path: root/macros/latex/contrib/postit/doc/postit-doc-en.tex
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1 files changed, 629 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/postit/doc/postit-doc-en.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/postit/doc/postit-doc-en.tex
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index 0000000000..933ecc8390
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/postit/doc/postit-doc-en.tex
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+% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///arara
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode}
+% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes, synctex: no, interaction: batchmode} if found('log', '(undefined references|Please rerun|Rerun to get)')
+\lfoot{\sffamily\small [postit]}
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+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=yellow,colback=yellow!15]
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ {\Huge \texttt{postit} [en]}\\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE Small Post-It notes,} \\
+ \\
+ {\LARGE with \textsf{tcolorbox} or \textsf{Ti\textit{k}Z}.} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \bigskip
+ {\small \texttt{Version \TPversion{} -- \TPdate}}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \texttt{Cédric Pierquet}\\
+ {\ttfamily c pierquet -- at -- outlook . fr}\\
+ \texttt{\url{}}
+{$\blacktriangleright$~~Display and customize Post-It or \textit{mini-}Post-It.}
+{$\blacktriangleright$~~Custom width, height, rotation, decoration\ldots}
+ This is a small Post-It ! For example \[(a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2.\]
+\begin{PostItNote}[Render=tikz,Width=8cm,Color=orange,Pin=Paperclip,PinColor=blue,Rotate=-5,AlignPostIt=center,Title={- With a title -},FontTitle={\color{blue!50!black}\bfseries\small\sffamily}]
+%\hfill{}\textit{Merci à Denis Bitouzé et à Gilles Le Bourhis pour leurs retours et idées !}
+\verb|v0.1.2|~:~~~~English version.
+\verb|v0.1.1|~:~~~~\motcletex!\vphantom! for \textit{mini-}Post-It + Bugfixes + \TikZ{} rendering + optional title .
+\verb|v0.1.0|~:~~~~Initial version.
+\section{The package postit}
+The package proposes small Post-It notes, in a \textsf{tex} doc, created with \packagetex!tcolorbox! or \packagetex!tikz!, with option(s) in order to :
+ \item change dimensions orcolor ;
+ \item use pin deocration like Paperclip, Pushpin or Scotch ;
+ \item customize border and/or corner.
+The package propose a command to display \textit{mini-}Post-It (created with \motcletex!tcbox!), with color and shadow customization.
+\subsection{Loading of the package, and option}
+The package Scrabble loads within the preamble.
+There's no option, and \packagetex!xcolor! isn't loaded.
+\begin{DemoCode}[listing only]
+\packagetex!postit! loads the following packages and libraries :
+ \item \packagetex!tcolorbox! with library \packagetex!tcbox.skins! ;
+ \item \packagetex!tikz! libraries :
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \packagetex!tikz.calc! ;
+ \item \packagetex!tikz.decorations! ;
+ \item \packagetex!tikz.decorations.pathmorphing! ;
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item \packagetex!settobox!, \packagetex!xstring! and \packagetex!simplekv!.
+It’s mostly compatible with \textsf{latex}, \textsf{pdflatex}, \textsf{lualatex} or \textsf{xelatex} compilation !
+If an other package loads \packagetex!tcolorbox!, with \Cle{[most]} option, it's better to load \packagetex!postit! after, to avoid \motcletex!option clash error...!.
+\begin{DemoCode}[listing only]
+\section{Post-It Environment}
+The environment to display a Post-It note is \packagetex!PostItNote!.
+It works with keys, between \texttt{[...]} and, with \texttt{<...>}, it's possible to parse options to the \motcletex!tcbox! (not necessary with \motcletex!tikz!) !
+\begin{DemoCode}[listing only]
+\begin{PostIt}[keys]<options tcbox>
+As mentionned in the introduction, the Post-It note is create with a \motcletex!tcbox! or a \motcletex!tikzpicture!.
+Most of the \motcletex!tcbox!/\motcletex!tikzpicture! parameters are fixed by the code, but some of them are configurable !
+%default rendering (tcbox), with lipsum paragraph
+%tikz rendering, with lipsum paragraph
+%tikzv2 rendering, with lipsum paragraph
+The colors must be used as \textit{single}, without \textit{mixes} (with \motcletex|CouleurA!...!CouleurB|) proposed by \packagetex!xcolor!.
+However, every predefined color can be used within the Post-It.
+The Post-It can be used with a \motcletex!minipage! or a \motcletex!wrapstuff! if needed.
+For horizontal alignement, \motcletex!\hfill! or \motcletex!flush...! can be used.
+With a overlapping pin and the \textsf{tcbox} rendering, a vertical spacing before can be necessary, like \motcletex!\vspace! or \motcletex!\bigskip!\ldots
+\subsection{Clés et options}
+The first argument, mandatory and between \texttt{[...]}, proposes the following \Cle{keys} :
+ \item \Cle{Width} : width (in cm) of the Post-It ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{6cm}
+ \item \Cle{Color} : color of the Post-It (border is a bit darker) ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{yellow}
+ \item \Cle{Height} : hieght (in cm, if needed) of the Post-It (\textit{automatic} by default) ;
+ \hfill{}default : \Cle{auto}
+ \item \cmaj{0.1.1} \Cle{Render} : engine, within \Cle{tcbox / tikz / tikv2} ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{tcbox}
+ \item \Cle{Rotation} : rotation of the Post-It ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{0}
+ \item \Cle{Shadow} : boolean for shadow ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{true}
+ \item \Cle{Border} : boolean for a thin border ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{true}
+ \item \Cle{Corner} : boolean to the corner decoration (\motcletex!tcbox!) ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{false}
+ \item \Cle{Pin} : decoration, within \Cle{Paperclip / Pushpin / None / Scotch} ;
+ \hfill{}default : \Cle{Pushpin}
+ \item \Cle{PinColor} : color of the pin ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{red}
+ \item \Cle{PinsShift} : horizontal shift (without unity, but in cm) of the orginal position of the pin \hfill{}default : \Cle{0}
+ \item \cmaj{0.1.1} \Cle{Title} : add a title (1st line and/or under the pin) ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{empty}
+ \item \cmaj{0.1.1} \Cle{Fonttitle} : font of the titel ; \hfill{}default : \Cle{\textbackslash normalfont\textbackslash normalfont}
+ \item \cmaj{0.1.1} \Cle{ExtraRightMargin} : add (with \packagetex!tikz! rendering, and in cm) à right margin ;
+ \hfill{}default : \Cle{0cm}
+ \item \Cle{AlignV} : vertical alignement in the Post-It (within \Cle{top/center/bottom}) ;
+ \hfill{}default : \Cle{top}
+ \item \Cle{AlignH} : horizontal alignment in the Post-It (within \Cle{left/center/right/justify}) ;
+ \hfill{}default : \Cle{justify}
+ \item \Cle{AlignPostIt} : vertical alignemnt of the Post-It (within \Cle{top/center/bottom}).
+ \hfill{}default : \Cle{bottom}
+The second argument, optional and between \texttt{<...>} is used to parse options to the \motcletex!tcolorbox!.
+They can be used to modify locally options not present in the keys.
+\begin{PostItNote}%tcbox rendering
+ [Color=cyan,Pin=Paperclip,Width=10cm,Rotate=10]<center,right=1.5cm>
+\hfill\begin{PostItNote}%tikz rendering
+ [Render=tikz,Color=violet,Width=9cm,Rotate=-10,Pin=Paperclip,
+ PinColor=black,ExtraRightMargin=1cm,Title={Small title},
+ FontTitle={\color{white}\bfseries\small\sffamily}]
+\hfill\begin{PostItNote}%tikzv2 rendering
+ [Render=tikzv2,Color=orange,Width=9cm,rotate=-10,Pin=Scotch, Title={Try},
+ FontTitle={\color{blue!50!black}\bfseries\itshape\small\ttfamily}]
+\begin{PostItNote}[Rotate=5,Render=tikz,Color=pink, PinkColor=blue,Border=false]
+A small Post-It, and vertically aligned :
+\hfill\begin{PostItNote}[Rotate=-10,Color=orange,Width=5cm,Height=5cm, AlignV=center,Corner,PinColor=yellow, PinShift=-1,AlignPostIt=center]
+\[\mathsf{\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{n} k = \dfrac{n(n+1)}{2}}\]
+\section{Simple inline Post-It Note}
+The inline \textit{mini-}Post-It note is \motcletex!MiniPostIt!.
+The only optional paramater for the \motcletex!tcbox! Post-It is the color
+Dimensions can't be changed, a \motcletex!\vphantom! is insered at beginning to prevent different heights.
+\begin{DemoCode}[listing only]
+The starred version show the shadow og the \textit{mini-}Post-It.
+The color (\Cle{yellow}), is the only optional argument, between \texttt{[...]}.
+To solve Diophantine equations, we can use \MiniPostIt*[orange]{Bezout's thorem}, and \MiniPostIt{Gauss' theorem}, with the \MiniPostIt*[cyan]{reciprocal}.
+It's classic and good to know !
+\section{Gallery of styles}
+\subsection{Render by tcbox}
+\begin{DemoCode}[text only]
+\subsection{Render by tikz}
+\begin{DemoCode}[text only]
+\subsection{Render by tikzv2}
+\begin{DemoCode}[text only]
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file