path: root/macros/latex/contrib/ncclatex/ncclatex.tex
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+\title{\Huge NCC-\LaTeX}
+\author{by Alexander I. Rozhenko}
+\newcommand*\meta[1]{\Meta{\symbol{"7B}{\itshape #1}\symbol{"7D}}}
+\newcommand*\opt[1]{\Meta{[{\itshape #1}]}}
+\thispageheading{\footnotesize This document was prepared in
+\com{sectionstyle}\meta{\upshape center} with \com{indentaftersection}.\\
+This heading was printed with \com{thispageheading} command from
+the \package{watermark} package}
+This document describes classes and packages from NCC-\LaTeX. We
+compare the \package{ncc} class with standard \LaTeX's classes
+and point out a difference between the \package{ncc} class and
+\package{ncclatex} package. Packages from the \bungle{ncclatex}
+and \bungle{ncctools} bungles are partially described here.
+\section{The ncc class}
+To mark out features of the \package{ncc} class, we compare it
+with standard \LaTeX\ classes \package{article}, \package{book},
+and \package{report}. The first and the main distinction is that
+preparing of articles, books, and reports in NCC-\LaTeX\ is
+provided with special options (called \textbf{styles}) of the
+\package{ncc} class instead of using different classes. The
+following style options are allowed for this:
+\item[\Opt{article}] prepares an article.
+\item[\Opt{preprint}] prepares an article with a title going on a separate page. The
+\com{preprint}\meta{No} command allows inserting a preprint
+number under the preprint title.
+\item[\Opt{book}] prepares a book. The \com{bookeditor}\meta{text}
+command allows inserting a text under the book title.
+\item[\Opt{report}] is equivalent to the \Opt{book} option used
+together with the \Opt{oneside} option.
+The \Opt{titlepage} and \Opt{notitlepage} options are not used in
+the \package{ncc} class. The appearance of a title on a separate
+page is controlled in a style used. An \Opt{article} style
+specifies running title and others specify a title on a separate
+page. The \Meta{abstract} environment is defined in all styles.
+It is prepared on a separate page if a title is prepared on a
+separate page.
+The page style \Meta{headings} is set by default in all styles except
+articles for which the \Meta{myheadings} style is used.
+The default options for the \package{ncc} class are \Opt{10pt},
+\Opt{a4paper}, \Opt{article}, \Opt{twoside}, \Opt{onecolumn},
+\Opt{final}, \Opt{openany}.
+The class sets \com{unitlength} to 1~mm (i.e. all coordinates in
+the \Meta{picture} environment are calculated in millimeters).
+\subsection{Page layout}
+All standard paper size options are supported, namely
+\Opt{a4paper}, \Opt{a5paper}, \Opt{b5paper},\linebreak
+\Opt{letterpaper}, \Opt{legalpaper}, \Opt{executivepaper}, and
+\Opt{landscape}. One more paper size option is introduced:
+\Opt{a5a4paper}. It is useful for printing a5 papers on a4
+printer having centered tray.
+In contrast to standard classes, the width and height of the text
+field isn't automatically expanded on the entire page. Text field
+dimensions are defined depending on the base point size:
+\cbox{Point size} & \cbox{Text width} & \cbox{Text height}
+ 10 pt & 110 mm & 157 mm \\
+ 11 pt & \jhbox{111}[r]{126.5} mm & 199 mm \\
+ 12 pt & 145 mm & 233 mm \\
+ 14 pt & 160 mm & 240 mm \\\hline
+If you want to fit the text field to the entire page in the same
+manner as in standard classes, use the \Opt{fittopage} option.
+The text field is centered on the page taking into account the
+header field also, but the margin from the top is corrected
+to be at most 1.5~inch. If you want to center the text field
+taking into account the marginal notes, header, and footer, use
+the command
+ \ToCenter[hfm]{\textwidth}{\textheight}
+in the preamble of a document. The optional parameter of this
+command enumerates fields counted while centering. Using this
+command, you can change the width and height of the text field
+and center the result on the page. Other way for changing the
+width and height is using the \com{FromMargins} command. For
+example, the following command
+ \FromMargins[hf]{20mm}{10mm}{25mm}{15mm}
+calculates the text field dimensions and margins in such a way to
+provide 20~mm distance from the left border of the page, 10~mm
+distance from the right border, 25~mm distance from the top, and
+15~mm distance from the bottom in assumption that header and
+footer are in use. In two-side printing the left and right
+distances are swapped for even pages.
+\subsection{Base point size options}
+Along with standard base point size options \Opt{10pt},
+\Opt{11pt}, and \Opt{12pt}, the \Opt{14pt} size option is
+introduced. In 14~pt, font sizes \com{huge} and \com{Huge} are
+equal to \com{LARGE}.
+Sometimes, the standard sizes of fonts used in section markup
+commands are a bit larger than necessary. This case appears when
+a page size is small enough or a base font size is too large. The
+\Opt{small} option can be used in this cases to reduce font sizes
+used in section markup commands. The \Opt{14pt} option applies it.
+\subsection{Other options}
+The following standard options can be used with the \package{ncc}
+class: \Opt{oneside}, \Opt{twoside}, \Opt{draft}, \Opt{final},
+\Opt{openright}, \Opt{openany}, \Opt{onecolumn}, \Opt{twocolumn},
+\Opt{openbib}, \Opt{fleqn}, and \Opt{leqno}.
+The \Opt{russian} option loads the \package{babel} package with
+the \Meta{[russian]} optional parameter.
+\subsection{Packages loaded by the ncc class}\label{s:load}
+The \package{ncc} class loads many packages from
+\bungle{ncclatex} and \bungle{ncctools} bungles. They are:
+\item[\package{ncclatex}] is the kernel of NCC-\LaTeX;
+\item[\package{nccltrus}] is loaded when the \Opt{russian} option
+is used. It redefines titles of captions to russian ones;
+\item[\package{nccold}] provides some obsolete commands from old
+NCC-\LaTeX, namely \com{no}, \com{eref},\linebreak \com{Eq},
+\com{Eqs}, \com{Eqalign}, \com{tbox}, \com{bbox}, \com{tbbox},
+\com{emline}, and \com{emlinewidth};
+\item[\package{dcounter}] provides dynamic counters;
+\item[\package{desclist}] improves the \Meta{description}
+environment, and provides the \Meta{desclist} environment with
+better control of marker in descriptions;
+\item[\package{extdash}] provides shortcut commands \com{-/}, \com{--},
+\com{---}, \com{=/}, \com{==}, and \com{===} for better control
+of hyphenation of compound words;
+\item[\package{nccboxes}] provides more boxes;
+\item[\package{nccfloats}] provides commands \com{minifig}, \com{fig},
+\com{figs}, \com{minitabl}, \com{tabl}, and \com{tabls} covering
+standard \LaTeX\ floats and preparing the floating material in
+NCC-\LaTeX\ style (a text in NCC-\LaTeX\ floats is centered and
+prepared in the \com{footnotesize}). New features, \com{sidefig}
+and \com{sidetabl}, simplify creation of minifloats posed
+on the outer side of page;
+\item[\package{nccfoots}] provides commands \com{Footnote},
+\com{Footnotemark}, and \com{Footnotetext} for manual management
+of footnote markers.
+\item[\package{nccmath}] extends the \package{amsmath} package
+with NCC-\LaTeX\ commands for preparing display equations
+(\com{eq}, \com{eqs}, \com{eqalign}), redefines the
+\Meta{eqnarray} environment to work properly together with \AmS\
+display equations, introduces the \Meta{darray}, \Meta{fleqn},
+and \Meta{ceqn} environments;
+\item[\package{nccpic}] is an envelop for the \package{graphicx}
+package (provides extension lists for useful dvi-drivers,
+introduces the \com{putimage} command for compatibility with old
+NCC-\LaTeX, and defines the \com{ipic} command);
+\item[\package{nccsect}] provides an improved section, caption,
+and TOC-entries management;
+\item[\package{nccthm}] theorems in NCC-\LaTeX\ style
+(customizable layout, many new features);
+\item[\package{tocenter}] provides the \com{ToCenter} and
+\com{FromMargins} commands;
+\item[\package{watermark}] provides watermarks.
+The \package{ncc} class loads some standard \LaTeX\ packages.
+They are \package{amsmath}, \package{graphicx}, and \package{makeidx}. The
+\package{babel} package is also loaded if the \Opt{russian}
+option is used.
+\subsection{New commands of the ncc class}
+We describe here new commands introduced in the \package{ncc}
+class only. Other new commands are introduced in packages of
+\bungle{ncclatex} and \bungle{ncctools} bungles (most of them are
+common for the \package{ncc} class and \package{ncclatex}
+\item[\com{partmark}\meta{text}] is used for control the header and
+footer marks after a new part.
+\item[\com{openrightorany}] produces the \com{clearpage} or
+\com{cleardoublepage} command depending on open mode selected in
+the class options. If an empty even page is created, its header
+mark is set empty.
+\item[\com{AuthorBeforeTitle} and \com{TitleBeforeAuthor}] determine
+what item must go first in the title: author text or title text.
+In article style the title text goes first and in other styles
+the author goes first. These commands should be used in the
+\item[\com{noeqbreak} and \com{alloweqbreak}] manage the
+possibility of page break between a text and display equation
+following after. The first command forbids such page breaks and
+the last command allows them. The default is \com{alloweqbreak}.
+\item[\com{SetTOCStyle}\meta{style}] sets a style for table of
+contents, list of tables, and list of figures. The default style
+is empty. For example, the use of \verb+\SetTOCStyle{\small}+ in
+the preamble of the document sets a small font for output in TOC.
+\item[\com{setyear}\meta{year}, \com{theyear}:] the first command
+sets a year and the second one prints an year set before. The
+\verb+\setyear+ command doesn't change the \verb+\year+ counter.
+The default value for the \verb+\theyear+ command is the current
+value of the \verb+\year+ counter.
+\item[\Meta{biblist}] is a new environment:
+\com{begin}\meta{\upshape biblist}\opt{starting
+No}\meta{prototype} \ldots \com{end}\meta{\upshape biblist}.
+It prints a pure bibliography list without heading. The first
+optional parameter sets an initial value for the bibliography
+counter. The style of preparing the bibliography is controlled
+with the \com{bibliststyle} command (its default value is
+\verb+\small+). The \texttt{thebibliography} environment is
+prepared on the base of the \texttt{biblist}.
+\item[\Meta{theglossary}] environment is introduced. The
+\com{printindex}, \com{see}, and \com{seealso} commands are
+loaded by the \package{makeidx} package. The \com{printglossary}
+command is introduced.
+The \Meta{figure} and \Meta{table} counters are declared
+dynamically. So, they are controlled with the \com{countstyle}
+command. The default count style for article and preprint is
+empty, and for book and report the \verb+\countstyle{chapter}+ is
+used. The \Meta{equation} counter is also controlled with the
+\com{countstyle} command.
+\paragraph{Specific commands for the article style.}
+Three new commands
+\com{setseries}\meta{text}, \com{setvolume}\meta{Volume No}, and
+\com{setissue}\meta{Issue No}
+are allowed in the article style. They produce the commands
+\com{theseries}, \com{thevolume}, and \com{theissue} which can be
+used in publishing. In the article style the \package{ncc} class
+tries to load an \package{nccadd.sty} file. This style file is
+useful in publishing to set common information for all articles
+in a journal issue. The number of the last page is marked with the
+\Meta{NCC@lastpage} label. Its \verb+\pageref+ value can be used
+in publishing to automate the substitution of article last page
+number. If the \Opt{openright} option is used,
+\verb+\cleardoublepage+ action is applied at the end of article.
+\paragraph{Specific commands for the preprint style.}
+The \com{preprint}\meta{Preprint No} command is introduced. If a
+preprint number is defined, the following text
+\begin{center}\bf Preprint\\number\end{center}
+is inserted below the title of preprint.
+\paragraph{Specific commands for the book and report styles.}
+The \com{frontmatter}, \com{mainmatter}, and \com{backmatter}
+commands can be used. The \com{bookeditor}\meta{text} command
+inserts the specified text below the title of book. A style of
+chapter prefixing in running head and in the table of contents is
+controlled with the \com{ChapterPrefixStyle}\meta{list} command.
+The list can contain comma separated words \Meta{header} and
+\Meta{toc}. Using them you set prefix style for header and/or toc
+respectively. In prefix style the chapter number is preceded with
+the \textbf{Chapter} or \textbf{Appendix} text.
+\subsection{Using fancy headers with the ncc class}
+The headers in \package{ncc} class are maintained a bit different
+from standard classes. So, if you want to use fancy headers
+together with the \package{ncc} class, type
+in the preamble of document. The
+\Meta{\textit{list-of-page-styles}} parameter must contain a list
+of page styles to be redefined, i.e., something from \Opt{empty},
+\Opt{plain}, \Opt{headings}, and \Opt{myheadings}. The last style
+in the list is set after using of this package.
+Note: the \Opt{headings} and \Opt{myheadings} styles have a
+common part in the \package{ncc} class which is redefined in this
+package. So, redefining one of these page styles you automatically
+redefine another style also. Additional fancy page style
+\Opt{title} is provided with the \package{ncchdr} package. It
+uses three title marks, namely \com{lefttitlemark},
+\com{titlemark} (in center), and \com{righttitlemark}. To load
+this style use the \Opt{title} option with the package.
+The package is based on the \package{nccfancyhdr} package from the
+\bungle{ncctools} bungle.
+\section{The ncclatex package}
+The most part of the \package{ncc} class is loaded in the
+\package{ncclatex} package. To provide almost all functionality
+of NCC-\LaTeX\ with standard \LaTeX\ classes, you can use this
+package. The package loads many packages also. It is easy to say
+what packages it does not load from the list specified in the
+Section~\ref{s:load}. Only three of them are not loaded, namely
+\package{nccold}, \package{tocenter}, and \package{watermark}.
+If you want to pass additional options to a package loaded with
+\package{ncclatex}, load it in the \com{usepackage} command before
+loading the \package{ncclatex}.
+The \package{ncclatex} package has two options: \Opt{small} and
+\Opt{russian}. Using of the \Opt{small} option provides smaller
+fonts in section markup commands. The \Opt{russian} option tries
+to load the \package{babel} package with \Opt{[russian]} optional
+parameter, redefines captions of mathematical statements in
+Russian by loading the \package{nccltrus} package, and redefines
+\com{alph} and \com{Alph} commands to produce russian alphanumeric
+numbers. Original latin variants of alphanumeric numbering are
+saved in \com{alphlatin} and \com{Alphlatin}.
+The package sets \com{unitlength} to 1~mm (millimeters are
+default units in NCC-\LaTeX).
+\subsection{Sections, captions, and toc-entries in NCC-\LaTeX{}}
+Section markup commands of level 0 and greater are redefined
+using the \package{nccsect} package from \bungle{ncctoools} (the
+level 0 command is \com{chapter} or \com{part} depending on class
+used; the commands of greater levels are \com{section},
+\com{subsection}, \ldots, \com{subparagraph}). All section markup
+commands are divided into two categories: display sections (until
+\com{subsubsection}) and run-in sections (\com{paragraph} and
+The package uses floating horizontal alignment for display sections
+which is controlled with the
+ \com{sectionstyle}\meta{style}
+command. The following styles are allowed:
+\item[\Meta{hangindent}] is the standard \LaTeX\ style.
+\item[\Meta{hangindent*}] is the same as \Meta{hangindent}, but ragged right.
+\item[\Meta{parindent}] sections are indented on \com{parindent} without hanged number.
+\item[\Meta{parindent*}] is the same as \Meta{parindent}, but ragged right.
+\item[\Meta{center}] section headers are centered.
+The \com{indentaftersection} and \com{noindentaftersection}
+commands control indentation after sections.
+The \package{nccsect} package sets style and indentation to standard \LaTeX\ defaults,
+\verb+\sectionstyle{hangindent}+ and \com{noindentaftersection}. But the \package{ncclatex}
+package uses \verb+\sectionstyle{hangindent*}+.
+The \package{nccsect} package essentially improves the management
+of section number tags, running heads, and writing to aux-file:
+\item If you want to suppress generation of running head in a
+section markup command, type \com{norunninghead} before it.
+\item If you want to replace the text of running head to another
+one, type \com{runninghead}\meta{text} before a section.
+\item If you want to suppress a number in a section or in a caption
+of float, type \com{noheadingtag} before the section or caption
+markup command. Note that the text of used markup command goes to
+the running head and to the aux-file. This is the easier way to
+produce a section without number which must appear in the table
+of contents and in the header.
+\item If you want to replace a number in a section or caption to
+something else, type the \linebreak \com{headingtag}\meta{other
+number} before the section or caption markup command. Note that
+the replaced number goes to the running head and to the aux-file.
+It must contain robust commands only. Fragile commands in it must
+be protected with the \com{protect} command. The associated
+counter is not incremented in this case.
+\item If you want entirely replace a number in a section or
+caption (including prefix and suffix automatically inserted by
+section and caption markup commands) to something else, type
+\com{headingtag*}\meta{other number} before the section or caption
+markup command. In this case, the writing to running head and to
+aux-file is suppressed.
+\item If you want to suppress writing text of a section or
+caption to aux-file, type the\linebreak \com{skipwritingtoaux}
+command before the section or caption markup command.
+The \com{caption} command useful in floats is also redefined in
+the \package{nccsect} package. The caption creation method
+internally differs from the standard method. You can use line
+breaking commands in it, but be sure that line break in caption
+does not go to the aux-file (use an optional parameter with
+caption to define an argument going to the aux-file). The
+\com{centering} command can be used in captions without worrying
+(it is automatically suppressed while writing to aux-file). The
+\com{caption*} command is allowed to produce a caption without
+number tag (the words `Figure' or `Table' belong to the tag!). A
+text of such a caption does not go to the aux-file.
+The package defines \textit{different} caption commands for
+tables and figures. A table caption usually goes above a table.
+So, a vertical skip after table caption is necessary, but a skip
+before table caption is unnecessary. A figure caption usually
+goes below a figure. In this case vertical skips are different:
+skip before is needed, but skip after is unnecessary. This is the
+reason why table and figure captions are prepared differently.
+The management of toc-, lot- and lof-entries is also redefined in
+the \package{nccsect} package. Every toc-entry is specified with
+2 parameters: a left margin and a value of hang indentation. The
+\package{nccsect} package calculates the left margin for a
+toc-entry by summation of margin skips defined in toc-entries of
+lower levels. For example, if a toc-entry of 2nd level is typed
+out, its left margin will be a sum of margin skips defined in
+toc-entries of 0th and 1st levels. This is much more flexible way
+than the standard one in which the left margin was coded just in
+the toc-command.
+The margin skip and hang indent skip are determined using
+prototyping technique. This method provides very easy way for
+redeclaring toc-entries. For example, if your book contains not
+more than 9 sections, and more than 9 subsections in some
+sections, you can redeclare the subsection toc-entry as follows:
+ \DeclareTOCEntry{2}{}{}{9.99}{}[9.99]
+This command contains the following parameters: the toc-entry
+level, an action applied before toc-entry (you can insert a
+vertical skip for example), a prefix before a toc-entry number (a
+section sign for example), a number prototype for calculation of
+hang indentation, and a style applied to the toc-entry. The 6th
+optional parameter in square brackets is used for calculation of
+margin skip for the next toc-level. If it is omitted,
+the skip is equal to the hang indentation value of this toc-entry.
+\subsubsection{Customization commands}
+In conclusion, we show customization commands with their default
+values for the \package{ncclatex} package:
+\item[\com{SectionTagSuffix}\meta{\upshape.\com{hskip} .6em}] is a suffix
+inserted after a section number tag (excluding sections of 0th
+level). Numbers in sections in NCC-\LaTeX\ are ended with the
+decimal point.
+\item[\com{CaptionTagSuffix}\meta{\upshape.\com{hskip} .6em plus .2em minus .1em}]
+is a suffix inserted after a caption number tag.
+\item[\com{NumberlineSuffix}\meta{\upshape.\com{hskip} .6em}\meta{\upshape.\com{hskip} .4em}]
+describes 2 suffices: the first one is used in calculation of
+hang indentation of toc-entries and the last one is inserted
+after a number in toc-entries. The last suffix is usually
+narrower that the first one. This allows to decrease a distance
+between number and text if the width of number exceed the
+prototype width just a little. Note: the \com{numberline} command
+from standard \LaTeX\ is modified in the \package{nccsect}
+package to prevent an overlapping of a text on a number if a
+number is wider than hung indentation value.
+\item[\com{PnumPrototype}\meta{\upshape99}] is a prototype of page number
+used for calculation of right margin in toc. It is supposed that a
+book contains not more than 99 pages by default. To change the
+page number width to 3-digit pattern, use the
+\com{PnumPrototype}\meta{\upshape999} command.
+\subsection{Theorems in NCC-\LaTeX{}}
+The \package{ncclatex} package defines a number of math
+statements using the \package{nccthm} package from the
+\bungle{ncctools} bungle. A brief introduction is needed to
+explain the possibilities of the \package{nccthm} package. In
+this section we call all math statements as \textit{theorems} for
+In mathematical manuscripts, two modes of theorems numbering are
+useful. In ordinary mode, a number goes after the theorem title
+(e.g., \textbf{Theorem~1}, \textbf{Example~1},
+\textbf{Theorem~2}, etc.). In this mode, theorems with different
+titles are usually numbered independently. Another mode requires
+a number going before a theorem title. We call this mode the
+\textit{apar} mode. In apar mode, theorems with different titles
+are numbered sequentially (e.g., \textbf{1~Theorem},
+\textbf{2~Example}, \textbf{3~Theorem}, etc.). Both modes can be
+mixed together in one manuscript.
+Theorems with different titles can be shown differently. For
+example, a Theorem statement is shown with bold header and italic
+body (a comment after header is prepared with normal font). But
+an Example statement can be shown with italic header and normal
+body. We call a presentation of a theorem by the \textit{theorem
+type}. The \package{nccthm} package provides two default theorem
+types named \texttt{theorem} and \texttt{remark}. New theorem
+types can be created and existing theorem types can be redefined.
+The next parameter of theorems is the indentation style. A
+theorem can open a new paragraph without indentation (default
+behaviour) and with paragraph indentation. A theorem number in the
+apar mode can be shown on margins. The indentation style is
+controlled via options \Opt{indent}, \Opt{noindent},
+\Opt{margin}, and \Opt{nomargin} of the \package{nccthm} package.
+The last parameter of theorems is the break style. A line break
+after theorem header (comment included) can be used. The break and
+no break style can be coded in theorems while the definition of
+them using switches \com{TheoremBreakStyle} and
+\com{TheoremNoBreakStyle} before the definition or redefinition
+of theorems (in contrast to standard \LaTeX, the
+\com{renewtheorem} command is provided for redefinition of
+theorems). The break style of an individual theorem can be changed
+on the fly with the commands \com{breakafterheader} and
+\com{nobreakafterheader} inserted before a theorem.
+All described properties of theorems are provided with the
+\package{nccthm} package. Moreover, the counters used in theorems
+are declared as dynamic counters (see the \package{dcounter}
+package from \bungle{ncctools}). A dynamic counter is created at
+the first use. So, a space of \TeX\ count registers is not
+occupied with useless counters (this is too important because a
+number of counters is limited). Using dynamic counters a package
+writer can prepare some predefined theorems without worry. Since
+a dynamic counter is created at the first use, a user can control
+the numbering style for it. This is provided with the
+\com{countstyle}\meta{base-counter} command. The \Meta{\itshape
+base-counter} is the name of counter a newly created dynamic
+counter must be subordinated to. An empty parameter means no
+subordination. So, the change of numbering style for all theorems
+in a manuscript is executed with one command only! If some
+counters must have a specific count style, you can create them
+manually or using the \com{countstyle} command with an optional
+This command creates new counters from the comma separated list
+and subordinates all counters in the list to the \Meta{\itshape
+base-counter}. It can be used for existing counters also if you
+want to \textit{change the subordination} of them to another
+counter. For example, using
+ \countstyle[section]{}
+in a book we reject the subordination of the \Meta{section}
+counter to the \Meta{chapter} counter!
+\subsubsection{Predefined theorems}
+The \package{ncclatex} package defines 8 theorems in 3 forms each:
+theorems with automatic numbering, theorems with manual
+numbering, and theorems in the \textit{apar} mode. All the
+theorems can be used in two ways: as environments and as
+commands. In command style they must be concluded with another
+theorem, or \com{qef}, or \com{qed} command. The \com{qef}
+command finishes a paragraph, inserts a proper vertical space,
+and returns the font shape to the normal font. The \com{qed}
+command usually finishes the proof of theorem. It prints a qed
+symbol (white square) adjusted to the right margin and calls the
+\com{qef}. The \com{qed*} command prints the qed symbol only.
+\subsubsection{Theorems with automatic numbering}
+We show the using of these theorems in the environment style.
+ \tt xxxxx\=\verb+\begin{proposition}+\opt{Comment}\quad \=\Meta{\itshape body}\quad\=\+\kill
+ \verb+\begin{theorem}+\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{theorem}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{lemma}+\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{lemma}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{proposition}+\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{proposition}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{corollary}+\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{corollary}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{definition}+\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{definition}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{statement}+\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{statement}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{example}+\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{example}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{remark}+\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{remark}+
+In environment style, the end of theorem is equivalent to the
+\com{qef} command. Counter names coincide with the names of
+environments. First 4 environments are prepared using the
+\Meta{theorem} type and last 4 environments are prepared using
+the \Meta{remark} type.
+\subsubsection{Theorems with manual numbering}
+We show the using of these theorems in the environment style also.
+ \tt xxxxx\=\verb+\begin{Proposition}+\meta{Number}\opt{Comment}\quad \=\Meta{\itshape body}\quad\=\+\kill
+ \verb+\begin{Theorem}+\meta{Number}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{Theorem}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{Lemma}+\meta{Number}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{Lemma}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{Proposition}+\meta{Number}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{Proposition}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{Corollary}+\meta{Number}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{Corollary}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{Definition}+\meta{Number}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{Definition}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{Statement}+\meta{Number}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{Statement}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{Example}+\meta{Number}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{Example}+\\
+ \verb+\begin{Remark}+\meta{Number}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\verb+\end{Remark}+
+If the \Meta{\itshape Number} parameter is empty, a theorem
+without number is prepared. These commands do not use counters at
+all. The presentation types for these theorems are the same as
+for corresponding theorems with automatic numbering.
+Every theorem type has the corresponding \com{like}\Meta{\itshape
+type} command used for preparing theorems of this type. For
+example, to prepare a math statement in the \Meta{theorem} type,
+write down the following:
+\Meta{\itshape body}\quad \com{qef}
+To prepare a math statement in the \Meta{remark} type, typeset
+\Meta{\itshape body}\quad \com{qef}
+\subsubsection{Theorems in apar mode}
+We show the using of these theorems in the command style.
+ \tt xxxxx\=\com{aproposition}\opt{Comment}\quad\=\Meta{\itshape body}\quad\=\+\kill
+ \com{atheorem}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}\\
+ \com{alemma}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}\\
+ \com{aproposition}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}\\
+ \com{acorollary}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}\\
+ \com{adefinition}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}\\
+ \com{astatement}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}\\
+ \com{anexample}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}\\
+ \com{aremark}\opt{Comment}\quad \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}
+These theorems are number with the \Meta{apar} counter. The
+presentation types for these theorems are the same as for
+corresponding theorems with automatic numbering. The star-forms
+of \com{liketheorem} and \com{likeremark} commands are used for
+preparing apar variants of math statements. They have no number
+ \tt xxxxx\=\com{liketheorem*}\meta{Title}\opt{Comment}\quad\=\Meta{\itshape body}\quad\=\+\kill
+ \com{liketheorem*}\meta{Title}\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}\\
+ \com{likeremark*}\meta{Title}\opt{Comment} \>\Meta{\itshape body} \>\com{qef}
+One additional command, the \com{apar}, can be used in the apar
+mode. Its syntax is the following:
+It starts a new paragraph numbered with subsequent value of the
+\Meta{apar} counter. The header is prepared in bold font.
+\subsubsection{Proof command and support of different qed
+The \com{proof}\opt{Comment} opens the proof of a math statement.
+For example,
+ \proof[of Theorem 1] Some text \qed
+looks as follows:
+\proof[of Theorem 1] Some text \qed
+Along with the \com{qed}, the \com{qedsymbol} command can be used
+in the case when a proof finishes with the display formula. It is
+typed with the \AmS\ \verb+\tag*{\qedsymbol}+ command within a
+display formula.
+The \package{nccthm} package provides now two variants of the qed
+symbol, white and black. They are requested through package options
+\Opt{whiteqed} and \Opt{blackqed} respectively. When an option is
+used, two more commands are created for it: \com{\itshape option}
+and \com{{\itshape option}symbol}. For example, the
+\Opt{whiteqed} option generates the \com{whiteqed} and
+\com{whiteqedsymbol} commands, and the \Opt{blackqed} option
+generates the \com{blackqed} and \com{blackqedsymbol} commands.
+The later option in the list of options describes the default qed
+symbol. If no options used, only \com{qed} and \com{qedsymbol}
+commands are generated.
+Other qed symbols are welcome!
+\subsubsection{Customization commands}
+In conclusion, we show customization commands with their default
+values for the \package{ncclatex} package:
+\item[\com{TheoremCommentDelimiters}\meta{}\meta{}] describes
+delimiters inserted before and after a theorem\linebreak comment.
+In the \package{nccthm} package the parenthesis are used, but in
+the \package{ncclatex} package the delimiters are empty.
+\item[\com{AfterTheoremHeaderChar}\meta{.}] describes the
+character inserted at the end of header of theorem and proof.
+\item[\com{AfterTheoremHeaderSkip}\meta{\upshape\com{hskip} .7em plus .2em minus
+.1em}] describes a horizontal skip inserted after a header of
+theorem and proof.
+describes style parameters for\linebreak preparing apar theorems:
+the first parameter is a style used in the \com{apar} command, the
+second and third parameters describe the prefix and suffix
+inserted before and after \com{theapar} command in typeout.
+describes style parameters used in the\linebreak \com{proof}
+command: the first is a font style and the last is a proof title
+(it is coded here in the \com{proofname} command with the default
+definition \verb+\newcommand\proofname{Proof}+).
+\subsection{Math extension}
+In old NCC-\LaTeX, the standard \LaTeX\ environments were used
+for preparing display formulas and some extension commands were
+developed to support manual numbering. In the new release of
+NCC-\LaTeX, it was decided to use an excellent math extension
+provided with the \package{amsmath} package and enlarge it a bit.
+The enlargement of \AmS\ package is provided with the
+\package{nccmath} package. The \package{nccmath} package passes
+all options to the \package{amsmath}.
+Two major enlargements were done:
+\item In \package{amsmath}, the \Meta{eqnarray} environment leaves
+unchanged because alternative \AmS\ environments exist. We
+redefine the \Meta{eqnarray} to work in the \AmS\ style. The
+following improvements were done in it: an equation tag is
+prepared by the same manner as in \AmS\ display formulas
+(\com{tag} and \com{tag*} are allowed); the \com{displaybreak}
+command is allowed; the intercolumn distance is reduced to the
+distance between ordinary and relational math symbols; and the
+center field is prepared in the \com{displaystyle}.
+\item In old NCC-\LaTeX, a display equivalent for the \Meta{array}
+environment, namely \Meta{darray}, was implemented. In the new
+release, it is implemented also but in a bit different way to
+avoid conflicts with packages that redefine the \Meta{array}
+environment. The use of column specifications in the
+\Meta{darray} environment is restricted to \Meta{l}, \Meta{c},
+\Meta{r}, \Meta{@}, and \Meta{*} commands. The intercolumn
+distance is just the same as for \Meta{eqnarray} environment and
+no space is inserted before the first and after the last column.
+\subsubsection{NCC-\LaTeX\ equivalents to display formulas}
+The following NCC-\LaTeX\ equivalents are provided with
+\verb+\begin{equation}+ \Meta{\itshape formula}
+\verb+\begin{equation*}+ \Meta{\itshape formula}
+\verb+\begin{eqnarray}+ \Meta{\itshape formulas}
+\verb+\begin{eqnarray*}+ \Meta{\itshape formulas}
+\verb+\begin{equation} \begin{darray}{rcl}+ \Meta{\itshape
+formulas} \verb+\end{darray} \end{equation}+.
+\verb+\begin{equation*} \begin{darray}{rcl}+ \Meta{\itshape
+formulas} \verb+\end{darray} \end{equation*}+.
+The \com{eqs} and \com{eqs*} commands have an optional parameter
+describing a distance between columns. For example,
+ \eqs[0mm]{&& -\Delta u = f, \\ && u|_\Gamma = 0,}
+removes the intercolumn distance because the 3rd column is only
+used here. The \Meta{eqnarray} environment has no optional
+The \com{eqalign} and \com{eqalign*} commands have an optional
+parameter also. Its meaning is the column specification
+parameter: \com{eqalign}\meta{formulas} =
+\subsubsection{Remarks on display equations}
+The alignment style in display equations (except \TeX's
+low level \verb|$$|) can be changed using the following
+\com{begin}\meta{fleqn}\opt{margin} \Meta{\itshape body} \com{end}\meta{fleqn}\\
+\com{begin}\meta{ceqn} \Meta{\itshape body} \com{end}\meta{ceqn}
+The \Meta{fleqn} environment sets the flush left alignment
+with the left margin specified by the optional parameter
+(default margin is \Meta{0pt}). The \Meta{ceqn} environment
+sets the centered alignment.
+The \com{intertext} command from \package{amsmath} now has an
+optional parameter,
+\com{intertext}\opt{skip}\meta{text between formulas}
+The \Meta{\itshape skip} is a vertical skip value inserted before
+and after the text. If it is omitted, the standard spaces are
+In \LaTeX, it is not recommended to start a display formula from a
+new paragraph (in vertical mode in other words). This is because
+the \TeX's algorithm inserts an empty paragraph before such a
+formula. To avoid insertion of an empty paragraph, Donald Knuth
+recommended to use \com{noindent} command before a display
+formula starting in the vertical mode. This trick is used in the
+\package{nccmath} package. All display environments are slightly
+corrected with insertion of \com{NCC@ignorepar} command at their
+beginning. This command does a little more than simply applies
+this trick. It provides suppressing of the vertical space before
+a display formula if it opens a minipage. It also supports the
+use of short skip above a display environment by user's request.
+In \TeX, two types of skips above display formulas are used: the
+normal skip defined in the \com{abovedisplayskip} register and the
+short skip defined in the \com{abovedisplayshortskip} register.
+When a display formula is typed out, \TeX\ decides what skip to
+insert depending on width of the formula, its style (centered or
+flushed left, numbered left or right), and the width of the rest
+of text in the last line of the previous paragraph. But this
+algorithm works for ordinary formulas only. It does not work in
+multiline formulas prepared with \com{halign} command. So, a
+manual replacement of normal skip to short skip is required in
+some cases. To provides this, the \com{useshortskip} command is
+introduced in the \package{nccmath} package. It forces the use of
+short skip in a display formula going after it.
+\subsubsection{Other math commands}
+The following commands were ported from the old NCC-\LaTeX:
+\item[\com{nr}] has just the same syntax as the \verb+\\+
+but inserts an extra vertical space of \Meta{0.5ex}. It is quite
+useful in display formulas to separate some rows a bit more.
+\item[\com{mrel}\meta{rows}] prepares a new math relation
+symbol from one-column table of math formulas. For example, the
+\verb+$\mrel{<\\[-.7ex]>}$+ produces
+\item[\com{underrel}\meta{base}\meta{bottom}] is a twin to
+\com{overrel}. For example,\\
+ \verb+$A\underrel{\longrightarrow}{x\to 0}B$+
+produces $A\underrel{\longrightarrow}{x\to 0}B$.
+\subsection{Figures and tables in NCC-\LaTeX{}}
+The standard \LaTeX\ floating environments, namely \Meta{figure}
+and \Meta{table}, allow user to place floating material in a
+document. But they do not introduce a style in which this
+material must be prepared. In NCC-\LaTeX, envelop commands are
+developed which join a style with a float and introduce more
+features. These commands are implemented in the
+\package{nccfloats} package from the \bungle{ncctools} bungle.
+\subsubsection{Basic commands}
+The \com{FloatingStyle}\meta{style} command sets a style of
+floats in the document. It affects on the material prepared with
+commands described below. The default style is
+ \FloatingStyle{\footnotesize\centering}
+We start with the basic commands, namely \com{minifig} and
+\com{minitabl}. They prepare a material in a minipage and allow
+using the \com{caption} command in the body. Their syntax is
+similar to the \com{parbox} command:
+The \Meta{\itshape pos} is a vertical alignment parameter for
+minipage (\Meta{t}, \Meta{b}, or \Meta{c}) with respect to
+surrounding text; the \Meta{\itshape height} is a minipage height
+required; the \Meta{\itshape inner-pos} is a vertical alignment
+of text inside the minipage (\Meta{t}, \Meta{b}, \Meta{c}, or
+\Meta{s}); and the \Meta{\itshape width} is the minipage width.
+The \Meta{\itshape body} is prepared in the specified style and
+can contain a \com{caption} command.
+All other NCC-\LaTeX\ floating extension commands are based on
+\com{minifig} and \com{minitabl}.
+\subsubsection{Side figure or table}
+For small figures and tables, it is preferable to insert them
+inside a text instead of using floating mechanism. The
+typographic rules usually require an illustrative material to
+occupy an outer side of paper. In two side printing, this means
+figure and tables should be on the right side if a page number is
+odd and on the left side if page number is even. In one side
+printing, figures and tables must occupy the right side of paper.
+The following commands support such a placement:
+\com{sidefig}\opt{pos}\Meta{($w_1$)}\Meta{($w_2$)}\meta{figure body}\meta{text body}\\
+\com{sidefig*}\opt{pos}\Meta{($w_1$)}\Meta{($w_2$)}\meta{figure body}\meta{text body}\\
+\com{sidetabl}\opt{pos}\Meta{($w_1$)}\Meta{($w_2$)}\meta{table body}\meta{text body}\\
+\com{sidetabl*}\opt{pos}\Meta{($w_1$)}\Meta{($w_2$)}\meta{table body}\meta{text body}
+For simplicity, we further use the term \textit{minifloat} for the
+small illustrating material (figure or table), however
+understanding that it is not a float at all. It is inserted in
+the main flow next to a paragraph box specified in the last
+parameter of above described commands.
+The no-star forms of above described commands place a minifloat
+next to the specified text on the outer side of page (to the
+right for odd page and to the left for even page). In two column
+or one side mode, minifloat is always posed to the right. The
+star forms provide the reverse placement. By default, minifloat
+is vertically centered with respect to the text and the
+\com{strut} command is inserted at the beginning and at the end
+of the \Meta{\itshape text body} to provide normal baseline
+distances of the first and last lines of the text from
+surrounding text lines.
+All parameters in square and round brackets are optional and mean
+the following:
+\begin{desclist}{}{}[\Meta{\itshape pos}]
+\item[\Meta{\itshape pos}] specifies minifloat alignment (\Meta{t},
+\Meta{b}, or \Meta{c}; default is \Meta{c}) with respect to text
+box and can contain additional chars controlling the text body
+preparation: \Meta{j} means the last line of the text to be
+justified to the right and \Meta{n} means suppressing of struts
+insertion (they should be inserted manually if necessary);
+\item[$w_1$] is the width of minifloat (if units are omitted, the
+\com{unitlength} is supposed); and
+\item[$w_2$] is the width of the text box (if units are omitted, the
+\com{unitlength} is supposed).
+If both width parameters are absent, the widths are calculated as
+\verb+(\linewidth-1.5em)/2+. If $w_2$ is absent, the text body
+width is calculated as \verb+\linewidth-+$w_1$\verb+-1.5em+.
+While preparing a side minifloat, it is sometimes necessary to
+provide conditional placement depending on the side a minifloat
+is posed. The command
+provides this. It is useful in parameters of \com{sidefig} or
+\com{sidetabl} and processes \Meta{\itshape left-clause} if the
+minifloat is posed to the left or \Meta{\itshape right-clause}
+\subsubsection{Floating figure or table}
+The \Meta{\itshape placement} is a float placement parameter
+describing places where a float can appear. The default value is
+\Meta{htp} (here, or at the top of the next page, or on the page
+with floats only). The optional \Meta{($w$)} parameter defines a
+width of box occupied by the float (the width of nested
+\com{minifig} or \com{minitabl}). If it
+is omitted, the float has the maximum width equal to
+The \com{fig} and \com{tabl} commands envelop the \Meta{figure}
+and \Meta{table} environments respectively. Their star-forms
+envelop corresponding starred environments.
+\subsubsection{Two floating figures or tables side by side}
+These commands place two figures or tables side by side. The
+\Meta{\itshape body1} is a body of the left figure or table and
+the \Meta{\itshape body2} is a body of the right figure or table.
+Other parameters are optional. The meaning and default value of
+the \Meta{\itshape placement} parameter is the same as described
+above. The \Meta{($w_1$)} and \Meta{($w_2$)} parameters are
+widths of left and right boxes. If
+they both are omitted, the left and right boxes will have the
+width equal to \Meta{(\com{linewidth}-1em)/2}. If \Meta{($w_2$)}
+is omitted, the right box will occupy the rest of horizontal space
+minus \Meta{1em}. If both parameters are specified, the rest
+space is inserted between boxes. If the total width of left and
+right floats exceeds the \com{linewidth}, the floats will overlap
+at the middle of line (a negative horizontal space is inserted
+between them).
+In \com{tabls} command, boxes of the left and right bodies are
+top-aligned, but in \com{figs} command, the bottom alignment is
+\subsection{Graphics in NCC-\LaTeX{}}
+The \package{nccpic} package from the \bungle{ncctools} bungle
+envelops the standard \package{graphicx} package. The package
+passes all options to the underground package.
+The main aim of the \package{nccpic} package is the preparing of
+graphics extensions list depending on a dvi-driver used with the
+\package{graphicx} package. This allows omit an extension of a
+graphics file in the \com{includegraphics} command. When a file
+without extension is searched, this command sequentially tries
+extensions from the list until an appropriate file will be found.
+Using this feature you can support multiple output from \LaTeX\
+with minimum changes in \Meta{.tex} sources. The only required
+thing is to prepare a number of versions for all graphics files
+called in a document. For example, the dvips program likes
+\Meta{.eps} files, the Yap previewer likes \Meta{.bmp} or
+\Meta{.eps} files, the pdflatex likes \Meta{.png} files. To
+satisfy their needs, you can prepare \Meta{.eps}, \Meta{.bmp},
+and \Meta{.png} versions for all pictures and pass a required
+option to the \package{nccpic} package.
+The graphics extensions list is customized now for most popular
+drivers, namely \Opt{dvips}, \Opt{dvipdf}, and \Opt{dvipdfm}, and
+for use with \Opt{pdftex} also. More customization is welcome!
+The next aim of the \package{nccpic} package is the regulation of
+placement of graphics files in the file system. It is too
+inconvenient when pictures are stored together with \Meta{.tex}
+source files. We propose to store graphics files in the
+\Meta{graphics} subdirectory of the source directory. To support
+the search in this storage, the graphics path is customized in the
+\package{nccpic} package.
+The following commands are introduced in the \package{nccpic}
+\item[\com{ipic}\meta{filename}] command loads a file having the
+name \Meta{{\itshape filename}.pic} searching it in the graphics
+path. It allow to take actual graphics inclusion commands out of
+source files for automation purposes.
+command emulates a graphics inclusion technique used in the old
+NCC-\LaTeX. Look in the \package{nccpic} package file for more
+detail description.
+\item[\com{draftgraphics} and \com{finalgraphics}] are toggles
+between final and draft modes for preparation of graphics. In
+draft mode, a graphics object is shown as a framebox of the
+required dimensions with an object name in it. Using these
+commands, you can toggle graphics preparation mode on the fly. In
+draft mode, the \com{putimage} command does not test an existence
+of required graphics file.
+\subsection{Additional boxes}
+The \package{nccboxes} package from the \bungle{ncctools} bungle
+provides additional boxes:
+horizontally aligns the body in the text box which width is
+defined by the \Meta{\itshape prototype} parameter. The optional
+\Meta{\itshape align} parameter defines a position of alignment
+(\Meta{l}, \Meta{c}, \Meta{r}, or \Meta{s}; default is \Meta{c}).
+vertically aligns the body with respect to the strut defined by
+the \Meta{\itshape prototype} parameter. The optional
+\Meta{\itshape align} parameter defines a position of alignment
+(\Meta{t}, \Meta{c}, or \Meta{b}; default is \Meta{c}). If
+\Meta{t} is used, the body is raised in such a way that its
+height will be equal to the height of the prototype's strut. For
+\Meta{b} case, the depths will be equal and, for \Meta{c} case,
+the body is vertically centered with respect to prototype's strut.
+prepares a paragraph box of required \Meta{\itshape width} and
+vertically aligns it with respect to the \Meta{\itshape
+prototype} by the same manner as \com{jvbox}.
+\item[\com{pbox}\opt{align}\meta{body}] is a simple one-column
+table. The \Meta{\itshape align} parameter may consist of two
+letters defining a relative alignment in the column (\Meta{l},
+\Meta{c}, or \Meta{r}) and the vertical alignment of the table
+with respect to surrounding text (\Meta{t}, \Meta{c}, or
+\Meta{b}). Centering is the default alignment. The distance
+between the table rows is independent on the \com{arraystretch}
+\item[\com{addbox}\meta{above}\meta{below}\meta{body}] prepares
+an hbox containing the \Meta{\itshape body} which height is
+adjusted to the value of the \Meta{\itshape above} length
+parameter and depth is adjusted to the value of the
+\Meta{\itshape below} length parameter. For example,
+\verb+\addbox{.5ex}{.5ex}{text}+ increases the height and depth of
+produced hbox on \Meta{0.5ex}.
+\item[\com{picbox}\meta{body}] = \verb+\begin{picture}(0,0)(0,0)+
+\Meta{\itshape body} \verb+\end{picture}+.
+To prepare a fancy table, the following commands can be used:
+\item[\com{Strut}\Meta{/{\itshape value}/}] is a strut which
+height and depth are calculated from the strut prototype (letter
+\Meta{A} by default) as follows: if \Meta{{\itshape value}>0},
+the full height of the current \com{strutbox} multiplied by the
+\Meta{\itshape value} is added to the height of prototype strut,
+otherwise the depth of prototype strut is increased with the
+modulus of \Meta{\itshape value} multiplied by the full height of
+\com{strutbox}. For example, \verb+\Strut/1/+ inserts a strut
+which height exceeds the height of the letter \Meta{A} from the
+current font on the interline distance. The \com{Strut} without
+parameter is equal to \verb+\Strut/0/+.
+\item[\com{tstrut}, \com{bstrut}, and \com{tbstrut}] insert
+struts exceeding the height, depth, and height and depth of the
+strut prototype by a special small amount. This amount is
+calculated in such a way that the full height of \com{tbstrut}
+will be equal to 1.5 of full height of the current \com{strutbox}.
+\item[\com{cbox}\Meta{/{\itshape value}/}\opt{align}\meta{body}]
+prepares a box whose body is a one-column table. Its height and
+depth are enlarged using \com{tstrut} at the beginning and
+\com{bstrut} at the end of body. The horizontal alignment
+(\Meta{l}, \Meta{c}, or \Meta{r}) in the column and the vertical
+alignment (\Meta{t}, \Meta{c}, or \Meta{b}) are defined in the
+\Meta{\itshape align} parameter. Centered alignment is used by
+default. The resulting box is vertically aligned with respect to
+the \com{Strut}\Meta{/{\itshape value}/} using the \com{jvbox}
+command. The \com{cbox*} command does the same but vanishes the
+height and depth of the resulting box.
+The \com{cbox} command is used in the headers of tables. Its star
+form is useful in cells having vertical spans. The style for
+typing its body is managed with the \com{cboxstyle} command. Its
+default value is empty but in NCC-\LaTeX\ this command is
+redefined as follows:
+ \renewcommand\cboxstyle{\scriptsize}
+We demonstrate the use of struts and \com{cbox} on the example
+ \cbox*/-1.5/{Vertically\\spanned head} & \cbox{Simple head}
+ &\multicolumn2{c|}{\cbox{Very long head\\of two lines}}\\\cline{2-4}
+ &\cbox{subhead} &\cbox{subhead} &\cbox{subhead}\\\hline
+ \Strut/1/ Text & field & field & field \\
+ Text & field & field & field \\
+ \bstrut Text & field & field & field \\\hline
+produced by the following code:
+ \begin{center}
+ \renewcommand\cboxstyle{\small\bf}
+ \setlength{\tabcolsep}{10pt}
+ \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|}\hline
+ \cbox*/-1.5/{Vertically\\spanned head} & \cbox{Simple head}
+ &\multicolumn2{c|}{\cbox{Very long head\\of two lines}}\\\cline{2-4}
+ &\cbox{subhead} &\cbox{subhead} &\cbox{subhead}\\\hline
+ \Strut/1/ Text & field & field & field \\
+ Text & field & field & field \\
+ \bstrut Text & field & field & field \\\hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\subsection{Miscellaneous commands}
+We describe here commands provided by the \package{ncclatex}
+package itself.
+\item[\com{acknow}] starts a new paragraph with the
+\textit{Acknowledgements} title.
+\item[\com{cref}\meta{citelabel}] produces a citation without brackets to the
+specified \Meta{\itshape citelabel}. It is used in the case of
+citations containing ranges, e.g.\ [2--4, 7].
+\item[\com{mop}\meta{name}] is used for coding new math operations
+like $\sin$. For example, \verb+$k=\mop{sgn}x$+ produces
+$k=\mop{sgn}x$ with proper font and spaces. This command is
+equivalent to \AmS\ \com{operatorname} command.
+\item[\com{tg}, \com{ctg}, \com{arctg}, and \com{arcctg}] produce
+math operations for tangent, cotangent, and for their inverse
+functions in Russian typesetting tradition.
+\item[\com{No}] produces the numero symbol. If the \Opt{russian}
+option is not used, this command emulates the numero symbol with
+the text ``\No''.
+\item[\com{tc}\meta{body}] adjust the body to the center
+using \verb+\hspace*{\fill}+ glues. This
+command is useful in tables when centered alignment of a
+particular cell is required but another alignment is
+specified for the column the cell belongs to.
+The titles of proof, predefined theorems, and acknowledgements
+are declared with commands having the \Meta{name} suffix. For
+example, the proof title is coded in the \com{proofname}, the
+title of lemmas is defined in the \com{lemmaname}, and the
+acknowledgements title is coded in the \com{acknowname} command.
+They all can be redefined to provide internationalization (the
+\Opt{russian} option redefines these titles in Russian).
+\section{The sibjnm class}
+This class describes a style used in the \textit{Siberian Journal
+of Numerical Mathematics} (SibJNM),
+\texttt{}, email:
+\texttt{}. We recommend to use this class for
+submitting an article to this journal.
+The \package{sibjnm} class is based on the \package{ncc} class.
+It sets the following options of \package{ncc} class:
+\Opt{a4paper}, \Opt{11pt}, \Opt{article}, \Opt{twoside}, and
+\Opt{onecolumn}. A user can manage the following options:
+\Opt{draft}, \Opt{final}, \Opt{openany}, \Opt{openright}, and
+\Opt{russian}. Other options are forbidden.
+The SibJNM is a bilingual journal. An article can be prepared in
+English or in Russian. An abstract is prepared in both languages.
+Before abstracts, one of subject classification commands must be
+used: \com{UDC}\meta{indices} or
+\com{AmSclassification}\meta{indices}. The first command sets UDC
+classification indices and the last command sets \AmS\
+classification indices of the article subject.
+The russian abstract must go right after the \com{maketitle}
+command. Its syntax:
+\verb+\begin{Rabstract}+\meta{Authors}\meta{Title} \Meta{\itshape
+body} \verb+\end{Rabstract}+
+The english abstract must go after the russian one. Its syntax is
+\verb+\begin{Eabstract}+\meta{Authors}\meta{Title} \Meta{\itshape
+body} \verb+\end{Eabstract}+
+The text field of SibJNM article is 155$\times$225 mm.