path: root/macros/latex/contrib/prociagssymp/TestprocIAGssymp.tex
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+% OF THE PACKAGE procIAGssymp.sty
+% File : TestprocIAGssymp.tex (current version 2022-05-05)
+% Author: Battista Benciolini
+% E-mail: <>
+% See file procIAGssymp.sty for more information
+\documentclass[a4paper,twocolumn,10pt]{article} %
+\title{The package procIAGssymp.sty for the formatting
+ of a paper with the style of the proceedings of
+ symposia sponsored by IAG}
+\and No Second Author \and No Third Author\thanks{No-Where Institute}}
+\date{ }
+\hbadness=10000 \vbadness=10000
+\paragraph{Abstract.} The package \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty} has
+been designed to help the formatting of a paper with the style
+of the proceedings of symposia sponsored by the
+"International Association of Geodesy (IAG)".
+This paper itself is an example of the use of the package. It
+contains instructions and suggestions for the use of the package,
+while most of the comment included in \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty}
+are of a more technical nature.
+I have not recently checked the instruction from
+the publisher of the proceedings of IAG-sponsored-symposia.
+I presume that "official" more refined and
+up-to-date "sty" and "cls" files
+are now available from the publisher.
+This package is therefore not as useful
+as it was at the time of it's first publication,
+but it is pehaps still conveniet for some user.
+The package \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty} provides some (re-)definitions
+of \LaTeX commands. The use of the package is explained in this text.
+\par\noindent I have tried to provide a package that helps in
+the preparation of a paper that corresponds to the instructions
+distributed by the publisher of the proceedings of
+IAG-sponsored-symposia, but please read the subsection
+\textbf{Important notes} below.
+\par\noindent The curious readers are
+invited to look directly at the source of this file and, more
+important, to the code in the file \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty}.
+\section{Suggestions for the user}
+\subsection{General page lay-out}
+The general lay-out of the pages is controlled by some assignment
+made by \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty} AND by the use of the class
+\texttt{article} that must be loaded with the proper options, i.e.
+\verb+[a4paper,twocolumn,10pt]+ .
+The title and the author(s) must be prepared with
+\verb+\title{ . . .}+ and \verb+\author{ . . .}+ and they will be
+printed by \verb+\maketitle+. The use of \verb+\thanks{. . .}+ inside
+the argument of \verb+\title{ . . .}+ is not appropriate because this
+command has been redefined.
+If there are several authors, their
+names must be separated by \verb+\and+. The authors that share the
+same address must be listed consecutively and must be followed by
+\verb+\thanks{. . .}+ (with the address as argument). To see an example
+you can see the code of this file.
+The use of \verb+\section{. . . }+ and \verb+\subsection{. . . }+
+can be done as in any \LaTeX paper.
+These commands have been redefined so that they
+produce the first level and second level headers in the proper format.
+All the other sectioning commands have been redefined with a coherent
+The command \verb+\section*{References}+ can be used to start
+the reference list. One of the following sections is just a test of
+the various sectioning commands.
+\section{Test of sectioning (1st level)}
+\subsection{Test of sectioning (2nd level)}
+\subsubsection{Test of sectioning (3rd level)}
+This is just an example of the use and abuse
+of \verb+\section+, \verb+\subsection+ and
+\verb+\subsubsection+. We can also test \verb+\paragraph+ and
+\paragraph{Paragraph} This is a paragraph, headed by \verb+\paragraph+.
+\subparagraph{Subparagraph} This is a sub paragraph. And the section
+end HERE.
+\subsection{About the format of the top-matter}
+The main structure of the topmatter is governed by \verb+\@maketitle+
+which is properly redefined. \par\noindent
+The command \verb+\thanks+ has been
+redefined to print the authors' address immediately after the
+authors' names. The new form of this command makes it unsuitable
+to put a note to the title.
+The package has been used together with the \texttt{article} class
+and with several packages including:
+\texttt{makeidx}, \texttt{amsmath},
+\texttt{amssymb}, \texttt{apalike}, \texttt{array},
+\texttt{epsfig}, \texttt{graphicx} and \texttt{verbatim}.
+I have not found any compatibility problem.
+\section{Some info from the internal documentation}
+\subsection{Important Notes}
+\item The files that are distributed are :
+\item \verb+README.txt+ ,
+\item \verb+procIAGssymp.sty+ ,
+\item \verb+TestprocIAGssymp.tex+ ,
+\item \verb+TestprocIAGssymp.pdf+ .
+\item The copyright holder of this package is its author.
+This program may be used, distributed and/or modified under
+the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License.
+The latest version of this license is in:
+\item When this package is used the correspondence between the
+obtained result and any requirement and prescription
+must be judged by the user.
+\item The release of this package on CTAN is a personal initiative
+of its author. The mention of IAG and of the publisher
+of the proceedings of the symposia sponsored by IAG does
+not imply any involvement of these entities in this initiative.
+\item[2000-2002:] development, test, in-house use,
+\item[2002:] released in CTAN,
+\item[2022:] general revision,
+changes in the comments and documentation, new release in CTAN.
+People listed here after contributed with suggestions.
+Some of them also provided fragments of code. \\
+Claretta Carrara, Nico Snew, Claudio Beccari.
+I recommend all the users of the package \texttt{procIAGssymp.sty}
+to send me any comment about it.
+%% End of file TestprocIAGssymp.tex