path: root/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCAutonomie.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCAutonomie.tex')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCAutonomie.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCAutonomie.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85f4d39112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/profcollege/latex/PfCAutonomie.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+%%% Autonomie %%%
+\setKVdefault[Autonomie]{AfficheMarge=false,TitreEnigme=Enigme,TitreAtoi=\`A toi,Enigme=false,TexteCorrection=\bfseries Correction,ARemplir=false,Deux=false,Landscape=false}%
+ \useKVdefault[Autonomie]%
+ \setKV[Autonomie]{#1}%
+ \setsepchar[*]{§*/}%
+ \readlist*\ListeAutoQ{#2}%
+ % \setsepchar{§}
+ % \readlist*\ListeAutoR{#3}%
+ \setsepchar[*]{§*/}%
+ \readlist*\ListeAutoEn{#3}%
+ \clearpage
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{AfficheMarge}{%
+ \node[xshift=5mm,yshift=-5mm,circle] (PfCA) at (current page.north west) {};%
+ \node[xshift=-5mm,yshift=5mm] (PfCB) at (current page.south east) {};%
+ \draw[blue,dashed] (PfCA) rectangle (PfCB);%
+ }{}%
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,3}{%
+ \coordinate[xshift=\i*0.25*\paperwidth] (A\i) at (current page.north west);%
+ \coordinate[xshift=\i*0.25*\paperwidth] (B\i) at (current page.south west);%
+ }%
+ \foreach \i in{1,...,4}{%
+ \coordinate[yshift=-\i*0.25*\paperheight] (C\i) at (current page.north west);%
+ \coordinate[yshift=-\i*0.25*\paperheight] (F\i) at (current page.north east);%
+ \coordinate[yshift=-\i*0.25*\paperheight] (D\i) at (A1);%
+ \coordinate[yshift=-\i*0.25*\paperheight] (E\i) at (A3);%
+ }%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Deux}{%
+ \draw (C2) to (D2);%
+ \draw (E2) to (F2);%
+ }{%
+ \foreach\i in{1,...,4}{%
+ \draw (C\i) to (D\i);%
+ \draw (E\i) to (F\i);%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \coordinate (O1) at ($(D1)!0.5!(D2)$);
+ \coordinate (O2) at ($(D3)!0.5!(D4)$);
+ \coordinate (O3) at ($(E1)!0.5!(E2)$);
+ \coordinate (O4) at ($(E3)!0.5!(E4)$);
+ \coordinate (Q1) at ($(F1)!0.5!(A3)$);%
+ \coordinate (Q2) at ($(F2)!0.5!(E1)$);%
+ \coordinate (Q3) at ($(F3)!0.5!(E2)$);%
+ \coordinate (Q4) at ($(F4)!0.5!(E3)$);%
+ \coordinate (Q5) at ($(C1)!0.5!(A1)$);%
+ \coordinate (Q6) at ($(C2)!0.5!(D1)$);%
+ \coordinate (Q7) at ($(C3)!0.5!(D2)$);%
+ \coordinate (Q8) at ($(C4)!0.5!(D3)$);%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Landscape}{%
+ \draw[dashed] (C1) to (F1);
+ \draw[dashed] (C3) to (F3);
+ \draw (A2) to (B2);%
+ }{%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Deux}{%
+ \draw (C2) to (D2);
+ \draw (E2) to (F2);
+ }{%
+ \foreach\i in{1,...,4}{%
+ \draw (C\i) to (D\i);
+ \draw (E\i) to (F\i);
+ }%
+ }%
+ \draw[dashed] (A1) to (B1);%
+ \draw[dashed] (A3) to (B3);%
+ }%
+ %\draw[dashed] (A1) to (B1);%
+ %\draw[dashed] (A3) to (B3);%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{ARemplir}{%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Landscape}{%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (O1) {\ListeAutoQ[1,1]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (O2) {\ListeAutoQ[2,1]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (O3) {\ListeAutoQ[3,1]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (O4) {\ListeAutoQ[4,1]};
+ }{%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Deux}{%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] (Test1) at ($(Q1)!0.5!(Q2)$) {\ListeAutoQ[1,1]};%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] (Test2) at ($(Q3)!0.5!(Q4)$) {\ListeAutoQ[2,1]};%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] (Test3) at ($(Q5)!0.5!(Q6)$) {\ListeAutoQ[3,1]};%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] (Test4) at ($(Q7)!0.5!(Q8)$) {\ListeAutoQ[4,1]};%
+ }{%
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,4}{%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] (Test\i) at (Q\i) {\ListeAutoQ[\i,1]};%
+ }%
+ \foreach \i in {5,...,8}{%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] (Test\i) at (Q\i) {\ListeAutoQ[\i,1]};%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,4}{%
+ \node[xshift=-5mm,align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.8*0.25\textwidth] (Test\i) at (Q\i) {\ding{\fpeval{171+\i}}~\ListeAutoQ[\i,1]};%
+ }%
+ \foreach \i in {5,...,8}{%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.8*0.25\textwidth] (Test\i) at (Q\i) {\ding{\fpeval{171+\i}}~\ListeAutoQ[\i,1]};%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ \clearpage%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{AfficheMarge}{%
+ \node[xshift=5mm,yshift=-5mm,circle] (PfCA) at (current page.north west) {};%
+ \node[xshift=-5mm,yshift=5mm] (PfCB) at (current page.south east) {};%
+ \draw[blue,dashed] (PfCA) rectangle (PfCB);%
+ }{}%
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,3}{%
+ \coordinate[xshift=\i*0.25*\paperwidth] (A\i) at (current page.north west);%
+ \coordinate[xshift=\i*0.25*\paperwidth] (B\i) at (current page.south west);%
+ }%
+ \foreach \i in{1,...,4}{%
+ \coordinate[yshift=-\i*0.25*\paperheight] (C\i) at (current page.north west);%
+ \coordinate[yshift=-\i*0.25*\paperheight] (F\i) at (current page.north east);%
+ \coordinate[yshift=-\i*0.25*\paperheight] (D\i) at (A1);%
+ \coordinate[yshift=-\i*0.25*\paperheight] (G\i) at (A2);%
+ \coordinate[yshift=-\i*0.25*\paperheight] (E\i) at (A3);%
+ }%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Deux}{%
+ \draw (C2) to (F2);%
+ }{%
+ \foreach \i in{1,...,4}{%
+ \draw (C\i) to (F\i);%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \coordinate (T1) at ($(current page.north west)!0.5!(A1)$);%
+ \coordinate (T2) at ($(C1)!0.5!(D1)$);%
+ \coordinate (T3) at ($(C2)!0.5!(D2)$);%
+ \coordinate (T4) at ($(C3)!0.5!(D3)$);%
+ \coordinate (T5) at ($(current page.north east)!0.5!(A3)$);%
+ \coordinate (T6) at ($(E1)!0.5!(F1)$);%
+ \coordinate (T7) at ($(E2)!0.5!(F2)$);%
+ \coordinate (T8) at ($(E3)!0.5!(F3)$);%
+ \coordinate (U1) at ($(C1)!0.5!(D1)$);%
+ \coordinate (U2) at ($(C2)!0.5!(D2)$);%
+ \coordinate (U3) at ($(C3)!0.5!(D3)$);%
+ \coordinate (U4) at ($(current page.south west)!0.5!(B1)$);%
+ \coordinate (U5) at ($(E1)!0.5!(F1)$);%
+ \coordinate (U6) at ($(E2)!0.5!(F2)$);%
+ \coordinate (U7) at ($(E3)!0.5!(F3)$);%
+ \coordinate (U8) at ($(B3)!0.5!(current page.south east)$);%
+ \coordinate (R1) at ($(D1)!0.5!(A2)$);%
+ \coordinate (R2) at ($(D2)!0.5!(G1)$);%
+ \coordinate (R3) at ($(D3)!0.5!(G2)$);%
+ \coordinate (R4) at ($(D4)!0.5!(G3)$);%
+ \coordinate (R5) at ($(E1)!0.5!(A2)$);%
+ \coordinate (R6) at ($(E2)!0.5!(G1)$);%
+ \coordinate (R7) at ($(E3)!0.5!(G2)$);%
+ \coordinate (R8) at ($(E4)!0.5!(G3)$);%
+ \coordinate (S1) at ($(A1)!0.5!(D1)$);%
+ \coordinate (S2) at ($(D1)!0.5!(D2)$);%
+ \coordinate (S3) at ($(D2)!0.5!(D3)$);%
+ \coordinate (S4) at ($(D3)!0.5!(B1)$);%
+ \coordinate (S5) at ($(R1)!0.5!(R5)$);%
+ \coordinate (S6) at ($(R2)!0.5!(R6)$);%
+ \coordinate (S7) at ($(R3)!0.5!(R7)$);%
+ \coordinate (S8) at ($(R4)!0.5!(R8)$);%
+ \coordinate (V1) at ($(T1)!0.5!(U1)$);%
+ \coordinate (V2) at ($(T2)!0.5!(U2)$);%
+ \coordinate (V3) at ($(T3)!0.5!(U3)$);%
+ \coordinate (V4) at ($(T4)!0.5!(U4)$);%
+ \coordinate (V5) at ($(T5)!0.5!(U5)$);%
+ \coordinate (V6) at ($(T6)!0.5!(U6)$);%
+ \coordinate (V7) at ($(T7)!0.5!(U7)$);%
+ \coordinate (V8) at ($(T8)!0.5!(U8)$);%
+ \coordinate (W1) at ($(A3)!0.5!(E1)$);
+ \coordinate (W2) at ($(E1)!0.5!(E2)$);
+ \coordinate (W3) at ($(E2)!0.5!(E3)$);
+ \coordinate (W4) at ($(E3)!0.5!(E4)$);
+ \coordinate (W5) at ($(A1)!0.5!(D1)$);
+ \coordinate (W6) at ($(D1)!0.5!(D2)$);
+ \coordinate (W7) at ($(D2)!0.5!(D3)$);
+ \coordinate (W8) at ($(D3)!0.5!(D4)$);
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Landscape}{%
+ \draw[dashed] (C1) to (F1);%
+ \draw[dashed] (C3) to (F3);
+ \draw (A2) to (B2);%
+ }{%
+ \draw[dashed] (A1) to (B1);%
+ \draw[dashed] (A2) to (B2);
+ \draw[dashed] (A3) to (B3);%
+ }%
+ %\draw[dashed] (A1) to (B1);%
+ %\draw[dashed] (A2) to (B2);%
+ %\draw[dashed] (A3) to (B3);%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{ARemplir}{%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Landscape}{%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (W2) {\ListeAutoEn[4,1]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (W4) {\ListeAutoEn[3,1]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (W6) {\ListeAutoEn[2,1]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (W8) {\ListeAutoEn[1,1]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (W1) {\ListeAutoQ[4,2]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (W3) {\ListeAutoQ[3,2]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (W5) {\ListeAutoQ[2,2]};
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.5\textwidth] at (W7) {\ListeAutoQ[1,2]};
+ }{%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Deux}{%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] at ($(V1)!0.5!(V2)$) {\ListeAutoEn[1,1]};%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] at ($(V3)!0.5!(V4)$) {\ListeAutoEn[2,1]};%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] at ($(V5)!0.5!(V6)$) {\ListeAutoEn[3,1]};%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] at ($(V7)!0.5!(V8)$) {\ListeAutoEn[4,1]};%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] at ($(R1)!0.5!(R2)$) {\ListeAutoQ[1,2]};%%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] at ($(R3)!0.5!(R4)$) {\ListeAutoQ[2,2]};%%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] at ($(R5)!0.5!(R6)$) {\ListeAutoQ[3,2]};%%
+ \node[align=justify,anchor=center,text width=0.9*0.25\textwidth] at ($(R7)!0.5!(R8)$) {\ListeAutoQ[4,2]};%%
+ }{%
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,8}{%
+ \node[text width=0.9*0.25\paperwidth] at (V\i) {\ListeAutoQ[\i,2]};%
+ \node[text width=0.9*0.25\paperwidth] at (R\i) {\ListeAutoEn[\i,1]};%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }{%
+ \foreach \i in {1,...,8}{%
+ \node[rotate=90,anchor=north] (Cor\i) at (S\i) {\useKV[Autonomie]{TexteCorrection}};%
+ \node[anchor=west,xshift=2em,text width=0.8*0.25\paperwidth] (Test\i)
+ at (S\i) {\ListeAutoQ[\i,2]};%
+ \node[anchor=north,yshift=-1em,text width=0.85*0.25\paperwidth] (TestEn\i)
+ at (T\i) {\textbf{\useKV[Autonomie]{TitreAtoi}} \ListeAutoEn[\i,1]};%
+ \ifboolKV[Autonomie]{Enigme}{%
+ \node[anchor=south,yshift=1em,text width=0.85*0.25\paperwidth] (TestREn\i)
+ at (U\i) {%
+ \ListeAutoEn[\i,2] : \pointilles\\%
+ Lettre \ding{\fpeval{171+\i}} : \pointilles%
+ };%
+ }{%
+ \node[anchor=south,yshift=1em,text width=0.85*0.25\paperwidth] (TestREn\i)
+ at (U\i) {%
+ \ListeAutoEn[\i,2]%
+ };%
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+}% \ No newline at end of file