path: root/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCLabyrintheNombre.tex
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1 files changed, 511 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCLabyrintheNombre.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCLabyrintheNombre.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7463ec702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCLabyrintheNombre.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+% Labyrinthe Nombre
+ \useKVdefault[ClesLabyNb]%
+ \setKV[ClesLabyNb]{#1}%
+ \ifboolKV[ClesLabyNb]{Solution}{%
+ \TraceLabyFactoSolution{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Multiple}}{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Longueur}}{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Largeur}}{(\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{YDepart},\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{XDepart})}{(\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{YArrivee},\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{XArrivee})}{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Solution}}%
+ }{%
+ \TraceLabyFacto{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Multiple}}{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Longueur}}{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Largeur}}{(\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{YDepart},\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{XDepart})}{(\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{YArrivee},\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{XArrivee})}{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Solution}}%
+ }%
+ \mplibforcehmode%
+ \xdef\PfCNomLabyrinthe{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Nom}}%
+ \begin{mplibcode}[\PfCNomLabyrinthe]
+ input PfCLabyNombre;
+ boolean Murs;
+ Murs=\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Murs};
+ string Entree,Sortie;
+ Entree=\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Entree};
+ Sortie=\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Sortie};
+ boolean SortieUnique,EntreeSortie;
+ SortieUnique:=\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{SortieUnique};
+ EntreeSortie:=\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{EntreeSortie};
+ picture Square;
+ Square=image(
+ path Test;
+ Test=unitsquare scaled 10mm;
+ trace subpath(0.85,1.15) of Test;
+ trace subpath(1.85,2.15) of Test;
+ trace subpath(2.85,3.15) of Test;
+ trace subpath(3.85,4.15) of Test;
+ );
+ vardef RemplissagePremier=
+ Totalpremier:=if indiceChemin<62:62 else: indiceChemin fi;
+ numeric p[]; boolean n_is_prime; p[1]=2; kis:=1;
+ for nis=3 step 2 until infinity:
+ n_is_prime := true;
+ for jis=2 upto kis:
+ if nis mod p[jis]=0: n_is_prime := false; fi
+ exitif nis/p[jis] < p[jis];
+ endfor
+ if n_is_prime: p[incr kis] := nis; exitif kis=Totalpremier; fi
+ endfor fi
+ numeric PR[],pretiens[];
+ for ki=1 upto Totalpremier-1:
+ pretiens[ki]:=p[ki+1];
+ endfor;
+ Kk:=0;
+ for ki=Totalpremier-1 downto 1:
+ alea:=1+floor(uniformdeviate(ki));
+ PR[incr Kk]:=pretiens[alea];
+ % message("k="&decimal(k)&" alea="&decimal(alea)&" Kk="&decimal(Kk)&" PR[Kk]="&decimal(PR[Kk]));
+ Kkl:=0;
+ for li=1 upto ki:
+ if li<>alea:
+ pretiens[incr Kkl]:=pretiens[li];
+ % message("Kkl="&decimal(Kkl));
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+ numeric Multiple;
+ Multiple=#1;
+ % Initialisation du labyrinthe
+ InitialisationLabyrinthe(#2,#3);
+ % On initialise les paramètres du parcours
+ numeric choixligneD,choixligneA,choixcolonneD,choixcolonneA;
+ choixligneD=xpart(#4);
+ choixcolonneD=ypart(#4);
+ choixligneA=xpart(#5);
+ choixcolonneA=ypart(#5);%
+ pair Depart;
+ Depart=N[choixligneD][choixcolonneD];
+ pair Arrivee;
+ Arrivee=N[choixligneA][choixcolonneA];
+ pair Mobile;
+ Mobile=Depart;
+ %
+ RAZPileChemin;
+ if \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{SortieUnique}:
+ if (Sortie="Est") or (Sortie="Ouest"):
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ if k<>choixligneA:
+ CaseExploree[k][choixcolonneA]:=true;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ elseif (Sortie="Nord") or (Sortie="Sud"):
+ for k=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ if k<>choixcolonneA:
+ CaseExploree[choixligneA][k]:=true;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ % Exploration du labyrinthe
+ if Entree="Nord":
+ CaseExploree[choixligneD-1][choixcolonneD]:=true;
+ elseif Entree="Sud":
+ CaseExploree[choixligneD+1][choixcolonneD]:=true;
+ elseif Entree="Est":
+ CaseExploree[choixligneD][choixcolonneD+1]:=true;
+ elseif Entree="Ouest":
+ CaseExploree[choixligneD][choixcolonneD-1]:=true;
+ fi;
+ %
+ PushChemin((choixligneD,choixcolonneD));
+ CaseExploree[choixligneD][choixcolonneD]:=true;
+ VoisinDispo(choixligneD,choixcolonneD);
+ forever: exitif Mobile=Arrivee;%nb=0;
+ nb:=ceiling(uniformdeviate(nbvoisin));
+ if nb>0:
+ for k=1 upto nbvoisin:
+ CaseExploree[xpart(PileVoisin[k])][ypart(PileVoisin[k])]:=true;
+ endfor;
+ PushChemin((xpart(PileVoisin[nb]),ypart(PileVoisin[nb])));
+ Mobile:=N[xpart(PileChemin[indiceChemin])][ypart(PileChemin[indiceChemin])];
+ VoisinDispo(xpart(PileChemin[indiceChemin]),ypart(PileChemin[indiceChemin]));
+ else:
+ PopCheminMathAlea;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ % Affichagefinal
+ % on sauvegarde les nombres aléatoires
+ numeric NbAffiche[];
+ numeric NbSol[];
+ % on écrit des nombres au hasard, mais sans être multiple du nombre choisi
+ numeric nbaffiche;
+ nbaffiche=0;
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ for l=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ nbaffiche:=nbaffiche+1;
+ if Multiple=1:%On affichera que des multiples de 2/3/5/9/10 pour afficher un chemin de nombre premiers
+ mathalea:=uniformdeviate(5);
+ if mathalea<1:
+ NbAffiche[nbaffiche]:=(10+ceiling(uniformdeviate(100)))*2;
+ elseif mathalea<2:
+ NbAffiche[nbaffiche]:=(10+ceiling(uniformdeviate(100)))*3;
+ elseif mathalea<3:
+ NbAffiche[nbaffiche]:=(10+ceiling(uniformdeviate(100)))*5;
+ elseif mathalea<4:
+ NbAffiche[nbaffiche]:=(10+ceiling(uniformdeviate(100)))*9;
+ else: NbAffiche[nbaffiche]:=(10+ceiling(uniformdeviate(100)))*10;
+ fi;
+ else:
+ NbAffiche[nbaffiche]:=(50+ceiling(uniformdeviate(100)))*Multiple+ceiling(uniformdeviate(Multiple-1));
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ % On crée des multiples du nombre choisi
+ RemplissagePremier;
+ for k=1 upto indiceChemin:
+ if Multiple>1:
+ NbSol[k]=(50+ceiling(uniformdeviate(100)))*Multiple;
+ else:
+ NbSol[k]=PR[k];
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ % On affiche
+ picture Corps;
+ Corps=image(
+ nbaffiche:=0;
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ for l=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ nbaffiche:=nbaffiche+1;
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbAffiche[nbaffiche])&"}"),M[k][l]);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ for k=1 upto indiceChemin:
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]) withcolor white;
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbSol[k])&"}"),M[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]);
+ endfor;
+ if EntreeSortie=false:
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[choixligneD][choixcolonneD]) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Couleur};
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted Arrivee) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Couleur};
+ trace TraceLabyrinthe;
+ else:
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ for l=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ trace Square shifted N[k][l];
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ trace u*(0,0)--u*(LongueurLaby,0)--u*(LongueurLaby,-LargeurLaby)--u*(0,-LargeurLaby)--cycle;
+ % On dessine l'entrée.
+ if Entree="Nord":
+ N[-1][-1]:=Depart+(0,10mm);
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1]) withcolor white;
+ draw (subpath(1,4) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1];
+ undraw (subpath(0.18,0.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1] withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(btex \footnotesize Départ etex,(center Square) shifted N[-1][-1]);
+ elseif Entree="Ouest":
+ N[-1][-1]:=Depart+(-10mm,0);
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1]) withcolor white;
+ draw (subpath(2,5) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1];
+ undraw (subpath(1.15,1.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1] withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(btex \footnotesize Départ etex,(center Square) shifted N[-1][-1]);
+ elseif Entree="Sud":
+ N[-1][-1]:=Depart+(0,-10mm);
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1]) withcolor white;
+ draw (subpath(3,6) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1];
+ undraw (subpath(2.15,2.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1] withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(btex \footnotesize Départ etex,(center Square) shifted N[-1][-1]);
+ elseif Entree="Est":
+ N[-1][-1]:=Depart+(10mm,0);
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1]) withcolor white;
+ draw (subpath(0,3) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1];
+ undraw (subpath(3.18,3.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1] withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(btex \footnotesize Départ etex,(center Square) shifted N[-1][-1]);
+ fi;
+ % On dessine les sorties
+ if Sortie="Nord":
+ N[-2][-2]=Arrivee+(5mm,20mm);
+ for k=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ draw ((point(0.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(0.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(2.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[0][k]+(0,10mm));
+ draw ((point(0.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(0.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(2.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[0][k]+(0,10mm));
+ undraw (subpath(0.18,0.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted (N[0][k]+(0,10mm)) withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(TEX("\footnotesize S"&decimal(k)),center (Square) shifted (N[0][k]+(0,10mm)));
+ endfor;
+ elseif Sortie="Ouest":
+ N[-2][-2]=Arrivee+(-10mm,5mm);
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ draw ((point(1.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(1.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(3.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[k][0]+(-10mm,0));
+ draw ((point(1.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(1.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(3.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[k][0]+(-10mm,0));
+ undraw (subpath(1.18,1.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted (N[k][0]+(-10mm,0)) withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(TEX("\footnotesize S"&decimal(k)),center (Square) shifted (N[k][0]+(-10mm,0)));
+ endfor;
+ elseif Sortie="Sud":
+ N[-2][-2]=Arrivee+(5mm,-10mm);
+ for k=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ draw ((point(2.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(0.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(2.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[LargeurLaby-1][k]+(0,-10mm));
+ draw ((point(2.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(0.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(2.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[LargeurLaby-1][k]+(0,-10mm));
+ undraw (subpath(2.18,2.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted (N[LargeurLaby-1][k]+(0,-10mm)) withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(TEX("\footnotesize S"&decimal(k)),center (Square) shifted (N[LargeurLaby-1][k]+(0,-10mm)));
+ endfor;
+ elseif Sortie="Est":
+ N[-2][-2]=Arrivee+(20mm,5mm);
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ draw ((point(3.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(3.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(1.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[k][LongueurLaby-1]+(10mm,0));
+ draw ((point(3.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(3.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(1.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[k][LongueurLaby-1]+(10mm,0));
+ undraw (subpath(3.18,3.8) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted (N[k][LongueurLaby-1]+(10mm,0)) withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(TEX("\footnotesize S"&decimal(k)),center (Square) shifted (N[k][LongueurLaby-1]+(10mm,0)));
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ fi;
+ );
+ Corps:=(Corps scaled \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Echelle}) rotated \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Angle};
+ trace Corps;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \mplibforcehmode%
+ \xdef\PfCNomLabyrinthe{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Nom}}%
+ \begin{mplibcode}[\PfCNomLabyrinthe]
+ color CouleurChemin;
+ CouleurChemin:=\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{CouleurChemin};
+ picture CorpsSolution;
+ CorpsSolution=image(
+ nbaffiche:=0;
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ for l=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ nbaffiche:=nbaffiche+1;
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbAffiche[nbaffiche])&"}"),M[k][l]);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ if EntreeSortie=false:
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[choixligneD][choixcolonneD]) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Couleur};
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted Arrivee) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Couleur};
+ for k=2 upto indiceChemin-1:
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{CouleurChemin};
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbSol[k])&"}"),M[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ for k=1 upto indiceChemin:
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]) withcolor white;
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbSol[k])&"}"),M[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ if EntreeSortie=false:
+ trace TraceLabyrinthe;
+ else:
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ for l=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ trace Square shifted N[k][l];
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ trace u*(0,0)--u*(LongueurLaby,0)--u*(LongueurLaby,-LargeurLaby)--u*(0,-LargeurLaby)--cycle;
+ % On dessine l'entrée.
+ if Entree="Nord":
+ N[-1][-1]:=Depart+(0,10mm);
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1]) withcolor white;
+ draw (subpath(1,4) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1];
+ undraw (subpath(0.18,0.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1] withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(btex \footnotesize Départ etex,(center Square) shifted N[-1][-1]);
+ elseif Entree="Ouest":
+ N[-1][-1]:=Depart+(-10mm,0);
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1]) withcolor white;
+ draw (subpath(2,5) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1];
+ undraw (subpath(1.15,1.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1] withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(btex \footnotesize Départ etex,(center Square) shifted N[-1][-1]);
+ elseif Entree="Sud":
+ N[-1][-1]:=Depart+(0,-10mm);
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1]) withcolor white;
+ draw (subpath(3,6) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1];
+ undraw (subpath(2.15,2.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1] withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(btex \footnotesize Départ etex,(center Square) shifted N[-1][-1]);
+ elseif Entree="Est":
+ N[-1][-1]:=Depart+(10mm,0);
+ fill ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1]) withcolor white;
+ draw (subpath(0,3) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1];
+ undraw (subpath(3.18,3.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[-1][-1] withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(btex \footnotesize Départ etex,(center Square) shifted N[-1][-1]);
+ fi;
+ % On dessine les sorties
+ if Sortie="Nord":
+ N[-2][-2]=Arrivee+(5mm,20mm);
+ for k=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ draw ((point(0.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(0.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(2.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[0][k]+(0,10mm));
+ draw ((point(0.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(0.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(2.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[0][k]+(0,10mm));
+ undraw (subpath(0.18,0.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted (N[0][k]+(0,10mm)) withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(TEX("\footnotesize S"&decimal(k)),center (Square) shifted (N[0][k]+(0,10mm)));
+ endfor;
+ elseif Sortie="Ouest":
+ N[-2][-2]=Arrivee+(-10mm,5mm);
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ draw ((point(1.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(1.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(3.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[k][0]+(-10mm,0));
+ draw ((point(1.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(1.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(3.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[k][0]+(-10mm,0));
+ undraw (subpath(1.18,1.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted (N[k][0]+(-10mm,0)) withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(TEX("\footnotesize S"&decimal(k)),center (Square) shifted (N[k][0]+(-10mm,0)));
+ endfor;
+ elseif Sortie="Sud":
+ N[-2][-2]=Arrivee+(5mm,-10mm);
+ for k=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ % draw (Square) shifted (N[LargeurLaby-1][k]+(0,-10mm)) withcolor red;
+ draw ((point(2.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(0.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(2.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[LargeurLaby-1][k]+(0,-10mm));
+ draw ((point(2.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(0.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(2.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[LargeurLaby-1][k]+(0,-10mm));
+ undraw (subpath(2.18,2.82) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted (N[LargeurLaby-1][k]+(0,-10mm)) withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(TEX("\footnotesize S"&decimal(k)),center (Square) shifted (N[LargeurLaby-1][k]+(0,-10mm)));
+ endfor;
+ elseif Sortie="Est":
+ N[-2][-2]=Arrivee+(20mm,5mm);
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ draw ((point(3.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(3.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(1.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[k][LongueurLaby-1]+(10mm,0));
+ draw ((point(3.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)--0.5[(point(3.85) of unitsquare scaled 10mm),(point(1.15) of unitsquare scaled 10mm)]) shifted (N[k][LongueurLaby-1]+(10mm,0));
+ undraw (subpath(3.18,3.8) of unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted (N[k][LongueurLaby-1]+(10mm,0)) withpen pencircle scaled 1.25;
+ label(TEX("\footnotesize S"&decimal(k)),center (Square) shifted (N[k][LongueurLaby-1]+(10mm,0)));
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ path CheminSolution;
+ CheminSolution=(N[-1][-1] shifted (5mm,5mm))--((center unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[choixligneD][choixcolonneD])
+ for k=2 upto indiceChemin-1:
+ -- ((center unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])])
+ endfor
+ --((center unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted Arrivee)--N[-2][-2];
+ trace CheminSolution dashed evenly withcolor CouleurChemin;
+ fi;
+ );
+ CorpsSolution:=(CorpsSolution scaled \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Echelle}) rotated \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Angle};
+ trace CorpsSolution;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \mplibforcehmode%
+ \xdef\PfCNomLabyrinthe{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Nom}}%
+ \begin{mplibcode}[\PfCNomLabyrinthe]
+ input PfCLabyNombre;
+ boolean Murs;
+ Murs=\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Murs};
+ numeric Multiple;
+ Multiple=#1;
+ % Initialisation du labyrinthe
+ InitialisationLabyrinthe(#2,#3);
+ % On initialise les paramètres du parcours
+ numeric choixligneD,choixligneA,choixcolonneD,choixcolonneA;
+ choixligneD=xpart(#4);
+ choixcolonneD=ypart(#4);
+ choixligneA=xpart(#5);
+ choixcolonneA=ypart(#5);%
+ pair Depart;
+ Depart=N[choixligneD][choixcolonneD];
+ pair Arrivee;
+ Arrivee=N[choixligneA][choixcolonneA];
+ pair Mobile;
+ Mobile=Depart;
+ RAZPileChemin;
+ % Exploration du labyrinthe
+ PushChemin((choixligneD,choixcolonneD));
+ CaseExploree[choixligneD][choixcolonneD]:=true;
+ VoisinDispo(choixligneD,choixcolonneD);
+ forever: exitif Mobile=Arrivee;%nb=0;
+ nb:=ceiling(uniformdeviate(nbvoisin));
+ if nb>0:
+ for k=1 upto nbvoisin:
+ CaseExploree[xpart(PileVoisin[k])][ypart(PileVoisin[k])]:=true;
+ endfor;
+ PushChemin((xpart(PileVoisin[nb]),ypart(PileVoisin[nb])));
+ Mobile:=N[xpart(PileChemin[indiceChemin])][ypart(PileChemin[indiceChemin])];
+ VoisinDispo(xpart(PileChemin[indiceChemin]),ypart(PileChemin[indiceChemin]));
+ else:
+ PopChemin;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ % Affichagefinal
+ % on sauvegarde les nombres aléatoires
+ numeric NbAffiche[];
+ numeric NbSol[];
+ % on écrit des nombres au hasard, mais sans être multiple du nombre choisi
+ numeric nbaffiche;
+ nbaffiche=0;
+ NbAffiche[0]=5+ceiling(uniformdeviate(7));
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ for l=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ nbaffiche:=nbaffiche+1;
+ mathalea:=uniformdeviate(1);
+ if mathalea<0.95:
+ NbAffiche[nbaffiche]=NbAffiche[nbaffiche-1]+Multiple+1;
+ else:
+ NbAffiche[nbaffiche]=NbAffiche[nbaffiche-1]*(Multiple-1);
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ % On crée des multiples du nombre choisi
+ NbSol[1]=5+ceiling(uniformdeviate(7));
+ for k=2 upto indiceChemin-1:
+ mathalea:=uniformdeviate(1);
+ if mathalea<0.9:
+ NbSol[k]=NbSol[k-1]+Multiple;
+ else:
+ NbSol[k]=NbSol[k-1]*Multiple;
+ fi;
+ endfor;
+ % On affiche
+ picture Corps;
+ Corps=image(
+ nbaffiche:=0;
+ for k=0 upto LargeurLaby-1:
+ for l=0 upto LongueurLaby-1:
+ nbaffiche:=nbaffiche+1;
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbAffiche[nbaffiche])&"}"),M[k][l]);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[choixligneD][choixcolonneD]) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Couleur};
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted Arrivee) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Couleur};
+ for k=2 upto indiceChemin-1:
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]) withcolor white;
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbSol[k])&"}"),M[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]);
+ endfor;
+ trace TraceLabyrinthe;
+ );
+ Corps:=(Corps scaled \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Echelle}) rotated \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Angle};
+ trace Corps;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+ \mplibforcehmode%
+ \xdef\PfCNomLabyrinthe{\useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Nom}}%
+ \begin{mplibcode}[\PfCNomLabyrinthe]
+ picture CorpsSolution;
+ CorpsSolution=image(
+ nbaffiche:=0;
+ for k=0 upto #3-1:
+ for l=0 upto #2-1:
+ nbaffiche:=nbaffiche+1;
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbAffiche[nbaffiche])&"}"),M[k][l]);
+ endfor;
+ endfor;
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[choixligneD][choixcolonneD]) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Couleur};
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted Arrivee) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Couleur};
+ if \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Chemin}:
+ for k=2 upto indiceChemin-1:
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]) withcolor white;
+ endfor;
+ trace ((center unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[choixligneD][choixcolonneD])
+ for k=2 upto indiceChemin-1:
+ -- ((center unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])])
+ endfor
+ --((center unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted Arrivee) dashed evenly withcolor Brown;
+ for k=2 upto indiceChemin-1:
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbSol[k])&"}"),M[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]);
+ endfor;
+ else:
+ for k=2 upto indiceChemin-1:
+ remplis ((unitsquare scaled 10mm) shifted N[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]) withcolor \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{CouleurChemin};
+ label(TEX("\num{"&decimal(NbSol[k])&"}"),M[xpart(PileChemin[k])][ypart(PileChemin[k])]);
+ endfor;
+ fi;
+ trace TraceLabyrinthe;
+ );
+ CorpsSolution:=(CorpsSolution scaled \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Echelle}) rotated \useKV[ClesLabyNb]{Angle};
+ trace CorpsSolution;
+ \end{mplibcode}
+}% \ No newline at end of file