path: root/macros/latex/contrib/newlfm/newlfm.dtx
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1 files changed, 5219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/newlfm/newlfm.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/newlfm/newlfm.dtx
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index 0000000000..c82b6f3f7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/newlfm/newlfm.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,5219 @@
+%% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Paul Thompson
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+% of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+% This is file `newlfm.dtx'. It provides newlfm.cls, after processing
+% latex newlfm.ins
+% It provides the documentation after processing
+% latex newlfm.dtx
+% At this time, the documentation is divided into three sections:
+% a) manual - pp. 1-12
+% b) command summary - pp. 13
+% c) code - pp. 14-35
+% This is modified from
+% fax.sty -- John Conover
+% letter.cls -- LaTeX 2e team
+% lettre.sty -- D. Megevand
+% ltrfax.cls -- Paul A. Thompson
+% lfmp.cls -- Ross Boylan
+% Copyright 1998-2009 Paul A. Thompson
+% You are not allowed to change this file.
+% If you do change the file, you must change the name.
+% \fi
+%% \CharacterTable
+%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \iffalse
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
+% \section{Identification}
+% \askforoverwritefalse
+% This document class can only be used with \LaTeXe, so we make
+% sure that an appropriate message is displayed when another \TeX{}
+% format is used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Announce the Class name and its version.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ProvidesFile{newlfm.drv}%
+%<+package> [2009/04/10 v9.4
+%<+package> Letter-Fax-Memo LaTeX Document Class]
+%<+addrset> [2009/04/10 v9.4
+%<+addrset> Address macros]%
+%<+setdim> [2009/04/10 v9.4
+%<+setdim> Address macros]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \section{The documentation driver file}
+% We have our own document class to format the \LaTeXe{}
+% documentation.
+% \fi
+% \changes{v1.0}{1998/11/11}{Final cls file version of newlfm set up. Class
+% file set as a docstrip file, so that proper documentation could be
+% maintained with the file. Class file set up to inherit all definitions
+% from letter.cls, the standard \LaTeX\ letter class. Class file posted to
+% CTAN 1998/12/01.}
+% \changes{v1.3}{1999/03/25}{Removed the streamlist and here packages from
+% the list of required packages. These were not actually used.}
+% \changes{v1.4}{1999/03/25}{Fixed the timestamp macro, using a fix from
+% Michael Dritschel, Purdue University. Posted 5/5/99.}
+% \changes{v1.5}{1999/07/25}{Fixed the Blank macros, enabling the header and
+% footer information to be properly blanked. Added two macros to print form
+% letters.}
+% \changes{v1.6}{1999/07/27}{Fixed the specification of @f@f, which was set
+% to blank, rather than to 0in. Added specifications for different orders
+% of the printing of dates, from-block and to-block.}
+% \changes{v1.7}{1999/09/16}{Added ability to specify different point sizes,
+% which was not present before. In addition, different paper types are now
+% able to be specified as well. Bug noted by William Slough,,
+% Department of Mathematics, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL
+% 61920. Thanks, William!!!}
+% \changes{v1.8}{1999/09/16}{Many of the options, macros and terms have been
+% rewritten to a more ``user-friendly'' approach, thanks to a Friendly user,
+% who is Michael Friendly. Thanks for your suggestion, Mike!!! NOTE TO
+% PREVIOUS NEWLFM USERS: Some of these changes (space and skip commands) are
+% not upward compatible.}
+% \changes{v3.0}{2000/10/30}{Package substantially revised. Items in
+% wrapper macros are now neutral, rather than ``from'' or ``to'' items. In
+% that way, the address items are used for storage, not letter preparation.
+% Two new service macros, {\tt setadrfr} and {\tt setadrto}, convert the
+% items in the wrapper into either ``from'' or ``to'' items. The
+% {\tt memosec} command has been revised and simplified. Commands set up
+% to change terms for the words used in letters. Manual entirely
+% rewritten.}
+% \changes{v3.1}{2001/3/01}{Several errors in handling margin items are
+% fixed. Documentation revised.}
+% \changes{v3.2}{2001/11/15}{Incorporated all functionality of envlab package
+% into newlfm. Documentation margins and text width adjusted to something
+% approximating a nice document. Documentation extensively edited to
+% incorporate all new commands. Example files edited to display new
+% functions.}
+% \changes{v3.4}{2002/3/15}{Allow printing of addresses side-by-side. Fixed up
+% several small errors. Essentially a minor features upgrade.}
+% \changes{v5.0}{2001/8/16}{The page structure of the letterhead page, the
+% fax header page and all other pages are allowed to vary in important ways.
+% Package geometry removed from newlfm, as newlfm code duplicates functionality
+% of geometry. Keyval functionality set into newlfm, to allow all parameters
+% to be input either through the documentstyle option line or through a keyval item.
+% The keyval item can be placed into the letter itself or into the letrinfo file.}
+% \changes{v6.0}{2003/1/09}{The options, formerly placed in the options
+% section of the \LaTeX\ opening command
+% can now be placed in several calls within the letter itself. These can
+% be stored in the letter database.}
+% \changes{v7.0}{2004/5/02}{Single key-value option set up.}
+% \changes{v8.0}{2004/7/04}{Envelope option fixed. 4 different
+% Avery label options added. Manual rewritten. Output routine hacked to
+% ensure that letterhead and subsequent pages have the appropriate
+% margins. Extensive checks in place to ensure that almost everything
+% works, finally!!}
+% \changes{v8.1}{2004/7/07}{Fixed header margin position problem. Fixed
+% unprintable area problem. Additionally, fixed some problems with the
+% letrinfo.tex file for the examples.}
+% \changes{v8.2}{2004/10/15}{Fixed incorrect use of iffixt macro. Fixed
+% incorrect use of sigcenter, sigleft, sigright. Fixed error in useenvlab
+% Added press-release features, following development contributed by Ross
+% Boylan. Thanks, Ross.}
+% \changes{v8.3}{2004/11/02}{Election special. Cello-window option added.}
+% \changes{v8.4}{2004/11/06}{Fixed a number of other errors, including
+% multiple repeated envelope labels.}
+% \changes{v9.1}{2009/1/09}{Added ability to add letterhead paper as a background to
+% the normal processing. Add restlettera, restletterb, restletterc, restletterd, restlettere
+% designation for information to be printed on a page(s) after the signature.}
+% \changes{v9.2}{2009/1/14}{Redid the box-up process to more fully and correctly
+% handle text material in the header and footer sections. Approach now uses lrbox
+% and minipage rather than sbox. lrbox/minipage can handle multi-line sections, and
+% sizes them correctly.}
+% \changes{v9.3}{2009/3/24}{Added facility to include extra pages after the signature, for
+% letter material to be structured in a normal and simple manner. Defaults for several
+% important commands have now been added; prior to this, omitting some commands has led
+% to crucial errors.}
+% \changes{v9.4}{2009/4/10}{Adjusted headheight to properly satisfy fancyhdr.}
+% \iffalse
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We don't want everything to appear in the index.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% Set the \texttt{StandardModuleDepth} counter to 1.%
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% Some commonly used abbreviations%
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% We also want the full details.%
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \fi
+% \iffalse
+% Copyright (C) 1998-2009 Paul A. Thompson, Ph.D., all rights reserved.
+% \fi
+% \author{Paul A. Thompson, Ph.D. \\ Division of Biostatistics \\ Washington
+% University of St. Louis, MO, USA \\ \texttt{}}
+% \title{|newlfm.cls| \\ A New Letter, Fax, Memo Document Class for \LaTeX2e{}}
+% \newcommand{\rec}{recipient}
+% \newcommand{\tabr}[1]{Table \ref{tab:#1}}
+% \newcommand{\tabrb}[2]{Tables \ref{tab:#1} and \ref{tab:#2}}
+% \newcommand{\info}{information}
+% \newcommand{\Info}{Information}
+% \newcommand{\tabref}[1]{Table \ref{tab:#1}}
+% \newcommand{\tabpage}[1]{Table \ref{page:#1}}
+% \newcommand{\mx}[1]{{\ensuremath{#1}}}
+% \newcounter{mytabs}\setcounter{mytabs}{0}
+% \newcommand{\tabset}[2]{\addtocounter{mytabs}{1}
+% \centerline{Table \arabic{mytabs}: #2}
+% \vspace*{-.25in}}
+% \newcommand{\tabpagr}[1]{Table \ref{tab:#1}, on Page \pageref{tab:#1}}
+% \newcommand{\pages}[1]{Page \pageref{tab:#1}}
+% \newcommand{\pagex}[1]{Page \pageref{page:#1}}
+% \newcommand{\tabsetx}[3]{\vspace*{.09375in}
+% \refstepcounter{mytabs} \label{tab:#3}
+% \centerline{Table \arabic{mytabs}: #2}
+% \vspace*{-.0325in}
+% }
+% \hyphenation{Lan-guage lan-guage choi-ces prin-ted de-fi-ni-tion}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{multicols}{2}
+% \makeatletter
+% \renewcommand{\l@section}{\@dottedtocline{1}{.05em}{1.65em}}
+% \renewcommand{\l@subsection}{\@dottedtocline{2}{1.65em}{3em}}
+% \makeatother
+% \tableofcontents
+% \end{multicols}
+% \newpage
+% \newcommand{\hdr}[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{ #1}}}
+% \section{The \texttt{newlfm.cls} class}
+% \newcommand{\reffit}[1]{(Section \ref{#1}, Page \pageref{#1})}
+% |newlfm|~ is a {\tt new} {\tt l}etter, {\tt f}ax and {\tt m}emo class.
+% It gives the user control over many elements of letter construction.
+% It enables the user to construct a simple database of letter
+% information for letter information storage. It includes commands to
+% print labels, and issue form letters to multiple recipients.
+% Additionally, the class includes tools to produce standard press
+% releases.
+% \subsection{Writing a simple letter}
+% Here is an example of a very simple letter:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentclass[stdletter]{newlfm}
+% \nameto{George Bush} \addrto{\parbox{2in}{The White House \\ Washington, DC}}
+% \namefrom{Paul Thompson} \addrfrom{\parbox{2in}{The Pink House \\ Belleville, IL}}
+% \begin{document}
+% \closeline{Sincerely yours,} \greetto{Dear Mr. Bush,}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% How are the azaleas?
+% \end{newlfm}
+% \end{document}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This produces a simple letter with very standard features. The letter
+% produced in this way has odd-looking spacing. Additionally, the
+% information in the ``from'' specification is very likely to be repeated
+% in letter after letter. Although the user can copy this information,
+% it is much more convenient to put this information in an address
+% database.
+% \subsection{Option specification}
+% \label{sec:opt}
+% The |newlfm| package features a wide variety of options to specify
+% options for letters, faxes and memos.
+% Options may be specified in one of two ways:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item They may be placed in the options section of the |\documentclass|
+% statement. Thus, the options would be specified as follows, with
+% several other statements to provide context:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentclass[dvips,faxheaderpage,letterpaper,%
+% stdmemo,dateno,memoaddrto]{newlfm}
+% \lthOfficeA\setadrto{\adrMainCust}
+% \leftmarginsize{.75in}\rightmarginsize{1.385in}
+% \begin{document}\begin{newlfm}
+% Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.
+% \end{newlfm}\end{document}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This is called the ``document-header'' approach.
+% Options may be specified in the preamble area (after the
+% |documentclass| specification and before the \verb|\begin{document}|
+% specification).
+% The terms |\lthOfficeA| and |\adrMainCust| refer to specifications in the
+% letter information database, which is described in Section
+% \ref{sect:wrapper}. Note the use of the ``\verb|%|'' to set all spaces
+% after the comma on the first line to comments; this functions to create
+% a single unified line.
+% \item Options may also be placed in a statement in
+% the letter itself, or stored in the letter database file
+% |letrinfo.tex|. Using this approach, options are specified as follows:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentclass[dvips]{newlfm}
+% \newlfmP{letterpaper,stdmemo,dateno,letrh=OfficeA,addrt=MainCust,memoaddrto,faxheaderpage}
+% \begin{document}\begin{newlfm}
+% Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.
+% \end{newlfm}\end{document}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This is called the ``keyed-value'' approach. In previous versions,
+% several distinct ``keyed-value'' specifications were used, but
+% currently all options are placed in the |newlfmP| key specification.
+% The terms |OfficeA| and |MainCust| refer to specifications in the
+% letter information database, which is described in Section \ref{sect:wrapper}.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% The approaches may be intermingled without effect. Options are applied
+% in order of encounter, so the last option encountered over-rides
+% earlier ones.
+% \section{Available styles}
+% \subsection{Letter styles}
+% \label{sec:let}%
+% |newlfm| defines several letter styles. These styles are chosen using
+% options (in either selection method). Letters include some or all of the following components:
+% 1) date, 2) from-address, 3) to-address, 4) opening salutation, 5)
+% closing phrase, 6) signature, and 7) name and title of signer.
+% Justification of the components is shown in \tabr{addrloc} below.
+% \subsection{Memo styles}
+% \label{sec:mem}
+% Memos are headed as:
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{lll}
+% To: & J Smith & \today \\
+% From: & P A Thom & \\
+% Re: & Gnu info & \\
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% A number of options control whether more \info{} is printed for the
+% memo, including printing the address, phone number and FAX number of
+% both the ``from'' and ``to'' persons (after the
+% name). There are two forms of the memo style, as shown in
+% \tabr{addrloc} below. The user may use their
+% own version of the memo block.
+% \subsection{A list of styles in \texttt{newlfm}}
+% \tabr{addrloc} shows the components of a letter, and indicates when
+% they will be used in letters:
+% \tabsetx{3}{Letter and memo structures}{addrloc}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{lllllllllll}
+% \hdr{Class} & \hdr{Style} & \hdr{D} & \hdr{F} & \hdr{T} & \hdr{G} &
+% \hdr{C} & \hdr{S} & \hdr{N} & \hdr{Option name}\\ \hline
+% Letter & Business & L & L & L & L & L & L & L & |busletter| \\
+% & B, No from & L & O & L & L & L & L & L & |busletternofrom| \\
+% & Standard & R & R & L & L & R & R & R & |stdletter| \\
+% & S, No from & R & O & L & L & R & R & R & |stdletternofrom| \\ \hline
+% Memo & Standard & R & L & L & O & O & O & O & |stdmemo| \\
+% & Full & F & F & F & O & O & O & O & |fullmemo| \\ \hline
+% Press Release & Standard & L & L & O & O & O & O & L & |pressrelease| \\ \hline
+% \multicolumn{11}{l}{\parbox[t]{4.4in}{Headers --- |D|: Date; |F|:
+% From-address; |T|: To-address; |G|:
+% Greeting; |C|: Closing; |S|: Signature;
+% |N|: Name. Body entries --- |R|: Right-justified; |L|: Left-justified; |O|:
+% Omitted; |F|: Full}}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \subsection{FAX cover pages}
+% A FAX cover page can be used for either the letter or the memo style. This
+% page shows the page count, time and date of composition, and the addresses
+% of sender and recipient. In addition, the letter can include a FAX message
+% in a message line.
+% \section{Letter and memo options}
+% \subsection{Use of options}
+% \label{sec:leto}
+% In |newlfm|, the various components of the letter can be modified.
+% This is done using options (placed in the ``document-header'' or
+% ``keyed-value'' approaches).
+% The following example illustrates option placement in the document
+% header line:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentclass[busletter,nofromaddress,dateright,dateyes]{newlfm}%
+% \lthMyLtr
+% \begin{document}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This prints a business letter, with no ``from''-address, and date printed
+% right-justified. Since some options can over-ride actions of others,
+% the options are executed in the order encountered. Long specifications which
+% cannot nicely fit on a single line should be terminated with the command
+% character \verb|%|, which omits spaces in the specification list. The
+% list may continue as long as is necessary.
+% The \info{} may also be specified using the ``keyed-value'' approach:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentclass{newlfm}%
+% \newlfmP{letrh=MyLtr,busletter,nofromaddress,dateright,dateyes}
+% \begin{document}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The ``keyed-value'' method is very flexible. Values may be
+% specified either as above (before the |\begin{document}| specification)
+% or within the letter database. Thus, the approach gives the user the
+% flexibility of storing letter characteristics within the address
+% system, so that the selection of a certain recipient defines a letter
+% of a certain type.
+% \subsection{Letter options}
+% Letter options involve the inclusion of elements into ``from-address''
+% and ``to-address'' blocks (including email and telephone numbers) and
+% the placement of blocks on the page. Blocks may also be omitted. Options
+% may be defined using either options specification method:
+% \tabsetx{3}{Letter options}{letteropt}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{lllll}
+% \hdr{Component} & \hdr{Option} & \hdr{Description} &
+% \hdr{Option} & \hdr{Description} \\ \hline
+% ``From'' address & |noaddrfrom| & Omit address
+% &|printallfrom| & Print all components \\
+% &|addrfromleft| & Left-justified block
+% &|addrfromright| & Right-justified \\
+% &|addrfromemail| & Include e-mail
+% &|addrfromphone| & Include phone \\
+% &|addrfromfax| & Include fax \\ \hline
+% ``To'' address &
+% |printallto| & Print all components
+% &|addrtoleft| & Left-justified block \\
+% &|addrtoright| & Right-justified
+% &|addrtoemail| & Include e-mail \\
+% &|addrtophone| & Include phone
+% &|addrtofax| & Include fax \\ \hline
+% Date &
+% |dateright| & Right-justified
+% &|dateleft| & Left-justified \\
+% &|datecenter| & Centered
+% &|dateno| & Omit \\
+% &|dateyes| & Force date to print \\ \hline
+% Order &
+% |orderdatefromto| & Date, From, To
+% &|orderfromdateto| & From, Date, To \\
+% &|orderfromtodate| & From, To, Date \\ \hline
+% Signature &
+% |sigright| & Right-justified
+% &|sigleft| & Left-justified \\
+% &|sigcenter| & Centered \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \subsection{Memo options}
+% \label{sec:memo}
+% Memo options involve the inclusion of elements into ``from-address''
+% and ``to-address'' blocks (including email and telephone numbers) and
+% the placement of blocks on the page. Blocks may also be omitted. These
+% may be placed either in the ``document-header'' option section, or in
+% the command |\newlfmP|.
+% \tabsetx{3}{Memo options}{memoopt}
+% \label{page:memoo}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{lllll}
+% \hline
+% \hdr{Block} & \hdr{Option} & \hdr{Function}& \hdr{Option} & \hdr{Function} \\
+% ``From'' block &
+% |memonofrom| & Omit block
+% &|memoaddrfrom| & Address \\
+% &|memoemailfrom| & E-mail
+% &|memopagerfrom| & Pager \# \\
+% &|memophonefrom| & Telephone \#
+% &|memofaxfrom| & FAX \# \\ \hline
+% ``To'' block &
+% |memonoto| & Omit block
+% &|memoaddrto| & Address \\
+% &|memoemailto| & E-mail
+% &|memophoneto| & Telephone \# \\
+% &|memopagerto| & Pager \#
+% &|memofaxto| & FAX \# \\ \hline
+% Other &
+% |memodate| & Set date on memo
+% &|memonore| & Omit ``Re:'' line \\
+% &|fullmemo| & Use all optional items \\ \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \subsection{Memo block structure}
+% The default memo block code was shown previously. The memo style is
+% stored internally, but as |\newlfm| is processed, it looks for a file
+% |memosec.tex|, and reads the memo header block definition in that file
+% if it is found. If an alternative to the default memo header block
+% structure is desired, the user may feel free to hack the code found in
+% |smemosec.tex| and save it in |memosec.tex|. Thus, you may alter
+% that file to make changes in the memo block. To simplify the process,
+% you may wish to 1) set up the main
+% parameters for |\newlfm| successfully, and 2) alter the code in
+% |memosec.tex| to look as you wish. Using this approach, you may
+% find that the alteration process works in a more dependable fashion. No
+% support for modification of code is able to be offered, unfortunately.
+% The code for |\memosec| is presented and commented on Page
+% \pageref{page:memosec}.
+% \subsection{Fax options}
+% \label{sec:faxo}
+% Fax options involve the selection of one of several fax block styles.
+% |test1.tex| shows an example of the use of |faxheaderpage| (separate
+% fax page), while |faxhba| shows an example of the use of |faxhba| (fax
+% information in header block).
+% The code for |\faxpage| is presented and commented on Page
+% \pageref{page:faxsec}.
+% \tabsetx{3}{FAX options}{faxopt}
+% \label{page:faxo}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{llll}
+% \hline
+% \hdr{Option} & \hdr{FAX item} & \hdr{Option} & \hdr{FAX item} \\
+% \hline
+% |faxheaderpage| & Print FAX page &
+% |faxhba| & In Rheader \\
+% |faxblocka| & Block A style &
+% |faxblockb| & Block B style \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \subsection{Press Release style}
+% \label{sec:pr}
+% There is only one press release style. A press release includes
+% the following elements, in this order:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item The information about the contact, address, etc. of the contact
+% person is taken from the current ``from-address'' information. So, to
+% insert a person into the ``Contact'' line specified below, use the
+% |addrf| specification or the other methods of indicating the
+% ``from-information.''
+% \item On the upper left, below the letterhead, information about
+% when the release may be used. Usually this is {\bf FOR IMMEDIATE
+% RELEASE}. This phrase is modified using the command |\release|.
+% \item Contact information, drawn from the from information used in
+% the other styles. The option |PhrContact| allows the user to
+% substitute another term for ``Contact:''.
+% \item Headline, usually in boldface with the first letters of
+% words capitalized. This is specified with the |\headline| command.
+% The press release style automatically inserts a header into the
+% center block of the head section for all subsequent pages. This is
+% the same as the |headline| information, unless a different value is
+% defined with the |\shorthead| command.
+% \item Dateline, usually a city. The date is appended automatically.
+% \item The main body of the press release.
+% \item The end marker, usually \# \# \#.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% Because recipients like to scribble notes on press releases, they
+% have 1 inch margins (that is the default anyway) and double
+% spacing; the command |dspace| will also set double spacing, while
+% |sspace| retains single spacing.
+% \footnote{Do not put a |onehalfspace| environment
+% directly inside the default |doublespace|. The former multiplies
+% whatever spacing is in effect.}
+% A press release should also try not to break paragraphs across
+% pages (not yet implemented), and, if there are multiple pages, put
+% ``--- more ---'' at the bottom and the headline (or a short form of
+% it) at the top of subsequent pages.
+% If faxing a press release, remember to pick a good fax font. As
+% this matter is not specific to press releases, and is system
+% dependent, this press release environment does nothing special to
+% your fonts. Usually, sans serif fonts work better when faxing, so
+% you might want to specify |\sffamily| right after
+% |\begin{document}|.
+% A press release does not have a signature or closing phrase at
+% the end.
+% \subsection{Press Release options}
+% Press releases are inherently subjective in construction. What works
+% for one person will not work for another. The style defined in
+% |newlfm| is servicable, but not particularily elegant. For that
+% reason, a very easy method of customization is set up. The file
+% |sprsrls.tex| includes the default press release style. To change the
+% style:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item Copy the file to |prsrls.tex|;
+% \item Modify the style as needed;
+% \item Test using a press release of your choosing.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \section{Spacing commands}
+% \label{sec:spac}
+% |newlfm| has a number of commands which allow the user to define the
+% position of items within the letter. Some of these commands control
+% the space for structural elements of the document, and some control
+% spacing within these structural elements.
+% \subsection{Structure of a \LaTeX\ document}
+% A \LaTeX\ document has a number of structural elements, summarized in
+% Figure \ref{fig:lay}.
+% \begin{figure}[htbp]
+% \begin{center}
+% \leavevmode
+% \layout
+% \vspace{3cm}
+% \caption{Page elements. The values shown are those in effect in the
+% current document, not the defaults.}
+% \label{fig:lay}
+% \end{center}
+% \end{figure}
+% Examining this figure, there are three sections vertically (header,
+% text body, footer) and three sections horizontally (left margin, text
+% body, right margin). Each of these sections is placed in reference to the
+% paper boundaries. Vertically, the header is offset from the top of the
+% page, there is a separation to the text body, there is a separation
+% from the text body to the footer, and the footer is offset from the
+% bottom of the page.
+% \subsection{Vertical spacing}
+% Vertical spacing commands are shown in \tabr{spacever}. This table
+% shows the various components of the \LaTeX\ page, along with the
+% commands which are used to define or modify these elements in |newlfm|.
+% Naturally, since the physical page has a physical
+% dimension, the size of one component can be defined by the other
+% dimensions save one. In |newlfm|, commands which give the structure of
+% the overall document are amplified and extended by commands which give
+% the structure of the document within the text body itself. These
+% additional items are shown in \tabr{spvextitem}.
+% For many of these terms, they may be used alone or within the
+% |newlfmP| specification. If used alone, they are specified as \LaTeX\
+% commands, while if used within the |newlfmP| specification, they are
+% used without the backslash:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \topmarginskip{1in}
+% \newlfmP{topmarginskip=1in}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \tabsetx{8}{Vertical spacing commands}{spacever}
+% \begin{center}
+% \setlength{\tabcolsep}{3pt}
+% \begin{tabular}{lllllp{120pt}l} \hline
+% \hdr{Page} & \hdr{\LaTeX} & \hdr{\texttt{newlfm}} & \hdr{Default} & \hdr{Included} & \hdr{Function} \\
+% \hdr{Section} & \hdr{Name} & \hdr{Name} & & \hdr{Items} & \hdr{Description} \\ \hline
+% Top Margin & |\topmargin| & |unprtop| & & & Top unprintable area \\
+% & & |topmarginskip| & & & Top of page to header block \\
+% Header & |\headheight| & |MinHead| & & Group 1 & Header section \\
+% & & |headermarginsize| & 72pt & & Header section \\
+% Header Skip & |\headsep| & |headermarginskip| & 20pt & & Skip from header to text block top \\
+% Text Height & |\textheight| & |textheightsize| & & Group 2 & \\
+% Footer skip & |\footskip| & |bottommarginskip| & 20pt & & Skip from bottom of text to footer \\
+% Footer & |\footskip| & |MinFoot| & 72pt & Group 3 & Footer section \\
+% & & |footermarginsize| & & & \\
+% & & |unprbottom| & & & Bottom unprintable area \\ \hline
+% \multicolumn{7}{l}{\parbox[t]{6in}{Group 1: \texttt{Cheader}, \texttt{Rheader},
+% \texttt{Lheader}, \texttt{cheader}, \texttt{rheader}, \texttt{lheader}. Group 2: \texttt{date},
+% to-address, from-address, \texttt{greetto}, \texttt{signature}. Group 3:
+% \texttt{Cfooter}, \texttt{Rfooter},
+% \texttt{Lfooter}, \texttt{cfooter}, \texttt{rfooter}, \texttt{lfooter}}}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \tabsetx{8}{Vertical spacing commands}{spvextitem}
+% \begin{center}
+% \setlength{\tabcolsep}{3pt}
+% \begin{tabular}{lllll} \hline
+% \hdr{Function} & \hdr{\texttt{newlfm}}&\hdr{Section}& \hdr{Space} & \hdr{Space} \\
+% \hdr{Name} & \hdr{Structure} & \hdr{Size} & \hdr{Before} & \hdr{After} \\ \hline
+% Date & |\dateset| & & |dateskipbefore| & |dateskipafter| \\
+% ``From'' address & |\adrsetfr{XXX}| & & |addrfromskipbefore| & |addrfromskipafter| \\
+% ``To'' address & |\adrsetto{XXX}| & & |addrtoskipbefore| & |addrtoskipafter| \\
+% Greeting & |\greetto| & & |greettoskipbefore| & |greettoskipafter| \\
+% Text Block & & |textheight| & & \\
+% Left Margin Block & |\Lmargin| & & |leftmargintopdist| & \\
+% Right Margin Block& |\Rmargin| & & |rightmargintopdist| & \\
+% Close line & |\closeline| & & |closeskipbefore| & |closeskipafter| \\
+% Signature & |\signature| & |sigsize| & |sigskipbefore| & |sigskipafter| \\
+% & |\siglist| & & & \\
+% |Ps|, |PPs|, etc & Various & & |postsigskipbefore| & |postsigskipafter| \\
+% Memo block & Various & & |memoskipbefore| & |memoskipafter| \\ \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% Here are several rules which are used to define the sizes of items:
+% \begin{itemize*}
+% \item If header margin specifications (|\Cheader|, etc.) are not used,
+% |headermarginskip| and |topmarginskip| are ignored. In this
+% case, |topmargin| alone is sufficient to specify the size of the top margin.
+% If |unprtop| is specified, and $|unprtop| > |\topmargin|$,
+% |unprtop| is used in place of |topmargin|.
+% If |\unprtop| is specified, and $|\unprtop| > |\topmarginskip|$,
+% |\unprtop| is used in place of |\topmarginskip|.
+% \item If any of the footer margin specifications (|\Cfooter|,
+% |\Rfooter|, or |\Lfooter|) are used to specify a footer margin block,
+% |\bottommarginskipbelow| and |\bottommarginskip| are both used to position
+% the bottom- or footer-margin block relative to the text. Additionally,
+% the overall height (including depth) of the largest of the three
+% footer-margin placement blocks
+% is used to specify the value of |\footermarginsize|.
+% If |\unprbottom| is specified, and $|\unprbottom| > |\bottommargin|$,
+% |\unprbottom| is used in place of |\bottommarginsize|.
+% \item |\topmarginsize| and |\bottommarginsize| are sufficient to specify the
+% positions of blocks vertically. If |\textheight| is also specified, it
+% is used last, and over-rides the specification of text height by subtraction.
+% \item If a left margin text block is specified using |\Lmargin|,
+% |\leftmargintopdist| sets the space that the left margin block is placed
+% from the top of the page. By default, the left margin is placed flush
+% with the bottom of the header section. Any choice here sets the top
+% of the header block a certain distance from the top of the page.
+% \item The use of space-after commands is not recommended in the general
+% case, as they can complicate item placement.
+% \end{itemize*}
+% \subsection{Horizontal spacing} Horizontal spacing commands are shown in
+% \tabr{spacehor}.
+% \label{page:skipc}
+% \tabsetx{8}{Horizontal spacing commands}{spacehor}
+% \begin{center}
+% \setlength{\tabcolsep}{3pt}
+% \begin{tabular}{lllllp{100pt}l} \hline
+% \hdr{Page} & \hdr{\LaTeX} & \hdr{\texttt{newlfm}}& \hdr{Default} & \hdr{Included} & \hdr{Function} \\
+% \hdr{Section} & \hdr{Name} & \hdr{Name} & & \hdr{Items} & \hdr{Description} \\ \hline
+% Left Margin & |\oddsidemargin| & |unprleft| & & & Left unprintable area \\
+% & & |leftmarginskipleft|& &
+% & Page left side to margin block \\
+% Left Print Area& & |MinLeft| & & Group 4 & Left print section \\
+% & & |leftmarginsize| & 72pt & & Header section \\
+% Left Margin Gap& & |leftmarginskipright|& 10pt & & Dist from margin block to text \\
+% Text Width & |\textwidth| & |textwidthsize| & & & \\
+% Right margin & |\evensidemargin|& |rightmarginsize| & & Group 5 & \\ \hline
+% \multicolumn{7}{l}{\parbox[t]{6.4in}{Group 4: \texttt{Lmargin}, \texttt{lmargin}
+% Group 5: \texttt{Rmargin}, \texttt{rmargin}}}
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% Usage of these spacing commands:
+% \begin{itemize*}
+% \item The size of the left margin text block is set by the width of the
+% minimum of the |\Lmargin| block or by the |MinLeft| value.
+% \item When |\Lmargin| is used for a left margin block, both
+% |leftmarginskipleft| and |leftmarginskipright| are used to position
+% the left-margin block relative to the text. Additionally, the width of
+% |\Lmargin| is used to specify the value of |\leftmarginsize|.
+% If |\unprleft| is specified, and $|\unprleft| > |\leftmarginskipleft|$,
+% |\unprleft| is used in place of |\leftmarginskipleft|.
+% \item If |\Lmargin| is not used,
+% |leftmarginskipleft| and |leftmarginskipright| are ignored. In this
+% case, |\leftmarginsize| alone is sufficient to specify the size of the left margin.
+% If |\unprleft| is specified, and $|\unprleft| > |\leftmarginsize|$,
+% |\unprleft| is used in place of |\leftmarginsize|.
+% \item If |\Rmargin| is not used, and $|\unprright| > |\rightmarginsize|$,
+% |\unprright| is substituted for |\rightmarginsize|.
+% \item |\rightmarginsize| and |\leftmarginsize| are sufficient to specify the
+% positions of blocks horizontally. If |\textwidth| is also specified, it
+% is used last, and over-rides the specification of text width by subtraction.
+% \end{itemize*}
+% \subsection{Ordering of elements:}
+% Date, from-address and to-address are generally printed
+% in that order. Other orders are set up using options.
+% \begin{itemize*}
+% \item |orderdatefromto|: date, from-address, to-address
+% \item |orderfromdateto|: from-address, date, to-address
+% \item |orderfromtodate|: from-address, to-address, date
+% \end{itemize*}
+% \section{Address components}
+% \label{sec:adrz}
+% Information about the names, addresses, telephone numbers and the
+% other types of data is specified using these commands.
+% \subsection{Address commands}
+% Address \info{} is specified using the commands in \tabr{adrtoc}.
+% These commands are used for both ``from-address'' and ``to-address.''
+% However, the information stored using these commands must be converted
+% to specific ``from-address'' or ``to-address'' information, as
+% discussed below in Section \ref{sect:wrapper} below.
+% \tabsetx{5}{Address item commands}{adrtoc}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{llllll} \hline
+% \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Stores \ldots} &
+% \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Stores \ldots} &
+% \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Stores \ldots} \\ \hline
+% |\addr| & Address &
+% |\byline| & Byline &
+% |\city| & City \\
+% |\dept| & Department &
+% |\email| & E-mail address &
+% |\emailb| & E-mail address b \\
+% |\emailc| & E-mail address c &
+% |\fax| & FAX \# &
+% |\fname| & First name \\
+% |\greet| & Greeting &
+% |\institute| & Institution &
+% |\lname| & Last name \\
+% |\mname| & Middle name &
+% |\name| & Name &
+% |\pager| & Pager \# \\
+% |\phone| & Telephone \# &
+% |\phonea| & Telephone \# a &
+% |\phoneb| & Telephone \# b \\
+% |\phonec| & Telephone \# c &
+% |\phoned| & Telephone \# d &
+% |\phoneo| & Office \# \\
+% |\phoneh| & Home \# &
+% |\position| & Position &
+% |\regarding| & ``Regarding'' line \\
+% |\release| & ``Immediate Release'' &
+% |\role| & Role &
+% |\socsec| & Social Security \# \\
+% |\staddr| & Street address &
+% |\state| & State &
+% |\subdept| & Sub-department \\
+% |\title| & Title &
+% |\zip| & zip-code \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \subsection{Phrase commands}
+% \label{sec:phras}
+% Letters and memos have certain phrases which identify sections. These
+% include the terms for ``To'' and ``From'' in the memo, and the phrases
+% identifying the other sections of letters. These phrases may be modified
+% using the commands listed here. They are used as:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% ....
+% \PhrPhone{Telephone Number}
+% ....
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This term will be used whenever the phrase for ``Telephone Number''
+% should be printed.
+% \tabsetx{4}{Phrase commands}{phraseopt}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{llllll}
+% \hline
+% \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Use} & \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Use} & \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Use} \\
+% \hline
+% |\PhrFAXcovp| & FAX Cover page &
+% |\PhrFAXpgcnt| & FAX Page Count &
+% |\PhrPager| & Pager \\
+% |\PhrEmail| & E-mail &
+% |\PhrDocument| & Document &
+% |\PhrPhone| & Telephone \\
+% |\PhrRe| & re &
+% |\PhrSubre| & re &
+% |\PhrCc| & cc \\
+% |\PhrPs| & ps &
+% |\PhrMessage| & Message &
+% |\PhrPps| & pps \\
+% |\PhrPpps| & ppps &
+% |\PhrEncl| & Encl &
+% |\PhrPage| & page \\
+% |\PhrTo| & To &
+% |\PhrFrom| & From &
+% |\PhrRegard| & Regarding \\
+% |\PhrContact| & Contact &
+% |\PhrRelease| & For Immediate Release &
+% |\PhrMore| & --- more -- \\
+% |\PhrPREnd| & \# \# \# &
+% & \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \section{Letterhead tools}
+% \label{sect:lhead}
+% \subsection{Inclusion of logos}
+% Logos and other \info{}, stored as encapsulated PostScript objects (for
+% standard \LaTeX\ production using |latex file| and |dvips file|) or
+% .pdf files (for \LaTeX\ production using |pdflatex file|),
+% can be placed in the header and footer of letters. However, sizing the
+% resulting letter can be challenging. |newlfm| automatically adjusts
+% letter dimensions to accomodate the inclusion of such objects, if these
+% objects are included as boxed text (|\sbox|, |\fbox|, |\parbox|,
+% |minipage|, etc.). In the discussion that follows, the first page of
+% the letter is called the ``letterhead'' page, while subsequent pages
+% are the ``non-letterhead'' pages.
+% Using |fancyhdr.sty| of Piet van Oostrom, |newlfm| handles letterhead
+% \info{} in a simple and straightforward manner. In |newlfm|,
+% \info{} for the letterhead page is entered using the
+% commands shown in \tabr{letterhopt}.
+% \tabsetx{4}{Marginal material commands}{letterhopt}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{lllllll}
+% \hline
+% \hdr{Page} & \hdr{Location} & \hdr{Left} & \hdr{Center} & \hdr{Right} \\ \hline
+% Letterhead & Footer & |\Lfooter| & |\Cfooter| & |\Rfooter| \\
+% & Header & |\Lheader| & |\Cheader| & |\Rheader| \\
+% & Margin & |\Lmargin| & & |\Rmargin| \\
+% \hline \hline
+% Page & Location & Left & Center & Right \\ \hline
+% Non-letterhead & Footer & |\lfooter| & |\cfooter| & |\rfooter| \\
+% & Header & |\lheader| & |\cheader| & |\rheader| \\
+% & Margin & |\lmargin| & & |\rmargin| \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% In order to simply use letterhead logos and other PostScript pictorial
+% \info{} (logos, etc.), the program automatically calculates the
+% heights of the header and footer and optimally places them on the page.
+% In order for this to work, {\bfseries \itshape all \info{} for the
+% header and footer must be included in boxed formats}. That is, to use a
+% letterhead, logos, pictures, addresses, whatever must be placed in a
+% \LaTeX\ box structure. The boxed formatted items
+% may be included in a wrapper program.
+% For example, if a logo is to be included from an external file, this
+% should be inserted into an |\sbox| and used as follows:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \newsavebox{\Lpalmb}
+% \sbox{\Lpalmb}{\parbox[t]{1.75in}{\includegraphics[scale=.4,ext=.pdf,%
+% angle=101,trim=-50 245 125 125]{palm}}}%
+% \makelth{Homea}{\Lheader{\usebox{\Lpalms}}}%
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \subsection{Marginal material}
+% The left and right margins may also contain a box of text. This is placed in
+% |\Lmargin| or |\Rmargin|. The size of the margin is automatically calculated from
+% the box size. The box is placed a very small distance from the edge
+% of the paper (10pt), and the margin gap from the box to the text box of
+% the letter is set to be 10pt as well.
+% In some cases, the header and footer margins may be too small when
+% fitted to the boxed-up header and footer items. For this reason,
+% four commands allow the headers and footers to have a given minimum
+% size. These commands are |minhead=xxpt| (minimum size for header of
+% non-letterhead page; xxpt is a dimensional value such as |5in| or
+% |12pt|), |MinHead=xxpt| (minimum size for header of
+% letterhead page), |minfoot=xxpt| (minimum size for footer of
+% non-letterhead page) and |MinFoot=xxpt| (minimum size for footer of
+% letterhead page). These ensure that the headers and footers have given
+% minimum sizes.
+% \subsection{Graphical objects}
+% Here is a step-by-step description of the process of incorporating a
+% graphical object:
+% \begin{itemize*}
+% \item \textbf{Insert the object:}
+% Insert the graphical object into the document (|\includegraphics|).
+% \item \textbf{Check object:}
+% Ensure that the graphical object is included correctly. Prior to
+% attempting to use |newlfm| to print the object, ensure that
+% |\includegraphics| has inserted the \info{} correctly. Using the
+% |\fbox| specification to allow the box edges to be examined carefully,
+% print the boxed \info{} to ensure that the object is correctly
+% specified, and that the size is correct. If the appearance is
+% appropriate, use the wide range of options in the |\includegraphics|
+% command (|clip|, |view|, |bb|, |trim|, |size|, etc.) to make the
+% object appear as you wish it.
+% \item \textbf{Use object:}
+% Use the resulting trimmed, clipped and selected object in one of the
+% commands for inclusion in a |newlfm| letter or memo.
+% \item \textbf{Usage tip:}
+% Run \LaTeX{} twice to ensure that dimensions are correctly interpreted.
+% \end{itemize*}
+% \subsection{Example use of external object:}
+% Here is an example of the inclusion of an external object and its use
+% in constructing a letterhead page. A |\newsavebox| is constructed and
+% used to store the object. |\includegraphics| is used to insert the
+% object. If commands to produce a .ps file are used (|latex file|,
+% |dvips file|), \LaTeX\ will search for a file with the .ps or .eps
+% suffix. If commands to produce a .pdf file are used (|pdflatex file|),
+% \LaTeX\ will search for a file with the .pdf suffix. For
+% flexibility, omit the suffix.
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \newsavebox{\Logob}%
+% \sbox{\Logob}{\parbox[t]{\vdim}{\includegraphics[scale=.8]{wulogo3}}}%
+% \makeaddress{PAT}{%
+% \name{Paul A. Thompson, Ph.D.}%
+% \addr{\parbox[b]{2.65in}{Washington University School of Medicine \\%
+% at Washington University Medical Center \\ Box 8067, 660 S. Euclid \\%
+% St. Louis, MO 63110-1093}}%
+% \phone{(314) 747-3793}\fax{(314) 362-2693}\email{}%
+% }
+% \makeaddress{GRQ}{%
+% \name{Roger Q. Grollier}%
+% \addr{\parbox[b]{2.65in}{25 N. Eastwind Rd.\\Westend, OH 43431}}%
+% \phone{(412) 555-2324}\fax{(412) 555-6923}\email{}%
+% }
+% \makeletterhead{WULHb}{%
+% \setadrfr{\adrPAT}\Lheader{\usebox{\Logob}}%
+% \Rheader{{\large\bf Division of Biostatistics}}\rheader{\@name@fr}%
+% \lheader{Page \thepage}\Lfooter{\smallform}\closeline{Sincerely yours,}%
+% }%
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The two |makeaddress| specificiations set up wrapper commands (see
+% Section \ref{sect:wrapper} below) which encapsulate the relevant
+% information. The |\setadrfr| specification in the example converts the
+% address information in |\adrPAT| from neutral to ``from-address''
+% formats. This can also be done using the wrapper ID specification, where it
+% would be stated as |\setadrto{\fixadr{GRQ}}|, where the |\fixadr|
+% specification converts the wrapper ID to the wrapper internally.
+% In a letter, this is used as:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentclass[dvips]{newlfm}
+% \lthWULHb\setadrto{\adrGRQ}
+% \begin{document}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% ....
+% \end{verbatim}
+% For this example, the object found in |wulogo3| was boxed up using
+% the |\sbox| specification. It will be placed in the
+% left section of the header block for the letterhead page. The logo was
+% examined earlier to ensure that it
+% is printed exactly as required.
+% \paragraph*{Usage tip:}
+% Examine the example of the inclusion of the graphical object above
+% carefully. Note that all lines are terminated with the comment
+% character ``\verb|%|''. All wrapper macros should be constructed in
+% this manner, to ensure that no blank spaces are inadvertently placed in the
+% wrapper macro \textbf{between commands}, other than those placed within
+% a command (for instance, the |\addr| command has blanks). The wrapper
+% macros should not have blanks around commands, either before the start
+% of a command or after the end of one. The wrappers are ``unpacked''
+% during active text construction, and the presence of blanks can
+% result in odd, difficult-to-trace minor justification anomalies. In
+% many cases, the author has found it helpful to ensure that all lines in
+% the wrapper addresses and terms are terminated with the ``\verb|%|''
+% comment character, to ensure that end-of-line characters are not
+% translated into hard-to-detect space characters.
+% \subsection{Including a pre-set sheet as background}
+% In some cases, the letterhead or pre-set form is to be included as a full sheet of
+% letterhead information. In this case, the pre-set form may be designated
+% using the command |Background| (for letterhead form for the first page), and |background|
+% (for pre-set form for subsequent pages after the first page). The form to be
+% included should be set up as a valid graphical object. In the case of the use of
+% the |pdflatex| process, it should be set up as a |.pdf| form, and in the case of
+% |latex| processing, it should be set up as a valid |.ps| form, using the
+% encapsulated PostScript approach with a valid bounding box.
+% \subsection{Blank block printing commands}
+% In some cases, the user wishes to use the included graphical objects to
+% size the header and footer areas (covered in Section \ref{sect:lhead}
+% below), and then not actually print the objects
+% {\itshape per se}. For instance, the letter may be printed on letterhead
+% stock, using the letterhead objects included to size the letter. In that
+% case, the options shown in \tabr{blankopt} are available to blank out the various
+% parts of the letterhead \info{} after it is used to set margin sizes.
+% \tabsetx{4}{Options for blanking}{blankopt}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{llllll}
+% \hline
+% \hdr{Option} & \hdr{Blanks \ldots} & \hdr{Option} & \hdr{Blanks \ldots} &
+% \hdr{Option} & \hdr{Blanks \ldots} \\ \hline
+% |blankheader| & |r,l,cheader| &
+% |blankfooter| & |r,l,cfooter| &
+% |blanklmargin| & |lmargin| \\
+% |blankrmargin| & |rmargin| &
+% |Blankheader| & |R,L,Cheader| &
+% |Blankfooter| & |R,L,Cfooter| \\
+% |Blanklmargin| & |Lmargin| &
+% |Blankrmargin| & |Rmargin| &
+% |Blankall| & All upper-case \\
+% |blankall| & All lower-case &
+% |Blank| & All \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \section{The letter database}
+% \label{sect:wrapper}
+% \subsection{Letter database {\tt letrinfo.tex}}
+% \Info{} for letters may be stored in a file. The default name of the
+% file is |letrinfo.tex|. This file
+% stores \info{} in two ways: unconditionally and conditionally. The
+% conditional \info{}, such as lists of addresses associated with
+% names, is stored in ``wrappers'', which carry the \info{} from
+% the file |letrinfo.tex| to each letter. The
+% information stored in the letter database file |letrinfo.tex| is letter
+% information (i.e., |\name{Paul Thompson}|, |\PhrPhone{Telephone #}|).
+% Several types of \info{} are stored in the file |letrinfo.tex|. These
+% different types of \info{} may be stored in several ways. It may be
+% stored unconditionally, by placing it into the file |letrinfo.tex|.
+% All \info{}, used in the order listed, will be available for all letters.
+% Most \info{} is not unconditional, however. For this reason, the \info{}
+% will almost always be stored in address ``wrappers''. This
+% includes \info{} about the ``from'' person, as this \info{} may
+% change based on the style of letter, etc. The \info{} may be divided into
+% three different types, and is thus placed into three types of
+% wrapper commands.
+% \subsection{Address \info{}}
+% \label{page:wrapc}
+% Address \info{} is stored in an address wrapper. The address wrapper
+% has an wrapper ID and a body. The wrapper is set up using the command:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \makeaddress{IDENT}{stuff}.
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The wrapper ID is |IDENT|.
+% This makes a wrapper for
+% addresses, |\adrIDENT|. Commands placed in the wrapper are then carried into
+% the document when the wrapper command is placed in the letter as:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \begin{document}
+% \setadrto{\adrIDENT}
+% \setadrfr{\adrOTHID}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% ......
+% \end{verbatim}
+% Note that the wrapper command is placed after |\begin{document}| and
+% before |\begin{newlfm}|.
+% All items entered into the |IDENT| wrapper are then activated in that
+% particular document. This enables \info{} to be centrally stored in the
+% |letrinfo.tex| file, and used in each actual letter.
+% The wrappers may also be indicated using the |newlfmP|
+% key-value specification:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \begin{document}
+% \newlfmP{addrt=IDENT,addrf=OTHID}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% ......
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This also sets up |IDENT| as the ``to'' address and |OTHID| as the
+% ``from'' address.
+% Wrapper commands have two parameters.
+% \begin{itemize*}
+% \item The wrapper ID is the first parameter in the |\makeaddress|
+% specification. The wrapper ID is used to set up
+% a new command |\adrIDENT|, and is used in many other places by itself.
+% In general, a simple identifier is best (i.e., addressee's initials).
+% \item The actual items are placed in the second set of braces. The
+% wrapper ID is case-sensitive.
+% Whatever is placed there is used in the command, and carried along
+% whenever it is used. The user may choose to place a wide variety of
+% information in the wrapper. Commands usually used in address wrapper commands
+% are shown in \tabr{adrtoc}.
+% \end{itemize*}
+% The address \info{} for a certain individual usually does not change
+% from letter to letter, although different persons are used in different
+% letters. By using address info{} wrappers, the \info{} can
+% be handled and used easily with the single wrapper command. This
+% information may be used for either the sender or the addressee for the
+% letter.
+% \paragraph{Designating a sender:} To use the address information for
+% the sender or ``from-person,'' use the |\setadrfr| command or the
+% |addrf| term in the |newlfmP| command:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \setadrfr{\adrPAT}
+% \setadrfr{\fixadr{PAT}}
+% \newlfmP{addrf=PAT}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This sets up the information in the |PAT| wrapper to be
+% placed in the ``from'' blanks of the letter.
+% If the wrapper ID is used in the |\setadrfr| command, the |\fixadr| command
+% converts the wrapper ID to the correct form.
+% \paragraph{Designating a recipient:} To use the address
+% information for the recipient, use the |\setadrto| command or the
+% |addrt| term in the |newlfmP| command:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \setadrto{\adrPAT}
+% \newlfmP{addrt=PAT}
+% \setadrto{\fixadr{PAT}}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This would set up the information in the |PAT| wrapper to be
+% placed in the ``to'' blanks of the letter.
+% \subsection{Letterhead \info{}}
+% Letterhead \info{} is stored in a letterhead wrapper. The wrapper is
+% prepared using the command:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \makeletterhead{LIDENT}{stuff}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The wrapper usually contains \info about the header, footer and margin
+% objects, which are used to set up the letterhead. This wrapper is
+% used like the |\makeaddress| command.
+% In many cases, the return address of the letter author is set up in the
+% letterhead wrapper, because this does not change:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \makeletterhead{HomeA}{%
+% \rheader{this}%
+% \setadrfr{\adrPAT}%
+% }%
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \subsection{Signature \info{}}
+% Signature \info{} is stored in an signature wrapper. The wrapper is
+% prepared using the command
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \makesignature{SIDENT}{stuff}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This wrapper is used like the |\makeaddress| command.
+% The \info{} shown in \tabr{sigsc} is usually included in the
+% |\makesignature| wrapper.
+% \tabsetx{6}{Signature Commands}{sigsc}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{llll} \hline
+% \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Use}& \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Use} \\ \hline
+% |\signature| & Boxed-up signature & |\signame| & Printed name \\
+% |\closeline| & Letter closing line \\ \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% In some cases, multiple signatures are required. These are listed in a
+% command |\siglist|:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \siglist{AAA,BBB,CCC}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% In this case, three signatures are printed. By default, they are
+% printed in a left-justified column. To print them in a row, use
+% |\sigacross{2}| to indicate the number of signature blocks printed in
+% each row (the maximum number is 4). Each signature is printed in a
+% block of the height and width of the largest signature block. For this
+% approach, the letter will look odd and unbalanced if signatures are of
+% different sizes. The user must ensure that all signatures are of the same
+% size, as the program cannot ensure this. Additionally, each signature
+% wrapper is unpacked to determine closing line and printed name.
+% Spacing between signature block columns is set by |\sigskipcolumn|, and
+% spacing between signature block rows is set by |\sigskiprow|.
+% \subsection{Closing \info{}}
+% Other closing items may be included in the letter itself, in the
+% file |letrinfo.tex|. These include the following:
+% \tabsetx{6}{Closing commands}{eolc}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{llllll} \hline
+% \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Usage} & \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Usage} &
+% \hdr{Command} & \hdr{Usage} \\ \hline
+% |\cclist| & Routing list &
+% |\encllist| & Enclosures list &
+% |\initials| & Sender initials \\
+% |\faxmssg| & FAX cover message &
+% |\psitem| & Ps line &
+% |\ppsitem| & Pps line \\
+% |\pppsitem| & ppps line &
+% |\re| & re line &
+% |\subre| & Second re line \\ \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \subsection{Setting up wrapper macros}
+% \paragraph{File {\tt letrinfo.tex}:}
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \makesignature{PT}{\newsavebox{\Signature}
+% \sbox{\Sigx}{\includegraphics[bb=16 9 597 784,viewport=180 350 400
+% 425,scale=6,%
+% height=.6in,width=1.375in,clip]{sigfile}%
+% }%
+% \signature{\usebox{\Sigx}}%
+% \signame{\raisebox{.5in}{\parbox[t]{5in}{Paul A. Thompson \\%
+% Associate Professor \\ Div. Biostatistics \\%
+% Washington University School of Mecicine}}}%
+% }%
+% \makeaddress{JS}{\name{Joe Smith}%
+% \address{12 Center Street \\ Greenville, OH 55555}%
+% \phone{(312) 333-4444}\greet{Dear Joe,}%
+% }%
+% \makeaddress{PAT}{\name{Paul A. Thompson, Ph.D.}%
+% \addr{\parbox[b]{2.75in}{Washington University School of Medicine \\%
+% Box 8067, 660 S. Euclid \\ St. Louis, MO 63110-1093}}%
+% \phone{(314) 747-3793}\fax{(314) 362-2693}%
+% }%
+% \newsavebox{\Logob}%
+% \sbox{\Logob}{\parbox[t]{\vdim}{\includegraphics[scale=.8]{wulogo3}}}%
+% %
+% \makeletterhead{WULHa}{%
+% \sigPT%
+% \Lheader{\usebox{\Logob}}\setadrfr{\adrPAT}%
+% }%
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \paragraph{Use in a letter:}
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentclass[american]{newlfm}
+% \newlfmP{letrh=WULHa,addrt=JS}
+% \begin{document}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% ...
+% \end{newlfm}
+% \end{document}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This letter will be addressed to Joe Smith, using the letterhead stored
+% in |WULHa|. The signature is taken from signature wrapper |PT|, which is carried
+% along with the letterhead wrapper |WULHa|.
+% In this way, the letters can be addressed to Joe Smith very easily, by
+% merely including the file |letrinfo.tex| on the \LaTeX{} path, and
+% including the wrapper as shown above in the file. Although initials for
+% the recipient need not be used as the wrapper identifier tag, this is
+% convenient and makes the wrapper designation easy to do.
+% The wrapper commands may be used in a nested fashion. Consider this
+% sequence:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \makeaddress{Main}{\name{Paul A. Thompson}%
+% \addr{WU School of Medicine}}%
+% \makeaddress{YouA}{\adrMain \name{Love A}
+% \addr{Whereever you are}}%
+% \makeaddress{YouB}{\adrMain \name{Love B}%
+% \addr{The White House}}%
+% \end{verbatim}
+% In this case, the \info{} in |adrmain| is carried into the wrappers
+% |adrYouA| and |adrYouB| and is available there. This is similar to the
+% concept of inheritence in object-oriented programming.
+% \subsection{Multiple information datasets}
+% By default, |newlfm| looks for a file |letrinfo.tex| on the \TeX\
+% path. If this file is found, it is read in during the initialization
+% process of the |newlfm| environment. If an alternative file is
+% needed, it may be indicated using the command
+% |\InfoFileName{check.tex}|. This file will then be used in place of
+% |letrinfo.tex|.
+% \subsection{Rules for use of wrapper IDs}
+% The wrapper IDs used to construct the letterhead database can be used in two
+% different ways. First, the address or letterhead wrappers may be used
+% by themselves as |\adrSETA| or |\ltrSETB|. Second, the wrapper IDs may
+% be used in many situations without the |\adr|. Here are the general
+% rules for usage:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item The wrapper macro |\adrXXX| may be used at any point in a letter.
+% To properly set up margins, it should be used as |\setadrto{\adrXXX}|
+% and |\setadrfr{\adrXXX}| (used to convert neutral address
+% information into to-address and from-address information) prior to the
+% |\begin{newlfm}| command. This
+% will ensure that proper spacing decisions are made. The
+% |\doletter| construction also uses this form of wrapper (note: this
+% command is now obsolete - please use |\oneletter| as described below).
+% \item Wrapper IDs can be used as |\setadrto{\fixadr{XXX}}| to
+% convert neutral addresses to to-addresses and from-addresses (again,
+% prior to |\begin{newlfm}|.
+% Additionally, |\oneletter{XXX}| is used to send a form letter to
+% address |XXX|, |\multletter{XXX,YYY,ZZZ}| to multiple addresses, and
+% |\newlfmP{addrt=AAA,addrf=BBB}| are used to convert addresses using the
+% |\newlfmP| mechanism.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \section{Form letters}
+% \label{sec:form}
+% The use of the address wrapper commands makes it very easy to set up form
+% letters. \verb|newlfm| has a simple approach to form letters, using two
+% commands:
+% \begin{itemize*}
+% \item \verb|\letterbody|: This command is used to set up the body of the
+% letter. The body is the text of the letter. When you set up the body,
+% it is very easy to further customize the letters by setting up commands
+% within the letter.
+% \item \verb|\oneletter|: This is the command to print the different
+% letters. The command has a mandatory argument of the label of the
+% ``to'' address.
+% \item \verb|\multletter|: This command allows the use of a list of
+% address wrapper labels that will all be used to print a form letter. The
+% address wrapper labels must all be separated by the comma (``,''). When
+% printing form letters in this manner, specific tailoring can only be
+% done if the tailoring information is included in the address wrapper.
+% Thus, this can be used to print any number of identical letters, or
+% letters which have been tailored or modified using information in the
+% address wrappers.
+% \end{itemize*}
+% \subsection{Example form letter}
+% Here is an example of the use of the form-letter commands. In this
+% example, the two wrapper commands \verb|\adrAA| and \verb|\adrBB| can be
+% used to address letters which are both the same to the persons listed
+% in these wrappers:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \letterbody{This is an example of a form letter. \tailor End of the letter.}%
+% \newcommand{\tailor}{First special version.}
+% \oneletter{AA}
+% \letterbody{This is a second example of a form letter, but this approach does not allow for
+% individualization. It is being sent to \printnameto.}
+% \multletter{AA,BB}
+% \renewcommand{\tailor}
+% {Second special version.}
+% \oneletter{BB}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \section{Printing envelopes and labels}
+% \label{sec:env}
+% |newlfm| includes a set of commands which print labels. Some invoke the functionality of the
+% |envlab| package. To use this functionality, follow these steps:
+% \begin{enumerate*}
+% \item Ensure that |envlab| is properly installed in your \TeX
+% installation, and that the installation database has been properly
+% refreshed. This will ensure that \LaTeX{} can find the files.
+% \item Use the option |useenvlab| on the command line:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentclass[useenvlab]{newlfm}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% This will issue the |\makelabels| command at the start of the run, issue
+% the |\startlabels| command at the end of the run, insert the
+% ``from-address'' and ``to-address'' into appropriate structures for
+% |envlab| and otherwise complete the printing of the envelope using
+% internal information.
+% \item Options which are needed for |envlab| may also be entered into the
+% \LaTeX\ command line, just as with any normal use of |envlab| during any
+% \LaTeX.
+% \item Several types of Avery labels may be used. The specifications
+% for Avery labels 5160, 5161, 5162, 5163 and 5164 are pre-set in
+% |newlfm|. These are summarized in the table below.
+% \tabsetx{6}{Label definitions}{labels}
+% \label{tab:d}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{lrrlrrrr} \hline
+% Option & Ht & Wt & t & l & Btw & Col & Row \\ \hline
+% Avery5160 & 1 & 2.75 & .5 & .19 & .16 &3 & 10 \\
+% Avery5161 & 1 & 4.19 & .5 & .16 &.19 &2 & 10 \\
+% Avery5162 & 1 & 4.19 & .83 & .16 &.19 &2 & 7 \\
+% Avery5163 & 1 & 4.19 & .5 & .16 &.19 &2 & 5 \\
+% Avery5164 & 1 & 4.19 & .5 & .16 &.19 &2 & 3 \\ \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \item Several options exist for address selection during label printing. The default
+% is |labto|, in which the ``to-address'' only is printed. If
+% |labrowfrto| is selected, both ``from-address'' and ``to-address'' are
+% printed in a row:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% From: Paul A. Thompson To: George W. Bush
+% 25 Signal Hill Blvd 1400 W. Turkey Rd.
+% Belleville, IL 62223 Crawford, TX 49281
+% \end{verbatim} If
+% |labcolfrto| is selected, both ``from-address'' and ``to-address'' are
+% printed in a column:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% From: Paul A. Thompson
+% 25 Signal Hill Blvd
+% Belleville, IL 62223
+% To: George W. Bush
+% 1400 W. Turkey Rd.
+% Crawford, TX 49281
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The user is responsible for ensuring that the label printing options
+% can fit on the label selected; Avery5160 is generally suitable only for
+% |labto|, but other choices can fit on other labels.
+% \item Other printing sizes may be selected during label printing using
+% |labsize=\size|:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% labsize=\small
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \end{enumerate*}
+% \section{Miscellaneous topics}
+% \subsection{Lines}
+% By default, |newlfm| demarcates the header and footer sections with
+% lines. These may be eliminated using the commands |noHeadline|, |noFootline|,
+% |noLines| (for the letterhead page), and |noheadline|, |nofootline|,
+% |nolines| (for subsequent pages). These commands eliminate lines in either the
+% letterhead page or the non-letterhead page. Line widths may be set as
+% well, using the commands |Headlinewd| (sets head linewidth for
+% letterhead page), |headlinewd| (sets head linewidth for
+% non-letterhead page), |Footlinewd| (sets foot linewidth for
+% letterhead page), and |footlinewd| (sets foot linewidth for
+% non-letterhead page). These final four commands issued either in the
+% command line or in the |newlfmP| commands as:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \newlfmP{Headlinewd=.5pt,footlinewd=.75pt}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% If a line width is set to 0pt, the line is not printed.
+% \subsection{Printing information on additional pages}
+% In many letters, the letterhead page is to be followed by additional information
+% on additional, non-letterhead pages. This may be done using the
+% |\restlettera{text}|, |\restletterb{text}|, |\restletterc{text}|,
+% |\restletterd{text}|, and |\restlettere{text}|
+% commands. Following the issuance of the signature, a |\newpage| command is
+% issued, and the information contained in the
+% |\restlettera{text}|, |\restletterb{text}|, |\restletterc{text}|,
+% |\restletterd{text}|, and |\restlettere{text}| blocks are printed. These
+% need not be used sequentially.
+% These blocks must not have spaces. If paragraphs are to be used, use |\paragraph|
+% to force the new paragraph without an actual blank line. In addition, extra material
+% in each section is limited to a single page. The letterhead rules for the extra
+% pages follow the rules for the non-first page.
+% \subsection{Setting the date}
+% The date for the letter is set to be the date upon which the letter is
+% typeset. To change the date, use |\dateset{May 20, 1974}| (feel free
+% to use other dates as needed).
+% |\dateset{\today}| prints today's date.
+% \subsection{Language option definitions:}
+% \label{sec:othlang}
+% These options define the language for the letter. These macros are not
+% frequently manipulated. Basically, the strings defined here
+% set up the printing of structural elements of a memo or letter, such as
+% the ``From'' or ``To'' strings.
+% These terms are used at various points in printing letters and memos.
+% They are American terms; your mileage may vary. Inclusion of other
+% terms is encouraged, especially when another language group is served.
+% This may be done as follows:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item Change the letters ``am'' to either ``fr'' for French, ``gr'' for
+% German, ``en'' for English, ``ot'' for other or ``pl'' for pig-Latin. If
+% you feel that I have unfairly cast disrespect on your language, feel free
+% to add appropriate code in the section above for your language. Change
+% phrases in the following terms to the appropriate terms for the language
+% in question:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \newcommand{\@am@phr}{%
+% \renewcommand*{\@fax@cover@line}
+% {FAX Cover Page}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@fax@page@count}
+% {FAX Page Count}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@fax@phr}{FAX}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@pager@phr}{Pager}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@doc@phr}{Document}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@phn@phr}{Phone}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@email@phr}{E-mail}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@re@phr}{Re}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@subre@phr}
+% {\ensuremath{\mathrm{Re}_2}}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@cc@phr}{cc}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@ps@phr}{Ps}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@m@phr}{Message}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@pps@phr}{Pps}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@ppps@phr}{Ppps}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@encl@phr}{Encl}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@pager@phr}{Page}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@hnto@phr}{To}%
+% \renewcommand*{\@hnfr@phr}{From}%
+% }
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \item Use file |extracd.tex| to store the new commands. This file
+% should be placed in the same subdirectory as |newlfm.cls|. When the
+% program executes, it includes the file if it is found.
+% \item Use the appropriate option to include the correct code.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \subsection{Printing the address information}
+% The |newlfm| package prints a variety of address \info{} in
+% specific ways which are appropriate and standard for letters. In some
+% cases, you may wish to print other \info{} from the addresses in more
+% flexible ways. For this purpose, certain printing macros are defined.
+% These are shown in \tabr{printcom}.
+% \tabsetx{4}{Printing address information}{printcom}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{lllll}
+% \hline
+% Select & Command & Item & Command & Item \\ \hline
+% ``To'' & |\printnameto| & Name &
+% |\printaddrto| & address \\
+% & |\printphoneto| & phone &
+% |\printphoneato| & phone A \\
+% & |\printphonebto| & phone B &
+% |\printphonecto| & phone C \\
+% & |\printphonedto| & phone D &
+% |\printphoneoto| & phone O \\
+% & |\printphonehto| & phone H &
+% |\printpagerto| & pager \\
+% & |\printfaxto| & FAX &
+% |\printgreetto| & greeting \\
+% & |\printemailto| & email &
+% |\printemailbto| & email \\
+% & |\printemailcto| & email C &
+% |\printlnameto| & last name \\
+% |\printfnameto| & first name \\
+% ``From'' & |\printnamefrom| & name &
+% |\printaddrfrom| & address \\
+% & |\printphonefrom| & phone &
+% |\printphoneafrom| & phone A \\
+% & |\printphonebfrom| & phone B &
+% |\printphonecfrom| & phone C\ \\
+% & |\printphonedfrom| & phone D &
+% |\printphoneofrom| & phone O \\
+% & |\printphonehfrom| & phone H &
+% |\printpagerfrom| & pager \\
+% & |\printfaxfrom| & FAX &
+% |\printgreetfrom| & greet \\ing
+% & |\printemailfrom| & email &
+% |\printemailbfrom| & email \\
+% & |\printemailcfrom| & email C &
+% |\printlnamefrom| & last name \\
+% & |\printfnamefrom| & first name \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% These commands can be issued in any letter to print the \info{} for the
+% particular address component.
+% \subsection{Cellophane-window envelopes}
+% Letters are sometimes set up to be printed for a cellophane-window
+% envelope. Using this approach, the ``to-address'' must be placed into
+% a specific orientation. In |newlfm|, this is particularily
+% challenging, as the class attempts to grant users great flexibility.
+% In |newlfm|, users can specify the use of a cellophane-window
+% envelope. The |cellowindow| option specifies this choice. The
+% ``to-address'' block is positioned down from the top (using |cellodown|
+% to specify the length down; default = 2.5 inches) and left from the side (using |celloleft|
+% to specify the length from the left; default = 1 inch). If the user specifies the
+% printing of a ``from-address'' and a date, it may not be possible to
+% print the ``to-address'' in the correct location; in this case, the
+% user should carefully examine the log and the output screen to
+% determine if the specified locations can be used in the context of
+% other options.
+% The user can also specify the height and width of the ``to-address''
+% block as |cellowidth| (default = 4 inches) and |celloheight| (default =
+% 1 inch).
+% \subsection{Examples}
+% |newlfm| includes a large number of examples specified as |test1.tex|
+% through |test12.tex|. These examples all specify their options using
+% the |newlfmP| mechanism. Each file is also set up using the
+% |\documentclass| specification, on |test1alt.tex| through
+% |test8alt.tex|. When preparing examples, both |pdflatex| and |latex| are
+% both used to prepare examples.
+% \newcommand{\pdfLaTeX}{\texttt{pdf}\LaTeX}
+% \subsection{\LaTeX\ vs. \pdfLaTeX}
+% \pdfLaTeX\ is becoming more and more common in document production in
+% the \TeX\ family. It is not the standard yet, and there remain tools
+% which work only in the \LaTeX\ system (i.e., |pstricks|).
+% The author uses |.eps| files, constructed to ensure that the bounding
+% box accurately encapsulates the active text area of the |.eps| figure.
+% Each of the figures was then converted to |.pdf| encoding using
+% |GSview|. However, the bounding box in the |.pdf| files does not seem
+% to act to crop the image in the same manner. Using the same code for
+% both \pdfLaTeX\ and \LaTeX\ processing does not result in the same
+% appearance of the output page.
+% For this reason, functionality of H. Oberdiek's |ifpdf.sty| file is
+% included in |newlfm|. This tool allows one option to be performed
+% when \pdfLaTeX is used for processing, and another option to be
+% executed in the \LaTeX\ environment. Use of this tool is illustrated in the
+% |letrinfo.tex| file included in the |newlfm| package.
+% Here is an example:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \newsavebox{\Lpalme}%
+% \ifpdf
+% \savebox{\Lpalme}{\parbox[t][1in][t]{2in}%
+% {\includegraphics[scale=.1,viewport=135 624 360 700]{palm}\vspace{.5in} \\
+% \rule{2in}{2pt} \\
+% 25 Signal Hill Blvd}
+% }
+% \else
+% \savebox{\Lpalme}{\parbox[t]{2in}%
+% {\includegraphics[scale=.1]{palm} \\
+% \rule{2in}{2pt} \\
+% 25 Signal Hill Blvd}
+% }
+% \fi
+% \end{verbatim}
+% Note that the |\ifpdf| construction includes the entire |\savebox|
+% specification. Although this is not the only manner in which this
+% system will work, it is a reliable method. Problems can be found,
+% which are very hard to diagnose, when the |\ifpdf-\fi| construction is
+% used to control processing of portions of a specification.
+% \subsection{Usage tips}
+% As with any complex program, there are certain tips which can enhance
+% the use of the program. Here are several. If you come up with new
+% ones, please forward them to {\tt}; complete
+% files demonstrating useful ideas are the most helpful.
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item |geometry| is no longer used for dimension setting. Rather, all
+% dimensions are set internally. This is done using a combination of
+% default values, header and footer sizes and values input from the user.
+% These include primarily the page size commands |leftmarginsize|,
+% |textwidthsize| and |rightmarginsize|.
+% \item When size commands are used, they will be overridden by structures.
+% Additionally, dimensional commands are applied in order. Inconsistencies
+% are resolved by attending to the most recent commands, and ignoring
+% earlier inconsistent ones.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \newpage
+% \section{Command Summary}
+% \label{sec:summ}
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \documentstyle[options]{newlfm}
+% \topmarginsize{.25in} \addrfrom{Paul A. Thompson}
+% \adr{PAT}
+% \NewlfmP{leftmarginsize=1.25in}
+% \begin{document}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% text text text
+% \end{newlfm}
+% \end{document}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \vspace*{-.125in}
+% \begin{raggedright}
+% \begin{description}
+% \item \textbf{Letter styles:} |stdletter|, |stdletternofrom|, |busletter|,
+% |busletternofrom|
+% (\tabpagr{letteropt})
+% \item \textbf{Letter options:} |noaddrfrom|, |printallfrom|, |printallto|,
+% |dateright|, |dateleft|, |datecenter|, |sigright|,
+% |sigleft|, |sigcenter|, |addrtoemail|, |addrtophone|, |addrtofax|,
+% |addrfromemail|, |addrfromphone|, |addrfromfax|
+% (\tabpagr{letteropt} --- can be specified
+% either in the document-header option block or in the
+% |\newlfmP| command)
+% \item \textbf{Letter date information:} |\dateset|
+% \item \textbf{Back-ground information:} |\Background|, |\background|
+% \item \textbf{Memo styles:} |stdmemo|, |fullmemo| (\tabpagr{memoopt})
+% \item \textbf{Memo options:} |memoaddrto|, |memoemailto|, |memophoneto|,
+% |memofaxto|, |memoaddrfrom|, |memoemailfrom|, |memophonefrom|,
+% |memofaxfrom|, |memopagerto|, |memopagerfrom| (\tabpagr{memoopt} --- can be specified
+% either in the letter |\documentclass| option block or in the
+% |\newlfmP| command)
+% \item {\bf{FAX styles:}} |faxheaderpage|, |faxhba|, |faxhbb| (\tabpagr{faxopt})
+% \item {\bf{FAX options:}} |faxblocka|, |faxblockb| (\tabpagr{faxopt} --- can be specified
+% either in the letter |\documentclass| option block or in the
+% |\newlfmP| command)
+% \item {{\bf Press Release Styles:}} |stdpressrelease|%
+% \item {{\bf Press Release Options:}} |dspace|,|sspace|%
+% \item {{\bf Cellophane-window envelopes:}} |cellowindow|%
+% \item {{\bf Cellophane-window options:}} |cellodown|,|celloleft|,|cellowidth|,|celloheight|
+% \item {\bf{Address item order options:}} |orderdatefromto|,
+% |orderfromdateto|, |orderfromtodate| (can be specified
+% either in the document-header option block or in the
+% |\newlfmP| command)
+% \item {\textbf{\texttt{envlab} options:}} |useenvlab|
+% \item {\bf{To-Address commands:}} |\nameto|, |\addressto|, |\phoneto|,
+% |\phonebto|, |\phonecto|, |\phonedto|, |\faxto|, |\emailto|, |\greetto|,
+% |\setadrto{\adrXXX}|, |\setadrto{\fixadr{XXX}}| |\regarding|,
+% |\fnameto|, |\lnameto|, |\addrt|,
+% \item {\bf{From-Address commands:}} |\namefrom|, |\name|, |\address|,
+% |\addrfrom|, |\phone|, |\phonefrom|, |\phonebfrom|, |\phonecfrom|,
+% |\phonedfrom|, |\fax|, |\faxfrom|, |\emailfrom|,
+% |\setadrfr{\adrXXX}|, |\setadrfr{\fixadr{XXX}}|, |\fnamefrom|, |\lnamefrom|, |\addrf|
+% \item {{\bf Press Release commands:}} |\byline|, |\headline|,
+% |\release|, |\shorthead|
+% \item {\bf{End of letter commands:}} |\cclist|, |\encllist|, |\initials|,
+% |\faxmssg|, |\psitem|, |\ppsitem|, |\pppsitem|, |\re|, |\subre|
+% (\tabpagr{eolc})
+% \item {\bf{Signature commands:}} |\signature|, |\signame|, |\siglist|, |\sigacross|,
+% |\closeline|, |\sigtr|
+% (\tabpagr{sigsc})
+% \item {\bf{Horizontal spacing and sizing commands:}}
+% |\unprleft|, |\leftmarginskipleft|, |\leftmarginsize|,
+% |\leftmarginskipright|, |\textwidth|, |\rightmarginsize|,
+% |\unprright|, |MinLeft|, |MinRight|, |minleft|, |minright|
+% (\tabpagr{spacehor} --- can be specified
+% either in the letter itself or in the
+% |\newlfmP| command; when specified in the NewlfmP statement, they are
+% specified without the ``|\|'')
+% \item {\bf{Vertical spacing and sizing commands:}}
+% |\unprtop|, |\topmarginskip|, |\headermarginsize|, |\headermarginskip|,
+% |\leftmargintopdist|, |\rightmargintopdist|, |\memoskipbefore|, |\memoskipafter|,
+% |\dateskipbefore|, |\dateskipafter|, |\addrfromskipbefore|,
+% |\addrfromskipafter|, |\addrtoskipbefore|, |\addrtoskipafter|,
+% |\greettoskipbefore|, |\greettoskipafter|, |\textheight|,
+% |\closeskipbefore|, |\closeskipafter|,
+% |\sigskipbefore|, |\sigsize|, |\sigskipafter|,|\sigskipcolumn|,
+% |\sigskiprow|, |\postsigskipbefore|,
+% |\postsigskipafter|, |\bottommarginskip|, |\footermarginsize|,
+% |\unprbottom|, |MinHead|, |MinFoot|, |minhead|, |minfoot|
+% (\tabpagr{spacever} --- can be specified
+% either in the letter itself or in the
+% |\newlfmP| command; when specified in the NewlfmP statement, they are
+% specified without the ``|\|'')
+% \item {\bf{Wrapper commands:}} |\makeaddress{XXX}{xxx info}| creates a
+% command |\adrXXX| containing the ``xxx info'',
+% |\makeletterhead{XXX}{stuff}| creates a command |\lthXXX| containing
+% ``stuff'' and |\makesignature{XXX}{sigstuff}|
+% creates a command |\sigXXX| with ``sigstuff'' (\pagex{wrapc}).
+% \item {\bf{Form letters:}}
+% |\letterbody| sets the body of a form letter, while |\doletter{zz}|
+% prints the letter, |zz| is any command to be issued before the
+% letter, which will usually be a wrapper command name.
+% \item {\bf{Letterhead commands:}} |\Lfooter|, |\Cfooter|, |\Rfooter|,
+% |\Lheader|, |\Cheader|, |\Rheader|, |\Lmargin|, |\Rmargin|,
+% |\lfooter|, |\cfooter|, |\rfooter|, |\lheader|, |\cheader|,
+% |\rheader|, |\lmargin|, |\rmargin|, |\letrh| (\tabpagr{letterhopt})
+% \item {\bf{Blanking options:}} |blankheader|, |blankfooter|,
+% |blankrmargin|, |blanklmargin|, |Blankheader|, |Blankfooter|,
+% |Blankrmargin|, |Blanklmargin|, |blankall|, |Blankall|,
+% |Blank| (\tabpagr{blankopt})
+% \item Extended letters: |\restlettera{text}|, |\restletterb{text}|,
+% |\restletterc{text}|, |\restletterd{text}|, and |\restlettere{text}| prints
+% additional pages after the signature with additional information.
+% \item {\textbf{Printing commands:}} |\printnameto|, |\printaddrto|,
+% |\printphoneto|, |\printphoneato|, |\printphonebto|, |\printphonecto|,
+% |\printphonedto|, |\printphoneoto|, |\printphonehto|, |\printpagerto|,
+% |\printfaxto|, |\printgreetto|, |\printemailto|, |\printemailbto|,
+% |\printemailcto|, |\printlnameto|, |\printfnameto|, |\printnamefrom|,
+% |\printaddrfrom|, |\printphonefrom|, |\printphoneafrom|,
+% |\printphonebfrom|, |\printphonecfrom|, |\printphonedfrom|,
+% |\printphoneofrom|, |\printphonehfrom|, |\printpagerfrom|,
+% |\printfaxfrom|, |\printgreetfrom|, |\printemailfrom|,
+% |\printemailbfrom|, |\printemailcfrom|, |\printlnamefrom|,
+% |\printfnamefrom| (\tabpagr{printcom})
+% \end{description}
+% \end{raggedright}
+% \newpage
+% \StopEventually
+% \section{Code}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Preliminaries}
+% In this part we define a few commands that are used later on.
+% These commands are used for printing control during debugging.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A number of packages are needed by this approach to letter construction.
+% These are entered here. These packages include the following:
+% \begin{itemize*}
+% \item |keyval|: Read in key values from a single or multiple lines
+% \item |ifthen|: Good control over conditional logic --- this actually
+% was included above so that the boolean constructions
+% can be used during the class file
+% \item |setdim|: Sets page dimensions -- similar to |chngpage|
+% \item |fancyhdr|: Control over header and footer, and several structures
+% at one time
+% \item |envlab|: Prints envelopes and labels in flexible ways
+% \item |calc|: Better arithmatic in the program
+% \item |graphicx|: External handling of graphical \info
+% \end{itemize*}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ClassError{newlfm}{Version of fancyhdr.sty is not current. \MessageBreak Please obtain%
+ a recent copy of fancyhdr.sty (Version 1.99d or later) from CTAN.} {Go to CTAN and%
+ download the current version of fancyhdr.sty}}{}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \paragraph{\texttt{newlength} definitions:}
+% Begin by defining all newlength commands here, and then additionally set the
+% lengths for all those which need initialization:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{newlength done}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \paragraph{\texttt{newsavebox} definitions:}
+% Define all newsavebox commands here:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{newsavebox done}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \paragraph{\texttt{newcounter} definitions:}
+% Define all newcounter commands here:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{newcount done}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \paragraph{\texttt{newboolean} definitions:}
+% Boolean variables are defined here. Package |ifthen| defines
+% |\newboolean|. Booleans are a good approach for simple decision-making support. In
+% many cases, a default value is set after the boolean is declared.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{newboolean done}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{newlfm commands}
+% Now begin defining new commands.
+% \paragraph{Ordering of date, from-address and to-address:}
+% These commands allow the ordering of date, to-block and from-block:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \paragraph{\texttt{keyval} processing:} When using the |keyval|
+% approach to option specification, something similar to the next code
+% must be used. At this point, this is not 100 \% correct, and so it
+% will be altered as soon as I can figger it out.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{Done with key definitions sections}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \paragraph{Language option definitions:}
+% These options define the language for the letter. These macros are not
+% frequently manipulated. Basically, the strings defined here
+% set up the printing of structural elements of a memo or letter, such as
+% the ``From'' or ``To'' strings.
+% These terms are used at various points in printing letters and memos.
+% They are American terms; your mileage may vary. Inclusion of other
+% terms is encouraged, especially when another language group is served.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{Done with phr defs}%
+\PhrFAXcovp{FAX Cover Page}%
+\PhrFAXpgcnt{FAX Page Count}%
+\PhrRelease{For Immediate Release}%
+\PhrMore{--- more ---}%
+\PhrPRend{\# \# \#}%
+{\typeout{Reading alternative macro definitions from extracd.tex}}%
+{\typeout{All language information must be in newlfm.cls}}%
+{\def\@def@l{french}\setboolean{@l@fr}{true} \@fr@phr}%
+{\iffixq{#1}{\def\@def@l{french}\setboolean{@l@fr}{true} \@fr@phr}}%
+\DeclareOption{german}{\def\@def@l{german}\setboolean{@l@ge}{true} \@gr@phr}%
+{\iffixq{#1}{\def\@def@l{german}\setboolean{@l@ge}{true} \@gr@phr}}%
+{\def\@def@l{american}\setboolean{@l@am}{true} \@am@phr}%
+{\iffixq{#1}{\def\@def@l{american}\setboolean{@l@am}{true} \@am@phr}}%
+{\def\@def@l{english}\setboolean{@l@en}{true} \@en@phr}%
+{\iffixq{#1}{\def\@def@l{english}\setboolean{@l@en}{true} \@en@phr}}%
+{\renewco@lgnd{\@def@l}{othlang}\setboolean{@l@ot}{true} \@ot@phr}%
+{\iffixq{#1}{\def\@def@l{othlang}\setboolean{@l@ot}{true} \@ot@phr}}%
+{\def\@def@l{piglatin}\setboolean{@l@pi}{true} \@pl@phr}%
+{\iffixq{#1}{\def\@def@l{piglatin}\setboolean{@l@pi}{true} \@pl@phr}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{Lengths}
+% Length definitions are set up here. This is done by setting options mostly.
+% These commands are either internal (begin with |@|) or user-optional (do
+% not begin with |@|). User-optional commands are defined in the text
+% above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\define@key{ov}{postsigskipafter}{\setlength{\@post@sig@sp@a}{#1}}% %
+\define@key{ov}{postsigskipbefore}{\setlength{\@post@sig@sp@b}{#1}}% %
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{Memos}
+% Memo definitions are set up here. This is done by setting options
+% (for the options block in the |\documentclass| statement) or by
+% entering them into the |MemoParam| statement.
+% In the current approach to |newlfm|, both keyval and class option
+% approaches are maintained for all commands. This requires that all
+% options be processed both using |DeclareOption| and |define@key|
+% approaches. This, at this point, does require simply duplication of
+% the code required to be processed.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{Press Releases}
+% Press release definitions are set up here.
+% Currently, there are no options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{Faxes}
+% These commands define the overall structures for
+% fax pages, fax blocks and fax choices.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareOption{faxhba}% Print fax header block on leader in right top-margin.
+\define@key{ov}{faxhba}[true]% Print fax header block on leader in right top-margin.
+\DeclareOption{faxhbb}% Print fax header block - leader - upper right quad letter
+\DeclareOption{faxbla}% Print FAX block in \Rheader
+\DeclareOption{faxblocka}%Print FAX block in \Rheader
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{Letters}
+% Letter definitions. These commands define the overall structures for
+% standard letters (with and without from-addresses). There are commands
+% for blanking of sections (blankrightmargin, etc.). There are commands
+% for ordering of sections. There are commands for inclusion of various
+% types of information.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{In @opt@slr}%
+\txa{In @opt@sln}%
+\DeclareOption{stdletternofrom} {\@opt@sln}%
+\txa{In @opt@blr}%
+\DeclareOption{busletter} {\@opt@blr}%
+\txa{In @opt@bln}%
+\DeclareOption{busletternofrom} {\@opt@bln}%
+\DeclareOption{addrfromleft} {\setboolean{@addr@fr@l}{true}}%
+\DeclareOption{addrtoleft} {\setboolean{@addr@to@l}{true}}%
+\DeclareOption{addrtoright} {\setboolean{@addr@to@l}{false}}%
+\DeclareOption{addrtoemail} {\setboolean{@addr@to@e}{true}}%
+\DeclareOption{addrtophone} {\setboolean{@addr@to@t}{true}}%
+\DeclareOption{addrtofax} {\setboolean{@addr@to@f}{true}}%
+\DeclareOption{addrfromfax} {\setboolean{@addr@fr@f}{true}}%
+ \setboolean{@set@env}{true}\setboolean{@use@envlab}{false} \def\@tab@just{rrr}\labpl{10.125in}%
+ \setcounter{@lab@tot@row}{10} \setcounter{@lab@tot@col}{3} \btwlb{5pt}%
+ \boxht{67pt} \boxwd{174pt} \topht{38pt} \lftwd{-77pt} \setlength{\@Hgt@Foot}{0pt}}%
+ \setboolean{@set@env}{true}\setboolean{@use@envlab}{false} \def\@tab@just{rr}\labpl{10.125in}%
+ \setcounter{@lab@tot@row}{10} \setcounter{@lab@tot@col}{2} \btwlb{8pt}%
+ \boxht{67pt} \boxwd{274pt} \topht{37pt} \lftwd{-80pt} \setlength{\@Hgt@Foot}{0pt}}%
+ \setboolean{@set@env}{true}\setboolean{@use@envlab}{false} \def\@tab@just{rr}\labpl{9.5in}%
+ \setcounter{@lab@tot@row}{7} \setcounter{@lab@tot@col}{2} \btwlb{8pt}%
+ \boxht{93pt} \boxwd{274pt} \topht{62pt} \lftwd{-80pt} \setlength{\@Hgt@Foot}{0pt}}%
+ \setboolean{@set@env}{true}\setboolean{@use@envlab}{false} \def\@tab@just{rr}\labpl{10.125in}%
+ \setcounter{@lab@tot@row}{5} \setcounter{@lab@tot@col}{2} \btwlb{8pt}%
+ \boxht{139pt} \boxwd{274pt} \topht{38pt} \lftwd{-80pt} \setlength{\@Hgt@Foot}{0pt}}%
+ \setboolean{@set@env}{true}\setboolean{@use@envlab}{false} \def\@tab@just{rr}\labpl{10.125in}%
+ \setcounter{@lab@tot@row}{3} \setcounter{@lab@tot@col}{2} \btwlb{8pt}%
+ \boxht{232pt} \boxwd{274pt} \topht{38pt} \lftwd{-80pt} \setlength{\@Hgt@Foot}{0pt}}%
+% Set right block flush top page
+% Set the marginal gap 20p
+% Do not print from-address.
+% Do not print to-address.
+% Do not print greeting
+% Use cello envelope
+% Cello dimensions
+% Cello placement
+% Print date right-justified
+% Print date left-justified
+% Print date centered
+% Do not print date
+% Print date
+% Print signature left-justified
+\DeclareOption{signatureleft}{\txa{DO fsignl}\setsigl}%
+\define@key{ov}{signatureleft}[true]{\iffixq{#1}{\txa{DK fsignl}\setsigl}}%
+\def\signatureleft#1{\txa{SO fsignl}\setsigl}%
+\DeclareOption{sigleft}{\txa{DO asignl}\setsigl}%
+\define@key{ov}{sigleft}[true]{\iffixq{#1}{\txa{DK asignl}\setsigl}}%
+\def\sigleft#1{\txa{SO asignl}\setsigl}%
+% Print signature centered
+\DeclareOption{signaturecenter}{\txa{DO fsignc}\setsigc}%
+\define@key{ov}{signaturecenter}[true]{\iffixq{#1}{\txa{DK fsignc}\setsigc}}%
+\def\signaturecenter#1{\txa{SO fsignc}\setsigc}%
+\DeclareOption{sigcenter}{\txa{DO asignc}\setsigc}%
+\define@key{ov}{sigcenter}[true]{\iffixq{#1}{\txa{DK asignc}\setsigc}}%
+\def\sigcenter#1{\txa{SO asignc}\setsigc}%
+% Print signature right-justified
+\DeclareOption{signatureright}{\txa{DO fsignr}\setsigr}%
+\define@key{ov}{signatureright}[true]{\iffixq{#1}{\txa{DK fsignr}\setsigr}}%
+\def\signatureright#1{\txa{SO fsignr}\setsigr}%
+\DeclareOption{sigright}{\txa{DO asignr}\setsigr}%
+\define@key{ov}{sigright}[true]{\iffixq{#1}{\txa{DK asignr}\setsigr}}%
+\def\sigright#1{\txa{SO asignr}\setsigr}%
+% No signature
+% Print all fr \info.
+% Print all fr \info.
+% Print all to \info.
+% Set header components to blank
+% Set footer components to blank
+% Set left margin components to blank
+% Set right margin components to blank
+% Set all components to blank
+\DeclareOption{BlankTotal}% Fixed
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Executing Options}
+% Here we execute the default options to initialize certain variables.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\ProcessOptions| command causes the execution of the code for every
+% option \Lopt{foo} which is declared and for which the
+% user typed the \Lopt{foo} option in his |\documentclass| command.
+% For every option \Lopt{bar} he typed, which is not declared, the
+% option is assumed to be a global option. All options will be
+% passed as document options to any |\usepackage| command in the
+% document preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{showdim}
+% This is here for debugging only.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{ * * * }%
+\txa{Dimensions: #1}%
+% \printinunitsof{in}\pagevalues%
+\txa{\string\headheight: \the\headheight, \string\headsep: \the\headsep}%
+\txa{\string\paperheight: \the\paperheight, \string\paperwidth: \the\paperwidth}%
+\txa{\string\textheight: \the\textheight, \string\textwidth: \the\textwidth}
+\txa{\string\@colht: \the\@colht, \string\@colroom: \the\@colroom}%
+\txa{\string\vsize: \the\vsize, \string\columnwidth: \the\columnwidth}%
+\txa{\string\hsize: \the\hsize, \string\linewidth: \the\linewidth}%
+\txa{\string\evensidemargin: \the\evensidemargin, \string\footskip: \the\footskip}%
+\txa{\string\oddsidemargin: \the\oddsidemargin, \string\columnsep: \the\columnsep}%
+\txa{\string\topmargin: \the\topmargin}%
+\txa{\string\marginparpush: \the\marginparpush, \string\marginparsep: \the\marginparsep}%
+\txa{ * * * }%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Now that all the options have been executed we can load the
+% existing copy of letter.cls. This will ensure that the various
+% constructions which work in letters (|\begin{letter}|, etc.) will
+% continue to work in the class. The |newlfm.cls| class adds the
+% environment |newlfm|, which adds a number of new commands to the
+% |letter| class, but does not remove any |letter| class commands.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\showdim{Before LoadClass}%
+\showdim{Before addrset}%
+\showdim{After LoadClass}%
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% Some of the page layout parameters are defined here. Many of the values%
+% for the page layout parameters are set in geometry below. In setting the%
+% values here, we expect that geometry will override a large number of the%
+% values. However, the values must be assigned {\it a prior}.%
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+\skip\@mpfootins = \skip\footins%
+\providecommand{\geometry}{ }%
+\def\geometry#1{\typeout{Command \string\geometry{items} no longer supported.}%
+\typeout{newlfm supports several dimensional commands. Please check the manual for detail.}%
+\hrule \@width .4\columnwidth%
+\kern .6\p@}%
+\noindent \hangindent 5\p@%
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% \begin{macro}{table,figure}
+% Standard \LaTeX\ constructions |table| and |figure|
+% are not defined in |letter|. They are added here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\providecommand{\tablename}{} \renewcommand{\tablename}{Table}%
+\vskip\@caption@skip@above\sbox\@tempboxa{#1: #2}%
+\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize%
+#1: #2\par%
+\else\global \@minipagefalse%
+\newcommand{\section}[1]{{\Large {\bfseries #1}}}%
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% \end{macro}%
+% \begin{macro}{Date and time macros}
+% These functions all use various system indicators of time and date to
+% furnish a time or date value to go on faxes and letters.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\monthname{% timestamp function
+\or January\or February\or March\or April \or May\or June%
+\or July\or August\or September\or October \or November\or December%
+\count0 = \time \divide\count0 by 60%
+\count2 = \count0 % the hour%
+\count4 = \time \multiply\count0 by 60%
+\advance\count4 by -\count0% the minute%
+\ifnum\count4<10 \toks1 = {0} \else \toks1 = {}\fi%
+\ifnum\count2<12 \toks0 = {A.M.}%
+\else \toks0 = {P.M.}\advance\count2 by -12\fi%
+\ifnum\count2=0 \count2 = 12 \fi % make midnight 12%
+{\number\count2:\the\toks1 \number\count4%
+\thinspace \the\toks0}%
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% \end{macro}%
+% \begin{macro}{Rules}%
+% These macros set up the width of rules. They also determine whether they are printed.%
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% \end{macro}%
+% \subsection{{\tt fancyhdr} in {\tt newlfm}} %
+% Using fancyhdr (version 1.2v or later), the |ltrhead| and |othhead| environments %
+% are set up. The user actually does not control the \info{} using the %
+% standard macros, but rather uses Lfooter for the left footer on the %
+% letterhead and lfooter for the left footer on remaining pages. Thus, the %
+% \info{} is transfered around in a simple manner. %
+% \begin{macro}{ltrhead}%
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+\txa{Before setting up letterhead}%
+\txa{Current stored info: \string\@ltr@h:\@ltr@h}%
+\fancyhead[L]{\@Lheader \vspace*{\the\@marg@tp@a}}%
+\fancyhead[C]{\@Cheader \vspace*{\the\@marg@tp@a}}%
+\fancyhead[R]{\@Rheader \vspace*{\the\@marg@tp@a}}%
+% \ifempty{\@LUheader}{}{\vspace*{-.5in}\@LUheader \vspace*{.5in}}%
+% }% % section 2 goes here if we go to plan b%
+% \ifempty{\@RUheader}{}{}%
+% }%
+% \@set@em@up%
+% \settoheight{\@utila}{\@Rheader}\settodepth{\@utilb}{\@Rheader}\addtolength{\@utila}{\@utilb}%
+% \txa{Right: \the\@utila}%
+% \settoheight{\@utila}{\@Lheader}\settodepth{\@utilb}{\@Lheader}\addtolength{\@utila}{\@utilb}%
+% \txa{Left: \the\@utila}%
+% \settoheight{\@utila}{\@Cheader}\settodepth{\@utilb}{\@Cheader}\addtolength{\@utila}{\@utilb}%
+% \txa{Center: \the\@utila}%
+\txa{After setting up letterhead}%
+% \end{macrocode}%
+% \end{macro}%
+% \begin{macro}{othhead}%
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+\fancyhead[L]{\@lheader \vspace*{\the\@marg@tp@a}}%
+\fancyhead[R]{\@rheader \vspace*{\the\@marg@tp@a}}%
+\fancyhead[C]{\@cheader \vspace*{\the\@marg@tp@a}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}%
+% \subsection{Wrapper code}
+% \begin{macro}{makelth}
+% In order to use the program more efficiently, it is possible to set up a
+% database with addresses, letterhead setups and signature setups in it.
+% Rather than address placing \info{} about each letter in the letter
+% in the letter itself, \info{} is placed in the letter database file
+% and inserted into a letter using the wrapper.
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item The file is called |letrinfo.tex|.
+% \item The file is placed somewhere on the \TeX{} path.
+% \item In this file, place all addresses, letterhead setups and signature
+% setups as follows:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item In file |letrinfo.tex|, set up a command
+% |\makelth|{XXX}{ stuff for the letter head}
+% \item This makes a macro out of the stuff, with the name |\lthXXX|
+% \item Issue the command |\lthXXX| prior to the start of the environment
+% \item The letterhead structure will then be used in the letter in which
+% it is called
+% \item The following commands are generally included in a letterhead
+% environment: lfooter, cfooter, rfooter, lheader, cheader, rheader,
+% Lfooter, Cfooter, Rfooter, Lheader, Cheader, Rheader, lmargin,
+% rmargin, Lmargin, Rmargin
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{\string\textheight: #1}\txa{\string\textwidth: #2}%
+\txa{\string\textheight: #1}\txa{\string\textwidth: #2}%
+\advance\columnwidth-\columnsep \divide\columnwidth\tw@%
+\advance\columnwidth-\columnsep \divide\columnwidth\tw@%
+\showdim{Setpage A}%
+\txa{In setpage: \npind}%
+\showdim{Setpage A}%
+\txa{In setpage: \npind}%
+\showdim{Setpage A}%
+\txa{In setpage: \npind}%
+\showdim{Setpage B}%
+\showdim{Setpage A}%
+\txa{In setpage: \npind}%
+\showdim{Setpage B}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\makeletterhead#1#2{\expandafter\newcommand\csname lth#1\endcsname{#2}}%
+\def\makelth#1#2{\expandafter\newcommand\csname lth#1\endcsname{#2}}%
+\def\makesignature#1#2{\expandafter\newcommand\csname sig#1\endcsname{#2}}%
+\def\makesig#1#2{\expandafter\newcommand\csname sig#1\endcsname{#2}}%
+\def\makeadr#1#2{\expandafter\newcommand\csname adr#1\endcsname{#2}}%
+\def\makeaddress#1#2{\expandafter\newcommand\csname adr#1\endcsname{#2}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Text placement}
+% \begin{macro}{Letterhead}
+% This suite of macro inserts text into a specified place for the |fancyhdr|
+% to use. This is then later transfered into the footer of the
+% letterhead page, right side. The remaining macros also do this, as
+% follows. r, c, l: right, center, left. Header: top of page. Footer:
+% bottom of page. Capitalized: on letterhead page. Non-capitalized: on
+% remaining pages.
+% In placing \info{} on the letterhead page, special constructions
+% allow placement {\it under} the top margin and {\it over} the footer
+% area. These are the macros |\LOfooter|, |\COfooter|, |\ROfooter|,
+% |\LUheader|, |\CUheader| and |\RUheader|. In the case of |\LOfooter|,
+% |\COfooter| and |\ROfooter|, the boxed \info{} is placed over the
+% related footer section, which includes lying over the footer line (if
+% printed). In the case of |\LUheader|, |\CUheader| and |\RUheader|, the
+% boxed \info{} is placed under the related header section, which
+% includes lying under the header line (if printed). When any of these
+% special purpose sections are used, text length is adjusted as needed.
+% ({\bfseries NOTE:} Although this is under development, these commands are
+% not yet functional.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Memo blocks}
+% \begin{macro}{\Prnt@Chk}
+% This is a conditional printing macro. The arguments are
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item true: print the remainder of this item.
+% \item true: print to the left.
+% \item true: print centered. If 2) and 3) false, print to the right.
+% \item material to print.
+% \item material or other tokens to evaluate after the previous item is aligned.
+% \item vertical space above the item.
+% \item vertical space after the item.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{#1}}{\ifempty{#6}{}{%
+ \vspace*{-2\parskip}\vspace*{#6}}}{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{#1}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\boolean{#2}}{\begin{flushleft}{#4}\end{flushleft}}%
+ {\ifthenelse{\boolean{#3}}%
+ {\begin{center}{#4}\end{center}}%
+ {\begin{flushright}{#4}\end{flushright}}}%
+ }{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{#1}}{#5}{}%
+ \ifthenelse{\boolean{#1}}{\ifempty{#7}{}%
+ {\vspace*{-2\parskip}\vspace*{#7}}}{}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\memosec}
+% \label{page:memosec}
+% This section defines the text used in printing a normal memo.
+% This will go at the top of the text block.
+% If the user intends to modify the |\memosec| code to provide their
+% own memo, the code in |smemosec.tex| should be modified. Save
+% this as file |memosec.tex|, with any desired modification.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand{\fixphr}[2]{\strut & \parbox[t]{\the\@utilc}{#1} #2 \\}%
+\def\ifta{0}\txa{Start of memosec}%
+\settowidth{\@utila}{{\bf \@hnfr@phr:\hspace*{1.25em}}}%
+\txa{After length tests}%
+\strut {\bf \@hnto@phr:} & \@name@to \strut \\%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@memo@b}}{\strut &%
+\strut {\bf \@hnfr@phr:} &{\@name@fr} \strut \\%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@memo@h}}{\strut &%
+\parbox[t]{\the\@utilb}{\@addr@fr \strut} \strut \\}{}%
+\strut {\bf \@re@phr:} & {\@re@line} \\%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@dt@p}}{\strut {\bf \@date@phr:} & \@xdate \\}{}%
+\txa{End of memosec}
+{\typeout{Reading {\tt memosec.tex}}}%
+{\typeout{The default definition for memosec is used. File memosec.tex doesn't exist.}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Press Release blocks}
+% \begin{macro}{\pressbegin}
+% \label{page:pressbegin}
+% This section defines the text used in printing a normal press release.
+% This will go at the top of the text block. It also sets up
+% appropriate page headers and turns off header and footer lines.
+% |\nolines| seemingly should disable header and footer lines, but
+% it only takes effect via |\@set@em@up|, which is only used if
+% |@ov@a| is true. It's not in this case. That might be a
+% problem with the implementation of |\nolines|. It would be good
+% if the redefinition of the line width only persisted within a
+% give lfmp environment. It's not clear that is the case.
+% We want |\@more@phr| (usually ``-- more --'') to appear on the
+% bottom of every page but the last. Because the output routine may
+% be triggered when we're already into the next page, the best way to
+% handle this is with the marking mechanism. The left mark gets the
+% {\em last\/} such mark given, while the right mark uses the first
+% right mark on the page. So we use the left mark to set the footer.
+% In principle, we might use the right mark for the short header used
+% on later pages, but the existing distinction between the first and
+% other pages already handles that.
+% There are a lot of hard-coded distances here; eventually they
+% should perhaps be generalized.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand{\pressbegin}{%maybe set dimensions, esp 1 inch margins, here
+\txa{Setup beginning of press release}%
+\rule{\textwidth}{1pt} \par \noindent%
+\centerline{\LARGE \@pr@release \strut} \par\noindent%
+\rule{\textwidth}{1pt} \par \noindent
+\txa{After first block}
+\textbf{\@contact@phr:} & \@name@fr \strut \\%
+& \parbox[t]{\@utila}{\@addr@fr \strut } \strut \\ %%
+\ifempty{\@phn@fr}{}{\textbf{\@phn@phr:} & \@phn@fr \strut \\}%
+\ifempty{\@phnb@fr}{}{\textbf{\@phn@phr:} & \@phnb@fr \strut \\}%
+\ifempty{\@phnc@fr}{}{\textbf{\@phn@phr:} & \@phnc@fr \strut \\}%
+\ifempty{\@phnd@fr}{}{\textbf{\@phn@phr:} & \@phnd@fr \strut \\}%
+\ifempty{\@fax@fr}{}{\textbf{\@fax@phr:} & \@fax@fr \strut \\}% % maybe email, web site?
+\textbf{Date:} & \@xdate%
+\txa{After endflushleft}
+\rule{\textwidth}{1pt} \par \noindent
+\centerline{\textbf{\Large \@pr@headline}} \par \noindent
+\rule{\textwidth}{1pt} \par \noindent
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@pr@by}}{\noindent \@pr@byline \\}{}
+\txa{end of pressbegin}
+ {\typeout{Reading press release page setup from prsrls.tex}}%
+ {\typeout{Press release definitions stored in newlfm.cls}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{ Fax blocks}
+% \begin{macro}{\faxpage}
+% \label{page:faxsec}
+% Here we define a FAX page. This separate stand-along page includes:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item the term \@fax@cover@line in Huge text, boxed
+% \item From-name
+% \item Optional from-information
+% \item To-name
+% \item Optional to-information
+% \item Re-line
+% \item Additional information specified in |\faxmssg|
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{Next part}
+\def\ifta{0}\showdim{Before setpage inside faxpage}%
+\showdim{After setpage}%
+{\def\ifta{0}\showdim{Before fax page setup A}%
+\showdim{Before fax page setup B}%
+\showdim{Inside fax page specification}%
+\framebox{\Huge{\@fax@cover@line}} \\%
+\vspace*{.5in} \Large{\@fax@page@count: \ref{totpage}} \\%
+\vspace*{.5in} \Large{\timestamp} \\%
+\txa{Lengths:\the\textwidth, \the\@utila, \the\@utilb}%
+\begin{tabular}{p{\the\@utila}p{\the\@utilb}} \hline \\%
+\LARGE{\@hnto@phr:} & \parbox[t]{\@utilb}{\@name@to \strut \\ \@addr@to \strut%
+\ifempty{\@phn@to}{}{\\ \@phn@phr:\space\@phn@to \strut}%
+\ifempty{\@phnb@to}{}{\\ \@phn@phr:\space\@phnb@to \strut}%
+\ifempty{\@phnc@to}{}{\\ \@phn@phr:\space\@phnc@to \strut}%
+\ifempty{\@phnd@to}{}{\\ \@phn@phr:\space\@phnd@to \strut}%
+\ifempty{\@fax@to}{}{\\ \@fax@phr:\space\@fax@to \strut}} \vspace*{5pt} \\ \hline \vspace*{5pt}%
+\LARGE{\@hnfr@phr:} & \vspace*{5pt}%
+\parbox[t]{\@utilb}{\@name@fr \strut \\ \@addr@fr \strut %%
+\ifempty{\@phn@fr}{}{\\ \@phn@phr:\space\@phn@fr \strut}%
+\ifempty{\@phnb@fr}{}{\\ \@phn@phr:\space\@phnb@fr \strut}%
+\ifempty{\@phnc@fr}{}{\\ \@phn@phr:\space\@phnc@fr \strut}%
+\ifempty{\@phnd@fr}{}{\\ \@phn@phr:\space\@phnd@fr \strut}%
+\ifempty{\@fax@fr}{}{\\ \@fax@phr:\space\@fax@fr \strut}} \vspace*{5pt} \\ \hline%
+\strut \LARGE{\@re@phr:} & \strut%
+\ifthenelse{\equal{\@re@line}{---BLANK---}}{}{\@re@line}\strut \\%
+\ifempty{\@fax@mssg}{}{ \strut%
+\LARGE{\@m@phr:} \strut &%
+\parbox[t]{\@utilb}{\strut \@fax@mssg} \strut \\ \hline}%
+\def\ifta{0}\showdim{End of fax page setup }%
+\txa{After dimreset}%
+\txa{Before newpage}%
+\txa{After newpage}%
+ {\typeout{Reading FAX page definitions from faxpage.tex}}%
+ {\typeout{faxpage definitions stored in newlfm.cls}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{faxblocka}
+% Here we define FAX block a. This block is inserted in several places in
+% the letter, by chosing several letter styles. It can also be inserted in
+% several blocks by user choice. Fax Block A includes
+% 1.) name-from, 2.) fax-from, 3.) name-to, 4.) fax-to, and 5.) re-line.
+% FAX Block A is boxed in a frame.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{\Large \hspace*{.25in}%
+\@fax@phr{} \@doc@phr} \\ \hline%
+\@hnfr@phr:\space & \@name@fr \\%
+\@fax@phr:\space & \@fax@fr \\ \hline%
+\@hnto@phr:\space & \@name@to \\%
+\@fax@phr:\space & \@fax@to \\ \hline%
+\@re@phr: & \@re@line%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{faxblockb}
+% Here we define FAX block b. This block is inserted in several places in
+% the letter, by chosing several letter styles. It can also be inserted in
+% several blocks by user choice. Fax Block B includes
+% 1.) name-from, 2.) fax-from, 3.) phone-from, 4.) name-to, 5.) fax-to,
+% 6.) phone to, and 7.) re-line.
+% FAX Block B is boxed in a frame.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\@hnfr@phr:\space & \@name@fr & \@hnto@phr:\space & \@name@to \\%
+\@fax@phr:\space & \@fax@fr & \@fax@phr:\space & \@fax@to \\%
+\@phn@phr:\space & \@phn@fr & \@phn@phr:\space & \@phn@to \\%
+\@re@phr: & \multicolumn{3}{l}{\parbox[t]{2in}{\@re@line}} \\%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Start of letter document}
+% \begin{macro}{\openlfm}
+% Begin letter here. First check for left margin boxes; if one has been
+% specified, set it into the margin, and change the margin spacing
+% accordingly. After that, the left, right and center under-margin boxes
+% are checked. If this is a memo, this \info{} is printed next.
+% Finally, we print (optionally) date, from-address, to-address and opening
+% salutation.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand{\@prnt@sec}[1]{% Actual printing of addresses here
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This is the actual section for openlfm.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@marg@Ruse}}% Here we set up right-side marginal notes
+{\setlength{\@utile}{-\@Hgt@Head+\@marg@rt@tp@d}% Adjust column top to leftmargintopdist
+\marginpar{\vspace*{\the\@utile} \hspace*{\@marg@rt@l}\hspace*{-\marginparsep} \@Rmarg}}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@marg@Luse}}% Here we set up left-side marginal notes
+{\setlength{\@utile}{-\@Hgt@Head+\@marg@lt@tp@d}% Adjust column top to leftmargintopdist
+\reversemarginpar\txa{Left margin}%
+\marginpar{\vspace*{\the\@utile} \hspace*{\@marg@lt@l} \@Lmarg}}{}%
+\ifpempty{\@LUheader}{}{\@LUheader \hfill}%
+\ifpempty{\@CUheader}{}{\hfill \@CUheader \hfill}%
+\ifpempty{\@RUheader}{}{\hfill \@RUheader}%
+\txa{Running memosec}% Memo processing
+\setboolean{@no@spc}{true}}% %Memo
+\txa{Running pressbegin}%
+{\pressbegin% Press release processing
+\txa{here we go again - out of pressbegin}
+\setboolean{@no@spc}{true}}{}% % Press Release
+\sbox{\b@addr@fr}{\noindent\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0pt}% Address-from into a box
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@fr@t}}{\\ \@phn@phr: \@phn@fr}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@fr@f}}{\\ \@fax@phr: \@fax@fr}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@fr@e}}{\\ \@email@phr: \@email@fr}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@fr@t}}{\\ \@phn@phr: \@phn@fr}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@fr@f}}{\\ \@fax@phr: \@fax@fr}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@fr@e}}{\\ \@email@phr: \@email@fr}{}%
+\sbox{\b@addr@to}{\noindent\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0pt}%Address-to into a box
+\noindent\ignorespaces\@name@to \strut \\ \@addr@to%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@to@t}}{\\ \@phn@phr: \@phn@to}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@to@f}}{\\ \@fax@phr: \@fax@to}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@to@e}}{\\ \@email@phr: \@email@to}{}%
+\ignorespaces\@name@to \strut \\ \@addr@to%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@to@t}}{\\ \@phn@phr: \@phn@to}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@to@f}}{\\ \@fax@phr: \@fax@to}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@addr@to@e}}{\\ \@email@phr: \@email@to}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@s@b@s}}{\par\noindent{\usebox{\b@addr@to} \hfill \usebox{\b@addr@fr}}}{}%
+\setcounter{@c@pos}{1} \@prnt@sec{\the@c@pos}% Print from and to addresses and date
+\setcounter{@c@pos}{2} \@prnt@sec{\the@c@pos}%
+\setcounter{@c@pos}{3} \@prnt@sec{\the@c@pos}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@pt@regard}}{\@regard@phr: \@regard@line}{}%
+\txa{End of openlfm}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Close of document section}
+% \begin{macro}{closlfm}
+% In this section, the letter is terminated. Several things happen here:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item If signature block is to be printed, it is printed
+% \item If signature itself is to be printed, it is printed; otherwise,
+% just skip a reasonable amount of vertical space, to allow document to
+% be signed
+% \item If sender name is to be printed, it is printed
+% \item For press releases, output |\PhrPRend| and blank the
+% ---more--- in the footer. The marking mechanism is the proper
+% way to do this, avoiding the unlikely case where we might blank the footer
+% and then have the previous page output.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\vspace*{\@cls@sk@b} \\%
+\vspace*{\@cls@sk@a} \\%
+\sbox{\@sig@box@b} {\begin{tabular}{p{\the\@utila}}%
+\hspace*{1pt}\vspace*{\@cls@sk@b} \\%
+\vspace*{\@cls@sk@a} \\%
+\def\closlfm{\def\ifta{0}\txa{In closlfm}%
+}% markboth mechanism resets center footer
+{}% note require {} to finish ifthenelse
+\ifthenelse{\equal{\the@sig@tot}{1}}{\def\@sig@tab{l}}{}% Set multiple columns
+\setlength{\@utilb}{0pt}\setlength{\@utila}{0pt}% Reset counters to 0
+% Loop thru signature abbreviations
+% Set flags
+% Set one signature, make box, measure
+% Find max heights and widths
+\expandafter\csname sig\@one@sig\endcsname%
+\addtolength{\@utilc}{\@utild}% Find total depth
+\setlength{\@utile}{0pt}% Set up for number signatures across
+% Loop thru signature abbreviations
+% Open new signature wrapper
+% Set flags
+% Set one signature, make box, measure
+% If number of sigs across at max, skip line
+\@for\@one@sig:=\@sig@list\do% Loop thru signature abbreviations
+\expandafter\csname sig\@one@sig\endcsname%
+\ignorespaces \@fix@one@box\settoheight{\@utilc}{\usebox{\@sig@box@b}}%
+{\txa{else condition}%
+{% Print normal signature
+\@fix@one@box\settowidth{\@utila}{\usebox{\@sig@box@b}}% Set up box, measure
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Address \info}
+% \begin{macro}{@post@sig@bl}
+% This is an internal macro which prints blocks of text after the signature
+% in a hanging block fashion.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\settowidth{\@utila}{{\small\normalfont #1: }}%
+\vspace*{\the\@post@sig@sp@b} \hspace*{-.01pt} \\ \noindent%
+\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\@hangfrom{{\small\normalfont #1: }}%
+\ignorespaces \parbox[t]{\@utilb}{{\small#2}}\strut}\par%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{Commands}
+% These commands are either internal (begin with \verb|@|) or user-optional (do
+% not begin with \verb|@|). User-optional commands are defined in the text
+% above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\cclist#1{\protect\def\@cc@item{#1}}\cclist{---BLANK---}% cc list
+\def\closeln#1{\protect\def\@closeline{#1}\setboolean{@use@close}{true}}% Letter closing line
+\def\dateset#1{\protect\def\@xdate{#1}}\dateset{\today}% Letter date
+\def\phone#1{\protect\def\@phn{#1}}\phone{}% Phone
+\def\phonea#1{\protect\def\@phna{#1}}\phonea{}% Phone
+\def\phoneb#1{\protect\def\@phnb{#1}}\phoneb{}% Phone
+\def\phonec#1{\protect\def\@phnc{#1}}\phonec{}% Phone
+\def\phoned#1{\protect\def\@phnd{#1}}\phoned{}% Phone
+\def\phoneo#1{\protect\def\@phno{#1}}\phoneo{}% Phone
+\def\phoneh#1{\protect\def\@phnh{#1}}\phoneh{}% Phone
+\def\phonefr#1{\protect\def\@phn@fr{#1}}\phonefr{}% Phone from
+\def\phonefrom#1{\protect\def\@phn@fr{#1}}\phonefrom{}% Phone from
+\def\phoneafrom#1{\protect\def\@phn@fr{#1}}\phoneafrom{}% Phone from
+\def\phoneafr#1{\protect\def\@phn@fr{#1}}\phoneafrom{}% Phone from
+\def\phonebfrom#1{\protect\def\@phnb@fr{#1}}\phonebfrom{}% Phone from
+\def\phonecfrom#1{\protect\def\@phnc@fr{#1}}\phonecfrom{}% Phone from
+\def\phonedfrom#1{\protect\def\@phnd@fr{#1}}\phonedfrom{}% Phone from
+\def\phonebfr#1{\protect\def\@phnb@fr{#1}}\phonebfrom{}% Phone from
+\def\phonecfr#1{\protect\def\@phnc@fr{#1}}\phonecfrom{}% Phone from
+\def\phonedfr#1{\protect\def\@phnd@fr{#1}}\phonedfrom{}% Phone from
+\def\phoneto#1{\protect\def\@phn@to{#1}}\phoneto{}% Phone to
+\def\phoneoto#1{\protect\def\@phno@to{#1}}\phoneoto{}% Phone to
+\def\phonehfr#1{\protect\def\@phnh@fr{#1}}\phonehfr{}% Phone to
+\def\phoneofr#1{\protect\def\@phno@fr{#1}}\phoneofr{}% Phone to
+\def\phonehto#1{\protect\def\@phnh@to{#1}}\phonehto{}% Phone to
+\def\phoneato#1{\protect\def\@phn@to{#1}}\phoneto{}% Phone to
+\def\phonebto#1{\protect\def\@phnb@to{#1}}\phonebto{}% Phone to
+\def\phonecto#1{\protect\def\@phnc@to{#1}}\phonecto{}% Phone to
+\def\phonedto#1{\protect\def\@phnd@to{#1}}\phonedto{}% Phone to
+\def\siglist#1{\txa{In siglist}%
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{Commands}
+% These commands are either internal (begin with |@|) or user-optional (do
+% not begin with |@|). User-optional commands are defined in the text
+% above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\fixadr#1{\expandafter\csname adr#1\endcsname}%
+#1\txa{In setadrto - }\txa{Second}\txa{\@addrxx}%
+\txa{End of setadrto}%
+#1\txa{In setadrfr}%
+\txa{End of setadrfr}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Address book handling}
+% |newlfm| stores \info{} in a file |letrinfo.tex|. This \info{} is
+% stored in a series of wrapper macros. This are the macros |\makelth|,
+% |\makesig| and |\makeadr|. These are used in letters and memos by
+% issuing the commands |\adrXXX|, |\lthXXX| and |\sigXXX| {\it before} the
+% |\begin{newlfm}| statement:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \begin{document}
+% \ltrTST \sigABC \setadrto{\adrDEF} \setadrfr{\adrPWW}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% Alternatively, the wrapper macros may be included in the document using
+% the |letrh|, |addrt|, |addrf|, and |sigtr| commands in the |\newlfmP|
+% command as:
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% \begin{document}
+% \newlfmP{letrh=TST,sigtr=ABC,addrt=DEF,addrf=PWW}
+% \begin{newlfm}
+% \end{verbatim}
+% The wrapper macros function as a very generalized
+% hash table for addresses, letterheads and signature \info.
+% Each type of \info{} is keyed by the use of the appropriate value of XXX.
+% When |newlfm| starts up, the program reads in standard declarations of names,
+% addresses, signatures, header blocks, etc., stored in file
+% |letrinfo.tex|. This file will contain \info{} which is normally
+% included in a letter. That way, it need not be entered separately into
+% each different letter.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newif \if@read@one \@read@onetrue%
+{\typeout{Reading default letter definitions from \@ltr@info@name}}%
+{\typeout{\@ltr@info@name\ not found. All letter definitions must be in newlfm.cls}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Form letters}
+% \begin{macro}{doletter}
+% In this section, we set up the environment to prepare form letters.
+% This is done by:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item Defining the body of the letter using the command
+% \verb|\letterbody|. The body may include macro items. The body
+% {\it should not} include the |newlfm| command,
+% which is invoked by the macro |\doletter| itself. Thus, do not
+% include the \verb|\begin{newlfm}| or \verb|\end{newlfm}| statements.
+% \item For each letter, use the construction \verb|\doletter{}|. The
+% required argument includes a specification of the address
+% information, usually. The required argument is used directly before
+% the {\tt newlfm} environment is specified, and the form letter
+% specified. Thus, the address for the several letters can easily be
+% listed.
+% \item |\doltr| and |\ltrbody| are previous forms of the form letter
+% commands, but are no longer supported.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{#1 \begin{newlfm} \@ltr@body \end{newlfm} \gdef\npind{B} % \newpage%
+{{\@name@to \\ \@addr@to} \hfill}}%
+\txa{box height:\the\@lab@bh, box width:\the\@lab@bw, between: \the\tabcolsep}%
+\parbox[t][\@lab@bh][t]{\@lab@bw}{\@lab@size \strut #1 \\ #2 \strut}}%
+\@lab@size \begin{tabular}{ll}{\Large\@hnfr@phr:}&{\Large\@hnto@phr:}\\%
+\def\oneletter#1{\txa{In oneletter}\setadrto{\csname adr#1\endcsname}\txa{ZB}\addrt{#1}%
+\setadrto{\csname adr#1\endcsname}\txa{ZC}\txa{#1:2}%
+\txa{use@envlab true}%
+\txa{use@envlab false}%
+\showdim{Start of makeenvfn}%
+\setcounter{@lab@cnt@col}{0} \setcounter{@lab@cnt@row}{0}%
+\setboolean{@env@open}{true} \setboolean{@env@close}{true}%
+\loop \ifnum\number\@nlfm@util<\number\@nlfm@addr%
+\global\advance\@nlfm@util by1%
+\txa{Loop S Count: \number\@nlfm@util}%
+\def\@onet{\csname @aadr@t\number\@nlfm@util\endcsname}%
+\def\@onef{\csname @aadr@f\number\@nlfm@util\endcsname}%
+\txa{\string\@onet:\@onet -- \string\@onef:\@onef}
+\protect\setadrto{\csname adr\@onet\endcsname}\txa{ZD}%
+\protect\setadrfr{\csname adr\@onef\endcsname}%
+\txa{To: adr\@onet,\@name@to --- From: \@name@fr,adr\@onef --- Just:\@tab@just}%
+\txa{@aadr@t\number\@nlfm@util: \csname @aadr@t\number\@nlfm@util\endcsname}%
+{\setcounter{@lab@cnt@row}{0}\txa{New page}%
+\setboolean{@env@open}{false} \setboolean{@env@close}{true}%
+\showdim{Checking values before newpage}%
+\showdim{Checking values after newpage}%
+\setlength{\tabcolsep}{\@lab@bl} \begin{table}[t] \begin{tabular}{\@tab@just}%
+\txa{Starting table}%
+{\txa{Label to only}\@env@oth{\@name@to}{\@addr@to}}{}%
+{\txa{Label row from to}\@env@row{\@name@to}{\@addr@to}{\@name@fr}{\@addr@fr}}{}%
+{\txa{Label col from to}\@env@col{\@name@to}{\@addr@to}{\@name@fr}{\@addr@fr}}{}%
+\txa{Ending row}\\}%
+{\txa{Ending column}&}%
+\txa{Ending table}\\ \end{tabular}\end{table}%
+\setboolean{@env@close}{false} \setboolean{@env@open}{true}%
+\txa{Loop E Count: \number\@nlfm@util}%
+\txa{Ending table}%
+\txa{Out of big loop: \arabic{@lab@cnt@col}}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@env@close} \and \boolean{@do@any}}
+{\txa{\the@lab@cnt@col, \the@lab@cnt@row, \the@lab@tot@row}
+% Finish off current row first
+\ifthenelse{\the@lab@cnt@col<\the@lab@tot@col}{&}{}} \\%
+% Add remaining rows, each with all columns
+{\\ \end{tabular}\end{table} \newpage%
+\showdim{At the end of the table}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Main section}
+% \begin{macro}{newlfm}
+% This is the main section. In this section, we actually print a letter.
+% Here is how it is done:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item Insert \info{} into environment
+% \item Determine sizes of header and footer largest pieces
+% \item Set all lengths to the height of the appropriate box
+% \item Set paperlength:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item Begin with paperheight
+% \item Subtract |\@Hgt@Head|
+% \item Subtract |\footskip|, which includes |\@Hgt@Foot|
+% \item Take into account |voffset|, and 1 inch, which are designed to offset
+% one another
+% \item Subtract |headsep| and |headheight|
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Put together a header or footer given the left, center and
+% right text, fillers at left and right and a rule.
+% The \lap commands put the text into an hbox of zero size,
+% so overlapping text does not generate an errormessage.
+% These macros have 5 parameters:
+% 1. LEFTSIDE BEARING % This determines at which side the header will stick
+% out. When \fancyhfoffset is used this calculates \headwidth, otherwise
+% it is \hss or \relax (after expansion).
+% 2. \f@ncyolh, \f@ncyelh, \f@ncyolf or \f@ncyelf. This is the left component.
+% 3. \f@ncyoch, \f@ncyech, \f@ncyocf or \f@ncyecf. This is the middle comp.
+% 4. \f@ncyorh, \f@ncyerh, \f@ncyorf or \f@ncyerf. This is the right component.
+% 5. RIGHTSIDE BEARING. This is always \relax or \hss (after expansion).
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\newcommand{\@zfancyhead}[5]{#1\hbox to\headwidth{\fancy@reset
+ \@zfancyvbox\headheight{\hbox
+ {\rlap{\parbox[b]{\headwidth}{\raggedright#2}}\hfill
+ \parbox[b]{\headwidth}{\centering#3}\hfill
+ \llap{\parbox[b]{\headwidth}{\raggedleft#4}}}\zheadrule}}#5}
+\newcommand{\@zfancyfoot}[5]{#1\hbox to\headwidth{\fancy@reset
+ \@zfancyvbox\footskip{\zfootrule
+ \hbox{\rlap{\parbox[t]{\headwidth}{\raggedright#2}}\hfill
+ \parbox[t]{\headwidth}{\centering#3}\hfill
+ \llap{\parbox[t]{\headwidth}{\raggedleft#4}}}}}#5}
+ \hrule\@height\headrulewidth\@width\headwidth \vskip-\headrulewidth}}
+ \vskip-\footruleskip\vskip-\footrulewidth
+ \hrule\@width\headwidth\@height\footrulewidth\vskip\footruleskip}}
+\newenvironment{newlfm}{% Start of fax environment, in fax class%
+\if@read@one \global\@read@onefalse \fi%
+\def\ifta{0}\txa{Start of newlfm startup}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@a}}{\txa{oa: t}}{\txa{oa: f}}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@t}}{\txa{ot: t}}{\txa{ot: f}}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@f}}{\txa{of: t}}{\txa{of: f}}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@l}}{\txa{ol: t}}{\txa{ol: f}}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@s}}{\txa{os: t}}{\txa{os: f}}%
+\txa{nameto: \@name@to}%
+\txa{namefrom: \@name@fr}%
+%%%% Begin with fax cover page
+{\txa{setting up ruh}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@l}}{\expandafter\csname lth\@ltr@h \endcsname}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@t}}{\setadrto{\expandafter\csname adr\@adr@t \endcsname}}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@f}}{\setadrfr{\expandafter\csname adr\@adr@f \endcsname}}{}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@s}}{\expandafter\csname sig\@sig@b \endcsname}{}%
+\txa{setting up ruh}%
+{{\txa{FAX Page Setup}%
+\showdim{Before resetting dimensions for fax}%
+\showdim{After resetting dimensions for fax}%
+\showdim{After restoring dimensions for fax}%
+\txa{Before newpage issued}%
+\txa{After newpage issued}%
+\showdim{After fax page setup}%
+\def\ifta{0}\showdim{After fax page section closes}\gdef\npind{G}%
+\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page%
+\else\thispagestyle{empty}\null\newpage\fi \fi%
+\interlinepenalty=200 % smaller than the TeXbook value%
+\txa{Before Rfooter}\ifthenelse{\boolean{@B@f}}%
+{\Cfooter{\phantom{\Cfooter}} \Rfooter{\phantom{\Rfooter}} \Lfooter{\phantom{\Lfooter}}} {}%
+\txa{Before Rheader}\ifthenelse{\boolean{@B@h}}%
+{\Rheader{\phantom{\Rheader}} \Lheader{\phantom{\Lheader}} \Cheader{\phantom{\Cheader}}} {}%
+\txa{Before Lmargin}\ifthenelse{\boolean{@B@l}}%
+\txa{Before Rmargin}\ifthenelse{\boolean{@B@r}}%
+\txa{Before rfooter}\ifthenelse{\boolean{@b@f}}%
+{\rfooter{\phantom{\rfooter}} \lfooter{\phantom{\lfooter}} \cfooter{\phantom{\cfooter}}} {}%
+\txa{Before rheader}\ifthenelse{\boolean{@b@h}}%
+{\rheader{\phantom{\rheader}} \lheader{\phantom{\lheader}} \cheader{\phantom{\cheader}}} {}%
+\txa{Before lmargin}\ifthenelse{\boolean{@b@l}}%
+{\lmargin{\phantom{\lmargin}}} {}%
+\txa{Before rmargin}\ifthenelse{\boolean{@b@r}}%
+{\rmargin{\phantom{\rmargin}}} {}%
+\txa{Before opening}%
+\txa{\string\@marg@rt: \the\@marg@rt, \string\@marg@rt: \the\@marg@rt}%
+\txa{\string\textwidth: \the\textwidth, \string\paperwidth: \the\paperwidth}%
+% \ifthenelse{\boolean{@ov@a}}{%
+% }{}
+\txa{\string\@marg@rt: \the\@marg@rt, \string\@marg@rt: \the\@marg@rt}%
+\txa{\string\textwidth: \the\textwidth, \string\paperwidth: \the\paperwidth}%
+\txa{After opening}%
+\txa{\string\@marg@rt: \the\@marg@rt, \string\@marg@rt: \the\@marg@rt}%
+\txa{\string\textwidth: \the\textwidth, \string\paperwidth: \the\paperwidth}%
+\txa{Before pagestyle}%
+\txa{After pagestyle}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@in@makeenv}}{\txa{makeenv true}}{\txa{makeenv false}%
+\global\advance \@nlfm@addr by1%
+\txa{Count: \number\@nlfm@addr -- To: \@adr@t -- From: \@adr@f}%
+\expandafter\xdef\csname @aadr@t\number\@nlfm@addr\endcsname{\@adr@t}%
+\expandafter\xdef\csname @aadr@f\number\@nlfm@addr\endcsname{\@adr@f}%
+\txa{Count: \number\@nlfm@addr -- To: \@adr@t -- From: \@adr@f}
+\txa{@aadr@t\number\@nlfm@addr: \csname @aadr@t\number\@nlfm@addr\endcsname}%
+\txa{To: \csname @aadr@t\number\@nlfm@addr\endcsname,\@adr@t}%
+\showdim{Dimensions at end of newlfm startup section}\def\ifta{0}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The next block of code defines the operation at the close of the
+% environment. This is a bit odd, since |closlfmp| seemingly already
+% catered to that case. As you will see below, there is quite a bit
+% more to do.
+% Currently, press release and all others are handled quite
+% differently, raising the possibility that they should use different
+% macros. Currently, |closlfmp| does both. Close study is warranted,
+% as well as consideration of whether a press release might want to
+% repeat contact information at the bottom, or be combined with a fax,
+% letter, form letter/fax. There may be additional things the regular
+% code path does as well.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+{% Here we are at the processing of the close of the newlfm env
+\def\ifta{0}\txa{At the start of the close of newlfm env}%
+{\txa{Before closing}%
+\txa{After closing}%
+\showdim{Current Dimensions}%
+% \ifthenelse{\boolean{@use@envlab}}{\@make@big@env}{}%
+\txa{Before the pagebreak}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The end of the |doublespace| environment also destroys the
+% settings for the page headers (except for the the first page, which,
+% being global, persists and is not wanted). For that reason, one
+% {\em must} close the spacing environment here, after the
+% |\pagebreak|, rather than earlier.
+% Only the press release uses that environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\txa{In @make@big@env}%
+\txa{Count: \number\@nlfm@addr}%
+\txa{@aadr@t\number\@nlfm@addr: \csname @aadr@t\number\@nlfm@addr\endcsname}%
+\txa{To: \csname @aadr@t\number\@nlfm@addr\endcsname,\@adr@t}%
+\loop \ifnum\@nlfm@util < \@nlfm@addr%
+\advance\@nlfm@util by1%
+\def\@onet{\expandafter\csname @aadr@t\number\@nlfm@util\endcsname}%
+\def\@onef{\expandafter\csname @aadr@f\number\@nlfm@util\endcsname}%
+\setadrto{\expandafter\csname adr\@onet\endcsname}\txa{ZF}%
+\setadrfr{\expandafter\csname adr\@onef\endcsname}%
+\txa{Actually using the makeenvelope...}%
+\txa{From: \@name@fr}%
+\txa{To: \@name@to}%
+\mlabel{\@name@fr \hspace*{.1pt} \\ \@addr@fr \hspace*{.1pt}}%
+{\@name@to \hspace*{.1pt} \\ \@addr@to \hspace*{.1pt}}%
+\txa{From: \@name@fr}%
+\txa{To: \@name@to}%
+\txa{Count at end: \number\@nlfm@addr}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand{\pgrph}[1]{{\bf #1}}%
+{\ifnum\c@page=1\vskip \z@ plus.00006fil\relax\fi}%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Here we put some information about the pressrelease stuff
+% Much of this is in contravention of the philosophy of newlfm - since
+% it displaces information that might have been placed into the blocks
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\txa{Real start}%
+\PhrMore{\thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Continue with the stuff for the @set@em@up
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\def\ifta{0}\txa{Start of @set@em@up}%
+\ifthenelse{\boolean{@set@env}}{\makeenvst\txa{Making envelope}}{}%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% First, set the header and footer widths
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Now, set the contents of the header and footer sections into boxes
+% Boxes can be measured
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\def\ifta{0}\txa{Here in the middle}%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Check the heights and depths of boxes
+% Letterhead header section
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Check the heights and depths of boxes
+% Non-letterhead header section
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Check the heights and depths of boxes
+% Letterhead footer section
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Check the heights and depths of boxes
+% Non-letterhead footer section
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Determine the height of the letterhead header
+% Note: the minheight will be used to set up the cello window stuff
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\txa{Height of letterhead header}%
+\txa{1) @Hgt@Head: \the\@Hgt@Head,C:\the\@Hgt@H@C,L:\the\@Hgt@H@L,R:\the\@Hgt@H@R}%
+\txa{2) @Hgt@Head: \the\@Hgt@Head}%
+\txa{3) @Hgt@Head: \the\@Hgt@Head}%
+\txa{5) @Hgt@Head: \the\@Hgt@Head}%
+\txa{6) @Hgt@Head: \the\@Hgt@Head}%
+\txa{7) @Hgt@Head: \the\@Hgt@Head}%
+\txa{8) @Hgt@Head: \the\@Hgt@Head,\the\@Hrw,\headrulewidth}%
+\txa{Left: \the\@Hgt@H@L, Center: \the\@Hgt@H@C, Right: \the\@Hgt@H@R}%
+\txa{Min: \the\@Min@Hgt@Head, Total: \the\@Hgt@Head}%
+\txa{Marg: \the\@marg@tp, Marga: \the\@marg@tp@a, Unpr: \the\@unpr@tp}%
+\txa{@Hgt@Head: \the\@Hgt@Head,@utilf:\the\@utilf,@utilg:\the\@utilg,@utilh:\the\@utilh}
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Determine the height of the non-letterhead header
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\txa{Height of non-letterhead header}%
+% \addtolength{\@Hgt@head}{8pt}%
+\txa{unprtop: \the\@unpr@tp}%
+\txa{Left: \the\@Hgt@h@l, Center: \the\@Hgt@h@c, Right: \the\@Hgt@h@r}%
+\txa{Min: \the\@Min@Hgt@head, Total: \the\@Hgt@head}%
+\txa{Marg: \the\@marg@tp, Marga: \the\@marg@tp@a, Unpr: \the\@unpr@tp}%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Determine the height of the letterhead footer
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\txa{Height of letterhead footer}%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Determine the height of the non-letterhead footer
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\txa{Height of non-letterhead footer}%
+{\setlength{\@Hgt@foot}{\@Hgt@f@c}} {\setlength{\@Hgt@foot}{\@Hgt@f@l}}%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Set the printable length as the difference of all those others
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Print feedback if requested
+% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\txa{\string\@Hgt@H@C: \the\@Hgt@H@C, \string\@Hgt@H@R: \the\@Hgt@H@R}%
+\txa{\string\@Hgt@H@L: \the\@Hgt@H@L, \string\@Hgt@Head: \the\@Hgt@Head}%
+\txa{\string\@Hgt@h@c: \the\@Hgt@h@c, \string\@Hgt@h@r: \the\@Hgt@h@r}%
+\txa{\string\@Hgt@h@l: \the\@Hgt@h@l, \string\@Hgt@head: \the\@Hgt@head}%
+\txa{\string\@Hgt@F@C: \the\@Hgt@F@C, \string\@Hgt@F@R: \the\@Hgt@F@R}%
+\txa{\string\@Hgt@F@L: \the\@Hgt@F@L, \string\@Hgt@Foot: \the\@Hgt@Foot}%
+\txa{\string\@Hgt@f@c: \the\@Hgt@f@c, \string\@Hgt@f@r: \the\@Hgt@f@r}%
+\txa{\string\@Hgt@f@l: \the\@Hgt@f@l, \string\@Hgt@foot: \the\@Hgt@foot}%
+\txa{\string\@Plg:\the\@Plg, \string\paperheight:\the\paperheight}%
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+\sbox{\b@addr@fr}{\noindent\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0pt}% Address-from into a box
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+\txa{8. \the\@utila,\the\@utile}%
+\txa{9. \the\@utila}%
+\txa{10. Horizontal position}%
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+\typeout{'To-address' cannot be placed vertically. Suggestions:}%
+\typeout{1. Make letterhead components smaller.}%
+\typeout{2. Eliminate date or 'from-address' from letter.}%
+\typeout{3. Move date or 'from-address' below 'to-address'.}%
+\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\@utilb > 0pt}}{\setboolean{@ztilb}{true}}%
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+\typeout{'To-address' cannot be placed horizontally. Suggestions:}%
+\typeout{1. Make left-margin width smaller.}%
+\typeout{2. Eliminate margin components.}%
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+\typeout{Option <useenvlab> is disabled. Please install envlab system.}%
+\txa{At the very very end...}%
+% \end{macrocode}
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+%%% End: