),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ elseif (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="X":
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]);
+ else:
+ Stop:=false;
+ forever:
+ basea:=ceiling(1+uniformdeviate(9));
+ baseb:=ceiling(1+uniformdeviate(9));
+ basec:=0;
+ for r=1 upto nbc:
+ if (basea*baseb)<>Cible[r]:
+ basec:=basec+1;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ if basec=nbc:
+ Stop:=true;
+ fi;
+ exitif Stop;
+ endfor;
+ label(LATEX("$\num{"&decimal(basea)&"}\times\num{"&decimal(baseb)&"}$"),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ fi;
+ trace (unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h];
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \mplibnumbersystem{double}
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ \TabMulCibleCode
+ NombresCibles(#3);
+ LectureDesProduits(#2);
+ Remplissage(#1);
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \mplibnumbersystem{scaled}
+ \else
+ \begin{mpost}[mpsettings={\TabMulCibleCode}]
+ NombresCibles(#3);
+ LectureDesProduits(#2);
+ RemplissagePDF(#1);
+ \end{mpost}
+ \fi
+ NbCasesLarg=\TailleTabMul;
+ Multiple=\useKV[TabMul]{Multiple};
+ Largeur=\useKV[TabMul]{Largeur};
+ color CoulFond;
+ boolean Colore,Stop,Graines;
+ Colore=\useKV[TabMul]{Couleurs};
+ if Colore:
+ CoulFond=\useKV[TabMul]{Couleur};
+ fi;
+ Graines=\useKV[TabMul]{Graines};
+ if Graines:
+ randomseed:=\useKV[TabMul]{Graine};
+ fi;
+ vardef Remplissage(text t)=
+ pair M[][];
+ n=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ for k=0 upto NbCasesLarg-1:
+ l:=n mod NbCasesLarg;
+ h:=n div NbCasesLarg;
+ M[l][h]=Largeur*(l,-h);
+ if (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="x":
+ if Colore:
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]) withcolor CoulFond;
+ fi;
+ label(TEX(decimal(Multiple*ceiling(uniformdeviate(9)+1))),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ elseif (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="X":
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]);
+ else:
+ Stop:=false;
+ forever:
+ base:=ceiling((1+uniformdeviate(9))*(1+uniformdeviate(9)));
+ if (base mod Multiple)>0:
+ Stop:=true;
+ fi;
+ exitif Stop;
+ endfor;
+ label(TEX(decimal(base)),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ fi;
+ trace (unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h];
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ %
+ vardef RemplissagePDF(text t)=
+ pair M[][];
+ n=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ for k=0 upto NbCasesLarg-1:
+ l:=n mod NbCasesLarg;
+ h:=n div NbCasesLarg;
+ M[l][h]=Largeur*(l,-h);
+ if (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="x":
+ if Colore:
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]) withcolor CoulFond;
+ fi;
+ label(LATEX(decimal(Multiple*ceiling(uniformdeviate(9)+1))),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ elseif (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="X":
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]);
+ else:
+ Stop:=false;
+ forever:
+ base:=ceiling((1+uniformdeviate(9))*(1+uniformdeviate(9)));
+ if (base mod Multiple)>0:
+ Stop:=true;
+ fi;
+ exitif Stop;
+ endfor;
+ label(LATEX(decimal(base)),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ fi;
+ trace (unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h];
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ }
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \mplibnumbersystem{double}
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ \TabMulCode
+ Remplissage(#1);
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \mplibnumbersystem{scaled}
+ \else
+ \begin{mpost}[mpsettings={\TabMulCode}]
+ Remplissage(#1);
+ \end{mpost}
+ \fi
+ NbCasesLarg=\TailleTabMul;
+ Multiple=\useKV[TabMul]{Multiple};
+ Largeur=\useKV[TabMul]{Largeur};
+ color CoulFond;
+ boolean Colore,Stop;%,Graines;
+ Colore=\useKV[TabMul]{Couleurs};
+ if Colore:
+ CoulFond=\useKV[TabMul]{Couleur};
+ fi;
+ vardef Remplissage(text t)(text listepdt)(text listenonpdt)=
+ string pdt[],nonpdt[];
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=listepdt:
+ pdt[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=listenonpdt:
+ nonpdt[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ pair M[][];
+ n:=0;
+ nx=0;
+ no=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ for k=0 upto NbCasesLarg-1:
+ l:=n mod NbCasesLarg;
+ h:=n div NbCasesLarg;
+ M[l][h]=Largeur*(l,-h);
+ if (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="x":
+ if Colore:
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]) withcolor CoulFond;
+ fi;
+ label(TEX(pdt[nx]),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ nx:=nx+1;
+ elseif (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="X":
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]);
+ else:
+ label(TEX(nonpdt[no]),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ no:=no+1;
+ fi;
+ trace (unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h];
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ vardef RemplissagePDF(text t)(text listepdt)(text listenonpdt)=
+ string pdt[],nonpdt[];
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=listepdt:
+ pdt[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ n:=0;
+ for p_=listenonpdt:
+ nonpdt[n]=p_;
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ pair M[][];
+ n:=0;
+ nx=0;
+ no=0;
+ for p_=t:
+ for k=0 upto NbCasesLarg-1:
+ l:=n mod NbCasesLarg;
+ h:=n div NbCasesLarg;
+ M[l][h]=Largeur*(l,-h);
+ if (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="x":
+ if Colore:
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]) withcolor CoulFond;
+ fi;
+ label(TEX(pdt[nx]),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ nx:=nx+1;
+ elseif (substring(k,k+1) of p_)="X":
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h]);
+ else:
+ label(TEX(nonpdt[no]),M[l][h] shifted (Largeur*(0.5,0.5)));
+ no:=no+1;
+ fi;
+ trace (unitsquare scaled Largeur) shifted M[l][h];
+ n:=n+1;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ }
+ \ifluatex
+ \mplibforcehmode
+ \mplibnumbersystem{double}
+ \begin{mplibcode}
+ \TabMulEnonceCode
+ Remplissage(#1)(#2)(#3);
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \mplibnumbersystem{scaled}
+ \else
+ \begin{mpost}[mpsettings={\TabMulEnonceCode}]
+ RemplissagePDF(#1)(#2)(#3);
+ \end{mpost}
+ \fi
+} \ No newline at end of file