path: root/macros/latex/contrib/pdfcomment/doc/example_xelatex.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/pdfcomment/doc/example_xelatex.tex')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pdfcomment/doc/example_xelatex.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pdfcomment/doc/example_xelatex.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3830ba6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pdfcomment/doc/example_xelatex.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+% This file works with lualatex as well!
+% Make sure to write the page size into the dvi file!
+% That's possible with the pagesize option of KoMa-Script
+% Otherwise the positioning of the annotations will fail!
+% for other classes use, e.g. the pagesize option
+% of package typearea
+\usepackage[subject={Top1},author={Ånsgar Lund},version=1]{pdfcomment}
+A\pdfcomment[subject={Top2},author={Daisy Duck},color={0.234 0.867 0.211},voffset=8pt,opacity=0.5]{This is a comment.} little Test! \pdfcomment[color=myblue,icon=Note,open=true,hspace=100pt]{This is another comment.} test the hspace!%
+\defineavatar{CaptainJack}{color=myorange,author={Captain Jack}}%
+\pdfcomment[avatar=CaptainJack,style=MyStar,date={}]{It's enough now!}
+\pdffreetextcomment[avatar=CaptainJack,subject={Top2},height=3cm,type=freetext,width=4.5cm,voffset=-4.8cm,hoffset=-2.7cm,opacity=0.5,justification=right]{This is also a comment, but it's a FreeText annotation! Your, Captain Jack}
+\pdflinecomment[avatar=CaptainJack,subject={Top2},type=line,opacity=1,line={100 680 250 680},color=green,icolor=blue,caption=top,linebegin={/ROpenArrow},lineend={/OpenArrow},linewidth=2bp,captionhoffset=-5pt,captionvoffset=15pt]{This is a Line comment!}
+\pdffreetextcomment[avatar=CaptainJack,subject={typewriter},height=1.8cm,width=6.8cm,voffset=-7.2cm,hoffset=-1.2cm,opacity=1.0,justification=right,type=typewriter,font=LucidaConsole,fontsize=14pt,fontcolor=CornflowerBlue]{This is a typewriter FreeText annotation!}
+\pdffreetextcomment[avatar=CaptainJack,height=1.9cm,width=9cm,opacity=0.5,voffset=0pt,hoffset=0pt,opacity=1.0,font=Georgia,fontsize=9pt,fontcolor=red,justification=left,linewidth=2bp,bse=cloudy,bsei=1.3,type=callout,line={170 515 120 460 200 460},lineend=/ClosedArrow]{This one was placed with absolute coordinates (textpos.sty) (font=Georgia, fontsize=9pt, fontcolor=red, linewidth=2bp, bse=cloudy, bsei=1.3, type=callout, line=\{170 515 120 460 200 460\}, lineend=/ClosedArrow)}
+\marginnote{\begin{textblock*}{2cm}(6cm,11.9cm){($x_1, y_1$)}\end{textblock*}}
+\marginnote{\begin{textblock*}{2cm}(3cm,13.3cm){($x_2, y_2$)}\end{textblock*}}
+\marginnote{\begin{textblock*}{2cm}(5.6cm,13.6cm){($x_3, y_3$)}\end{textblock*}}
+\pdfmarkupcomment[author={Donald Duck},color=red,markup=StrikeOut]{A little Test!}{Why is this repeated? This is a StrikeOut markup annotation}
+ Huelle/.style = {ball color=HuelleFarbe!25},
+ Kern/.style = {ball color=KernFarbe!25},
+ Proton/.style = {ball color=HuelleFarbe!80},
+ Elektron/.style = {ball color=KernFarbe!80},
+ ]
+ \shade[Huelle] (8,0) circle (2cm);
+ \shade[Kern] (8,0) circle (.7cm);
+ % Elektronen
+ \foreach \cx/\cy in {8/0,8/.3,8/-.3,8.2/.25,8.2/-.25,%
+ 8.3/.09,8.3/-.09,7.8/.25,7.8/.-.25,7.7/.09,%
+ 7.7/-.09,7.5/.09,8.5/-.09,7.6/-.3,8/-.5,8/.5,8.4/.4}{
+ \shade[Elektron] (\cx,\cy) circle (.6mm);
+ }
+ % Protonen
+ \foreach \cx/\cy in {6.9/-.1,7.4/1.2,7/.7,7.9/1.5,9.2/0.2,%
+ 9/1,7.5/-1.2,7/-0.8,9/-0.8,8.7/-1.2,7.7/-1.5,8.9/.5, %8.6,-1
+ 7/1.3,6.6/.4,9.6/-.31,9.6/.6,8.3/1.2}{
+ \shade[Proton] (\cx,\cy) circle (.6mm);
+ }
+ \draw[<-] (8.25,.55) -- +(1.4,1.4) node[above] {Atomkern};
+ \draw[<-] (7,.4) -- +(-1.3,1) node[above] {Atomhülle};
+ \draw[<-] (6.8,-.085) -- +(-1.6,.4) node[above] {Elektron};
+ \draw[<-] (7.5,-.35) -- +(-2,-.7) node[below] {Proton};
+\defineavatar{Newton}{color=lime,subject={Top2},icon=Check,author={Dr. Albertus Newton}}
+\pdfcomment{Wow, that's nice!}
+\defineavatar{Dolittle}{color=NavyBlue,opacity=0.3,open=false,subject={Top1},icon=Circle,author={Prof. Dolittle}}
+\pdfcommentsetup{avatar=Dolittle}\pdfmargincomment{Yeah nice, but stolen from the pgf-Users mailing list!}
+\pdfmarkupcomment[author={Donald Duck},color=Khaki,opacity=1.0,markup=Underline]{For a long time \texttt{pdflatex} offers the command \texttt{\textbackslash pdfannot} for inserting arbitrary pdf annotations. However, in a form where additional knowledge of the pdf reference is indispensable. \texttt{pdfcomment.sty} is an answer to the -- from time to time -- emerging questions in newsgroups, how one could use the comment function of \texttt{Adobe Reader}. At least out of the \LaTeX{} code \texttt{pdfcomment.sty} offers a convenient and user-friendly possibility to use pdf annotations in pdf files}{It's better to use dark colors for annotations with lines, as you see! This is a Underline markup annotations}. \pdfmargincomment{Holy moly! Can anybody transfer that to real english!}
+\pdfmarkupcomment[author={Donald Duck},color=Teal,opacity=1.0,markup=Squiggly]{Unfortunately the support of pdf annotations by pdf viewers is only partly available to nonexistent. The reference viewer for the development of this package is \texttt{Adobe Reader}.}{This is a Squiggly markup annotation}
+\noindent\pdfsquarecomment[avatar=CaptainJack,subject={Top2},height=2.5cm,width=5.8cm,voffset=-2.8cm,hoffset=1cm,opacity=1.0,justification=right,icolor=CornflowerBlue,bse=cloudy,bsei=2.5,linewidth=8pt]{This is a Square annotation!}
+\pdffreetextcomment[avatar=CaptainJack,subject={overlay},height=2.2cm,width=4.8cm,voffset=-2.8cm,hoffset=1.5cm,opacity=1.0,justification=right,type=typewriter,font=PalatinoLinotype,fontsize=13pt,fontcolor=black]{This typewriter annotation overlays the square!}
+\pdfcirclecomment[avatar=CaptainJack,color=blue,subject={Top2},height=2.5cm,width=5.8cm,voffset=-2.8cm,hoffset=8cm,opacity=1.0,justification=right,icolor={yellow},linewidth=12pt,borderstyle=dashed,dashstyle={10 5}]{This is a Circle annotation!}
+\pdflinecomment[type=polyline,avatar=CaptainJack,subject={Top2},opacity=1,line={150 120 260 120 300 150 400 80},color=green,icolor=blue,linebegin={/Slash},lineend={/Diamond},linewidth=3bp,bse=cloudy]{This is a Polyline comment!}
+\pdfmarkupcomment[author={Donald Duck},color=yellow,opacity=1.0,markup=Highlight]{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut,
+placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero,
+nonummy eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec vehicula augue eu neque.
+Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis
+egestas. Mauris ut leo. Cras viverra metus rhoncus sem. Nulla et lectus vestibulum urna
+fringilla ultrices. Phasellus eu tellus sit amet tortor gravida placerat. Integer sapien est,
+iaculis in, pretium quis, viverra ac, nunc. Praesent eget sem vel leo ultrices bibendum.
+Aeneanfaucibus.Morbidolornulla, malesuadaeu, pulvinarat, mollisac, nulla. Curabitur
+auctor semper nulla. Donec varius orci eget risus. Duis nibh mi, congue eu, accumsan
+eleifend, sagittis quis, diam. Duis eget orci sit amet orci dignissim rutrum.}{This is a Highlight markup annotations with page break}
+\pdflinecomment[avatar=CaptainJack,subject={Top2},type=line,opacity=1,line={110 620 220 530},color=green,icolor=blue,caption=none,linebegin={/RClosedArrow},lineend={/Circle},linewidth=2bp]{This is another Line comment! Just to show all possible arrows!}
+\pdflinecomment[type=polygon,avatar=CaptainJack,subject={Top2},opacity=1,line={275 590 355 600 400 570 350 530 270 540 276 590},color=green,icolor=CornflowerBlue,linewidth=5bp,bse=cloudy,bsei=2.2]{This is a Polygon comment!}
+\begin{pdfsidelinecomment}[avatar=CaptainJack,subject={Top2},opacity=1,color=red,icolor=yellow,caption=inline,linebegin={/Butt},lineend={/Square},linewidth=3bp,linesep=1cm]{ ! Delete ! }
+ \text{Bernoulli Trials} &
+ \pdfmarkupcomment[style=mathpopup]{P(E)}{Probability of event E: Get exactly k heads in n coin flips.}%
+ =
+ \pdfmarkupcomment[style=mathpopup]{\dbinom{n}{k}}{Number of ways to get exactly k heads in n coin flips}%
+ {\pdfmarkupcomment[style=mathpopup]{p}{Probability of getting heads in one flip}%
+ \pdfmarkupcomment[style=mathpopup,mathstyle=\scriptstyle]{k}{Number of heads}
+ }%
+ \pdfmarkupcomment[style=mathpopup]{(1-p)}{Probability of getting tails in one flip}^{%
+ \pdfmarkupcomment[style=mathpopup,mathstyle=\scriptstyle]{n-k}{Number of tails}%
+ }%
+ \draw [<->,thick] (0,2) node (yaxis) [above] {$y$}
+ |- (3,0) node (xaxis) [right] {$x$};
+ \draw (0,0) coordinate (a_1) -- (2,1.8) coordinate (a_2);
+ \draw (0,1.5) coordinate (b_1) -- (2.5,0) coordinate (b_2);
+ \coordinate (c) at (intersection of a_1--a_2 and b_1--b_2);
+ \draw[dashed] (yaxis |- c) node[left] {$y'$}
+ -| (xaxis -| c) node[below] {$x'$};
+ %
+ \fill[red] (0,0) circle (2pt);
+ \draw (0,0) node {\pdftooltip{\rule{0pt}{0.5cm}\rule{0.5cm}{0pt}}{Origin}};
+ %
+ \draw[red] (1.5,2) node {\pdftooltip{\textbullet}{1.5,2.0}};
+ %
+ \fill[red] (c) circle (2pt)
+ let
+ \p1 = (current path bounding box.south west),
+ \p2 = (current path bounding box.north east)
+ in
+ node at (current path bounding box)
+ {\pdftooltip{\rule{\dimexpr\x2-\x1\relax}{0pt}\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr\y2-\y1\relax}}%
+ {This is the intersection point\textCR of the two lines!}};
+ \draw (1.5,0) node[below] {countries};
+ \draw (0,1) node[left] {\pdftooltip{SCI}{Sausage Consumption Index}};
+ \fill[blue] (0.5,0) rectangle (1,1.2)
+ let
+ \p1 = (current path bounding box.south west),
+ \p2 = (current path bounding box.north east)
+ in
+ node at (current path bounding box)
+ % these calculations are based on scale factor 1 otherwise use:
+ % \dimexpr(scale factor)\dimexpr\x2-\x1\relax\relax
+ {\pdftooltip{\rule{\dimexpr\x2-\x1\relax}{0pt}\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr\y2-\y1\relax}}%
+ {USA: 120}};
+ \fill[red] (1.5,0) rectangle (2,1.8)
+ let
+ \p1 = (current path bounding box.south west),
+ \p2 = (current path bounding box.north east)
+ in
+ node at (current path bounding box)
+ {\pdftooltip{\rule{\dimexpr\x2-\x1\relax}{0pt}\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr\y2-\y1\relax}}%
+ {Germany: 180}};
+ \fill[green] (2.5,0) rectangle (3,0.65)
+ let
+ \p1 = (current path bounding box.south west),
+ \p2 = (current path bounding box.north east)
+ in
+ node at (current path bounding box)
+ {\pdftooltip{\rule{\dimexpr\x2-\x1\relax}{0pt}\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr\y2-\y1\relax}}%
+ {South Africa: 65}};
+ \draw [<->,thick] (0,2) node (yaxis) [above] {$y$}
+ |- (3.5,0) node (xaxis) [right] {$x$};
+You can use tooltips with simple \pdftooltip{\textcolor{red}{words}}{This is a tooltip!} or chemical notation like: $\pdftooltip{H_{2}SO_{4}}{Sulfuric acid}$
+It also works in equations: \[\pdftooltip[mathstyle=\displaystyle]{\sum_{i=1}^{n}i=\frac{1}{2}n\cdot(n+1)}{little Gauß}\]