path: root/macros/latex/contrib/nameauth/
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/nameauth/')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/nameauth/ b/macros/latex/contrib/nameauth/
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+# Short Description
+The `nameauth` package automates the correct formatting and indexing of names
+for professional writing. This aids the use of a name authority and the
+editing process without needing to retype name references.
+# Files
+|Filename |Description |
+|`nameauth.dtx`|commented style file; source file |
+|`Makefile` |For use with GNU make; with source file|
+|`nameauth.ins`|installation driver (generated file) |
+|`nameauth.pdf`|Documentation (generated file) |
+|`` |This file (generated file) |
+|`examples.tex`|example macros (generated file) |
+# Obtaining the Package
+1. Packaged in your current TeX distrbution: See the appropriate documentation.
+2. Otherwise, download `` from [CTAN](
+3. Unpack `` in an appropriate directory.
+4. Change to the directory containing the `nameauth` files.
+# File Generation
+## Automatic Installation
+This method requires GNU `make` on a POSIX-compliant environment, such as GNU/Linux, various BSD flavors, perhaps MacOS (e.g., with various porting systems), and even Cygwin on Windows.
+0. A quick install in one's home directory using some of the included files from the `zip` archive just requires the following steps:
+ tex nameauth.dtx
+ make inst
+Otherwise we use the LaTeX installation on the host machine to build the package. When using `make`, any `dvi` files that are created will also be converted to `pdf` format.
+1. Type `make distclean release` to generate the release files using `pdflatex`.
+2. To use another TeX engine, type one of the following:
+ make ENGINE=latex
+ make ENGINE=lualatex
+ make ENGINE=dvilualatex
+ make ENGINE=xelatex
+3. Type `make inst` to install the files in the user's personal TDS-compliant directory tree.
+4. Type `sudo make install` to install the files in the system-wide, local TDS-compliant directory tree.
+## Manual Compilation
+Otherwise, the following steps are used for manual installation. See the general information at the [TeX FAQ](
+0. To use some of the included files from the `zip` archive and only extract files from the `dtx` file, just do the following step and proceed to installation:
+ tex nameauth.dtx
+1. To build the package on the host system, generate the installation files and a copy of the documentation without the table of contents and cross-references. We use `pdflatex` by default:
+ pdflatex --shell-escape --recorder --interaction=batchmode nameauth.dtx
+2. Generate the TOC and cross-references for the documentation:
+ pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode nameauth.dtx
+3. Generate the index files using `makeindex`:
+ makeindex -q -s -o nameauth.gls nameauth.glo
+ makeindex -q -s -o nameauth.ind nameauth.idx
+4. Integrate the glossary (changes) and index into the documentation. The second run updates the TOC:
+ pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode nameauth.dtx
+ pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode nameauth.dtx
+One can substitute, e.g., `latex`, `xelatex`, `lualatex`, and `dvilualatex` for `pdflatex`, but the documentation may look different in some cases.
+## File Installation
+Different TeX distributions have somewhat different ways to store TDS-compliant configuration and package data. See, for example, [MikTeX]( and the [TeX FAQ]( Two approaches below conform generally to a Unix-based system:
+## User's Home Directory
+`TEXMFHOME` is a variable that points to the root of a TDS-compliant directory tree available to a user. Use `kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFHOME` to obtain its value. Quite often it is equivalent to `$HOME/texmf`. The dollar sign in front of the variable denotes the value of the variable instead of its name. So if `$HOME` is `/home/bob`, then `$TEXMFHOME` would be `/home/bob/texmf`, and we can understand the following paths to be under that directory:
+|Path |Description |
+|`$TEXMFHOME/source/latex/nameauth`|`ins` and `dtx` files, Makefile |
+|`$TEXMFHOME/tex/latex/nameauth` |`sty` file |
+|`$TEXMFHOME/doc/latex/nameauth` |`pdf` file, ``, `examples.tex`|
+On older TeX distributions, run `mktexlsr` on $TEXMFHOME to complete the install process.
+## System-Wide Directory
+`TEXMFLOCAL` is a variable that points to the root of a TDS-compliant directory tree available to all users on a local site, system-wide installation. Use `kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL` to obtain its value. See the [TeX FAQ]( We can understand the following paths to be under that directory:
+|Path |Description |
+|`$TEXMFLOCAL/source/latex/nameauth`|`ins` and `dtx` files, Makefile |
+|`$TEXMFLOCAL/tex/latex/nameauth` |`sty` file |
+|`$TEXMFLOCAL/doc/latex/nameauth` |`pdf` file, ``, `examples.tex`|
+Run `mktexlsr` with the appropriate permissions on `$TEXMFLOCAL` to complete the install process.
+# Testing
+## Compiling `examples.tex`
+1. Either go to the directory used when unpacking the `zip` file or copy the file `examples.tex` from the `doc/latex/nameauth` branch of whatever TDS-compliant tree to a directory of your choice.
+2. If one has access to GNU `make`, use either `Makefile` in the directory where one unpacked the `zip` file or copy `Makefile` from either `src/latex/nameauth` or `doc/latex/nameauth` in whatever TDS-compliant tree it exists.
+When using `make`, any `dvi` files that are created will also be converted to `pdf` format.
+3. To compile the test file using `make` and `pdflatex`, simply type `make testing`.
+4. For multi-format testing using `make` in addition to that above, one can do the following:
+ make testing ENGINE=pdflatex
+ make testing ENGINE=latex
+ make testing ENGINE=lualatex
+ make testing ENGINE=dvilualatex
+ make testing ENGINE=xelatex
+5. If one does not have `make`, one can use the following commands, substituting, e.g., `latex`, `xelatex`, `lualatex`, and `dvilualatex` for `pdflatex`:
+ pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode examples
+ pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode examples
+ makeindex -o examples.ind examples.idx
+ makeindex -o examples.rnd examples.rdx
+ pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode examples
+ pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode examples
+The use of different extensions for the index results from using the `index` package to generate a persons index separate from a subject index.
+The manual is also a test suite.
+# Copyright
+Copyright (C) 2020 by Charles P. Schaum <charles[dot]>
+This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+The latest version of this license is in:
+ [](
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2005/12/01 or later.